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Charles Schumer
  Memorial Service at U.S. Capitol for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg  CSPAN  September 25, 2020 11:08pm-11:54pm EDT

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rebecca: yes, very easy answer. host: could you put some explanation on that? rebecca: sure. ouridea that we can with existing consumer protection and antitrust laws provide the same meaningful protection for broadband access that the fcc could under title ii is incorrect, in my view. our consumer protection this arearests in largely on notice and consent, which i think is a pretty broken model for enforcement. i am happy to say more about -- i think it is adequately protected for consumers. it is hard for me to see the competition angle to provide those projections and do the kind of things the ftc could do under net neutrality, including with respect to privacy.
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other thingsost of the ftc has explicit authority to do that we don't. sec start to move that direction and i was disheartened to see a pullback, and i think restoring that work is a valuable endeavor for congress to take. host: rebecca slaughter is one of two democrats on the federal trade commission out of five members. she was sworn in in 2018 and her term is for seven years. she is former chief counsel to senator charles schumer, the democratic leader in the senate. she is a yell university trade -- yale university trained lawyer. leah covers antitrust. we thank you both for joining us.
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>> you're watching c-span, your unfiltered view of government. america's cable television companies as a public service and brought to you today by your television provider. with the ongoing global pandemic and many schools shifting to online learning, c-span's studentcam competition continue to provide students with a platform to engage in conversation. we are asking middleton high school students to provide -- to produce a documentary exploring the issues they most want the new president and congress to address in 2021. >> [indiscernible] >> when youth are given the opportunity and skills to become
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engaged citizens, they vote. because democracy must be learned. >> [indiscernible] to a tumultuous pathway to citizenship for children who were born here but parents were illegally here. [indiscernible] >> we are warning one her thousand dollars in total cash prizes including a grant as of $5,000. the deadline is january 20, 2021. for competition rules and more information on getting started, go to our website. >> the scene at the u.s. capitol as house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader -- minority leader chuck schumer met the casket of ruth bader ginsburg. there was a memorial ceremony before viewing by members of congress.
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justice ginsburg is the first woman to lie in state at the capital. [sirens]
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[drumming] [indiscernible conversations]
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[cameras clicking]
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[wind blowing]
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[car door slams] [ambient noises]
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[beeping] [ambient noises]
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[ambient noises] >> forward, march.
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center. face.
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sidestep, march. forward, march.
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march on. halt. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step.
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ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step.
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ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. ready, step. forward march. halt. center face. march.
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[cameras click] [footsteps echoing]
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[cameras clicking]
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>> forward, march. [cameras clicking] >> present arms.
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.> march center. face. [footsteps echoing] ready center. forward. march.
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center face. [cameras clicking]
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>> ready, face. forward march. [footsteps echoing]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, the honorable nancy pelosi, speaker of the united states house of representatives. speaker pelosi: it is with profound sorrow and deep sympathy to the ginsburg family that i have the high honor to welcome justice ruth bader ginsburg to lie in state in the capitol of the united states. she does so on a catafalque built for abraham lincoln. may she rest in peace. >> ladies and gentlemen, ms. denyce graves. accompanied by ms. laura ward.
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♪ denyce: ♪ deep river my home is over jordan deep river, lord
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i want to cross over into campground ♪ [humming melodically] ♪ deep river my home is over jordan deep river, lord
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i want to cross over into campground ♪ [piano plays] ♪ oh, don't you want to go to that gospel feast that promised land, where all is peace ♪ [piano plays]
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♪ deep river, lord i want to cross over into campground ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, rabbi
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lauren holtzblatt. rabbi holtzblatt: madam speaker, vice president biden, senator harris, and to all of our leaders who are gathered here today, thank you. psalm 118:5. [chanting in hebrew]
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from the narrow straits, i call out to you. you, god, answered me with expanse. in the chambers of justice ginsburg hangs a framed piece of art that reads -- "justice, justice, you must pursue" -- a command in the 16th chapter of deuteronomy.
