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tv   Ranking Member Raskin D-MD on Hunter Biden Interview  CSPAN  March 4, 2024 3:17am-3:27am EST

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leaders millions of dollars. you may think that's ok. but i can assureot. i traveled from connecticut to arizona campaigning for members of congress that are seeking re-election and running for election and everywhere i go the same thing. thank you for trying to find out the truth. thank you for trying this cottage industry of influence peddling. that's what this investigaonoses investigation, if you go back to the verydn first press conferen, was to get the truth to the american people. because the american people didn't have the truth. they didn't have the truth. the media, when we startedhivess russian disinformation. the bidens had legitimate businesses. joe never talked to any of the people that sent him money.■jxée was president. all that have we have proven is false. we have beeny the truth to the american people. my job as chairman of the to
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prevent influence peddling from happening in the future.of this. to create legislation hopefully bipartisan, that defines influence peddling and stops it from happening. need to stop ths and the bidens from continuing es in our public offices. thank you very [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 202 its caption conten mr. raskin: good morning, everybody. the crdst impeachment is treason, briberyd misdemeanors. we are still waiting for republican friends to articulate what they high crime and misdemeanor is in this case. we extremely far afield from the constitutional standard. nobody can state on the s
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what they think joe biden did even as a private citizen that would constitute some kind of criminal offense. their most recent star witness, alexander smirnoff, is now in at risk after being indicted by thy donald trump. david wei, for lying to the f.b.i. and leaving a false documentary record. this has been a comedy of errors from the beginning. all of the revelations that are in the legal filed by david weiss now give strong whiff of russian intelligencehat our colleagues would do best at this point to fold up the circus tent and allow us to focus on something that would be a benefit to the american people. >> you're particularly
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interested hunter biden's side? mr. raskin: every other witness that we have to has confirmed conclusion, that joe biden was not involved in's business ventures. he did not profi biden's business ventures, and he rendered no official favors or benefits to hunter biden's business ventures. i hope that we have those propositions, if we are■.the don other witnesses we have spoken to are telling a coherent, credible story then this thing is over. >> two months ago mr. biden said he wou testify in public in front of cameras. where are you on that now? go back that -- mr. raskin: the majority has rejected that. this is where we. >> do you think they are --
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mr. raskin: i thinkation is oves point. there is really nothing left to pursue. but hunter biden cheerfully volunteered to go before the whole world and our colleagues on the republican side did not want that. theyay's behind the closed door proceeding andse what we are doing now. >> republicans mentioned they have m beyond what -- promise of more evidence. i remember when witness who waso produce the bombshell revelation lam being searched for by the u.s. government for his crimes. the witness to implode is of course alexander e thing with the false allegation0
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milln in illegal praoeubs to joe biden -- president bidens t, hunter biden.iss, who donald trp had appointed u.s. attorney, and the hunter biden case. entire special counsel appointed just to deal with hunter his tax charges and gun charges. so all of this is a complete sideshow. if.s somebody thinks that theres some high crime or misdemeanor y should tell us what it is. so far we sir. >> donald trump was impeached tw
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[indiscernible] mr. raskin: i'm not sure i followed the question. >> the impeachment is complicated. is it two sepate -- [indiscernible] like criminal prosecutionsents follow people's criminal conduct. donald trump incited a violent insurrection and a to overthrow a presidential election. and he was impeached by the house of representatives in a bipartisan impeachment, and there was a 57-43 vote in the senate to cvi he escaped conviction by 10 votes. eat the constitutional spread of 2/3 majority. there were commanding bipartisan, bicameral majorities defining the constitutional an insurrection against the 2020ids day he doesot accepct that
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joe biden beat him by more than seven million votes. and the electoral college. this absurd impeachment investigation is just a continuationdonald trump's refusal to accept the results of the 2020 i think everybody can understand that for what it is. remember, there were 60 federal and state court decisions electoral fraud and corruption that were advanced by donald trump and the republicans after that election. still election denialism is at the heart of donald political program and also at the heart of this on president biden today. it's a spectacle, i think.
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i haven't seen any documents on that, but this is felon who is in prison who they went to see.■, he's another star witness in the lineup alleged felons make up tp for the republicans.■■ that's right. i haven't seen any documentation on that. i'm happy to look at it. again, nobody can is the high crime or misdemeanor. we sir, that donald trump incite add violent insurrection. we mobilized all of the public evidence. and then there was all kinds of evidence that came out later in the partis january 6 committee that documented exactlydonald trump had done. what did joe biden do? nobody can tell the revelationsm
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the testimony was that biden about business. do you think that's appropriate that then vice president biden is meeting with the business partners? mr. rain: first of all, the standard for impeachment is not what i think is approprie or not appropriate. the standard for impeachment is high crimes and misdemeanors. felony major public offenses against the public of good. you are when joe biden was a private citizen. hunter biden's alw my republicae the last ones t do anything about lobbying and the culture of political influence in washington. if you want to have seriousarine serious hearings about that. i urged chairman comber for sers
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about the domesticmo administration. we release add report last year domeg with receipts nearly $8 million that donald trump collected while he was in office from china, including cesc from saudi arabia, from other foreign governme that raises a profound problem. hunter biden has never been in office. during the whole time that they are foc$■sused on thissings hav, joe biden -- on this investigation, joe biden wasn'te president and he had not announced any plan run for president yet. it is a wild goose chase to the actions of private citizens. right. thank you very much. llite corp.s well as hunter biden's lawyers.


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