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  Fmr. President Trump at CPAC Conference in Texas  CSPAN  August 7, 2022 5:08am-7:00am EDT

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♪ mr. trump: ladies and gentlemen please welcome the 45th president of the united states
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president donald j. trump. and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee
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across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. where's pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me
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and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. [applause] mr. trump: thank you very much and i am proud to be back in the great state of texas and thrilled to be back at cpac. the proud patriots here today are the beating heart of the conservative movement. it all started for me at cpac.
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they are incredible. the job that has been done you are the loyal defenders of our heritage liberty culture constitution and god-given rights. you never stop fighting for america and i will never ever stop fighting for you it won't happen. let's begin this evening by showing our appreciation to our wonderful hosts. a family of young ladies who are beautiful. we just took pictures and it's great to see matt and mercedes schlapp. [applause]
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let's also show our appreciation to everyone at the american conservative union who helped to put this event on. including the activists who dealt -- dedicate their lives to preserving a thing called american freedom. thank you everybody. [applause] we are also grateful to be joined by ronny jackson my doctor. he was a great doctor. he was an admiral, a doctor, then a congressman. i said if you had a choice which was the best? he said doctor because he loved looking at my body.
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he said on the healthiest president that has ever lived. i said i like this guy. he said i'm going to run for congress and there were like 48 people running i said you've never done this before. he was a great student at annapolis. he said i'm going to run i said let's get you into the runoff. you need two out of 44 and he made it. i said now were getting close let's get you by the rinos and we got him by that and now he's doing great. another one who is a warrior and a friend of mine ralph norman. thank you. he taught me a lesson. he was in a race and it was so one-sided that everybody said we don't have to vote for ralph.
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he's going to win by a landslide so maybe we just go out to dinner then we go back and watch the results and so many people didn't vote but he won. that was the last time it will ever happen to ralph. that was a lesson for us all but he won, he always wins. right here in texas. thank you beth. a man who is really courageous and a really great guy and he loves florida and he loves the country matt gaetz. he's always working and he fights for all of us. freedom is what he fights for. lauren boebert, i heard you speaking. that was something. i said who the hell is that?
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she had one of the greatest commercials, she said anybody can enter my house. then she takes out her gun. but he may not leave the same weight this is our commercial. i said i don't know who that is, but i love her. that was a long time ago. i can say the same for marjorie taylor greene. so popular. every town we go someplace, they start screaming for you. you know that. really amazing thank you and you are sitting next to matt. what an amazing combination they are. they love our country. congressional candidates, this guy looks better than cary grant.
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today we have rosie o'donnell. what happened to cary grant and clark gable and errol flynn? we have a guy who looks just as good and he's running and he's going to win bo hines. great football player. great student and a great football player. where's kevin? great job, kevin. a man who was one of the hottest politicians in our country, married to an incredible woman and respected so much in north carolina and anybody that sees him or knows him they immediately say there's a man we want representing us. tenant governor north carolina mark robinson. [applause]
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thank you. you are a very popular guy. somebody that really took this country by storm. not just the state, but took the country by storm. tudor dixon soon to be the governor of michigan we hope. tutor is fantastic. she recently lost her father and he is looking down he saying i'm so proud of my daughter. i guess that was his last meeting. they were at mar-a-lago and he was incredible. he was somebody that knew what china was doing, he knew more about china and what they were
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doing to us and devastation and we put on those tariffs and they work so good i hope they don't terminate the tariffs but your father is looking down on you right now and he is so proud. he can believe it. so congratulations, go get him. she is running against a woman whose husband did not obey any of her orders. she is the shutdown queen, but everybody was shut down but her husband. he was out there canoeing all by himself. normally you would not consider that a bad thing but when nobody else is allowed to do it. now many fort michigan, attorney general -- i have known him for a long time, he is so tough, people are afraid to be in the same room with him. attorney general, he will make sure that you have law and order and fair elections and so many other things. he is respected by everybody in
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that state, matt depurno. [applause] that is an important race, and a person who you just saw, one of the hardest politicians -- hotte st politicians in this world i think, and it will be this way for a long time. it is incredible. i will never forget i was in arizona and a lot of people there -- i was introducing some of the folks, and everyone was bored and i said this place is dying and i am introducing gubernatorial candidate and i said i have got to get through this. there were a lot of candidates. i introduced this woman named kari lake and the place went crazy, right? [applause] the place went crazy.
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[applause] [chanting] she is an incredible woman, she will be an absolutely incredible governor, and she will be looking at everything. they need a good governor out there. they have a rino. that is not politically correct but i will say it anyway you do not mind. we will do a couple of rallies, we will get 40,000, 50,000 peoples. remember i would get 50,000 people and biden could not fill out the eight circles? i do not think kari feels that way. that state is so incredible. congratulations, that is an unbelievable win. a friend of mine and somebody who is truly one of the best,
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she was so brave, so courageous, ambassador rick grenell. so brave. [applause] so brave. another one who is great, he is tough, he is smart, he knows what is happening and has really been a friend to this administration, administration, and when the other side saw him and a lot of times he and rick were together, that was a duo. when i had a big problem i would send the both of them because the other countries did not have a chance. even with toughness they did not have a chance, cash patel. [applause] great job.
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chairman of the japanese conservative union james ayiba and also glenn beck. [applause] so i lost a great friend, and as you know the prime minister, what a great gentleman he was, what a great man he was. we had an incredible relationship. there was nobody like him and the job he did with japan. he is right now on greener fairways. he loved golf and could play golf. we had a lot of fun together but we made a lot of great deals with japan. he is a man who will be greatly missed, rightly missed. i want to thank you for your incredible support also, because i just walked in the door and
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they told me i had the straw poll. [applause] i come to assure you you won the straw poll. i better damn win that's trouble. the mcglocklin brothers are fantastic posters, so it is -- pollsters, so it is wonderful. 99%, why couldn't i get 100%? when was the last time someone had 99% approval. thank you everybody, you are the people who voted. second place was 24% and most of them did not get anything and not that i want that to happen, but it is ok if it does. and a very special thanks, and i
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do really appreciate that, because it is very respected, that straw poll comes out and heavily covered and really something. it is really where the heart of conservative people in this country is, that straw poll is a tremendous indicator of what is happening in our country, and a very special thanks form -- or the amazing support of so many hispanic conservatives and the americano media's trouble, i got 89%. with a second place finisher with at 16%, that is pretty good. so i want to thank you very much hispanic people are incredible, and they have really embraced the republican party. i would say they have embraced me, not really the republicans but i will not say that because i do not want to get myself in trouble with matt.
