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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum 2  CSPAN  March 22, 2023 2:13pm-2:31pm EDT

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record to 30-1 and concluding their 25-game win streak. on behalf of fullerton community and the 45th congressional district, i extend my warmest congratulations to hornets for this extraordinary accomplishment. you make us all proud. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1-rbgs the chair declares the house in recess subject to the call of the chair. >> washingtond
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you can participate in our open forums. to the case in your, being watched by many, including the house republicans in florida, yesterday, we've given a perspective from yesterday. >> remember when the dnc took a lawsuit, and we found out it wasn't. it's all about russian pollution. they went through and got
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investigated. it gets prosecuted and find, and hillary's campaign got fined $8,000. the dnc got a hundred thousand dollars, even though you million dollars. they got investigated. i look at it from this perspective. we live in america. there should be equal justice. this was personal money. this was a statute of limitations. i think we know that it was political. were tired of that. >> we find this on c-span now, and also on our website. there is a political following up saying that president donald trump is fighting a determination that is communications amid a grand jury
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probe with a classification of documents contained in evidence of crime. the presidential campaign issued a statement, and a judge issued a seal ruling. the statement followed increasingly detailed news reports about how they could be forced to testify and turn over documents because prosecutors had not shown sufficient evidence of a allege in effort to show differences. the trump campaign statement says that it goes on to say these leaks are happening because there are no factual or legal substance to any claim against president trump. there is more there at the political story if you want to read it yourself. reston virginia, we are starting with open forum, independent line. go ahead. >> good morning. my message was for your guest earlier on, so i will say my
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thoughts. it is ok. but i think in our country, you are innocent until proven guilty, but why shouldn't we put him in the court of law, and let a judge decide. you are a friend, gentlemen. he acted like a judge. he does not want trump to go before the court to be convicted otherwise. maybe he is innocent. ok. great. we would love that. but we are divided because of this. and in regards that, let him face the judge and the jury. let them decide. >> tommy is next. democrat. >> thank you. i was just wondering why all of the reporters we have keep
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asking for connections. does the republican have trump, and they hang with them, with all of that. what i would like to know is why don't they asked trump to find out. what is the main connection between all of these senators. jim jordan and all that, what is the connection. they defend trump no matter what. if jesus christ came down and told them this man was guilty of something, they would argue he is innocent i'd like to know myself, but i think it all goes back to epstein and all of that. we say check it out, and i would like to know why they dropped him. they don't tell where he went. they don't ever talk about that anymore. >> teresa in tennessee, republican, good morning. you are next.
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>> i have two points. one is a low bit long. first of all, joe biden was find 200 $19,000 in his 2008 failed campaign for president. for campaign finance laws. but he wasn't arrested. and i didn't answer the guys before me. it had nothing to do with trump. this is not about trump. it is about fairness in the law. everyone being treated fairly and the same. lookout black lives matter got convicted for their crimes. but then, where this was, they go after donald trump for paying off a prostitute, but they didn't go after john edwards like your guest said. he had been in a friendly court, they didn't convict him. donald trump is a new york red so of course, they will convict him.
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all of the stuff with hunter biden. they're going after trump, and nobody, not one person is saying a word about the money to joe biden, coming in from china and those dirty deals. hillary clinton. she never paid. >> terrell is in kentucky, republican. go ahead. >> nice having you on the air. i was listening here a minute ago. i would agree it all comes after president trump right here for something he did not do, but if he did pay her off, i never hear anything more than i care about joe biden, when they find documents, and they're not prosecuting him. or, the special counsel is looking into that, as well as president trump. >> well, that's true, but when
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they came out dear president trump's car going florida, they busted down his door and help themselves through there. i mean, you can't do that. that is the fourth amendment right there. they would find documents. they were down in the basement, but they've been under lock and key. they knew where it was at. they didn't have to break down the man's door. just like joe biden. they found documents in his garage. nobody prosecuted him or anything. i don't see anything is been done about that. they cover that out. >> that's darrell in kentucky. later on this week, the ceo of tiktok is going before congress to ask questions about the foreman concerns about it. it will pick up the story, saying the threat to ban tiktok takes aim in what has been the most popular smartphone app in the country.
