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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Delivers Remarks in Ankeny IA  CSPAN  December 4, 2023 10:38am-11:39am EST

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giving you a fro row seat to democracy. >> c-span's campaign 2020 for coverage continues with the presidential primary caucuses. last live on the c-span network as the first votes are cast for the upcoming presidential election along with candidate speeches and results beginning with the iowa caucuses january 15 and the new hampshire primary january 23. campaign 2024 on c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> next, 20 for republican presidential candidate and foer president donald trump speaks to supporters in ankeny, iowa, a suburb of the state capital of des moines. the republican presidential caucuses are scheduled for january 15 of 2024.
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♪ [indiscernible] ♪ [applause] ♪
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[applause] >> the president of the united states. donald j. trump. [applause] ♪
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♪ [applause]
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[chanting "we love trump"] >> we love you, trump. >> we love you. >> [chanting "usa, usa"]
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[chanting "we love trump"] mr. trump: a lot of people -- [indiscernible] [applause] well, thank you very much. i don't have any notes. i don't have anything. i am up here by myself with all the fake news back there. and, you know, if you make a little mistake -- you think
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biden would get up here without notes? if he had notes, doesn't make any difference. anyway, so, i just want to thank you all. this is incredible. these are our friends, the people who are going to really help us. a very special evening coming up in 45 days. right, 45 days? and we are going to do something. i think it's the most important election in the history of our country. i used to say that about 2016 but this will be the most important election in the history of our country because our country is going to hell. it's going to hell rapidly. it is not taking long. in fact, it is hard to say this because it's such a negative thought, but one year is a very long time. a little less than a year but that's a very long time, the kind of destruction they have been doing to our country is just not acceptable. it's not acceptable. they are destroying america. they are destroying our land, everything. anything having to do with us, they are destroying.
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open borders, high interest rates, high taxes. nobody has ever seen anything like that. the afghanistan surrender, what they did there. people forget, you know, the fake news does not like talking about that because it's negative. they only want to talk about positive but they cannot find anything to talk about because there is no positive. a positive thing has not happened in this administration since it came about with a rigged election three years ago. there has not been a positive thing. if you look back and you want to try and figure out what's gone on, there hasn't been one positive thing, i don't think, that has happened to her country --and i have to tell you, jimmy carter, as you know, our first lady went to the funeral of rosalynn carter. it was a beautiful event, by the way. everyone was nice, very nice. jimmy carter is in his letter years, 99. in his letter years, he has got
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to be a happy man because his administration was brilliant compared to what we have now. brilliant. if you look at his administration, he is considered now a brilliant, brilliant president by comparison to what we have now. look, if you took the --and you can look at it any way. the five worst presidents, 15, 20, but let's say 10. if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country and added them together, they would not have done the destruction to our country as this man and this group of people have done because it is not just this man. it is far beyond this man. i don't know if this man knows what is happening. but there's a group of people that have done great damage to our country and we have to win. this is important. we have to win. we have to get out and caucus. we are in good shape with desanctimonious. he seems to be dropping like a very, very sick bird into the
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ground, slowly into the ground. you know, i took it personally because i got him elected. he was dead as a doornail. now he likes to say, i'm not sure. he was down by, like, 40 points. the nomination process was moving along rapidly. he had the primary -- he had no chance. the secretary of agriculture was that his name was adam putnam --agriculture -- his name was adam putnam. good guy but i did not know him. ron came to see me begging for an endorsement. i said you are dead. you don't have a chance. you are a dead man. if george washington and lincoln teamed up together and endorsed you, they couldn't do it. he said, sir, the people of florida love you. they love you. and i believe if you endorsed me i could win. he's at 40 or something, right?
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it was a short time and i said, you know, he fought for me, along with a lot of other congressmen and senators, but he did not fight like a jim jordan or like other people, but he fought. i mean, at least he thought. he was a live body. and based on that --that was impeachment hoax number one and two, so i said why not? i don't know the other gentlemen, adam putnam. i never met him. so i said let's give it a shot, ron. so i endorsed him and he went like a rocketship and won. then i had to get him through a general election. he was dying through the general election. we had to do it all over again. we held two or three rallies for him. they had massive crowds, biggest rallies people have seen in years. today is not a rally. we are going to another stop --is somebody going to be there too? that's pretty good. that is pretty good.
