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tv   House Freedom Caucus Lays Out Budget Debt Limit Demands  CSPAN  March 10, 2023 6:21pm-7:01pm EST

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public service giving you a front-row seat to democracy. >> now the house freedom caucus lays out their plan for the 2024 budget. scott perry called for caps in federal spending in fiscal year 2022 levels and imposing work requirements from various work programs like medicaid. this is about 40 minutes. mr. perry: good morning, all. so great to see you. on december 23 of last year, democrats voted for a 1.7 trillion plowout known as the omnibus, just two weeks after that, the point is they knew, on january 13, treasury secretary
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janet yellen informed america that america reached its statutory limit. the point is this debt crisis is created by democrat policies and out of control spending. however, america will not default on its debts unless president biden chooses to do. the house freedom caucus is offering a responsible solution to the self-imposed crisis. members of the house freedom caucus who have never voted for continual debt ceiling increases will have a solution to address the impending debt ceiling crisis. the plan is to shrink washington and grow america. to shrink washington, we save money now by ending president p biden's student loan bailout.
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we rescind all unobligated covid-19 funds and recoupe in i.r.s. expansion funds and recoupe of wasteful climate change spending in the so-called inflation act and by finding every dollar spent by democrats that can be reclaimed for the american taxpayer. doing this will lower dollar for dollar the amount needed for any increase in the debt ceiling and it is what families across america must do. to shrink washington also means ensuring a strong military while returning to prepandemic nondefense spending levels by keeping nondiscretionary for 10 years, we cut $131 billion in f.y.2024 and cut the wasteful, woke and weaponnized federal bureaucracy.
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when we shrink washington this way, it enables congress to use the appropriations process to address the many abuses and disasters caused by the biden administration such as the chaos at our southern border, the covid vaccine mandates and associated discriminatory policies and the unconstitutional a.t.f. rule just to name a few. sphending for the next 10 years puts our budget on the path to balance and protecting social security and medicare benefits because solving must include the work ethic and determination of the american people. the next part of the freedom caucus plan is to grow america. we grow america by enacting policy changes and reforms to the wasteful, woke and weaponized federal bureaucracy including but not limited to,
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unleashing the production of reliable domestic energy by ending unnecessary federal regulations and subsidies, by restoring work requirements and preemptive continuing resolution with nondefense discretionary defense spending to the prepandemic level to pass appropriations in a timely manner. we can solve our debt crisis if we shrink washington and grow america. members are ready to get to work and voting now on these proposals and willing to do it today. i now recognize the house freedom caucus policy chairman, the gentleman from texas, mr. chip roy. mr. roy: thank you, chairman perry and my colleagues for
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standing here in he defense of the american people. president biden released his budget yesterday. his budget makes his priorities clear. his administration is at war with the american people's freedom and prosperity. we need to shrink washington and grow america. his budget would do the opposite. he proposes dislrs 3 trillion in tax increases and price controls. we can cut the woke weaponnized federal bureaucracy that is at odds with the american people. think about this, biden's budget would increase funding across the board for that that wasteful federal bureaucracy. more funding for the department ofhomeland security that actually refuses to secure the homeland and leads people vulnerable. a.t.f. to turn law-abiding
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citizens into criminals. more funding for an f.b.i. to make people like scott smith a domestic terrorist or a target of the federal f.b.i. having a s.w.a.t. team show up at his home in philadelphia, pennsylvania. more funding for c.m.s. more funding for the department of defense has men and women can have a promotion because they dare to stand up to the tyranny promoted by anthony fauci. more funding for e.p.a. to push anti-human energy policies that are making us harder. woke-weepized government-wide. d.e.i. demands that president biden just ordered by executive order. more funding for abortion and transgender policies. he proposes a $3 trillion tax
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hike. we should be pulling government back and letting growth and opportunity and if you create it, you grow out of the debt. it is the only way, the only way to save this country and advance america is to stop spending money that we don't have. we believe we can do that. scott outlined it. i don't need to repeat it too much. understand, we can save over $3 trillion over the next decade by putting that spending for the federal bureaucracy back to precoded levels. who among us think that the size of government in 2019 was small, efficient and effective? anybody? anybody want to sign up and say, they were nailing it. they were efficient and effective. is it bloated now.
