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tv   Washington Journal David Farber  CSPAN  August 19, 2019 2:54am-3:59am EDT

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that hive on c-span 2 at 9:00 a.m. online watch both events or listen live on the free c-span radio app. tonight, on the communicators -- castro, vice president, at the information technology and innovation foundation. data privacy and if enough is being done to protect americans from harm. we ne thing, for example, could do, is make so it that it's illegal to use social ecurity numbers for identification and verification purposes outside of social security. his is something that the social security numbers were never intended to do, for a long time it even said it on the for this is not identification purposes, they stopped printing that. but that's something that could be done. that's something that could be a requirement, no bank, for example could, ever open an social security number. you have to prove your identity through other means. communicators" onight at 8:00 eastern on
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c-span 2. >> it was 50 years ago this weekend, an iconic weekend known as woodstock. bethel, new e in york, for the next hour on washington journal and life on c-span three -- ssive crt shutdown at town not far from new york city. first here's how abc news covered the impact of the literally wd that shut down a town not too far from new york city. >> the townspeople were terrified at the prospect of the hippie
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arrival. something happened, the festival site is nestled in the catskills resort area. is,and est down nearby the towns people quite frankly prospect fied at the of the hippie arrival but before it was over something happened. residents and resorts freely emptied their cub boards for the kids. their ts were stunned by politeness. >> polite. that's about what i can say. kids.e >> but you didn't sell too many shoes? >> no, not too many but they were happy here. they are really a wonderful group of kids. i never met so many kids in such numbers that were so polite and so patient, so understanding under these conditionsta we had here in the last three days. >> certainly in the beginning it as a great deal of apprehension, but right now, i can say that the attitude of the town has changed towards these young men and women. a lot of ok aggravation and inconvenience
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that the average adult wouldn't take. of nfortunately, because much of the press coverage was so jaundice in reports of what people in themany country will have learned what,learned. say it was not a disaster area. there were 450,000 young people an instant big city with no conveniences, few police but o violence, not even arguments a 12-hour t of traffic jam. news coverage from august of 1969, and joining us from awrence, kansas is david farber, professor of history at the university of kansas, we us, eciate you being with let's talk about what happened in bethel, pennsylvania, 50 city, what new york was woodstock? > i think woodstock was a surprise to the entire nation. it started one way and it ended in a very different way. started as three days of peace and music.
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it was going to be a for profit starring some of the biggest names in rock 'n roll. it was like many other festivals preceded it in the mind rs, but two days in it became something different. 450,000 ncert, in which people showed up. almost all of them young people with what make do they had, triumphed over rain, food, had an amazing time and showed the nation what young people were capable of. dairy farm in new york selected for the site? well, there is so much about woodstock that dairy farm in new york outside of bethel was not to be what was happening with woodstock. 2 festival was first maybe going area, up in the woodstock then it was going to be down in a neighborhood not too far from woodstock. permits weren't given. town people de cried what was a pening, and with less than month to go, a dairy farmner new
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promoters, all right, i'm willing to let you use my farm, with one month to go they a stage, sound systems, lighting, figure out how to create fences, and spontaneous way, created the woodstock music festival and what did the neighbors think? of people think a lot in that vicinity were not sure what was going to happen. dairy farm outside new york city. there was a lot of concern, unknown ense of what could bring. i think a lot of neighbors were furious with max for agreeing to most of ut over time those towns people and most of the community residents were won over but certainly not >> the original plan was to have it in woodstock, which was about 60 miles northeast of here. woodstock, new york was a
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bohemian community. a lot of musicians lived there ,ff and on, including bob dylan richie havens, van morrison. they call the company woodstock ventures. they started looking for a place for the festival. they could not find a place in woodstock that was large enough. they found an industrial park in the town of wallkill. they started advertising. creating art installations and everything was going smoothly. the locals found that what they were doing and it wasn't going to be a 50,000 person festival after all. the town of wallkill rewrote its laws to outlaw the festival. that left woodstock ventures
