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  Fmr. Pres. Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC  CSPAN  July 11, 2021 5:08pm-6:46pm EDT

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this, but i'm wondering if you had a chance to take a look at this and if you can get back to us if you have an analysis, as quickly as possible so if there is a problem with the legislator. sec. cardona: thank you for advocating for the students on the responsibility of the state to maintain the effort of providing funds for education. our kids need more not less. if i close the business -- by close of business today someone will reach out to your office. >> i've never had her department respond so fast on any off -- any issue. thank you. i was very impressed. last week i was proud to announce the pell grant preservation and expansion act, which would increase the maximum pell grant fruit 2022-2023 and the maximum pell grant over the next five years. it would extend pell eligibility to dreamers and reinstate the pell grant lifetime eligibility
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to 18, among a mother of other things. i was a pell grant recipient. i don't want to grab the ladder up with me -- i want to leave the latter. >> it is great to be in the great state of texas. [cheering and applause] why are we in texas? hold your fire. because we were told by the officials in the swamp that holding cpac would make everyone unwell and unsafe. that can only mean one thing. you, the men and women of cpac, are making all the right people sweat.
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when cpac was canceled in maryland, our team decided we would uncared so cpac in florida. during the florida cpac, other states decided to open up, like the great state of texas. and that means all of us are having a big impact. but you all know this, the biggest impact player in our movement is a guy called donald trump. and when he hits, it's thunderous. and president trump is truly unique because, even though they tried everything to shut him down, to cancel him, he simply won't give in or be quiet.
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[cheering and applause] you know this in texas, a week ago, president trump went to the border in texas to stand with the brave men and women of border patrol. to stand against all of crime and the drugs, the victims of that crime in those drugs. president biden, that's called leadership. and it's leadership that we want. and it's leadership that will once again unite us. because actions speak louder than slogans. and you know, it's not just the border. a few days ago president trump decided to take on big tech.
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in this historic major class action lawsuit. but guess what? all of us at cpac have joined. are you proud to be standing with president trump in this lawsuit against big tech? so how do you think these guys reacted to us joining the lawsuit? have you heard of a little company called google that owns youtube? they gave cpac a strike yesterday and they will not allow any of you or any of its content at this event to be on its platform. we have been canceled again by google. but i have a question for you. will that silence us? hey, big tech, this is a right at you. you can't shut down president
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trump, and he can't shut all of us up forever, because there are just too dam many of us. in our numbers are growing. and for that reason it's my honor to welcome to you, president donald j. trump. >> ♪ proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ >> ♪ from the lakes of minnesota
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to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston in new york to elena where the pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american , where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa
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and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who die who gave that right to me and i'd gladly stand up, next to you and defend her today but there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ ♪ [cheering and applause] fmr. pres. trump: thank you very much. thank you. [chanting "usa"] fmr. pres. trump: thank you very much, thank you to matt. what a job he and mercedes have done. you got a lot of people standing
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outside china get in. would anybody like to give up their slot? i want to just pay my respects, what a job cpac has done. i'm thrilled to be back in the heart of texas with the crowd, conservative. thank you for courageously leading the battle to, frankly, save our country. a year before the election, the fake news media said texas was in play. you know what and play means, like, it's close. they were right, except it was only in play for me. for me and you. it was in play for me and they said, the polls have closed in texas, donald trump has one texas. how long did we listen to it, it was in play? it would never be in play if we have the right candidate. this state is never going to be in play. this is a very, very special place and we will keep it the
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way it is. we will bring back your energy. i told you this was going to happen. i told you. actually, texas believed us. with the help of everyone here today we will defeat the radical left, the socialist, marxists, and the critical race theorists. whoever thought of even using that term. we will secure our borders, we will stop left-wing cancel culture, we will restore free speech and fair elections, and we will make america great again. very simple. [cheering and applause] from the very beginning, the people in this room have been some of the staunchest and fierce supporters of our
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incredible movement. the greatest political movement in the history of our country. and i can say that and nobody ever even challenges me. look at all those fake news media people back there, they don't challenge us. [crowd booing] they don't even challenge. i want to personally thank each and everyone of you for your incredible support and your support of cpac. you never stop fighting for me, and i will never, ever stop fighting for you. i promise. [cheering and applause] i especially want to thank too wonderful, really extraordinary people who make this incredible event possible. you know them almost as well as i do, matt and mercedes. thank you.
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thank you. great job. you've taken it to a whole new level, i appreciated. everybody appreciates it. we all one. also with us is a true texas conservative and a real leader. where is he? look at that. he's fast on the draw. we love him. they cue very much, we appreciate you being here. we are also grateful to be joined -- [chanting "usa"]
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fmr. pres. trump: he's going back home to mom. his mom is a big supporter. he's going to have a rough night. we are grateful to be joined as well by a wonderful, wonderful, not only political person, but a wonderful person, governor kristi noem. thank you. great job. and we have many, many members of congress here. could i ask our great congressmen and women to stand up right now. what a group. what a group. what a group. all warriors. thank you very much. thank you, fellas. warriors. truly are. they are truly warriors. and countless other conservative leaders and politicians, and
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people that we love and we respect and we are fighting with that we are fighting for. for generations the american conservative union has helped lead the charge to defend our values, protect our country and preserve our glorious american heritage. you see they are taking our heritage away, that's not going to happen. not going to happen. and we were doing so well until the rigged election happened to come along. we were doing really well. but today that heritage is under threat like never before. who would've thought this could have happened. even the -- even bernie sanders is saying, i never thought this could happen. he is mild by comparison. in a matter of mere months, joe biden has brought our country to the brink of ruin. right here in texas we are the epicenter of a border migration crisis unlike anything anyone has ever seen before in the history of our country.
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at the same time they have totally obliterated your energy industry. i told you. under my administration, we achieved a historic reduction in illegal immigration. never happened before to that extent, and never close. we ended the horrible catch and release, where we catch a criminal and released him into our country. we actually said, stay in mexico , and at work very well. and we had the support of mexico. who else could do that? you have a great president of mexico, a friend of mine. we are on opposite sides of the spectrum, but we get along great, and he's been terrific and i appreciate it. we stopped asylum fraud and we struck critical agreements with other countries to stop illegal immigration. we called it, in fact, remain in mexico.
