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tv   Florida Gov. De Santis Hurricane Dorian Update  CSPAN  August 29, 2019 11:34am-11:53am EDT

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>> the fate on this country and maybe the world lies in the hands of congress and the united states senate. andhe senate, conflict compromise. using original interviews, c-span's video archives, and unique access to the senate chamber, we will look at the history, traditions, and roles of the u.s. senate. eastern and:00 p.m. pacific. in the wake of the recent shootings in el paso, texas and dayton, ohio, the house initiate committee overturn early from the recess to mark up gun violence prevention bills, which include banning high-capacity magazines, restricting firearms to those deemed to be a risk to themselves, and preventing individuals convicted of misdemeanor hate crimes from purchasing a gun.
11:35 am if you are on the go, listen to our live coverage using the free c-span radio app. dorian set toane hit florida this weekend, republican governor ron desantis briefed reporters this morning on preparations. he spoke about his conversation with president trump regarding far's needs for the hurricane. he also addressed reports on fema's funding. >> good morning. i want to thank ken graham, national hurricane center for showing us around and giving us his insight. as you know, i recently issued executive order 19, 189, regarding hurricane dorian. declared a state of emergency in
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26 counties in the state of florida. be likely adding to that in light of some of the additional forecast paired that is -- additional forecast paired one of the additional thing the state allows us to do is to get more fuel into the gas stations. we have heard report of field shortages already in places like brevard county. this order allows more fuel to come. it allows us to mobilize the national guard. -- with aking with track like this, it is uncertain where to deploy them. the national guard is going to be on deck. i spoke president trump yesterday. he assured me the president -- the federal government will be with us every step of the way, supporting us in every way they can. i spoke with the acting fema director. he assured me they are going to be working closely with us. we have fema -- a regional
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representative will be in tallahassee starting today. we will be standing up the doc -- personally -- the eeoc. also, i am going to be requesting a pre-land for declaration from the federal government for protective measures and also direct federal assistance for generators and pumps. i was able to speak with the acting director of fema this morning. we do not anticipate that being a problem. we look forward to submitting that to the white house and the president's approval on that. i have been in contact with the president of florida state, john thrasher. there is a football game scheduled for saturday night against boise state in jacksonville. given jacksonville's location and the uncertainty of the storm, they have looked for ways to accommodate that. i think they are going to go
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forward with the game. they are not going to do it in jacksonville. they're going to do it in tallahassee. they're going to have or details for everybody interested in that going forward. the message right now is all floridians need to monitor hurricane dorian and make the necessary preparations. this is a track that has a significant amount of uncertainty. i was talking with ken -- you can make a case for places like miami and the keys began party. it to beake a case for more than florida. the key is to have your plan and make those preparations right now. assume that if you are affected by the storm, he will lose power. make accommodations. to weather
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i have spoken with the president of florida and light. they're going to be mobilizing resources. the state has stressed the importance of getting the power back on. there is no way you can have a storm of this significance and not lose power. prepare for that. you should also prepare if you are in an area that experiences flooding when you have significant rain events. if you are impacted by the storm, you are to see a lot of water to can -- a lot of water. the me even in the interior parts of the state that can be affected by significant amounts of rain, we have rivers, different bodies of water. be prepared for a lot of water. you should have seven days of food and medicine and water as part of your plan. i know people are going to the stores now. some of the water is flying off
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the shelf. we still have time to prepare. have those preparations made in terms of food, water and medicine. familiarize yourself with possible shelters in your area. you do not know how this storm is going to track. you need to have the information. are which evaluation routes -- evacuation routes are available to you. that is a decision local communities are going to have to make. that is going to depend on the path the storm takes. no the routes in case it happens -- know the routes in case it happens. authorities are looking at possible impacts in their areas. significant storm surge affecting an area, that can be life-threatening. the call.all -- heed if an evacuation is ordered, the
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florida transportation will feest in ways like waiving for highways. we have had hurricanes affect the state for a number of years recently. we had a time where we did not have hurricanes for a decade. we are obviously bringing new people into the state. a lot of people are experiencing hurricanes. for those who are new with this, let me stress preparation. we also remind people who have never been through this because we have this happen every year, if you use a generator, make sure you are using the generator properly. do not let the exhaust go into your home. that can be fatal. use that in the proper way. talk to your neighbors if you have never been through a hurricane. we have a lot of corporate knowledge recently. agencies, asur school closures are announced, that will be floated on the -- that will be posted on the
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florida apartment of education website. -- florida department of education website. as of this morning, no closures have been announced. we anticipate that as a possibility. our agency for health care administration has activated the emergency status system for facilities statewide so they can enter their storm preparedness status including generators and utility company information and bed availability. florida has a 511 traveler information system. stay informed about what is happening on the roadways. www. fl we do not know in terms of any evacuations. that will affect how the roads are operating. our department of environmental protection has completed pre-storm -- disaster debris