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but we are going to a second stop and then we go back and then we are coming again next week and then around january we will be coming and we will be blitzing this beautiful place that i have helped, that i have helped so much with ethanol, right? you know, desantis was opposed to ethanol, you know that? now i'm not sure but probably he's in favor of it now but one thing you will learn about a politician, when they are against something, that is where they always go. they will switch for elections. so the bottom line is i endorsed him, he won, then i got him through the second one and he won by two points. and he did find as a governor. he was fine. better than many, not as good as some, to be honest. it's very simple. he was not as good as some. we had some great ones, henry mcmaster of south carolina, kristi noem. they like her. she was nice.
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she has only won elections, never lost an election, and a lot of people thought she would be running for president. she said --i was watching this --that's nice for a change to see somebody speak honestly. she said, i cannot beat him. what's the purpose in running? so i will endorse him because he has been a great president. i appreciate that. other people like arkansas, he gets up, right, asa? i call him ada hutchinson. he's been pulling at zero for five months and he is still in. i say, is he still -- i think he is at zero for five months. i don't understand it. we have to come together as a party because we have to be to probably biden. i'm not sure he gets to the starting gate, and he does or doesn't. whoever it is, doesn't matter,
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it might be the same ideology and might get worse, we have to do something. we are here on the occasion of a lot of the trump caucus captains with those beautiful white hats, and everybody he was a captain gets one of those beautiful hats. and they are good looking. i would like to have one. january 15, martin luther king's birthday. speaking of that, did you see where a very respected representative of black lives matter, new england? new england endorsed trump, he said. he did not necessarily say the republican party. he said trump because what we have done in terms of opportunity zones, and jobs and jobs, historically, if you look at the black colleges and universities, 10 year funding.
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they have had to come to washington, every year we took care of the funding, a lot of us against criminal justice reform, and we have to be fair, but very, very -- something that everybody had tremendous conservative reports, but criminal justice reform, he came out in favor of donald trump and said, i am going to do something that will surprise some people, but this guy has done more for the black population than any president, and i think he included abraham lincoln, but i am not 100% sure. it is a great honor, and we just had a pool, 22% and 25%. we had another poll that cannot today, where we are at 69 and sanctimonious is at nine, and nikki haley -- birdbrain -- is at seven.
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and the rest of them are at like 1, 2, zero. at some point, the one and two still have a lot of potential. anyway, we have had a great time. we have had a great time with this stay. we won two elections here by a lot. this is not necessarily republican. it is not really. this could go if they have a real candidate, and this could go the other way. i don't call this a lock. there is no such thing as a lock in politics. but this has been a great place for us. i love it, i have so many friends here, and it is an honor to be with you. this is a special group because you will be out there on the 15th, and you will be getting people to go out and get people to do what they have to do. the first time i did it, i
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learned a lot. when we had our caucus, and nobody knew what it was. what does it mean/ -- mean? ivanka said, daddy, we do not have a man who did the job. he came in second, and they said it was the greatest political defeat, but we came in second. a caucus is different. this time, we have the best team anyone has assembled for caucus. and, yet, the fake news made it sound like -- and i thought about it because we should have won it with a lot of foolish things that happened. the only time i had a minor defeat, but i learned a lot because we we went to south carolina and won big, and they said, you will not win, that is
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the military, that is bush. i said, no, i think the military is trump. and then we won big, and then we just ran the tables. we went to florida, we beat a senator of the state by a lot, and we just ran the tables. we went to indiana, just had a great coach for those of you who are basketball fans, right? he had the -- i guess it was the last undefeated team, like 38-0 something, they won the national championship. then he tended to do it when he had some very good players, but he tended to do it with teamwork as opposed to the star player, and he was a fantastic coach. he was a big fan of mine. a friend of mine said, when you get to indiana, if you could ever see bobby knight. amazing thing, bobby knight called me two years ago before i considered heavily doing this, he said, i do not know you, but you should run. and if you run, i will support
