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  Campaign 2024 Donald Trump Caucus Night Remarks  CSPAN  January 16, 2024 6:31am-7:01am EST

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♪ god bless the usa ♪
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♪ from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee ♪ across the plains from sea to shining sea ♪ from detroit down to houston ♪ and new york to l.a. ♪ there is pride in every american heart and it is time we stand and say ♪ that i am proud to be an american ♪ where at least i know i'm free ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today ♪ because there ain't no doubt, i love this land ♪ god bless the usa ♪
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and i'm proud to be an american ♪ where at least i know i'm free ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ and i gladly stand up next to you ♪ and defend her still today ♪ because there ain't no doubt, i love this land ♪ god bless the usa ♪ caller: -- the usa ♪ frmr. pres. trump:
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i want to thank the great people of iowa. thank you. what a turnout, what a crowd. this is time now for everybody, our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it is republican or democrat or liberal or conservative, it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world, straighten out the problems, straighten out all of the death and destruction we are witnessing, it has practically never been like this. it is so important. i want to make that a big part of our message. we are going to come together. it is going to happen soon, too. [applause] fmr. pres. trump: i want to think some of the great people. we have so many senators. everybody is going to get angry at me, but the senators, the congressmen from washington that
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came down from all different states. i want to thank you very much. i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having a good time together, we are all having a good time together. i think they both actually did very well. i really do. we do not even know what the outcome of second place is. congratulations, carrie. she is terrific. great senator. going to be a great senator. i also want to congratulate vivek because he did a helluva job. he came from zero and he has a big percent, almost 8%. that is an amazing job. they are all very smart people, very capable people. most importantly i want to thank my incredible wife, the first
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lady, i will say former and maybe future. [applause] but more important than malani a -- van melania, i want to thank mother who passed away a few days ago, she is up there and she is so proud of us. i want to say you are one of the most special people have ever known. that was a tough period of time for the family. but she was amazing. i just want to thank what she has done for our family. and her husband who is home right now. he is a lonely man but he's going to be ok, victor. great parents to all of us really. but also to barren. -- to baron. that is how he got so tall. i want to thank my family generally. they work so hard and have taken
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so much abuse for being good people. eric and don. [applause] they have been working so hard. they have another job also. they have to do it all. but they have been working so hard. i know that ivanka is home watching. and i know that baron is watching. good old baron. they said he's going to be a basketball player. but i like soccer. at your height i like basketball better but sometimes you cannot talk them into everything. he's a special boy, the whole family is incredible. my sister elizabeth is just the biggest fan, just an incredible person and always supportive. we love elizabeth so much. also we have a woman who took a big chance. in most states we have the
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support of everybody, we had marco rubio, rick scott the other day. probably 55% of the senators. now they are all calling and saying we want to endorse you. i said, great. same thing with the congress men and women. we have tremendous, more than anybody has ever had in this position. and they are great. they are trying to do a good job for our country. one woman in iowa who really stepped up was your attorney general. [applause] she really stepped up. where is she? >> thank you. thank you. we need you. fmr. pres. trump: she stepped up. she is going to be your governor some i predict. we will be watching. she broke away from the pack and she had tremendous courage and
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it was not easy. some states it is easy and other states it is more difficult. we have the support of the people of iowa which has been incredible. another man who was actually the first person to endorse me in the entire country, he is a state senator. his name is brad's on -- brad zahn. the most handsome guy. you made it. he had to drive from his caucus location. i call him the marlboro man. do you want to say something? come on. say>> i had to do a tv interview ragging about you and the reason why i am late is because of that. i am honored to be the first person in the united states to endorse this guy. the next president, the 47th
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president of the united states, donald j. trump. [applause] fmr. pres. trump: when he says indoors, we are really talking 2015. he endorsed me long before i knew i would run. who is this man in iowa, a state senator, good-looking guy. i give him a lot of money. mr. chairman, thank you for being here, so great. comes all the way from missouri. you cannot drive an electric car that far. the people we have on stage is emblematic of the tremendous group we have had. we have had such a great team. we did well, were looking good in 2016.
