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  Campaign 2024 Donald Trump Campaigns in Laconia NH  CSPAN  January 23, 2024 3:26am-4:49am EST

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vice president harris. projection projection. now they are finding out that mr. trump -- where -- where were they? do you know how to get all of his people to support him? he threatens them with primaries. that is one of boss does. it is really interesting. everything they do is ridiculous. they said they would support convicted ray best for player. do they read? the conservatives should like him. the inflation, the economy, the
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messiah --♪
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>> thank you very much. this is a crowded place. i just visited some overflow rooms. this is crowded. that is like taking a poll. thank you very much. we are really going to rock in new hampshire. it is a little sad but we will be back a lot because we will get your energy prices down. we will get your energy down. by a solid 50% in one year. i promise. tomorrow is the day each and every one of you will cast the most important vote of your entire life. this is a very important vote. when you step into that voting booth, you are going to be
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signaling that we want crooked joe biden -- the worst president in the history of our country -- we have to get out. we will do things right. we will bring our country back with you. you will put crooked grow -- joe and his protectors on notice. we are going to run the country the way it is supposed to be fun.
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i believe we are going to do that here. you do have to do one thing. you have to get the democrats to stop voting in a republican primary. that is a weak governor that would allow that. democrats are not supposed to be building in republican primaries. do we agree? we just got some very pig -- very big holes in.
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we have to send a signal that we are not playing games. this country has gone to hell. we have people pouring in our borders. unvented, unchecked. come november, we will be in a position where -- we have to stop the cheating. tomorrow we will win new hampshire. then we will defeat crooked joe biden. we are going to make america great again.
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thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much. that was handled very quickly. good job back there. thank you very much. every day, the republican party is becoming more and more unified. there was a good job. that was quick. that's took about nine seconds. every day, the republican party
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has become more and more unified. you see what happened. we had a very good competitor, ron, as you know, ron desantis. he fought hard and for a while. if you had some democrats into it, we started off with 13 and now we are down to two people. the other one will be gone in november. that is why i am delighted to be joined today by a number of outstanding leaders, big leaguers, powerful leaders, great leaders, respected leaders. we are on the same team, 100% focused on biden and beating him in november. i just want to introduce to you for a few seconds, a few people that have been incredible on the
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campaign trail. they will have a lot to do with what is happening in the country over the next four years. please come here. >> it is good to be back here. we will speak the truth and get this done. we are in the middle of a war in this country. it is between those of us who love this country and a fringe minority who hates the united states of america and what we stand for. between the permanent state and the everyday citizen. right now, we need a commander-in-chief who will lead us to victory in this war. if you want to seal the border
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come about trump. if you want to restore law and order in this country, boat truck. if you want to defeat the deep state, boat truck. if you want to revive national pride in this country, vote truck. if you want to revive our national identity in this country, the truck. if you want to make america great again, boat truck. that is how we will win this in a landslide in november like megan delivered in 1980. that is what the -- donald trump will deliver, reunite this country, do your part, come out on tuesday night, off to defeat joe biden in november. our best days as a nation are still ahead of us. god bless you.
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>> thank you very much. we love him. he is a dynamo. one of the most respected governors, one of the most respected governors in the country. brilliant guy. made a lot of money and then said let me run for office. we know about that and he is truly from north dakota and done really an incredible job. he has become a friend of mine, really good one. excellent i became governor, it was the same night donald trump was elected back in november of 16 and the world changed. i had an opportunity to serve hundred joe biden. when donald trump was present, our nation was safe and our nation was prosperous.
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joe biden, his weakness has led to war. his weakness and his appeasement have led to adversaries like i and russia making hundreds of billions of dollars selling oil to china. those are all three tied together. there is one candidate in the space that understands how to make our nation more secure, more prosperous. it is the person who did it when he was president before. that is donald j trump. biden has been a disaster on the economy. a disaster on energy and a disaster on national security including the border. adversaries were safer, our country was safer and we are absolutely economically better off. they are hurting our economy, raising the prices of what you paid. we need donald trump, america
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needs donald trump and the reason why we do is because he is the individual who knows how to solve these problems. he knows how to keep america safe and make us more prosperous. i have and ask for all of you in new hampshire. tomorrow you have to get out and bring your friends. you have to bring everybody in. a fantastic win. guess what, it is not just america, it is every foreign dictator. we will make america great again, thank you. >> thank you very much. they did a very good job. didn't they? you will be seeing a lot of
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them. we have another one, everybody knows it. the big story out there. he is engaged to be married. course if you want four more years of donald trump, that hear you scream. if you want to miss to be over tomorrow, let me hear you scream. how many of you want four more years of low inflation under donald trump?
