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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. President Trump Speaks at South Dakota GOP Rally  CSPAN  September 9, 2023 8:03pm-10:20pm EDT

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television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. announcer: next, former president donald trump, the featured speaker at the south dakota republican party's monumental leaders rally. then, a look at promoting the paralympics and diversity in athletics, administration, and financial management of the u.s. olympic and paralympic committee. later, a look at mark twain's life as a writer and public figure, and his influence on american popular culture. 2020 for republican candidate candidate in former president donald trump was the keynote speaker at the monumental leaders rally, hosted by the south dakota republican party. ♪
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>> ♪ thunder, thunder thunder, thunder ♪ [cheering and applause] >> i love you, too. good evening. you look fantastic. thank you for being here tonight. three years ago, during some of our country's darga days in recent history, south dakota inspired the nation by daring to boldly celebrate our god-given freedom. while leaders across the world used fear to manipulate, to
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live, and to control people, we chose a different path. [applause] on july 3, we gathered at this nation's greatest monument and we invited the world's strongest leader to join us. [applause] and president donald j. trump showed up. [applause] president trump showed us like he always does for the american people. and he has shown up here again tonight. [applause] i have gotten lots of questions from people across the country about tonight's event. they want to know why. why did you invite president trump to come support the south dakota republican party?
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[applause] they wanted to know, why would he waste his time in the middle of a presidential race to go to a small, insignificant state like south dakota. [crowd booing] somebody really asked me that. that conversation went south quickly. another question they asked is, is president trump going to pick you as the most popular governor? i said, yes. [cheering and applause] here are the facts. chairman john wick had this fantastic idea to bring republicans and our state to gather to rally us around our values and our principles. i love the idea. i told him i would do every thing i could to help him. we started discussing inviting the candidates running to be president of the united states. tim scott was asked. and he declined.
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the vet was invited. he turned us down. other candidates were asked and all of them told us they had better things to do. [crowd booing] but, when trump was invited to come be with you tonight, he said "i will be there." [cheering and applause] you see, that is why people love president trump. he does not listen to consultants. he does not this into the media -- does not listen to the media or the political elite to tell him what was important and what his priorities should be. to him, every american is worth fighting for. [cheering and applause] no one is better than anyone else. no one deserves to be between -- to be treated differently than anyone else and he will never forget about us.
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the little people in the little states that are the backbone of this country. [cheering and applause] he shows up for every american and he fights for us every single day. some people cannot figure out his popularity. why are people so loyal to him? i'm convinced it is because we have never seen anything or anyone like him ever before. [cheering and applause] and we have certainly never seen anyone like him serve in public office before. he is unapologetically himself. he israel, he is genuine, he is who he is and he never pretends to be something he is not. [cheering and applause] and those who hate america know he will fight every single day to stop them from destroying
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this country. [cheering and applause] when i was first asked for your support and when i stood with all of you to serve as our governor, i talked about a vision for south dakota. i believed we could become stronger, expand businesses and industry, we could pay down our debt, build stronger families, all while preserving our values and our way of life. we have done that and we did not do it through government control or by raising taxes. we did it by trusting our people and by giving them more opportunities to succeed. when the rest of the country was locking down and ordering people to stay home, we did the exact opposite. [cheering and applause] we invited people to come to south dakota. we used it as an opportunity to tell our story. we were a city on a hill there -- on a hill during a very dark
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time and we represented hope. we showed people and the country how to do better, how to be better. many were threatened by what south dakota had done the last several years. here's why. while big government socialists want more control over you and your family, your money and your life, we chose personal responsibility. we cut taxes, we cut regulations, we let families make the best decisions for themselves and we have thrived. [cheering and applause] we have gone from flyover country to one of the fastest growing states in the nation. [cheering and applause] south dakota's real gdp just grew a whopping 10.1%. [cheering and applause] our personal incomes just went up by another 9.2%.
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those are both top five in the nation. our population has been growing up to 10 times the national average over the past several years. we are a beacon of freedom to the nation and we have broken tourism records every year since the pandemic. we have grown our economy faster than any other state and faster than at any other time in south dakota history. [cheering and applause] let me give you a quick refresher on south dakota's history. in january 2020, i stood in front of our legislature and in my state of the state address, i declared south dakota open for business. just two months later, our first covid cases came to south dakota. i knew one thing, the only way we were going to get through it was together. we made decisions based on the science, the facts and data and the science does not support mandates or lockdowns. [cheering and applause]
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we asked south dakotan's to use common sense and we trusted them. we trusted them to use personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved ones and as a community, as a state, we went back to work. other states were taking a very different approach. they ordered their citizens to shelter-in-place. they ordered businesses to lock down, ordered churches to close. some even sent nursing home patients who had covid back to their facilities. those decisions were not leadership. they were made based on and -- based on fear and control. south dakota, we focused on our facts. i respected my oath to the united states of the south dakota constitution. i respected our freedom and i respected our people. if joe biden had been president, he would have tried stop me from protecting you. thank god president trump was in the white house at the time.
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[cheering and applause] he let me do my job. the results have been incredible. earlier this year, south dakota became the first state in american history to reach a 1.8% unemployment rate. [cheering and applause] no state has ever had an unemployment rate that low. our people understand the value of work and having a purpose. they understand that were created to serve each other. incomes have been going up faster here than anywhere else. women-owned businesses do better here than virtually any other state. folks are moving here. [cheering and applause] in record numbers. our birthrates are the highest in the country. our new housing development have led the nation. we have had historic tourism numbers, set new records in hunting and fishing licenses and cut taxes.
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all while building historic revenues because of our economic growth. while other states were struggling with out-of-control crime and violence and hopelessness, south dakota enforce our laws. -- enforced our laws. we respected our law enforcement officers. [cheering and applause] we even saw declining mental health challenges, declining drug overdoses and declining suicide rates. by embracing our faith and freedom and by working together, our people are happier. you see, i believe this is one of the main reasons why south dakota is so attacked by those who want to cs fail. they will do anything and destroy anyone to get more control and power. we refused to comply. [cheering and applause]
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all we did in south dakota is what republicans have always said that they believed. but, we did it and it worked. now, that terrifies the liberals. we have proof that our policies lift people up. that they help people, that they improve their opportunities for success. we do not have to speculate or guess or be philosophical about the benefits of our principles. we have proof that they work. three years ago on july 3 in mount rushmore, i stood there to honor our nation. i quoted one of our great leaders carved in stone on that mountain. i quoted my favorite president. teddy roosevelt. "it is not the critic that counts, not the man that points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. the credit belongs to the man in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who airs and
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comes up short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming. but, who does actually strive to do the deed? who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause? who at the best, in the end, knows the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst he fails, at least fails while if daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither knew victory nor defeat." that night, i used those words to introduce our special guest with us this evening. i introduced him as someone who knows precisely what it means to raise the dangers in the arena, someone who strives valiantly, who knows great enthusiasms, who spends himself in a worthy cause. who has firmly and repeatedly stated his commitment to place americans, american liberties, american safety and the american
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constitution before anything else. [cheering and applause] let me be clear. there are many who choose not to be in the arena. many who take the easy path, who criticize, who do not show up for our party, our country or our constitutional rights. they do not show up for you when it really matters. they did not even show up here tonight to welcome a former president of the united states to south dakota. [crowd booing] a president who cared enough to come and support our state republican party and our great chairman, john wick. yes, maybe it is controversial to be here tonight. maybe it was not convenient. but, it is not the critic who counts. thank all of you for being respectful, for being here for a man who shows up every day for
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each of us. [cheering and applause] may we all know the triumph of high achievement. because of those like him who fight for freedom, it is a worthy cause. i was at the southern border to weeks ago, make no mistake, it is a war zone. president biden's policies are inhumane. he is ignoring federal laws, he is perpetuating drug and human trafficking. he is undermining our national security. the only person in this presidential race who will fix that situation is president trump. [cheering and applause] he started building and funded the wall. he instituted the remain in mexico policy. and it worked. he supports our allies such as israel and taiwan.
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he understands a strong america brings a safer world. i trust president trump to use our military when it is in america's best interest. i have been commander-in-chief of the south dakota national guard. i have had south dakota guards men and women deployed every day since i have been governor. before that, i served on the house of armed forces committee. i know how important american strength is on the global stage. i have seen president trump take decisive action time and time again. he exhibits peace through strength. he destroys our enemies and swiftly, without hesitation. [cheering and applause] and, he understands that american women and men in uniform should only be deployed as a last result. the only person in the race that i trust to be done on these issues is president trump.