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you, and you are going to win. i said, it is really nice, bobby, that you called. this was not really on their agenda. i was thinking a little bit about it. we thought about it when romney ran against obama because that should have been done because obama had a field four years, and he should have been able to do it, but he had no clue how to do it. and he had a poll, i think it was either defaced the nation that today poll, ladies and gentlemen, it is donald trump on deface the nation or meet the fake press with chuck todd. he is gone. sleepy eyes chuck todd is gone. so they disappear, but -- and he has not disappeared, but sometimes the bad ones should because we need an honest press. so we looked at it then, and we looked at it, but bobby knight, o man. it was an amazing thing. i have a lot of papers at my
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desk, a tremendous amount of stuff. i run a business, i think about this, and even when i was doing this, i was running a business. so what happened was, we had serious thoughts, and bobby said, call me back at this number. i wrote his number down. and i put it -- it was almost like from god. i put it in a sack of paper that was two feet high, and then i had three big stacks of paper, thousands of pages, and we were now coming to indiana, doing great. we were doing great here, everywhere, but we were on the march, and i came from somebody a lot of people said, he is just doing this for fun. i said, you call this fund? you think i am having fun? you get indicted every week for nothing. ladies, al capone got indicted,
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and got me four times because i protested an election. these people are sick and bad. i am sitting at the desk and a friend of mine was there and said, -- he knew something about indiana -- he said, you know, -- this was two years ago that bobby called -- he said, if you could ever get bobby knight, the great basketball coach of indiana, great coach, rough guy though, rough, tough guy, if you could ever get him, indiana would be guaranteed. i said, you know, it is funny you mention it. two years ago, i got a call from him, and i did not even know if it was really him, but it was. and he said, do you know bobby knight? i said, there is a coach named bobby knight, and i said, well i think that is who it is. and i called, and he picked up and it was no doubt about it. that was bobby knight. i gave him the number.
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i said, you know? let's take a look because i put the number over here. thousands of pages. and i went to the middle stack, and i just pulled up a whole pile, credit over here, looked at the top, and it was bobby knight's phone number. isn't that incredible? that is god. it is god. you are right. what are the odds of doing that? another thing, i will never forget it. i immediately called them, and he goes, i have been waiting for your call. he said, let's go. we went to indiana, and we had the big basketball arena, where he was coach, and had such an incredible career, actually, an incredible career. they treated him a little badly when he threw the chair. he was a slightly volatile guy. he threw a chair across the arena. that chair was moving pretty fast, right?
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and some foolish person, they were going for a great season. once he left, that was the end of that season. so he had a chip on his shoulder, and then he went to texas tech. i don't think he had been back there for years. he will do well anywhere. so, the first time he came back to indiana, he was angry with indiana, and he came back for me. and we did a rally and it was unbelievable. everybody was crying in the audience. we had maybe 18,000, 20,000 people in this arena. everybody was crying. he has not cried in a long time, but i did not know that it was a reunion. i was told that when i was going there, i was told it was a big deal because bobby has not been back in years because his feelings were hurt, and he went back and said, this guy is the guy, and he gave a pep talk. he talked for a while. he introduced me, and then he
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went off the stage, everybody went wild, and i started speaking. 10 minutes later, he walks back on. i said, that is strange. what is bobby doing? it is a big arena, everything is formal. i see him walking back, and he said, do you mind if i say a few more words? i said, go ahead. not exactly the way you would imagine, and he said, listen, here is the story, if we have problems, this is the only guy that is willing to bomb the hell out of the enemy. he will bomb them at a level that nobody has ever seen before, and that is all i have to say. that is it. and he walked off. and, when he said it, i said, i think i am going to get in big trouble for that comment. [laughter] but he was a great guy, and we won indiana tremendously. we just ran the table. we had 26 team, and it was probably the most exciting night
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in the history of politics in this country. and then we did even better in 2020 with millions of millions of more votes in the election. it was a rigged election. they say if you were in florida and ohio, nobody has ever lost, but if you in florida and ohio and a place called iowa, and if you won that, and we won all three, and they said, nobody has ever lost an election. there were many metrics like that, but if you were florida, iowa and ohio, nobody has ever lost an election with that accommodation. and ohio and florida was great, and iowa is great. but we are not going to let that happen again. we cannot let that happen again. so, i just want to say to you that i appreciate you being here. you are very important. you are very important because