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how many of you want four more years of low crime and high law and order under donald j trump? how many of you want me to stop talking so you can hear from your next president, donald j trump?
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let's get out and let's vote for somebody that we would front against. if you look at the polls, biden beecher by a lot. the people behind nick and are ■=pro-amnesty, per child, bro dp state and pro-biden. that is not too good. thank you. appreciate it. she scared me a little. she just gave me a very good
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idea. our movement is pro-borders, pro-jobs, pro-freedom and it is with the something that is very commonsense. 100% pro america. we are the party of common sense. conservative -- whatever -- it is all about common sense. it is about strong borders, low taxes. the radical left democrats are supporting nicky haley because they know she is very easy to beat. you see that with the polls. we are beating biden by so much.
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they will indict, they will keep indicting and it drives my numbers are. i can't figure that one up. but i believe she is not electable. nicky haley wants to charge the workingp. class a 23% national sales tax. she wants to raise social security retirement age by approximately 10 years. is that right? so you can labor until the day you die and then not select a penny of the benefits you have earned and paid for. if you are lucky enough to live past the retirement age of 75 under nicky haley's plan, she wants to raise it. she says we are never doing that but politicians always go back to the first concept, their first policy, the first idea. they always do. they will go back to it. they will go back to it as sure as you are standing here. i heard we could have even done
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better. the government made it very different. we have these rooms all over the place that are loaded up with people. she wants to dance you know that he ran for president. he just didn't have the courage to announce it. he ran and ran and ran. he was pulled somewhere around hutchison. he was pulling right around there and they decided not to run. if you look at the poll numbers but he never announced it. he wants to got medicare using paul ryan's skin. you remember that ad? there was not a great address.
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they could go back to the days of week establishment candidates. the do the bidding of their open borders and donors after the election. we are never going back to any of the things that you see, they very stupid things. they do very foolish things, costly and foolish. so bad for our country. if you want others in candidate who puts america last, vote for bit -- both for nicky haley.
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you have to get out there. as soon as i lift my hand from that beautiful bible that we are going to use -- that very beautiful bible as your 47th president -- we are all in this together. you were so great in 2016, you were so great to me. they say who the hell is that guy? >> we will unleash american energy like i am listed before. we will keep it going. i will obstruct the heads of
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ice. this is not sustainable. our cities are being choked. this is not sustainable. three years ago we had them a secure border in the history of our country. there was 561 miles of border wall. we got mexico to give us 23,000 free of charge. we had the best boarded numbers we ever had. all biden had to do was go to the beach and relax. he was there anyway but he would go to the beach and say let's dismantle. we had something called made in mexico. it all worked and it worked well. under biden, the usa has been turned into a dumping ground to the world. just a dumping ground.
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they are stopping the dead drugs poisoning our people. to impose a full fence and a blockade. they are coming in through certain channels, there coming over land. 12 times more. drugs are pouring in. you have two very bad distinctions. the highest energy per capita. the highest by far anywhere in the country. you are the worst in terms of drugs pouring in. more than any other state by far. the drug cartels are waging war in america and we will destroy the cartels. that is an army.
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they are trying to destroy our country. they will. nicky haley will never secure the border. but killing thousands and thousands of people. nicky opposed my border wall. she stabbed a republican party in the back by siding with barack obama. have you ever heard of the
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gentleman against the trump travel ban? we had no terrorism, no attacks, no nothing. we wanted to stop terror from coming into our country but i didn't want to talk about her. i didn't want to do that but then something happened. we had no attacks. we did not have the attacks that you have seen in other countries. now we are getting involved again. here we go again with the middle east. we spent $9 trillion. 9 trillion dollars.