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[cheering and applause] i have not seen these other candidates fight when it mattered, when it was hard to do the right thing for our country. some of them talk pretty tough, but where were they when the pandemic was raging? when leaders were taking away people's constitutional rights, because the government told folks they cannot gather together. people lost their freedom of assembly. because the government told people they could not go to church, people lost their freedom of religion. because government censored what information could be shared and what could not, people lost their freedom of speech. where were these candidates then? they were silent. they were cowering. or worse yet, they were locking down their own people. they were pushing mandates, they were closing beaches, even arresting people for taking a spring break. now yes, i will be attacked for speaking the truth to all of you tonight. and yes, i accept that joe biden
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committees candidates come in the media will perpetuate ugly, hateful misinformation in an attempt to destroy me and my family because of our opinions. it is nothing new. and frankly, i am getting used to it. [cheering and applause] but, all of us here tonight, we need to heed this warning in this well-known quote. the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. [cheering and applause] so, listen. do something. get in the arena. history cannot and should not be rewritten. we must remember what has happened in the past. learn from it, and not allow those who abuse their power to ever perpetuate their harm again. to president trump, tonight, my
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message is clear. it is an honor to have you here with us in south dakota. [cheering and applause] these people here, these people are free. we are the strongest state in america because president trump let me do my job. we seized that moment and we told our story. as you travel this great country, point to south dakota as the example of what is possible. we just did hear what republican s have always said they believed, but we did it and it worked. we do not have to talk hypotheticals anymore. we kept our businesses open. we kept government out of people's lives. we cut taxes. our government lives within its means. we have a surplus, not debt. we fund our pensions, take care
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of our veterans, we conserve our natural beauty without government mandates. we play for true and honest education because we know how important it is to hand america off to our kids. [cheering and applause] we stand up for common sense, like fairness in girls sports. [cheering and applause] we do our part to secure the border. we honor america's heroes. we stand for the flag and we pray to the almighty. [cheering and applause] and we sing the national anthem proudly. [cheering and applause] this is real america. south dakota is the example you should share with the rest of the country. you made america great again once. let's do it again.
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[cheering and applause] it is my honor to present to you the man in the arena. he is a man of significance. he is the leader, the fighter, that our country needs. he has my full and complete endorsement for president of the united states of america. i will do everything i can to help him win and save this country. ladies and gentlemen, the 45th and the 47th president of the united states, donald j. trump. [cheering and applause] ♪
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>> ♪ from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston in new york to l.a. where there's pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me
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and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ ♪ [cheering and applause]
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[crowd chanting "usa!"] mr. trump: we have to start by saying hello, rapid city, hello. thank you for that incredible south dakota welcome. i have to tell you, you have to see outside. this place is packed. i wish the press were legit. they show this arena. this arena is incredible. you are incredible people. i am thrilled to be back with thousands of hard-working, god-fearing patriots in the heartland of america. i want to thank one of the most successful governors in the entire nation, incredible
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persons south dakota's own kristi noem. [cheering and applause] you already found this out, but she is a warrior for american values. she is tough on china unlike other governors she never locked down south dakota. they all say they kept it open. i kept it open. they did not keep it open. we had some good ones. i tell you what. mcmaster, south carolina was great. we had some really good ones but kristi was just incredible. you got to look at those numbers. she did swell. 10%. what state has gone up 10%? i'm truly honored to receive your endorsement, very much so. i appreciate it. [cheering and applause] thank you very much. it is a great honor. i get endorsements, some good,
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some bad. i get endorsements. hers means a lot. let me tell you. everyone here tonight as part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country. this is the greatest movement -- look at this. this place is packed. we come to south dakota, i said how many people you normally have at your republican party dinners and events? a couple hundred. this is like 6000, 7000 people. this is a lot. your chairman is great. we will talk about him in a he second. has done a fantastic job. just broke your all-time record may be will break it again next year. we are the only ones that can do it. we are racing toward a monumental victory. this is so important. there has never been anything like this one. when we did 2016, i said this is the most important election we've ever had.
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our country is going to hell. going to hell. together we are going to defeat crooked joe biden, most crooked president in history. the most incompetent president in history. we are going to make america -- we are going to take back the white house, and we are going to make america great again. [cheering and applause] three years ago i traveled to south dakota to deliver a very historic address, turned out people love that speech. they always say it was the best one. i think the beautiful facade, is there a better place in the world to make a speech? i don't think so. even though you do have the lunatics that would like to chop it up and knock it down, it is not happening. i would not want to be them.
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that is an incredible place. some of the most beautiful pictures i have ever had taken of my family, we had a goodwill crowd and we opened it up for the fireworks. for a few years, you had the fireworks. then the democrats closed it down for the fireworks. why would they do that? [crowd booing] how beautiful was that. think of it. they close it down, they were worried about fire but i said it is all stone and rock. it is hard for a rock to catch on fire. they did not want to do it but mount rushmore is a very special place. incredible place. i stood before you at this majestic period of time, majestic monument itself. fiercely defended our great american heroes from the marxists, communists, maniacs
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trying to blast them. trying to blast that incredible work off of the face, the very beautiful mountain. yet today under joe biden, the marxists, fascists, are not just tearing down statues, they are tearing down the economy, dismantling the border, destroying the laws, looting the middle-class, mutilating our children. they are mutilating our children. [crowd booing] who would imagine somebody would say that and it is true? desecrating our constitution, perverting our military. our military is becoming woke. we defeated isis. now it is becoming woke. our white house a place that is not recognizable. our highly weaponized department of justice, it is weaponized like never before. i took the word out, crooked hillary, i give her a different name.
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i don't like having the same name. we have enough words. i call her beautiful hillary. beautiful. that was a good day a few months ago. when he did the indictment thing, it was him, this is not an indictment, this is a biden indictment. no, this is a campaign thing they are doing. but under crooked joe, i thought it was an appropriate name. all you have to do is take a look at what is going on. millions and millions of dollars have been stolen. our country is being destroyed under this man. tonight, i repeat to you what i said three years ago, and the american people are strong, and we are proud and will not allow our country, all the values, incredible history to be taken from us. they are trying to take it from us. you see it every day. you see what is going on with your vote.
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joe biden's banana republic. we have turned into a banana republic. we have no borders, dishonest elections. we have things going on today. i mean, who wants to have millions of people like an invasion pouring into the country? we have no idea where they come from. they come from jails and places you do not want to know about. they are all over our cities and states. with your vote in this election, joe biden's country for a short period, time, -- short period of time, hopefully, it ends on november 5, 2024. [cheering and applause] we have to take our country back. america will be safe and great nation of washington, jefferson, lincoln, and roosevelt -- they don't want to mention those names. it will be restored. it has never never been this low. if you took the five worst
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presidents in the history of the united states and added them up, they would not have done the destruction to our country as joe biden and the biden administration have done in a few short years. nobody can imagine. [cheering and applause] nobody can imagine. and no damage has been worse than the disaster known as bidenomics. he was given the term as the negative and he liked the way it sounded. he tried to turn it. they're all about disinformation and misinformation. one thing with kristi, she tells it like it is. no disinformation. sometimes you may be better off doing it that way. it is easier rather than having to produce. they are a party of disinformation. he tried to turn bidenomics into a good thing. it is not a good thing. it is a bad thing. it was meant a very bad, but he likes the sound of the name. he does not know too much about what is going on anymore.
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since joe biden took office, cumulative inflation has reached almost 20%. think of that. over a 2.5 year period. can you imagine more than one year and we can rid ourselves of what is happened to this country, bring our country back. [cheering and applause] the dollar has lost more than 20% of its value three years time. never happened before. joe biden has blown through $11.5 trillion in wasteful spending. equivalent to $88,000 taken away from every family in america. $88,000 from every family. under biden, the budget deficit is exploding and set to more than double this year alone.
