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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Speaks at NRA  CSPAN  February 9, 2024 8:59pm-10:26pm EST

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>> remarks now from 2024 republan presidential candidate donald trump, speaking at the nra's presidential forum in harrisburg, pennsylvania. ♪
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>> well thank you very much charles and andrew, that was beautiful. we appreciate it. i'm thrilled to be back with a hard-working, god-fearing, true american patriots of the nra right from the beginning. for four incredible years it was my honor to be the best friend gun owners have ever had in the white house by far. now i stand before you with a very simple promise, your second amendment will always be safe with me as your president.
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when i'm back in the oval office, no one will lay a finger on your firearms. it's not going to happen. and i want to think some of the great members of congress that are with us today. we appreciate it. scott perry, brave man. where is he? he's fantastic. great job. guy russian taller. there he is. thank you. fantastic job. a good friend of mine, dan meuser. thank you very much. right patriots, great people. lloyd smucker. great job. these are very brave people. also ambassador carla saddens,
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who has done a fantastic job. and a friend of mine, you wouldn't believe it. i met him when he worked at cnn. can you believe it? [crowd booing] no, no. she got out. he said i'm out of here. he's an incredible writer, great intellectual. jeffrey lord. as many of you know, last night we had a monumental victory in nevada. we won over 99% of the vote and got more votes than any candidate in the history of the nevada caucus. think of that. that's a nice one. we also won yesterday a beautiful place i won't tell you. this is a beautiful place also. we won the virgin islands. 100%, we won it in a landslide.
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and three weeks ago we all watched that, it was 40 degrees below zero. we don't have weather like that. 40 degrees. you couldn't walk from the car to a door. he walked and said, i think i'm frozen. it was seriously cold. three weeks ago. record-breaking margins and we won new hampshire, we won iowa. we won everything. in fact when we went to iowa, we won by the largest margin in the history of the iowa caucus times to. then we went to new hampshire and we had more votes than any candidate has ever gotten in the history of the new hampshire primary. so these are good signs. these are good signs. 15 days from now, we are going
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to win the south carolina primary. we are way ahead. but we only have a 42 point lead. that's not bad. this november we are going to win, remember this. this is the big one. the white house, we are going to win the white house. starting with a historic -- right here in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. i love pennsylvania. i went to school in pennsylvania. i love pennsylvania. we ran twice. we won pennsylvania twice. we did much better the second time than we did the first time. interesting, isn't it? four years ago i told you what would happen if joe biden got
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into office. i said he would throw open our borders, destroyed our middle class crush american energy. we were energy independent three years ago. now we are asking venezuela, can i have some of your oil, please? he was going to empower america's enemies, unleash missouri throughout the state. bedlam and chaos at home and abroad. the only thing i didn't know is how bad it would be. it's even worse. everyone said i was exaggerating, but sadly as the now famous saying goes, trump was right about everything. i was right about joe biden. joe biden is the worst and most incompetent and corrupt president in the history of our country.
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and today i issue another warning. if crooked joe gets four more years, his second term will make his first term look like paradise. we can never let that happen. i hate to tell you, we are already there. i believe you will have 19 million people have come into our country illegally by the end of his term. egger the new york state. -- bigger than new york state. and the people that will benefit the least, the biggest losers in this whole invasion will be african-americans, hispanic americans, asian americans and all unions. unions will be out of business. i met with the teamsters the other day, had a good meeting
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with the teamsters and i said, you better get me because we are going to close up our borders. we had the safest borders in the history of our country, and now we have the worst. hourly wages will be cut in half. if biden's are allowed to continue. open border. nobody thought they were real when they say open border. they come in from prisons all over the world, mental institutions all over the world. they are terrorists. by the millions. and we are going to end it on day one. our cities have already become hellholes with carjackings, looting's, muggings and murder spilling deep into the suburbs. the other day one of the great people who worked for me in the
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white house was carjacked and shot in the head and killed and this was in washington, d.c. it took place. he was picking up his wife. incredible couple with beautiful children. a thug came up and put a gun to his head and killed him for no reason whatsoever. just killed him. our currency will be trashed. our middle-class will be thrown into servitude and poverty. this is what's happening already. your cities are going to hell. take a look at what's going on. they are filthy, dirty, crime-ridden. people walk down the street, they get shot, they get mugged. we are really likely to face a 100% chance of a terrorist attack. in 2019, i didn't even believe
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this number, but the fake news. that's a lot of fake news. look at that. [crowd booing] i didn't believe this number but they had that in 2019, that's my time. they had no terrorists. not one terrorist that they have at least on record, so it can't be exactly correct. not one terrorist was reported. now more than we have ever taken her pouring into the country from countries that many of you have never even heard of. they are pouring into our country and an entire generation of young people could very well be decimated by something that could very well happen, world war iii, and it will never happen with me. i can tell you that. it will never happen with me.
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if you care about your country and your children, then this november you have to fire -- remember the apprentice? your fired. some people say that's how i became president. i don't know if that's true or not. but you have to fire crooked joe biden and we have to do votes like you have never seen before. they cheat like hell. we have to just swamp them. they are not going to be able to cheat their way out of it. think of it. who can get elected with high interest rates, open borders. food that costs 50% more than it did just a few years ago. your lifestyles have changed. who can get elected with this stuff? they woke military.
