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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on Emergency Aid to Israel  CSPAN  November 6, 2023 3:34am-4:46am EST

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for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas, ms. granger, seek recognition? ms. granger: pursuant to house resolution 838, i call up the bill h.r. 6126 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the
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clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 6126, a bill making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the attacks in israel for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2024, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 838, the bill is considered read. the bill shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations or their respective designees. the gentlewoman from texas, ms. granger, and the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. delauro, will each control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas, ms. granger. ms. granger: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent for all members to have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection.
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the gentlewoman from texas. ms. granger: mr. speaker, i rise today in support of h.r. 6126, the bill that will provide additional support for israel. earlier this month, we saw hamas carry out its evil attack on the israeli people. now, more than ever, we must stand firm with our great ally and do all we can to ensure israel has what it needs to defend itself. the bill before us provides $14.3 billion in emergency funding for such a need military construction and assistance. the funding will cover everything requested by the israelis, specifically the bill
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includes funding for iron dome, pardon me, david sling, and iron bean defense systems advised weapons and systems and services through the foreign military financing program and the program of ammunition. to ensure that our support impact does not impact our own military readiness, the bill provides $4.4 billion to rere-plenish the items sent to israel. funds are also provided for the secretary of u.s. personnel and the safe return of american citizens. this is the first step in the process and i urge my colleagues to join me in supporting the bill so we can find a way to get funds to israel as soon as possible. thank you and i reserve the
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balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. delauro: we live with deepening crises around the world and america's leadership is being challenged like at no other juncture in our history and you can be sure putin is watching, ayatollah khomeini is watching. are they going to see a united and strong america that shows why we are admired and why we are exceptional? this congress is called to respond to the crises in ukraine, israel, the indo-pacific, here at home and on our border. and i hoped we would be debating a bill that rose to the seriousness of these crises without delay. but this bill fails israel. and this bill fails the 1,400
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israelis and 36 americans who were slaughtered in their homes and on the streets in cold blood. those brutal massacres were called the holocaust. this is a holocaust, a different kind of massacre. and demanded that israel act against hamas with the support of the united states. but what the house republicans have done is unprecedented and will mean any aid to israel will be delayed. first, it puts a poison partisan bill that removes funding to ensure the richest americans and corporations pay taxes. it is supposedly paid for with cuts to the i.r.s. of $14.3 billion which the c.b.o. says will nearly double the cost of this bill and add $12 billion to the deficit. it furthers the republican goal of keeping billionaires and big corporations from paying taxes. second, it is conditioning an
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emergency appropriation. we do not condition emergency appropriations. understand, this is the first time we have conditioned aid to israel. is israel less important than other national emergencies? is israel just a budget line? is it just more fodder for the partisan wars that polarize america? it is outrageous that a major emergency funding bill in response to the worst attack on jewish people since the holocaust is tied to offsets. israel, our closest ally in the middle east is are reeling from a terrorist attack and urgently needs our support. this bill tells our allies that should they find themselves in an existential war for their democracy and their freedom, we will not put aside our partisan wars. this bill abandons ukraine. we will not abandon israel and
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we will not abandon ukraine. but their fortunes are linked. ukraine's fight for democracy and sovereignty requires decisive action and absolute support from the the free world. we must act like the leads of the free world. this bill tells america, border communities, that you cannot count on us for security or support. let me go to another critical part of this bill. it provides only military aid. it provides no humanitarian aid for the innocent civilians caught in the middle of this war, none. are you watching the unfolding of this war? and have humanity? let me remind the speaker of his colleagues' nominating speech. congresswoman stefanik recalled, in god we trust. emblazoned other the speaker's chair. the speaker reiterated, in god
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we trust. the speaker said look to the bible. to know his thinking. and i too look to my catholic faith. so in this critical bill we remove all help for the civilians being killed in this war. hamas is responsible for spreading a humanitarian crisis as it builds its armaments deep inside civilian centers. but the bombing of the jabailya refugee camp creates unacceptable civilian losses. we need a humanitarian pause. that's why we need a serious bill that addresses all the national security crises facing our country and that reaches for support in both parties. house democrats are ready to work with house republicans on legislation that supports our allies abroad, including israel and ukraine that protect ours
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national security, provides humanitarian assistance, secure ours border, and makes much needed domestic investments, but house but house republicans refuse to. the speaker pro tempore: us at the negotiating table. we need to prove in the years as we did after world war ii and throughout the cold war that we can protect, defend, and nurture global democracy as the preeminent form of governance at the same time we serve the american people. our allies and the american people have no more time to wait. we must now act to defend our allies, protect civilians, and serve the american people's urgent needs. this bill does none of the above. so i urge my colleagues to withhold their support. i thank you and reserve the balance of my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from california, the chairman of the defense subcommittee, mr. calvert, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. calvert: thank you. mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of h.r. 6126 which provides security assistance to israel, supports the security of our embassy personnel, enables the evacuation of u.s. citizens, strengthens the ability of our industrial base to respond to this crisis. on october 7, hamas terrorists carried out a barbaric attack on israel that took the lives of more than 1,400 innocent israelis including 32 american citizens. mr. speaker, i stand firmly behind israel's right to defend itself and destroy hamas terrorist organizations. the world will be a safer place once that organization is eliminated. last week the house of representatives passed house resolution 771, a resolution which i co-sponsored by a vote