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all we are asking is take that bureaucracy down the street and return it to precovid levels and have a simple gloaght over the next 10 years and sustain our government at the level it should be and save $3 trillion. president biden wants to regulate and tax us into oblivion. our job is to defend the american people. don't make any mistake about what we are saying. this government is at war with the american people and living free. we have constituents coming up to us every single day telling horror stories how they are being targeted and regulated and someone put in jail because there was water on his ranch. who wants a government that is putting an american citizen in jail because he has water on his land. it is extraordinary what we have
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allowed to happen in empowering this federal government. we stand against that and that's why we are called the house freedom caucus for a reason. i turn it over to mrs. boebert from colorado. mrs.boebert: none of us who are here today standing on this stage have voted for the reckless spending that has us off a cliff right now. defaulting on our nation's debt. we are here to ensure that we do not default on our nation's debt. and the question that we all face isn't what was the financially responsible thing to do last year. during the last congress we fought like hell to make sure we weren't spending recklessly here in washington, d.c., and unfortunately, we didn't have the power of the pen or the power of the gavel and we didn't have the power of the purse
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under democrat rule. the question is not what are we going to do in three years, five years or 10 years, the question is what can we do today? this is the congress that republicans have the majority. and we have a financial crisis that is approaching and we have all been wrestling with the same question, how are we going to fix this. the house freedom caucus here is to set a marker to say we do have solutions. there are things that we can do in this congress to fix washington's debt. to begin this trajectory to shrink government and grow america. the house freedom caucus' proposal which was released this morning, will shrink washington. it will grow america. and we do this by rescinding unobligated covid fund repealing
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biden's unconstitutional biden loan program. and that promise that he made to students with their debt. we do this by reclaiming money from the so-called inflation reduction act. i serve on the house natural resources committee and it is astonishing how many democrats begin their arguments when it comes to our nation's energy with the inflation reduction act. all of us were touting that the i.r.a. did nothing to reduce inflation. it increased inflation and it was another democrat con game. it is the green new deal. and we want to take back those hundreds of billions of dollars that was unjustly advertised to the american people as something that would help them financially
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in their pocketbooks at home. we proved at the beginning of the year, when you stand on preliminary you can deliver amazing wins. we sought to have the tools to do what we are doing today and time that we stop bragging about our tools and actually get some knicks in them and use the tools that we fought so hard for republicans to have in this congress and we save the american people in the process. and i'm honored to stand here with my colleagues in the house femme caucus today, and i yield to bob good from virginia. >> thank you for being here today. the colleagues standing here, most of them were part of the effort we had two months ago and made history and members of congress for the first time were willing to challenge and hold accountable their own party's
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leadership and bring change to how congress operates. you are going to see us make history and cut spending and put us on a path of fiscal stability. you look at what the president has done. here we are with $32 trillion in national debt and equates $100,000 per citizen. and never happened before in the history of the country and how does the president respond? the president responds with $6.9 trillion largest budget proposal that would project to $2 trillion more than 4.9 trillion that is currently coming in. his response is $20,000 per american spending. think about it, how many americans would vote for us to borough -- borrow.
