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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. President Trump Holds Rally in Indianola IA  CSPAN  January 14, 2024 1:10pm-2:57pm EST

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í( name of the person they support, hand them into the front and those reports will be sent into the party. and then the party reports to the media. the democrats have changed it. many people have spent years to try to master and in person presidential poll. none of that is happening this year. instead, they will meet simply to do party business in the presidential preference poll has been separated from that meeting. they are doing a mail in poll where they can request a preference card be mailed to them. they can indicate whichever candidate they support. i don't think anyone will be surprised that joe biden will be
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the winner of thought. those results will be reported out on march 5 which is super tuesday. a little bit different this year, democrats >> we take you live now to indianola, iowa. ♪ >> you are watching live coverage here on c-span. >> ♪ god bless the usa ♪ [crowd cheering]
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>> ♪ from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. where's pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free
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and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. ♪ ♪ [crowd chanting "usa"] mr. trump: a lot of people here. if this is any indication, the storm has had zero effect. tremendous. you are party people. we like party people.
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hello, iowa. one day from now, we are going to win. iowa's first in the nation caucus. tomorrow, january 15, i need each and every one of you to get out, everybody get out and vote. plus 10 or plus two or plus 20, and bring them all back because we have to set the stage for november. we have the most corrupt, most incompetent president in the history of our country, destroying our country. we have to get it done quickly. we had to set the stage and it really begins tomorrow at 7:00. the caucuses start sharp but if you can be there at 6:30, that you have to be there by 7:00 so get there a little bit early. it was cold out today, too.
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people outside that can get in. would anybody like to give of their place and let them in? he is such a nice man. by the way, it is all inside. everything is inside. it is all indoors. you won't have to worry about that. caucus will be filled with a lot of great people. if you are single, you will probably meet your future husband. you will say hello to a lot of people you have not seen in a while. when that doesn't work, not too good. right? it's a mess. they deserted iowa. they deserted you. they decided to go a different way, which is crazy. very important.
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he felt just the history of iowa, right, the history of iowa was very important. i made the commitment and we kept you first in the nation. as long as i have anything to say about it and we have a good chance of staying for four years -- we have a lot to say. for more years in office. go out and save america because that is what you are doing. this is about saving our country. remember, your clock's location is often differe from where you normally vote so you can find all the information you need at ia.donaldjtrump we are going to defeat crooked biden. we are going to make america great again. since 2016, you and i have been in this battle side-by-side
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together and we have been taking on the entire corrupt system in washington like no one has ever done before. i had no idea it was this corrupt. it's really bad. this is the man right there. we did a lot of things. getting rid of comey was a great thing. lucky we did. we might not be standing here right now. some bad plans but that did not work out too well for them and now look at us. we are leading in the polls by a lot. not just this poll. we are leading nationally and what just came out, we are at 71-9-11. fake news, they go she went from eight to 11. i went from 66 to 71 and desantis went down two so she overtook him i one at 11 and the story is haley surges --
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overtook him by one. the story is haley surges. haley surges. at the beginning, they have been throwing everything at us, really just a system of high-energy scheming. it's witchhunts, its allies, and horrendous abuses. -- it's lies and horrendous abuses. we have so much time. there is still a football game if anybody wants to watch. it's not that we got a lot of time today. should we do the long version or the short version? should we do that? it is so appropriate. it is so appropriate. what is happening to our
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country, but abuses of power from russia, russia, russia. remember that con job? ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, to defund the police, to the election rigging scam like our country has never seen before. we did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016, more votes than any sitting president in history. buyer will scare, a little whisker. they are at war with us. we have to fight. you have to stay there all night and watch it. nothing is shipped in. it's not going to be like -- covid was a bad thing in so many ways but they used covid cheat. they cheat anyway but they used covid to really cheat. right up until trying to jail
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their number one political opponent, me. my parents never had this in mind for me. they are looking down and going, my son has been indicted four times? they did not know what the word indictment means. i got indicted more than the late great gangster, al capone, scarface. he kills people. if he went to dinner, even with the guy like dan -- you don't get tougher than dan. the greatest in the history of our country. if you want to work and had dinner and did not like that, by the morning, -- al capone was indicted one time. i have been indicted four times because i said the election was rigged and i was right.
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you ever notice that people who rigged the election, they go after the people who question the integrity of the election. nobody got indicted for spying on my campaign. nobody got indicted for rigging the election, just for lookingw. i have never seen spirit like i have. they said if they did not use -- they call it weaponization. you use the justice department. you think this is fun, actually? you think it is fun? are getting our point across because we have a crooked country in so many different ways, so dishonest. we need borders. everything else can straighten itself out but we have to have strong borders and we have to have fair and free elections and we don't have -- or we don't have a country. they have a chances for the
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ultimate victory over all of the liars, cheaters, thugs, perverts, freaks, and other not nice people. that is a mouthful. but some of them are wonderful people. some of them are not. some of them are ok. the washington swamp has done everything in its power to take away your voice but tomorrow is your time to turn on them and say and speak your mind and to vote and we are going to take this country back. we are going to make a greater than ever before. the entire world will be listening to you and i believe that iowa is going to speak loud and clear. you are first in the nation for a reason. somebody a long time ago said this is why we want you to be first in the nation and maybe
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you are a little bit different than other places but you said something -- there was something in their minds when they did it a long time ago. when i think of your state, i think of two things. i think of farmers. nobody took better care of farmers then trump, nobody. and i think about politics. it is an honor to have kept you there. you are going to send a message straight to crooked joe biden. his radical henchmen, his weaponized doj, and his protectors in the fake news media. look at them back there. there's a lot of them. it's funny. they hate me so much but they also up. a thing called ratings. we did a town hall and i guess it and about -- the debate had 2.5 million people. they said why didn't you do the
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debates? now, they say it's good. great billy long -- all the people who have been through so much, have been through the border situation, just giving it away, selling off your jobs, indoctrinating your children and trampling your values. no matter how hard they try, it doesn't make any difference. weil we will never surrender and in the end, we are going to win, win, win. we are going to win. under crooked joe biden, our country is dying. our country is really in a position it has never been. it has never been in this dangerous of a position. we have a chance of being in world war iii with weapons the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. i have seen them because i have seen what they can do and this is obliteration.