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i rebuilt the entire military. how about afghanistan? of the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. which is why putin probably looked at that and saw an competence all over. that was the surrender i guess. in 18 months, we didn't have one person shot or killed in afghanistan. and then this guy comes in and he takes the soldiers out first. i could take that beautiful child in the third row. probably 10 or 11. would you move the soldiers out first or last? he looked at me and said, i think we will do it last. they took the soldiers out. you take all of the equipment, all of the people. we had 13 incredible soldiers. i have gotten to know the families. these are unbelievable young
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people. the families are unbelievable. 13 killed so unnecessarily. we left behind $85 billion worth of equipment. afghanistan was one of the largest sellers of military equipment in the world. they are selling our beautiful brand-new equipment. we left hundreds of people behind, including others we could have taken, but we left hundreds of americans behind. they are still there. i think when putin and president xi of china look at this, all of a sudden president xi starts thinking in terms of taiwan. they weren't thinking about it for years ago. and putin was always the apple of his eye but he would have never done it. he went into a place that was so beautiful. he went into ukraine and what has happened there is very
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horrible and sad. these things never would have happened. the attack on israel would have never happened. and inflation would have never happened. inflation would have never happened. energy caused inflation. we had energy level, he had energy height because of his stupid policies. perhaps worst of all, even as they turn america into a crime-ridden gang infested terror filled dumping ground, joe barton and his thugs will do everything in their power to confiscate your guns and annihilate your god-given right to self-defense. during my four years, nothing happened and there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. we didn't yield. once you yield a little bit, that is just the beginning.
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former years of joe biden means four more years of anti-gun communists running the atf. they are running it now. just in case you have any questions. it means hundreds of more radical left judges waging a crusade against law-abiding gun owners and former years of joe biden means a nonstop war on gun makers, dealers and sellers designed to put the entire industry right out of business. the nra for me has been a great partner. they endorsed me early in 2016 and the relationship has been great. i don't know what they are doing and make, but i understand they are having a very big event in may. they better endorsed me. that's the only thing i can say. that's actually an endorsement that means something.
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i'm coming to dallas in may. the only thing standing between you and the obliteration of your under siege second is me. anybody else, you wouldn't have your guns right now. they started with the ammunition. they couldn't do the guns with me so they started getting rid of the ammunition. we took care of that very quickly. if joe biden is reelected, your gun rights will be gone. they will be totally gone. the sad part that is the bad guys aren't giving up their guns. but the good people aren't giving up their guns either. because there is never anybody that's going to be asking for you. when i'm reelected, every single biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day.
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and every pledge i made to you as a candidate i fulfilled as your president. just as i promised back in 2016, i appointed nearly 300 pro-constitution judges to interpret the law as written. i faced down vile attacks from the radical left to confirm three great supreme court justices. standing before you at the nra leadership forum in 2019, i revoked america's signature from the globalist united nations arms trade trading were basically they take your guns. sir they said, you can't do that sir. all countries are signing that. all countries didn't sign it. most of the countries that signed didn't adhere to it
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anyway but we would've. even the nra officers were surprised at that one. i stood up for our hunters, fissures and sportsmen like no one has ever before, opening up millions of acres of federal land and rolling back obama's assault on hunting, fishing, trapping and ammunition. obama was brutal. biden happened to be along for the ride. i think maybe that is still happening. whenever i say your president barack hussein obama, they say he doesn't know who the president is. it's bad to be sarcastic with this group. when i do an imitation of him not being able to find the stairs. i do an imitation. my wife said -- our great first
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lady. by the way, we have a great first lady. but i do an imitation. she says darling, you couldn't find a stairway out? no, it was an imitation. the fake news makes it sound like i couldn't find my way off the stage. when i mentioned certain names. they are the worst. they are the worst but hopefully someday they will learn. to make our country great, we have to have a fair and free press it's very important. we need that. we need fair and free elections and strong borders. three years ago like nobody has ever had them before. when the radical left democrats tried to use covid to shut down
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gun sales during the china virus pandemic, i proudly designated gun and ammunition dealers as critical infrastructure. do you know the heat i took? does anybody know the heat? i said gun dealers are critical infrastructure. i think more than anybody in the world, gun dealers like donald trump. they are in business. they tried to use covid to shut them down. my administration also petitioned the supreme court to overturn new york city's unconstitutional ban on transporting handguns outside of the home. people walking in the streets with handguns that want to do bad things. some people might think it
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sounds tough. it's not tough. it's really a survival. we have 700 million guns out there, and not all of them are had by very innocent people. the right to self-defense was not -- does not end when you step outside the front door of your house. that was all things that we got together. but under crooked joe biden, your second amendment is again under siege. biden has implemented a zero tolerance policy. it revokes the license of independent firearms dealers if they make a single tiny error. he imposed the so-called pistol breaks rule which orders law-abiding citizens to register or surrender guns with certain equipment. you know that.