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there really are, they are incredible people, hard working. i have been watching cpac for years, and as you know it used to be very divided. ron paul, great guy, a little different very much like his son rand, but ron is a little different, a little difficult. you had to push people and of course you had the rino's. [booing] i do not know, i am shocked to hear that. [laughter] but now there is a great feeling of unity. 99% approval, there was no such thing. and when you see those numbers there is a great feeling of unity, not only cpac, but i think matt and the republican party, we have to do what we have to do to bring our nation back, right? as we gather tonight our country
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is being destroyed more from the inside than out, america is on the edge of an abyss, and our movement is the only force on earth that can save it. this movement right here. what we do in the next few months and few years will determine whether american civilization will collapse or fail, or whether it will triumph and thrive frankly like never before. this is no time for complacency. we cannot be complacent. we have two sees this opportunity to deal with the radical left socialist lunatics and fascists, and we have to hit them very, very hard, it has to be a crippling defeat because our country cannot take it. you remember when i was campaigning and remember we did much better in the second
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election than we did in the first, many millions of votes, much, much better. i used to say not thinking this could be very possible, but it always was a chance, it could be venezuela or large-scale venezuela on steroids. that is what is happening to our country. it is not even thinkable. we have to take this chance to shatter the corrupt washington establishment once and for all. we have to run aggressive, unrelenting and boldly populous campaigns. we want to be populist, we want to love our country, that is what we want. [applause] and we have to throw off the shackles of globalism and reassert two very important words. do you know what the words are? america first. [applause] we had that done and we were doing great. if we do this, then not only will we fire joe biden, chuck
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schumer, crazy nancy pelosi -- what was she doing in taiwan? everything she touches turns to -- i do not want to say. i do not want them to say he used foul language. it does, it turns bad. i got impeached twice, she failed twice. the woman brings chaos, and that is exactly what is happening. what is happening in china right now, china and taiwan with what is going on. she played right into their hands because now they have an excuse to do whatever they were doing and i can tell you it never would have happened in one million years under trump, i can tell you that. [applause] we played right into their hands but we will save our nation and american power, prosperity and prestige will come back, and it
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will come back strongly. victory cannot come a moment too soon. you can take the five worst presidents in american history and put them together, and they would not have done the damage joe biden as done to our country in less than two years. [applause] the contrast between the trump administration's amazing success and the biden administration's breathtaking failure could not be more stark. let's look at the facts. i got gasoline, gasoline for cars, put it in the tank, thank you very much, $1.87 a gallon i got it down to. [applause] they have it now it five dollars, six dollars, seven dollars. a friend of mine from california called me this morning. he just paid $8.55 in
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california, and you will follow. it is not even believable. with the help of our great texas oil and gas workers we achieved american energy independence, and we were even energy dominant, and we were going to be double the size of russia and saudi arabia combined, we were going to be energy dominant. now the united states is becoming a beggar for energy. we are begging. we gave you the largest tax cuts and regulation cuts in american history, that is why we had the job numbers. you have not good job numbers right now, they are not counting all of the millions of people that are not working. if you looked to the numbers, 3.5, would be double that, some may say triple that. the radical democrats intend to compose the biggest tax hike -- think of this, the biggest tax hike in bad times.
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this will be what they're doing right now the biggest tax hike in the history of our country, the exact opposite of what i did, and they are working feverishly to pile on more regulations at levels never seen before. i asked a lot of the biggest companies, what is more important, big tax cuts i got for the country to get it going and we never had a country going like we had before the china virus came in, we never had anything like it, and then we did it again. we did it twice, the stock market was actually higher, it was higher than it was pre-covid. mitch mcconnell got taken for a ride by joe manchin and the group and the great people of west virginia have been seriously hurt by these political antics. i love west virginia, i won by 45 points. joe manchin has totally sold
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west virginia out. what he has done to west virginia i do not believe. i do not believe they are going to stand for it, let's see what happens. and i said this was going to happen, joe manchin is devastating west virginia. kyrsten sinema agreed to allow this massive tax increase to go forward only provide wall streeters are allowed to keep their current interest provision. i ended up getting so much more for it, i would have terminated it. he was set to terminate, but we got many other things, they gave up everything to keep it, it is a ripoff. what happened to manchin and si nema, we are trying to figure out what the hell happened? where did this new philosophy come from? 48 hours. i think if this deal passes they will both lose their next
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election, i do believe that. [applause] west virginia and arizona will not stand for what they did to them, and that includes the races that are being run right now, they are not going to take it, and i told the old, broken crow mitch mcconnell that this was going to happen. i said it, i said it loud and clear. he should never have approved that fake infrastructure deal. he approved the infrastructure deal for trillions of dollars and 91% of it is green new deal nonsense. there is only 8% or 9% that is actually for infrastructure, but he said if we approve this one they will never come back and ask for more. i said, yes, they will, and guess what? they are voting on it now. maybe this speech will stop them because when joe manchin gives me say you will lose in west virginia and i will go down and campaign as hard as anybody
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against him. [applause] and when sinema does that to arizona, and i will tell you we have a person that i believe is going to be the next governor, i do not think she is going to stand for it. i do not think she is going to stand for. it is interesting with manchin, i got along with him very well. he wanted to know if jerry west could get the presidential medal of freedom. great athlete, good bob cousy get one too? i got along with them fantastically well, called me all the time, we had a good relationship, and he said when the impeachment hoax started, i would never vote against you, you are a great president. i would never vote against you, and when we were counting up the
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numbers, which we won very easily i said one democrat i know for sure will never vote against me on impeachment is joe manchin, so they are taking the votes and he voted against me. he must've made a mistake, perhaps he did not know what they were doing, but i said to mitch mcconnell that he will do this and he will hurt our nation, and he will hurt the republican party people her independence and he will hurt the democrats, he is going to hurt everybody, but mitch mcconnell as hurt our party very badly. should have never happened. and i said it and i said it publicly when they approved that horrible infrastructure deal, and then they go and do this, and i finished -- they still have a little time left. mcconnell is the most unpopular politician in the country even more so than crazy nancy pelosi, and something has to be done.