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this would not be two army tanks running back and forth, this is obliteration. and we have a man who cannot put two sentences together. his speeches are very short, not like our to our beauties. they wanted the long version. remember that. front row joe. you did not get the front row today. follow me everywhere. we love him. how does it feel? still pretty good. thank you. it's a great honor. they follow me all over the place. got to be pretty rich people in all fairness. they go all over, doesn't matter. i stand before you today as the only candidate who is up to the task of saving america from every single by then disaster, starting on day one. all he had to do was go to the
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beach like he always does and leave everything alone. it was just announced that last month, inflation surged dramatically again, slicing into family budgets and further getting our middle class. the highest inflation may be ever but they say in 80 years. i think ever. energy is up 50% from what it was three years ago. people that rent apartments, rent homes, up 40%. mortgage rates are from 2% to about 9% and there's another problem. you cannot get the money. food prices are up 42%. i don't know what is going on with bacon. i just had bacon this morning, the best bacon i ever had. do me a favor. i want you to -- you see it in new york. that bacon is so fat with a tiny string of something in there.
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we are in iowa. bacon is like four times higher. the only people getting rich right now are joe biden's donors and nikki haley's donors. i know her very well. remember, i will never -- never. never. he is a great president, the greatest president in my lifetime. that's not that good. he what, 54? i will never run against him, ever. she said this for years and then she calls a news conference. ladies and gentlemen, i decided to run for president. i said that is not so surprising. she cannot help herself. i understand her better than anybody. by the way, she is not up to the job. i can tell you. i don't want to be mean.
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if i said that about a man, everybody would say, what a great statement. i know him very well. i got him elected. he forgot about that. he forgot he was dead. he forgot that he came to me, tears in his eyes, begging for an endorsement and i endorsed him because he thought the russia, russia, russia impeachment hoax, number one and number 2, 2 hoaxes. they were both hoaxes. jim jordan was the best of all. jim never asked me for anything. he doesn't mean anything. he is leading in history strict by 97% -- in his district by 97%. he never has anybody running against him so i give it to ron. ron was down by impossible odds. the election was taken place
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very soon come in three or four days. the nominating process was just about finished. he was the secretary of agriculture, running for governor for eight years. eight years as the secretary. he raised $41 million so he was at 42 enron was around three. he came to me and i did not know adam putnam. there would have endorsed him. it was fine but he never called me. ron came over to see me and begged me for the endorsement. i give it to him. it was like a weapon went off. i hate to use the term nuclear weapon, so i won't use■ that, o? too close to that stuff. it is brought up all the time. it was like a weapon went off, a rocketship went up, and he ended up winning three or four days later in a landslide.
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he is still saying what happened? what happened? he was already measuring for carpets at the statehouse. and then we had to get ron through a very highly credible candidate at the time. you remember the democrats, right? he was going to be within the next 15 years, he was going to be a president of the united states. it was him and stacey abrams. they were the two hottest politicians in the democratic party. pendulum, good-looking guy. everything was perfect. [heckler ] mr. trump: that's all right. [crowd booing]
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host: -- mr. trump: thank you very much. amazing. that used to happen all of the time and i do not think it has happened in three years and she is so young, so young. thank you very much. >> [chanting "criminal conduct"]
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mr. trump: thank you. [crowd chanting "usa"] mr. trump: thank you. that's why we have america. they are fighting oil. they basically said, let's close up our country because if you notice, china is right now building actually every week a coal-fired plant and these people are fighting and you'll end up with a country that will not be able to compete if you listen to them. but they will grow up -- there
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they will get older and understand it is very important what we are doing. we are really the party of common sense. people say, are you conservative? yes, we are conservative and did a lot of conservative things. we are the party of common sense. we want our borders. but anyway, so just to finish, i endorsed him and he went like a rocketship and i did rallies for him, a couple of rallies with tremendous, tremendous rallies and he still felt he was not going to win and he ended up winning by two points and in the end, the guy turned out to be a disaster. four years later, they said to him, will you rub against the president? he said, i have no comment. i have no comment. i got him in. i got him elected. he was down by 30 points for the nomination and he will
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definitely lose to the new star. turned out not to be a star. when i did that, there is something about the lack of loyalty and politics. mickey also but to a much lesser extent. i gave her the position but i give it to her much more so because i wanted henry mcmaster, who was the lieutenant governor to be the governor of south carolina, and he has been a great governor. great governor. he has done a great job. nikki haley did a great job but she is not right to be president. i know her very well. the wrong thought process, the wrong policy, and honestly, she is not tough enough. these are tough people. we are dealing with the toughest people in the world, with people that are on their game at a level that you have never seen. president she of china, putin. putin would have never got into ukraine. if that election was not rigged, not even a chance.
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the apple of his i and you can take a look at north korea. kim jong-un, very smart, very tough, but he liked me and i got along really well with him and we were safe. we were going to have a war with them and they have a massive nuclear stockpile, possibly as big as anybody so we did a great job, but ron showed tremendous disloyalty. i wanted to think of a name for him and i just sort of said he is a sanctimonious guy. i said ron desanctimonious. sometimes, they grow on you positively or negatively but he said -- and then people said, so you are hitting him very hard. i don't care shed. why? he's a republican. i don't care that he's a republican. what difference does it make? he says he has no comment.
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they say they have no comment. you know what that means? that means they are going to run so we hit him very hard and by the time he announced, he was over. he was over by the time he announced. it's never too early. anyway, so he's not doing well. it looks like he is in fifth place or sixth place in new hampshire. we are doing really well in new hampshire, by the way, really well. really doing well. and then we go to nevada. we just had a poll out where 89% in nevada and then we go to nikki haley's estate, south carolina, where the governor endorsed me, lindsay, and everybody. everybody has endorsed me almost and we are leading by 40 points or 50 points which is pretty tough to do. and then we eventually get to florida. we love florida. we are leaving with ron on the 89 and he is at 11.