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tiktok scale presents in a norm is changed to the threat, outweighing the wishes of millions of people who use the app, and it's been downloaded more times than any other social apps with music, in august of 2018. the app is expected to generate more than $11 billion in u.s. avenue revenue by 2024. it is outpacing its rivals, and all of this centers around the fact that tiktok has a ceo that plans to highlight the app growth on thursday. those will be released earlier. watch out for that on c-span. a lot of things going on in washington area particularly, with a lot of this. the best been to follow along as our website. you can go there with a house and other places. let's hear from stephen in fort lauderdale. democrat. >> good morning.
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you get what you vote for. you voted in the greatest con artist in the history of the world. donald trump. you voted him in the sector time, and say goodbye to our republic. dear republicans. i love this country more than you love the con artist. have a great day. >> brenda is in indiana. independent. >> thank you for taking my call. when trump was campaigning, he said, do you want a president with legal baggage that will consume our government? look what we got. he made a laughing stock of our government. of the republican party. now of our judicial system. please, bring this man to justice. we can get on with running our country. thank you. >> the new york times is reporting that delaware is
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overseeing dominion voter systems. $1.6 million in defamation. a pretrial heel -- pretrial hearing will issue a summary judgment for either side of the case in the hearing and lawyers from fox news and dominion post -- both push the judge to rule without a jury. dominion is an election technology company, accusing fox of spreading widespread voter rigging in the 2020 presidential election. they say quote i made a decision. the case centers on the fox coverage of the election. president and his supporters have spread false claims about widespread voter fraud. this is ray. ray in michigan. republican. >> i want to know what happened to our government. our government in washington. they are only working for themselves. the democrats have been after donald trump for two days after
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he was elected. they have spent six years fighting donald trump. there is supposed to be work for us. do they realize how stupid they can look in front of everyone? they should be in office no more than eight years in any place because they are so corrupt down there. everyone of them that goes in are not rich when they go in but they are always millionaires when they come out. they are not doing anything or the country. they could go back to bill clinton. did they do anything to him? did they do anything to obama when he spent $450 million per ransom? nothing. but when it comes to donald trump, donald trump was running the government.
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that is the problem. you don't have anyone running the cover meant. -- government. >> that was ray in michigan. from fox news, the story about washington post, a fox staffer was told to be evasive with the content of timing and lawsuits on tucker carlsen tonight. all an unexpected wildcard in the $1.6 billion defamation case. spurious election fog -- fraud cases. a woman at fox said she was overworked, undervalued and denied opportunities for promotion and subjected to vile stereotypes, but her most explosive allegation was being coached to make misleading statements in a defamation suit to shift blame. it created an opening for dominion voting systems. they were suing fox over false claims on the 2020 election.
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in wisconsin, let's go to john. this is robert in massachusetts. robert, any panetta line, good morning. >> thank you. i just want to say that our country is really going to help. if anyone is standing behind donald trump, after all of the trouble this guy has covered, even when the press conference is a troublemaker, and he wants to run the country as a mob man. he is going after people. they don't agree with him. i just understand white people would compare antifa or any other group that is protesting peacefully in comparison to the insurrection, or a guy that was help, and in the republican
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party, they are still behind him. i think, probably, they all compromised with russian money because the conman would take people to light, and a conman would compromise all of the republican party, and they have money that they knew would spill the beans, saying that they were compromised with money from russia. they cannot support a man like this. >> let's go to john in wisconsin, republican. >> i was calling about the bankers out there in california. i was wondering, why weren't they charged with insider trading since they knew the company was going to fold and they sold off all of their stocks? i was curious why they weren't charged? >> that is john in wisconsin, democrat. the wall street journal reports that president biden announced the creation of two national monuments set in nevada and texas did they designated a
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national monument honoring a tribal place in southern nevada. they also established a national monument which the white house says would expand access and honor military veterans and servicemembers. you can find the whole announcement from yesterday where he talked at a conservation summit and talked about the creation of these two monuments. here is the president. >> i am proud to use my authority to establish -- and i want you to know, it's a big deal, i'm having trouble. thank you. i got it. spirit mountain. it nevada. one of our most beautiful landscapes.
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we'll leave this here. shortly we'll hear from the federal reserve chairman. the federal reserve raised interest rates by a quarter percentage points. they say the end of inflation is near. this despite turmoil in the banking industry. again, remarks from chairman powell expected shortly live here on c-span.


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