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tv   President Trump Departure Remarks  CSPAN  August 1, 2019 5:22pm-5:47pm EDT

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president trump will be in cincinnati, ohio. we'll show that live here on p.m. eastern. as he left the white house for the trip, the president took on a range ofions topics including his phone conversation with russian theident vladimir putin and recent democratic debates. this is about 20 minutes.
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[indiscernible audio]. [indiscernible audio] . > you're worried about the -- audio]. scernible >> yes. the tariffs against china worried about the dow today? >> no. people don't understand quite what's happened. we've taxed china on worth of goods and and cts being
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products being sold into our country and china eats it because they have to pay it because what they do is they evalue their money out. our people haven't paid as you know we're also judging them 25% we're takingon sol in many billions of dollars. there's been absolutely no not cost currency and push ands our consumer anything. it costs china. what has happened is a lot of moving out of china so they can avoid -- china their worst year in 27 years according to yesterday's "wall street journal." that but when my people came home they said we're talking, we have another meeting september. i said that's fine. but in the meantime until such this we'll be taxing them and we're getting very good from the border. the numbers are way down at the
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border. under ink it's very much control. >> [indiscernible audio]. >> what would you say to china for the last 20 years has been of ng hundreds of billions dollars out of our country and we had a president that would never do anything -- a number of never would do anything about it. what would you say? or many years china has been taking money out by the hundreds of billions of dollars a year. rebuilt china. so now it's time that we change things around. if they don't want to trade with be fine e, that would with me. it would save a lot of money. >> do you believe that [indiscernible audio]. >> no, i don't know.
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i think president chi wants to make a deal but frankly he's not enough.ast he said he was going to be buying from our farmers. he didn't do that. going to stop fentanyl from coming into our country. out of china.g he didn't do that. to e losing thousands fentanyl. more importantly for many years better than anybody. for many years china has been taking out hundreds of billions rebuildinga year and china. our time that we rebuild country. >> the one thing i have to say have you to say this, what is devaluing their currency and pumping money like never before and paying for these tariffs. we're not. >> are you concerned by reports hat the chinese army may be --
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against dmon administrators and ist do you say that the u.s. somehow behind it? >> something is probably happening with hong kong because look at what's going on for a long period of time and i added now what john has to it. at some point they're going to want to stop that but that's hong kong and china because hong kong is part of china. hey'll have to deal with that themselves. they don't need advice. you put a date of september 1st on these tariffs. giving -- >> no. no. no. september 1st. the reason is it takes a long ships to come over and it's a period of time. so i'm giving them like a before k period of time the tariffs go on but we're now on 10% on overfs 300 billion and 25% on 250 proven and it's been that our people are not paying for those tariffs.
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[indiscernible audio]. >> short range missiles, we never made an agreement on that. problem.o we'll see what happens. ut these are short range missiles. very standard. >> go ahead, what? are you esident, concerned about reports that dni nominee has embell rished his record at all? >> he's an outstanding man and i'm sure that he'll be able to do very well. outstanding.just highly respected by everybody that knows him. >> what were you doing to give relief -- on waway.ot changed they're not allowed in our country. for n do business nonsecurity things with waway
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because we'll do that but to do with ing national security we're not dealing with waway. >> what do you think about the decision not to prosecute james comey? actually heard that. i know there's a lot of things going on. it i guess butof i don't know at this time haven't spoken to them about that. i would frankly be surprised james comey did was illegal. so i would be surprised but i anything about that. >> are you prepared to tell your supporters to stop -- >> i don't know what's going to happen. this.tell you i'm going to cincinnati. the arena is very large. sold it out. we can sell it out probably ten what i hear. the applications for seats as you know never had an empty seat. the applications are very big. i have no idea. we have a great group of people. country. our they love the job we're doing. of when they see the kind
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people that want to represent ughs from the last two nights, not what they want. i can't tell you if they're to do that chant. if they do, we'll have to see what happens. >> i don't know that you can people. i don't know that you can. i mean we'll see what we can do. i prefer that they don't but if we'll have to make a decision then. message for e a them now like before they go in? >> i do. it's for the people i'm going to. we had over 100,000 applications for whatever the size of i think 14,000 seat arena. 122,000 way over applications. that i love them. way over 122,000
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applications. is i love them. i think they love me. think they love me. >> [indiscernible audio]. the offer y accepted or not? >> that's up to prime minister and i met with prime minister khan. i got along great with -- i fantastic people. khan and modi. i imagine they can get along if they wanted somebody to intervene or to >> i can't comment on that, but he was very threatening to our country.