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to go back to the senator, who is that guy, brad? he keeps endorsing me and i did not even know i was running. he endorsed me four months before the escalade rdi -- ride down with our great first lady. we have people so incredible. your republican party chairman bobby kaufman and his son who is a brilliant guy, and he worked with us. that is a family of real professionals. matt whitaker, who is a very talented and good attorney general. he is around here someplace. he has been with us all the way. we have a man that is very impressive. nothing wrong with it. he is so solid and good he did not catch on. sometimes being controversial is good.
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he is so perfect, though he did break his leg during the campaign. that is not so good. doug burgum from north dakota, the governor and his beautiful white -- his beautiful wife catherine. he got out of the race. he actually supported me on the others twice. he was outstanding. the traction is never easy. you need controversy for traction. this is the most solid guy, no controversy whatsoever. he is one of the best governors in our country. i hope i can call on him to be an important piece of the administration. [applause] also to conclude, with this the entire trump team, that includes my two boys who were here all the time whenever we needed
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them, whenever we needed them. eric an d -- and don. look at all these people, susie and chris. they want no accolades. they just want a victory and to make america great again. they do not want to be speaking or have pictures, they just want to do their job. i want to thank you very much, jason, everybody. what a fantastic job you have done. to come together we will drill, baby drill, right away. [applause] we will seal up the border. [applause] because right now we have an invasion of millions and millions of people coming into our country. i can't imagine why they think that is a good thing. probably a group of people
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larger in number than new york state. we can't have that, it is not sustainable as a country, it is horrible. they are coming from prisons and jails, from all over. from countries most people have never heard of. and from mental institutions and insane asylums, being emptied out into our country. many terrorists are coming in. in 2019 -- i just saw a recently on a poll, they had no terrorists. there had to be some, but they had none. as soon as this group took over they have hundreds and hundreds of terrorists coming, some of them really bad. many of them came in and nobody knows where they are. this is not a good thing. we have to have a deportation level that we have not seen in this country in a long time,
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since dwight eisenhower, actually. [applause] i don't want to be overly rough on the president, but i have to say that he is the worst president we have had in the history of our country. he is destroying our country. my wife attended the funeral two months ago of rosalynn carter and it was beautiful and jimmy carter was there. i thought to myself, jimmy is happy now because he will go down as being a brilliant president by comparison to joe biden. he will be a brilliant president. he will be known as brilliant by comparison. we have to stop the invasion. we have to bring down our energy. we have more liquid gold under our feet than any nation in the world and we have to stop the
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crime and rebuild our cities and rebuild the capitol. i was there at one of the biden indictment trials. i go to a lot of court houses because of biden because they are using that for election interference. on things like election. i don't know if you know, but they did polls tonight on the election of 2020. do you believe it was honest or not? 82% said it was not. we can't have that. we can't have a situation like that. we are going to straighten out our elections. we will try to go to paper ballots as soon as possible. voter id. one day. we have elections that last 62 days and if you need more time, take as much as you happen.
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we have to get rid of mail-in ballots. once you have mail-in ballots you have crooked elections. jimmy carter said that a while ago. we have the greatest economy in the history of our country. there was never a greater economy, and now we don't. when you look at what happened with inflation, inflation is destroying, they call it a country killer. going back hundreds of years, germany. countries that had big inflation are dead. they become dead countries. we have to stop that immediately. we want peace through strength. russia would have never attacked ukraine. putin and i get along fine. that is a good thing, not a bad thing. the fake news -- if the fake news would become real and honest news, 90% of our problems in this country would be solved. [applause]
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so, russia would have never attacked. israel would have never been attacked. the ukraine situation is so horrible. the israeli situation is so horrible, what happened. we are going to get them solved, solved very fast. i said ukraine. i know president putin well, i know president zelenskyy well. we will get it solved quickly. should have never happened, would have never happened. now you have all that death. the numbers are far greater than anyone would think possible. you will find that out in years to come. when they knocked down massive buildings in ukraine and they announced two people were slightly wounded, no, many people were killed. we will get it stopped. it is so sad because it never should have started. people killed and a culture destroyed.