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with about four weeks to find another location. when they came to this property, it was a perfect shape, perfect size for the rock festival they wanted to have. the rest is history. host: the background on woodstock. theou look at the names of people who performed, arlo guthrie, the grateful dead, janis joplin, creedence clearwater revival, jefferson airplane, what rot all of these musicians to this location? all of these musicians to this location. guest: it was an all-star roster. it was a music festival not far from new york city that many thought would be a great launching pan and put them in front of a lot of people. they hoped to make some money performing. signed up musician and it lowered another. there was a snowball effect, a
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few of the most major names, the stones and the beatles, were not there. myths by people who think about woodstock is it became a place of violence and disruption. that wasn't the situation, was it? nationwhat surprised the and went against what the mass wasa had been promoting woodstock turned out to be despite some dire conditions and incredibly peaceful assemblage of 400,000 people who figured out how to get along, not let the tensions around, the lack of water and lack of food, they shared what they had. they worked with each other. they made an incredible event that became something they never forgot. host: what is remarkable is how
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this spread it to nearly half a million people. you can see the crowds in the film was shot. they expected 200,000 people to travel to bethel, new york. there was no social media, no cell phones. how did word spread about this event? testament to real how the countercultural and use culture were organized at the time. there were no advertisements in the mainstream media. a lot of the word got out through the alternative press. there was an underground press at that point. any college towns had them. they did advertise in those places. it was talked about on fm radio stations. young people had their own media and it worked. word got out far faster and spread wider than promoters ever
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expected. host: what was the counterculture movement? it did not have membership cards and there was no roster. different things at the same time by 1969. it was the protest culture, ranging from people seeking racial justice, against the war in the at the environmental movement. they were creating an alternative politics. even more, it was a celebration of alternative values or just america living up to the values it proclaimed. what should it freedom feel like? what does social justice live like? this is what they wanted to build, a different america built on core values. host: for those watching on an oral there is
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history. who was he? guest: already cornfield was one of the most important people at putting woodstock together. he was already in his mid-20's. they were all in their mid-20's. he had good connections in the music industry despite his age. he was in for goal to them signing up some of the big names. he had those connections. host: here is part of that oral history as he reflects on what they put together in 1969. guest: the legacy of woodstock in 500 years, they are going to remember the event. top 20ey listed the events of mankind, woodstock was number two.
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was second to the man landing on the moon. host: as you hear that, what is your reaction? is right tonk he take pride in what he helped accomplish. we can have an interesting debate about that. 1969, it felt to many americans like an extraordinary event. polarization,of when violence was starting to become the norm. 500,000 younge, people peacefully assembled, trying to do something wonderful. it really did surprise the people who attended and it shared up a lot of americans that young people could gather together like that and create history in a peaceful way. host: we have divided our phone lines. if you attended woodstock, (202) 748-8000.
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55 and over and may not have attended but she remember the conversation about woodstock, (202) 784-8001. all others, (202) 748-8002. what is the most important thing as a historian that we need to understand in regard to what happened in bethel, new york? guest: i think woodstock has remained an important historical event for two reasons. it was a hallmark of music history. if you've seen the movie, if you watched those bands perform, this was incredible event. thate havens played freedom peace. the jimi hendrix star-spangled banner, these are musical moments that will live on and on. it was an event that marked in some ways the coming-out party
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for the counterculture across america. people knew about hippies in san francisco and the use culture of music, many were fearful of the drug experiences regarding marijuana and lsd. people saw another side of the counter culture. here were young people who were trying to live different values, who were trying to share and cooperate. this was the best face the counterculture could show america. we have the trailer from the film that was released in 1970. let's watch. >> an incredible film about an incredible event is back. >> can you dig that? >> it's really amazing.
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an unbelievable thing. >> woodstock, with a cast of half a million outrageously friendly people. >> it's a dirty mess. >> woodstock, where it all began. host: casey kasem has since passed away. he was an iconic voice of radio. the film came out in 1970. the organizers sold 185,000 tickets. what were the prices? what did they do win half a million showed up? -- when half a million showed up? guest: that's one of the most important things to ponder. it was just supposed to be a music concert. i think it was $18 if you wanted to attend all three days.