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of 412-0. that resolution reaffirms the united states commitment to its real's security. -- to israel's security. this bill contains $3.4 billion to israel. i strongly support the bill's robust funding which includes $4 billion for the iron dome and david sling missile defense systems. $1.2 billion for the iron beam defense system which is promising new technology i think will be helpful to israel and the united states. $800 million for the production of 115 millimeter rounds which we need to get our supply chain rolling again. $198 million for the production and development of small diameter bombs and precision guided rockets. and $4.4 billion to replenish the u.s. stocks transferred to israel such as precision guided
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and other munitions and medical supplies for u.s.-israeli defense forces. and $3.5 billion for military finance funding for israel. mr. speaker, israel is at war. hamas continues to launch rockets at israel and still hold hundreds of hostages. israel must respond to this unprovoked attack on its people, defend itself, fight to prevent future attacks. the united states will stand with them. voting for this bill will provide much needed support and send a clear message to iran and its proxies that we will defend them. i urge support of this bill. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. does the gentlelady from texas reserve? the gentlelady reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i yield two minutes to ms. kaptur of the energy subcommittee. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlelady is recognized. ms. kaptur: i thank the gentlelady for yielding. i rise in support of military assistance for israel, mr. speaker, and ukraine, and the indopacific, all regions which our nation has forged critical strategic alliances. make no mistake, in a dangerous world, these precious alliances help secure liberty forward against all enemyies, foreign and domestic. the largest land war since the second world war is raging on europe's continent at the eastern edge in ukraine following russia's initial brutal invasion in 2014. the question before us is, what is liberty's worth for our generation? we are not being asked to fight but only to aid ukraine's valiant soldiers to drive russia, the third largest military in the world, out of their homeland.
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it is day 617 of that brutal war. few believed ukraine could shoulder this wretched war beyond a few weeks but ukraine's will to win inspires us and subjugated people everywhere. over centuries the ukrainians survived the absolute butchery of lenin, stalin and now putin, all tyrannical mass murderers. no place on earth lost more lives in mass murder and forced starvation than ukraine. during the 20th century, 10-14 million people, only god knows. now is a time to turn the page for liberty in the annals of history. this g.o.p.'s leadership of wiff ignorance of russia's oppression is mind bending. the leader of america to defend liberty will prevent the blood of putin's tyranny running across not just more of ukraine
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but of europe and likely other places, including the middle east. putin refused to condemn hamas and gone as far as comparing israel's defensive actions to the securing of lenin graduate. they understand these conflicts are connected, why don't we? vote no, the imperative vote for liberty, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from arkansas, the chairman of the financial services and general government subcommittee, mr. womack. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. womack: thank you, mr. speaker, and i thank the gentlelady from texas for her leadership on this issue. i rise in strong support of our friends in israel. i want to thank the chairwoman and my friend, ms. granger, for bringing this vital amendment to
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the floor for the opportunity to speak on it. mr. speaker, the choice today is pretty clear to me. we either support our israeli friends or we don't. we've heard and will continue to hear complaints about the funding offset and the lack of nonisrael funding in this bill. look, each member is entitled to their opinion but at the end of the day this bill will provide over $14 billion in support of israel for this war in support of these murderous terrorists. that's the important part. these aren't just numbers, mr. speaker, on a piece of paper. real lives are at stake here. this funding will save israeli lives through replenishment of its missile defenses and give israel the ability to rid the world of dangerous terrorists, and it will help re-establish deterrence in the middle east at a time that is aggressively advancing on all fronts. what happened october 7 was
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tragic. not one person can argue the cruel and gruesome atrocities were justified. israelis were killed in their home and massacred for having different religious beliefs than their terrorist attackers and unfortunately these actions have not been met with universal condemnation, not even in this very house. mr. speaker, i have personal experience in this region. i commanded troops with the u.s. battalion of the multinational force of reservists in the sinai peninsula responsible for maintaining peace between israel and egypt. thankfully we were and continue to be successful at that mission but unfortunately, we still see terrorist violence aimed at israelis simply trying to live their very lives. israel has a right to defend itself. it needs their freedom of action to do so. we do not accept arbitrary restrictions on our actions following 9/11 nor should we place any restrictions on israel's response. this house has a habit on both sides of the aisle to search for the perfect bill instead of
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taking something that is good for the moment, a bill that makes incremental progress as we speak. i implore all members to reject the demand for the perfect and instead support the good. support this vital funding and then we can move to support our ukrainian friends, we build our defense industrial base and improve our conventional military capabilities to enhance our deterrence against p.r.c. threats. with that i urge passage of this bill and yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized. ms. delawyer: this bill would condition aid to israel which we've never done before. i yield two minutes to ms. mccollum. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. mccollum: i rise in opposition to this legislation. mr. speaker, the united states
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faces two immense national security crises at one time, russia's illegal and unjust invasion of ukraine and israel's military response to the barbaric hamas attacks on october 7. i commend president biden for swiftly sending a comprehensive emergency funding request to congress to address both crises. the president's request provides ukraine with security assistance necessary to defend its democracy from putin's invasion. it also addresses the broad scope and crisis in israel and gaza. israel deserves security after the hamas terrorists hunted down and attacked children and families in their own homes. right now innocent children and families in gaza are in immediate danger in desperate need of humanitarian aid. that's why it's unfortunate that a few fringe republicans insist on bringing this bill to the floor, a bill that president biden says he'll veto. and why?