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you are the ones were going to make sure everybody gets treated beautifully. it is so different than a regular election. the caucus is a big deal, but it is so different than the regular election, you will be talking to people, and they will ask you questions. most will know the answer before they ask a question, but they did a great job, and we are going to come out and do something that i believe is the most important, but it will be one of the biggest political events of anywhere in the world, and we are having some of them in argentina, as you know, you saw what happened. he ran as a term, it was trump. make argentina great again. perfect. he had a maga agenda because it was a conservative agenda. it is not that we are conservative. we are common sense people. people say, are you conservative yet? i, common sense. we have the strongest border in the history -- we had the strongest border in the history of our country, and now i
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believe we have the weakest in the history of the world because there has never been any country -- third world country would not allow people to come in. they are coming in from mental institutions, jails, prisons, there is a slight difference between the 2, 1 is rougher than the other. they are coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums. they are dumping everybody into our country from all over the world. last week, they cut numerous people coming in from the congo, africa, china at large levels from china. you see on 6000 people from china, all young males, ok? what is going on with that? 26,000 people was just reported over a short time. so what are we building a little army in our country? i we have a guy named biden who is grossly incompetent. he is corrupt and incompetent.
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i never used to speak about him like that, but when they did the indict word and they indicted me for bull, now we can tell it like it has never been done in this country. i got more votes than any sitting president by millions. think of where we were, we were energy independent, i got the largest tax cut in history approved, i got the largest elation -- that is why we had the best jobs -- we had the greatest economy in history. to think of all the things we were doing, i defeated isis. everybody said, you cannot defeat isis, i defeated them in four weeks, right? raising cane, you heard about that, right? we have a great military, not so much the guys you see on television with characters. not yes for -- jesper and
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millie, the real generals. we have unbelievable generals and military. we have a great country potentially, but right now we have a country that is failing, a failing nation. we have a failing nation and it is a sad thing to watch. we had a going so good. if biden had just gone to the beach like he has been doing almost every day and left everything alone -- if you would have left the border alone, all of these people, we had great people, and they had the border, so good. best we have ever been in recorded history, and now we have an open wound. we have a sieve. people are coming right through. the drugs are higher than ever before. we had them way down, and i had a deal with president xi of china, if you have fentanyl and get caught, they were going to criminalize it. and you know what their penalty is you get caught with drugs?
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death penalty for drug dealers and drugmakers, and they were going to criminalize it. and then we had the results of this ridiculous election, and other things, too. you don't even have to go into the 2000 meals and all of that. either way, the 2000 mules, hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars we are talking about. we are talking about millions and millions, and it is coming out now. it is interesting. all the time, you see, yesterday, i read about and georgia, 3600 duplicate dollars, that means two dollars and almost all of them happened to be for a guy named biden. i know you look at our country, it is a mess, but we will turn it around, and we will make it greater than ever before. you can do that. we are going to close up the borders. you are going to come into the country, but illegally. now people say, why should i go into a process? or even go to the northern
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border to a lesser extent, but why should we go through a process of learning about our constitution i'm doing it the way it has been done? all we have to do is go to the mexican border and walked right into the country. so it is a very, very sad thing. but we are going to make our country better than ever. it will be the greatest comeback in history, not politically because i don't care about that. it will be the greatest comeback for our country because our country right now is a dying country. we are not respected by anybody. if i were elected, he would not have had ukraine, hundreds of thousands, and include russia, all of these people that are dying, they never would have been fighting. zero chance. number one, oil was so low, they would not have had the money to prosecute the war. we had oil at $40 a barrel, out is $100 during this period. russia can proudly or un-proudly