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spent all blood and treasure. i was getting to that. >> we did, we beat the hell out of vices. biden and his dogs are desperate to stop us because we are the only ones we know who can stop them. that is why they are weaponizing high-level election interference. we have never seen anything like what was happening. with using the doj and the fbi to go after his political opponent. it is unbelievable. the good news is it has driven my phone numbers are. someday we're going to have to write a book about this mama people understand i have a
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voice, i have a big boy so i can speak about it. i can talk about when they want to rescue and indict you for alleging integrity. it is ok for you, they are fighting still. the same thing except much worse. joe biden is truly a threat to democracy for two reasons. number one, we just said part of it but the biggest threat we have is his incompetence. if i did not run or if leading by so much in the polls or if i was in fourth, none of this would be happening. thank you for saying that, that is very nice. what about these numbers in the
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new redfield pole, it is trump 72, nicky haley nine. in nevada -- -- in nevada, where we are going this, we are actually going to nevada first and we are pulling a roughly 100% there because all the other candidates looked at the polls and they decided we are not going to play in nevada. so we get 100% of that vote but
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nebulous to talk about that but then we go to south carolina, respected polls, he has us at 6425. that is not bad, we are running against the governor. we are leading in new hampshire by a lot. you are going to see it, i don't have to talk about it. you're going to see it tomorrow. the numbers in my opinion will be higher than what you're even seeing. you are seeing very big numbers. but you have to go and vote. you can sit back and say let's watch it on television. we need the margins. the margins are very important. we have to get out and we have to vote and we have to show them in november what is going on here. i don't think anybody understands. this is the single biggest local movement in history. it is called make america great again. but he doesn't know what make america great again means. make america great again, joe.
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we are also dominating crooked joe biden in the general election. we are up eight points today, eight points in the very good rasmussen poll. eight point is a lot. sort of interesting. the democrats have a base of 39 and joe pulling at 32. how do you molest? they have the advantage because they have certain groups. i think some of those groups like unions -- they will be with us. i believe a lot of them will be with us. he is pulling at pretty low numbers. the radical left democrats rate the presidential election of 2020 and we are not going to allow them to rate the presidential election of 2024 because if they do, we will not have a country. -- i don't think i've said this before -- if they didn't
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illegally mess with me -- you have been watching it all this time -- russia, russia, russia, all hoaxes. if they didn't illegally mess with me including spying on my campaign, changing election rules without approval by legislators, stuffing ballot boxes and then you had the intelligence agents falsely claiming that the laptop from hell was russian disinformation, turned out it was on. that is another one -- to commit. i would not be rounding out my term. if they did not do all of these things -- i can name 10 more -- i would now be rounding it up. with all must be over but because they did mess with me, now they have us and me for four more years to drive them crazy. every time the radical left,
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kratz, marxists, communists and passion just every time they indent me, i consider it a badge of honor. being indicted for you. never forget that our enemies requested him to call me a fascist. the fascists are the people that will do what they are doing to a political opponent. those are fascists. those are the people that are in danger -- a danger to the country. never forget that they wanted to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom.
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>> mom was like where have you been -- this is a group of big rooms that are packed that we wanted to get to this slice of your stay. we could have said let's not go here tonight. it was very tough traveling. i said there was no way i am not come here. we will get all these beautiful people. they want to silence me because i will never silence you. they want to silence me so badly.
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i will never let them silence you. they want to silence you, they really don't care about me. in the end, they are not after me, they after you. >> we have great people in the party. but i wanted to introduce just a few -- a young star who is going to get bigger and stronger and better and you can't get much better than he has right now. congressman byron donnell. he is around here someplace. if you're there, come. congresswoman marjorie taylor green. catherine burnham, the first lady lady of north dakota. come on up.
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come on out, do you want to run for congress? come on up. then we have bill wright. but if you actually be ready for something. a very good friend of mine who is very powerful. come on up here.
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steve stepanov,,. a natural born politician, somebody who has done really well. in the last election, none of the machines work. the machines weren't working, cory. the republicans went up to vote and they said this is just the way it goes. she is a great person. she will be a u.s. senator very soon. and my son, don, did he do a good job today? i just want to thank you.
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>> this man works so hard and i think we will know by tomorrow evening but i think it will pay off. i am hearing record type numbers. >> what will be due tomorrow? and who will we vote for? >> trump. >> you better believe it. your parents, your friends, your coworkers, i want every single one of them at the polls in record numbers: four donald j trump. -- voting for donald j trump. quick thank you very much. thank you. those are great people.