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that is a big difference. we saw that i was slightly ahead. people don't know, in florida, i got more opponents by 1.5 million that he did. they focused on his great victory but he only had that victory because of me but i got 1.5 million more votes than him but they did a poll and he is not even a factor so he has really hurt himself. if he were a loyal person, if he would have waited for years -- he is a young guy. i don't think anybody walks in -- he still have to show some semblance of personality. you have to do some things right so it's never a walk in but let's assume he would have gotten my endorsement, that he would've been loyal and everything else. the lack of loyalty -- a lot of people said one-on-one after these two people and a couple of others, sir, very highly paid professionals, he said, sir, people don't care about loyalty and politics. i said, i think they do. and when i explained -- when i
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explained about loyalty, as an example -- excuse me, mr. governor. think of it. first in the nation. i give her everything, but she was just like terry mcmaster. isaac terry brennan said out and made him ambassador to china and because of me, she became governor. typically, when that happens, when you are appointed governor or senator, you don't do well in the next election. very rarely do you win. when you get appointed, very rarely do you win. she was losing by 10 points. i ended up doing to rallies and giving her an endorsement. all they said as he is a rich, very good-looking farmer. those are good credentials trial, right? rich, good-looking farmer. he was going to win and i came in and i saved her but then i gave her -- i give her
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everything. i figured, you know, again, i don't do quid pro quo. but when i came and i announced him i said, by the way, are you going to be endorsing? sure, i would rather remain neutral. i said, wow. you would remain neutral. i gave you the position. not that one has to do with the other but i give you that position. yes, sir. i have to protect, first in the nation, but i gave you first in the nation, and then she said, well, you have to understand, i am the governor and i want to be able to travel with each and every candidate that is running against you and i want to campaign with you. i said, you mean you would campaign with other candidates? yes, sir. i don't want to ever see you on my campaign again. that was it. i don't blame her for picking somebody but here's the thing i am most proud of. she went from the most popular governor in the united states,
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in two weeks, to the least popular governor, the least popular governor in the united states. i thought it was really disloyal. i just don't understand it. it happens in politics. what? thank you very much. that is so cute. warmongers, wall street, millionaires, and billionaires, who claim to destroy the maga movement. maga is taking over. it represents 44% -- no, it represents 95% of the republican party. [applause] mr. trump: is an amazing thing.
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joe biden is so angry, we are going to fight maga. and i say, what does maga mean? he has no idea. it means make america great again. probably the greatest race in the history of politics. i almost changed it to keep america great. there will never be anything like maga. and then after he ran the country, i cannot use kag because america right now is not a great country. i'm working for you. i'm working for you and she is working for a lot of other people. people who don't necessarily love our country so much. you will find out a lot about her in the next short period of time but she is starting to fade as people find out as she has
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some really bad money behind her. democrats financing her in new hampshire, koch who is a terrible globalist. he's fighting her. the best years he has ever had under the trump administration. charles koch had a statement. david can hope was a friend of mine -- david coke was a friend of mine. if i had a broken leg -- the worst interview i have ever seen. under the trump administration, you are better off, your family was better off, your communities were better off, and our country was better off. we were never stronger than we were just three years ago. america was stronger, richer, safer, and more confident than ever before when i sat behind the oval desk and beautiful oval office. you know, when you become president, they give you a
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choice of seven different tasks. they are all beautiful but the resolute is the resolute. it is the beauty. ronald reagan, a lot of great people. as president, i give you the largest tax cuts in history and virtually eliminated the estate tax to protect your family farms. i don't know if you know that. if you love your children -- i always say this -- if you love your children, you have to vote for trump. if you don't love your children, then don't give it to them. does anybody in this room not love their children? who? who? i know you love your children. you love your children. i have never seen a hand go up and then everybody has to vote for them maybe because i give you tax cuts. you know what was farm and the kids -- the government comes along and they put a value on it
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and you have to go and borrow money and within three or four years, you end up losing the farm because it is a great value business. valuable, beautiful farm and what it stands for with a beautiful life but you would leave it and lose it and foreclosures to the banks and we took that out. small businesses. i think it is great. now, we have to defend our tax cuts from joe biden. terminate the tax cuts given to me by you and that includes the estate tax. we call it a death tax. cut taxes for families and farmers even while we have a substantial positive hit coming. i had to tell you about when i did the tax cuts, they were the largest ever in the history of our country, bigger than reagan's tax cuts years before. he did the biggest up until
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then. everybody said the income -- we ended up taking an almost 100% more income and we created the strongest economy in history so with smaller taxes, people are doing much more business and they're taking them to the treasury. more money. it's amazing. starting on my first day back to the oval office, i will end joe biden's inflation nightmare, rescue our economy and do one thing that will work ugly and fast, drill, baby. drill. also on day one, i will shut down the invasion of our country.
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three years ago, we had the most secure border in u.s. history by far. we built 561 miles of border wall. there is a nail from a wall that was their 75 years ago. there is a two by four that is rotted out, laying underground someplace. they say that is not a border wall. that is a renovation. it was not a renovation. little areas, we had deadwood rotting on the ground for 40 years. we built over 500 -- much more than i said i was going to do, and we had an additional 200 miles that we were getting ready to put out. we could have done in three weeks. he could have done it and they decided not to do it and it was a terrible thing because our border is a mess but he actually wanted open borders. how is the amazing thing. we got mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers free of charge. i said i'm going to charge
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mexico for the wall. this is much more expensive. there was no legal mechanism that mexico could give us money to build a wall for us but there was a legal precedent for them giving us soldiers so i went to the president and said you are going to have to give us a lot of soldiers. why? because they are coming through your country and they are hurting us very badly. no, i won't do that. i liked him a lot. he said, but would you speak to my representatives? they came to washington, a delegation. based on the. the state department was heading it. if very good woman b a lousy negotiator. she worked in mexico for 25 years and she said they will never give you that. we have been trying to get that for 25 years. i said i, i will get it. 100%. what else do you want? we got dawn in central casting. he was great. our border patrol people. these are incredible people. they actually want to do their
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job. i said, give me a list of the top 10 things in title 42. they give me a list and one of the things is remain in mexico. you cannot come into our country so i had a list of 10 things. catch and release in mexico. we have catch and release in our country, then nobody would ever leave so they gave me these things in this handsome man shows up, representing the president of mexico and he said cobos there, you asked for some things. 100%, you will given to us. no, we will not. first thing we need, we need 28,000 soldiers, free of charge. now. because why would we do that? sir, this is ridiculous. a hundred percent, you will give them to us. i have no doubt.
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i want to have remained in mexico policy where people cannot come into our country. and if you say no, we will not do that. yes, you will. i'm telling you, 100%. we did the problem. as you know, we have a very specific bill that was passed years ago to keep people that are sick. we don't want to catch disease from people that sadly are not feeling so great and various other things and i said to the border patrol, give me your top 10. and he gave me a top 10 and he smiled. they have not been able to get one half of one so because -- every country on negotiates us because we have stupid people running our country for the most part. nobody before me, nobody took in
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$.10 from china so i said, no, this is what i wanted. here is the story, sir. i am signing before me a bill and if you don't have this approved within before the end of this meeting, we have 20,000 soldiers free of charge and all of the other things, stay in mexico. we called it remain in mexico. isn't that a nice title? it sounds simple but it's very complex for them, not for us. i'm going to sign this and this says that we are going to put a 25% tax tariff, 30 per -- 32% of our car industry has been taken out of the united states's remain in mexico and they have factories you would not believe. they go miles long and bigger factories than what we have.