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the audience came from new york in the mid-atlantic area. what the promoters didn't expect was another 300,000 people showing up. the promoters weren't prepared for those numbers because of the last-minute preparations. they didn't have fencing and ticket booths you would see in a music festival today. people came from all directions. the promoters just didn't even try to collect fees. they announced from the stage that this would be a free concert. there had never been a free concert of this scale. transition from a commercial for-profit concert to a free event where hundreds of thousands of people showed up and had to take care of themselves, that's when woodstock became woodstock. host: let's bring in our
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viewers. were you there 50 years ago? caller: i was. i was 16 years old. i was working at a summer camp .rea we all quit and said we are going to woodstock. let me come. i have seen the documentary in the 1980's. noticed inng that i the documentary, it did not grasp the real hold of what was going on. it was a vietnam war protest for the most part. i was kind of disappointed about that. host: we will get a response from our guest.
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do you remember what you ate and were you slept? caller: peanut butter sandwiches. people had like it's. we slept right there. host: your response? guest: what bob said about the peanut butter sandwiches rings true. people brought what they could. the larger context is interesting. hallmark of the polarization of the war in vietnam. there were massive demonstrations. fundamentallynot political. abbie hoffman tried to get on stage. the bands in the festival organizers did not treat this as a political event. fundamentally about
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the war in vietnam, even though that overshadowed what happened. it was a counterpoint to the anger and frustration and fears many americans had. it was set up as a nonpolitical event. host: and is in charlotte. good morning. c-span.thank you for i have one question. one of my great regrets is i did not make it to woodstock. i had an understanding there was a group called 10 years after and they did a song called going home. i don't think was ever listed. can you clear that up? so askthere were 30 or that performed. -- acts that performed.
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people get the two things mixed up. forow the grateful dead reasons that might have had to do with what substances they were ingesting did not sign the waiver to be in the film. some did not get into the documentary film. i don't know the particulars of 10 years after. that's why some favorite bands don't show up in the documentary. host: drugs were prevalent woodstock? the use of drugs were prevalent? guest: yes. of marijuanaot smoked. you only had to be within 100 yards of the stage to get high. marijuana so many joints being passed around. cannabis was omnipresent. it was being shared extensively.
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there was a famous story about lsd at the concert. 1969, it wasn't something most gun people had ever tried. it was fairly easily available and a lot of people tried it for the first time at woodstock. it was an incredibly powerful hallucinogenic. some people have a hard time with those acid trips. some people had bad experiences. the majority people did not have bad experiences. marijuana was omnipresent the concert. host: the official name was the woodstock music and art fair. we are looking back 50 years later. we have some aerial views of what the area looks like today. there is a wonderful museum, it is wonderfully run
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and curated. you can come and relive the experience. it is really quite special. host: we will show that to you in just a minute. you were there 50 years ago? caller: yes, i was. i was 18 years old. new jersey from after work friday night at midnight. we missed friday. that was ok. we wanted to rock 'n roll. ar $18, it was a bargain with star-studded cast of great rock 'n roll acts. we didn't know there would be half a million people there. host: what do you member about trying to get to bethel, new york. the traffic was backed up eight miles to get there. had to our our car on
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the side of the road. we had to walk for miles on to get to the festival site. the local people were friendly, giving us water and sandwiches and being very nice to us. host: how did you hear about it? no sociallking about media, where did you get the information about the concert? caller: it was close to new york city. it was advertised and we just want our tickets in advance. host: what are you hearing from his comments? guest: bob's comments ring so true. it's very representative. he was 18 years old and the other caller was 16. you realize how young so many people were. olderwere a few people and a handful of children there.