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many of you were forced to do it. is everybody doing it as per the demand? who in this group has done it? there's a hand way back there. by the way, this is a hell of a big building and it's packed. place is packed. a lot of people outside trying to get in. big arena. now biden is trying to ban all private gun transference with the stroke of a pen. under a trump administration, all of those biden disasters get ripped -- maybe my first day in office. on inauguration day, you have the beautiful stairs of the capital behind you. you are speaking in front of
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thousands and thousands of people. but on the way out, you walk up a massive flight of stairs. a few times i said i'm going to do my first thing in the oval office -- the oval office is sort of far away. you have to walk up the stairs and then quite a distance and down stairs and around corners. it takes a long time. i'm thinking about doing this. if we win -- we have to work hard to win, we have got to win. if we win or we can maybe make a minor change. if and when we win. i'm thinking about putting a desk somewhere and i'm going to have a lot of papers and those
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desks and a lot of them are going to have to do with you and what you love and respect. that will look strange. we finish a nice speech. this incredible crowd goes all the way down to the washington monument. and i will be speaking and they will say that strange, there is a desk about 12 stairs up. what is a desk doing that? it might look strange, but it's not going to be strange when i start signing those things. it is true, when the nra endorsed me i said i was going to do it. when i said it, a lot of people
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didn't really believe the things i was able to do for the gun owners and a lot of people. we did every single thing and more and it was my honor to do it. incredible people. and day one we will sack the radical gun grabber steve bettel back. did you ever hear of him? what do you know who he is? we are going to replace that with an atf director who respects the sacred right to keep and bear arms. you don't know who he is. he's a guy that is not good for this room. he's not good for you. we will fire the interior secretary and appoint one who truly loves our hunters, fishermen, sportsmen and outdoorsmen like my son.
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my sons don and eric are great hunters. they love the outdoors. they love it to a point like i say, when are they coming back? and they are good, too. if they were golfers, they would be better than scratch. does anyone know what i mean by that? they would be really good. they can shoot as well as about anybody. they love it. we will completely overhaul the corrupt department of injustice to clear out all the communists who have weaponized government activities. and gone against conservatives and gunowners and we will replace them with relentless crime fighters on a mission to put dangerous criminals behind bars. if you are a violent criminal today, if you kill people nothing happens. but if you are a religious
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person of a certain faith, you get persecuted and i don't know what's going on with catholics, but catholics are being treated very badly. what the hell is going on with catholics? and yet we got 88% of the evangelical vote, but only 50% of catholic vote. we should get 110% of the catholic vote. what they are doing to catholics. but we have a sick and corrupt two-tiered system of justice in our country. do i know better than anybody? as an example, it was just announced that joe biden, his department of injustice will bring zero charges against cook and joe despite the fact that he willfully retained ultra classified national security
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documents. that's not what i and hearing and he's not under the presidential records act which is a big thing, i am. it's a protect live act. they are trying desperately to spend the biden document disaster into it -- but wasn't trump worse? trump was peanuts by comparison. that was 50 years and he did a lot of it when he was at a very young age. he was mentally a little better than he is right now. in actuality, i am covered by the very important presidential records act and therefore i did absolutely nothing wrong. nothing wrong. only the president is covered. it's a big deal. he wasn't covered. also biden took documents over those long time period as a senator and as a vice president. that you are not allowed to do.
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he was probably in terms of the intelligence of senators, he was probably in the 95 category. he was never setting any records. he made recovery almost impossible. recovery of documents. he made it almost impossible for the federal government to get them. in fact he gave classified material to the writer of his book in total violation of just about everything. i cooperated with the very unfriendly and hostile feds. far more than biden did, who sent records to chinatown and shipped them all over the place. he shipped them to chinatown and all over the place. they don't tell you about that. do you know that he gets paid millions of dollars? do you know who pays him?
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china. you have the penn center. he gets paid millions of dollars and they pay close to $100 million to the school. i went to a place called the wharton school of finance and so i know all about penn. i love penn. it's a little bit out there. they were all sitting underneath his beautiful corvette and a very flimsy garage with one of those very cheap garage doors. you can cut it open with a scissor. does anybody have a scissor? i want to get some classified documents. let's cut it open. it had no security or secret service. certain members of the biden family lived there. i wonder what they did with those very important documents. they had no secret service
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people because he wasn't present. biden fought them all the way. i didn't. he fought them very hard and they never got what they wanted to get anyway. i even gave the doj and the fbi lunch at mar-a-lago. they say i didn't behave. i gave them lunch. have lunch at beautiful mar-a-lago. do you mind doubling up the locks on the doors? i will double them up. i did that. the discussions were good and then they ended up with the now famous raid on mar-a-lago. they rated my house. they did it for publicity reasons. they wanted to interfere with the election so i guess they expected dinner, not lunch. i should have given them dinner.
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biden has not going to be charged. if he's not going to be charged -- that's up to them. but then i should not be charged. this is nothing more than selective persecution of biden's political opponent, me. and i don't know that it's biden because i don't think he knows he's alive. it's a vicious and very smart people that surround the resolute desk. it's the most beautiful desk. when you are president, they allow you to take your desk. -- pick your desk. they have these unbelievable desks. it had a tremendous history of presidents behind it. he had the same desk. i think he took it because he likes me so much.
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he said i want the same desk as president trump had. but never has such a thing as what he's done with the weaponization of our government, has never taken place in our country. it only takes place in third world countries. this has never happened in our country before and the local das are part of it and the attorney general's. you saw what happened in atlanta with fani. they interviewed her the year before. i would never have an affair with anybody in my office. well, she had an affair and they paid the guy almost a million dollars. obviously that just corrupts all of justice and they spent a lot of time at the white house. you read that. it came out last week. if you didn't read it, i'm telling you now.