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mr. speaker, more than 300 bipartisan house members voted and supported ukraine's fight for freedom along with the senate and the president, yet this bill eliminates urgently needed funding for ukraine banning their democracy to russian aggression. this bill has no humanitarian aid for the palestinians in gaza suffering without access to food, water and even safe shelter. mr. speaker, for the security of both the palestinians and israeli families, the violence must stop. and all hostages must be released and we must work with the united nations on a cease-fire that holds every party accountable. until then, declared safe areas must be truly safe for civilians fleeing violence. this bill ignores a bipartisan precedent of emergency appropriation bills without an offset and there is no offset. the fact c.b.o. says this bill would add to the deficit, cutting enforcement for tax
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evasion. i urge my colleagues to vote no. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. kustoff, for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. kustoff: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to thank the chairwoman for her leadership and bringing this crucial security package that provides much needed aid and support for israel, our greatest ally in the middle east. israel has every right to defend herself from terrorists who have brutally murdered over 14,000 men, women and children. as i stand here today, i want to quote israeli prime minister netanyahu. this is his quote, if the arabs lay down their arms, there would be no more war. but if israel lays down its weapons, there would be no more israel. it is essential that we demonstrate our unwavering support for the state of israel.
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with that, i urge my colleagues strongly to support this package that's so crucial for our greatest ally in the middle east, israel. and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i yield two minutes to the ranking member of the financial services and general finance subcommittee, mr. hoyer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentlelady for yielding but will be quick and hopefully pointed. if the republicans had not put a poison pill on this bill, it would pass on suspension with over 400 votes but they did not do that. mr. speaker, we must provide israel with the resources it needs to protect itself and israelis, a mission that i absolutely support. and we must do it now. however, i rise in strong opposition to this legislation, the dangerous precedent it sets
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and the unsettling message it sends. at any point, the majority could and should have put a bill on the floor providing crucial aid to israel and ukraine. the israel bill alone would get over 400 votes in support for ukraine and consistently has gotten 300 votes. the new speaker chose neither. instead, he has constructed a political gotsche-ya bill and they try to score points at the expense of jewish lives and the confidence of both our allies and enemies in our resolve and reliability. they undermine the critical aid for israel with their misguided attacks on the i.r.s., which delaying this vital funding for our ally while adding, adding $12.5 billion to the deficit. that's the exact opposite of what the offset claims to be its objective. how ironic?
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how perverse? : how perverse. this signals to putin, hamas, hezbollah, iran, kim jong un and other despotic regimes around the world that america may no longer be willing to pay the price of freedom. such doubt is dangerous. it signal to our allies that our support is contingent not on our shared values but on partisan issues unrelated to this bill. vote no. for israel. and for precedent. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields. the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from ohio, mr. miller, for two minutes. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. miller: i thank the
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gentlelady for yielding. mr. speaker, i rise in a time of great need and urgency to support an emergency supplemental aid package to our great ally and the only democracy in the middle east, israel. for nearly a month now the world has watched the bombardment of brutal terrorist attacks against israel, the sheer evil and terror that have been brought upon the israeli people by these barbaric savages cannot be met by silence or inaction. as hamas continues its heinous attacks against israel, we must continue to send a message to the world and leaders of hamas that the united states stands with israel and supports its absolute right to exist. in our first action under speaker johnson, the house overwhelmingly passed a resolution reaffirming support for israel. following that up, this supplemental aid to israel is a necessary step. such aid will provide israel with the critical resources it needs to defend itself and mount
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tay response that will allow for the elimination of the threat of hamas. as our strong ally in the meas, the united states must continue to stand firmly with israel and provide support for it to defend its right to exist against those who wish it wowltd cease to be. as one of two jewish house republicans, i urge all of my colleagues to support this aid package and to stand firmly behind israel and the israeli people. thank you and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields. the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from florida, ranking member of the military construction and veterans affairs subcommittee, ms. wasserman schultz. the chair: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. wasserman schultz: as the first jew -- as florida's first jewish congresswoman, the debate is palpable. i have never felt this agony and shock burning in the hearts of
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the jewish community. this goes beyond our belief of the jewish state and rises far above politics as usual. today should be a moment of unity for this chamber, a time where partisan games and showmanship are put aside. the house should be voting on a simple bill to provide urgent security assistance to israel in her battle against hamas terrorists. the same terrorist organization that perpetrated intentional genocidal violence against israeli civilians on october 7, who just recently vowed to repeat the massacre over and over again. that's why this house should send a clean bill to the senate. instead speaker johnson is willingly jeopardizing israel's security by making support for israeli assistance contingent on issues unrelated to this issue. he's taken an unprecedented state, one with potentially deadly consequences. i have seen statements from my colleagues across the aisle, proclaiming ironclad support for israel. you know you looked pro-israel
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leaders in the cry and promised you would never never do that. think about it. but here we are. we cannot send a message to our strongest allies in the meas that the u.s. will only support israel if we can score political points against democrats. we have cannot hold israel's security captive as she reels with 230 of her citizens being held hostage. that's why last night i offer and amendment to eliminate the offset. which isn't an offset. it would have eliminated the false choice republicans are forcing upon us. yet to my dismay but not surprise, my colleagues across the aisle rejected my amendment, prevented it from even being voted on on the floor today. when given a chance to mix tear -- to fix their mistake republicanning rejected it, opting for political gamesmanship. our sole democratic ally in the meas deserves better. don't try to say you have israel's best interests at heart. the israeli people deserve