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you don't come here, get released, and you never see these people again, they don't come back. they say come back in three weeks for a court case. only the really not smart ones, i want to be nice, only the really not smart ones come back. which is about 1%. we reduced drugs pouring across our border by the highest percentage ever. it's not just people. we shut down the migrant caravans. you have not seen those caravans. get ready, because they are coming up right now. you've been watching them come through. and those caravans you have some deadly people. we dealt a crippling blow to ms 13, we deported criminal aliens by the thousands and thousands and thousands. and we built almost 500 miles of border wall, the exact wall that the border patrol wanted. i thought we could use nice
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concrete plank, just knock it out. they said, sir, we want sealed concrete and rebar. and it has to be wire, so we can have all the drones -- remember they wanted drones. i said, drones are not going to stop people. remember during the campaign, everything is obsolete two days after they come up with it. computers -- everything is obsolete. they get a better one. two things, wheels and laws, they never change. in a thousand years you will say wheels and laws, laws work. just ask nancy pelosi, she has a nice wall around her house. now the biden administration has turned the border into the single greatest disaster in american history. and perhaps in world history, nobody has ever seen a border like this, the countries don't have a border like this. illegal border crossings are up
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over 1000% from last year. think of this. think of this. for the last three months in a row, more illegal alien minors have arrived than any other month in united states history. this is the major pipeline for ms 13. these are the worst gang members. they say anywhere in the world. they bring recruits to every state in our country. they run it like a business. but not with me, we were throwing them the hell out of here so fast. ice, ice, ice, the great patriots. tough people, ice, and they've been disrespected. we can't have that. border patrol, brandon is here someplace, probably. where the hell is brandon, he is so great. what a job he has done. yes, thank you. thank you. ice and border patrol.
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overall, illegal arrivals are up nearly 500%. think of this, and they are being resettled in cities and towns all across the united states at taxpayers expense. and the people in those cities and towns have no idea that they are coming. the taxpayers will also be forced to pay for relatives to be flown from central america to join them. did you ever hear of chain migration? you come in illegally and we will bring your mother, your father, your grandparents, brothers or sisters, your aunts, your uncles, anybody else want to come in, come on in. had one on the west side highway that was driving rapidly down the west side highway at a very excessive speed. new york city, hudson river, beautiful new park. he saw people working out, a big group of people and he decided to make a right turn, he killed
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many and maimed many. people go out because they want to put themselves in shape, and he ended up going back home missing a leg it, missing a couple of arms, or dead. that's what happened. and he had the right to bring people in with him. his family, mother and father and brother. he had many that he brought in. we took very good care of him. but this administration doesn't do that. many of these children, for the first time ever, a terrible thing happening to them, are on suicide watch. they end up at a place that they have no idea where it is. not the border. our whole country has become a border. meanwhile, ice removals are at the lowest levels ever. they are great people. patriots and they are tough. the agency has been functionally shut down. all of america is now one giant sanctuary city.
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we were fighting sanctuary cities and doing very well. they are meant for criminal aliens. under our administration we sent a very different message to the coyotes, human traffickers, child smugglers, vicious criminal cartels, and savage ms 13 gang members. when i was president, illegal alien criminals new that if they trespassed across our border, they would be caught, they would be detained, and they would be sent to jail, or we would send them the hell back to where they came from. we created the most secure border and all of american history, by far. bidens border crisis is also helping drive and unprecedented crime wave. and you see the crime wave, even without this you see all and
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democrat rund cities. please remember that. the bloodshed and violence in these cities is reaching epidemic proportions. homicides are up 42% in los angeles, 37% in philadelphia, 68% in atlanta, and over 500% in portland over this time last year. think of that, portland, what they did to portland and nothing happens to nt 4.0. and nothing happens to blm. but the people that are patriots who are conservatives are republican, they stay in jail for extended amounts of time and they destroy their lives. we are not going to take that anymore. [cheering and applause] in new york city, crime is out of control.
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it's at record levels with nobody being prosecuted, except republicans are being prosecuted. the democrats know their policies on crime are so unpopular, so radical, so crazy, they are now trying to pretend they never led defund the police movements in the first place. we never said defund the police, you know who did it, the republicans did it. that's what they do, it's called disinformation. how about russia? trump loves russia, he loves putin, he loves everybody. turns out to be the democrats. up to two years they figure. after a while people believe this stuff. now they are saying defund the police. it's called disinformation. you have to be wise to it. it's very simple, if you support the funding of the police, vote
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for the radical left democrats, and you see what's happening to the cities where they defunded the police. there has never been anything like it. if you want more police and more cops in the streets, vote for america first republicans, or, let's put it very simply, vote for mag up. make america great again. [cheering and applause] the same far left democrats who are also leading an all-out crusade to straw peak -- strip you, the law-abiding citizens of america, of your god-given second amendment rights. i told you again, i told you. i told you. and i preserve that right 100%, and you think that was easy.
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it wasn't easy. it was so much pressure. there was so much pressure. republicans must never waver and demanding that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. can't let it happen. thank you very much. but it's not only the second amendment that the leftists want to destroy. they are hard at work to abolish the first amendment as well. probably all amendments when you get right down to it. why not. the radical left and tex attack on free speech is unlawful, unconstitutional and completely un-american. to protect the constitutional rights and liberties of every citizen, this week i filed a
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major class action. a lot of people are joining me. [cheering and applause] yep, a big class-action lawsuit against the big tech giants. we are suing facebook, twitter and google. and to show you the arrogance, i was just talking to mercedes. you announce that they are trying to take this incredible, i think much more than 50% of our country, i really do, because there is no way they can be 50% with defund the police, sanctuary cities, and all of the crazy things that they espouse. there's no way, but i heard they just filed where they want to take everybody.
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honestly, they are going too far. they are going too far. they are so spoiled. it's like a spoiled child. i want that toy dad, but i also want this one, this one, this one. eventually, bad things happen. we are thinking mark zuckerberg, jack dorsey, and the other silicon valley billionaires through federal court and we will keep on fighting until we have stopped this assault on our liberties and until we have restored the sacred rights of freedom of speech for every single american. who would've thought, who would've thought. [cheering and applause] who would've thought. could anybody believe we are even talking about the subject two years ago, three years ago?