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management sites that have been preauthorized. as we add counties, there going to be more sites that are authorized. w w w devil and is being -- www. volunteer is being coordinated. people who are willing to volunteer their time and resources to assist people who are affected by hurricane dorian. visit florida has a partnership with expedia for these disaster situations. you can go to double debbie ww. -- you can go to they have activated their emergency accommodations module. area where there is an evacuation, you have to know how far you have to go to be safe. this app will be able to help you do that. i just want everybody in
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florida, particularly on the east coast, but really this could have effects -- this could have an effect in virtually every part of the state i urge you -- part of the state. i urge you to follow reports. accountgo to my twitter in the governors base. .t is governor ron desantis we will be posting updates on our account. so will florida state emergency response team. is --twitter handle you can go to florida we have a wealth of information. the time to act is now. if you have not acted, act to make preparations. you not wait until it is too late. if you prepared and do not end
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up getting affected, no harm, no foul. if you do not prepare you are affected, that may be something that is difficult to recover from. i'm happy to take a few questions. [indiscernible] in terms of some of the contracts, our emergency antigen director has lined up contracts in advance before dorian was on the radar. second begun -- that can be done in a more seamless way. we're looking to become more aggressive in pre-positioning assets as needed. you have a cone of uncertainty that stretches the entire state, repositioning assets is a little bit more difficult. clear,track becomes more we will be willing to do that as
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well. anyone else? >> compared to hurricane irma, what kinds of things have changed for preparation? >> i think that if you looked at 2016, we had relatively minor storms compared to what we have seen since then. that was the first season we have done this since 2005. irma was a test because that affected so many parts of the state. in terms of the utilities, they learned a lot. i have been in contact with fpl. they understand the importance of getting this stuff back online. things like our emergency declaration, that allows them to move more resources quickly across florida's roads.
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we have some of the municipal utilities who -- i think it was more difficult at times. we want to work with them. if they need help from the state, we will be willing to help. so will the private utilities as well. when the storm passes, the quicker you can get the power on, the easier it is to do the recovery. i also think on the back end, we have made a lot of changes. hopefully, we do not the -- we do not need to do it as much as we need to with michael, but we did a whole host of things to get that aid out quicker. declarationfall will allow us to get federal reimbursement for a lot of the preparations. that is a huge weight off of the shoulders for a lot of the communities. with jared moscowitz, we are trying to be more proactive with
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making sure the contracting goes seamlessly. jared has put a different process in place. if we have a good sense of where the strongest need is going to be, work on pre-positioning. we have had close to a million gallons of drinking water. we have 1.2 million meals that are available. as circumstances dictate, we may need to do more than that. i initially had been planning to come to miami today before the storm really started to take a more ominous turn to announce the appointment of four new judges to the circuit court. we are going to put that out today through press release. they are great judges. all of them have um ties. we are all going to do the event. you see these folks making an impact. i did not want to come here and
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not announce them. under these circumstances, we did not feel comfortable doing a public event. i can take one more. [indiscernible] yeah, he said that every you need, we are good. beend, because we had brief on the whole fema controversy. to me, it was more of a political controversy. they have a huge amount of money available. there are not going to be any limitations on florida getting what we need to respond. i think there are $25 billion in the disaster relief fund or disaster response fund. the president assured that we are going to be there for you for florida. some of the money that is reprogrammed had been appropriated long ago. i do not know the background of that. i am confident it is not going to impact florida in a negative way. thank you very much.
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>> former fbi director james comey violated agency policies when he retained and later leaked memos he wrote documenting meetings he had with donald trump in 2017 according to a newly released inspector general's report. esther, he pointed out the inspector general found no evidence, he or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in the memos to members of the media. james comey writes, i do not need a public apology from those who defamed me. a quick message of, sorry, we lied about you, would be nice. to all those who spent two years of talking about me going to jail, ask yourself why you still trust people who gave you that info for so long including the president.
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james comey reacting to the inspector general's report. you can read the report at our website, watch book tv for live coverage of the national book festival saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. asian. -- 10:00 a.m. eastern. david troyer, his work is the heartbeat of wounded knee. sharon robinson talks about her block, child of the dream. rick atkinson, author of the british are coming. malone, founding director of the m.i.t. center for collective intelligence discusses his book, super mines. live, saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern on book tv on c-span2. during a townhall meeting with constituents, california congresswoman katie porter was asked about impeaching president trump.
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representative porter whose district includes irvine and mission viejo was asked about another -- about a number of other issues. the first time democrat and former law professor worked under then california attorney general kamala harris and had elizabeth warren as a law school professor. this event was held at the islamic center of irvine. [applause] >> good afternoon and welcome. greetings of peace and blessings to all of you on behalf of the staff and community of the islamic center of irvine.


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