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tv   State Dept. Briefing on Presidents 2024 Budget  CSPAN  March 9, 2023 8:35pm-9:07pm EST

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supplementals. i'm wondering if you gets ok for congress to keep doing this supplemental funding earth this should be part of the base budget going forward? >> i think it sends a very positive signal to ukraine, but there are a lot of players in this world who have a voice on that and i'm very comfortable following the lead of my colleagues in the armed services committee and of the appropriations committee as to what they think the best way to go would be. anil thickest determined as one where the other. the important figures that our support for ukraine can be reliable, solid, persistent and self-sufficient to take them to victory. >> listening to programs on c-span through c-span radio just
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got easier. tell your smart speaker play c-span radio app in the sena washington journal daily at 7:00 a.m. eastern, important congressional hearings and other public affairs events throughout the day and weekdays at 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. eastern. catch washington today for a fast-paced report of stories of the day. listen to c-span any time just tell your smart speaker play c-span radio app. c-span, powered by cable. >> a discussion on president biden's 2024 budget plan for u.s. foreign policy. the state department undersecretary for management job bass nus agency development management resources offer reaction. >> thank you. good afternoon, great to be with you.
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i want to thank ned for his remarkable service and leadership. but i know i speak for all of our colleagues and wishing you all the best with your next adventure. as i mentioned i'm trying that my colleague. deputy usaid administrator for management resources. we are here to present the highlights of fiscal year 24 budget request for the department and for the u.s. agency for international development. the resources detailed in our combined fiscal year 2024 budget are essential to the department of state and usaid's work to advance the biden demonstrations vision of a free, open, secure and prosperous world. while deliberating on issues that matter most to the lives
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and livelihood of our fellow americans. the president's fy 24 budget request request $63.1 billion thursday and usaid. this is a $4.9 billion increase, roughly 9% increase above what congress enacted for comparable state nad programs in fiscal year 2023 and we deeply appreciate the support and partnership from congress and resourcing this department and usada to meet moment that we face. the budget is an extension of principal clear i leadership by the united states in the face of the set of generational challenges that require sustained commitments to address . first, as you heard so often
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from the secretary, our approach towards the generational challenge focuses on investing in our own domestic capabilities, aligning with our efforts of those with allies and partners, and competing with the prc or interests and values differ. our competition with the prc is unusually broad and complex, which requires a different approach than traditional budgeting. to meet this challenge this budget request mandatory spending on top of the discretionary resources within the budget. as part of an internet mandatory proposal, the cai id budget request includes $2 billion to
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strengthen indo pacific economies and supporting our partners and pushing back against predatory, opportunistic competition by china. $2 billion to support high-quality, strategic heart infrastructure projects globally, $2 billion for a new revolving fund at the development finance corporation to boost equity investments and $7.1 billion over 20 years to support the renewal of the compacts of re-association. we believe that the discretionary resources alone cannot meet the needs posed by this generational challenge and we believe it is imperative to have mandatory reliable funding to prevail in this competition
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with china. second priority is to ensure that we can see needs carryforward our pivotal work as part of the broader administration efforts to ensure that russia's aggression in ukraine remains a strategic failure. while supporting the ukrainian government and the people of ukraine. the fy 24 budget will advance that commitment while promoting oversight and accountability to ensure taxpayer resources are appropriately split and accounted for. we are mobilizing and enhancing resources to address shared global challenges, including economic challenges, energy challenges, food security, health security, the climate crisis, and other challenges
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that the fight national borders, such as irregular migration. and we will continue to work together to shore up phil democracies and build resilience against authoritarian efforts to undermine democratic states and democratic norms. we will continue our work to ensure u.s. interests and values are protected in digital and emerging technology sector including international technology security and innovation fund for which we are grateful to congress for providing us with $500 million over five years to empower the department to work with our partners and allies in securing and expanding our crucial semiconductor supply chain in promoting the adoption of trustworthy telecom,
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architecture and technologies. since we will continue the ambitious agenda to modernize american diplomacy in our diplomatic operations globally, to ensure we are quick to address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented to us in the coming years. in addition to these priorities i want to take a minute to highway other critical investments that the budget proposes. to support all that we are doing globally,'s -- requesting over 500 new staff positions for the state department, and these will focus on expanding our footprint in the indo pacific region, increasing professional development and training options to ensure our personnel are best prepared to meet these complex challenges in bolstering our staff to me unprecedented demand
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for passports, visas and other services. we will also continue to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility to include our broader efforts to recruit, retain a diverse workforce that reflects it to just true breath of representation and diversity across the nation. we also are requesting $3.6 billion to protect our diplomats, our embassies in our data, which will then help us to secure our global workforce from a wide away -- a wide array of threats and help us address infrastructure vulnerabilities and ensure that we are securing sensitive data. and finally i want to just one component that i know matters to many of our fellow -- and the people around the world, as the
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department takes over responsibility from the department of defense and key aspects of our ongoing relocations of afghan partners under operation enduring welcome, we are requesting it has a welcome program account to provide a consolidated flexible funding source to me our commitment in the months and years ahead to those who served alongside us. with that, i would like to turn the podium over to my colleague to preview the top lines for usaid. >> thank you, john. good afternoon, everyone. the presidents fy 2024 budget is and what's the united states find itself.