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as a make the cart in mexico and sell it in the united states, i was going to put a 30% tariff on it. nobody else does that stuff. so here is the story. we are either going to do it or put a 25% tax on every single product from into the united states from mexico and that would be far more money, and he said, may i make a phone call, please? you know the sound of a joker, when they start laughing at that because they cannot breathe. he doesn't know what i'm talking about. that guy was a winner. i think 150. i don't know. i don't know what happened. he was an all-american -- he said, nope. do you still say that? that is pretty good, dan. but anyway, so i said -- come
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on, five minutes. he walks back. sir, on behalf of the president of mexico, it would be my great honor to give you 28,000 soldiers. remain in mexico, give you catch and release in mexico. and we got it all and we have the safest border in the history of our country and it is pretty amazing. pretty easy. the usa has become a dumping ground for the world. bidens people went to see them two days ago. he said we want $5 billion just to talk. i said, what? they want $5 billion to talk? you know what our guy said? we will consider it. these are the worst people. and it's not even bad. they are stupid people. they are stupid. they are stupid.
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in new york city last week, american schoolchildren were kicked out of class so that the school would be turned into a migrant camp. think of this. a migrant camp. biden puts america last. i put america first. now, we don't have a lot to do. we have a lot to do tomorrow and today to talk to your friends, right? tomorrow is the big day. but we have a little time. does anybody want to hear this? you want to. jim jones never heard this before, i don't think, but it is so appropriate and it has to do with people coming into your country. it has to do with who they are. you know what you are getting. we are getting tariffs. we are getting guys that work major -- we are getting major drug lords into our country
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staying here. they are not going to be schoolteachers. they are not going to be innocent people. they are going to cause tremendous harm and death. this was an old rock 'n' roll song, but you know, probably every word is amended. i think it is very instructive and very important, actually. on our way to work one morning, down the path along the lake come a tenderhearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake. his pretties colored skin had been all frosted with the do. poor thing, she cried. i will take you in and i will take care of you. take me in, tender woman. take me in, for heaven's sake. take me in, tender woman come aside the vicious snake. she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her fireside with some honey
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and some milk. she heard from work that night and seen as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she had taken in had been revived. take me in comerford heaven's sake. take me in, tender woman, cried the vicious snake. she clutched him to her bosom. you are so beautiful, she cried, but if i had not brought you in right now, you truly would have died. she stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight, but instead of saying thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her a vicious bite. take me in, tender woman. take me in, for heaven's sake. take me in, tender woman come aside the vicious snake. i saved you, cried the woman, and you bit me, but why? you know your bite is poisonous,
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and now i'm going to die. shut up, silly woman said the reptile with a grin. you knew dan well -- dasnake bee in. the snake. we are taking in people from prisons. we are taking in people from men still -- mental institutions. we are taking in murderers and drug lords. we are taking in people that are very, very sick with diseases that will be spread all over our nation. we are doing the wrong thing for our country. it's going to be very hard to recover from that but we are going to start on day one with deportation. jedoes that make sense, by the way? is there anyone in the room that does not get it because if you don't, please leave.
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that is what is happening to our country. that is what is at stake. as soon as they take the oath of office, i will terminate every open border policy on the biden administration. deportation operation. is not a nice thing to say. it is a tough thing to say but river, dwight eisenhower -- thousand pretty good president. when he was president, he was very much into exactly that. they had a big border problem. they would take people and drop them on the other side of the break. he realized -- they would fly 3000 miles down into deep south america and generally, they would never come back but he was very tough on deportations and we are going to have to -- what is happening to our country is not sustainable. we cannot have 18 million people . they are taking over our schools. they are taking over our hospitals. you go to a hospital and you can't -- you want to take care
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of people. they are people, whether they are american or not, but it is not sustainable. it's no good. how are people are suffering greatly in manhattan. you have thousands and thousands , hundreds of thousands of people reporting to new york, living on madison avenue. they are staying on fifth avenue. and then all due respect to the mayor of new york, he's fighting it as much as he is going to fight it. he's fighting a criminal element, a sick element, an element of people who have no idea what they are doing to our country or they do have an idea and that is even worse because if they did, they would know that they are destroying our country. ron desanctimonious and nikki haley will never secure our border and never come close to it. it's only words. you cannot say it too many times. it's rather brilliant, i must
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say. the best might be pocahontas. people say, what is your best? pocahontas is good. i have indian blood. one 1000th. she got into harvard because she was a minority. she got everything and then she met chuck and we came up with the name pocahontas. she told her friend, he's killing me with that thing. you have to apologize. you have to apologize for what you are doing with her. i did apologize. i would like to apologize to pocahontas, the real pocahontas. she did not introduce voter security legislation in his entire time in congress. he had no idea. he could not us about it and one thing -- i was for borders from day one. we do so well with orders that in the 2020 election, it never
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came up and i used to tell my people, i want to talk about borders. they would say, sir, they are not interested. i did such a great job. it was not a point of conversation. but i do -- i watched ron desanctimonious getting ready to speak. he was on the stage with the governor who is now the least popular governor in the country and they were getting ready to speak and it was very interesting. two young men. they looked like they came out -- very he was standing back and someone was introducing him. do you remember this? they walked up and took the podium like this. they were the coolest cats i have ever seen. they walked, just lifted everything off and walked off
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with two beds. the daughter was screaming, you took our podium. desanctimonious is screaming, the podium. if you watch longer, you see them. you can see them backstage. they just stole the podium. they took it away. i am dying to find those two guys because i would like to shake their hand. are they in the room? nobody knows who they are. it was one of the coolest acts i have ever seen in politics. i have never done this before. spread the word. i am going to iowa, i have to find those two guys. please look for them. madam attorney general, you can do -- if you do what they do to me, you have the full force of the justice department against the guy who can't speak well. so, if you can do that, i want to find those two people and i hope you do not prosecute them.
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they have done nothing wrong. likewise, nikki haley opposed my border wall. she oppose the wall, she was totally against it, which tells you where she is coming from. in 2016, she stabbed the republican party the back by signing a woman named barack hussein obama. remember rush limbaugh? barack hussein obama. barack -- emphasis on hussein obama. he was a piece of work. we gave him the presidential medal of freedom. remember that? he was very brave. he thought a hard battle the last couple of years -- fought a hard battle the last couple of years. against me, the travel ban meant we want to keep people from terrorist countries out of the united states, if you do not mind.
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she fought me. she was in a different position. but, she fought me on it. i was not too happy. sometimes, you do things. she even said illegal aliens are not criminals. they are changing their tune but it is not going to happen. first of all, they are both getting killed by biden in votes. i am being biden in every single pole. [applause] nikki had one rigged poll three months ago that showed she was up by 12 points. it was a ridge pol --rigged poll. so, what happened is she loses every time. she loses in every state. she loses everybody.