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these were really teenagers and people in their early 20's. these were young people who braved all sorts of bizarre conditions to get there, to figure out how to get do on a jar of peanut butter. they rose to the occasion. they had an incredible time under incredible circumstances. that's a great story bob just told us. host: how old were you when you went to woodstock? caller: 17. host: how did you get there? caller: we drove. me and three other girls. i just remember all the people. the best thing in the world was jimi hendrix playing the star-spangled banner. host: thank you for the call. guest: that's a really nice story. people came from all over the
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country. some people came from europe. i would bet you all 50 states were represented. it's marvelous that she remembers jimi hendrix. one of the things that is striking is when you in the film watch him perform and you look people had left by that time. it was early monday morning and the audience was very small. a lot of people say i was there the day this happened. did. she she was from kansas and waited till the last. very few people were in the audience when hendrix did his overwhelming rendition of the star-spangled banner. host: joe from florida, how old
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were you when you attended woodstock? caller: i was 19 years old. mustang as far as i could did i lived in new york at the time. correctlyry serves me even though it was only 60 miles north of where i was living, it took eight hours to get to the actual site. i must've parked five miles and walked in the rest of the way. it was a field of mud. there was some great music. the people were just fantastic. i think that was instrumental in forming my political views. people could get along together. there could be love and peace and happiness. i think we could use more of that today. host: is that the message of
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what stock? love and peace? caller: as far as i recall. i am 69 today. i'm still something of a hippie. residents ofhe few this retirement village that still has a ponytail. i think the message should resonate today. we don't have to be at odds with each other. i don't want to be political about it. i think that's where our current president is doing his best to undo, to divide us rather than to unite us. host: thank you for the call. thingsone of the other that is really worth thinking about and remembering is most people came to woodstock to hear the music. they were kids, they were
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interested in youth culture. they didn't come there thinking this will be an incredible opportunity to live the values that we claim we believed then. it was the actual lived experience of what stock that was transformative. drove most people to come to woodstock. that's what was so transformative. it became visible to the people there. there were immediate coverage showed it. the movie hammered home that message. that is why woodstock lives on in memory. had over one million people show up at a concert one time. it was a lived experience of young people at woodstock. host: tom in new york, good
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morning. caller: good morning. host: what do you remember about woodstock? a 1964 i drove up in barracuda. that allowed me to put a mattress in the back of the car. i went up a week earlier to see what was happening at the concert site. there were a lot of people already there. i decided i should go up as early as possible. i got out of work early on friday. i drove up that day. the delaware on the west side. i got to be within one mile of the concert. when i came over the last hill, i got to the intersection where the state police and put up barriers. as far as you could see, the cars were parked five and six deep on both shoulders and both
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lanes of the highway. everyone got out of their cars and walked into the concert from there. more food, a few mainly peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. i went back and forth between my car in the concert to change my clothes and eat. host: let me ask you, you mentioned the new york state police troopers. what other infrastructure? where their facilities for bathrooms, places to eat? caller: initially, the workplaces to eat at the back of the concert. you could walk up to the back of the audience and they had vendors there. they all ran out of food quickly. of ported a lot john's. the lines were fairly long.
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also communes that had come in from california. feed theups tried to crowd as much as they possibly could with supplies they brought in. some supplies came in by helicopter. the u.s. army in the national guard flew people in and out of the concert like that. if there was a medical emergency , they flew food in. they dropped food into the audience. host: one final question for you, was this a political event or a music event? a musicfor me, it was event. i was a drummer in a rock band of the time. all the clubs in the area, the 21 jersey drinking age was
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and new york was 18. a lot of jersey people used to come up to new york. bands a lively group of that played in those clubs. there wasn't a single band that would play that weekend. tom, thanks for sharing your stories with us. memory.e's got a great everything he said helped give us that picture of what things were really like. i want to follow up on the hog farm. that's worthings thinking about is the way the promoters and some of the people they brought in help set the tone and help create the possibility of woodstock working so well. the promoters did not prepare well. there was enough food and water at first. traffic conditions were absurd.
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they made some really good decisions. they chose to ally themselves with a wonderful group called groupg farm, a communal later known as wavy gravy. they knew how to take care of other people. these were true counterculture people. they were not members of youth country -- culture that came out of suburbia. they created an alternative world. leaders.was one of the you don't understand woodstock without her story. she knew how to take care of business. she was very practical and thoughtful. even as she lived these outlandish values and virtues that most americans would not consider mainstream, you needed to bring thousands of pounds of
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oats and other food you could feed lots of people with. the hog farm distributed free food. nobody paid a nickel for it. hundreds of thousands of people. groups like the hog farm gave substance, tone, create the possibility that woodstock would work. the fog lisa law and heart -- hog farm. we brought in a group called the hog farm. they were a commune. they were used to setting up big outdoor facilities. they did organic gardening. this was the first time anyone had really seen granola.