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we were doing something with oil and energy and making a lot of money. we're going to pay off our debt. were going to lower taxes. manufacturing is contracted. 10 months in a row, monthly job reports have been revised downward every single month. every single month they have gone down. we are probably heading into a great depression, something i never said before publicly. i'm saying it in your state. i hate to say this is the state i have to say it, but i did not believe of said that before. i hate to make it. the question is whether or not it will be during the remaining months of the biden administration. if it is going to happen, let it happen then. let it be during joe and we will come up and spring this sucker -- and straighten this sucker out. [cheering and applause]
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or will the next president have to bear the brunt of what biden has done to our country? he has done such damage. i do not want to be the next herbert hoover. you know who herbert hoover was? the great depression. he was the president during the beginning of the great depression but i will not let that happen. i will never let that happen. that i can tell you. during biden's first 30 months in office, 2.1 million new jobs created. they have a different wrinkle on it. the wrinkle is so off even the fake news said you cannot get way with that. he makes up these stories like a picture of a fighter jet. i used to be a fighter jet pilot. then there's a picture of a truck. i used to drive a truck. there is everything. this guy. the worst is did you ever see his golf swing?
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he said he's a six handicap. six handicap is a good golfer. this guy cannot hit a ball to kristi. [laughter] six handicap. i think that is the greatest lie of all. by contrast, during the first 30 months of president trump we created 4.9 million new jobs shattering all predictions and projections. nobody has ever seen anything. the greatest economy in history. under biden, real income has gone down by $7,400 per family. think of that. under president trump, yearly income went up by more than $6,000. that is a record. more than $6,000. think of that. all of this horror and joe biden traveling around the country pretending he's an economic
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genius. he is actually an economic arsonist. bidenomics incinerating american wealth at a level never seen before. it is an an inferno of inflation, taxation, and value, and submission. we submit. everybody says, what is submission? you are submitting to china. we cannot take care of our own country. we cannot help hawaii but we send billions of dollars to other countries. [crowd booing] the choice in this election is between a biden economic bust, and it is going to happen and it is going to, be ugly or a trump economic boom. we had it booming like never before. this was the most successful economy in world history. we had the most successful. everybody was happy.
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african americans, asian americans, hispanic americans, men, women. people with degrees from the great warden school of finance, harvard, m.i.t., those with no degrees at all. now you're giving phony numbers because far few people are looking for jobs. it just went up, but they throw around 3.6% but is a different group of people. they are looking for jobs but many are not looking for jobs. it is a fake number. crooked joe. he cares only about enriching his own family. i care about enriching your family. [cheering and applause] something that again, this is like an evening of first but is something which i proudly say, but i am the only president that
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ever lost money while serving in office, and i knew that would happen. i did not know it would be that much. that is a lot. i lost a number of millions, but i knew it was part of the game. and that is what i intended. i could have made a fortune, made deals. but i put things in trust. i said my kids are going to run and they said do not do deals outside of the country. don't do this, don't do that. i come out and i watch this biden stuff. they make deals with countries. it is just the craziest thing i've ever seen. [crowd booing] i got to give credit to jim jordan and jimmy comer because they found things that nobody thought could be found. it cost me billions of dollars. it has been worth every single penny of them. [cheering and applause]
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because i am working for you. i'm not working for me. that i can tell you. i could've made so much. we would love to do a deal with saudi arabia. sure, we would love to do a deal here, there. i cannot do it. i am president. biden would do it. [laughter] we did it right. we did the right thing. i would do it that way again. i will do it that way again. you have a short period of time -- we have a short period of time. i even gave away my salary. does anyone say i gave away my salary? no. they used to call every month, did you give it a this month? yeah. you have to give it to various agencies.
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did you give it away? if i ever said no, what i say, yes, we did, and i never read anything about it. we would have said no, we didn't, there would be headlines. it was an honor. it was all an honor. if you want the bidens to make millions selling out americans, all your savings go up in flames, that is what happened. how is your 401(k) doing, you know, as an example. then vote for crooked joe. he is crooked joe. we used to call him sleepy joe, but i think crooked joe is a better name. sleepy crooked. no, i think it is better. it is more appropriate. if you want better jobs, higher wages, affordable american dream, you must vote for your favorite president, donald j. trump. [cheering and applause]
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i wish those cameras would turn around. you have heard me say this. i go to arenas and we sell out these arenas and they are great but i wish cameras with shouted. -- would show it. it would be good for the ratings. it is a positive, not a negative. when i first started, we started in 2015, got into the arena and it will be packed. never have we had the enthusiasm that we have now. never. we have never had this enthusiasm. [cheering and applause] and we had record enthusiasm in 2016.
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2020, we had more. we did better in 2020 and 2016 -- land 2016. got millions and millions more. we have never had enthusiasm we have now. i used to say it is a shame i go home, and are great first lady would say to me, how are you, darling? and i would say can ask you did you watch the speech. how did i do? well, i did not like your hair. i said oh, that is not good. but i said, how did the crowd look? you cannot tell except for the noise. it is obviously not 200 people shouting. remember joey could not fill up the eight circles but he supposedly won. the fake news would have to come down and fill in those eight circles. but i would say, how did you like the crowd? they never show the crowd that i -- but i could tell it was a big crowd.
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it is your great football team. [cheering and applause] you can sell. she could tell. [cheering and applause] good. i'm going to get a good review tonight. she could tell but she said they never show the crowd and i figured it is maybe the structure of the camera. tripods and maybe you cannot turn it. and then we had a couple embarrassing moments where people ended up fighting in the corner. and that camera turned around like a pretzel. they wanted to show that.
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that was my theory, you could not do it because structurally it is stiff and you can't turn it. but when those guys started fighting in the corner, which is a bad thing, when they started fighting in the corner, i've never seen a camera like that. they got every angle. i realize that was not working but -- i would love it if the press would turn around the cameras and show this incredible -- [cheering and applause] they do not do it. [cheering and applause] [crowd chanting "usa!"]
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[cheering and applause] they do not do it. you see that? they don't do it. because they are told not to do it because they want to make it look -- they do not want to show crowds like this because no one has ever gotten krause like -- crowds like this. it is not me, this is our movement this is not my movement. they are tired of what happened to our country. they won't do it, even though it is good for them. you show something so vibrant. look at all of the people standing over here. it is incredible. they just won't do it. i just said something, would you please? i asked nicely. would you please turn around? everybody up in the back there, going crazy. those cameras, i did not see one of them make an effort to turn around.
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[crowd booing] that is why they call it fake news. that is why they call it fake news. i am proud of a lot of things . you don't mind if i go off the teleprompter for a second, do you? [cheering and applause] better than i thought. we like when we go off the teleprompter. don't you agree? [cheering and applause] remember at the beginning i used to do it without teleprompters. you have to, because when you go on the teleprompter too long, no matter how good you are, it is called the boring time. but we've had an incredible time with this country.
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we have such potential and we speak so negatively and it is horrible to be telling you what happened, but you know what happened. all you have to do is watch the newscast. which by the way if you look at abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, you look at msdn see, the worst of all. i think they are horrible. they are evil. they are really evil. and they are really a wing of the democratic party. someone should report that for campaign contributions. it is so bad, what they say is so nasty. so horrible. you do not want your family to watch it. how about me? i hear i'm going to be indicted. i said, indicted? i never learned about that at the wharton school. indicted? i go see my wife. can i talk to you for a moment?
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[laughter] i'm going to be indicted for no reason whatsoever on friday. then that happens. it is dramatic. you call your daughters and sons. and you say this. it is a terrible thing. i hear a couple weeks later, i'm going to be indicted for something else. then for something else, then for something else. and now they are saying, do not indict him anymore because they lost credibility. you go four times and even the lawsuits. [cheering and applause] these are sick people. these are people actually sick. they are just destroying our country. if we do not take it back, i really believe we will not have a country left. you see it less because you here in this great state. i heard kristi use that term a flyover.