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say that there has never been nothing like this where the country is making a lot of money by fighting a war, so biden is keeping these prices so high, and he wants to end the war, but it will never end because they are a money machine right now. they are making so much money and they are fighting and killing a lot of people. you look at what is going on, and he would never have happened, zero chance. and i spoke to putin, and i told him, if you do that, it is going to be rough. i will not tell you the exact conversation, but he said, no way. i said, way, it is going to happen. he did not believe me. he believed to meet 10%, and that is all he needed. i had the same conversation with resident xi of china -- president xi of china, and beijing, if you go into taiwan, you are going to have real problems. and we did not even talk about taiwan. these things are not really even
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discussed. there were 28 bombers right after i left, 28 bombers were right over the middle of taiwan, and that is just waiting, and now we bring up the one that happened the last couple of months, israel never would have happened. zero chance. you had a country, iran, doing all of the funding. they were broke. people were not allowed to buy oil there because they were not doing any business in the united states, so nobody was buying. and they did not have the money to fund anything. now they have $250 million in the bank, not including the $6 billion got first five hostages. $6 billion! and the other one is pretty incredible. you read about it two days ago. they sell electric to iraq, and
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we had control over it, and they just released $10 billion for the electorate. 6 billion, 10 billion, but that is peanuts. the big thing is the oil. they released all of our stations, all of the things we had going, we would have had a deal. i think we would have had a deal with iran within two weeks of the election, had the election been honest, not a rigged election. so many bad things have happened to our country, but we can turn it around. i think we will do it fast. we are going to drill, and we are going to be drilling like you have never seen before. then going to end your mandate on cars. you know? here's the problem with an electric car, they don't go far. very simple. somebody would say, i wish i could make it more complex. here is the problem, they don't go far. they cost a fortune. but they don't go far. so unless you want to go to the local store or something, you are not going to say, let's take
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a trip to -- let's see, what is a nice place? let's go to ohio. let's go down to florida -- no, you would have to make 30 stops, right? you don't want to go to florida. too many stops. you have to make all these stops. the whole thing is ridiculous. and they want to make oil tanks, do the army tanks, and they want to make our meetings all electric. we have the greatest tanks in the world, and we do the best tanks, the best submarines. a lot of the best things, but we make the greatest. they want to make them electric. they have the same problem, they don't go far. you know, we are running low on electric, is there a charge around? batteries are very big. very heavy. so you have to have the army tank pulling the battery probably, and a truck behind it, so you are pulling a battery. that would not look too cold.
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so what are we doing? we want to have nice, clean emissions, so the country we are blowing to hell is not hurt environmentally. [laughter] same thing with planes. they want jet fighters and to use a certain type of biofuel, and it is a fuel that is 15 less percent efficient for the plane. so think of it, you are a pilot. you have this incredible weapon, and now you are expected to use a plane that is 15% less per tier is the difference, 15% less and having the differences, one, you get blown out of the air and don't have a chance. the other, they don't have a chance against you, but they want to do that so that we protect the environment of the country that we are bombing the hell out of. are these people crazy? they also want to go to all electric. in south carolina, a really good boat manufacturer, i said, so what is the problem? so, the one to us to start
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thinking about going all electric. i said, would that be heavy? they said, no, the boat will need a battery. i said, so if your boat sinks, do you get electrocuted when it goes down? >> he said, -- he said, nobody has asked that question. i said, if i am going down and there is a shark 10 yards away or would i get electrocuted, could that happen? if that is true, i would take the electrocution because i am not going to that chart. but these people are crazy. they want to make all electric trucks, the big 18 wheelers, the biggest trucks. can you imagine? if you go to one of these great car companies, and if you have a track, big one, they can go to thousand miles on a big tank of diesel -- 2000 miles on a big tank of diesel. an electric will go 300 miles, so you are stopping six or seven times. you talk about supply chain
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problems. you will stop six or seven times, and the load is not as good. the whole thing is a disaster. and with trucking companies, they say, we tell them this. a child would understand it in five minutes. we tell them this, and it has no impact. do you drive a truck? what kind of a truck? how do you find it from the standpoint of the electric? >> [indiscernible] former president trump: so she has two buses operated by battery. because the battery is no good, right? and that is 90% of the cars, and others can keep going forever, right? at least the school bus, you have a shorter day, this and that. you cannot do it. no.