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he raises large camping contributions were senators, and that is how he holds onto his power, and even i don't some of the senators i am very friendly with, most of you saw the vote, they called and said what did they do? it is hard for them to raise money. mcconnell will offer $20 million because he raises all of this money and he offers them to the senators, and they call me and say what do i do? i say take the money, do not worry about it. he will end up, where he ends up , take the money, they need it. it is not a good thing and under the trump administration we had the greatest economy in the history of the world, we had no inflation -- we had no inflation nobody could even believe it. they wrote books and they are writing books on it. biden created the worst inflation in 49 years, 9.1%, i believe it is much higher by the
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way, and it is going higher causing families nearly $5,000 and now they are estimating $6,000, $7,000 a year. think about that. after the pandemic we handed the radical democrats the fastest economic recovery ever recorded in the history of our country, ever recorded. they have turned that into two straight quarters of negative economic growth, also known despite their protestation to the contrary as a recession. [laughter] and just hope that the recession does not turn into a depression, because the way they are doing things it could be a lot worse than a recession, and the labor force participation is the worst in many, many decades. that is the number you have to look at. i rebuilt our military, including our nuclear capability and we hope to god we never have to use it, but i revolted. -- rebuilt it.
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they had equipment and rockets and bombs they had no idea if they even worked it was so old. it is all new and newly renovated, and the power is greater than the power in the history of our country and to this world, and we just hope that it never gets used, and we created a thing called space force. they smiled at it, biden smiled at it, and it turned out to be so important. not for 79 years since air force has anything like that been done, 79 years, air force was the last one, now it is space force. remember the first day they left at it, and the public went crazy because you people know much more than they do. they surrendered our strength and our everything, our dignity
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and it turned afghanistan into the greatest humiliation our country has ever seen. not the fact we were leaving because i got a stage of a small number of soldiers, but we were going to leave with strength and dignity not for afghanistan but because china's nuclear plants are one hour away where they make their nuclear weapons. it is one of the biggest airfields anywhere in the world. billions of dollars many years ago, i was going to keep bagram, and you know who is occupying bagram right now? china, and the fake news does not want to mention it. the way you left was a virtual surrender. when you leave you do not take your soldiers out first, you take your soldiers out last. after the americans get out and you take your soldiers out after your equipment is taken out, and all of that was happening.
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this is the most incredible blunder, and the fake news does not want to write about it because it is bad for them. you do not hear about so many bad things, you do not hear about them anymore. we created the safest border in u.s. history by far, by far. [applause] i know it is the worst quarter ever in history, there is never been a partner like it and that includes in my opinion third world, because if there are no third world countries that would allow millions of people to pour in that have no idea. last month 144 countries -- 141 countries were represented with people that came in illegally. we will be paying a price for this for many years to come in terms of terrorism and crime. we ended catch and release, we deported record numbers of illegal alien gang members and we built hundreds of miles of
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border wall. we completely finished our original border wall plan despite 2.5 years of horrible democrat inspired lawsuits and litigation, and i want all of those -- and i won all of those suits and we started and we did some job and that gives us all of these incredible numbers everyone talks about today, and the number of people coming in, that is not 3 million or 4 million. it would be anywhere from 10 million to 15 million people, we have no idea who the hell they are. we then added much more of the border wall, and most of that got finished too, three weeks is all it would have taken, three weeks, the extra addition that we added. the border with the best ever, think of it. it was the best ever. [applause] i went to mexico and i said to
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the president of mexico, who i like a lot, he is a socialist but i even like a couple of socialist in the world, about three. i said, president you will have to give us 20,000 troops to protect our border. no, no, no, i cannot do that. and we started a negotiation. a woman from the state department said you will not ever get any of these things. i said to the border patrol it was fantastic, by the way. give me your top 10 things -- i said give me your top 10 things that i want and they give me 10. she said you will not get any and i said i will get them all. guaranteed, guaranteed i get them all. and she was smart, she was a good woman but she has been doing this: 25 years and she said you will not get anything. and what happened is the top representative cayman, we met in
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front of this woman and others, and i said you were going to have to give us 20,000 troops, -- 28,000 troops, you will have to do with think ought to remain in mexico. hundreds of thousands of people remain in mexico and eight other things, which were in many ways probably worse, right? and i remember, he laughed at me, he said we will not do this. he thought i was crazy. i said you are going to do it or we will not do it. we are not going to give you troops free and we are not going to give you eight remain in mexico, why would we do such a thing? i said because on monday morning i'm sending in order that every car you make and every product you sell 1125% tariff on it -- a
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25% tariff on it. [applause] and he said may i leave the room to make a call. five minutes later he comes back, mr. president, we would be honored to surprise -- supply you with 28,000 troops, we would be honored to accept hundreds of thousands of people in mexico and remain in mexico until we check it out. it was pretty amazing, it took five minutes. it took longer to create the piece of paper that he had assigned than the negotiation, but we do not do that too much. we have a big advantage over china, but people do not know it. we have an advantage over russia, big big, but we do not know it, nobody knows who. if they did know it, the border was the best and safest in u.s. recorded history.
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they have turned it into a nightmare. the election it was ranked and stolen, and now our country is being systematically destroyed. [applause] and everybody knows it. and this corrupt january 6 of unselect, they never comment, but these corrupt people. these are the same people that went after me for the impeachment hopes number one, number two, the same people, adam shifting schiff. it is disgusting, they use the same energy to make -- if they used the same energy to go and make our country great, i do not know they can do that. i ran once and ran twice and i did much better the second time getting millions and millions of
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votes than i did in 2016 and likely getting more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country by far, and now we may have to do it again. [cheering] thank you, it is so sad what is happened to our country, we are like a third world country in elections, we are like a third world country in airplanes. anybody been flying? we are like third world. first we have to win an earth shattering victory in 2022, we have to do it coming up in november. two winning this election this election needs to be a national referendum on the horrendous catastrophes radical democrats have inflicted on our country.
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the republican party needs to campaign on a clear pledge that if they are given power, they are going to fight with everything that they have to shut down the border, stop the crime with, the inflation and hold the biden administration accountable. they have to hold them accountable. [applause] job number one for the next congress. [applause] thank you very much. job number one for the next congress and the next president will be to restore public safety, people are walking outside and getting shot in the head. because of the radical left's merciless crusade to dismantle law enforcement in america, our
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country is now a cesspool of grime that has never -- crime that is never been before. everybody is talking about it, other countries are talking about it. you had seven people killed in chicago this weekend, you had 68 people shot. that is not democracy, that is not what we stand for. savage criminals are being released on cashless bail to continue their violent rampages against the united states of america. entire communities are being torn to shreds with stabbings, shootings, sprinklings, rapes, and murders. on that piece that we showed you did you see the man in the knife -- with a knife in the back. i did not notice the first time, i was getting ready to come on, a knife right in somebody's back. the streets of our democrat run
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cities are drenched with the blood of innocent victims, gun battles raged between bloodthirsty street gangs, bullets tear into crowds at random, killing wonderful, beautiful little children that never even had a chance. they kill, carjackers lay in wait like predators hunting their prey, they want that car, they will take that car. in california people are leaving the trunks of their cars open so criminals do not smash the windows when they tried to rob their valuables. they leave the trunk open so that they do not break the car and break the back of the car when they do not try to steal the tire and whatever is in the trunk. take it but please do not destroy my car. in los angeles burglars are stalking people back to their homes to clean out the entire house at gunpoint.