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but everybody admires you. they know what is happening on the west coast. they know what is happening on the east coast. it is not pretty. the people that are smart say there is no more flyover. we are coming to south dakota, or other places. you do not see was going on other than the news. and the news really covers it up. they do not show, the main networks, they do not show what is going on at the border. it is peanuts. what they show is nothing compared to the facts. this is an invasion and destruction of our country. and they do not want to show it because they want that crooked guy to be elected, if you mix it to the starting gate. i used to treat him with a modicum of respect because i have respect for the office of the presidency. and i would never talk the way i talk now. but when they indicted me for nothing, for nothing, for free speech. i said the election was rigged
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and stolen which it was. everybody knows it. [cheering and applause] everybody knows it. free speech. [cheering and applause] i used to say, we are political opponents, but he did this to an opponent. nobody would ever think it is possible. it is not really possible. when you think about it, i never said that. now i say he is the worst president in the history of the country. he is the most corrupt president in the history of our country. and as other foreign leaders say and as i say, he is grossly incompetent and very dangerous because he has no idea what he is doing. he cannot put two sentences together and we are playing with nuclear weapons with other countries, and he has no clue
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what the hell is going on. i would have never have said that out of respect for the office. not for him, but for the office. now that they have weaponized the department of justice, the fbi came out with twitter files, and the things they have done is so bad, so people. with all of the different things that have taken place and with all of the corruption you are witnessing on a nightly basis, and you do not have to watch. the great thing about the internet, and a lot of it is really bad, but you get to see what is happening. you really do get to see what is happening. when you the kind of things i am totally free to speak my mind and my mind is the same as your mind. because you know what is happening like i do. [cheering and applause] but we will, because they won't,
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they do not care about south dakota, we will stand up for south dakota workers. we will stand up for south dakota farmers. nobody has ever taken care of the farmers like president trump. as your president i took on communist china like no administration in history, bringing hundreds of billions of dollars into our treasury. hundreds of billions. they did not like me too much. i think i got along well with them considering what we were doing. what we were doing was fair. no other president had ever gotten $.10. we got hundreds of billions. i gave our farmers out of the money we got $28 billion. that is why i say, your state, iowa, i go to iowa tomorrow. i don't like to say it too often because i don't like to say that
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-- i knock on wood. this is real wood. i do not like saying things like nobody else could do this, but nobody else could have gotten you $28 billion for your farmers. and i said to the people of iowa, nebraska, we are represented very well, charles, i said we cannot possibly lose because i got the farmers $28 billion from china. nobody else would think about it. nobody else would think about it. i will just tell you, a guy who is very disloyal, i got him elected, he strongly oppose my protection for our farmers. i protected those farmers. by the way, those farmers got big checks. any farmers in here got big checks? yes? yes. he is happy. but that goes to the people.
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it goes to the workers, to everybody. $20 billion. nobody else is going to be able to do that. i said, there is no way i'm going to lose form states. but very simply, desantis side it would communist in china and fought very hard this not take place. he opposed medicare and social security. remember this about politician. their first idea is what they always go back to. i don't know, i don't watch him, but he is so low in the polls. i'm not really watching him. i say, forget about him, he is gone. i say, nobody is gone until it is over. it ain't over until it's over. yogi bear, great philosopher. social security, think of it. social security, voted, he is a disciple of paul ryan. you know who paul ryan is? [crowd booing] he wanted to raise and will raise if he got in here, which i
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did not think will happen, he wanted to raise the minimum age to 70. that is a big deal. he wanted to hit medicare. and hit it very hard. i ended the nafta disaster, the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with a brand-new usmca. mexico, canada. they say it is the best trade deal ever made in the history of our country. i may be wrong, i made a deal with china but i do not talk about it because once covid came in, i said, i'm not even talking about it. but the deal i made with china is $50 billion they buy a year. it started out at $4 billion or $3 billion, then we got them up to $15 billion. then i went to the negotiating room. you are so big. we want $50 billion. they said ok. $50 billion! the farmers went along with me.
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it took 1.5 years to get done because they're not easy to do with. they are great negotiators. they could not believe this was happening. you see the way they go now and they bow to the chinese. they have no respect. they get no respect whatsoever. i said, it is going to take long to do this. and i will never forget, 32 farmers came to see me at white house. i said i'm going to get you a lot of subsidy from china. one of the farmers raised his hand and said we do not want subsidy. we just want a level playing field. i could not believe it. the first time that ever happened. everybody else says we want the money. the farmers wanted a level playing field which they did not have. i went to sonny perdue, secretary of agriculture. i said, what damage have they
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done over the last 3, 4, five years to the farmers? he says about $28 billion. i said that is a lot. and i got $28 billion. the farmers picked up beautiful checks. i said there is no way i will lose a farm state. i cannot imagine that so. i was cockier than i should be. now i will knock on wood just in case. i cannot see how we could lose with the farmers. you have to police that. i used to go in once every week. are they buying? every week. i did not have to say china. yes sir, they are buying. i bet you right now if you look up, they're not buying anything, i bet they are not buying at all. the way they push our country
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around is incredible. there's is no reason for it. we had a strong relationship and we did fantastically well but that a deal might've been better than the usmca. that deal was a very one-sided deal. nafta so one-sided. they made typos. there were typos of numbers where the typos were much more for them and they did not change it. you call up and say you made mistakes. they did not bother changing it. that deal was so bad, nafta. the usmca is so good, they want to renegotiate the deal. they called the biden and administration and said the bill is not fair. i think the china deal might be better. we made deals with japan because they were ripping us. we made deals with south korea. you know what they were doing.
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i said who made all of these deals? we did many things and we made our country successful. we made people in manufacturing successful. we saved our steel mills. it has been an honor to do it and it was sort of easy. [applause] the prime minister of japan who was assassinated, great guy. i said to him this is so unfair, the deal you have with america. it is really unfair. we got to redo it. he said i knew you would come to me. no other president came to him. he understood how unfair it was. south korea the same thing, sort of. they knew it was so unfair. i said to south korea we need to renegotiate.
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we had 35,000 troops there in harm's way because you have north korea. i got along very well with kim jong-un. if i were not elected president, you would've had a nuclear war guaranteed. if hillary clinton had gone in or obama, you would've ended up in nuclear war. you remember rocket man? he said i have a red button on my desk and i said i have a red button too and mine is bigger and better and stronger than yours. president obama told me when we sat down. he said the biggest problem is north korea. he really felt we would end up in a nuclear war. i said have you called them? he did not say yes. i said maybe someone should have
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the call. the truth is they did call and they were not received well. we spoke and we dealt, i went over there. it was a very historic moment. i said to kim jong-un, you have the most beautiful shoreline. you are between china, russia, and south korea. look at the beautiful shore. you could have the most beautiful condos you've ever seen and become rich as hell. you do not have to live like you are living. he is a smart guy. he just loves collecting nuclear weapons. that's what he does. we got along incredibly well once we met and started and we saved the olympics in south korea because no one was going. no one wanted to be blown out of the stadium. they participated in the
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olympics. we had a great relationship. it would have been great, we had a deal done long ago if the election were not rigged. think of what has happened to our country in just three years. you look at the borders and you look at it -- we are not respected. we are laughed at all over the world. we're losing all these countries. saudi arabia aligned with china. we do not want them aligned with china. we don't need their oil reserves. we have more oil under our feet, liquid gold, than saudi arabia or russia. you know what we do? we get it from venezuela. they do not have good oil. they have tar. do you know where we process it? in houston. if you are a believer in that
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and i believe it to a certain extent. not like the maniacs who want to destroy our country. but it all goes up into the atmosphere and when china is dirty, it blows over here. in the pacific ocean, we are taking tons of garbage because china dumps their garbage in the pacific and the tide flows it into los angeles. then they say -- no, they have to participate because it blows over in three or four days so what good does it do for us to destroy our businesses by putting controls all over the place. by having -- we had a trucker. i said i read last night they want to make all of these big trucks that travel all over the country, make them all electric. it does not seem to make sense. he said it will destroy the industry because they go for two hours and have to charge for four hours.
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it does not work. you have to talk to the people in the trucking industry, not to some person who wants to destroy the country. i believe that is what they want to do. unlike the establishment globalists in this race. i've been a defender of ethanol on behalf of the american farmers. they remain the ethanol champion. it is a big factor. our record on the economy is unmatched in the history of our country. it is no wonder we are very big in polls, leading all republicans in the primary by massive numbers and crushing joe biden in the general election. the new poll that came out today , remember i used to go over the polls, go over the polls only if they were good. if i had a bad period and they are not looking good, i would not talk about them. i will talk now because these
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are the best. the new poll that just came out, we are at 62%. desantis second, 12%. he is sinking rapidly. he is not doing a great job. the rest of the people are in single digits. we have a couple of them at zero. what is the guy from arkansas? i love arkansas. this guy, hutchison, ada. what is he doing? he is at zero. he has been working so hard. he is a nasty guy. he is at zero. does he think he can win? he is not going to be picked for cabinet post if that is what he is thinking about. it just came out a few hours ago. we are at 65%.