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with an opportunity to lead the world and extending human dignity to all. this will allow the united states to support our country partners on multiple overlapping crises, including climate change and food and securities. the fy 2024 budget request is $2 billion. in fully and partially managed to tell. 3 billion or 10% above the fy 2023 adjusted. it includes vital assistance including additional resources to assist the people of ukraine and all of those impacted. in confronting the rise of antidemocratic threats posed by the russian federation and the people's republic of china. there is significant funding to help our partners and allies by
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corruption, global, health, security and combat infectious diseases and much more. i will highlight some of them now. as united states government leads, usaid responses 75 crises in 65 countries on an annual basis. including and currently in ukraine and the recent earthquake in turkey and syria. this year's budget request, 10.5 billion, 6.5 billion of which will be administered. to assist ukraine and manage the aftershock of putin's invasion, the request is 469 million to bolster the economy and ensure the continuity of government services, strengthen their energy for cybersecurity and ultimately promote the resilience of ukrainian people. it also includes 1.11 billion
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for their future programs to address the food security crisis resulting from -- from pollutants unprovoked war and the impacts of climate change. we know we can't tackle the world challenges alone, to lower the barriers for the private sector to partner with us and to scale our efforts to expand economic opportunities for all to budget requests 60 million for usaid enterprises for government growth and empowerment fund. this funding is one part of our request for 2.6 billion for economic growth programs. the economic global system, including slow growth and financial systems weighed down by financial systems corruptions. in our bright spots initiative, which would position us to be more nimble and support partner governments and local stakeholders in companies that
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experience democratic openings. we could sitting our work with democratic backsliding and pervasive authoritarian. this is why they request 2.8 billion partially managed account to foster democratic government. delivering on our commitments under the summit for democracy in the presidential initiative for democratic renewal. to support democratic strengthening and economic resilience in central america we are requesting more than one billion across the u.s. government, including 739 .6 million for usaid's managed accounts. this funding will help us advance the administration's -- and deliver on the presidents for billion, for your commitment to strengthen the region as resilient democracy development and economic opportunities for the people. to reaffirm continued u.s.
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global health leadership, the budget request for part one billion for usaid managed accounts to combat infectious diseases, prevent criminal health deaths, both for nutrition, control the hiv, aids epidemic and provide funding to support and protect the global health workforce through the presidential health care initiative. this is 745 million for usaid to respond to future infectious disease threats. the global challenges i've outlined here proportionately impact women and girls, especially in crisis and conflict settings. including access to educational, economic leadership opportunities. the budget would support implementation of the national strategy for gender equity and equality for the historic request of 3.1 million to uplift the world of women and girls in
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all of their diversity. the request includes 300 million from the gender equity and quality action fund to advance women's economic security. in addition to providing with critical resources, the budget recognizes that in order to advance critical foreign policies priorities and ensure accountability for the u.s. taxpayer dollars, the agency must be robust. we are requesting 2.8 billion for usaid to build a responsive and resilient workforce. these funds will position us to increase the size and diversity of the career workforce by 230 positions, provide flexibility to hire noncareer direct hire staff and address shortages that are technical and operational functions. the budget request demonstrates american values and identify its
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priorities that will strengthen national security for development. happy to take questions. >> guests, sec. this is for you. i realize this is a drop in the bucket of the 63 billion dollar budget request, but i'm curious about the 115 million you are asking for for unesco. because although there has been talk about rejoining, it had never been official. this seems to me, maybe i'm wrong, but this is the first time you guys have money to pay these. i'm wondering how serious you are about these. the broader question about what a lot of people think is for the entire federal budget is doa on the hill, but how serious are
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you about rejoining unesco and how will you overcome the legal challenges, that is the legal hurdle, to do? >> i would say a couple of things. we appreciate the waiver as we received on the omnibus for this fiscal year that gives us a past to rejoin the process. we are currently considering carefully those options. i would also say if we do choose to rejoin, it will help address a critical cap in our global leadership toolkit and capacity, and it will also help us address a key opportunity cost that is creating in our global competition with china.
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i think a lot of this focus on unesco overlooks the extent to which that energy -- entity is an essential part of shaping things among other things in education around the world. so if you're really serious about the digital age competition with china, from my perspective, and a set of interests, we can't afford to be absent any longer from one of the key for a period which standards around education for science and technology are set. there are a number of other examples in that space of unesco's mission where our absences notice and where it undercuts our ability to be as effective in promoting our vision of the free world.