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they follow them. they live in beverly hills, they live in some nice community, they follow them back and go into the house and do things you do not want to know about, and this has to stop and it has to stop now. [applause] we are going to make america great again, but we have to make america safe again first. it is time for leaders who have the courage to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done, it has to happen, it has to be happen. that is why when i see tudor, kari, when i see the people running, these people are not going to play games. they want to bring our country back. they are going to bring our country back.
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to repair the damage from democrats, gutting of these forces nationwide, defund the police, how about that? they are saying we really did not say that, but yet they did, and they are saying it again. congress should spirit the largest increase in hiring of police officers in american history hiring tens of thousands of officers nationwide. make our city safe, we have to leave our police alone, let them do their job, let them have the respect. they know what to do, we have to allow them to do it. [applause] you know, when i came out here a little while ago i have a
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consultant, is a very nice person, he said sir, i do not think you should say that last statement, it is really not good, i do not think it will be really popular. i said, what you mean the fact that we should let police do their job? sir, i think it is probably not going to be received well. i do not care, you have to let them do the job. he has a rino, but he is a nice person. we need to return to the tribe and true strategy of a thing called swap and frisk. we have to take the guns away from criminals instead of taking guns away from law-abiding americans, let's take them away from the violent felons and career criminals for a change. [applause]
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we also need a no holds barred national campaign to dismantle organized crimes. these are street crimes, organized crime is on the street and this administration does not want to talk about that crime. they went to talk about what they think are other crimes and many people say they are not crimes. we have to round up the drug dealers, gang members and dangerous offenders, charge them for their crimes and get them either out of our country and back to where they came from or put them behind bars. [applause] if you look at countries throughout the world -- please do not say it, sir, please, sir. i've been doing this for 30 years sir and i looked at his list of wins, it is not too good. if you look at countries throughout the world the only ones that do not have a drug problem is those that institute
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the death penalty for drug dealers. [applause] when i was in china, and until the plague came in, i had a very good relationship with president xi. after the plague, i do not talk about that deal, too much damage done. i got -- had a a great relationship to play the role of president xi. he has a great guy in many respects but he is not in love with our country. i said do you have a drug problem? and he looked at me like what kind of a stupid question is that.
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i said, president, do you have a drug problem in china? no, why would we have a drug problem? i said, what do you do? quick trial. what is a quick trial. they bring drug dealers quickly to trial and if they are guilty it is immediate execution. [applause] it sounds horrible, but every drug dealer on average will kill 500 people, some people think it is much higher than that, so you would stop it. i believe if you instituted the death penalty for drug dealers, drug traffickers i believe drug dealing would go down 50% on day one, 50%. i think it goes down the day you instituted. i will tell you one thing if i
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am a drug dealer i will say it, no thanks, i am going to go someplace else. in singapore, do you see what is going on in singapore? very powerful on drugs, they have no problem with drugs. a lot of money, plenty of money to buy drugs. they have the death penalty for drug dealers. other countries likewise. we form blue-ribbon committees where we put our great first lady, melania, she is in charge. [applause] we have a blue-ribbon committee headed by the first lady and very nice people, fine people, dilettantes, socialites, if they ever met a real killer drug dealer, if they ever met el chapo that would be the end of them. it would say i am not doing this anymore. we have blue-ribbon committees headed up by great people that really are well-meaning, and we were -- and i will tell you the
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first lady did a good job, she worked hard and we got drugs down 19%, that is great, but do you know what that is? it is like nothing, and today it is worse than it has ever been because the border is so open and people are coming through, criminals are emptying their jealousy to our country, but are coming into our country at a level we have never seen before. fentanyl coming in from china. i said you cannot do it, they were really cutting down. things were going really well, and then this tragedy happened in november 2 years ago, tragedy , it was a tragedy for our country because of what is going on. all they had to do was leave everything in place. this place was going so good, and they could not help themselves. what a sad day, but when i see these blue-ribbon committees --
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everyone was to get on them, can i get on the blue-ribbon committee to be an architect? you need the death penalty for drug dealers, drugs will go down immediately by 50% and probably more, but you have to mean it, and when you look at china and other places, they do not have a problem. if they had that problem they would not be doing what they are doing right now, and they were, they had this problem many decades ago and other countries far smaller were able to invade them because everyone was suffering from drugs, and they said we cannot do this. it is not very politically correct to say it but you will save millions and millions of lives. lester we lost 250,000 people to drugs. there is no war. these are numbers that are bigger than war numbers, 250,000, they say it is 100,000.
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i say it is much more, it is probably more than 250 thousand but you have also destroyed millions and millions of families throughout our nation because of drugs. in places where there is a true breakdown of rule of law such as the most dangerous neighborhoods in chicago, an ex-president should use every power at his disposal to restore order, and if necessary that includes sending and the national guard or the troops. [applause] every american if every background deserves to live in safety and that piece, every american. one of the things that we were settled with and one of the hardest decisions i had to make when i looked at some of these cities that were run by democrats going so bad, so fast, i went to descended the guard, i went to descendant the troops,
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and sometimes they did. in minneapolis i sent in the troops and save the place. i was getting ready to send them into seattle. when you look at antifa, you do not hear about it too much, nothing happened to those people or very little. they took over a portion of seattle and they heard at, all of the sudden they decided to leave. thank you very much for leaving. the president is not supposed to be doing that. the president is supposed to do that at the request of the governor. when the governor was a democrat or the mayor's democrats they do not want any help under any circumstances very much like on january 6 where i offered nancy pelosi and the mayor of d.c. from 10,000 to 20,000 troops because i thought the crowd was going to be very very large coming in, because i felt it, you could see it. and they turned it down.