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when are you going to be getting your batteries? [laughter] and this is a truck driver. you don't look like a truck driver to me, i will tell you. that is one helluva truck driver. [cheering] somebody is going to say she is a plant. no, but, no, she knows the subject. it is terrible. these people are crazy. you cannot talk reason to them. i could sit down and in three minutes, explain the trucks or the army tanks or even cars, but at least with cars, you can see, it is too short. and you should be able to buy electric, but you should also be able to buy acellena powered cars. we have all the gasoline that china does not have cash to buy gasoline powered -- gasoline powered cars. we have all the gasoline that china does not have. you are not going to have any of these cars made.
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it is going to be a disaster for the uaw and the people of the uaw and how they approved that contract without making a deal on that. so these are just some of the many problems. one of the biggest is the world is not respect us anymore. they respect us at a level i don't think they ever respected us. now, they don't. i tell the story, you are going to do that? we are going to put 100% tariff on your wine and champagne. they are going to do something bad to our country, tax or companies, and that is not fair. we have to protect american companies. and people said, sir, there is no turning back. i don't think they're going to do it. i said, try it again. smart people. they came back, said, no, we will not do it. i said, let me handle it. and he said, yes, sir, it is already signed, sir. i said, that is ok, but on monday morning, we are going to put a 100% tariff on all wines and champagnes coming into the
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u.s. you cannot do that, that is not fair. you are doing is not fair, too. we got about three minutes, he said, may i call you back? this is macron, who i like a lot, but he is not for us. he is from france. he called me back and said, we decided to take a tax off. and i was told by my genius is you cannot do it -- they worked on it for months. anyway, that is the way it goes. >> [indiscernible] former president trump: we want i will people. with your governor -- i get along with him very well. no, i got along with her very well. i helped her a lot. it took -- i took a great governor, and it made him the ambassador to china. he told me an amazing story, i was in iowa making this speech, and he said, could you ease up on china little bit?
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because i am very friendly with the president of china. i said, how would you know the president of china? he said, when i was selling corn, he was the buyer. he represented. he told me the story, amazing. i remembered it, and i said, how would you like to be the ambassador to china? i said to terry, let me ask you, why would you know him? because we got to be friendly. he was a buyer of corn. terry was a very successful seller for the state, and i remember the story. it was really amazing. he said to me that he went back home and told his wife, he said, i met the most capable person, and i believe he is going to be the president of china someday. that was 40 years before, and lo and behold. so when i became president, i took him out and said, you just set the record. he is only serving governor in the history of the country, not just the state, but in 24 years
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or something like that. i said, you have broken the record. how about doing the following, why don't you become invested or to china? you will be friendly to president xi, and he did and did a very good job. because of that, kim reynolds became governor, and that was fine with me. then she was -- and election was coming up, and one people get put into a position like that, they lose for whatever reason. it is like if you look back at the history books, when a governor appoints himself senator, which happens, they very rarely win. i think they almost never win because people don't like that. but now she is the governor. and she was doing fine. yeah. this state is not that difficult, and it is a great state with great people, but she became the governor, and then she called me when she had a big problem, running against a very wealthy man, i believe a farmer, handsome man, they said,
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handsome, good-looking, wealthy, had everything, democrat, and he was way up in the polls, and he was going to win. i came, did a big rally and endorsement of her, fought like hell, and she ended up winning, right? in the second time was much easier, but i also kept you in the position first. you are first in the nation. which i did not have to do. [cheering] so i did all of these things and then i spoke to kim 4, 5 months ago, whatever, and she said, i would like to remain neutral. i said i would like to remain neutral, too, i do not have to come here and do rallies for you. she said, what do you mean? i said, i am the one that kept you first in the nation. she said because of that though, i would like to remain neutral. i would like to be able to go and really politic and work with all of the candidates -- i said, all of the candidates are running against me.
