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tv   President Trump Departs the White House for Dayton OH El Paso TX  CSPAN  August 8, 2019 5:13am-5:29am EDT

5:13 am thursday at 1:45 with the montana governor followed by the former vice president joe biden. on friday we are live with secretary julian castro. we are live with governor jay senatorsummoner -- kamala harris, kristin ,illibrand, john hickenlooper senator elizabeth moran and senator cory booker. watch the 2020 presidential candidates live at the iowa state they are starting thursday on c-span. watch anytime online or listen live listening using the free c-span radio app. and the firstrump lady travel to dayton, ohio and el paso, texas on when they to visit with survivors and first responders from the two mass shootings.
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the president spoke to reporters about finding a possible legislative solution that would prevent gun violence. >> a terrific opportunity to congratulate police and law enforcement. the job they have done is incredible. >> i don't think anybody will argue this is a difficult time in our country for all of us. criticsyou say to your
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that believe it is your rhetoric that is emboldening white nationalists and inspiring this anger? . >> so my critics are political people are trying to make points many cases they are running for and in president and their are very low in the polls, a couple of them very low in the polls. if you look at dayton, that was the person that supported i guess you would say bernie sanders, i understood, antifa understood. elizabeth warren i understood, had nothing do with president trump. so these are people that are looking for political gain. i don't think they are getting get. as much as possible i've tried to stay out of that. >> would you say that your rhetoric has consequences? you agree that people on both sides need to tone down the political rhetoric? >> well i do agree but i think we have toned it down. we've been hitting, we've been getting hit left and right from
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everybody, many of the people i don't know, a couple of people from texas, political people from texas that are not doing very well. i guess some a said -- somebody said the mayor. i had a very nice conversation with the mayor of dayton. could not have been nicer, and then she goes and says i tried to call them. well, i spoke to her and i didn't receive any call. they are trying to make political points. i don't think it works because i would like to stay out of the political fray. as i was saying, as just came out, the dayton situation, he was a fan of antifa. he was a fan of bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. nothing to do with trump a nobody ever mentions that. [inaudible] [inaudible] no, i don't blame elizabeth warren and i don't blame bernie sanders, in the case of ohio, and i don't blame anybody. i
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blame these are sick people. these are people that are really mentally ill, mentally disturbed. it's a mental problem and we're going to be meeting, we're going to be meeting with members of congress. i've already gotten meetings scheduled and plenty of talks over the last two days. i think something is going to come up, we're going to come up with something that really can be very good, the on anything -- beyond anything that's been done so far. [inaudible] we are going to see where we are. we are dealing with leadership. you have sides that are very different on this issue. two sides that are very different. if we get close i will bring them back. we have to see where we are with leadership. normally this has been a decision where congress gets together and tries to do
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something. if you look over the last 30 years not a lot has been done. >> the background checks bill that is already passed the house. >> i'm looking to do background checks. i think background checks are important. i don't want to put guns in the hands of mentally unstable people or people with rage or hate. >> [inaudible] rifles?about assault a lot of people would like to see them banned. >> there is no political appetite for that at the moment. you can do your own polling. appetiteno political from the standpoint of legislature. i will certainly bring that up. i'll bring it up as one of the point. there's a great appetite, and i mean a very strong appetite, , for background checks. i think we can bring up background checks like we've never had before. i think both republican and democrats are getting close to a bill on doing
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something with background checks. [inaudible] yeah, south korea and i have made a deal. they've agreed to pay a lot more money towards the united states. as you know, we've got 32,000 soldiers on south korean soil, and we've been helping them for about 82 years, and we get nothing. we get virtually nothing. and south korea and i have made a deal where they are paying a lot more money or they are going to be a lot more money as the relationship is a very good one. but i felt all along, i felt for years as a very unfair one. they've agreed to pay a lot more and he will agree to pay a lot
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more than that and we are with them. we are with them. [inaudible] you banned the bump stocks would you consider a ban on large capacity magazines? >> you have to have a little appetite within congress, and so far i have not seen that. i mean, i can only do what i can do. i i think there's a great appetite to do something with regard to making sure that mentally unstable, seriously ill people are not carrying guns. i've never seen the appetite as strong as it is now. i have not seen it with regard to this types of weapons. [inaudible] >> how concerned are you about the rise of white supremacy? >> i am concerned about the rise of any group of hate. i don't like it. any group of hate, i -- whether it's white supremacy, whether to any other kind of supremacy, whether it's antifa, whether it's any group of hate, i'm very concerned about it and i'll do something about it.
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[inaudible] i don't think my rhetoric has at all. i think my rhetoric brings people together. our country is doing incredibly well. china admitted they have been a currency manipulator. companies are moving out of china by the thousands. somebody had to do this with china because they were taking hundreds of billions of dollars a year out of the u.s. and somebody had to take a stand. i think our country is doing well. >> what is the market reaction to the trade war. i think the market reaction is anticipated.
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i would have anticipated. is going to go much higher than it ever would've gone. china was like an anchor. they were killing us with unfair trade deals. the people that allow that to happen are a disgrace. was doing to us, taking hundreds of billions of dollars, stealing intellectual property and targeting our -- i will be convincing some people to do things they don't want to do. that means people in congress. on one a lot of people side and you have a lot of people on the other. of influence with a lot of people and i want to convince them to do the right wing. we have made a lot of headway in the last three days.
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>> do you still believe that >> ial immigration -- think that illegal immigration is a terrible thing for this country. i think you have to come in legally. we need people coming in. are pouring in and i think illegal immigration is a very bad thing for our country. i think open borders are a very bad thing for our country. we won the lawsuit in the supreme court. we have companies coming in from japan, all over europe and asia.
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they need people to work. we have a low unemployment rate. i believe we have to have legal immigration. [inaudible] >> i think it was to be expected. we have to take on china. they have been taking us to the cleaners for 25 years. this should have done long before i was the president. you know the stories better than anyone. hundreds of billions of dollars a year taken out of our country. stealing intellectual property. of -- wetting on top have money pouring in, powerful companies and strong companies. china is losing thousands of companies, they are leaving
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china because of the tariffs. we are in a very good condition over whether or not a deal will be made. china would like to make a deal very badly. [inaudible] joe is a pretty incompetent guy. joe bidenched his -- has truly lost -- [inaudible]
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>> saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern , female activist and the 1960's civil rights movement. >> while women were instrumental in helping to organize and put the march together the events
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were dominated by men. >> sunday at 4:30 p.m. eastern the significance of the declaration of independence during and after the american revolution. >> multiple translations of our declaration made their way to and ecuadornezuela over the course of the fifty-year period after 1776. a half-century known to scholars as the age of revolution. 6:00 p.m. eyewitness accounts from inside the white house during the apollo 11 lunar landing. in the cabinet room and throughout the day you can see the windows were dark. we are into nighttime. -- the astronauts did not walk until later. >> it is for our nation's past. on american history tv on
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c-span3. >> while speaking to the national press club on wednesday democratic reps up as -- representative of elijah cummings responded to criticism from president trump questioning his leadership and the conditions of his hometown of baltimore. he talked about mass shootings in texas and ohio and his agenda on the house oversight and reform committee. [gavel] >> good afternoon, everybody.


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