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and spend. as others have said, if you go back to pro-covid spending spending $4 trillion for this ridiculously funded government. $4.4 trillion. with the trump tax cuts and economic growth we have been realizing $4.9 trillion in revenue, half a trillion more than in spending. if we kept spending flat precovid, a surplus of half a trillion dollars with the tax revenue coming in. the problem is we have spent over $6 trillion under the biden administration and wants to take it to $7 trillion. we are the responsible ones led by the house freedom caucus and bring fiscal san antonio thy to this country. is the president fiscally i will lit rat or hurt the country with
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the spending he proposes. what are we going to do? we are going to cut back nondiscretionary defense spending to precovid levels and project that out 1.5 trillion just from that. more than that clawing back the student loan transfer scheme where borrowers who did not incur that debt the president is trying to put on the hook, we are going to rescind 87,000 agents that are going to intimidate americans and collect more than the revenue that is coming in and end as my colleagues have said all of the woke environmental climate extremism and tens of millions of dollars and $1.2 trillion and most of it was green new deal and the omnibus spending and
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phony increase bill. all of that is woke environmental climate and extremism funding and we are going to have unobligated. the pandemic is over. the administration says it is over and the last thing i will add, we will get americans back to work and end the policies that have expanded medicaid and expanded food stamps and expanded unemployment and housing assistance with no work requirements. those have been stripped away and that will get us $30 billion a year and help us do what we are here to do which is to shrink washington. and now i would like to introduce mr. michael cloud from texas.
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mr. cloud: thanks for being here today. we are at a critical time in our nation, one of the biggest national security issues we are facing is the fiscal status of this nation and at a time and in this context joe biden puts out a budget drunk government spending that has put us in this position and here's the principles at stake. biden's budget grows the government and calls it investing in america. and this is the difference between the left's approach and the approach we are proposing today where we understand america isn't the government but america is we the people and we are putting a proposal to get the government off the backs of the american people. we understand that america is not a government with the people but we are a people with a limited government.
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we propose savings to the american people and get us back to the business of governing and empowering to do our best work. there are a number of places. our colleagues talked about today rescinding unspent covid funds and going forward we are going to stop spending money. stop spending these agencies money to do bad things. and for example on the border assuming they are going to secure the border. they participate in the cartels and human trafficking organizations. that has to stop. just in the hearings this week we have seen agency after agency after agency that is supposed to be working for we the people but have been working from the d.o.j., controlling evidence, from the f.b.i. that has worked to silence americans and agency
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that was to be managing covid but controlling information that led to harm and even deaths of the american people. we have got to get this government back and here to restore the power of the people and of, by and for the people and instead of a woke and weaponnized people that is working against the people. we are ready to meet the debt and deficit challenges and we will do it when we shrink washington and grow america. mr. biggs: i'm andy biggs from arizona. in washington, d.c., there are very few pockets of people who view the world as reality, who understand what is really happening. we see in the biden budget and the reports from the media about
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it really what the american just simply cannot believe. i want you to think about this. only in america can a president who is increasing the national debt from $31.5 trillion to $49 trillion and say we are reducing the national debt. only in washington, d.c., because basically, in arizona, they are saying what? i'm going to go into my boss and i'm going to save you some money and you'll save money. that's what we are facing today in washington, d.c.. every agency, department, program, is getting an increase in funding. $800 trillion bucks, it's going to be more than that. do you believe that the
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projection it's only national debt increase is really accurate? neither do i. it's got to stop. what if, what if we in congress, the freedom caucus said we are going to devise a plan that would simply say we're not going to add to the debt every month. we're not going to add $120 billion to the structural deficit every month that goes into the national debt. what if we did that just for a year. the plan that has been outlined by the chairman and my colleagues gets to a large portion of that, $900 billion and there are additional cuts. one of my favorites is the biden administration -- and i love the way they couch it, joe biden's
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historic international climate change policy. $12 billion going offshore and nothing to do with putting the american people first and everything to do with putting us last. and it isn't, it isn't this generation going to pay for it. it's our kids and our grandchildren and future generations. if you want to save america, you have to shrink washington. you must attack the bureaucracy, the fourth branch of government that is making laws, enacting laws and punishing people without congressional authority. therefore over 1200 unauthorized departments, agencies and programs drawing $500 billion a year. that must end. that must end.