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better. the speaker pro tempore: i remind all members to address your comments to the chair. the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from georgia, a member of the appropriations committee, mr. clyde, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognize for two minutes. mr. clyde: i'm proud to be a co-sponsor of of the israel supplemental appropriations act which provides critical assistance to our great ally israel while also replenishing our own defense stockpiles and ensthierg safe return of american citizens impacted by hamas' barbaric terrorist attack on israel. on october 7, iran-backed hamas terrorists committed heinous attacks the people of israel. in the days following the savmg onslaught, the world has watched in horror as images and reports reveal the vile depps of hamas' depravity. they have perpetrated barbaric,
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sadistic, evil acts including burning and decapitating babies, abducting families and murdering over 1,400 people. 30 americans were also murdered that day and several remain held hostage in gaza in. response to this the israel security supplemental reinforces israel's security by replenish the iron dome and david's sling defense systems. $3.5 million for procurement of advanced weapons system. and $1.5 billion for the iron beam defense system. this is not a time for a cease fire or a pause in any way, mr. speaker. this is a time to crush hamas, eliminate their leadership and obliterate their fighters. i am so thankful that there is no humanitarian aid here that can possibly get into the hands of hamas. this bill will help israel do
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exactly what it needs to do, and that's defend itself. this bill also provides $200 million for the protection of u.s. personnel in israel and evacuation of u.s. citizens to ensure americans can return safely@united states. finally under speaker johnson's leadership this bill is fully offset by a rescission of the i.r.s. funding taken out of the reckless inflation expansion act. this commonsense solution assures we can assist our strongest ally in the middle east without further burdening taxpayers. to my colleagues i ask their support. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from illinois, the ranking member of the transportation, housing, and urban development subcommittee, mr. quick lee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. quigley: thank you. when i came to this house i was told a cardinal rule is, we are not going to let israel become a
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partisan issue. the manner in which this supplemental is moving forward does just that. it is dangerous and it's unnecessary. it's also a dangerous game my colleagues across the aisle are playing with our national security. removing ukraine aid from this package sends a message to putin and the rest of the world that our aid is conditional on political climate. it's clear that some of my colleagues have forgotten why ukraine's fight is so important, what it means to democracy across the world. so let's remind them. this past weekend, we traveled to kyiv and met with president zelenskyy. we discussed the critical role the u.s. plays in the war and what else has to be done in the coming winter. my anythings are dwindling and needs are increasing. not only is putin certain to view the current crisis in the middle east as a distraction from ukraine, that can be used to his advantage, antagonists in both conflicts are connected through him. just last week, russia hosted representatives from hamas and
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iran. iran is supporting both hamas attacks on israel and assisting putin in his assault on ukraine. ukraine beliefs that 1,000 iranian-designed drones were used by russia over the past six months alone. we do not have to choose which crisis to respond to. nato secretary general steltenberg himself said, quote, we have the capability and strength to address different challenges at the same time. we don't have the luxury of choosing only one threat and one challenge. if we want to hold hamas accountable, defeating putin in ukraine is also in our best interest. anyone who tries to argue the choice must be made between ukraine and -- ukraine and the american people or ukraine and israel is presenting a false dilemma. we must help israel defend itself in the face of terrorism while simultaneously supporting ukraine in the war against an autocratic invader. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from louisiana, the majority leader, mr. scalise, for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. scalise: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the appropriations chair, my good friend, ms. granger of texas. and for bringing this important legislation which i strongly support. we have seen the atrocities in israel. we have always stood by israel in. fact the united states is proud to be the first country that recognized israel as a jewish state. on the heels of world war ii as the nations were coming together and recognizing the importance that we all get behind a jewish state. but unfortunately from that day, there were always people around the neighborhood who wished israel harm. over time, you've seen peace agreement, abraham accords, but you've always seen seeds of discord and of course the biggest discord started with
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iran funding terrorist organizations like hamas. and hamas took action weeks ago, atrocities that are hard to repeat. we've seen, and the world needs to continue to see, because unfortunately as the world is seeing the atrocities, while we recognize the lives that have been lost, not only israelis, jews, americans, palestinians, but you also see the ugly head of anti-semitism popping up. here on college campuses in the united states. other places around the nation where -- around the nation and the world, where anti-semitism seems to rise its ugly head at times when israel seems to be in a dangerous position. these are times when we all need to be standing with israel, giving them the tools they need to make sure they can defend
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themselves against these atrocities. that's what this legislation does. in fact, we worked with the leadership in israel. we worked with the biden administration, the pentagon, others. who know what's at stake. we've had longtime partnerships in our strength and our defense systems. if you think about the iron dome. david's sling. weapons systems that will be replenished with this legislation. a lot of this is american technology that's been partners with israel over many, many years. to save lives in israel. and as those weapons systems get depleted, we need to make sure they're replenish. the iron beam system, a more advanced missile system. some of the other partnerships that we've had for a long time. that's also funded in this bill. so making sure that israel has the tools they need. we came out of the box ensuring, under speaker mike johnson, that we send a strong message to the world.