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desantis is at 9%. [applause] when we started, we were up 25 points. now we are up 50, 60, 70 points and they say why are you not doing the debate. if i do the debate, what am i doing? have a guy at 0, 1, 2. asking me nasty questions. somewhat of a hostile network asking nasty questions. you want to have a smart president, not a stupid president. what i look forward to is debating the democratic, whoever it may be, and again, it is going to be interesting to see because i do not think he makes it to the starting gate, but maybe he does.
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it is going to be adjusting time. they just released the iowa state poll. just came out, about 37 points, 51-14, i do not know if the desantis is second anymore. when asked by morning consult who has the best chance of defeating crooked joe biden in november, it was trump at 63%, desantis at 13%. [applause] kristi noem and her incredible guy, her husband is incredible, and appreciate you putting up with everything in the world of politics. incredible guy. wonderful guy. we are doing well and she's doing so well. i looked at your polls.
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i think you might be beating me in the state. that is unacceptable. it is unacceptable to have that happen. but we are leading biden in a landslide. as a republican, when you lead a democrat in presidential race by two or three points, it means you are way ahead. the polls are very skewed. people that don't know politics, one poll came out last week and i'm leading by three and a friend said how can you only be leading by three. this guy, he cannot speak. i said that is the world of politics. we have to be so careful. we have to make sure that they do not cheat because they are teachers and that is the biggest scare we all have.
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-- they are cheaters and that is the biggest scare we all have. our momentum is on president and hopefully unstoppable and it is the reason joe biden what his leading opponent arrested on 91 phony charges. that means if i win, somebody wants to run against me, i call my attorney general and say and indict him. he has not done anything wrong. i do not know. indict him on income tax invasion. you will figure it out. and i am able to speak but if you are a regular politician and
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an honest politician and you get indicted, a subpoena and it is reported in the news, you have to leave office. the republicans in the senate and the house cannot let this go on because people are being destroyed, lives destroyed by these sick lunatics in washington. i think i can honestly say this, i am the only person in history of politics that has been indicted, whose poll numbers went up 25 points or something. i think so. usually if you get indicted -- i would like to announce my retirement, i'm going home to spend time with my family. it is nothing you can do. i have a big voice and for better or worse, you know what
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the hell you're getting. you are getting someone who loves you and will fight for you. that i can tell you. you're witnessing the most corrupt and blatant weaponization of law enforcement are country has ever seen and they are doing it for a single reason, election interference. because with these indictments comes bad publicity. my case is unusual. maybe it switches. you go with these people and they say this and that. it is incredible but if you take a look at what they do to publicity of a person and i know numerous people over the years i thought were honest and they were literally out of politics in a matter of hours. some quit immediately upon getting served with a subpoena. they will not happen with me.
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by the way, i say this more to the country than to this great state because we have some states that are close. this is not close. what did i win by the state? a lot. 28 points or something. you are very forgiving. you have others where it is closer and you have to be very careful. you have to get out and fight like hell because these are dirty players. we have to take back our country. straighten the whole situation out. [applause] it allows me because this is unthinkable, i am president and i call my attorney general, indict my opponent, he is doing well. i am leading joe biden in all these polls.
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every time i have a good poll, they give you another indictment. what is this one for? if you are the president, you're the chief law enforcement officer of the country. you remember the fake impeachments. impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hopes number two -- impeachment hoax number two. one was over a phone call that turned out to be exactly right. what you do will make it impossible for people to win an election. discard election interference at a level never seen before and we have to stop it. if they're allowed to do it, that means the republicans are allowed to do it and then you get into this situation which is really very bad and dangerous for our country. we did great in 2016 and we won. we did much better in 2020 getting millions more votes and we are going to do even better
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than we have done before in 2024. i feel that. [applause] do not forget. you look at this arena and it is packed. we are a year before the election. these guys do not pack an arena the night before the election. they have a smattering of people. remember hillary with the women screaming? the woman with the glasses has become famous. that was the most beautiful stage i have ever seen. by the end of the evening it did not look pretty. they rigged the presidential election 2020 and were not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. we will not have a country. every time the radical left democrats, marxists, communists,
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fascists indict me, i consider it a great badge of honor. i am being indicted for you. i'm not too thrilled about that but it is part of the job description. i am being indicted for you. this is for every patriotic american, joe biden and the radical left have spied on. look at what they did. they spied on my campaign and we caught them. let's see what all happens. we had a great report come out. it just took so long and we had the ig. horowitz did a fantastic job. appointed by democrats. we caught them. they spied on my campaign. think of what would happen if i spied on obama's campaign or a's
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even biden's campaign. i would not want to, probably very boring. censured in secure or slandered -- persecuted or slandered. it is for the blue-collar workers, waiters, waitresses who biden is harassing with 87,000 new irs agents allowed to carry guns. they're allowed to carry guns. the biden crime family cheats on their taxes as they take in millions and millions of dollars of bribes. the whole thing is incredible. joe biden is a manchurian candidate. he is totally controlled by china and other countries who paid him off and he is petrified because they know the real numbers.
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jamie comer, jim jordan would not have to wait very long. they can give a list of where the money came from and i think it is why he is acting so weak with other countries. it is for the pro-life christians and others who joe biden has thrown into jail facing 10, 15 and even 20 years in prison for protesting and free speech while antifa and other groups burn down cities, kill people, go free, and in many cases do not get prosecuted. this battle is a battle for all of us. it is either going to go one way or the other and if we go the other, we are not going to have a country left. we will fight together. we will win together and then we will seek justice together. [cheers]
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thank you. [cheers] thank you. thank you very much. never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who can stop them. they want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom. i would rather have it be me. friend of mine, very smart very tough said how do you take it? every day you get another indictment. you have never had anything like this. i said no, i did not. i said i do not know. you just have to take it.
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i'm doing it for a lot of great people. i said, second of all, do i have a choice? i do not think so. we have to do it. we did the greatest job ever and now we have to finish it off. we can make this country number one. right now we are a left at bunch of -- laughed at bunch of fools. everyone thinks we are a bunch of fools because we are led by a man who should've never ever been allowed to be in that position. he is in a position he should never have been allowed to have. in the end they are not after me, they are after you. i'm just standing in their way and i do proudly stand in their way. i promise you this. if you put me back in the white house, their reign be over in and america will be a free nation once again. we are not a free nation.
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i do not think there's been a darkness around our nation like there is right now. you take a look at afghanistan, the horrible moment in history. i was with a lot of the families the other night. they are incredible people. they will never be the same. that was so unnecessary, the way we got out. we would have been out sooner. we would have been out with dignity and strength. you do not take the soldiers out first. you take the soldiers out last. took the soldiers out and the rest was a field day for these people. we did not lose one soldier in 18 months. not one soldier. and biden actually admitted that a his speech. we did not lose one soldier, in 18 months with the taliban. it is so sad to see. i was with these people, they were great people. they showed me pictures of their sons and daughters and one said
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sir, you had to know my son. he was so good at football. he was a quarterback. he could throw the ball so far. could i tell you about a game that was played. we have a rival, a local school and they were very tough and my son threw the ball and it went so far. i wish you could have seen it. i just let her talk. i don't think people could ever be the same. and they were treated so badly by our government and by this man, this man who doesn't even have a clue. he is looking at his watch. the bodies are coming in. he doesn't know what it says anyway he says, huh? it was so horrible to see the whole thing. in addition to governor noem we are pleased to be joined by her wonderful husband brian and
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mother, who i met. she was fantastic. now i know how this all happened. could you please stand up? thank you. [cheers] do you think it is easy being with her? it's not easy. they are two incredible people. lieutenant governor larry roden has been really terrific. wherever he may be. thank you, larry. attorney general, marty jack lee. a great job you are doing. great job. treasurer josh hader, thank you.