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ladies and gentlemen, this plan put forth by the freedom caucus today is a blueprint, a baseline. it should not be the end all. it is the baseline of shrinking washington and not just growing america, but doing gone it, saving america. that's what this is about. i am grateful to stand with these good men and women, patriots all, who understand this. and we are going to go forward and we urge our colleagues to join us. we beg you to join us. we have to shrink washington and save america. i am pleased to throw it to my good friend from south carolina, mr. ralph norman.
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mr. norman: the american people do not deserve total confiscation by the government. where can you find a country that on capital gain is is doubling. y2k you found a country, if you make $100 in the stock market, you are taxed. the $1.7 trillion at christmas time that the senate handcuffed us until september was wrong. folks, we are going to correct it. and this is what's got proposed and everybody up here, this is just the beginning. we are going to highlight for
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the american people and each of you, line by line what we are going to suggest needs to be taken out of government to free america, free the taxpayers, because, folks, we are in charge. thank god the taxpayers are standing up and led by these members behind me. are we going to take some arrows? yeah. every dollar spent has an advocate for. that's why we are burdened with. folks, we are going to take it right back to them. instead of letters we are going to write letters. it's going to balance the budget and get the people unleashed from the burdensome regulations. the farmers that was put in jail for a puddle of water and the farmers that are putting a silt fence, a logging road, it makes
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no sense. everything this administration has done has been intentional and i have stopped asking the question, is biden i will lit rat and does not understand what is going on and it's to destroy america. and we have folks that are not going to take it and it's to get america that we knew back and to things that made this country. you keep your money. let government have your money? we are not doing it. and can't say we are going to do it the following year. i'm tired of that. the end of the road is now. and i hope you will report the details as they come out because we are not scared of the details and going to embrace them and scott says we are going to embrace freedom and america and
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the taxpayers that made this country great. i turn it over to the gentleman from florida. >> first to the american people who are actually watching this proposal and this press conference, let me say to you that overspending by the federal government is what made the price of eggs go up and price of food go up and price of services and shrinking your budget in your every day life. this is your pocketbook, too. when this government overspends massively, you have incomes and rent to pay and you have to eat to pay, it makes your coasts more expensive. government needs to tighten its belt. inflation is caused by massive overspending by the federal government. it has happened in every country
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at any time in world history and happened here in the united states. so the only way for america to grow is for washington to shrink. it is the only way. so my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, i would ask them, come with your ideas, because the freedom caucus has their ideas. we ought to do this together in get the country in a position where it can thrive and succeed and the american people can succeed. to president biden, your budget is dead on arrival. let me say that now. if you think raising corporate income tax to 28% puts america first, you are lying to yourself and the american people. making our taxes more prohibitive than taxes in china only drives investment to china, it doesn't help us.
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it drives jobs to china and doesn't help hardworking americans in the united states. if you really think that raising taxes on energy production helps the american people, talk to a single mom in new york city as it goes up month after month after month. folks we are serious. there has to be serious plans for curtailing washington spending. go back to precovid spending levels. covid is over. the has acknowledged that. took him a year and a half. it is over and we have to get our fiscal house in order again not to pat ourselves on the back here at washington, d.c., and so the purchasing power rich or poor, black or white, republican or democrat is not taken away because of politicians who would
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rather get trophies. those days are over. it's time to get serious. let's discuss your proposals. and we have one job on capitol hill and that is to preserve the wealth, prosperity and growth of america. mr. perry: i didn't expect much different from president biden. but we got record high inflation and you know, a couple of years ago, post-code 6-plus trillion. covid's over. it seems obvious that we can live within our means. these are serious folks and we urge our colleagues on the republican side and democrat
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side. if you don't like what we have offered, that's fine. but we came here. you are elected to come here and not fight for this town. we are investing in america? no. president biden has been investing in washington, d.c.. we are going to shrink washington so we can grow america. what are your questions snr sir. [indiscernible question] >> this is the freedom caucus and what we are willing to do. what we're talking about, let's be clear if you save money upfront, $100 billion and extend this and doing our appropriations and every single line item and supports the american people and send that tom president biden.