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more than what they provided in , there was ant vibe, if you will. everybody get situated. they welcomed the next group and got them situated. idea of sharing and we were all in this together. i think that's probably what happened. everything had to stretch. host: some more background on that commune. we're hearing from people who were there. jamie from florida, good morning. i was there back in
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1969. i caught a ride with six of my friends. they were from atlanta. i was 16 at the time. at the atlantic city festival. went to where the woodstock festival was going to be held. , it was twothere weeks before the festival started. we started camping out. started tore people come in. that they were going to be taking applications to work for the festival. and the rest of my group went up and we applied for jobs. i worked for food for love. my friend worked security.
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the things i remember about aboutock was it was more really gathering the tribes together. people were coming together from all over the world. it wasn't just a group of people from atlanta, people from california or new york. we met people from england, from other countries. we met them from all over the united states. was people coming together. the music was very important. that was the music of our time. meaning to us. it's like they were singing to our souls. one thing that really impressed were people out there
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who were like me. i believed in love and sharing. hit, nobody was pushing others away. they were gathering under the plastic they may have had. that's what this country needs. we need to gather together again. it's not about the drugs or sex. it's not about skinny dipping. it's about caring for each other. i am 66 now. i still believe in that. i still believe in loving each andr and gathering together looking upon my brother as equal, not above me or below me.
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remarkable, that all remember the car they were driving in. it's an iconic moment they don't forget. do you want to respond? guest: that's a marvelous testimony. it's a remarkable testament. people took's what away. people came from all different corners of the united states, sometimes the only hippie in a small town or the only countercultural list in their suburban community. she used the phrase the gathering of the tribes. of people, a lot of young people around the country wanted that experience, of being with like-minded people and living if only a few days a completely different way of life.
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not individualistic dog eat dog, this aspirational dream of what it could be like to live in a very different kind of world. awoodstock was not that. the multi-day aspect of it was not unique, people camping, host: we learned from the style section of the washington post, the bird of peace and the dogs of war in 1970. charles schultz used the name was socked for his iconic bird. -- woodstock for his iconic bird. that's the name he gave the iconic word. jersey, what do you remember? it was the greatest
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experience when we got there. i was from brooklyn at the time. everybody in the neighborhood was going. we all caps saying we will see you there. when we got there and we saw the it was the most loving atmosphere you could possibly imagine. host: was this a political event or a music event for you? event for was a music me. i wanted to see janis joplin. hendrix,to see jimi sly and the family stone. it was mostly musical. we rented a cargo van and drove van, not knowing that the windshield wipers didn't work. we were driving in that pouring rain with no windshield wipers. we pulled over on the side of the road.
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we opened up the back door and we became friends. we saw them afterwards. it was just a wonderful experience. host: linda, thanks for the call. i have to ask you one question. there has been talk about having an anniversary woodstock. that has not come together. why is it difficult 50 years later? caller: i don't know. i really don't know. would i have gone now? i don't think i would've gone now. i would like to see it on tv. i wouldn't have gone. host: linda, thank you. guest: i think another thing that emerges from the people who , something i think in memory we don't understand about the 60's. a lot of people marched against the war, a lot of people marched
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against racial injustice. it was a relatively small minority of the baby boom generation itself. most baby boomers never marched, they never protested. they weren't political people. many baby boomers did feel they were a part of did feel they were a part ofhost: we lost them david farber. let me go to another caller. you were there? caller: it was more for the music and the politics. i was 15. my friend was 15. my father drove us to the bus station. host: he let you go? caller: i told them i was going to a jimi hendrix concert upstate.
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the other two guys told their parents they were going to the other guys house to sleep over. out, he said are you sure you've got enough toilet paper? he must've known what we were doing. he probably knew the whole time. a funny incident that happened up there -- did you tell your dad later? caller: they sought on tv. they said that's where jeff is. host: you were going to tell us a story. go ahead. caller: they had a u-haul van. pot backre smoking there. when we got up there, we had to
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walk 17 feet. we had to walk to the site. we stopped at the grocery store. we got a case of schaefer beer. to can heat.ning were buggingadults us for beer. we just took this 10 miles. you should of got what you wanted. were not hurting for money. we work in the concession stand. us forre really bugging the beer. you don't like to be laughing at kids people, 15-year-old have beer and adults couldn't get their own. the best part was joe cocker. we had never heard of them.