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i was also honored. she is back. thank you very much. thank you very much. that is beautiful. i was also honored. could you come up? jerry?
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>> this was the war on cops. the worst time for a professional police officer in history of law enforcement. alexandra became the law enforcement president and we had four great years with him. we are proud -- they are proud to stand with the law and order president, donald j trump. >> what a group of great people.
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we are respecting our police, our law enforcement. we will give them indemnification. when they get a little tougher, -- you have to stop crime in the cities. it is horrible what is happening. today we are very grateful to be endorsed by one of the nation's largest catholic advocacy groups. the fbi is going after catholics. why would any catholic vote for a democrat? any catholic being harassed? i hear stories that are just horrible. why would a catholic voting for
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biden or democrat? what they are doing is horrible. crooked joe biden and his band of lunatics. we will have our four greatest years in the history of our country. i don't know if you noticed when we won iowa in this last week. there was this little accident that happened in asia. china crashed. their stock market crashed. we want everybody to do well. the democrats would say that is just a coincidence. they would come out with those record numbers -- the next trump economic boom will begin on 2024. the stock market is doing good.
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everyone thinks we are going to get elected. that is why they are doing it. these are very smart investors. you are going to see some bad numbers. every summer you see this post, the stock market goes crazy. i just wanted to congratulate all you investors but you better hope that i went because otherwise you will be in 1929 territory and we will bring america together through success. we will bring the country together through success. success will be the way it happens. that was happening until covid came in a couple of years ago.
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2.5 years and even after, he look at the numbers, we had the greatest numbers in history for those four years. but until covid came in, nobody has ever seen anything like it. better than any country at any time ever. people were coming up to me. women, everybody, asian americans -- hispanic americans are doing a liberal, african-americans -- everybody was doing, people were talking about the success and they're asking if we can ever bring our
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country together, i said yes, we can with success. we will be bringing our country together like you would not believe it. i was so surprised. i was getting calls from people you would not suspect. everybody got a piece of that action and it was a beautiful thing to see. we had gas prices with no inflation. inflation is called a country buster. it breaks their countries. together we ended after disaster. we will replace it with a brand-new usmca. the best single trade deal ever made in our country. we know it is good because mexico and canada are trying to renegotiate the deal. you should not do that because we had to suffer with nafta for years. i took on communist china like no administration in history, bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars pouring right into her treasury when no other president had gotten even $.10
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out of china. nobody even tried. i give $20 billion directly to the farmers and in your case, we give it to the new england lobster fishermen. you know biden wants to put a cincy on fishermen. i hear $700 a day and i know nothing about fishing. that is a lot of fish. when joe biden took office, he immediately canceled the keystone pipeline. they launched the green new scam. did you see that they left?
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and then they laugh at him as he is walking out. they don't do anything. with the wind it just happens that way. it blows right over the middle of the country and up the west coast. their garbage goes right down the pacific right along los angeles. we end up picking up their garbage, how stupid are we? but it is triggering runaway inflation and sending the cost of energy right through the roof. remember i said this, you have the highest cost of energy of any state in the union. we will cut your costs within one year down to half. i have a friend who will keep me do that because there is no reason new hampshire should be paying the higher, including in new england, higher than any other state. if we don't win this election, biden will stop all the drilling and things we got started, and prices will go up like you won't
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believe. the only way they will win in my opinion is if they cheat, because i don't believe there is anyway. you look at these crowds, all over the building we have people. and then outside we have hundreds of people that can't get in. this was supposed to be a little, quick stop. it's crazy. already, biden's blocking approval for new facilities to export american natural gas. he doesn't want them to build it. at a time when we're sitting on trillions of dollars of wealth. i call it liquid gold. that could help us pay off that debt. we have $5 trillion in debt. i gave you the biggest tax break. we got the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. bigger than the reagan tax cut. and protect the security of ourselves and our allies. biden wants to turn up the spigot. he just doesn't want it to happen. i don't know if it is him. i'm not sure he has any idea what the hell is going on.
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the guy can't put two sentences together. i never spoke to him about this. it it is very derogatory what i say because you know what he did? he indicted me. i've been indicted more than al capone. see how tough he is with the big red hat? if al capone ever took you out to dinner and didn't like your smile, he would kill you before morning. and he got indicted less than me. that's not right. these people are crazy. it's weaponization, it's going after your political opponent. nobody has done this in the history of our country. they do it in third world nations, but they don't do it here. i have a feeling maybe it will be the last time because people will see it at the polls. it's amazing, i appreciate it so much because normally you just put your head down. i guess you have to get the hell out. and every week we go up and up.