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that we support israel. passing strong legislation. to unite behind israel. but now we need to back that up with action. with the support and military strength that they need to continue this conflict. it's actually paid for, paid for not by taking away existing i.r.s. agents but tens of thousands of new proposed i.r.s. agents. and where are they coming from? who are they going after? if you look at the c.b.o. report, the i.r.s. agents actually proposed that we would be defunding in this, were helping president biden keep his promise. if you heard over and over again, president biden said no american making under $400,000 will pay a dime in new taxes. we all heard that. it was a promise made over and over and over again. except president biden broke that promise. families making under $400,000 are paying more in new taxes. and part of that is the army of
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i.r.s. agents they're sending after people. tens of thousands. under this bill. these i.r.s. agents that we would be eliminating saved the american taxpayers making under $400,000 a total of $4 billion. $4 billion back in the pockets of hardworking families who were promised by president biden they wouldn't see their taxes go up. and yet he wanted to put tens of thousands of i.r.s. agents looking into and raising their taxes. that won't happen if this bill passes. which is more money they need right now because prices are higher on those families. but at the end of the day, sending the message that we're willing to stand up to iran, give israel the tools they need, tomorrow we're bringing more legislation by the way in the ship act to put sanctions on iranian oil. again irk ran is at the heart and center of funding hamas. hamas started. this as the president
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president talks about a keys fire, hamas broke the sees fire. they made 80 billion selling their oil on the world markets. we need to pass that legislation tomorrow and hopefully a big bipartisan vote and we need to pass this legislation to give them the tools they need in israel to push back and destroy hamas and protect those citizens in israel who deserve peace and america has stood by our ally israel. i urge passage and would be happy to yield to leader hoyer. mr. hoyer: mr. speaker, mr. scalise and i have been
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partners in being very, very strong supporters of israel and making sure that israel has the funds it needs to be successful, sovereign, secure and safe, and we remain in that position. and the reason i asked the gentleman to yield, i don't know what's going to happen to this legislation. i know the chairman of the foreign affairs committee has said this legislation we are considering is dead upon arrival in the senate. i don't know whether that's the case. i would ask my friend, i'm no longer the leader, but i will tell my friend, the leader of the republican party, if you would bring a bill to the floor tomorrow that has this $14.3 billion, i would like it to have ukraine, but if it doesn't have ukraine and i would like humanitarian relief, but if it doesn't have relief, it would
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pass suspension from votes on this side and your side. and i would ask the gentleman to consider that alternative. i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. scalise: the gentleman yielded back and i appreciate the conversation -- he has led many delegations to israel and most of us have been to israel and seeing firsthand some of those cities and the heartbreak going to the kibbutz and i know this. and obviously as we talk about funding of government, we just passed an appropriations bill last night and we are going to be moving after this bill into two more appropriations bills and working late into tonight and tomorrow on more appropriations bills to properly fund government. when you look at the bills we have sent over in the senate that include the defense
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appropriations bill that includes more funding with israel with the state and foreign operations bill that includes funding, when we had military leaders come before us to testify about the major threats globally, they have been asked point blank what is the major threat to america? you would think if you are a military leader, you would talk about china and some of the threats they pose that are very real. that's not what they talk about, they talk about our nation's debt, the nation's debt is the biggest threat and if we could support our friends around the world and start confronting our nation's debt and we will have to do this over and over again, a debt commission that got bipartisan interest and bicameral interest, these are issues we have to confront at the same time. we will continue to do our work. the senate could pass that bill
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to the president's desk and he would sign it. this bill that we are going to pass today, i have no doubt that the president will sign this bill. we have to confront the challenges. we need border security. there are people on the terrorist watch list coming in and we can't ignore. democrat mayors and republican mayors recognize there is a major problem. we are going to confront it and continue to work on those issues but this has to be dealt with at the same time and none of this happens in a vacuum. and so we are going to confront all of them and work as we can hopefully together. but obviously today may be -- we may not be on the same page. tomorrow on that oil sanctions bill will be closer. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman
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for his comments. would the gentleman yield? the irony, as i pointed out, mr. leader, is that in the pay-for that you have used, c.b.o. scores that as $12.5 billion increase in the debt, not a decrease. and the reason for that is, it cuts $28 million that we would otherwise collect and we spend 14 of that, so there is a net $12 billion-plus remaining to add to the deficit. i agree with the gentleman. the debt is important and we need to deal with it and i agree that our defense officials see that as a clear and present danger to our country but i suggest respectfully to the gentleman his offset -- not hist
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accomplish that objective and i thank you for yielding. mr. scalise: obviously, if you look at the history of c.b.o., the referee, the score keeper that has to be used, they have been wrong but never in doubt. when they are wrong they are wrong to the detriment of taxpayers. only in washington where eliminating government positions, they count as something that's going to cost the deficit, getting rid of the size of government is ruled by c.b.o. is increasing the deficit but expose the secret of new i.r.s. agents. tens of thousands of new i.r.s. agents that president biden wants to hire. it exposed that the only way they generate money is by raising taxes.