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we just sat there in all of joe cocker. was the best of everybody that was there. host: i have a question for you. we have a twitter poll. the question is this, did the 1969 woodstock festival will have an impact on culture in america? in a positive way, in a negative way? say anow, a majority positive way. caller: definitely positive. everybody expected a disaster. nothing bad happened. the three of us survived. we woke up sunday morning. across to the other
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side, they fed us. they gave us free water. the bathrooms were clean as an you see around baseball stadiums. everybody was nice. host: thank you for the call. his comment on joe caulker is telling. some of the bands were already famous. they were already headline bands. some became famous to a far larger crowd. richie havens was not a well-known figure. santana was not a well-known band. when santana got up there and played the guitar, they erected and became an iconic figure in
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the rock scene. for others, it was a validation. for some, it was the best show they ever played. the music did turn on a generation. turned -- did turn people on two bands they did not know before that. host: good morning, john. caller: good morning. host: go ahead with your memory from woodstock. started, itemory was like a spiritual awakening. you can tell by the music how it progressed. music,ted off with full it went into british invasion. then it went into psychedelic. and talkedaround
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about the insights they thought they had gotten. that was the power behind this movement. woodstock was the culmination of all of this. it was a signifying moment. i was just married. i had a six-month-old child. i told my wife i was going to go to woodstock. she was against it. i agree with this movement. i've got to go. she let me go. everything we believed in. hip was a word from the 60's that meant you were right. to be calledey got
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the hippies. -- insights.nsides stories,we hear the there were other venues, other gatherings in the 1960's. you mentioned the vietnam war and the assassination of dr. king and bobby kennedy. nixon,ction of richard what made woodstock different from the moderate pop festival in 1967 or the newport jazz festival in the summer of 1969? guest: there were other festivals going on. the newport festival had been going on for years. example inerate for 1967, it was a much more commercial event. it was much more of an industry event.
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it was much more typical. woodstock was not that. the multi-day aspect of it was not unique, people camping, people having to make do with what they had, created a different cultural milieu. there were others afterward that were related to woodstock. i think that moment in 1969 when people were so hungry for something good and peaceful and something that commemorated the best possibilities, that's what gave it its power. the place it occurred, the time it occurred. the unexpected qualities it brought forth for so many. that made woodstock unique. let's go to dan in georgia. attended in 1969.
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i am here today with my friend who was with me in 1969. it.eard about money together and purchased an old ford van. we had to push the thing home. host: you are breaking up a little bit. we got the essence of what you are saying. another reminder of what they were driving. guest: that's another 60's thing. mania company.o you can fix up cars cheap. the volkswagen beetle is such a great car. you could repair the volkswagen itself. the van became the perfect
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people mover. cars were integral to the counterculture. it was cheap. somebody probably remembers how much gasoline cost. cheap, it was easy to fix them. there was no computer stuff. the were at the center of counterculture. everybody remembers their vehicles. that was so amazing. host: i want to show some of the headlines. how woodstock was covered 50 years ago. go ahead. caller: i came from a small town. together with the lifeguard i was working with at the state park. we drove down there.
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i was just in all. i stayed up on my own energy. it was quite an experience. host: did you think at the time did 50 years later we would still be talking about this then you, this music concert and what happened over three days? caller: i did not. host: thank you for phoning in. we have another woodstock memory from eddie in pennsylvania. go ahead. caller: i was there. i had a good time. it was great. i grew up in new jersey. i went with a friend of mine. little us in that two-seater car managed to go
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mile after mile. buddy couldn't drive anymore. it turned out to be 12 miles from the stage. i got to see -- it started to rain on joan baez. we got there about midnight. i remember it well. i had a great time. me and a friend went up friday. i wanted to stand the same spot i was in 50 years ago. up like it isset today. i had a great time. i never forgot it. i wanted to stand in the same spot i was in 50 years ago. they had it kind of closed off. host: did it look the same? everything,member
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the lake we slam in, where the stage was. i wanted to stand in the field where i was. i wasn't able to do it. host: it is a historic site as you can see from this marker. this is what it looks like today. what do you think? caller: i'm not looking at the tv right now. i remember it exactly the way it was. it was a field of mud. today, it's a nice landscape field. sign you can see the peace that commemorates the 50th anniversary. how old were you? caller: i was 21 at the time. we drove from outside detroit.