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they spent a lot of time in the white house. you know what they were talking about? how do we get trump? how do we get him. he has been quite elusive over the years. the only way to defeat this corrupt and weaponized system is to defeat cook and joe biden, to vote overwhelmingly for president donald j. trump in november which is voting for yourself. under the biden administration, every facet of our government has been perverted, corrupted and turned upside down and inside out. the justice department persecutes law-abiding gun owners and pro-life christians while violent felons are released from jail by the thousands. and 95-year-old veteran was kicked out of the nursing home. 95-year-old veteran. a highly regarded veteran to
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make way for an illegal alien that came into our country. gangs, the most vicious gangs you have ever seen. they make our gangs look like very nice people by comparison. gangs from venezuela, honduras and then salvador treated like vic sims while republicans are treated like criminals. rich people are given $7,000 subsidies to buy luxury electric cars. they don't go far. somebody said how do you describe it in a simple manner. i said i have an idea. they don't go far. doesn't sound very glamorous, but it happens to be true. when i was in iowa, there were so many cars on the road. boy there are a lot of cars out here. these are cars because electric cars don't work in very low
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weather. i would say 40 degrees below zero is a fine test and i came back with a result. they don't work in cold weather. but they do using money stolen from middle-class families who cannot afford to buy a car for themselves. the whole electric car thing is crazy. everybody should have the right to buy an electric car. we have liquid gold under our feet more than any other country. we could have combustion engines. we could have hybrids. hybrids are actually pretty good. the combination of both. but unless you are going to go very short distances, i wouldn't want to go along. we are going to drill, baby, drill. thank you. good voice. we are going to drill baby
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drill. we are going to get our prices down. we were doing so incredible. we never had a country that was doing so well as in the trump for years. which is why we are leading in the polls, we are leading everybody. i think the republican primary is essentially over. that's what i hear. we will go to south carolina. we are going to do great in south carolina. we are actually going tomorrow to south carolina. i used to have a nice simple life. i didn't have to go around and make speeches to massive stadiums and if you say one word a little bit of a mispronunciation, you end up front page. what's wrong with him. i have a guy i'm competing against who hasn't spoken in months. and when he does, it's not
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pretty. is it? not pretty. i got to know president xi of china and putin, russia. got to know the leaders, they are tough cookies, smart. i just can't imagine what happens when they close the doors and go into a little negotiation. unfortunately i know what happens and it's not good for america. a vote for biden is a vote for all of this communist lunacy that you are seeing around you with the open borders and all of the problems. a vote for trump is really a vote for common sense. we are conservative and all of that. but i say more than anything else it's common sense. we want strong borders, great education, low taxes. we want a powerful military. but not necessarily to use it every week and going after
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countries that don't want anything to do with you. today i'm inaugurated is the day that law and order, sanity and justice will return back to the united states of america. on day one, we will seal the border and stop the invasion of america. we are being invaded just like it's a military invasion. there is no difference. we are losing in my opinion. 350,000 people a year to fentanyl. there is no war for the most part where you're going to lose that many soldiers. we are losing 350,000 i believe. they always say it's 100, 120. it's not. it's much more. it's getting worse, too. now people just walk through the border, nobody checks. we spend a lot of money on
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equipment. the best thing for detecting drugs is a certain type of german shepherd. there is no machine that costs $2 million each that can even come close. so i love those dogs. i think they are great. you can't get away with it. they put them in the cylinders of a gas car. i put them in hubcaps, they put them in places. i have seen the way they bring them in. if they would devote that genius to making money legitimately, they would be very wealthy people. the best thing you have is a certain type of german shepherd, it's unbelievable. they go right up to it and say that's it. you point to it, you take off the hubcap and stuff pours out. we worked hard on it and we had it way down and now it's coming in at a level of 10 times more than it was four years ago.
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many people are dying. i had a deal with president xi that he was going to give the maximum penalty for sending fentanyl to the united states. i had that deal because he understood tariffs. i charged him massive, hundreds of millions of dollars china paid to the united states. not one president cut $.10 for china. the great negotiators, they say that we are a developing nation. but so are we. have you seen our cities? we are going to redevelop our cities in this country. and we are going to fix our capital, which is a murder dan. people are getting murdered every single week. many people in some cases. we are going to bring back our capital, law and order. we are going to have the federal government run it.
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we are going to have it safe and clean, we are going to take that graffiti off the marble columns. beautiful marble columns put up 100 years ago. these gorgeous carrera columns, i can tell you all about the marble. i can tell you every marble. incredible how they could have done it years ago without the powerful tractors that you have today. they got them up and they are beautiful. and they have graffiti on them. we are not going to have any more graffiti and we are not going to have roads in bad shape or paper that's been down for six months. you look at the damage, destruction and filth. i wonder what these leaders say as they are driving into washington, d.c. and there's paper all over the roads and beer cans and everything all
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over the roads and the medians are falling down. you know the metal median that they use so much, real garbage. you ever see this stuff? two weeks later, the thing looks like it's been up for 30 years. somebody made a lot of money doing that. whoever sells that stuff, i want to hire him immediately because i think he's the greatest salesman on earth. they are all laughing because they know exactly what i'm talking about. you put it down, the next day it's like this. that was my business. i was really good at that business. it's called construction. three years ago we had the most secure border. we ended catch and release. we built 561 miles of border wall. we got mexico to send 21,000 soldiers to our border free of charge.