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the tradition finds meaning to every single word in the torah. so there must be a reason why "justice" is written twice. the repetition here teaches even ezra, a medieval rabbi, that time and time again, all of the days of your life, you must pursue justice. this was how justice ginsburg lived her life. justice did not arrive like a lightning bolt, but rather, through dogged persistence. all the days of her life. real change, she said, enduring change, happens one step at a time. she faced many obstacles in her life, even from a young age.
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though chosen as the valedictorian of her high school class, she gave no graduation speech. instead, she grieved at home with her father after burying her beloved mother one day before graduation. her family had already suffered terrible loss with the death of her sister, when justice ginsburg was only 14 months old. but justice ginsburg kept rising. a full scholarship to cornell university, and only one of nine women in her harvard law school class. after transferring to columbia law school, she graduated first in her class. yet, she could not find a job. no firm in new york would hire her because she was a woman.
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these obstacles didn't deter her. she pressed on. as she said in an interview with her dear friend, nina totenberg, and i quote, "i get out of law school with top grades, no law firm in the city of new york will hire me. i end up teaching. that gave me time to devote to the movement of evening out the rights -- excuse me -- of women and men. i was nominated to a vacancy on the d.c. circuit. justice o'connor once said to me, 'suppose we had come of age in a time when women lawyers were welcome at the bar. you know what, today, we would have been retired partners from some large law firm.' but because the route was not open for us, we had to find another way and both end up on
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the united states supreme court." all the days of her life, she pursued justice. even in illness. she fought five bouts with cancer. and she supported her beloved marty through his battle with cancer, as well. each time, she pressed forward. she returned to work, to the bench, to the court, with focus. each and every time. nothing was given. pursuing justice took resilience, persistence, a commitment to never stop. as a lawyer, she won equality for women and men, not in one
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swift victory, but brick by brick, case by case, through meticulous, careful lawyering. she changed the course of american law. and even when her views did not prevail, she still fought. in recent years, justice ginsburg became famous for her dissents. despair was not an option. she said, and i quote, "dissents speak to a future age. it's not simply to say my colleagues are wrong and i would do it this way. but the greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually, over time, their views become the dominant view. so that the dissenters hope they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow."
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justice ginsburg's dissents were not cries of defeat. they were blueprints for the future. justice ginsburg loved her family. her grandchildren, her dear friends, her colleagues, and her court family, we all send our love to you. and justice ginsburg also loved the court, to which she so devoted her life. a court for all of us. it was justice ginsburg's tenacious hope to preserve the integrity of the court. today, she makes history again,
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as the first woman and the first jewish woman to lie in state. today, we stand in sorrow, and tomorrow, we, the people, must carry on justice ginsburg's legacy. even as our hearts are breaking, we must rise with her strength and move forward. she was our prophet, our north star, our strength for so very long. now, she must be permitted to rest after toiling so hard for every single one of us. may the memory of justice ruth bader ginsburg forever and ever be a blessing. god, give us the strength and bless us with the courage, the intelligence, the bravery, and
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the unbreakable resolve to pursue justice. amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, miss denyce graves, accompanied by ms. laura ward. ♪ denyce: ♪ all we've been given by those who came before the dream of a nation where freedom would endure the work and prayers for centuries
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have brought us to this day what will be our legacy? what will our children say? let them say of me, i was one who believed in sharing the blessings i received let me know in my heart when my days are through america america i gave my best to you ♪ [piano playing] ♪ each generation from the
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plains to distant shore with the gifts what they were given were determined to leave more valiant battles fought together acts of conscience fought alone these are the seeds from which america has grown ♪ [piano playing] ♪ let them say of me i was one who believed in sharing the blessings i received let me know in my heart when my days are through america america i gave my best to you ♪
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[piano playing] ♪ for those who think they have nothing to share who fear in their hearts there is no hero there know each quiet act of dignity is that which fortifies the soul of a nation that never, never dies never dies ♪ [piano playing] ♪ let them say of me i was one who believed