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and if they didn't turn it down, and cast patel -- cash patel's witness. they turned it down, and had they not turned it down you would not have january 6 as we know it, but the president is not supposed to be sending in or out will. i think the next time we are going for a change or sending them because we will not let chicago, new york, los angeles, portland. they do not even use storefronts , they just put up wooden barricades. the place is a burnt out hulk and nothing happens to those people that have destroyed that place, that city. it is also time to take back our streets and public spaces from the homeless and the drug addicted and the dangerously deranged. [applause]
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because no civilized society can allow this depravity and squalor to continue. you cannot let this happen. places like san francisco, the backyard of nancy pelosi. she by the way has a big wall around her house, you know that, right? it is so bad. people are leaving, nobody wants to have office space there. who would want to have office space when you're walking through a lot of people who are unfortunate and in many cases very sick, mentally ill? it is actually dangerous to walk into your office. liberals think it is somehow compassionate, then you are going to have to let them invite the homeless to cap their backyards and their homes and attack their families and use drugs where their children are trying to play, and all of the sudden that will stop very quickly.
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the only way you will remove the homeless encampments and reclaim our downtowns is to open up large parcels, large tracts of relatively inexpensive land on the outskirts of the various cities and bring in medical professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists, and drug rehab specialists and create tent cities. they have tense right now, they are living in tents with holes in them. you do not have time to build buildings. you can do that later, but you have to get the people, we have to reclaim our cities, and now you will have people that will be taken care of. we will have doctors, we will have everything. we have to relocate the homeless until they can get their lives back and then come back the way that they want to be. we will bring a lot of them back, they will come back, but right now nobody is coming back. you have no medical help, you
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have no nothing. it is so dangerous, though streets. los angeles is so bad, san francisco, every city that is run by democrats. we want them to succeed, we want people to succeed, but they cannot be allowed to turn every sidewalk and public part into their personal campground. it is so dangerous as everyone here in texas knows firsthand. there is another hit -- horrific disaster we must confront if we went to restore safety. at long last we must stop the invasion at our southern border. it is an invasion, our country is being invaded. [applause] our country is being invaded
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just like a military force was pouring in. just last month an illegal alien here in texas was indicted for the cold-blooded murders of four elderly women throughout the state, and he has been accused of links to the death of at least 24 people. perhaps the deadliest serial killer in texas history, they are saying he could be the deadliest serial killer, an illegal alien. earlier this year and illegal alien fugitive for a prior arrest for aggravated assault, many other arrests viciously shot and killed a harris county police officer at a traffic shop -- stop. no reason whatsoever, none. new mexico and illegal alien criminals out of jail on unsecured bond was charged with decapitating a man, mutilating
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his body and kicking his head around like a soccer ball all over the public part, think of this. animals, never forget, every death at the hands of a criminal illegal alien is entirely preventable. this is all preventable stuff. [applause] we remember kate standing in san francisco with her father, we remember that, a man who came in five times at least and shot beautiful kate dead. republicans in congress must make clear that on their watch not a single penny of taxpayer money will go to funding joe biden's open border agenda, it is a sick agenda. it makes no sense. [applause]
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and some things make sense. i understand the other side, you have to understand together side. i understand the other side, open borders, nobody has open borders. we fight and spend billions and billions and even trillions of dollars defending the borders of countries that are 7000 miles away, but they do not want to spend any money to defend our border, it makes no sense, doesn't it? [applause] next year we have to use the pursestrings to send a message to every would-be illegal alien all over the world, if you break into our country illegally you will be caught, we will continue and we will quickly send you back to the place from which you came or put you in prison immediately. [applause]
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and we did that. we told people, remember at the beginning we had these big caravans, now they are starting caravans, nobody is ever seen anything like it, but the obama administration at a big problem before us. because they would bring people into guatemala, honduras, el salvador, and mexico and they would bring them back and they would not let us lend the planes, they would not let them have buses, so you would have the worst gang members in the world, mostly ms 13, and if they came from honduras, we could not get them back. i had some incredible people in my office, border patrol people, also tom homan and mark morgan. [applause] so many others.
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these are great people, these are brave people, but they would be in and they would say tell me -- we cannot bring the back, sir, because the country will not allow it. really? they do not want ms 13 in the country, they put them in caravans and force them out. how smart. they do not want them in their country. i said all right, how much do we pay those three countries? sir, we pay them $750 million a year. peanuts compared to what we paid to some. put out a notice that we are stopping payment, we are not going to pay anymore. [applause] and, sir, i do not think it will work. we tried everything. that is what we kept them here, because we cannot get them out. let them know that we are not going to pay any money to them. the following morning i had
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calls from the three presidents of the country. president, president, there seems to be a problem. our funds have been cut off. yeah, the funds have been cut off because you would not allow these people back that you probably put a sheet of our country because you did not want them because they are criminals and they were in jail in many cases. you have got to take them back. president, this is just a minor misunderstanding, we would love to have ms 13 come back. and we took them back and we could not get them out of here fast enough, i tell you. [applause] that is true, kari. she will stop them at the border, there is nobody coming in, arizona, that will be a safe place. kelly has done nothing, blake masters is going to do a fantastic job.
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kelly has got nothing going, never did anything. we also need a record increase in the number of new ice officers and border patrol officers to resume the enforcement of our immigration laws and to deport the illegal aliens joe biden is refusing to deport. they will not even take out illegal aliens out of our country. in addition we should pass much tougher penalties for repeat immigration violators, of which there were many. if you are a foreign national who repeatedly tramples upon the laws of our nation, you should be looking and spending a long time in jail. we cannot do it anymore. we are like the poor, stupid people who take everybody including criminals and murderers in the world. as we secure the border another key priority for the next congress and the next president will be to drain the swamp.
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once and for all. [applause] remove bureaucrats and root out the deep state, congress should pass groundbreaking reform into powering the president to ensure that any federal employee who is corrupt, incompetent, or unnecessary for the job to be told, you're fired. have you ever heard that? [laughter] [applause] our current appeals process to remove these bureaucrats, people that can really be bad, they can even be thieves. you can catch them stealing large sums of money. you have to go through a three stage appeals process, which takes on average five years per stage.