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i got them free. by the way, i used to say mexico is going to pay for a big piece of the wall. they gave us a much more than that. they gave us free soldiers. you're not allowed to do that, the can't pay for our wall. there was a mechanism where they could give us soldiers. it was very interesting. some of you have heard the story , but i went to mexico. a woman in the state department was terrific, but she was a lousy negotiator. she dealt for -- she dealt with mexico for 25 years. i went to brendan judd, the border patrol. i said give me a top 10 list and they gave me a top 10 list. no more catch and release. we want a lot of different things and the woman looked at me and said, we have been after that for 20 five years.
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you will never get it. i said yes we will come at 100%. and i like the president of mexico. former president i guess. he's going to be taking off, somebody else taking his place. i'm sure i will like the person taking his place. so what happened is i said they are going to have to give us 28,000 soldiers. i also won a thing called remain in mexico. biden ended that. when he ended remain in mexico and i built all these hundreds of miles of wall, and three weeks we could have thrown up another 200 miles of wall. that's when i realized they wanted open borders. they took the wall, it wasn't my design. it was a design by border patrol.
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they wanted it to be steel, concrete and rebar. i built everything, even the panel on top. it makes it almost impossible unless you are a mount everest climbers to get over the wall. these guys would scoot over the wall like it was nothing. it was anti-climb panels. it was much more than i promised to build and then i said we need more, because people would go out on these sketches and we had to fill in the certain areas that were hard to get legally from eminent domain and various other things. we are building the wall, a lot of people coming in. peanuts compared to what it is. i got mexico, i said you are going to have to pay for the soldiers free of charge. they said we are not doing that. you have to. handsome guy. beautiful representative.
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he laughed and said, we are not giving you soldiers. why the hell would we give you soldiers? we have been ripping off the united states for years. why would we give them soldiers to protect their border? a lot of bad people are coming through. so i said you are giving it to us, 100%. no sir, i'm not giving it to you. 100% that you are giving it to me. we are not giving it to you, sir. you are giving it to us. egos, no way. -- he goes, no way. i go, way. you're going to give us every one of these items. we had catch and release in the united states. we catch a criminal and release the criminal in united states. and then we say come back in six years for a court case.
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only the really dumb ones came back. we had them. but some really dumb ones came back. i'm here to go through a court case. wonderful. thank you very much. i said no, you're going to give it to us. why are you so confident? because i have before me a document and i'm signing it now and if you don't give us 28,000 soldiers immediately, i'm going to charge you a 25% tariff on every single thing you make including all of the cars. they stole 32% of our car industry in case you don't know. every car made in mexico sold in the united states will have a 25% tariff and if it doesn't take place was -- within a month, it's going to go to 50% and 75%. he said may i take five minutes and call my president? i said, you may.
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sir, it would be my honor to send you 28,000 soldiers. it would be my honor, sir. and we had a great relationship with mexico and the safest border we have ever had in this country. and as the wall got built longer and longer, we could have added another 200 miles. they ended up selling that very expensive wall. they sold it for five cents and $.10 on the dollar for scrap. these people really want open borders. but we did a helluva job. we are going to do it again. bigger, better, stronger than ever before. it's all going to happen. we have no choice. and if we don't get elected, we have no country any longer. i really believe it. these people are crazy. what they are doing to our country is insane.
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you have to see some of the people coming into our country. these are hardened criminals. these are hard, tough. they are prisoners. they make are prisoners look like very nice people. these are hardened criminals coming into our country. now you are seeing the problem. they beat the hell out of two police officers. the da said let them go, that's ok. but he goes after trump. you have to be a violent criminal. if you are a violent criminal, you have no problem. hunter biden, millions of illegals are now pouring into our country. you have a 100 percent chance of a major terror attack in the not-too-distant future. i went for years with no terror attack and i could never talk about it. we called it the travel ban.
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we cleaned up the name a little bit. but we didn't take people from countries with massive terrorism . we don't want our shopping centers blown up. we don't want our people destroyed. we don't want dead children or the family will never be the same. i never talked about it. i didn't want to say how well we are doing on terrorism and then have a terrorism attack the next day. so i never got to talk about it. but the day i left, i started talking about what a great job we did. thousands and thousands of people are coming in and you notice they are all men between 18 and 25 or 26 years old practically, meaning like military. very few women. i don't want to disrespect you, but that's the way it goes. not a lot of women.
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men are coming into our country. 29,000 from china over the last few months. 29,000. they are coming in from yemen. the bombing has already started. when i was thinking about doing this, the middle east was being bombed to help. i said, it's not necessary. yesterday there is bombs going up all over the place. everyone's fighting, it's a wholeness. -- whole mess. we had a great leader of hungary. he said, there's only one weight that this problem is going to be solved because the whole world is blowing up. look at the whole middle east. china is talking about going into taiwan. but victor is a tough leader and a smart man and highly respect.
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he was interviewed recently and said there is only one way it gets solved. trump has to be president of the united states again, because people respect him. i knew exactly what people -- what he was talking about. when i'm president instead of trying to send the state of texas a restraining order, i will send them reinforcements. they are going to get reinforcements. and i will use all necessary military and law enforcement resources to defend the united states of america. we are going to be very strong and within moments of my inauguration, we will begin the largest deportation operation in american history. we have no choice. we have no choice. and we are going to start with the very bad ones, because the very bad ones are very very bad. they are than anybody you have seen.