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in addition to their malicious attacks on free speech, these silicon valley tyrants are also attacking our democracy itself. the big tech election to ference in 2020 was an outrageous assault upon our republic and upon the american voter. a terrible thing has happened to our country. we are being laughed at all over the world. our election is being studied by other countries. they are not going to do it that way. mark zuckerberg alone spent $400 million on election meddling in virtually all of the key swing states he funded unmanned and unprotected drop boxes that were deployed in democrat rund cities and heavily democrat precincts to scoop up ballots which were supposedly 94, 95, 96% for joe biden because the campaign so well.
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how about where biden did substantially better in the swing states then barack hussein obama with the black population. even though he did terribly throughout the country. but in those five places he did very well. you know about that, right. five places he did very well, beat obama with the black population. i don't think so. but they practice that in countless other schemes to legitimate and illegally -- illegitimately and illegally boost the democrats. the drop boxes were out very late. where are they, what happens? i can tell you at happens. sometimes late by days and showing up to the vote counting areas. at the same time the big tech giants work together to suppress the diminished news coverage that was negative for joe biden. look at all these stories that
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came up and they were wiped out. anything negative for biden or the radical left democrats, they just suppressed. in the most horrendous example, the oldest newspaper in america, and one of my favorites, it's a great one, the new york post broke one of the biggest scandals ever to emerge in a presidential election providing extraordinary deep -- extraordinarily detailed evidence of the corruption of joe biden and wears hunter biden ? you know where he is? he is painting right now for 500,000 apiece. where is hunter? he is in a studio to paint, even though he has never painted before. he set a record for the highest price of a person that's never painted a picture. never did a painting before. without any basis, twitter and facebook and the new york post account of this terrible story.
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after the election, one poll showed that at least 10% of joe biden's voters would have switched their votes if they had known about joe and hunter biden scandals. enough to flip the results of numerous states. don't worry about it, because we won those states anyway. we won them. the only thing i disagree with. at one it have mattered, they would have found the votes, they would have found those votes. if it was reported, they would have found the votes. they would've turned out some more ballots, the truth was covered up and it had a giant impact on the election. this must never happen to another party's presidential candidate again. it can never happen. we are a laughing stock all over the world. a laughingstock. and you know who knows it better than the people in this room. democrats.
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furthermore, these big tech companies interfered with and undermined the sacred integrity of the ballot box by censoring any honest discussion of election fraud. you say election fraud and you get canceled. that's the one thing they want to stay away from. you know the cancel culture, they are very tough on it, but the thing they don't want, because we are too close to home, we got too close, read time magazine from four months ago, the cover story. they couldn't help themselves. it doesn't go all the way, that it goes far enough if you see what they did. they want to stay away from talking about the election results. every time the media references the election hoax, they say the fraud is unproven. and while there is no evidence -- no evidence? there's so much evidence. you saw what happened in georgia the other day, they found 35,000
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votes, then they deleted, in georgia, over 100,000 votes they said because they were bad voters. so why didn't you try doing it before the election? why didn't you do it before the election? there are bad things going on in this country, very bad things. we always had the reputation of being a wonderful, brilliant country for voting. now everyone knows, they've watched, they are very smart and they see what happens. the governor of georgia and georgia and georgia's secretary of state let us down. they let us down. and by the way, the voting law they passed is far weaker than that of texas and other states. you hear that, mr. attorney general? they don't even have signature verification. could you imagine passing a voting law, but everyone things, they are passing this, no it's not.
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you notice they are the only state being sued by the federal government. do you know why? because it's an easy target. because the governor and the secretary of state won't defend like that guy will defend. so, i only speak the truth. so true. and the reason the attorney general of the united states is going after georgia is its so bad what they've done, and they will probably win, and that defense won't take place. they go out and they really work very hard on finding the right state to look at. now, stacey abrams and georgia got them to sign what's called a mandated consent decree, which was not approved by the legislator, therefore it's illegal, and makes a very easy for democrats to cheat and win
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elections. you don't have too many of them. the great dog romney. my doctor became a congressman. right. he only be 22 people. 22 people. it was great. i said, how about if i take a cognitive test. he said, you can do it, sir. but if you do, it will be public. i said, what's wrong with that? he said, if you don't do well, it won't be pretty. i said, is it hard? he said, after the first five questions it gets very hard. i said, let's take a shot at it. and we did it and i aced it. i aced it. in one of the doctors said he has never seen anybody that aced it. in some of those questions are not easy, i will tell you that. how do you think joe will do on that cognitive test? you never know.
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maybe underneath there there is someone very unusual. unfortunately this is an election where the person that counts the boat -- vote was far more important than the candidate. no matter how many votes that candidate got, and we got record numbers of votes, it's a disgrace to our nation, and we are truly being scorned and disrespected all over the world. never forget that the radical left is not the majority in this country. we are the majority, and it's not even close. [cheering and applause] [chanting "usa"] and when you look at their policies, there's just no way
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that can happen. there's no way. weak military, they fight against the military. we need strong military right now. show strong -- so strong. and having rebuilt the u.s. military is one of my greatest achievements. it was a sick and tired military. the equipment was old and depleted. and now we have those brand-new f-35's, and everything is brand-new, and we have a great military and it's coming soon and they won't be able to stop it. but the radical left cheat in elections, and the fake news media cheats and polling, like having me down 17 points just before the election in wisconsin. donald trump -- in the washington post just before. people say, we love the president, but we will stay home, let's watch television. i said, that's a good idea,
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harry will stay home with janice. i'm down 17 points and i felt i was winning the state, and we did, in my opinion, when the state. and it was close, even by their fake numbers. so i had it down 17 points. and interestingly, in 2016, the exact same thing happens. they had me down 19 points, same people. abc news, washington post. i was down 19 points and i won the state. so that's a fake poll. it should be illegal. it's a fake pole. this same people -- at least they got better, they had 17 instead of 19. i was down four years ago. in 2016 they said were never going to let that happen again. americans, do not support the woke left. the people are with us, you have no idea how much. you have no idea how much.