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and in the report, they point this out, if you are an american citizen that believed joe biden's promise that you will not pay more taxes if you make less than $400,000. dl is $4 billion that new taxes will be paying. so if you want to save $4 billion in taxes and one of those families that bought the promise and frankly in times of high inflation, high interest rates from gas to grocery, no family should be paying more. this will save families a lot more money than what they were going to collect in new taxes and doing them a favor while addressing a serious spending problem in washington and standing with israel most importantly. we need to pass the bill and i
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yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from florida, ms. frankel. mr. franklin: i'm standing here because my grandfather was able to flee europe. on october 7, it happened again. hamas' attack on israel was the deadliest day for jews since the holocaust. hamas are terrorists out to kill all jews and destroy israel and other enemies in the region are on the same mission. we are affirming israel's right to exist. mr. speaker, the united states has a moral duty and national
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security urgency to aid israel in defending herself and must send an unmistakable message to the world that we stand with israel and i hope as this process moves forward we will come together to do just that. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. van drew. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. van mr. van drew: i thank the gentlelady. peace through strength. this is the preliminary that is called upon us today. if he were the beacon of democracy, we must help our ally israel and help them from the threat of its very existence and we stand with our allies and help shield israel from the
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rockets of hamas and help shield israel from the death, the torture, the rape of babies and children and mothers and fathers and grand mothers and grand fat the thyrse. we have seen the face of evil. that will take a resolute stand against terrorism. it is an unwavering commitment to israel's right to defend itself. its spleut right to do what is necessary. i implore all my colleagues let us stand with israel. this is a simple yes or no vote. vote yes to stand with israel. it is right, it is necessary i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentleman from connecticut. ms. delauro: the gentleman cares
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about what is happening to women and children and babies that would be a humanitarian package. i yield to the gentleman from new york, mr. nadler. mr. nadler: i rise in strong opposition to this bill which for the first time emergency aid to israel and cuts to the domestic budget. the majority is attempting to divide congress for partisan gain. it is despicable. i stand here as zionist and supporting israel. my wife lived in israel, i have family in israel. i was horrified by the events of october 7. it was traumatic moment for the jewish community. i will support our ally israel especially since hamas stated that they will repeat the massacre over and over until israel is no more. i look forward to voting for
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president biden's humanitarian aid package and humanitarian assistance for ukraine and taiwan. and deal with extreme crisis conditions caused by two major wars. today's vote is not about supporting israel or global security. today's vote is on a divisive political maneuver that leads us down a dark road and pits our national security and support the democratic allies against domestic expenditures. it must be repeated, the so-called offset will increase the deficit allowing the wealthiest to cheat on their taxes and would add $12 billion to the deficit. i will support a emergency supplemental aid to israel. but the bill today is a partisan gain and insult to jewish
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americans and insult to israel. i will proudly vote no. reject this partisanship and wait for a againin -- again inbill to aid israel. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from new york, mr. lawler, three minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized law law we must stand with israel in its time of need. this funding will go a long way to ensure that israel has the ability to defend itself against hamas, hezbollah, iran and other terrorist organizations. what occurred on october 7 is akin to what happened to our country on december 7, 1941 or september 11, 2001, israel has a right to defend itself and fight back against those who would see
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them eradicated from the face of the earth. no one told the united states after pearl harbor or 9/11 not to hold the perpetrators of those attacks accountable. and the perpetrators of this attack on israel are insidious. organization that has attacked their country. hamas stated goal is the elimination of the state of israel and by extension the genocide of the jewish population living in it. we cannot let that happen. we have members in this body who have voted against condemning hamas, voted against holding iran accountable. members in this body calling for a ceasefire despite that hamas has stated this is just the first step. they will not abide by a ceasefire. this legislation before us today would provide $14.3 billion in
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aid to israel. this is a defense supplemental this is a supplemental that includes $8.1 billion for ammunition procurement. $3.1 billion for financing. evacuation support. $4 billion for iron dome and david's sling defense systems and other defense-wide procurement. $38.6 million for air force procurement. this bill is necessary for our closest ally in the meas which is why i urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to join us in passing this critical aid for israel and show our support for this beacon of hope and freedom in the meas. we cannot let our differences divide us on this critical issue. we cannot allow the bright candle of democracy in the meas to be extinguished by hamas, hezbollah and iran. we cannot allow israel to lose. this legislation is not
