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Nancy Pelosi
  House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer on Coronavirus...  CSPAN  August 5, 2020 7:02pm-7:10pm EDT

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facebook posts, texts and tweets. watch the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of hiroshima asaki on c-span, and on american history tv on c-span3. >> house speaker nancy pelosi and senate minority leader chuck schumer spoke to reporters today to discuss negotiations with publicans about a new coronavirus relief package. this is about five minutes. speaker pelosi: as we come amonger in the capital, the american people are many millions of children who are food insecure. many families are concerned about tens of millions of people who are on unemployment insurance. we have to come to an agreement that meets the needs of the american people. that is the standard.
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asis an unusual negotiation, i said before, because people are dying. so there is an urgency and a value we have to address in the here and now. so time is of the essence. the leader and i are determined we will come to an agreement, but it has to meet the needs of the american people. that is our purpose here, and it has to be done in a timely fashion, because that is what is happening. we have to end this virus so we can open our schools and our economy. we have to help state and local governments so they can meet the needs of the people. and we have to put money in the pockets of the american people so that they can stimulate the economy, spend money, inject demand. we have to do it in a way that is respectful and not disdainful .f america's working families
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a big tax break to wealthy individuals, so this is the big challenge that we have. it is about some issues that are important to us that are not -dollar figures but are important to us, and that is our responsibility to the american people. [indiscernible] as well as how that has an impact on our democracy. the lives and livelihood of our democracy is what we are having a discussion about. and i feel optimistic that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but how long the tunnel is remains to be seen. schumer: we did meet with the head of the postal service. it was a heated discussion. we told him that elections are at ad, and to do cutbacks
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time when all ballots are counted, you can't say we will get 94% of them. it is insufficient. we are demanding that the regulations they put in place, which can't employment -- which overtimeyment and cut be rescinded, particularly because of kobe and because of the elections. we will advocate strongly for money so that they can hire all the people necessary, both overtime and new people, to make sure every single ballot is counted. negotiable for us. we told that to the postmaster. he had some answers. we didn't find them adequate. we are going to push for both the money and rescinding those rules that would get in the way of all ballots being kept. -- being counted. as for the main issue, the
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speaker said it, this is a huge crisis. our caucuses will only support a bill that meets that crisis. to have a skinny come little bill to say we will just pick one or two things into those that walk away from all the other responsibilities when we are in a deep recession, when we are in a major health crisis, is not living up to our obligations to the american people. so we are going to keep sitting and working, and we are not walking away. saidard that mr. meadows in a lunch that if he doesn't come to agreement on friday, he is going to walk away. we confronted him. he didn't say that he quite said that, but a number of senators said that he did. we will stay until we get an agreement that we urge mr. meadows to sit down and continue to work with us, and to do it as long as it takes. there are wide differences in certain areas, particularly in terms of the high-dollar areas
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and amounts that are needed, but we will sit and work at work until we meets the needs of the american people, and get this job done. >> acting homeland security secretary chad wolf testifies thursday on capitol hill. he will discuss his agency response to unrest in portland and deployment of dhs law enforcement personnel to protests across the nation on racial injustice but live coverage begins at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, online at, or listen live on
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the free c-span radio app. >> this week marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic comings of hiroshima and nagasaki. watch c-span's washington journal live thursday did :00 a.m. eastern for a discussion about the bombings with the author of "twilight of the gods," and the grandson of president harry truman. on sunday, watch american history tv in washington journal live at 9:00 a.m. eastern as we look at how the bombings ended world war ii and their legacy in decades ahead richard reich, author of "downfall: the end of the imperial japanese empire," and a professor at american university's nuclear studies institute. join the discussion with your calls, text's, facebook posts and tweets. what the 75th anniversary of the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki thursday and sunday on
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c-spanton journal on and american history tv on c-span3. >> up next on c-span, a conversation from the aspen institute's security forum on america's power in planning for potential conflicts. this is 50 minutes. you.ank yous great to be here with at the security forum, and with chris. book writers like to display the merchandise. this is chris's book. as soon as we are finished, i would like you to go out and get a copy. i watched the gestation of this book. i remember a powerful lecture chris gave two years ago, talking about the need for defense modernization. it