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in a recent, highly respected rest mucin pole, 58% of voters say the media is truly the enemy of the people. think of that. 58%. in only 23% disagree. nobody can tell me that defunding the police, open borders, raising your taxes, it used to be running for office, we will cut your taxes. this is the only time in history, we are going to raise your taxes at i want to vote for him. they are raising your taxes so you can waste this money on the green new deal, which is nonsense. so, they want to put back the regulations. i took off more regulations than any president in history. i actually think it was more important than the taxes, then
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cutting taxes, but we took off the regulations. used to take 20 years to get highways approved and roads approved, and we got it down to two and we will try to get it down to one. we were going to get it down to one, now we will have to wait a little while. it will get back up to 18 or 20, then we will bring it down one day. just wait and see. the democrats are terrible policy, but they are very vicious and they are smart, and they stick together. they don't have mitt romney's and little ben sasse and bill cassidy. how about bill cassidy? he campaigns in the great state of louisiana, he campaigns eddie's trump's friend, every ad has trumped and it, trump, trump, trump, and then he votes to impeach me. can you believe it? i always felt bad about that guy. like weight.
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john kennedy is very good. very good. and bill cassidy cat walk down the streets of louisiana without having nasty thing said to him. and they don't have anyone, the democrats, like the warmongering and those -- most voted republican in our country by democrats, liz cheney. every time a democrat gets up to make a speech, you know this, fellas, you have to live with it, i guess. maybe not much longer. but every time they get to make his speech, and to quote liz cheney, democrats are ruthless, but they are united. they don't have these romney types. they don't have them. it must be wonderful to live like that. but they have bad policy, and they have policy that's going to destroy our country. like socialist and communist movements throughout our
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country, today's leftists do not believe in freedom, they do not believe in fairness, and they do not believe in democracy. they believe in marxist morality. anything is justified as long as it hurts their political opponents. in advances the radical agenda of their party. it's a radical agenda like nobody has seen before. before our very eyes, the radical left democrats are turning the law itself into a weapon for partisan persecution. it's persecution. look at what they are doing two incredible people like rudy giuliani. he's the greatest mare in the history of new york. great crimefighter. and at the same time, they are weaponizing the irs against conservatives and christians, just like they did with the tea party, except worse. there are now two sets of law in this country, one for the left
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wing bob, the rioters in the ram pagers, who can do whatever the hell they want to whomever they want to do it. and there's another set of rules for law-abiding american citizens. happen to be republicans, who simply want to speak their minds and exercise their rights, like to talk about a rigged election. talk about a rigged election. rudy giuliani -- and i mean that, he is by far the greatest mayor of new york. it means more right now than it would've meant five years ago. because you see what the hell is happening to our cities. new york in particular. but one of the great crimefighter's of his generation has had his law license taken away by the radical left all because he was fighting against an election result that he saw was corrupt. that means he can never, ever fight anything. that means -- someday it could
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swing the other way. probably won't for a long time, but we are not letting it happen . under the standard that has now been applied to rudy, lawyers are no longer free to represent their clients, and their livelihood itself depends on one thing only, whether or not they want to fight the corruption. think of it, rudy fought because he saw the election was rigged, and because he fought, they took away his law license in new york and in washington, d.c.. -- washington, d.c. this is a great man. i lived in new york. yuko walked on the streets, you are proud of the city. not proud of the city anymore. you're not proud of what's happening. while many democrats vote viciously and got caught lying about the 2016 election, they were lying, nothing happened.
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russia, russia, russia. you remember russia? stand up, devon. [cheering and applause] when i came in, he was in the basement of an office building. the basement of the white house. they said, sir, there's a congressman and he's going through files and files because he knew that what shifty shift was saying was pure bullshit. it was made up. and he and another great one. they are great, and you have a star on your left. stand up. stand up. our star. thank you. thank you. devon always knows who's -- who to sit next to, but he received
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the presidential medal of freedom, along with jim jordan of ohio for the incredible courage they showed. thank you very much, but he got it a long time ago with russia, russia, russia. i tell the story during the campaign, guys, to me, we are doing well in 2016. sir, do you know anything about russia? no, what am i supposed to know? russia? a guy came up, different, sir, what do you have to do with russia? why do you ask? after four or five guys come up i say, what the hell is going on with russia? it was a scam. then we went through years with robert mueller and there was no collusion. remember, a team angry democrats , they went after us. they will send everything into new york.
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18, they've already done that. those were photocopies. of the same stuff in washington. if anyone should be losing their jobs, their law licenses, and being investigated for crimes, it's not rudy, it's adam schiff. adam schiff is a -- adam schiff is a very dishonest guy. he used to stand up at the microphone and he used to lie. he would stand up, this is a sad day for our union. president trump works for russia. i would say, what the hell is he talking about? and i'm the one that exposed russia for the biggest thing they've ever done, the pipeline to europe, i shut it down and out biden opens it up, they are going to make a fortune. but guys like andy and james comey and james clapper.
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remember the two lovers? all of the other perpetrators who have faced no consequences whatsoever, even though they knew it was a scam. they created a scam, and i must be honest with you, i never said this because i didn't want to, but i will, i'm very disappointed that bill barr was unable to hold anybody accountable for the countless abuses of power by the democrats . he did not hold the corrupt officials who spied on our campaign -- remember i said, they are spying on our campaign, and that was like a lightning rod went off. not the authors of the phony dossier. not the women who slandered and lied and defamed brett
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kavanaugh. they said brett kavanaugh had an affair. they did not go after them, they lied so badly. not any of the numerous criminal referrals for lying to congress over and over again. not any of the illegal leakers, not any of the people that were responsible for corrupting our elections. there's no greater crime. he wanted nothing to do with it. he just did not want to do it. but perhaps it's understandable because he did become a different man, i always liked him, but i say, bill, you've got to move your ass. our country is under attack. he became a different man when the democrats viciously stated that they wanted to impeach him. they went wild. we want to impeach him, we will impeach bill barr.