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>> how will this help address the problems of repatriating more afghans and others in third countries? if you give us some detail as to what the commitment is in this budget compared to last year. >> in specific budget terms, you will not see new money in the state department's budget. that's because the resources we are receiving through a transfer from tod and the dog at account gives us enough to work with the current fiscal year and for fiscal year 2024 to sustain a robust effort to continue to relocate afghans. in other countries.
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in addition to that financial peace, we had a set of positions and a set of people in the department that had a number of locations overseas that are continuing to work full-time on this vexing challenge. this is one of the most complicated challenging problems . it will continue to take a really sustain focused of which secretary blinken, myself and many colleagues across this department are committed to. >> you are in a unique position to assess the criticisms of the hearings yesterday was pretty direct. couldn't you ask how the state department is addressing it?
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a lot of it is getting appeals from people. you can just come here and get jobs. >> i would say a couple of things. like many i was moved by the testimony yesterday of people across this country representing people across the country who care deeply about afghans in afghanistan. that's a reflection of the breath and depth of a 20 year commitment of which thousands of my colleagues in that apartment for part of. so that commitment for such a long time is manifested in so many different ways for individuals, and we see the refresh -- the reflection of that both in the continued scale of need, the outreach, the individual stories of afghans who are still looking for support.
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we are not going to be able to meet that need in the moment as quickly as all of us wish we could. but that does not mean we are not going to do everything possible to do right by his many people to keep faith with this many afghans to whom we have an obligation as we can. and it's why we are continuing to build out that capacity and ensure that we have sustainable capacity in the departments keep at this for as long as it takes. >> thank you for doing this, i have a quick question about funding related to competition when china and the proposal of 2 billion to support high-quality strategic card infrastructure projects globally and that's part of the portion of the budget where it speaks about out competing china. but obviously when you look at
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what china has done with the belton road initiative, over last year reports are estimated for more than $19 billion in direct investments for countries in the belton road initiative. more than 19 billion in -- and 2 billion our numbers completely at odds. how do you outcompete china, particularly in the space of infrastructure investment when the u.s. government is inputting down the funds that
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-- by the same token what we are finding as we are looking to support many different markets and sectors is that, in and enormous amount of cases, partners, whether they are governments, companies, prefer to work with united state. or with our western allies and friends. and often, they are willing to do so, on the face of it as it -- as a disadvantage in terms of what may be on offer from the prc. and in learning what in that
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particular transaction, in that particular infrastructure is a need that they are looking for, we are a contribution that is from the u.s. government or supported by the u.s. government. it will make the difference to them and give them the reassurance that we are going to be present, we will partner with them and therefore, the decision calculus scales to toward a decision toward one not owned by it chinese state-owned enterprise. >> we are never going to match the p.r.c. dollar for dollar in a state run economy such as the p.r.c.. but he can outcompete with our partners. that is precisely the perspective, the initiative that president biden once, you talked about $19 million that the prc
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has put forward. this is a initiative that will bring together hundreds of billions of dollars over the next five or so years. it is a whole society effort, it's what we can put or word in our budget, it is what our private actor can put forward health, and it's what are close departments and allies can do in their sectors as well. >> has that money been committed at this point? u.s. business may not be interested in the returns they might get. >> yes? >> i went to mentioned the spending that is related to china and indo pacific partnerships and the like. how much of the 3.3 billion is for the pacific islands and i
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wonder if you can say how much of that is new in relation to the sum last year, it is unfair to know exactly how much of that is additional to previous and how much of that is specific to the pacific islands. >> let us get back to you in terms of differentiating commitments last year and the particular funding. i cannot recall precisely how much of it was the future projections last year, but what i would say is that we are envisioning this as a flexible instrument that allows us to again mobilize partnerships with individual allies and cons elation's of countries in the region and those partners who also have enduring interest and support for the indo pacific to
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maximize our ability to support those nations and work on common problems whether that's climate change adaptation. whether it's energy security going forward, things like that. >> i wonder how many of your programs are designed to help countries -- and also how to allocate that. >> the structures that we described today in internal terms are coming from the u.s. budget, so anything that might involve russian asset would be an entirely separate conversation and i would defer you to some of the colleagues who are much more converse of
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about these issues at this time. >> we will take one more cash in -- question. >> you talked about humanitarian this is an said, and you also mentioned responses to over 75 crises in other countries on an annual basis including recent earthquakes in turkey is there anything for turkey, and here you impacted areas for this next visit year, or not? >> it was put together in the years prior, so we are responding to the current situation using our resources. we do have built in contingency funding for unplanned crises. if that's needed we would deploy that.
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