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auditor. the united states could use a good auditor like rich sakist. they spent billions of dollars to afghanistan and nobody knows where the money is. rich, that would not happen with you. think of it, we put in $200 billion in europe which is the same sized economy but obviously much more affected by that situation. it would have never happened. and i will get it done, i will get it negotiated but it would've been a lot easier. all of dead people. all of those cities in ruin. when you look at that and look at what happened, this is something that should have never happened but europe is in for 20
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$20 billion, we are in for $200 billion. it was like that with nato. we said you're not paying your bills. so they screwed us on trade and we have to protect militarily. i got them to put up hundreds of billions of dollars in one meeting. does that mean you will not defend us from russia before not paying up? did you pay? that means you will not be defending and the money came pouring in. hundreds of billions of dollars which is why nato has money. we need to equalize. they are dealing with stupid people. why should france and germany put up money if we don't ask them to put it up.
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bush never asked. obama never asked. do you think biden says you have to equalize, this is not right. i don't think so. i don't think he knows what we are talking about. we have to get them to put up money. they have to put up money because they have a lot of money but why should they put it up if we are doing it? we sent $25 billion yesterday, that is a lot of money. we will give you another $25 billion which is more than you've put in. we have to be respected again. they don't respect us. they respected me and i was tough on them with all the money and china but they actually do better. you can be tough and you will do better with them. they never treated us and me the way they treat this
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administration. they treat them like they are a lap dogs. she says they are. who said that? you are right about that. they have to respect you. school and public lands commissioner, brock greenfield, brock, thank you. [cheering and applause] is china buying any of that land? he says, no sir. public utilities commissioner, thank you, great guy. a very special guy, this guy is crazy. he broke every record, it is true what christie said. he let people down. i come back.
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did have a crowd of about 100 people. he knew what he was doing. he went to kristi and said do , you think we could get trump. they called me and i said, let's do it. let's break every record for south dakota. he is your gop chairman, john wick. he is doing a fantastic job. john, great job. [cheering and applause] great job. thank you very much, john. a man who was also doing something very special, rapid city mayor, jason solomon. jason? [cheering and applause] thank you, jason. a friend of mine and one of the most respected people in the senate, he is a great guy. steve danes? where is steve? where is steve? he is doing some job. he is my friend. we need more steve danes in the senate.
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the senate has to get a lot tougher. stephen knows that. they have to get a lot tougher in the senate. sad what is happening. a man who was my first person, he is just outstanding, i put him in six months before i ran, this is 2015 now. i said, what do you think? they were doing poles and it looked like i was doing well, beating people. he came and said, sir, i'm telling you you were going to win. and every day he would say you are leading, you are winning, this poll this unbelievable. he said you're unbelievable sir. most incredible politician ever seen and i hadn't even started yet. he got me a little bit excited. and then i saw the country was not doing well. and i said, you know what, corey lewandowski, he is a great guy, smart guy and a friend to everybody. corey lewandowski, where is he?
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[cheering and applause] were they real polls corey? you better tell me. he said no. i had a feeling that might be true. thank you, corey. great guy. with the help of many of you this arena, in four short years we achieved more than any administration in the history of our country. i say that all the time and the fake news doesn't even correct me. we have done so many things. we became energy independent and would have been energy dominant for the first time ever. making billions and billions of dollars, rapidly paying down our $34 trillion in debt. we are going to pay it down so fast. and reducing your taxes, i gave you the largest tax cut, larger than the break-in cuts. -- the reagan cuts.
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we created the most secure border in u.s. history. created miles of border wall. got mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers. they always say, he didn't get mexico. i got mexico to give us free of charge 28,000 soldiers while we were building the wall. we built almost 500 miles. you know what my critics say? it was not all new. if there was an old two by 4, 50 years old, we would take it and throw it away. they would say, that was a renovation. these people are sick. we built almost 500 miles and we were going to add another 200 miles and we had it all done. you so what happened. it would've taken them three weeks to put it up. had the bad result in the election. every hole would have been plugged. we built the exact wall -- they are incredible.
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we have incredible people, but -- and they want to do their job. they can sit back and not do anything. they love the country, they want to see it happen. but we got mexico to put up billions and billions and billions of dollars, and 28,000 soldiers protecting their border. we have the best record ever in the history of the country. that included human trafficking, horrible thing, you think of it as an ancient, horrible situation. it is bigger now. because of the internet it is this massive, massive, much bigger than it was 100, 200 years ago. it is horrible. we had it at the lowest point it has been in decades. we had drugs down the lowest point in decades and we got mexico to give us all those soldiers. for all those people who say this is much more money than
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mexico, they gave us. if you don't do that we will tariff the cars that come in the united states. like has never happened before. we would love to give you 28,000 free soldiers. sir, we would love to give you 20,000. when i said, we needed 28,000 soldiers on the border and they looked at me like are you kidding? and i said no, we have to have it. we won't do that. i said, yes, you will. i'm telling you, you will. we had a woman at the state department, she was dealing with mexico for 25 years. she said, sir, they will never do it. we will never get anything but they won't do that. and i said yeah, they will. when i met with a representative, the top guy, i said, we want 28,000 soldiers. he said, why would we do that? you are going to do it. i said, here is the story.
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i'm signing this document and on monday morning, everything you send into the united states we will have a tariff on it for 25%. and that's more money than your soldiers would cost. sir, i would like to leave this room now and make a phone call, i will be back in five minutes. he came back, sir, it would be our great honor to supply you 20,000 soldiers. [cheering and applause] and when i was negotiating, i said to brandon jed and john holloman, and all of the people that were there that are so great, we have the border so good. all we had to do was go to the beach, which he does anyway. if you went to the beach, -- who the hell is telling him to go to the beach every day? does he look good? those things weigh eight ounces.
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he can't lift the chair. he can't get his feet out of the chair. does he have some political consultants i, you have got a great body, you should go to the beach. who is giving him that advice? does he like the beach that much? it's so crazy. we negotiated, very important, remain in mexico. they used to come into our country and we couldn't get them out. when they touched our soil, you could not get them out. we said, we want remain in mexico and hundreds of thousand people were in tijuana. i would not say mexico was thrilled. until we learned who they were and in many cases, we would not accept them. and biden gave that up. it was not easy. he gave it up. we deported illegal alien criminals by the tens of thousands. ms 13, isis, they don't get the credit.
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these guys are so tough. they love our country so much. they would walk into a nest of ms-13, these are the toughest gang in the world. a lot of them go to long island and a lot of different places. and we have thousands of them. these guys were walking into a nest and you see fence flying. -- you see fists flying. you're a tough guy, you won't do that job? right? he voted for trump. i like him. i vote for you, sir. you wouldn't do that job. i wouldn't do the job either. these are tough people and they love our country and they were taking them out in the paddy wagon. they were throwing them in and taking them out either thousands out of her country. and we had a problem because and we had a problem because these other countries like el salvador, all of these different countries would not take the people back.
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they came to me and said sir, guatemala, el salvador, they won't take them back. they never have. they never agreed to do it. president obama was never able to get them back. how much do we give them an 80 -- give them in aid a year? sir, we give them $75 million. i think you are wrong i think it is 10 times that much. he said, you are right, it is $750 million. i said, that is peanuts compared to what we do. but that is a lot of money. i said, inform them that effective immediately we are not making any economic development payments to the country. we would load up a plane, a bus, we would take it into the country and they would not allow it in. they put planes on the runway so our planes couldn't land. this went on for years.
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and i said, we will not give them any more money, inform them effectively immediately. no more money. the following morning i got a call from the three presidents. sir, we would like to talk to you. they were separate calls. but the same words. i understand there's some difficulty with bringing people back to our country. i said, for about 10 years, you have not let anyone back in. you sent them out into caravans but you don't take them back. he goes, sir, perhaps there's a misunderstanding. we would be honored to take them back. when will the money start coming back? i said, number one coming you have to take them back. we brought them back to those countries by the thousands and thousands. some of the ms-13s in long island -- [cheering and applause] two beautiful, young girls were walking to school and they
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attack them and cut them into little pieces. little pieces. little pieces. killed them both. they used knives, not guns because the knife is much more painful. they watch these kids suffer. these were beautiful, perfect kids. number one in her class. the other was fantastic ashley. they cut them up into pieces. these are animals. i said that publicly. and nancy pelosi said these are human beings. no, they are animals. we cut them out by the tens of thousands and now they are pouring back in because we have stupid people running our country. we appointed over 300 judges and three great supreme court justices. [cheering and applause] i will tell you something because it's a positive but they try to play it as a negative. last year those justices bravely and incredibly ruled on
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something everybody has wanted for decades. for 51 years. they ruled to end roe v. wade. [cheering and applause] it has probably cost us politically, because the other side got energized. they are the radicals, not the pro-lifers. but now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate. you had no power to negotiate. because with roe v. wade, you could not negotiate. you could do anything you wanted. we didn't have any of that before the ruling. this moves the issue back to the states where every legal scholar said it should be. and like ronald reagan, i support the three exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.