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that does not sound so good. and it was not a quid pro quo as they used to say, which there were none, except with them, they had the quid pro quo. the other ones who cheated. we did not at all. she said, i think i would like to be able to campaign with everybody. so you are actually telling me that you want to be able to campaign with everybody because you are first in the nation? i am the one who made you burst in the nation, and i would have done it anyway, and i said, alright. that is shocking, but she is not here, i would not have her here. that is the way it is. and then i read that she is going to support ron desantis -- ronde-sanctimonious. people found out he has no personality. and after all the things i did, he essentially said, i have no comment.
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he said, are you going to run against the president? he says he has no comment. that means he is running. and my people, these geniuses all over the room, they said, sir, should not hate him, he is a republican. -- hit him, he is a republican. we hit him rather hard, and he went out like all the others. it was one of those things, but she said she is going to endorse him because he worked very hard. how do you endorse someone who is 40 or 50 points down? i can only tell you this, and that was her choice to do this, but i believe in loyalty. i did not say, i am going to do this, i don't care if she endorses me or not. the only endorsement that matters is the trump endorsement, i hate to say it. when somebody does that, it is a lack of loyalty, and my people say, don't bring up a story like that.
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we are all working for the same thing and one to win the election. we have to take back our country, but they said, sir, people don't care about loyalty. i said, i think they do. i am right because here's what happened, 6, 7 months ago, she was the most popular governor in the country. do you know where she is now? last. she went for most popular to the least popular, and he is right out of the bottom, too. so she went from the most -- and i was even surprised to see this, she went from the most popular governor in the nation to the least popular governor in the nation. same charts and poll, very respected, everything else, shocking, but, look, i wish her well. i got along with her great. i did a lot for your sake here, all your floods -- you have so many. i think you have record floods. we took care of iowa better than any president ever, including the ethanol. -- fentanyl. but all of the problems you have
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with the heavy rain and the breaking dams and everything else, we took care of everything. so you really like to be shown some support when that happens. i don't think that is abnormal. i mean, she is supporting a guy who was for ethanol? he found your social security and medicare. he wanted to raise social security up to 70, and he thought ethanol, also, because that is very personal to you, and he fought it hard. and he fought the farm mills and everything else. by the way, for china, $28 billion from china, i went to sonny perdue, the secretary of agriculture, who did a good job, i said, the farmers in our country have been treated oddly by china. most of you in the business know that. what kind of damage have they do know over the last 5, 6 years? he came back the following day and said, about $28
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billion. i said, china's going to pay them. any farmers get checks for me? yeah. a lot of jobs. member, because the farmers were very loyal and stuck, we are going to go through a nasty process with china, they are not going to want to buy, but we are going to go through this process and you have to stay loyal, and they were unbelievable. i watched "today," if you can believe it, but they interviewed a farmer, and he was having a hard time during the administration in the beginning. he said, no, president trump is doing right. and we made one of the greatest deals, but i don't talk about it. i talk about u.s., mexico, canada, the deal with japan, south korea. i don't even talk about the china deal, but china does the best of all. $50 billion worth of our
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product. i give the farmers of our country $28 billion. i knew we were going to in the negotiation. it was not even that tough frankly, bush did not do it, obama did not do it, and nobody fought for the farmer, i fought for the farmer, and you have to remain tough, and the farmers are so incredible. he said, president trump is doing the right thing. we are hurting right now, but he is doing the right thing. we have to stick with him. the dam broke, and we made an unbelievable deal, and we gave you 28 billion, and sometimes, -- and they said, please, don't say that. we are going to win one. how do you know, sir? because i got them $28 billion for the farmers! maybe you will have an upset. biden does not even know what a farmer is.can you imagine biden
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laying in bed at night, tossing and turning, thinking about how he is going to screw china for $28 billion for the farmers? i'll think he's going to be doing that. sweating, sweating at night -- i don't think he's going to be doing that. sweating, sorting at night. they give him his milk and put him to bed. anyway, we did a great job and i appreciate it. we will -- >> [indiscernible] former president trump: the most important thing we have to do, and this is what i want to say, and they only focus on the six swing states, seven or five depending on your definition, but those five to seven states mean so much, and i think we are going to maybe do a lot better than that. i think we can run the table in many cases. i think we will do well in a lot of places that would not be considered republican territory, but you look at your five or