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you will be out of office by that time. in other words to fire someone who is doing a bad job, if the government wins it will take more than a decade under the current system. almost all politicians will not start that process, because they will be gone and they know it. a lot of politicians go to washington, they are all set, and then they get caught up with people who say i will be here a hell of a lot longer than you will, and the politician just goes about having nice dinners. we cannot do it anymore. we have got to run this country properly. [applause] because it is time to clean house in washington, d.c., and we did a lot of it but nobody knew the deep state was that deep. we did a lot of it. as we take power washington we also need to take power back from the left wing lunatics who are indoctrinating our youth. [applause]
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we have to finally and completely smashed the radical left's corrupt education establishment, the current system is sick, it is sick. we have the lowest scores almost in the world, and we spent more per pupil than any other nation. school prayer is banned but drag chose are allowed to permeate the whole place. you cannot teach the bible but you can teach children that america is evil and that men are able to get pregnant. whatever it takes, conservatives must liberate america's children from the captivity of this marxist teacher unions, that is what they are. where did they come from? [applause] where did they come from?
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we need to defend parents' rights. think of this, i gave a talk a few days ago, and i was talking about defending parents' rights, and they said can you imagine we are even talking, we are going to defend parents' rights, did you ever think 10 years ago, five years ago that we would be fighting for parents' rights? what is more basic than parent'' rights, especially parents' rights over their children? it is so crazy. across the country we need to implement strict prohibitions on teaching appropriate racial, sexual, and political material to america's schoolchildren in any form whatsoever. the federal bureaucrats are going to push this radicalism, we should abolish the department of education.
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[applause] [cheering] and we will keep men out of women's sports. [applause] [cheering] that is another one. and by the way we have a great person here. where is our beautiful, great swimmer, gaines. come up here, but when you come up here? come up, come up. this is a great champion. and she was beating everybody, and one day she looked over and
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said that is the largest human being i have ever seen. come here. [applause] come on. she has been so brave. other people say you cannot talk about it. about three weeks ago, the place went crazy. look at this. [applause] >> basically, all i want to say is it takes a brain, common sense and fifth grade biology to realize this is unfair, it's completely obvious, and i spoke
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earlier today and i said a lot so i will keep it short. keep female sports female. [applause] mr. trump: just to show you how ridiculous this is, look at me. there's no way she could beat me in swimming, do we all agree? [applause] it would not be pretty. i would not invite too many friends without one. how ridiculous is it, really? how ridiculous is it. the weightlifters are lifting numbers, breaking records, it's
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ridiculous. no teacher should ever be allowed to teach transgender to our children without parental consent. [applause] at the same time, we need to get critical race theory and left-wing gender ideology out of our military. i had it out. i had it out. the world is too dangerous for america's armed forces to be politically correct. look at what is happening with china, and russia, you look at those rockets going up one after another. we do not want to be politically correct with our military. can you imagine george patton? [laughter] he had a very strong temper. he was a violent man. he would walk in and be screaming at people.
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he would throw them out of the military because he is not nice. i had it out of the government through executive order and you cannot get the democrats to go along with it. one of the first things they sign back in was that nonsense and we cannot let that happen. we have to take over the government and run it like it is supposed to be run. we must also win the battle to restore free speech in america. [applause] republicans across government have to be ruthless in going after the new censorship regime, censorship is worse than it's ever been. it used to be even 10 years ago, that was always very active with different things. i would fight the media and you go back and forth, you win you
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lose. today they don't even talk about it. if you had anything to do with the election, they do not want to talk about it. if you had anything to do with certain things, they do not want to debate it. january 6 never brings up the election. they don't want to look at the corruption. you saw in wisconsin, i was in wisconsin and it was an incredible group of people. the nursing homes, traditionally very few people vote in nursing homes. in 2020, they had almost 100% of the people voting. do you know how they found out? because the children of elderly people in the nursing homes were so angry. my father did not vote. he is, toes. he has been sick, he is ready to die.
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he did not vote. daughters, sons, they were very angry, that's how it started. they came out with a scathing report. [applause] we should expose exactly what they're doing, who they are hiding and who is funding at all and who is coordinating it. go out, sign up for truth social. it's giving us a voice. the list of urgent tasks for the next congress and president is endless and we do not have to wait, we have to move quickly. we do not have time to wait. our country is being destroyed. it is something we have to do for the future. the future of our country is at stake. we do not have time to wait years and years.
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what they used to say about venezuela is true. we have to save the economy, beat the tax hike which is happening right now. maybe it's already approved. i do believe mansion and cinema will pay a big price. this is the only group. they want to do the biggest tax hike in history. the green new deal stuff. they're just destroying us. on top of the gasoline, the bacon which has quadrupled. stop the out-of-control inflation that is questioning american workers and families. never seen anything like it. to bring down energy prices, we have to abolish the green new deal. we have the cleanest air and the cleanest water in decades in my administration.
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yet, we were producing more oil and energy than we ever done before. instead of oil from iran and venezuela, we should be pumping it from pennsylvania, north dakota, louisiana, and if you do not mind, texas. [applause] we should once again require able-bodied single adults to go to work or train for a job in order to receive welfare and taxpayer-funded benefits. we need the workers. we need to eliminate all remaining covid mandates and lockdowns. [applause] we have to rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and we have to give them their back a. -- doc pay. -- back pay.
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we have to restore america first. we have to go back to the america first foreign policy. we have to be america first. right now, we are truly america last. focus on our national interests, we have to keep the united states out of these ridiculous, endless foreign wars. they do not even want us. to build on my historically successful trade policies, we need to increase the tariff power and make my china tariffs permanent. we took in hundreds of billions of dollars. no president has taken in 10 sons. -- $.10. china does not like me too much. we need to hold onto our dignity and need to hold china accountable for the unleashing of the virus upon the world.