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she is really not much of a republican. she is not maga. desanctimonious raising the age for social security 270. nikki haley says the retirement of 65 is "way too low." you do not hear that from trump. we have so much money. we have liquid gold, more than saudi arabia, more than russia. we were number three or four when i first started. three or four in oil production. by the time i got out -- you have to see this graph of saudi arabia, russia. a little bit up, little bit up. we are down here and are like a rocket. we were way number one and energy independent. we would have been energy dominant within a few months. we would have been making so much money. we would have started paying off
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our debt. that is where we have, we can do so much. we can do a lot of cutting. stand up, will you? look at this handsome, handsome guy. [applause] very noncontroversial. you have been right. we are big fans. thank you. really an honor to have you here. you look great. thank you. great honor, man. nikki haley supported -- 2011 plans and destroyed medicare and the same plan that led democrat adds -- remember the pole? desanctimonious loves paul ryan. paul ryan hurt fox, although
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they did well last night with their wonderful town hall. thank you very much. he is a big paul ryan fan. paul ryan was a disaster. you know, when nancy pelosi was there, she had subpoenas stacked up on both sides of her desk. any congressman could walk in and just take one. with paul ryan, he had newspapers. congressman had to go in and beg him -- he was so bad, no, no, come back and see me in two weeks. i do not think he issued one subpoena in all the time. with crazy nancy, she is crazy. by the way, i offered her 10,000 troops for january 6. i did that three or four days in advance. they have destroyed all of the evidence in that j six committee. we offered her 10,000.
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she would have used 500 -- a tiny fraction, the biggest crowd i ever spoke to before. a tiny fraction, you would not have had a problem at all. but, she turned it down. she is the reason that you had that problem. she turned it down. the mayor turned it down. [applause] she said, no, we are not going to do that. she said she did not like the look. i said, look, they do not want to do that. she is a judge of security, by the way. the speaker of the house is in charge of the capital of security, which a lot of people do not know because you do not get the facts. peacefully and patriotically -- whenever they talk about my speech, they leave the words out. but, paul ryan was a disaster. a total disaster. i call him super ryan. unlike ron and nikki, we would protect medicare, social security for our great seniors. we are not going to hurt our seniors.
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there are so many things we can do. nikki haley supported the 23% national sales tax. you go out and buy something -- how is that on the middle class? how about lowering -- the whole thing is ridiculous. she thought and fought for it really hard. she thought radical democrats would super up -- to her up and eat her alive. they are supporting her in new hampshire. who does the radical left in the washington swamp fear more? nikki haley, ron desanctimonious for president trump? i can tell you who. [applause] i would not even answer their phone calls. i said, forget him, they were so bad for our country. the corrupt establishment knows when you put me back in the white house, it will be over and
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america will be a free nation. [applause] joe biden and his henchmen are so desperate to stop us that they are weaponizing law enforcement for high level election interference. they have never done this before. they do it a lot in third world countries, but not in this republic. joe biden is a big threat to democracy for two reasons, one, he is incompetent and to, they are surrounded by people who are not incompetent but very smart, have energy and can figure out how to walk off the stage. but, he is a threat to democracy for many reasons. this is only happening because we are leading big in the polls. if i was not running, or if i was in fourth place or fifth-place or seventh place as you notice a lot of people have gotten sloppy. chris christie. if we were not doing so well
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with the general public -- honestly, our polls here are great but our national polls are much more substantial. if we were not doing that, i would not have been indicted. they would not have indicted me. they indict you because they hate you. there was no fighting my monday 16 win. --mike 2016 win. he challenged the election. he challenged the election. they talk about slaves, it had nothing to do with slaves. people had to do with slaves and they indict them. thomas jefferson did slaves. they have been slaves all over. alabama, which i one by 40 points and 2016, even more now. alabama, they said -- they challenged it. the same way they are challenging, it is such a disgrace what is going on. it is a two-tiered system of justice. we have to get our justice
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department back. you are not going to have one anymore. [applause] i believe i have a voice. when they indict me, i can expend what the indictment is like the boxes. i have presidential records. i have a authorized bill. 1978 or so that allows me to do exactly what i did. the new york's time -- new york times did a story, please, please mr. president, may we have these papers? they said, that is the only thing they have the right to ask biden. he has them from when he was a senator and a vice president. he has not come under the presidential records act. he does not have that protection. what do i have? he was ok and they made it totally impossible to get them. he has papers sitting under the wet floor of his corvette. let's find out what country gave him that corvette.
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you look at that hoax. it is very interesting when it was announced. ladies and gentlemen, it has just been announced that president biden has got thousands of classified documents. can you believe this? i was watching the fake news cnn. they are right there. the light just went off. put it back on. the person said, oh, no, he did it again. if he has got them, they are not going to do anything about it. if i have got them, they want to bring back the death penalty. bring back the electric chair out of retirement. it is true. if i were not leading or if i were not a factor or in the race, none oi would probably bea nice time right now, but i am having a better time being with the people of iowa, believe it
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or not. i enjoy it. [applause] i enjoy it. one of the most beautiful places in the world. i have a better time right here. i would like it to be a little bit warmer, but you know what? you get around pretty well. they had people who cannot get in and i think that is going to happen tomorrow night. importantly tomorrow night. trump at 69%, haley at 12%. i do not want to talk about it too much. i would like you to leave this by saying, we are one point down because that way you are going to vote. one point down, it is going to be tough. we all have to get out and vote. that is why we are 24 points up. the higher we go, the better a
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signal -- we send a great signal to new hampshire, but the better signal we sent in november that we are taking our country back. [applause] it is really important. you got to get out and vote. we are also dominating biden in the general election, while biden is clobbering nikki haley. she is killing nikki haley in the polls. haley has lost 20 points in head-to-head polls against biden in the last month. i do not know what is coming out of her, but she has gone way down in the polls. i used to not believe in polls. i never talk about them. ladies and gentlemen, there is a new poll. if it is a bad poll, i do not talk about it. the radical left democrats rigged the presidential election of 2020, and we are not going to allow them to reap the presidential■blection of 2024.