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he became different. i understand that. i did not become different, i got impeached twice. i became worse. i became worse. [cheering and applause] so i guess i can understand it, but just a day ago i received a statement from the u.s. attorney , highly respected in pennsylvania, that bill barr would not allow him to investigate voter fraud. can you believe it? you have to understand, philadelphia is the second most corrupt place, so i understand. so i understand, and the nation. you know what the first is, detroit. detroit was so corrupt, philadelphia was so corrupt. but the u.s. attorney was not allowed to investigate.
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this just came out in a letter, you don't even know about this, that's a big one, what do you think? we have a letter, you will have to get it from him. get it from the u.s. attorney, but i'm sure he will be willing to provide it, but he's giving it to us. but i saw that, he was all enthused, then all of a sudden it was like he was turned off, and so were others. this was true with so many others that with the justice department they failed to call out they late-night ballot stuffing that took place in georgia. remember that? where they made up a story of a water main break in order to get people in security to leave the premises, then they went into a rampage of stuffing, essentially, the ballots. but now, that event, because of me in very good people, is in court. let's see how that turns out.
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[applause] and bill barr told me, sir, we've looked at it and. we found nothing. all you. have to do is look at the type. remember? there was no water main. i said to him, what about the water main? oh, i didn't hear about it. there was no water main. a group of people came back, bom b, bom, it is easy. all you have to do is look at the tape. the fact is republicans play a much nicer kind of game that the democrats -- than the democrats. with all the misconduct that is going on, perhaps the republicans will have to rethink their game plan.
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louie gohmert would agree with that. [applause] i have to be careful with him. [laughs] don't say i said it, but louie gohmert was a democrat. but we have to hold them to that. what do you think of that, louie " pretty amazing, isn't it? by the way, where is durham? he disappeared. why didn't they use the very well done horowitz report? it was credible. even the new york times wrote the most vicious editorial about james comey based on the horowitz report, which talked about the crimes and bad acts committed by comey, mccabe, and others. this was even before durham. thank inspector general horowitz for that report. it should have been used. they did not want to use it.
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deep state", they said something. but if you can't wait for durham, just read a man named darrell coopers brilliant thread on twitter. he tells the whole story. as we put it, we know it is fact, the steele dossier was the sole evidence to justify spying on the trump campaign. think of it, they spied on my campaign and nothing will happen to them. can you imagine if i spied on biden's campaign or obama's campaign? can you imagine what would happen? we cut them and nothing happened. the fbi knew that the steele dossier was a dnc operation, paid for by the dnc and crooked hillary clinton, who, by the way, is the most angry person in the united states. . you know why? why the hell did you not do that
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for me? [chanting "lock her up!"] actually the race was. closer the new york times asked with a question, what happened in 2020 that was different from 2016? i said, we did much better in 2020. we got 12 million more votes, we won by emerging. 2016 was close. hillary clinton said, why didn't you do that for me? why didn't you cheat for me? somebody. it could have been somebody. [cheers and applause] they did not inform the court of any of this and they kept on spying on the trump campaign. in addition, the press -- -- is
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part of this crooked operation you know that. election rules were changed. political violence was legitimized and encouraged by the left. and then trump, the president of the united states, was banned from social media as we call it, by sleaze bags. i was banned by bad people. i will not say i am perfect but they are far worse than i am, i'll tell you. in other words, the entire system was rigged against the american people and rigged against a fair, decent and honest elections. for decades, all that mattered work policy fights in washington. all it would take to prevail was winning small supreme court
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cases. we are disappointed in the supreme court. we are disappointed. but the battle is so much bigger and broader than any of that. the radical left has been methodically taking over every giant centralized institution in american life -- the school systems, the universities, the bar association's. . what happened to rudy. hollywood, journalism, the big banks. big-tech. even the supreme court, where we are getting some unexpected rulings. the nine justices do not want to be packed, and the democrats are in a position to pack the court. they don't want to be packed. they said, we don't want to see it. they don't want to look at the election. we were led by the gentleman from the state of texas, we led almost 20 states. [applause] we thought we had a case.
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where -- the standing was so good. i wanted to do it personally but they said, sir, you are the president and you have no standing. i said, wait a minute, i am the president. they said, the thing that has standing is the states. if you can get one or two -- they got almost 20. and you know what, the justices never looked at the case. they never looked. many of the judges did not look at the case. but we do have case is going on now and you have figured judges. we will see what happened. -- and we have patriot judges. we will see what happened. look at the schumer statement that he said when he was on the court steps -- he is no longer protected -- you know, in congress if you are a guy like adam schiff, you can lie, but once you step out of that building, -- schumer said horrible things.
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. he said a mafia-like statement to the judges nothing happens. but they are playing the ref, even better than the great bobby knight in his prime. i love bobby knight. he came from the great state of indiana. he endorsed me. it was over in indiana. bobby knight used to scream at the refs and say, what are you doing that? i am not worried about this call, but the next call, they will be thinking about. that is what happened at the supreme court. they don't want to be packed. they said 13 numbers. the democrats are smart, they don't 13, it is an unlucky number. it will go up, 21, 30. they would have looked at the case then we would have won that case, in my opinion and. . it would have never been packed. you would've had a beautiful
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vito sitting in the oval office. i would have vetoed it -- you would have had a beautiful veto sitting in the oval office. the democrats are vicious to the supreme court. bill barr, they screamed they were going to impeach him. it changes people. have about brett kavanaugh? we are going to impeach him on women that admitted ultimately that nothing happened. they weren't even in the country, one of them. it was all a made up scam. they should be prosecuted. and they weren't. [applause] but with brett kavanaugh, they are screaming, we are going to impeach him, we are going to impeach him! and you know what, how does he get out of that? by voting for the democrats. bad thing. he went through what no other person i have ever seen go through.