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somebody said, don't indict him anymore, please, you are going to indict him right into the white house. we don't want to have that. we get treated terribly. unbelievable. that's a two-way street, that can happen to them also. it's a very dangerous precedent they are setting. from day one i will end crooked joe's insane electric vehicle mandate, which has caused the prices of cars to skyrocket. and you know electric vehicles, they don't work so well in the cold, so the people of new hampshire are not exactly thrilled. you ever see all these cars abandoned? they look fine, it gets to a certain temperature, you don't want to be there. while biden is pushing the largest tax hike in american history, i will make the trump tax cuts the biggest ever in history. we will make them permanent. i will once again cut a record number of job killing regulations.
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number one in regular asians in history. we cut more regulations than any president in history. that's why we had such a good economy. it's interesting, i was with business leaders and i asked the whole group of about 20 of them, big companies, which was more important? the tax cuts or the regulation cuts? every single one of them said the regulation cuts were more important. before i arrived at the oval office, shortly after we win the presidency, we are going to win it together, i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled. and when i was commander in chief, iran was a weak, broke, and it was arranged to make a deal. they were weak, broke, and ready to make a deal. then biden came in and surrendered everything. all of the things i did. i told china, if you buy any oil from iran, i told this to practically every country, they are not selling oil.
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now under biden iran is rich, powerful and an instrument of terror spreading bloodshed all over the middle east. you see what's happening. they had no money, now have $200 billion, and they control iraq. another great move. going into iraq. under my leadership we will restore peace through strength. that's all you need. we rebuilt the entire military. we gave about $85 billion, can you imagine? 85 billion dollars they gave to afghanistan. afghanistan, now the taliban, is just about one of the leading sellers of military equipment. they don't need 700,000 rifles, they need 50,000, 20,000 rifles. we gave them 70,000 vehicles, many of them armor plated costing hundreds of thousands of dollars each. but i am the only candidate who can make this promise to you. i will prevent world war iii.
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you are going to have world war iii. that way it's going now, you are going to have world war iii. and we're going to prevent it. i know all the players. i was honored because a very tough man, victor ormonde, have you ever heard of him? he is the prime minister of hungary. and he is a tough man, strong, i respect it. knows everything there is to know about ukraine. he has taken in tremendous numbers of ukrainians. i happen to think he is a good man. the press goes crazy when i say it. you ask him what's the problem. he said, the best single thing you can do about it is get trump to be the president of the united states again. when we had trump, there were no problems. he used a word i don't like using. he said, china feared him, russia feared him. everybody feared him and we had
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no problems and it's absolutely true. we had no problems. now you look, everything is blowing up. it's war. israel would've never been attacked. ukraine would've never been attacked. china would be talking about going into taiwan. they want to do it so badly, they are trying to get it done because they have a weak man as president. and we can't have a weak president. we have a like hell. that's the only thing they are good at. they cheat at elections like nobody has before, maybe third world countries, but i don't think a lot more. but we will not let them cheat in 2024. everybody is watching. they are going to try. because that's their natural instinct. and i will build an iron dome over our country. a state-of-the-art missile defense shield made in the usa. we do it for other countries. we don't do it for ourselves. we need it too. reagan proposes that many years
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ago, star wars, he proposed it many years ago but at that time there was no technology. but we have unbelievable technology. we shoot them down. i've seen summary things, shots he wouldn't believe. they go missile launched. and you hear a bell go. i see this -- it's so incredible. these guys, these geniuses, they are not muscle guys, and they calmly walked to the seat, ding, ding, ding. they only have 17 seconds to figure this whole thing out. okay, missile launch. ping, poom. we don't have it here. help other countries have it. we will have the greatest iron dome. and it's going to be manufactured, a lot of it right here in new hampshire actually. come to think of it. i will also defend our great veterans, and i will tell you, nobody has ever defended -- and
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he's tough, because i have to be careful with him, i might say this, i disagree with you -- but nobody has defended the veterans like i have. thank you very much. and we will be asking congress immediately to build a full-service va hospital in new hampshire. we are going to be pushing this. you are the only state in the union that doesn't have a full-service va hospital. do you know that? so i don't know, that's number three on your governor. you have to get this guy out of here. but we are going to get it built. he will be after me to get it built. he doesn't stop. i can tell you that. and he is a good man too. i will direct and completely overhauled doj to investigate every radical out-of-control prosecutor in america for their illegal racist in reverse