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[applause] if they do it, if they get away with the kind of things that need legislative approval -- they go into the legislate, they get turned down. they come down and do it anyway. so many things. you take a look about truth where there are tens and thousands of people stuffing the ballot boxes. you take a look at the 51 intelligence agents, 51 intelligence agents saying the laptop from hell was russia disinformation. they said there would have been a 10 point span if people would have known about the laptop. if the biden doj gets away with this interference -- and it will not stop with me -- the weaponization against republicans is never going to
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end. remember, the advantage i have is that when they indict me, i can explain to people because i have a big audience and i can explain, when a congressman or senator and i get subpoenaed and go to a grand jury, you are dead. politically, you are dead. i can sit here in front of these big audiences with these crazy cameras and i can explain it and people can make up their mind. they made up their mind, 85% that it is a witch hunt hoax. it is a continuation of russia, russia, russia. fani willis -- her boyfriend, she gave him a million bucks to go get trump and they go on vacation spending the million bucks. they are going on cruise lines. i told my wife, i would like to take you on a vacation like that what i can't afford it. norwegian cruise lines --that is
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something. the nice thing, it gets exposed. eventually, it gets exposed. it is a beautiful thing. when the system works, it is a beautiful thing. she has been exposed. i can't imagine they can continue with that case. joining with lindsey graham, he wants to make sure his elections are good. they had a list of people they wanted to indict him alike 48 people he is a patriot. a woman 48 years old, standing with the american flag like this. they indict her. these are sick people. they find out it is a fraud. she is filtering money to her boyfriend. i mean, big money. he never did a case before. he never did a felony case. he never did a case before. other than that, he is extremely talented. every time the radical left -- they should drop the georgia case. they should drop the boxes hoax.
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they got 15 years worth of classified information. dick durbin, democrat senator, when he heard that, he took the information as a senator, he said there is no way he did that. that is the worst thing i have ever heard. he came back and said, well, it is not that bad. every time the radical left democrats, congress and fascists indict me, i have considered it a great badge of honor because i am getting indicted for you. i never even think about it, anyway. never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom. [applause] they want to challenge me because i will never let them silence you. [applause]
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in the end, they are not after me, they are after you and i just happen to be standing in their way. so, i am thrilled to be joined today by an incredible group of patriots, including a very special guest who some of you know and i was very impressed with him. he ran in the primary. i thought he was just outstanding. he has got an incredible record, and really is a businessman. made a tremendous amount of money. very respected in the world of business. he ran for governor of north dakota and he won. got an iredible wife. i would like to ask them both up here, governor burgum, mrs. burgum of north dakota. come on up, please.
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[indiscernible] >> they are flooding our homes. will you fight for us? >> we are grateful to be with everyone in iowa. catherine and i, it is a special time to be down in iowa. [indiscernible] [chanting] we were saying we are thankful for all of you to be here and grateful for what they are going to do tomorrow. catherine and i especially love coming down to iowa on a day like today because we come down here to warm up. but, four years ago i was speaking on behalf of trump at the iowa caucuses into cities. today, i am here to do something dozens of other presidential candidates have done. endorse donald j. trump or the
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president of the united states. [applause] i had an opportunity to have a front row seat to see trump and what he has been able to do as a business leader. i have seen it as a governor. i have seen the difference trump can make. when i first took office, president obama was still president. trying to work with his administration was a disaster. when trump took office, everything changed. states like iowa, states like north dakota, heartland states, we were respected. we had a friend and partner in the white house who understood us and who wanted to see our states succeed versus being regulated out of business. i had a chance as governor to
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see what the world is like under joe biden and america needs a 180 degree change in the direction where joe biden has taken us. joe biden is wrong on the economy, on energy and national security. biden's policies are empowering our enemies and they hurt america. biden's inflation has raised the cost of food you put on your table, has raised the cost of gas you put in your car. that is what happens when we put someone in the white house like joe biden. unlike trump, when we put someone in the white house who has never created a job in the private sector. what a contrast to trump. trump protected our borders. he cut red tape like no president has ever done before. he passed the largest tax cuts in the history of america and he is supercharged our economy. not only that, he delivered energy independence and as
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someone who leads a energy state, i know what that means. when he is in the white house, he will deliver energy dominance. [applause] under president trump, america will be prosperous. tomorrow when you caucus, you have the opportunity to send a message to the nation and send a message to the world that donald j. trump will make america great again. thank you very much. [applause] fmr. pres. trump: if you watch him perform, it was known -- it was like nobody else. he has set a great record in everything he has ever done. on behalf of the trump family, we thank you both very much.
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also with us, iowa attorney general is -- thank you. incredible. the most popular politician right now in iowa. stand up. big matt is there, too. former attorney general. state representative brooke bowden. brooke. [applause] thank you very much. state senators julian -- thank you, julian. one of the earliest endorsers from 2016 and even 2015. sherilyn westford. sherilyn. [applause] thank you. and, the earliest endorser in the whole country, the marlboro man. i do not know if you are able to
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do that again. he was the first person in the whole country that -- he said, who is that guy named brad zaun from iowa? he is endorsing me and i have not even announced i was running. he said, that guy from new york should be president. he is a great guy and incredible person. he loves your state and he loves this country. brad. [applause] >> i am the first person to endorse the best president of my lifetime, the 47th president of the united states, donald j. trump. [applause]
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fmr. pres. trump: also members of congress, tremendous friends. derek, thank you very much. great job. great job. a man i am little prejudice, because he is a friend of mine. he is a warrior. jim jordan. [applause] his wife, polly. by the way, polly -- you did produce an all-american wrestler. one of your children -- we are not going to wrestle any of them, he is an all-american. congratulations on that. that is incredible. former congressman and another great friend of mine, this guy is the greatest auctioneer that i have ever heard. i have heard some pretty good ones. you feel like doing something billy? come up here, billy. come on.
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this guy is a great guy. billy long, everybody. he would take over a room -- wait until you hear this. do not get nervous, billy. see, most people say, no, no, no. >> all right. we are going to auction an american flag flown over the united states capital. give me your information when you are done. $5,500. what about nine? five dollar bill --1100, 12. sold, $1100. [applause]
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billy long stanley cup, guy who bought it is standing to my left, $465,000. [applause] fmr. pres. trump: that was pretty good, isn't it? thank you very much. no nerves, either. he said, yeah, i will do it. i did not think he was going to do it. that is really fantastic. another friend of mine is not who i am going to mess with. you know glenn jacobs? goes by the name of cain. man, oh man. good old man.
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how many years have you been doing that? one of the great characters. how many -- how tall are you? you are six foot eight -- 6'8"? not that bad, i am not that far away. you just ruined my day. all i know is, there is a little acting involved. when i see these guys, i feel like the undertaker. i see him, he walks around lifting a 300 pound guy over his shoulder like this. he may be acting but -- is pretty great. he has done a fantastic job as mayor of tennessee. i do not know. i thought, maybe you were going to run for governor of tennessee sometime because you have done a great job and you are very popular. >> no comment. [applause] fmr. pres. trump: good to have you. you look great.