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$50 trillion. we need to rapidly reduce our dependence on china and other foreign nations like bringing supply chains, factories and critical industries back home where they belong. back to future. you know? to be a strong nation, america must be a manufacturing nation, and we were doing that. now, they are sending it back to other nations to make a tremendous amount of money. we have to protect our under siege second amendment. we have to restore the ancient and sacred right to self-defense, i am sorry. [applause] one thing you know, they take away your guns, they are not taking away the guns of the bad guy, are they? none of them are giving up their
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guns. we have to defend our cherished constitution and uphold our heritage of a society built and sustained by judeo-christian values. [applause] we have to restore one standard of justice in america. one standard of justice. so unfair was going on. the weaponization of law enforcement for political purposes must end immediately. there is massive prosecutorial misconduct going on right now all over our country, the likes of which has never been seen before. they have never seen anything like what is going on. look at all the people increasing or whose lives have been destroyed on january 6, destroyed. a protest over a rigged and stolen election that no one wants to look at, while others
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are allowed to burn down cities and violently kill people and nothing happens to them. how about that? prior to january 6, i recommended strongly, we mentioned it briefly before, but i have to say it again, that the national guard orchards be brought in but it was turned down by the d.c. mayor and nancy pelosi. we would have never had a problem. 10,000, 220,000 troops. they were all there. thank you. nobody wants to talk about it. they never bring it up. you know what else they don't want to talk about? how about that phony story, i am sitting in the back of the beast. [laughter] i wasn't sure if i should be honored, because i felt very strong. and i had these strong secret service guys, one guy could lift
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350 pounds no problem. i said take me to the capito l. sir, can't do it. so i gripped the steering wheel. [laughter] [applause] he rebuffed me, she said. he rebuffed. like this. he rebuffed me. so my hands fell around another powerful guy. strong as hell. i know these people, these are very strong people. it's not ideal. i started to choke him. when the story came out. [laughter] some people said i never knew you were that strong physically. then they said i started throwing food all over the white house. i have too much respect for the
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white house. that, someone could believe. the thing that i am going to be jumping into the seat, being rebuffed, i'm going to take him. oh boy. guess what? secret service put out an announcement that it never happens. which everyone knew anyway. [applause] they will not interview anybody. they don't want to hear that. i still see the times writing about it like it is something that happen. they have not called anyone from the secret service to put them on the stand. it's a disgrace, one-sided witchhunt that continues and continues. as another example, the thing they did involving gretchen whitmer was fake. just like those who instigated january 6. it was a fake.
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fake. fake deal. gretchen whitmer was in less danger than the people sitting in this room right now, it seems to me. we look to see what happened and trials are going on all over the place, i guess a lot of people are being exonerated, aren't they? finally everywhere we have the chance, we must pass critical in election -- election reforms, including universal voter id. [applause] they do not want voter id, under no circumstances. we do not want voter id. there is only one reason, because they want to cheat. they don't want citizenship confirmation. we don't care if you are a citizen, we want everyone. think of it. no more fake drop boxes, you see
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the drop boxes, 100% of the vote went to joe biden. 100%. you saw 2000 mules, i hope everybody saw that. [applause] i looked it this movie, then i saw somebody being interviewed by fox, unfortunately. they talked about this. don't forget, these are government cameras, some of them were discarded by people illegally. these are government cameras. we saw it, they saw the stuffing. they saw everything, looking up to the cameras, she says that was debunked. that was not debunked. how did they debunk it? there was no debunking. they have it on camera.
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[laughter] the woman in georgia that took the massive number of ballots from under the table. right? and now, governments apologizing to her, how could she have been so horribly treated. it's very interesting. that was very interesting because remember they said, there was a water main break. everybody out next mission point -- everybody out! a short time later, small group comes back in, they go right to the table, they don't go back to the machine, they go right for the table. they left the dress up, they grab the group of ballots, thousands of them. putting them in again and again. then they said, nothing happens.
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bill barr did not want to be impeached. i thought the election was fine. [laughter] the respected bill mcswain, the respected u.s. attorney from pennsylvania told me he wanted my endorsement because he was running for governor. i said i would not endorse you for dogcatcher, but i did not like saying this. because, you did not do what you should have done, go into the election fraud. sir, i was not allowed to. bill barr would not let me. put it in writing. bill barr would not let him. in philadelphia, one of the most dishonest election places in the country. in detroit, the single most
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dishonest, they found nothing wrong. it's a shame. we want no private money pouring into local election offices anymore. zuckerberg put in $417 million. matt knows, he was involved in about it. he was on the edge. then he got involved in looking at nevada, he said this is the most corrupt thing i have ever seen. we had a democrat judge. the case was ironclad, he said this case is over. it's a shame what is happening to our country. our goal should be same-day voting with only paper ballots. [applause] only paper.
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france, which is a pretty big country, they just had 55 million people vote, all paper ballots. all same-day voting. by 10:00 in the evening, the election was over. the person that lost did not go around and complain, onto the next one. i would much rather do that. that would be the worst thing that could happen to our country. because, we have to have honest elections and borders or we do not have a country. if we stop the crime, secure the border, defend our culture and take back our democracy, then america first conservatives will be rewarded with a governing majority that will transform american politics forever. the radical left will be banished into political
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oblivion. we will save our freedom, we will save our children and save our country. [applause] but, the tasks will not be easy. together, we are standing up against some of the most menacing versus, entrenched interests, and vicious opponents, our people in our country have ever seen. a friend of mine said i was the most persecuted person in this truth our country. then i thought about it. i did not have time to think much because i'm always being persecuted. i felt, you know, he may very well be right. what a terrible thing. we had the russia, russia russia
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scam that was covered religiously by the fake news media. even though they knew it was fake. it turned out to be a concocted and coordinated effort, this could only happen to me. russia! they were the ones involved with the hoax. then i had impeachment hopes number one, number two, the molar investigation resulting in a verdict of no collusion with russia. during the very early part when i came down the escalator with our great first lady, who by the way it very popular, great style, great heart.
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when i came down the escalator, started early on. i told her a couple of times, not much, young campaign workers, sir, such an honor to meet you. someday i want to be president. sir, can i ask you one question? do you have anything to do with russia? i said that is a strange question from this kid. a month later, someone else said it's an honor to meet you, do you have anything at all or knowledge of anything that happened with you and russia? i was so innocent. it was so crazy. i did not even take it seriously. after the fifth time, i said, what the hell was going on with russia? they made up a phony story. it was a concocted story. it really started as a way to shift blame for the fact that hillary clinton and the
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democrats lost the election. then it got carried away and the press loved it, it kept going, and going. i tell this story with a heavy heart because i have a son who was a very good guy, don, very good. he's a good person. sometimes he comes off a little rough, but he is a good person. think of this. adam schiff and these people made up this hoax. i saw him at the microphones, one day, he said donald trump, jr. will soon be going to jail for what he did with russia. think of this. he said my son, my beautiful son, my child knew it was a hoax.
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it continues to this day. these are sick people. kimberly. who has been through anything like this? certainly, no politician, definitely no president. all of this while i was doing so much as president including creating the most secure border in american history, record tax cuts, $1.87 gasoline, no inflation. record growth and real rages -- wages, record growth in the economy, beating china and russia and everything else, rebuilding the entire military. our military was falling to pieces. we had jet fighters that were 44 years old. grandfather flew them, then the father, then the sun.