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i support. not everybody does. i think a large portion do and i think you should. that's your own feeling. remember the democrats of the -- the democrats are the radicals on this issue because they are willing to kill babies in their sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth month and even after birth. they are willing to kill babies. when politicians talk about this because you have to say they are the extremists. if you're willing to take a baby at eight months or even after they are born. remember that crazy governor from virginia, where he set -- where he said, when the baby is born, you make a decision. and recently with the supreme court. the pro-life question is going to get you in a position where a lot of tremendously good things are going to happen. 52 years they tried to get that
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out. we did it. and now you will be in a position what everybody knows is right and it's an important decision. nobody thought it would be possible to get. but it is something that is very important. the supreme court also approved something nobody thought they would ever see. merit-based system of education. if somebody is going to college and has all a's and wants to apply. the best of everything, work so hard and gets rejected by somebody who didn't have the academic credentials. nobody thought that whatever get approved. that was so important. that was such a big thing, it's called merit-based. we have to go back to a merit based country. [cheering and applause] that was just the beginning, here is some of the agenda i will be implementing when we become 47 president of the united states of america. [cheering and applause]
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before i even arrived, at the oval office i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled. he would have never done it. [cheering and applause] when i was on cnn i told them i am on the side of people not being killed. i am on the side of hundreds of thousands of people are dying and i think that is one of the bad things later on when you find out the real number of people dying in that war. they will knock down a city, they will say two people were injured. they were not injured. there were hundreds and hundreds of people killed. those buildings don't come down and you have two people injured. big buildings coming down, so many people, hundreds of
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thousands, it will be millions and it's already millions. it's a very sad thing. the numbers are far bigger than anyone understands, i'm the only candidate who could make this promise. i will prevent world war iii. [cheering and applause] nobody else is going to prevent it. nobody else is going to prevent it. this will be a war like no other this is a nuclear war. if you have world war iii, it will be a nuclear war. this will not be army tanks going back and forth this will be levels of destruction that nobody has ever contemplated are -- or thought of before. i will totally obliterate deep state. we started that and we were doing so well. then covid came. and we will fire the corrupt bureaucrats that have weaponized our justice system and are destroying our country to stop the marxist prosecutors who
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release rapists and murderers, while persecuting republicans, conservatives and people of faith. i will direct a completely overhaul doj to investigate every radical d.a. and ag in america. for the illegal racist enforcement of the law. i will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the biden administration. we will seal up our borders like they were when we took office. [cheering and applause] week after week we are watching as joe's deadly border betrayals take precious, innocent lives. in may, a pack of five adults, illegal aliens, suspected ms 13 animals. they were arrested in maryland for brooke -- for brutally murdering a 13-year-old boy and dumping his body in a state park. when the parent saw this, they
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will never be the same either. the people i was with the other night, they will never be the same. these parents will ever be the same. no parent will ever be the same. last week, and illegal alien released into our country by joe biden and his crazy weak orders, and there are no orders, was arrested for raping an 11-year-old girl and strangling her to death after she was raped. shortly before she was murdered, she texted her father that someone was knocking on the door. he arrived home and found his daughter's body under her bed. these vicious biden border killings must end. it is only going to get worse because they are letting people in from prisons, from mental institutions. they are letting some of the worst people in the world. i've met a lot of law enforcement and we have the
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greatest people in the world, law enforcement. they know how to do their job. we have to let them do it. [cheering and applause] when i am reelected, we will immediately commence the largest deportation operation in american history. [cheering and applause] we cannot wait until 2025 to begin stopping this horrible invasion. this is like a military invasion. between the drugs coming in, the people coming in, the crime. that is why tonight i am calling on congressional republicans to ban joe biden from using a single tax dollar to release or resettle illegal aliens starting on the government funding deadline of september 30. [cheering and applause] we take better care of these
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people and many of them are criminals, then we take care of our veterans, our soldiers. we spend a lot more money doing this. in new york, many are living in luxury hotels. hotels you would not want to go to because you would not want to pay the price. it's not even believable. the time for talk is over, now is the time for action. they should immediately do that. time for action. people are tired of talk. people are tired of talk. i said to our first lady, they caught biden getting 10.2 million dollars. that's peanuts to other numbers. i said, this is stuff. she goes oh well. ,i said, what do you mean? well, nothing will happen. i told steve and everybody, you have to take care. our country is being fleeced and
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robbed by people who have gotten away with things that nobody should be allowed to and a lot of the republicans, democrats too, they feel it. things should happen to take care of this when she went oh, that's good. nothing will happen. a lot of people feel that. a lot of people feel that. we can't have that and i hope that is why steve and his friends, because he has some great ones over there. the house has been working hard. but the senate under mitch mcconnell is a disaster. [crowd booing] they should immediately defund the doj and prosecutors trying to take conservatives out of political races through indictments and other illegal means. [cheering and applause] that is what they are doing. if i was in third or fourth place or if i wasn't running i would be living the life of
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riley. i would not be here with you tonight. houses all over the place. i would be living a beautiful life. they wouldn't indict me. they indicted me because i'm in first place. i hate to read those good polls because every time i read a good pole, they want to indict me a gun -- indict me again. maybe i should announce that i'm doing horribly. their goal is to interfere elections in order to make it harder for republicans and conservatives to win. congressional republicans should stop the biden administration from bringing back covid mandates, lockdowns, or restrictions of any kind by cutting off the money. in your state, because of your governor, you will not have that problem. a lot of states do. the radical democrats are trying hard to restart covid hysteria. i wonder why? is there an election coming up by any chance? the other day i heard were thinking about masks again?
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i said, what is going on? that's right, there is an election coming up. these guys will do anything. but we can't complain. because it is bad. just follow your governor. [cheering and applause] on day one of my new administration, i will terminate every green new deal restriction that is destroying the economy. skyrocketing energy cost. [cheering and applause] starting with biden's preposterous electric vehicle mandate. some people want to drive for more than 1.5 hours. sean bain, president of the united auto workers cannot even think about allowing all electric cars. they will be made in china and the auto industry in america will cease to exist. if they do all electric cars, none of them will be made here.
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they have all the minerals, every form of material, every form of everything. we have a thing called gasoline and they don't have that. but they have to do something. what you really want -- some people like an electric car, a hybrid. you have to have a choice. forcing it? california had big blackouts and they had a restriction on electric cars taking electricity and they want to go all electric. the whole thing is crazy. there is already an e-glut. we call it an e-glut. they don't go far along. very expensive. and the consumer must be given a choice. the consumer wants choice just like we want school choice. we want choice and what kind of car rebawe buy. -- a car we buy. so vote for trump and i will stop this madness.
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i will stop it. [cheering and applause] when you think about it, mexico and canada loved biden. in michigan and all other states. the american consumer is not interested in doing this, they are not going to do it. they call it an e-glut. we have to save the american consumer is what what we have to save. i will revoke china's most favored status. they have a trade status. because they say they are a developing country. we are a developing country too, we have to redevelop. our country has gone to hell. we will bend china from buying -- we will ban china from buying up america including american farmland which you know something about. on day one, i will sign a new executive order to cut federal
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funding for any school wishing -- pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children and i will keep men out of women's sports. [cheering and applause] i will sign a law to prevent child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. [cheering and applause] can you imagine 10 or 15 years ago having some politician -- hate to use that term, but i guess that's what i became, never really wanted to be a politician, but that is what i became i guess. can you imagine saying i will stop child mutilation? who would think of this? child mutilation without parental consent? can you imagine? if you made that statement 10 years ago you would say is that guy crazy? that is what you have to do. we will stop child utilization.