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also, a woman who is really talented and she has been amazing. she loves the campaign and loves the country. she is a very important person politically, but she is free press. she has become a friend of a lot of great patriots in this country. laura lavergne. [applause] great job. you want to try and have her on your side. much better. no, she is fantastic. your whole staff would appreciate you coming. one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, i said before, he really is. i watched him and there was nobody like him in the history of this country and beyond. dan gable, a legend from iowa. a great person. we awarded him the medal of
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freedom. [applause] they awarded him the presidential medal of freedom, which is the highest award you can give. that is the civilian version of the medal of honor. the medal of honor is much tougher, because usually, they are us in bad shape when they get the medal of honor. the medal of freedom is the civilian version of this. it was a great honor to do it especially his wife, kathy, who is a truly great patriot of this country. i know all about kathy, she loves this country and hates seeing what is happening to it. in particular, ms. kathy was with you. kathy, please stand up. please. [applause] thank you very much. this is a far more -- when you think about it, what we have
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done. look at these crowds. everyone is talking about the weather is going to be tough. this is not a campaign. it is the greatest political movement in the history of our country. think about a normal situation. people like desantis, nine people showed up. they blamed the weather. the weather is very tough. together, we ended the national disaster. we are replacing it with the best trade deal ever made by our country. on communist china like no administration in history, bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars, pouring right into our treasury. when the president brought in $.10, they never even asked china. it is such an unfair thing that happened with china. they take that money and use it to rebuild their military and build the military -- some
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people say, it is very sad. one of the things we are going to do, people do not pick up as much as we should, we are going to build an iron dome over our country because we want to protect ourselves. an iron dome. it will all be made in the usa. they work. ronald reagan wanted that, but they did not work at that time. it was a pipe dream. maybe he was ahead of this time -- his time. we are going to do an iron dome. you have too many people with they work and they work really well. ask israel. you can ask other countries. it is amazing. we supply to other countries, we do not supply to ourselves. we are going to make it here. it is going to be paid for by the united states. we have technology that is so advance. they have done nothing with it.
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building an iron dome, it is a big deal with me. i gave the farmers all of the money that was raised from china , $28 million, straight out of the tariffs that i took and it is a large part that came to the state of iowa. i told the farmers at the time, go out and buy more land because it is going to make a great deal with china. we do not have leverage now. they do not understand leverage. we have all of the leverage. i told our farmers to go out and buy more land and larger tractors. i was right. you see the fumes. the fumes of the trumpet ministration, that is the only thing keeping this biden thing a little bit alive because their numbers are no good except for the stock market. they have terrible inflation numbers, but the stock market, that is the fumes of what we did. the fact that i am leaving every poll. if i were not leading every poll, the stock market would
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crash. if we do not win, i believe you will have a depression the likes of 1929 because there is no reason for this to happen. there is no reason what is going on right now. oh i think the fact that i am leading in the polls what is keeping the stock market up because will they stand for everything the stock market we standing for. it is very important. will if you saw the levers go down. -- he came out in favor of it. i will protect ethanol for four
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or years. it will be totally protected. not only was it protected, we gave you things that nobody thought were possible to get. it has ben a big boom to iowa and other states. very important term, peace -- strength. we do not have to fight and die. our children, our beautiful children, fighting in countries nobody ever heard of. we lose them. there is no reason for it. i was the only president that did not get us into a war, 78 years. we finished up a war. we beat isis 100%. we took out the worst terrorists in history, probably. killed them. they are no longer -- iran was broke.
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now, iran has $250 billion and they are a nation of terror again. we would have had a deal within the first two weeks with iran. they would have been very happy. we are 31 days away from having a nuclear weapon. with a nuclear weapon, it is a much tougher negotiation. i am the only candidate who can make this promise. you are very close to world war iii. a lot of you do not know that, but you are close to world war iii. we have incompetent men negotiating with tough people, very mean people, people that have great strength and power and great weaponry, also. great supreme court justices to interpret the law -- i give you three rate supreme court justices. they do not do me much, but they give the country.
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you know what, after my taxes, that was the end of that. they have been good for our country. they have some big decisions right now, since the election. somebody that is leading every single pole. for doing nothing wrong, for doing absolutely nothing -- very importantly, a president has to have immunity, otherwise a president is not going to be able to function. if you do not have immunity -- i am talking about every president, you would never make a decision. like when president obama incorrectly sent a missile into an area and killed many children and many people, looking for a terrorist. that would mean that his political opponent if he were the next president would absolutely indict him.
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you would not be able to do anything. you would not be able to do anything. biden with his border would be indicted in two seconds. he is killing hundreds of thousands of people. he is allowing millions of people to destroy our country. afghanistan, the worst, most of errors in our country. if he does not have immunity, he will be indicted for 10 other reasons. he will be indicted for taking money from china, from ukraine, from russia. why did he take $3.5 million from the man in moscow's wife? why? the problem is, you can't function if you are going to have to think about every single thing that is happening. should i send the missile? should i protect our country? if it doesn't work out, they will indict me. a president of the united states has to be free and clear of mind. you can't be worrying about something, when you are doing the right thing, but if it does
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not work out, you are going to end up in prison. a present of -- a president of the united states must have immunity. i am not talking for myself, i am talking for every president of the united states, or they will not be able to function. they are going to make those decisions very soon. i hope they do the right thing for the country. the doj to investigate every radical, out-of-control prosecutor -- [applause] i am going to identify all police officers and law enforcement of the united states, to prevent them from being destroyed by the radical left by making strong action on crime. we will make the capital of our nation -- that we all love, right now, it is a rat infested,
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graffiti infested shit hole. where people are being killed. this week, three people were shot. people are being killed just by walking into a park, which is now littered with tents and homeless. we have to find places for them, but you cannot do that to our capital. we are going to take it away from the mayor. that does not make me popular, but i have to say it. we have to run our capital incredibly. we have to take the graffiti off those magnificent marble columns over the city where they have swastikas, people are in love and write a heart. we are going to knock out the slums. we have slums. we are going to have the most beautiful capital in the world. it is so important to be able to do that, because our capital right now -- can you imagine?