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the hearing was the most vicious , horrible hearing i think in the history of our country. i don't think there has ever been anything worse. than new york city, state far-left democrats actually run for office promising to persecute me, my family, and my company without knowing anything about me. i have never heard of these people. we are going to get him. we are going to get trump. and she won. a lot of people running and she won on the basis, "we are going to get him." what did he do? i don't know, we will find nothing. they are in search of a crime. to them it didn't matter whether any laws had been broken. the crime was opposing the radical left democratic party. this is lawless and tyrannical behavior. it is a political persecution, like something straight out of the communist countries that you
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see around the world, a few that are left. yet it is happening here in america at the hands of radical left democrats. and the republicans, again, they just don't seem to understand at that top level, what is happening. they don't do it the same way, and maybe they are going to have to change. our jobs and our mission is to resist this poison and fight for our republic with all of our heart and all of our soul. for decades, the career politicians who sold out our country, shipped away over millions and millions of jobs and sent our children today in endless foreign wars, have gotten away with the most flagrant crime imaginable. these people sold out our country. as vice president, joe biden flew his son hunter around the
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world on air force 2, sucking up money like a vacuum cleaner. hunter's emails show that he collected millions and millions of dollars from foreign nations, including ukraine, while setting aside a cut to the big-i. who is the big guy? well, that is joe biden. he is not getting that within dollars unless that prosecutor is out. . could you imagine if i said that? if i said that, they would impeach me if nothing happened. can you imagine if i said, "they are not getting --" he was bragging. i don't know what the hell he was thinking. did he know the tape was running when he said that? and nothing happens. because bill barr is a nice man. bill barr and the republicans
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are too nice. two nice these -- too nice. these are vicious people and it will destroy our country. hunter said he paid vast amounts of money. joe biden has all these houses. . he has always been a senator or congressman. lou, i didn't know that you made that kind of money that you had mentioned. does louie gohmert have mansions all over texas? i don't think so. that is all you need, his bathroom and his bedroom and he uses his one tooth rush, right? [applause] but joe has a lot of tooth brushes, yet not a single member of our treacherous, corrupt political establishment has ever experienced anything like the deranged and demented persecution that has been directed at me, my family and
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whoever was with us. everybody. i came down the escalator with our great future first lady. [cheers] she was great. she did really well, until she met me. so much for that career. [laughs] she is the coolest and most confident person. she gets it better than anybody. and she loves you people. she loves you. [cheers and applause] all these witchhunts begun all because i put america first. all because of maga. great again. [applause] now it is also because i got
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more votes, 75 million than anybody in the history of the presidency, and far more than clinton, far more than obama. think of it, in the history, usually they go down a little bit in the second term and they win. they go down a bit. i was told by a great poster, sir -- great pollster. he said, if you get up to 65 million votes, nobody can beat you. i got up to 75. and i lost. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. and what they have done to this movement, i think they have made no movement stronger. in a certain way, i think they have. i will never forget it. [cheers and applause]
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on election night, we did so much better than they ever thought in their wildest imaginations. they said, to hell with it. let it go. what they did. what they did. i am also winning in the polls against harris. not a lot of people think joe is going to be running, but you never know, it is a strange world. and everybody else that is going to run on the radical left, weather on the democrats side -- i love my republicans, but we are kicking there ass too. they are friends of ours, so it is ok, i think we can say that affectionately. np, they are great and they are working hard. you saw a lot of them this weekend. but the democrats want me out and they want me out as fast as possible. and here i am. i could have a nice, beautiful
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life. and here i am on a sunday in texas. [cheers] thank you. [indistinct chanting] [crowd chanting, "four more years!"] thank you. thank you very much.
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i said to matt and merced is, because -- and by the way, you have a poll coming out. you know they do that straw poll. if it is bad, i say it is fake. [laughter] if it is good, i say -- that is the most accurate poll perhaps ever. [applause] i know they have it. i guess it gets the most after. i want to find out. are you going to -- oh, he won't. whenever they get it releasedm if it is bad, it will be front-page news in the newspapers. if it is great, they will not cover it. so i did this years ago and i got these great straw polls. it was right here at cpac. look at outside, we have thousands of people trying to come in.
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our only thing is next time we will have to get a bigger place, i guess, right? i said to matt, much more importantly, i said to mercedes, give me death valley. give me the worst slot, we will fill it up. he said, sir, that would be sunday afternoon. because most. . people are doing other things. i said, that is ok, matt, you don't have to give me friday or saturday night, that's too easy. we love doing it the hard way. i said give me any time on sunday. i will apply in. and look at this crowd. [applause] now, we will give saturday night to louie gohmert and to the doc. we will give saturday night to byron, to devin.
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they gave me sunday. i love sunday. you know why? it reminds me of church. [cheers] but i am honored. it really is. i said give me your worst time, i don't care, and he actually did. and he just broke his record. the radical left and the failed political establishment hates our movement for simple reasons, because together we took on the corrupt special interests. we faced down the open borders that you are seeing. how bad are these borders? they are coming out of the prisons in these countries. they think we are so stupid. letting their prisoners out, floating in through the caravans. flooding into our country, murderers, drug dealers, human traffickers of women. mostly women. we stood up to the dictates of
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political correctness and we called out the people who were getting rich -- leading our current -- bleeding our country dry -- bleeding our country dry, and many of them politicians. against the washington lobbyists, we demanded fair trade for american workers and we did a great job on that. we finally ended the worst trade deal in the history of our country, nafta. [applause] one of the worst trade deals. i don't want to disrespect our past, but the people that negotiated that deal were either stupid or corrupt. they say both, could be. we withdrew from the horrible trans-pacific partnership that would have destroyed your automobile business. we pulled out from the -- organization scam. you know the world health organization, they are like a pipe organ for china.
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they called me. they want us back. the guy is a nice guy, you know, he wants us back. "sir, we want you back." i said, how much are we paying? $500 million a year. i said, we have 325 million people not including illegal aliens. china has 1.4 billion people. they are paying 39 million, we are paying, 500. so let me ask you a question, would you take us back if we paid 39? yes. i said i am going to think about it. but when i pulled out, it was so popular because i couldn't even get back in for 39, because everybody thought it was amazing, because he understands it is a pipe organ for china and for others, but mostly for china. i said would we get back in for
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39? i didn't go back in. [applause] and now because of the rigged election, we are out. and he immediately says we are going back in. he went back in for the same price they were paying before. you know what? 450 million in terms of when you are dealing with billions and trillions and all of this, it's not a lot of money. this is every year, we pay almost 500 million. they pay 39 million. the country is much larger. but why would they not say, we will do it for 39, or less. let us in for 10. i think they would have taken as. i said, would you do it for 9? proportional, right? so they go back in and nobody said, we will go back in but we want to come back in at 39
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million or 30 million, or 20 million. we will go back in, and now they are going to be paying what we have been ripped off for years. and we don't have control of it. china has total, absolute control, we have none. what do you think about that? matt, in the second row? ? our acting attorney general? huh? he took a lot of abuse. thank you for being here. so, think of it. they have this deal in this is the way they go in. this is the way our country runs. we built an aircraft carrier and the aircraft carrier has all sorts of problems -- it is the gerald ford. they decided to use magnets for the elevators. magnets. you are in the middle of the ocean, big waves, bullets being shot at your ship. drop it in the magnets.