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we came in the back way. we did that experience all the traffic that they saw from new york city. that was one of the reasons we went, the music. i remember johnson claire, the activists at the time that was put in jail in michigan. part of the purpose of the concert in the michigan area was it would be a fundraiser to help his legal fund. it was a great time. we got there friday night. we camped. we came in 863 chevy. milemped less than half a from the actual stage. bands, each band came on stage took quite a while to set up. there was quite a bit of time between each concert. we would go back to our tent. we could hear the music. and sit aroundk
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and enjoy ourselves when the music started to play. host: thank you for the call. we have time for one more. marsha is joining us from vermont. you get the last word on this. i remember almost everything. we came up with our college friends from newton, massachusetts. we had to leave our car and walk. they took our tickets. i had gone down close to the stage to film because i shot seven rolls of film. movie film. off the next morning because of the rain.
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i didn't know they had left. shoes for four days, just my camera bag. most of the music. love andll, it was the andcaring and the sharing hassle in theny midst of a huge, huge crowd. host: we are short on time. thank you to all of those who weighed in with their memories. one of you heard in the last hour? -- what have you heard in the last hour? guest: 50 years later, their experiences, how aspirational
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woodstock was for so many. it was a moment in which everything they hoped about the yates and american society, sharing, compassion, equality, freedom, looking at one another as fellow people on this planet, that seems to be the message, at least those people who remember woodstock want us to take with us. i thank them for sharing those memories. i think >> with half a minute left what is important to remember about woodstock? why should we tear 50 years later? >> i think there are those moments in human time when we seem to rise above the everyday and the 1960's are filled with those moments from the great protest marches to the struggles for greater equality. e 1960's live on because
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americans try to move past their petty concerns. woodstock became the icon for that for a lot of young people, this moment when they could rise above circumstances and anger and pettiness and create something wonderful even if that wonder only lasted three days but those three days clearly have lived on in the minds of those who were there and i think we all should take stock of woodstock. >> we thank you for your time. c-span, a on journalist on the future of journalism talking about changes in fake news. here is a portion of the where a reporter discusses what it it is -- what it is like to break news. asset but it can
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also be detrimental. we do not have what abc news has. the fact checking. we have an editor and a copy editor. dealing with the parkland shooting, when the story was moving quickly, we misidentified the shooter. someone told us it was that kid. ok.we said six people told us that. that was something that i have learned -- especially with and the effort to be first, take a step back and take a deep breath. and verify more. especially now with the pace of news, it is more important than ever. journalists on the
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future of journalism, industry changes, and fake news tonight at 9:00 p.m. on c-span. tv for live coverage of the national book festival. saturday, august 31. starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern. our coverage includes authors including ruth bader ginsburg. david troyer. sharon robinson talks about her book "child of the dream." and thomas more room, founding director of the m.i.t. center for collective intelligence discusses his book "super minds." festivalnal book august 31 at 10:00 a.m. eastern on book tv on c-span2. >> the new york city bar association hosted this discussion with tax
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professionals on taxpayer advocacy, irs modernization, tax enforcement, international partnerships, and the future of the irs. this portion is about one hour and 20 minutes. >> thank you for coming out tonight. it is an exciting time at the internal revenue service. as i mentioned, our commissioner is coming up on his one-year anniversary. we have a lot of people at 1111 constitution avenue. there are a lot of new people coming on and a lot of people that have been thinking about leaving in the past, are thinking about staying. they know it is a new day. we have some amazing speakers to discuss hiring, staffing, and current priorities. and what we can expect in the year or two years to come. let me get right to introductions.


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