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conditioning aid. it's paying for it. aparently my democratic colleagues still don't understand that we cannot just continue to borrow and print new money at every opportunity. we have a debt that is approaching $34 trillion. it costs money. and we have to pay for it. so to oppose this simply because you don't like the fact that there is an offset is absurd. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expire. mr. lawler: i look forward to everyone joining to pass this bipartisan legislation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: on september 29, the gentleman who just spoke voted for a $1 billion cut to israel. i yield two minutes to the gentleman from new york, the ranking member of the foreign affairs committee, mr. meeks.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. meeks: i rise to oppose this measure. first let the record be clear. there is no question that we all support israel. fact of the matter is, chairman mccaul and i worked very hard together to make sure that there was one voice on the very vote once the speaker was selected to say we all support israel. bringing us together. there's some decisive votes we take as members of congress. that will stick with us. and one of those votes is this one. h.r. 6126. congress has a proud, bipartisan tradition of acting rapidly to pass the emergency funding for critical national security needs.
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this legislation breaks that long and important tradition. once we set the precedent of conditioning assistance to partners and allies in esen b cial fights with poison pills it is hard to go back. we can't unring that bell. we have stood in a bipartisan way to prevent conditioning of aid to israel. and yet, here we are considering a bill today that does exactly that. disappointingly, this bill doesn't include the $9.15 billion the administration requested to address global humanitarian need including gaza, undermierng values and the biden administration's careful diplomacy and bipartisan support for israel. we are a nation that aims to use its power for good in this world. that has been our guiding principle drawn from the lessons learned when we look ahead. mr. speaker, we can't afford to look the other way as ukraine faces a vital moment and critical munitions shortfalls.
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we can't afford to look the other way as countries in the indo-pacific look to the united states for leadership as we engage in strategic competition with china. are we prepared to signal to the world we are looking away, mr. speaker? let's reject this bill which trades our long-term national security for a fleeting advantage and get back to work. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields, the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. mr. granger: i yield to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. smith, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. smith: i thank my friend for yielding and thank her for her leadership in protecting israel and proid -- providing them the means to protect themselves. our friend israel continues to respond to the cowardly hamas invasion that includes psychotic terrorists butchering innocent civilian, rape, hostage take, the beheading of babies and the
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daily indiscriminate attacks that are reminiscent of nazi buzz bombs an v-2 rockets. prime minister netanyahu said he would never allow a second holocaust and nor should we. anti-semitism is at the root of hamas violence against israel. i ask members to read the charter put out by hamas in 1988. they call for killing jews. slaughtering jews. i ask every member to read it and also for the end of israel and that there be no israel that they eviscerate it from the planet earth. this important bill provides $14.3 billion to provide mill stair assistance for israel including $4 billion to replenish iron dome and david's sling. $.5 million for military financing. $1.2 billion for the continuing development of the iron beam system and so much more. line the nazis before them, mr. speaker, hamas and its chief
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terrorism sponsor iran are committing genocide against the jews. can you believe it? iran is now the chair -- is now chairing the human rights council in geneva as of today? that is absurd. the united states and all people committed to human rights and the rule of law must stand with israel. that means moral support and prayers. that means ensuring that critical intelligence be shared and every weapons system critical in destroying hamas, including iron dome is conveyed to israel in quantities commensurate with the challenge and without any delay. this is an important bill. i call on my friend on the other side of the aisle to support it. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: the gentleman from new jersey on september 29 vote for a $1 billion cut in aid to israel. i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. doggett. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. doggett: this bill is soft
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on war crime. the massacres in mare poll, by ka and the kidnapping of ukrainian children, similar to what happened in israel are all crimes against humanity. like the holocaust, there is no other side justifying these crimes and all of these criminals must be held accountable. and yet, because of affection for putin and his helpers here in congress this bill offers absolutely nothing to help fight russian terrorisms. and nothing to stop hamas terrorists unless well-connected republican tax cheats get help first. nor does defeating hamas require encouraging collective punishment of the children of gaza by denying them food, medicine and water. immediate senate correction of the many failings in this bill can produce a balanced bill that i and many others will join in supporting. and a humanitarian pause now,
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stopping disproportionate responses, represents no surrender to hamas. rather it offers a chance to secure the hostages, avoid a wider war and achieve long-term security. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. cherman. the speaker pro tempore: -- mr. sherman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. sherman: speaker johnson brought to this floor a bill to prevent the i.r.s. from auditing the wealthy. because every time a billionaire cheats on his taxes a member of the freedom caucus earns his wings. speaker said today that israel can't wait for this critical aid, then he brings to the floor a bill he knows is dead on
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arrival in the senate and he knew full well that all he had to do was bring it up without the i.r.s. provisions and it would pass overwhelmingly in this house and the senate and be on the president's desk in a day. for 50 years every israel bill that came to this floor passed with overwhelming, bipartisan support. and that is crit chasm because israel has one friend in the world, and if israel becomes a partisan issue then israel has one half of one friend in the world. hamas was willing to kill. to decapitate. and to die. to undercut world support for israel. particularly bipartisan support here in the united states. no one has done more than our new speaker. to help hamas achieve that objective. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas reserves her time.