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response apply and changing the trajectory and the way things are done in washington and not waiting for the last minute. we are ready to start today. reporter: any part of this plan you would be willing to compromise -- [indiscernible] mr. perry: if somebody else wants to bring something else we are willing to look at it. the plan that are president biden brought to us, that is not happening. this is our plan. if somebody else on our side of the aisle or other side of the aisle or combination of the two is something to consider, but this is where we stand. and these are members that have not voted for debt ceiling increases. we didn't come here to increase
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this. [indiscernible] >> we are going about unobligated money. we just spent thousands. and where does that money go? sitting in all sorts of accounts. we just 91 billion sitting there. i.r.s. agents are going to target minority people and poor people. you are going to have $100 billion. [indiscernible] why are we going to subsidize
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someone who has a sociology agree and we are going to pay that off? no. and it is step one of many steps. reporter: do you agree with trump and mccarthy that entitlements should not be on the table for cuts and is it possible to -- >> the benefits under social security and medicare are not going to be cut. that is part of growing america. with inflation happening the way it is, this anemic growth we have seen under this president is contributing to this cause. it's possible but it comes with policy. reporter: do you expect to write and release a plan --
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mr. perry: the bill is already out there and vote on it immediately. all this stuff is almost available immediately and we believe, i believe, that we should be voting soon and tell the american people as we should. we solved this problem. up to the senate and the president. reporter: how do you expect that to happen? you want all these votes passed and the debt limit after that? mr. perry: we would accept that. reporter: what is the game plan how you will get leadership to take these righters under consideration? mr. perry: we are not assuming that leadership is opposed to these things. these are things that republicans ran on in their primaries and general electrics. this is all reasonable stuff. we are not assuming that leadership is opposed to that.
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reporter: if mccarthy cuts a deal with democrats. mr. perry: speaker mccarthy is not going to cut a deal with democrats. reporter: on medicaid, are there any changes that you want? mr. perry: we are just talking about going precovid. this is interest ancient history. [inindiscernible question] mr. perry: we are looking at a top-line figure but we are looking at the 30% growth in nondefense discretionary as the immediate target. reporter: are things that america wants -- [indiscernible] mr. perry: we are not putting default on the table. the president has the tools and
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is required to do his job and pay our obligations. it's a false threat. if he is defaulting, he would be choosing to. we are putting a path forward and say if we want to have a conversation, if we are going to make these changes now. and wants to play russian roulette with the obligation of the country. and on defense spending and that's what we are saying. we are saying you can return to the precovid levels for the nondefense and have defense spending. let's be clear, there is a lot of things that need to be changed over the pentagon and republicans agree with that. reporter: just to be clear --
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[indiscernible] mr. perry: number one, here's the plan and even before that, the current revenue ensures that we can't default as long as he pays the bills. as mr. roy said it's a false claim, and scare tactic. we have a plan here. what is his plan? he wants to raise the spending another couple trillion dollars. the american peoplethe americand enough, they are billed every day if they afford the car payment or the electric payment. >> witches centers already working with? -- which senators are you working for -- with? >> we are working with multiple sensors -- senators. it is an official freedom caucus vision. -- position. thank you very much. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2023]
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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> the u.s. senate returns on tuesday at 3 p.m. eastern. senators will consider several of president biden's executive nominations including the u.s. ambassador to indi the presiden nominated him two years o in july of 21. the house is in a district work period. they will return for legislative business wednesdaymarch 22, after the house republicans annual retreat in orlando florida. to the senate on cpan2, reminder you can watch all the ngressional coverage with a free video app c-span now or online at >> up next republican presidential can of -- candidate nikki haley joined iowa republican senator joni ernst


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