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you know who knows who they are? your police force. your local police know them by name. we have to respect our police. they have done a great job and they have not been given the kind of respect that they deserve. we are going to let our police do their job. did you ever see, we have a phenomenon going on where a department store, for years they wanted to go into a city and they spent millions of dollars and now hundreds of people rush into the store. mostly younger people with masks and everything. they rush into the store and they walk out with television sets. i saw one the other day walking out with a refrigerator. i said he's a pretty strong guy. the police are standing there. they are not allowed to do anything. they say you will not do
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anything to stop this. this is a new phenomenon. nobody has ever seen it before where they send 300 kids into a department store. within 15 minutes, the entire store is wiped out. millions of dollars. they close the store, the neighborhood becomes a blighted neighborhood. it's a chain effect and it's a horrible thing that is happening. there is no respect for our law enforcement and our law enforcement could have respect very quickly and you could stop that phenomenon in one day, in one city if you got tough. the whole country would see it and it would start immediately. -- it would stop immediately. despite the worst border crisis in history, joe biden tried to ram through a massive open borders that would allow 2 million illegals per year.
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some people said 5000 people a day. but i think they meant 5000 a week. were allowed to come in, the unions are going to be out of business. if the teamsters endorsed by didn't -- here's the good news. most of the teamsters are going to vote for me anyway. and the unions. and workers. but you have a legal taxpayer-funded lawyers so they have millions of dollars in this agreement, which we by the way killed. i think it's a dead. you can never say it because bad bills always come back to life because these guys make a lot of money with bad bills. but they get tens of millions of dollars to lawyers to represent the illegal immigrants that come into our country. it's not even believable. did you ever notice they come off -- everybody has a cell
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phone. they come in and get off a bus. there is only some nice person greeting them. i don't know who these people are. did you ever notice? they have like these people. nice women, beautiful women, hello. it is so nice to see you. the guy looks at her like he's going to tear her apart. hello, here is your cell phone. here is your credit card. would you like to stay today at the waldorf-astoria or would you like a trump hotel? no, it's crazy. our soldiers, our great veterans. i met some of the incredible parents of some fallen soldiers in the back. incredible. they have pictures on their chests, the beautiful kids. we have veterans that are living like dogs on the streets and we have illegal immigrants who are
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living in luxury hotels with cell phones and credit cards. and that's going to all change very fast because we are not allowing people into our country anymore unless you come in legally. one of the bills top democrat architects admitted just yesterday that illegal aliens are the people that we care most about. the democrats care most. he said these because they want those people to vote. the good news is they cheat so much they really don't need them. they cheat with ballots and they draw ballots and fake ballots and a hundred different things. they have more ways of cheating. it is a way of life, become a way of life, our elections are so rigged. but just in case those people are going to be voting. they try and get them registered. they don't speak a word of english.
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you were going to register here, they want to get them to vote. our movement, we believe the highest priority should be law-abiding americans, not illegal aliens. we have to take care of our shoulder -- soldiers, veterans, police and firemen, people who have left our country. you see it over the last few days. i don't know what it is. i wonder why it doesn't seem -- because the fake news does not want to report migrant -- we call it migrant crime, it is unbelievable what is going on. now for the first time you are seeing migrant crime. these are tough people. many of them come out of jails and mental institutions. they are not just sitting there looking for jobs, learning english, looking to get a great job. these are tough people. these are hardened criminals in many cases. now you are seeing migrant crime. when a policeman goes up to them, they laugh right in the policeman's face and punch them in the face.
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these are not innocents. these are tough people and we are taking them by the millions. we are taking millions of people. millions and millions. we have no idea who they are, where they come from. we are not doing it anymore. we are not doing it anymore. the biggest fear i have, the biggest problem i have, 10 months is a long time. the damage that could be done to our country in 10 months, including world war iii. including world war iii, the way we are going. we will end up in world war iii. we have a guy who cannot put two sentences together and he is in charge of negotiations with russia, with china, with north korea. it is a dangerous -- we are in a very dangerous position. i believe we have never been in a more dangerous position in our lives. and if the senate wants to pass a real border bill they should establish criminal penalties for senior biden officials who refuse to enforce the existing law. they don't want to do anything.
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you don't need a bill. the president has the right to say close the borders. the bill is a hoax. the democrats are asking for this bill. that's so ridiculous. it is a horrible bill. it will make it worse. i keep saying you don't need a bill. i did it. i had no bill. you know what i did? having a hard time with some of our senators. our wonderful senators. i took it out of the military to build a wall. i called it in invasion. this is a military invasion. i built the wall mostly with funds from our military. i said i'm sorry. you give the military $750 billion, you can take a little bit out to stop an invasion of our country. after seeing the recent video of a wild pack of illegal aliens viciously attacking these two new york city -- really good
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people i saw, and interview -- high quality police officers. i'm going to ask congress to pass the strong sentencing enhancement bill, that any illegal alien assaulting a police officer, they immediately go to jail or even better they get thrown out of the country, brought back to the country they came from. because putting them in jail is very expensive for us. very expensive. for the past three years the radical left has been busy persecuting me, my family, christians, patriots, even the nra. meanwhile, the country is in chaos and bloodthirsty criminals are running wild, roaming our streets. cricket joe biden and the radical left democrats, they don't care one bit about the terrible suffering of their people -- the people in this country, the policies that have caused all of this destruction and death. but i do care. i care a lot.