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do you imagine having -- having to say that we will restore the trump ban on transgender in the military. we had a ban on transgender. [cheering and applause] and i went to generals and i said, what do you want to do? and they said no, no. and then you see this same guy on television. i had a ban and a tremendous amount of drugs are necessary. a lot of other things. you are not allowed to have drugs in the military. i love everybody. but it is not something that works as generals will tell you and people will tell you in the military. i had a ban, and immediately they released that ban. it is not a good situation. just as i did for four years, i will fully uphold the second amendment. [cheering and applause] and i will secure our elections.
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our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter id. [cheering and applause] until then, you have to give out -- get out and vote. the way to win is swap them. they can only cheat so much. a lot of people say, you could vote early, tuesday. they had a vote in arizona where many of the machines were broken, the republican machines. of course. they had a vote, in they got there tuesday, and they stood in line for hours because of a percentage of the machines were not working. a terrible thing. this is what we must do to restore our country to greatness. together we are taking some of
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the most menacing forces and vicious opponents. we have never seen anything like it. no matter how hateful and corrupt the communistic criminals we are fighting against may be, you must never forget this nation does not belong to them. this nation belongs to you. belongs to you. [cheering and applause] this is your home. this is your heritage. our american liberty is your god-given right. [cheering and applause] from sioux falls to rapid city, from the black hills to the badlands. that is a hell of a name, i live in the badlands. actually, the inner cities are the badlands. i bet your badlands are very nice. and from the open skies to the great plains to the majestic
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banks of the missouri. you stand on the shoulders of some of the toughest and fiercest people ever to walk on this earth. like her, like him, like so many. this state was built by a strong south dakota men and women who braved the snow, the rain, the cold, the dangers, the diseases that had west. to settle their families. the great frontier. life was hard and it was tough. but they were americans and this was, to them, god's country. [cheering and applause] fully understand it. this is god's country. south dakota is the state where lewis and clark discovered the splendor of the american west. it's where workers carved their
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heroes into the faces of mount rushmore. think of that. it's where generations of hunters, trappers, ranchers, miners, help build america into the greatest nation in the history of the world. ♪ [cheering and applause] ♪
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mr. trump: but now, we are a nation in decline. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that has the highest inflation in 50 years. where banks are collapsing, interest rates are through the roof. likewise, we are a nation where energy cost have reached the highest in our history. where we are no longer energy independent or energy dominant as we were just a short number of years ago. we are a nation that is begging venezuela and others for oil. please, please, please help us. joe biden says. yet we have more liquid gold right under our feet than any other country in the world. we are a nation that just yesterday heard that saudi arabia and russia will be reducing their output of oil in
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substantially increasing the price and we met that threat by announcing we no longer will be drilling for oil in large areas of alaska. we are a nation that is consumed by the radical left yet everyone knows that the renewed deal is fake and will lead to our countries destruction. we are a nation whose leaders are demanding all electric cars despite the fact that they can't go far, cost too much in those batteries are produced in china with materials only available in china. when an unlimited amount of gas is available inexpensively in the united states. but not available in china. and now, we are a nation that wants to make our army tanks all
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electric so that despite the fact that they will not be able to go very far either, fewer pollutants will be released into the air. as we blast their way through enemy territory. and also, we are a nation who wants to make our jet fighters with green energy stamps lose 15% efficiency but keep our enemies atmosphere clean. while we attempt to knock out their planes all over the skies. we are a nation that ended oil exploration and production in the u.s., just as the price of oil reached an all-time high. what other country would do such a thing as that? we are a nation that surrendered in afghanistan leaving behind dead soldiers, american citizens
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and $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment in the world. we are a nation that allowed russia to devastate a country, ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people and it will only get worse. it would never have happened with me as your president and for four straight years it did not happen. and china with taiwan is next. we are a nation that weaponizes its law enforcement against the opposing political party. like never seen before. we have federal bureau of investigation's that won't allow that election changing facts to be presented to the public, and which offers $1 million to a writer of fiction to lie and say it was fact. where hunter biden's laptop from hell with russian
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misinformation. and the fbi it wasn't. but 51 intelligence agents said it was and they knew it was at -- it was not also. the department of justice that refuses to investigate egregious acts of voting irregularities and fraud. we have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired and in no condition to lead, and is now in charge of dealing with russia and the possibility of nuclear war. which would be world war iii and far more devastating than any of the previous world wars because of the weaponry that no one wants to even think about. most powerful weapons. we are a nation that no longer
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has a free and fair press. fake news is all you get. and they are the enemy of the people. they refuse to discuss the biden crime family but enjoy covering false indictments of donald trump. who has done nothing wrong. we are a nation where free speech is no longer around. -- no longer allowed and where it is out of control like never before. we are a nation that is allowing iran to build a nuclear weapon and china to use the trillions of dollars taken from us to build a military to more than rival our own. and less than three years ago we had iran, china, russia and north korea in check. they weren't going to do a thing against us. and everyone knows that. they respected us greatly. now russia and china are holding up the world.
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and perhaps most importantly, we are a nation that is no longer respected or listened to on the world stage. no respect. they think we are run by fools. we are a nation that has become a joke and we are a nation that is hostile to liberty, freedom of faith. we are nation whose economy is collapsing into a cesspool of ruin, whose supply chain is broken and who stores are not stocked. whose deliveries are not coming in whose educational system is ranked at the bottom of every list. we are a nation where large packs of sadistic criminals and thieves are allowed to go into stores and openly rob them, beat up and kill their workers and
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customers and leave with armloads of goods with no retribution. where the authority of our police have been taken and their families and pensions threatened and their lives destroyed with the mere mention of the words, law enforcement. we are a nation where fentanyl and all other forms of illegal drugs are easier to get that -- and they in formula for our beautiful little babies. a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess. you sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won't leave and they have no idea when they will. where their ticket prices have tripled. they don't have the pilots to fly the planes. they don't seek qualified air traffic controllers.
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and they just don't know what they are doing. we are a nation that has lost its confidence, lost its willpower, and has lost its strength. we are a nation that is quite simply lost its way. we are not going to allow this horror continue. three years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again. [cheering and applause] it was hard working people like you who built this country and hard-working patriots like you who will save this country. 2024 is our final battle. with your support in this primary, we are going to finish what we so brilliantly started.
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with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. we will route the fake news media and we will drain the swamp once and for all. [cheering and applause] like those patriots before us we will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield, we will never give in, never give up. and we will never, never back down. together we will become fully sufficient. we will cross the finish line. we will evict crooked joe biden from the white house. and we will take back this country with a righteous and magnificent victory on election day 2024.
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the great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership, we have -- the forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer. we are one movement, one people, one family in one glorious nation under god. and together, we will make america powerful again. [cheering and applause] we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again.
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we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you, thank you south dakota, god bless you. god bless you all. [cheering and applause] ♪
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[cheering and applause]
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♪ announcer: c-span's campaign 2020 report -- 2024 coverage is here front row seat to the presidential election. watch our coverage of the candidates on the campaign trail, with announcements, meet and greets, speeches, and events. to make up your own mind, campaign 2024 on the c-span network, c-span now, our free app or anytime online at c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. congress returns next week, facing a september 30 deadline to fund the government and avert a shutdown. the senate's back monday at 3:00 p. eastern. later in the week, senators plan to work on a package of three spending bills, nding the agriculture, transportation and using, and veterans affairs departments for next year.
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they will vote on tonya bratcher, president bid's nominee to be the next deputy v.a. secretary. the house returns tuesday at noon easte time. members will wk on 2020 for federal spending legislation, funding the defense and homeland security departments. watch live coverage of the house on c-span, the senate on c-span two, and a reminder that you can watch all of ourongressional coverage with error-free video app, c-span now, or online at c-span studentcam nokia mentoring is back and we are celebrating with this year's theme, looking forward while considering the past. >> the youth of today are leaders of tomorrow. it is imperative we take -- help them achieve. >> with more awareness, we can work together to prevent fentanyl from becoming the
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world's next pandemic. >> inflation really matters. it is important to understand the ramifications of allowing inflation to go out of control. announcer: we are asking students to create a video addressing one of two questions. we want to know in the next 20 years, what is the most important change he would like to see in america? or over the past 20 years, what has been the most 10 change in america -- most important change in america? we are giving away $100,000 in total prizes, for a grand prize of $5,000. because we are celebrating 20 years, every teacher's students who participate has the opportunity to share a portion of the $50,000. . the deadline for students to submit documentaries is friday, january 19, 2024. for more information about this year's contest and rules, visit our website at
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