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tv   White House Correspondents Dinner Head Table Introductions  CSPAN  May 1, 2022 5:21am-5:31am EDT

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[indiscernible chatter]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the counsel of the white house correspondents dinner. [indiscernible] photographer doug mills of the
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new york times. reporter todd gilman of the dallas morning news. reporter francisca chambers. cbs news political director finn gomez. abc news white house correspondent kelly o'donnell. white house correspondent association vice president and npr news correspondent tim eric keats -- tamara keats. karen travers. justin frank of bloomberg news. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome white house press secretary jen psaki.
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[applause] tonight's headliner and host of the daily show, trevor noah. [applause] the president and chief executive officer of cbs, mr. george cheeks. and the president of the white house correspondents association, cbs news radio correspondent stephen portnoy. [cheering] ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the nation's colors presented by the joint armed forces color guard and please remain standing or our national anthem performed by the united states marine band. ♪
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♪ >> present arms. ♪
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♪ [applause] ♪
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♪ >> now, ladies and gentlemen, the president of the white house correspondents' association,
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stephen portnoy. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen, thank you to the band into the sergeant. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the white house correspondents dinner. [applause] we are very grateful that you have all been vaccinated and tested today. president and dr. biden will be joining us next hour. the special word of thanks to mike colleagues at the broader cbs news division. all of my teammates. tonight's announcer, debbie rodriguez, thank you, debbie. the executive producer, all of them have worked very hard pro bono to put this event on. my mentors in this role. my fellow board members, our vice president, our executive
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director, my family with us tonight from new jersey, it is my father's 69th birthday tonight. my husband and best friend who makes every day the best day ever. and thanks to the roughly 600 associate members of the association, whose confidence has permitted us all to continue reporting during the pandemic. it works every single day to ensure the prerogatives of the end of an oppressive or protected so journalists can better serve the public. whether it is managing full rotations or insuring transportation overseas or coordinating last weekend travel, your board is constantly engaged on behalf of members and the public. that is it for now. enjoy your meal. the marine service will prevent -- present the medley.
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and we will start in a bit. ♪ ♪ dinner, and he will be doing it -- [laughter] ♪


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