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the historic abraham accords, bring peace to the middle east. jerusalem, israel, much more. and now, we have the january 6 unselect committee. think about that. how would you like to be a father and watch this guy, not a stupid man, he is a psycho but he is not stupid, and he has an oddly shaped head, shaped like a watermelon. he asked so sanctimonious. ladies and gentlemen, i'm sorry to report donald junior will be in jail for what he has done, and he knew was a hoax. they're destroying the lives of people right now with that same thing and same sickness. it's the very same people who
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perpetrated allies that i was an agent of russia, me, i am an agent. i am the worst thing that ever happened to putin. look at what he is doing now. that would have never happened with me. that would have never happened. it was an amazing thing, i had to listen to this. with russia, i put the biggest judges on everyone, but what did i do? nobody ever even heard the term nord stream. i stopped them. why did i stop them? because i thought it was a terrible thing for our country, for europe, i told that to germany, they all smiled. germany was smiling when i was at the united nations saying this is a terrible thing, look at the last 200 years. it's going to happen again. we could end up in world war iii because we are being governed.
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this war will be worse than any war ever because we have weapons the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. you say where does it stop, where does it end, it probably does not stop. our biggest threat remains evil people from within our own country. [applause] never forget everything this corrupt establishment is doing to me is all about reserving power and control over the american people. they want to damage me in any form so i can no longer represent the hard-working citizens of our country. so i will no longer get a 99% approval rating from cpac. [applause] it came out at 90%. this is a story, i don't know if it's true.
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he said that is ridiculous, so they went back and checked all of the facts, and it went from 98% to 99%. that is a legit firm. mcglocklin. he said it can't be, that is too high. they don't like that. the fake news media is totally complicit in all of these things that are happening. if i renounced my beliefs, if i agreed to stay silent, if i stayed home or in my basement, the persecution of donald trump would stop immediately. that is what they want me to do, but i cannot do that. i will not do that because i love our country. i love the people of our country so much. [applause]
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thank you. i am not doing this for me. i had a very good and luxurious life. you know that. i have had a luxurious life. what the hell did i do. i got a racist attorney general in new york that has been after me for years. she campaigned on the fact she would get donald trump. terrible people. these are terrible people. i built a great company, now they are finding out, this is a great company actually better than they thought. i do it for you and it's my honor to do it. it's my great honor. if i don't, our nation is doomed to become another venezuela or soviet union which is where we are headed, or become a large-scale version of cuba.
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no matter how big or powerful the corrupt, radical, you are fighting against maybe, no matter how menacing they appear, we must never forget that this nation does not belong to them. this nation belongs to you. this is your home, this is your heritage, this is your country, one defended with blood, and built with their own hands. [applause] from the jagged peaks of the rocky mountains, to the gleaming waters of the great lakes, from the majestic valleys of california to the beautiful hill country of texas. [applause] from the start prairies of the
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great plains to the banks of the rio grande. which is under siege also. and from the magnificent skyscrapers of new york, chicago and l.a., to the beauty, right here, of the storied alamo. [applause] we inherit the legacy of generations of american patriots who poured everything they have into the nation that they loved. they scaled the summits, they forged the rivers, they crossed the sweltering deserts, concord an unknown wilderness and settled the great frontier they lay down the railroads and built out the highways and they turned tiny villages towering into great, magnificent buildings of iron and steel like nobody had
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ever seen before. they did it all to make america into the greatest and most exceptional nation in the history of the world. now, we are a nation in decline. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that is hurting very badly. we are a nation that has the highest inflation in over 40 years, and where the stock market just finished the worst first half of the year since 1872. likewise, we are a nation that has the highest energy costs in its history, we are no longer energy independent or dominant as we were just two short years
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ago. we are a nation that is begging venezuela, saudi arabia and many others for oil. please help us, joe biden says. yet, we have liquid gold under our feet. [applause] we are a nation that is consumed by the radical left, green new deal, yet everyone knows the green new deal will lead to our destruction. we are a nation that surrendered in afghanistan, leaving behind dead soldiers, american citizens. $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment in the world. we are a nation that allowed russia to devastate our country, ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people and it will only get worse. it would never have happened
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with me as your commander-in-chief. and for four long years, it did not. in china, with taiwan, is next. it would never have happened. we are a nation that has weaponized law enforcement like never before, against the opposing political party. we are a nation that no longer has a free press, no longer has a fair press, fake news is all we get. they are the enemy of the people. we are a nation where free speech is no longer allowed. where crime is rampant like never before. where the economy has been collapsing at a rate that few have ever seen. where more people died of covid in 2021 then died in 2020, a
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nation that is allowing iran to build a massive nuclear weapon which they are being allowed to do right now, and i had stopped. china, to use the trillions and trillions of dollars it has taken from us prior to our administration, and it is happening again, to build a military that will more than rival our own, and just two years ago, we had iran, china, russia and north korea in check and they were not going to do a thing against us. everyone knows it. perhaps most importantly, we are a nation no longer respected or listened to around the world. we are a nation that has become a joke. a nation that is hostile to liberty, freedom and faith. we are a nation that allows men to play sports on women seems.
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and to dominate them. we are nation whose airports are a disaster. whose flights never leave on time. whose passengers are stranded all over the country. we are in many ways a third world nation. we are a nation whose economy is floundering, supply chain is broken, stores are not stocks. deliveries are not coming, whose educational system is ranked at the bottom of every single list. we are not going to let this continue. two years ago, we had the greatest in our nation, we had something that was so incredible, we have the greatest people in our nation fighting like they have never fought before. they had spirit, they had hoped, we will soon have that greatness again.
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we will soon have that greatness again. [applause] america's comeback begins this november and will continue onward with the unstoppable momentum that we are going to develop in november 2024. we're going to keep on working, keep on fighting, keep on winning, and we are going to get our country back. as long as we cannot lose our spirit, our movement will never be defeated. this is the greatest movement, maggot. this is the greatest movement in the history of our country. there has never been anything like it. probably, one of the greatest in
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the history of the world. and to justin, sometimes i will make a comment and i will be challenged, but they never challenge me, i look at them right now. a lot of viewers watching. a lot of viewers have never challenge me. it will only get stronger which each -- with each passing day. with the help of all of you tonight and the patriots across our land, we will make america powerful again. we will make america wealthy again. [applause] we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again.
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we will make america great again. thank you very much. thank you. thank you very much. god bless you. [applause] ♪
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>> weekend on c-span two, every saturday, american history tv documents america's story. book tv brings you the latest in nonfiction books and authors. ♪
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>> medco support c-span as a public service. today on in-depth. larry elder will be our guest to talk about political correctness, the left -- he is the author of several books, including 10 things you cannot say in america. >> coming up on today's edition of washington journal. a republican pollster and strategist. discussing the polital