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because i didn't need this. i had a very nice life. nice saturday afternoon. i could tell you where i would have been, i would have been in the very next location, but i don't need this. but i'm so happy i did. a lot of people say, -- because they see the way i'm being persecuted by these animals. they say, if you had to do it again, successful people ask me this question all the time, would you do it again? you know what i say, absolutely. what we are doing is so important. we are not going to have a country left. we are going to make america great again. it's very simple. but they asked me that. they asked me a few questions. they asked me that one, would you do it again. the answer is very quick, i don't even have to think about it, the answer is yes. we are going to make this country so great, better than it's ever been. it would have been easier if we just had the other for years, it was all set to go, but now we have to bring it back. now it has gone substantially down since this character took
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over, whoever it is that is running it, because nobody really knows. but when i'm back in the white house, remember, that's the one question they ask -- the other question they ask is, will he do it again, sir? in other words, they are going to cheat again. we're not going to let them cheat. we are not going to let them cheat. who even thought it was possible. when i'm back in the white house we will have an all-out campaign to stop these verge of violent crime in america. we are going to stop it. upon my inauguration i will direct a completely overhauled doj to investigate every radical out-of-control prosecutor in america for their illegal reverse enforcement of the law. then we will smash the gang, the straight crews in the criminal networks that are tearing up -- they are tearing up our country. they have criminal networks that are like businesses.
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they run better than most businesses, and they are run viciously and violently. it's not an rma members -- nra members shooting up their communities. instead of trying to eviscerate the rights of law-abiding gun owners, i will have federal law enforcement prosecute the countless gun crimes committed by gang members, drug dealers, and convicted felons. when i went to china i got to know president xi. a very strong man. very strong man. and he said, it is so nice to meet you. i said, nice to meet you, too. started talking about different things. i said do you have a drug problem in china? no, no, no, no drug problem. think of it, 1.4 billion people, no drug problem. i said how did you pull that one off? the used to have the poppy, the
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opium. it was a drug country like we are becoming. you know we are becoming a drug country. i don't know if you know it or not. we have drugs at a level that have never been seen -- you have to look at the statistics, china at one time -- many years ago was a drugged out country. weak countries were taking parts of china. other countries were taking parts that would normally never be able to have. but years ago they instituted the death penalty for drug dealers. and as soon as they did that it stopped. it stopped. i said you have a drug problem. no, no, no. he looked like, what the hell kind of stupid question is that, of course we don't have a drug problem. i said what do you attribute it to? quick trial. i said quick trial, what is a quick trial? if you are a drug dealer and you get caught selling drugs, they give you an immediate trial. immediate.
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then sadly you are executed. and so the drug dealers don't go there. they don't have a drug problem at all. they have a very meaningful death penalty. they don't have a drug problem at all. they don't have a problem like at all. 1.4 billion people. nope, no problem. frankly, we did a good job. i had the first lady on committees, a lot of socialites from new york, a lot of socialites from philadelphia. many of them just love the glamour of being on a committee, but they don't know about el chapo. they don't know about the toughness you were talking about, the ruthlessness you are talking about. they do things and they have a little discussion and then start talking about when they are having dinner, where they're going, wonder how nice it is -- the talk about -- no, the only way you are solving the problem, and i don't know if our country
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is ready for -- remember this, every doug wheeler -- drug dealer kills a minimum of five other people during his or her lifetime. when you think about that, maybe you think differently, i don't know that this country is ready for. but until you have the death penalty for drug dealers, you are never going to solve the problem. you are just kidding yourself. you're just kidding yourself. but i don't know that it's ready. but i will know when it's ready because it's getting really bad. it's gotten so bad over the last three years. we've never seen increases like this ever before. i'm also going to indemnify our great police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the united states to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong action on crime. no, they get rough with some horrible criminal, they lose
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their job, they lose their pension, they lose their wife or husband, they lose their family. they get destroyed because they doing their job. we are going to indemnify them. they are told to go out and get your own lawyer. can you imagine? you are a policeman, dealing with rough people in many cases, they say go get your own lawyer, we're not going to do anything, we're not going to spend the money. we are going to indemnify police officers do their job. we are going to indemnify them. and precinct. and in some cases states, depending on who was running the state. we will work with democrats. we are giving indemnification to the police for doing their job. they are knocking to be sued and destroyed or fired and destroyed. we are not going to let that happen. and to further determine these bar parrot criminals and help you defend yourself and your family, i will ask congress to
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send a bill to my desk delivering national right to carry reciprocity. you are going to have that. and if you have a meaningful second amendment, which you have -- it is under siege. they got nowhere with me, but they got a lot of things happening with biden. it has to go across state lines. you have to be able to go across state lines with second amendment privileges. just as i did before i will appoint a conservative originalist to the federal bench, including the united states supreme court. great new justices. almost 300 judges throughout the country, big difference. i will stop the effort to deny banking and financial services to gun makers and dealers carry they won't allow banks to deal with them. i will never allow the creation of a central bank digital
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currency, which is a method of stealing your money. very dangerous. and we will restore free speech in america. will have free speech. we do not have it now. we will reverse the biden ban on natural gas exports. we will end his war on american energy. and we will unleash pennsylvania oil and natural gas at a level never seen before. on the world stage we will restore peace through strength. on day one i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, political content onto our children. and i will keep men out of women's sports.