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you can never replace thousand year old buildings with beautiful golden domes and churches, all rubble now. so sad, would have never happened. likewise israel would have never been attacked. it comes from iran. we would have had a deal with iran quickly because we got more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country but said we lost by a whisker. regardless of the, -- that, we are going to do incredible things. we will not let china do what they want to do. i get along great with him also, president xi. he is a strong leader. we will get things solved. the ukraine war solved, the israeli situation solved. if you think back to that, iran,
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i said every country, anybody does business with iran, buys oil from iran, we will not let you do business in the united states. that is the way it is. did very little business, nobody wanted to do that, it is a big penalty. what happened is, they had no money to give to hamas and hezbollah. in fact, there were a lot of stories, they had no money for terror. for four years we had no terror. we had the terror ban, the trump ban, we do not want people in our country that will blow up our shopping centers, thank you very much. we want to country of law and order, so we will rebuild the capitol, washington, d.c. we will scrub those beautiful marble columns and get the swastikas off of them and the
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graffiti off of them and we will clean and rebuild the streets. and we will not have rested medians falling down into the roads where foreign dignitaries from all over the world come and look. we will not be riding on top of garbage. we will rebuild our beautiful washington, d.c. and take control of it and make unbelievably harsh penalties for people who go around shooting. last week they shot three people and every night something happens. it is so sad. likewise we will rebuild our cities and work with democrats. i will be glad to work with the people in new york, chicago, lay -- l.a. we will rebuild our cities, keep them safe, give our police officers immunity so any time they do something they do not get sued and stopped.
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end crime in our cities. in iowa, you do not know what that means, this is a different place. you do not know about crimes, getting mugged and whacked, thrown into subways. we are going to stop it and come down very hard on criminals and stop crime in america. i want to finish by saying, this has bending -- this has been an incredible experience. this is the biggest one. they said if you win by 12%, that is a big win, that will be hard to do. we more than doubled, tripled that, i guess. they said, you'll never get over 50%. i just left and we were at 54%. you can't do that, sir. what is the highest? you could get into the 40's.
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i look up. it is interesting, i did not know they called it early. i thought they called it at 10:00. this gentleman is dressed like a wall. i love this guy. he has been out 150 rallies probably. he has the most beautiful outfit i have ever seen, it is all beautiful brick. would you come up here? just come up. [applause] it is so nice to see. come on appear. -- up here. he is emblematic. we built over 500 miles of wall and were going to tilde another 200, more than we promised, and we had the safest border in the history of our country. now we have the worst border in the history of the world. nice to see you. you take care of yourself. i love that outfit. i love them. -- him.
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that is a hot selling jacket, by the way. that represents what we did. we got mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers free and we remain in mexico and had catch and release in mexico. the safest border in our history, the greatest economy in our history. a great nation three years ago and now we are a nation in decline. we are going to turn it around so fast, we will drill, have great wealth, use that money to lower your taxes further. we gave you the biggest tax cut in history, and we are going to lower them further and payoff national debt. it is about time. it is now off to new hampshire, a great lace. we won it last time, both times.
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we love it, the people are great. the truth is, the people in our country are great, they are all great. we love iowa, but they are all great. they only want to see one thing. they want our country to come back. they are embarrassed by what is going on. our country is left at all over the world. they want our country to come back. they want us to be great again. it is simple, maga, make america great again. and america first is a very important part. we are going to put america first, make america great again. iowa, we love you. go out and buy larger tractors, don't worry about it. to all of the people standing behind me and all the people in
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this room, so many great politicians and dignitaries, and friends, thank you. this is a special night. this is a first because the big night will be in november when we take back our country and truly make our country great again. thank you, great honor. thank you very much. [applause] ♪ >> ♪ i'm comin'
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if you get cold i'll be your cover i'm here
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host: it is the washington journal on january 16. mr. trump won the iowa