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six, and i think that is the only thing i ask, that those states in particular to guard the vote. i use the term guard the vote because we have all the votes we need. people were driving 10 miles to a location for a meeting, and every house had trump, 2024. we have of the votes we need. we just -- we have found one million votes someplace, and when i was watching pennsylvania, it was so sad to see. we were up by 700,000 votes with 72% of the vote, and all of a sudden it was tied. it was so terrible what happened. so we have it all documented. one of the great things, if a judge allows us, if the judge allows us, somebody has to allow this thing to be prosecuted, we want to show how we won the election, not for purposes -- what we want to do is win this
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one that is coming up. but you have to learn from history. if you don't learn from history, you are a fool. we have to learn from history. i hope that happens because we have so much evidence, and everybody knows it. the one thing they don't want to talk about is the election. they are guilty as hell. they cheated like hell, they know it, and you will never find out all the ways but we don't need all the ways. 22,000 votes separated it, but we had millions and millions of votes, a sad thing. the most important part of what is coming up is to guard the vote, and you should go into detroit, philadelphia, and some of these places, atlanta, and you should go into some of these places, and we have to watch those votes when they come in. they are shoved around and wheelbarrows, shoved around, we are like a third world nation, a third world nation, and we
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cannot let it happen. i really appreciate it, caucus captains, and anybody who becomes aycock caucus head, we give it to the people that are the captains, but i think we will have a phenomenal night. at 7:00 p.m. on monday, january 15, martin luther king day, i really appreciate that. i am very glad they did not give me any notes because if i did, i would have been reading. i would have been saying, thank you, thank you. [laughter] i saw something the other day that was incredible. he is taking questions. but he indicted me. can you imagine? i got indicted. the wharton school of finance, they did not have a subject on you get indicted. it was not something you think about. my mother and father are looking down. don't forget. al capone was the toughest, meanest guy. if you had inner with him, and
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if you smiled the wrong way, where he thought maybe you were smiling about him or mocking him, you were dead. you are a dead person. scarface, ever hear of him, al capone? that was where the movie came from. he had a scar from here to here, and he did not get that -- he got indicted one time and i got indicted four times for nothing. one of the reasons our polls are so high, i think 40% higher than they might have been, one reason is because people get it they don't like to see it. they recognize the justice department against republicans, against churches, against -- against parents. i mean, against parents, in favor of school boards that are run horribly. so i think what they did was a big mistake. i know they had two other options, and they said, don't do it again, don't do it again. they will indict him into the white house. do it again.
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but it is very sad for our country. when that happens, very sad day for our country. if you would work really hard, make sure that you are working, bringing as many people as you can to vote, and do the caucus like nobody has ever done it before, and we are going to win that, but we have to win the other, and i think that -- when we win, they are going to send a signal for the november election. the one where you do win, you swamp them. if you swamp them, there was a point at which they can only achieve so much. it will try to cheat like hell. it is so sad to see and report, but if we swamp them, and i think we will wearing -- where in the primaries in record numbers. we love you very much. um, that date. thank you very much.
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[applause] [applause] ♪ ♪ [indiscernible chattering] ♪
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[cheering] ♪ [applause] [chanting "trump"] ♪
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>> friday nights, watching c-span's 2024 campaign trail, a weekly roundup of c-span's a one stop shop of where the candidates are traveling across the country and what they're saying come along with first-hand accounts from political reporters, updated call numbers, and campaign ads. watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail on c-span on c-span, at, or download it as a podcast on c-span now, our free mobile app, or wherever you get your podcasts. c-span, your unfiltered view of poti. the house is back today at noon eastern me lawmakers will debate legisliocondemning the rise of anti-semitism in the u.s. an around the world. wo ialso expected on a bill that supports federal research of synthetic opioids.
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the senate returns at 3:00 p.m. eastern for a vote on the confirmation of president biden'nonee to be the fifth circuit courofppeals judge. she isuprted by both of her home sta senor republicans john cornyn and ted cruz. watchivcoverage of the house on c-sn,enate on-span2, and you can tc all of our congressional coverage on our free video app, c-span now, or online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these committees and more, including buckeye broadband. ♪ buckeye broadband supports c-spans a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy.