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tv   Campaign 2020 Joe Biden News Conference at Iowa State Fair  CSPAN  August 9, 2019 6:11am-6:25am EDT

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stage. [applause] >> thank you, everybody! [applause] biden: as mys. grandfather said every time i left the house he said, joey, keep the faith, and my grandma said, no joey, spread it. [applause] >> sir, your staff is waiting for you here. >> here he comes. [applause] >> here. over here. >> keep coming, sir. right this way.
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[chatter] reporter: mr. vice president, you talk about the need to initiate new gun control option. you worked with at on the obama administration, especially after sandy hook, what is different now that makes you think you might be able to get these things done? fmr. vice pres. biden: the differences we have the house back, number two, think we will win the senate back, and #3, a majority of the members of an array understand we can do something about this. they agree, a majority of them.
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the idea that what has happened lately does not go to the core of who we are, it violates nobody's second amendment right to say that you can't own certain weapons. you can't own a bazooka, up playing thrower. the trinity of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots, they have to make the case that you have to have firepower to take on the government if they come after you. well, you need a lot more than an ak-47 or an ar-15. there is no reason other than to kill people. any guy out there or woman out there who tells me they need a clip with 15, 20, 70 or 100 rounds, they should be hunting. they have ready bad aim. fact of the matter is we can get it done. we can get background checks done. because the public is finally at the point where they are sick of it. sick of it. i got it done once before and i can get it done once again. >> would you take executive
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action if you couldn't get a deal? fmr. vice pres. biden: i would take a number of executive action. we did in our administration related to background checks. but i am unlike trump, i know there is a constitution and i am not allowed by fiat to just take action, it requires a coequal branch of congress in the government to support it. so there is a lot we can do and a lot we can change in terms of background checks, gun show loopholes and the rest. but in terms of dealing with the issue of getting these weapons off the street, limiting the number of bullets that can be in a single clip, that requires legislation. i helped with dianne feinstein to do a bill about before and we also did the brady bill, i was the leader on that, and we can do it again. the public gets it. they get it now. reporter: do you believe the
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president is a white supremacist? fmr. vice pres. biden: i believe everything he has said and done encourages white supremacy and i am much rather is much distinction as a matter of fact, it may be worse. to the out there and insert cori he the favor of white supremacists or any group that is anathema to everything we believe. whether he is or is not a white supremacist, he encourages them in everything he does, he speaks to them, he is afraid to take them on, if you notice, the one-time he used the word supremacy it was he talked about sleepy, he was awful sleepy in the way he talked about it. reporter: what makes this time different? >> i can afford to do it now. i have a lot of support and i have been able to raise almost 300,000 contributors, that has allowed me to be a way to compete and put together a staff. i think we are not position where we will have as many headquarters of. people want to be asked. organization.e an
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and i think you will see we put together a full-blown organization. on.s way early i know the polls have me ahead by 10 or 12 points, but it is really early. i plan on being here to earn the votera of iowa. reporter: what is your message to the farmers caught in the middle of the trade war but they think trump is doing the right thing, it is just going to cause them financial and in the meantime? fmr. vice pres. biden: i think it is going to cause more than financial pain it will cause them to go bankrupt it will ancillary industries like those who make tractors and farming equipment to go into trouble. we are focusing on the wrong thing with china. i think we should be tough with china, china is stealing our intellectual property. china is dealing industry from us. and unless we are able to unite the world in taking on china, they will set the rules of the road. they will be in position.
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what we are doing is going about it the wrong way. china is a problem. they are a security problem, problem,a technology and they are investing more money for example in research and development than we are, because they are stealing an awful lot of our intellectual property. reporter: mr. vice president. fmr. vice pres. biden: hello. reporter: since 1988 when he first came to iowa many recent candidates have become nominees but none of them have become presidents it seems voters have been voting for change. how do you get them to vote for you? fmr. vice pres. biden: first of all, i think we represent change. things i worked on my whole house are the issues at hand right now, whether it is supporting the middle class, supporting international relations, i know these world leaders and i have demonstrated i can command their respect. whether it is dealing with issues that allow us to free a single nation, bringing people
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together. reporter: how do you electrify them? how do you do that? fmr. vice pres. biden: look at the polls, so far so good. i do it by being me. no one has ever, including reporters who cover me all the time, nobody has ever doubted anything i say. sometimes i say all i mean -- i are looking for authenticity, looking for honesty, for someone who has new ideas. one of the things i hope comes from my longevity in politics, is the fact that i have been able to gain a little bit of wisdom along the way on what be it is clear that what needs to be done is totally within our capacity to do it. reporter: you were speaking in burlington where the president was traveling the country , thecting these raids
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immigration enforcement. is that what we can expect from your best is that what we should be focused on? fmr. vice pres. biden: no, we should be focused on having a conference on immigration plans that provides a pathway to citizenship for people who are already here and undocumented. we should be legalizing d.r.e.a.m.e.r.s. right now. there are over 4 million families, 10 million people, we should be uniting families, not separating families. we should have an actual program whereby you are able to find an avenue to have your asylum case purged. this idea of walking away from dealing with allowing people to have asylum here in the united states is bizarre. it is not who we are. that is not who we are as a country. when you go out there, there is no need to separate children, no need to put people in cages. at the end of our administration, we found that when you say, show up at such and such a date, they showed up. we don't need to do this.
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if anybody should be deported -- well, i shouldn't say that. your administration had eight years to deal with this. fmr. vice pres. biden: we did an awful lot with china. what we did was have them join the climate accord, we got them to change the direction of foreign policy. but here's the other thing we did, i spent more time with xi jinping than any other elected official, in the other world leader. when i went over to meet with him and his folks about the air identification zones, he set up , i said,uth china sea we are going to fly right through it. b-52s went through it. we are sending our aircraft, our folks through it. china is not, china is not going to make the rules of the game, if we in fact invest in our
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workers, if we invest in leading the road again, bringing the rest of the world together to make sure that we can put enough pressure on china. we make up 25% of the world economy, but we need -- [laughter] fmr. vice pres. biden: the answer is, an remember, at the front end of the administration, we were losing a tender thousand jobs a month. everything landed on the president's desk. the reason we are in the longest expansion of the economy ever is because of barack obama and what his administration did. know it is time to understand china means what they say. , whatew belt and road they're doing is exporting pollution, for example, exporting carbon producing energy. we have to compete. so what have we done, we have stepped back from the world.
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we said, we are out. we are not going to pay attention. we have got to confront them across the board. china's problems compared to the ones we face, they pale in comparison to the opportunities we have. xi jinping would trade places with the president in a heartbeat. we're in a situation where they don't have enough water, god bless them. they are talking about spending close to $1 trillion getting water to their population. they have the highest rates of cancerous death in the world. in the next 10 years, more people will die in china because of pollution than any other country in the world. they have an aging population and no replacement workers for themselves. it is shameful. but what are we doing? instead of dealing with our allies, staying together, sticking with south korea and japan, we are walking away. walking away. when is the last time you ever heard the president say he has a love affair, with a guy who is a
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thug, who had his brothers brains blown out? >> thank you, guys. we've got to go. reporter: one more question. we see you have both in the house, votes in the senate, but you have the house and the senate, when you and barack obama were in office. with sandy hook, you had bipartisan support for a background check will and it didn't happen. what is different about this time? why are you want to change that? fmr. vice pres. biden: i met with every one of those sandy hook family members, everyone of them. kids in florida, and those hurt in the pulse nightclub. so i understand. people know i know it. they know i understand. i can convince, i can rally support to beat them again. reporter: is the filibuster needed to pass gun reform? fmr. vice pres. biden: i think we have to make that call.
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ending the filibuster, it has been used by progressives our whole time to make sure we did not get rolled over when the republicans had it. you know, when you start off and say, let's use the filibuster, it sounds great. anyway. thank you so much. reporter: one more! [reporters shouting questions simultaneously]. fmr. vice pres. biden: who are you? reporter: you already orchestrated that, why shouldn't they trust you now? fmr. vice pres. biden: because we should not be supporting any of these subsidies period. thank you, guys. >> all right guys. thank you. thank you. [indistinctve


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