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foreign dignitaries coming into our capital -- the last time i was there, joe biden impeachment thing, joe biden indictment thing. i had the worst judge in the country. they said, if you have this judge, you have no chance. i got that judge. i was shocked. i got the right judge. w who is an incredible woman, a great beauty inside and out -- she just died. my wife is very devastated. totally fake trial. i asked the judges if we could take a day off for a funeral for my mother-in-law. he said, no. these are animals. can you imagine that, nigel? this would not happen in your country, right? these are people, these are
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radical left lunatics who want to hurt me because they think it is going to hurt me at the polls so biden can win an election. i do not think the people are going to fall for it. can i have a day off? so my wife is going to be standing at the funeral of her mother, who was a for special -- who was a special woman. she is supposed to stand there alone. no, i will be there one way or the other. what a disgrace that is that a judge would not say yes, we can take a day off, there is no rush. all of these indictments, they could have done them three years ago. they save them all for the election. i got one during iowa. i got wondering new hampshire. i got every one of these -- i have one in washington. the day before super tuesday, she says, it has nothing to do with politics.
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the day before iowa. the day before new hampshire. the day before super tuesday. these are raid -- rigged. where we have radical left, bad people, lunatics. we can't let it happen. we can't let it happen. i am going to that funeral. this judge, whatever the hell he wants to do, let him do it. [applause] they said, let's go get him. they rated my home. fourth amendment, you can't do that. they raided mar-a-lago. i get a call, sir, your house is under raid by the fbi. think of it.
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they are not allowed to do that. these are very bad people, very sick people. on day one, i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing -- theory, transgender, racial, sexual or political content for our children. i will not give one penny to any school that is a vaccine -- that has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate. i can't believe that i have to say it, but i do because it is such a big thing now. it is unbelievable that it is a big thing. can you imagine saying it 10 years ago? i will keep men out of women's sports. in your prime, do you think there was a woman who could out
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wrestle you? i do not know. [laughter] he said, only his wife. only that. that is a perfect answer. i will uphold the second amendment, which is under siege. which is under siege. it is under siege. we will protect innocent lives and restore free speech and i will secure our elections. we will go to paper ballots. we will have -- voter id. why would you not want voter id? only one reason. you have id for everything. you go to the grocery store, you have id. no matter what, you have id, except for voting. when you went to the democratic national convention, they had a board, a billboard from outside with a chain. it had pictures from all angles.
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that was for the democrat national convention to get in. t was so big they could not see their dress. they spend all of the time on their beautiful dress. now, we want voter id but they do not want voter id because they can't cheat with voter id. you have to make it as hard as possible because that is the only way they can win. that is the only way they can win. they can't win on open porters, -- open borders, raising new taxes. a woke military, we have a great military, by the way. once we took out ice is -- isis, i said, what is your name? cain. what is your first name? raisin. they call me raisin. i said, your name is raisin came?
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i love you, general. you are the general i have been looking for. he said, i -- we wiped out isis very quickly. not the person laying down in the hospital room missing for five days and he is running the war when he had his laptop, like a child. a young son used his laptop to play wargames. i did not even know where he was. what happened to him? until then, republicans have to win. if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the united states and entered them up, they would not have done near the distraction and damage to our country as joe biden in the biden administration. nobody has done damage like this. jimmy carter is the happiest man alive right now. it is good.
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he is somewhat elderly, right? somewhat. my wife went to the funeral of roslyn two months ago. it was a beautiful funeral. timmy carter is a happy man right now, because -- jimmy carter is a happy man right now, because they are considering his presidency to be a brilliant presidency. jimmy carter had a brilliant presidency. he is happy. if you want to save america from crooked joe biden, you must caucus tomorrow. the first step. we are going to do it. you can't sit home. even if you are sick as a dog. even if you are -- passed away, it is worth it. if you are so sick -- get up. get up. you get up and vote. yes, darling. we know who calls the shots, right? right, pauly?
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it is going to be all indoors. you have got to get up and vote. it has nothing to do with anything but taking our nation back. no later than -- arrive no later than 6:30. the details are iadon in conclusion, we are having a great time, right? i have got billy long here. from port dodge to cedar rapids from sioux city to waterloo and davenport to des moines to write here in indianola, we stand on the shoulders of generations of iowa patriots who came from wilderness, brave the elements, work the fields, built factories and poured out their sweat, blood, tears to make this
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country the greatest nation in the history of the world. that is what happened. now. we are a nation in decline. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that has lost its confidence, its willpower and its strength. we are a nation that has lost its way. we are not going to allow this horror to continue. three years ago, we were a great nation. we will soon be a great nation again. it was hard-working patriots like you who built this country. it is hard-working patriots like you who are going to save our country. we will fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle. with you at my side, we will devour the deep state, we will expel the warmongers.
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get them out of our government. we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, the marxist, the fascists. we will throughout the sick political class that truly hates our country. we will -- the fake news media and evict joe biden from the white house. a great silent majority is rising like never before. under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer. you will be forgotten no longer. you were not forgotten during four years of president trump. we will love our country. we will take care of our country. we will pray to god for our strength and for our liberty. we will pray for god and we will be with god. as we are one movement, one
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people, one family and one glorious nation under god. together, we will make america powerful again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. we will make america great again. thank you. thank you very much. god bless you. thank you. [applause] ♪
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>> c-sp's campaign 2024 coverage continues this evening as republican candite make their last stopsn e run-up to tomorrow's iowa ccuses. at 7:00 eastern, we will catch up with former south carolina governor nikki haley as she campaigns in adel, iowa. at 945 time eastern, floda governor ron desantis speaks in ankeny, iowa. make c-span your source for all of your campaign 2024 coverage. >> discover the heartbeat of democracy with c-span voices 2024 as we engage voters nationwide asking, what issue is most important to you in this election and why? >> i am from here in des moines, iowa and the top issues to be our border security, secure the border. i am for immigration, but it needs to be legally.
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we need to bring down the cost of everything. we need to unite the country once again, because everything is divided amongst everyone, everywhere. >> my name is brian, i am from the state of florida. i am pro-choice, something i am for this upcoming election. i do not think the government should be getting into a person's right to choose. >> my most important issue with the next election is security in school. i would like to see that all of my kids coming up and the public school system are taken care of and protected. >> my nhan -- name is brandy and i think homelessness is an issue that needs to be addressed. everybody has the right to their own shelter. i feel like that needs to be a justice, the first thing that needs to be done with the next president that comes into office. >> c-span's voices 2024. be a part of the conversation. ♪ >> a healthy democracy does not just look like this. it looks like this, where
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americans can see democracy at work, when citizens are truly informed, a republic thrives. get informed straight from the source on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are. because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. span, powered by cable. ♪ >> president biden spoke at a campaign event in charleston, south carolina at the mother emanuel church, the site of the 2015 racially motivated shooting that left nine churchgoers dead. he talked about the israel-has more. gop president a candidate nikki haley slavery, and the third anniversary of the january 6, 2021 attack on the u.s. capital. this is about an hour.