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that is is the end of the elevator. and then they throw the plane off and decide to do it through electrics, instead of steam, catapult, it is called. for 60 years, it has been a steam operated. they decide to do it,, ", "let's make it out of electric." so i go to the ship because it has been under construction for years. it was going to cost $2.5 billion. . it will end up costing $18.5 billion, but the bad news is it doesn't work. they make it much harder for pilots to land. the single hardest thing for a pilot to his land on an aircraft. even great pilots cannot do it, if they are a little bit claustrophobic. the carrier looks big but when you are up there flying and moving at rapid eat and you are looking at this massive ocean and you have the deck, it is the hardest thing to do. they moved it back so it made it
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much tighter instead of being in the middle. another thing, what is under there? sir, that is where they keep the munition. is said, wait a minute, i don't want to be captain of that ship. [laughter] so i went to visit the ship and i wasn't interested. the admiral said, sir. i said, honestly, i think you're a wonderful man, very good-looking guy, central casting. but i want to see the catapulters. [laughter] so i meet these five guys, they are catapulters. how long have you been doing this? do you have a problem with it? >> absolutely, sir, it doesn't work. why? he said, because if it breaks, you have to go through graduate school and m.i.t. to fix it. and with the steam, we had the
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same hour or more and we could fix it with a blowtorch or a hammer. and i loved the steam in my face, sir. [laughter] i said which is better? he said, the steam, because it can go back-and-forth automatically all day long. i said, is that good or bad? he said unnecessary, it takes us one minute to put the plane on and hook it up. by the time we do that, we are all set. we have so much steam we don't know what to do with it. i said you mean they spent all this money -- they spent $900 million as of a year ago to try and fix it, ok? 900 million. it will never work. i am very good at this stuff. i said, electric -- give me a glass of water i will put it out of commission. i will throw it on the electric circuit. it is not going to work. [laughter] $18 billion.
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i said, did you sue the shipyard? no, sir. i meet with the architect, i said, have you ever designed a ship before? [laughter] my first question, have you ever designed a shape before? . i. am telling you, foreign countries are laughing at us. how stupid we are. we renegotiated the korea trade deal. with a record 160 million people working. we built the greatest economy in the world. negotiations of tax increases by senate republicans, because i see certain rinos, they keep walking over to the white house. . they are getting fleeced. guys like romney. they walk over to the white house. the other half -- senator from
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louisiana was there. i don't want to name them all because a couple of them are fine. but go there and they are getting fleeced. we have a deal! remember? you don't want to get into that -- we have a deal. 20 minutes later when the radical left heard that biden agreed to something, they went crazy and then biden said, we don't have a deal anymore. they are getting fleeced. they are saying, we will agree to raise your taxes if you approve this radical left were almost none of the money is going to real infrastructure, which is roads, etcetera. i am telling the republican senators right now that we will not stand for it if you raise our taxes. we had the greatest tax decrease in the history of our country and we will not have you raise it in order to say you made a
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bipartisan -- they are dying to say, we made a bipartisan deal. you don't have to do that. it is all green new deal stuff. it is nonsense. it is going to destroy our country. inflation is going to be a big problem. we can't let it happen despite the pleading and begging of outside sources and globalists. i took on china like no president had ever done before. [applause] imposing massive tariffs on american workers and bring jobs in factories and billions of dollars back to our shores. we made a great deal with china which says, immeasurably helped our farmers and manufacturers and we put the chinese communist party on defense for the first time ever in the history of our country. we never took in $.10. they are paying us billions. interesting, biden, he wants to
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end the tariffs. if he does, china will take over the whole deal. but they are finding it hard to do. he campaigned on ending tariffs, which was stupid -- maybe not so stupid, right? who the hell? you know what happened. [laughter] but he campaigned on ending tariffs. so ridiculous. we are taking in billions and billions, and we convinced the world that we have to watch china. we had a deficit with china of $507 billion. that is understandable. $507 billion. 500 million is a lot. now china is on the offense, making joe biden and our country look weak, soft, and pathetic. we ignored the hysterics of the socialist left and withdrew from the unfair, one-sided paris climate accord. [applause]
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one of the great ripoffs. would have cost us $1 trillion. . we unleashed america's energy resources and achieved american energy independence for the first time in the history of our country. [applause] and we don't need windmills. we are going to end that program as quickly as we can. i dragged the slow and complacent democrats from the fda and the cdc into the oval office when the plague came in from china. i push them like never before, and thanks to the relentless efforts of my administration and me, we got miraculous, therapeutics straight to patients, and we produced three vaccines to en the pandemicd
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-- to end the pandemic in record time. they said, sir, it probably will not happen at all. if we didn't have that, we would be in a position like perhaps over 100 years ago, 1917, i hear differing numbers, but perhaps as many as 100 million people died. we beat back the failed foreign policy establishment to withdraw from the disastrous iran nuclear deal. we recognized jerusalem as israel's capital, and is really 70 -- and it's really 70 over the golan heights. -- israeli sovereignty over the golan heights. we ended the war in iraq, afghanistan, syria, somalia, and other countries. [applause]
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and we brought our beautiful troops home. [cheers and applause] now, terrible things are happening in afghanistan. we had everything in place. we finished withdrawing responsibly, and joe biden is turning it into a total disaster. they don't respect him. he is living behind billions and billions of equipment. i told the generals, i want every nail brought back home. i want the tanks brought back. instead, the taliban is now parading around with the weapons that joe biden allowed them to capture. it is a disgrace. but with all of that, we should get out. 21 years is enough. 21 years is enough. [applause] in everything we do, we refused to bow down to the radical left,
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the rinos, the political establishment, and instead we insist on standing up for america and making america great again and always putting america first. america has got to be first. [applause] every day more people are realizing that we were right when all of the key -- on all of the key issues. this is one reason why our endorsement has become -- not just my endorsement, your endorsement -- has become the most powerful weapon in politics. last year, these are not exact numbers because if they were exact they would come out and you would not believe -- 120 of the 120 two candidates we endorsed in congressional primary elections won. think of that. the two that didn't turned out to be great trump people. they really did. they turned out to be great.