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the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i yield four minute it is the gentleman from illinois, mr. schneider. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. four minutes. the gentlelady from connecticut has five minutes remaining. mr. schneider: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in opposition to this bill. 80 years ago, the greatest generation laid their lives on the line fighting for our country and the free world and europe, africa, the middle east and pacific. today, we are facing great global challenges and threats not seen in decades. the world is again looking to the united states to lead. and we must not -- we must not shrink from the burdens of our responsibilities. we are here today talking about israel and our ironclad commitment to its security. israel is fighting a war for its survival and must defeat hamas.
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hamas is a genocidal, nihilistic terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of the state of israel and the murder of the jewish people. there will not be peace for palestinians or israelis until hamas can in longer rule other gaza or threaten israel from its borders. it is also important to understand that putin's war against ukraine cannot be separated from hamas' war against israel. success in both wars is imperative for the interests of the united states. we must demonstrate to our allies and enemies we are not just able, we are committed to support israel, ukraine, and our friends in the indo-pacific as they defend themselves. sadly, at this moment, the new speaker of the house and the bill he brought to the floor today are coming up woefully short. leaders from both sides of the aisle have long accepted three tenets in their support for israel. number one, support for israel
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must never be a bargaining chip. second, support for israel is and must remain broadly bipartisan. and third, aid for israel must never be conditioned. this bill violates all three. right now israel urgently needs our strong support. meanwhile republicans who have too long tried to use israel as a political, partisan wedge are now conditioning aid to israel on the partisan demand we defund the i.r.s. reflecting the cynicism of this move, their condition for supporting israel will not even pay for itself but will dig a fiscal hole $27 billion deeper. it will be far better and less costly in blood and treasure if we ensure russia, iran and hamas are defeated in their current wars than in our -- than if our enemies achieve strategic victories against ukraine and israel and america has to strengthen our defenses in
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europe and the middle east. speaker johnson's plan is dangerous, reckless an irresponsible. it's dangerous because it endangers israel's security. it's reckless because it conditions aid to israel for the first time. it is irresponsible because it adds $27 billion to the national debt. i'm fully committed to ensuring israel gets the aid it needs as quickly as possible. i will work with anyone, democrat and republican, to get this done. and we all know the senate will send us a robust, bipartisan package. i look forward to leading the charge, making sure that package passes overwhelmingly in this house. butky not support the terribly flawed, weak, dangerous bill speaker johnson and the republicans have on the floor today. i urge all my colleagues to reject the cynical bill before us. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlelady reserves. the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: can i ask hough time is remaining. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady has 2 1/2 minutes remaining. ms. delauro: i'd like to yield the balance of my time to the gentleman from new york -- from new york, mr. goldman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. goldman: i thank the gentlelady for recognizing me. mr. speakerrering i stand before you and this -- mr. speaker, i stand before you and this body as the only member who was in israel on october 7, hiding in a stairwell with my wife and three young kids to avoid rockets sent our way by a brutal terrorist regime. 27 days later, there are 240 hostages that remain in gaza. my children are still traumatized. but their trauma does not compare to the trauma every single israeli feels after the most barbaric and horrific terrorist attack targeting jews since the holocaust.
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so too my republican colleagues, please spare me the lectures about what is best for israel. you will not find a member of congress who is more supportive of israel than i am. that's why i'm so personally mr. golden: house republicans have chosen to divide us by playing political gains with aid for israel with what israel needs right now is our unified unconditional support. 412 members last week voted to condemn hamas and support israel. today for the first time, republicans have put conditions on emergency aid to israel in a purely political ploy designed to divide us. this is a terrible precedent for the future of israel. i look forward to supporting the full amount of israel aid that
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is in this bill when it comes back from the senate as soon as possible and without conditions. support for israel may be a political game for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, but this is personal for us jews. and it is important for the one jewish nation in the world that is a safe haven against the rising tide of antisemitism across the globe. this is a shameful effort to use israel as a political weapon. i urge my colleagues to vote no. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i urge the support of this bill and i yield
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