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enforcement of the law. and i'm also going to indemnify all police officers, so that the whole united states, to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime. you know they are not allowed to do anything. they took away their power, and then they get sued, they say you have to hire your own lawyer. can you believe that one? hire your own lawyer doesn't work out too well. we will give them indemnification so they can take care of the crime situation. we will rebuild our cities into beacons of hope and safety and beauty, and better than ever before, our cities are going to help. our great, beautiful cities are crime-written, horrible pl aces. we will be so strong on crime and rebuild our cities. fix up the roads and avenues. we will rebuild our cities better than they have ever been before. and we will be very tough on crime. we will take over the horribly
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run capital of our nation, washington, d.c. is a mess. clean up and rebuild and renovate our capital city so it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime, but rather becomes the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world. we have a capital where people and foreign dignitaries come in and are riding over garbage, and the roads are bad, and the median, you know the median is always falling over, the metal crap. a few days later, it is busted up. this is stuff that is old, broken. the roads are broken and you are writing over garbage, just absolute garbage and beer cans that have been there a long time. you can tell very easily. and these are people coming into this capital, the capital of our country, and you look at the parks they are riddled with tents, homeless are living there. we have to take care of our homeless but you can't let them do that. when i was president, if i saw two tents forming, i said you
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have to get them out fast right away. once you have two, you have 3, 4. they build up so fast. day one i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender is him and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our schools. and i will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask. and something that i can't believe, but i have to say it, because this is where they seem to want to go, the radical left. i will keep men out of women's sports. and as i did better than anybody else, and it's not easy, i will fully uphold the second amendment. this idea for vivek because he is very big into it.
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i said, can you mention this? i love vivek. i love him too now. i didn't love him when he was running, but i like him now. it's amazing the way you can like somebody when you win, right? [laughter] but vivek is really great. he wanted this and i will give him full credit it is very important actually. i will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency. and we will protect innocent life. and we will restore free speech. and i will secure our elections and our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and a thing called voter id. but until then republicans must win. we have to win. if you took the worst 10 presidents, i used to say five, remember? a a few months ago.
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if you took the worst 10 presidents in the history of our country, think of it, the worst 10, and you added them up, they would not have done near the destruction to the u.s. -- to the united states that we love so much -- as joe biden and the biden administration have done. look at what they have done. look at the afghanistan embarrassment, a most embarrassing moment i believe in the history of our country.. look at the border. the border is like a sieve, it's an open wound. what we're allowing to come into our country. they are coming from all over the world. it's not just from the four countries that we know and love, and to be dealt with pretty unsuccessfully. they are coming from africa. two nights ago, they had 20 people from the congo, where you come from? they come from prisons because prisons are being emptied out all over the world and they are coming
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here. not just in south america, that would be bad. in asia. how about china? 28,000 chinese and they are between the ages of 18-25. those are fighting ages. what's that all about? they are coming from the middle east. they are coming from yemen. we are bombing yemen and we have their people coming here. they are all men, very few women, i hate to say that. and they are of fighting age, 18-25, that's called prime time. and they are coming from all over the world. we are like a dumping ground for the rest of the world. we are being run by stupid people or people that hate our country. i'm not sure which. nobody can figure it out. who would want to run on an policy of open borders were anybody can come in? they are emptying jails out. we took out thousands of gang members, ms-13, they say they
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are the toughest gangs of the world. i think they are probably not compared to the gangs coming in now from parts unknown. but we took out thousands and thousands, they are now being let out of jails and coming to our country. any of them have already come in. ■vif the fake news would going o investigate the jails throughout let's say, south america and the rest of the world, he will find that they are getting low, low, low because they are letting their bad prisoners come into the united states of america. and that's really bad for us and it's really unsafe. i was talking to sean hannity today, he said i give it 100% chance, that we will have a bad attack. what do you think? do you think i'm right, i said, you're 100% right. he gives a 100% chance. i said, let's give it a little more than that if we can. if you could, i would, so if you want to save america, then tomorrow you have to do this. we are now in tomorrow.
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we had this tremendous success in iowa. by the way, i kept you first in the nation for primaries. i promised i would. had nothing to do with your governor, i can tell you that. he is too lazy. but tomorrow, tuesday, january 23, you have to do this. you have to go out and vote for trump. we will turn this country around so fast it's going to be a beautiful thing to behold. so in conclusion, and i think this is so powerful and important, we're going to be taking on some of the most menacing forces, and some of the most vicious people and opponents we have ever seen before. but no matter how hateful and corrupt the communists and criminals are that we're fighting against -- constantly fighting against terrible people -- from the inside, not on the outside, you must never forget that this nation does not belong to them. this nation belongs to you. this is your home, your heritage, and american liberty
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is your god-given right. i say this and i love this, and i know your state so well and have some many friends that live here from meredith to manchester, phone plymouth to portsmouth, and from londonderry to laconia, you inherit the legacy of red-blooded new hampshire patriots. you are incredible patriots who live by that very simple, but actually, quite complex statement "live free or die. " we stand on the shoulders of american heroes who crossed the ocean, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up the skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and made america the single greatest nation in the history of the world. >> thank you, sir!
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>> we love you. >> where we go one, we go all! [cheers] >> free the j6ers! fmr pres. trump: but now we're a nation in decline. we're a failing nation. we're a nation that has the highest inflation in 50 years where banks are collapsing and interest rates are skyrocketing. likewise, we are a nation where energy costs have reached the highest levels in our history. we are no longer energy independent or energy dominant.
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as we were just a few short years ago. we are a nation that is begging venezuela and others for oil. please, please, please, says joe biden. yet we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country anywhere in the world. we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will be reducing their own production, while at the same time substantially increasing the price of oil. and we met that threat by announcing we will no longer be drilling for oil in large areas of alaska, or elsewhere on our lands. we are a nation that is consumed by the radical left's green new deal, yet everyone knows that the green new scam is fake, and it will lead to our destruction. we are a nation whose leaders are demanding all electric cars, despite the fact that they don't go far, cost too much, and whose
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batteries are produced in china with materials only available in china. when an unlimited amount of gasoline is available inexpensively in the united states, but not available in china. and now we are a that wants to make a revered, and very powerful army tanks. the best in the world, all-electric, so that despite the fact that they are also not able to go far, fewer pollutants will be released in the air as we blast our way through enemy territory. in an environmentally friendly way. and they also wantur jet fighters with a green stamp of energy approval. they will lose 15% efficiency but allowing us to keep our enemy's atmosphere clean of -- emissions as we attack
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them as we have never seen before. who are these people who weren't ruining our country? we are a nation that has ended oil exploration and production in the united states, just as the price of oil reached an all-time high. what other country would do such a thing, how foolish are we, how stupid are our leaders? we can be energy independent and even energy dominant, yes oh yes, and quickly, says president trump. we will be there very quickly. we are a nation that surre ndered in afghanistan leaving dead soldiers, american citizens and $85 billion of the finest military equipment anywhere in the world. we left it behind. also abandoning bagram, this is one of the biggest, most important military bases anywhere in the world. and only one hour away from china.
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where china makes its nuclear weapons. we left bagram. the best in the world, the biggest, we left it to china. who is occupying it now? is occupying it now. and we are a nation that allowed russia and ukraine to fight, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and it will only get worse. it would never have happened with me as your president. and for four straight years, it didn't happen. likewise, the horrifying attack on israel would never have happened. they wouldn't even have thought of doing such a thing if president trump was on in the oval office. you know it and everyone else knows it. iran was broke under the trump administration. they didn't have the money to fund hamas, or hezbollah, and all other instruments of terror. they gave them so much money. sanctions that i put on were lifted by a corrupt
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biden administration and now iran is a rich country with $200 billion, and another $6 billion for hostages that they just got. and $10 billion for electricity that they sent to iraq, all components of an incompetent biden administration. and china with taiwan is next. we are a nation that allows radical left terrorists to violently attack our cities, leaving behind massive destruction and death, and nothing happens to the criminals that do these horrible things. there is no punishment. but when people who love our country protest on january 6 in washington, they become hostages, unfairly imprisoned for long periods of time. we are a third world nation that has weaponized its law enforcement against the opposing political party like never before. we have got a federal bureau of investigation let mode allow bad election changing facts to be
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presented to the public. and which offers $1 million to a writer of fiction about donald trump to lie and say it was fact where hunter biden's laptop from hell was russian disinformation. and of the fbi knew it wasn't, but 51 intelligence agents said it was. and the department of justice that refuses to investigate egregious acts of voting irregularities and fraud. we have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired. in no condition to lead. and is now in charge of dealing with russia, china, and possible nuclear war, and he has no idea what he is doing. we could lead to world war iii and far more devastating than any war. this will be a war like no other because the weaponry is so powerful.