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but we had great endorsements. we love the candidates we endorsed. . we are endorsing a lot of good ones right now. in the senate primary elections, we were undefeated, 21-0. can't say i am happy about all of them, but that was good. so far in the 2022 election cycle, we are already 10-0 on endorsements. you can check it. it's not 10-0, it is 10-1, they will say, he lied. the biden administration's far-left campaign to transform our country and erase our history, we are not backing down. we will never back down. when we regain control of congress, we will immediately regain control of our border. and it is not that easy. i watch a lot of our congressmen get on television and -- "what
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we have to do is redo the trump edict." it is not easy. very complex. we had it better than ever before. it is so sad to see what happens. we will hold chain accountable for the damage and suffering they have caused and make them pay trillions of dollars in reparations -- we will hold china accountable for the damage and suffering they have caused and make them pay reparations. we will bring back free speech. we can't let this continue. we will take back our elections. and finally, we will always include a thing called photo i.d.. [applause] that is another thing the democrats -- -- the democrats are now saying, "oh, we always wanted photo i.d.." 88% of the people want photo
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i.d., so now democrats again, same old story, they are saying, we always wanted photo i.d.. these people are sick. we will -- critical race theory. [applause] 1776, not 1619, if you don't mind. [cheers and applause] and if government-run schools are going to teach children to hate their country, we will demand school choice. and we already have. if you listen to the media or watch the evening news casts our country has really gone bad. all we talk about his race. race, race. we don't talk about our country being great anymore. we don't talk about how america can lead the world. we don't talk about stopping crime, with all the hundreds and hundreds of people that are
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being shot in democrat-run cities and what to do about it. we don't talk about the drugs pouring across our borders, which i had greatly reduced with our wall and so many other things we are doing. and most importantly, we don't talk about the great future of our country. we don't talk about this stuff anymore. the democrat-controlled media talks race, race, race for political reasons. they always have, but never like this. it is hurting our country, more than anyone else, our great minority communities, it is hurting them badly. the democrat obsession with the democrat obsession with race is only dragging us backward into the past and it is bringing our country down to a point where even china and russia are lecturing us on human rights, race. and they are doing it in a very humiliating fashion. this never happened. it never happened with me. during my administration, our
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country was respected again. it is no longer respected. in conclusion, our party and our movement, we are all united by the same shared american values, and by unyielding results to defend our beloved nation -- unyielding result of to defend -- and by our unyielding resolve to defend our beloved nation. we celebrate our rich heritage and traditions. we honor george washington, thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln, and all of our national heroes. and, of course, we always respect our great american men. [cheers and applause] we believe in patriotic
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education for our children. and we strongly oppose the radical indoctrination of america's youth. we are committed to defending innocent life, and to proudly upholding the judeo-christian values of our nation's founding. [cheers and applause] we embrace free thought. we stand up to political correctness. and we reject the intolerance of left-wing cancel culture. [cheers and applause] we believe in our constitution and in law and order. we want law and order. we demand law and order. we don't want people shot and killed in our cities. we totally respect and support the men of law enforcement. [cheers and applause] they will never be defunded.
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we are devoted, we are loyal to our loyal citizens, and above all, we live by the words of our national motto, "in god we trust." [cheers and applause] these are the convictions that define our movement today, and must define the republican party which has truly become the party of the working man and woman. the working man, the working woman. that's what's happening. look how many people are joining. we have a much different party than we had five years ago. you were in big trouble, republicans and look what is happening. now for the next 15 months, we must pour every ounce of our energy into winning a historic. victory in the midterms. . we will never give up our search for truth and justice for what
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happened in the corrupt presidential election of 2020, because without that truth, we cannot have an honest election in 2022 or 2024, no matter what they tell you. [cheers and applause] and our country will soon stand proudly for freight and strong elections -- for free and strong elections once again. the election fraud of 2020 is the single most requested topic for me and others to talk about, ahead of borders, and even ahead of crime because look at what they have done. it is so sad. look what has happened to our country in just a short number of months. everyone here today and every conservative all across our land needs to decide right now that together we will save this country.
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we must decide that we will not stop, we will not rest until our american heritage of freedom, liberty and justice is once again safe and once again secure. [cheers and applause] we owe our country nothing less than that. our glorious american inheritance was passed down to us by generations of american patriots who gave everything they had -- their sweat, their blood to build america into the greatest nation in the world, and we will not let it be taken away from us by a small group of radical left marxist maniacs. we are not going to let it happen. we will protect and defend our cherished american legacy of
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freedom for our lives, for our children, and for every future generation. my fellow americans, our movement is the greatest in american history, and it has just begun. [cheers and applause] with your help, your devotion, your brilliance, and your drive, we will carry forward the torch of american liberty. we will lead the conservative movement and the republican party back to victory, and it will be a greater victory than this party has ever had. we will take back the house. we will take back the senate. and then after witnessing all that has gone wrong in our country in such a short period of time, with our borders, with our economy, with prime, we will
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take back that -- with our economy, with crime, we will take back that glorious white house that sits majestically in our nation's capitol. beautiful white house that beautiful white house. and it is the most beautiful house of all. working together, we will make america powerful again, we will make america wealthy again, we will make america strong again, we will make america proud again, we will make america safe again, and we will make america great again! thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] ♪
6:45 pm
[village people "y.m.c.a." plays] >> ♪ young man there's no need to feel down. i said, young man, pick yourself off the ground. i said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town there's no need to be unhappy. young man, there's a place you can go. i said, young man, when you're short on your dough. you can stay there, and i'm sure you will find many ways to have a good time. ♪ it's fun to stay at the y.m.c.a. it's fun to stay at the y.m.c.a. they have everything for young men to enjoy, you can hang out with all the boys. >>