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i will say he was very threatening to our country and he cannot do that. as far as anything beyond that come i have no comment. >> you raised that with president putin. >> you don't really believe that, do you? firesy are having massive in their forests to have never seen anything like it. we are very good at putting out forest fires and if they should need it, i offer my assistance. we had a good talk and i think he would appreciate it. these are massive fires like i haven't seen. i think they very much appreciate it. he believes russia is
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election?g in the >> i'm not sure that mueller knows what is going on if you want to know the truth. no collusion, no production. as far as mueller's performance, you would have to say it was probably not so good. doing very well. we are setting records in every way. we have more people working in the united states than ever before. becausebe phenomenal someone should have done this with china and long time ago. say there has never been a time in the history of our
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country like we have right now. the highest number of people employed. the vast numbers we've ever had. our military is being rebuilt and it is going to be at a level stronger and better with the new aircraft, missiles, new everything. what did you think of the democratic debate and the charge congresswoman gabbard that you are assisting al qaeda. >> no one knows what she is talking about. short whileber, a ago, i defeated isis. you are always going to have someone around. --have captured over 10,000
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they were going back to france in europe. we have captured one of percent of the caliphate and have done a big job on al qaeda and everyone else. for her to make that statement is ridiculous. she has taken a lot of heat on it. no one has done more than i have . we have thousands of isis fighters that we want europe to take and let's see if they take them. if they don't take them, we will probably have to release them to europe. you still negotiate with after the jong-un
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tests this week? >> yes because those are short-term missiles. i did more than anyone thought and the 10% is for a short-term and much do much more less depending on what happens with respect to a deal i'm happy with the weight is now. in septemberl meet and in the meantime they will pay a substantial tariff. be lifted in stages or taken off -- this can be lifted
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in stages or taken off. --ut on 10% on $300 million .350 billion >> are you considering a given the involvement [indiscernible] since the mueller hearing, 168 house democrats said they want to launch an investigation.
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>> no one has mentioned this question until last night. people are ready think it is a hoax. nobody has mentioned it to me. , two daysi will pay ago, a highly respected judge in new york and manhattan came out with the decision on the whole russia hopes and he said exactly that. it is exactly that. it is a decision by a highly respected judge appointed by bill clinton and he said it is a hoax. case brought by the democrats against me and nobody wants to talk about it because it is fake news. >> what can you tell about the imf treaty?
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the greateste equipment. large sections of burning. say, russia would like to do something on a new treaty. they would like to do something and so what i. -- so what i -- so what i -- so would i. [indiscernible] i have watched her and she does not have credibility. everything she did was a fraud. , says sheaching jobs
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was native american, turned out to be a lie. kilis -- tulsi gabbard. law -- kamala did not do ok. i see he was ok. it is boiling down to four or five of them. do you have a message for poland? >> i have a lot of respect or poland in the people of poland
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like me. i know they are putting in all , so they are building something very nice for the united states. >> [inaudible] >> what? do you think your son-in-law there's any responsibility -- bears in the responsibility? >> no. they have run baltimore into the ground. we have given billions and billions of dollars to baltimore. it is the number one city proportionately for crime. i saw a statistic where it is worse than honduras. stolen or wasted
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and a lot of bad things. the government has been very good for baltimore. helpedcummings has not the people, but hopefully at some point we will get together and strain it out. what happened in baltimore is disgraceful. it is not only baltimore, but other democratic cities. >> president trump holds a campaign rally this evening in cincinnati. our live coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern here at c-span, online and listen with the free c-span radio app. ofbegin with the history gettysburg national military
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park and reflections on writing about the war. that is at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span three. , we willay morning show you the first of two democratic resident primaries posted by cnn and in sunday morning, the second round of presidential primary debate saturday and sunday on c-span, or listen with the free c-span radio app. >> this weekend on book tv, ,aturday, in his his book former policy director for senator elizabeth warren talks about the effectiveness of promoting opportunity and equality. >> it would go a long way while
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introducing, to -- competition and this is not a kind sky idea. gigabyte had one download as a public option more than 100,000 people take advantage of that. historian author and lee edwards and afterwards, author michael malice talks about his first-hand account of the far right in his latest book, the new right. >> there are those who are favored in military policing and those who are international -- sense iionalist in the don't own allegiance and those who are america first, so cross
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this, you will have very little againstt of who you are . >> this weekend on lectures and history, comparisons between abraham lincoln and andrew johnson. it is a very different impression, not that he was a defender, but that he did not .nderstand the constitution sunday at 6:00, a preview of the 19th amendment exhibit. voters beganfirst and the constitution
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made no mention of discussing voting qualifications. property,own enough could and did vote in elections at the local, state and national level. >> 8:00 p.m., and author talks about nixon's early life and career. >> he campaigned for the marshall plan. ,e went to every rotary club every crowd that would take him. themld them that he owed his best judgment. wendy party primaries were held, richard nixon did not as windy republican nomination, he won
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the democratic nomination. >> explorer our nations passed on american history tv every weekend on c-span3. >> now, a conversation on medicare for all health care plans. we will hear from the administrators and indiana the heritaged by foundation. >> welcome to the heritage foundation. we are here today because americans are concerned about their health care. health care remains a top priority for 70% of voters to say it is their number one concern and they share they are worried about some clear things. they think costs are too high,


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