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how great. and we will secure our elections with one-day voting, voter id. we are going to have paper ballots and we are going to have great, secure elections. you would have no idea how big that is. in conclusion this is the most important election in the history of our country. i used to say in 2016 this is the most important -- and i meant it. but you look at the border. we had a border problem in 2016. i fixed it so strong that it was not even talked about in 2020. they said, sir, nobody cares about the border. he fixed it. i couldn't talk about it. yet we still got millions and millions of more votes.
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we did much better in 2020. a lot of bad things happened. not going to hell let that happen again. but we did much better, millions and millions of more votes, the most votes in the history of our country for sitting president. we will blow that number away. i've never seen ever such spirit. 2016, 2020, the level of spirit was incredible. this blows it away. basically you've seen how incompetent these people that are destroying our country, what they are doing. so pennsylvania is one of the most important battleground states in the nation. when i won pennsylvania and 2016, they said pennsylvania won't be able to be won. had not been won in 36 years and i won pennsylvania. did much better in pennsylvania than we did in 2016, too. some of the guys working here says, you are more popular in the state route, you're going to
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blow pennsylvania way. that's what i think is going to happen. but if you live in this commonwealth, register everyone you know and get them out to vote. we have to. we have to win in november. or we are not going to have pennsylvania. they will change the name. they are going to change the name of huntsman you. how about all over the country, they are taking the name of george washington all high schools and other things. george washington. that's when even i thought was safe. abraham lincoln and george washington. their names are now in danger. we have to win. you were knocking to have a country anymore, you're not going to have a state anymore, not going to have anything. we have to swamp them with so many votes they cannot rig it or steal it. you know at a certain level they cannot rig it anymore, it is too much. pennsylvania is the commonwealth where our founding fathers declared american independence. such an incredible state politically.
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it's where they designed and wrote our glorious constitution. it's where pennsylvania oil came out. the first well -- do you know that in the united states -- pennsylvania oil. and where strong pennsylvania steel was poured into the backbone of our country. and now u.s. steel was just sold to japan. how do you feel about that? how do you feel about that? i wouldn't have approved that deal. wouldn't approve it. and this is the state were generations of tough, strong pennsylvania workers, farmers, soldiers, laborers forge the greatest nation in the history of the world. but now we are a nation in decline. we are a failing nation. we don't like to say that. i don't like to see that. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that's lost its confidence, its willpower, and
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it strength. they can that. we've lost our confidence as a nation. we are nation that's lost its way. but we are not going to allow this war to continue. three years ago we were a great nation, and we will soon be a great nation again. it was hard-working patriots like you who built this country, and its hard-working patriots like you who are going to save our country. we will fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle. with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. we will expel the warmongers from our government. we will drive out the globalists. we will cast out the communists, marxists, fascists. we will throw off the sick
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political class that hates our country. we will protect our second amendment. we will evict crooked joe biden from the white house. on november 5, 2025, that's when it begins. the great silent majority is rising like never before. and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer. we are one movement, one people, one family, one glorious nation under god. and together we will make america powerful again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again.
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we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you, everybody. god bless you all. thank you, pennsylvania. thank you all. god bless you. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪
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♪ >> c-span's washington journal. a life form involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics, and public policy. from washington and the country. saturday morning, senior politics workers. on the spotlight podcast segment, alex feuer talks about the podcast court watch about
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the supreme court and legal issues in the news. c-span's washington journal. joined in the conversation, live at 7:00 eastern saturday morning on c-span, c-span now, or online at sunday on c-span's q&a, the author of scribners, five generations in publishing, talks about the famous publishing house and share stories about some of the authors they published, including winston churchill. >> scribner advances kept winston churchill solid financially during his years in the wilderness. >> when he was out of office, that's true, he really earned his livelihood, and it was an expensive livelihood. i think i mentioned the multivolume set of the history
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of world war i, the world crisis. with the advance he got on that, he bought a rolls-royce. >> charles scribner iii with his book scribners, five generations in publishing, sunday on c-span q&a. listen to q&a and all of the podcast on the free c-span now app. >> a healthy democracy does not look like this. it looks like this. where americans can see democracy at work. the citizens are truly informed. republic thrived. get informed straight from the source on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are, to get the opinion that matters the most is your own prey this is what democracy looks like. c-span, powered by cable. >> next week on the c-span
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networks, the house returns on tuesday following the democratic annual retreat, and the senate continues work on foreign aid to israel and ukraine before adjourning for a two week break over the presidents' day holiday. also tuesday former house speaker's nancy pelosi and kevin mccarthy joined the u.s. capitol historical society in awarding the 2023 freedom award to sarah johnson. miss johnson gained national attention during the weeklong speaker vote in early 2023 by presiding over the chamber while members struggle to elect a speaker. wednesday congressional budget office director provides the nation budget and economic outlk to the house budget committee. thursday the house foreign affairs committee will hear testimony on the doha agreement of the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. watch next week, live on the c-span networks, or on c-span now, our free mobile video app. also head over to