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powerful beyond description. powerful beyond words. we are a nation that no longer has a free press. fake news is all you get. they are indeed the enemy of the people. they refused to discuss the biden crime family, but enjoy covering the false indictments of donald j. trump, who has done nothing wrong except win an election that he wasn't expected to win. we are a nation where free speech is null and are allowed and where crime is rampant and out of control like never before. we are a nation that is allowing iran to build a massive nuclear weapon, and china to use the trillions and trillions of dollars it has taken from us to build a military to rival our own. less than three years ago we had iran, china, russia, north korea in check. they respected us, they were afraid of us. they weren't going to do a fang against us and everyone knows it.
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now russia and china are holding summits to carveout the world. perhaps most important, we are a nation that is no longer admired, respected, or listened to on the world's stage. we're not respected any longer. we are a nation that in many ways has become a joke. and we are a nation that is hostile to liberty, faith and even to god. we are a nation whose economy is collapsing into a cesspool of rain. who is a supply chain is broken, whose stores are not stocked. and whose educational system is ranked at the very bottom of every single list. we are a nation that just sold a once great company, united states steel, to japan where a nation whose stock market's
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success is contingent on maga winning the next election. we are a nation were criminals and thieves are allowed to go into stores and openly rob them. beat up and kill their workers and customers, and leave with armloads of goods, but with no retribution. where the authority of our great police has been taken. where their families and pensions have been threatened and their lives have been destroyed for the mere mention of the words law enforcement. we are a nation where fentanyl and other forms of illegal drugs are easier to get them groceries to feed our beautiful families. we have become a drug infested, crime ridden nation which is incapable of solving even the smallest problems. the simplest of problems, we can no longer solve, we can't do anything. we are an institute and a
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powerful death penalty. we will put this on. we have to bring in the death penalty if we want to stop the infestation of drugs coming into our country. the only countries that don't have a drug problem are those with the death penalty. a terrible thing to say. each dealer is responsible for the death during their lives of 500 people or more. we must institute the death penalty. it's actually an act of kindness. mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hopelessly dying in their arms screaming "what can i do? my child is dying. " our once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess. you sit and wait for hours and are notified that the plane won't leave. they have no idea when they will. where ticket prices have tripled. they don't have the pilots to fly the planes, they don't seek qualified air-traffic
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controllers, and they just don't know what the hell they are doing. we are a nation that screens its citizens viciously at all ports, but if you are an illegal alien, you are allowed to flow through our country with no check whatsoever. we are a nation that has lost its confidence, lost its willpower. and lost its strength. we are a nation that has quite simply lost its way. but we are not going to allow this horror to continue. three years ago, we were a great nation, and we will soon be a great nation again. it was hard working patriots like you who built this country. and it's hard working patriots like you who are going to save our country. we will fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle. with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. we will expel the warmongers.
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just amount of our government. we have to get them out of our government. we will get rid of the globalists. we will cast out the communists, marxists and fascists. we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. we will rout the fake news media and we will drain the swamp. we will liberate our country from these tyrants and villains once and for all. they are destroying our country. like those patriots before us, we will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield. we will never give in. we will never give up. and we will never, ever back down. with your support, we will go on to victories the likes of which no one has ever seen before. we will evict crooked joe biden from the white house and we will take back our country on election day 2024.
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[cheers and applause] fmr. pres. trump: the great silent majority is rising like never before. under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer. we are one movement, the greatest movement in the history of our country. one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. and together, we will make america powerful again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you, new hampshire, god bless you all! thank you, go out and vote.
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thank you. [applause] ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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