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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones Part 1  CSPAN  August 1, 2019 1:17pm-1:44pm EDT

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watch in-depth with author lee edwards live sunday and be sure to watch our coverage of the 2019 national book festival on saturday, august 31 on book tv, on c-span two -- c-span2. host: a lot to get to. front page of the washington post, democrats pull no punches. a recap of the house playing in the media and on social media. guest: good morning. look at politico's headline with the data points. four heckler outbursts, 13 obama mentions and 20 minutes is how much -- is how much time former vice president joe biden got. -- unexpected that he got candidates across the board went after biden on his record on women's rights. according to twitter, the most tweeted about --
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coming in fifth is mitch mcconnell and number six, andrew yang. notesudge report banner crashes in clashes, dems attack not trump but obama. former attorney general under obama eric holder warning, be aware -- beware of attacking the obama record, build on it, expand it but there was little to be gained by you attacking a very successful and still popular democratic president. from google trends, this is how america searched for dem debate candidates tonight. number one, tulsi gabbard. at the bottom of the list, senator michael bennet. here is from twitter as well, the most tweeted moment during the second night of the debate. number one was booker to biden.
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number two, gabbard criticizes harris and number three, gillibrand says the first thing she will do as president is clorox the over office -- the oval office. [video clip] >> mr. vice president there is a saying in my community. you are dipping into the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. you came to the city of newark and saw the reforms we put in place. the aclu says i am braced reform not just in actions but in deeds. you are trying to ship the view from what you created. there are people right now in prison for life for drug offenses because you stood up and you used tough on crime phony rhetoric that got people elected but destroyed communities by -- like mine. this is not about the past, sir,
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this is about the present. the: the headline inside wall street journal and also available online at side writing the following quote, over the course of long nights of debate this week, three different democratic presidential primary contests emerged. knockrst is a battle to former vice president joe biden from his position as front-runner. the second is a deep struggle between the moderate and progressive wing and the third is the quest to find a candidate might be able to straddle both lanes. none of these parallel contests were resolved. mr. biden and other moderates are asking whether big price tags won't drive some middle-of-the-road voters back into mr. trump's arms which leaves the question of whether anyone in the big field of candidates can straddle the moderate or progressive camps. he goes on to write on that front, two candidates, senator harris and pete buttigieg are emerging as the two most likely
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to be able to pull off that tricky balancing act. more details at let's get to your phone calls. first up, john from georgia, independent line. what did you think? caller: too many cooks. there is no message that is coming out that is resonating with independent voters. independent voters want to see people back to work. the congress and the democrats a shoveling about earth policy. host: thanks for the call. harris and the former vice president with the headline, biden fighting off jabs by liberals over his record. or earlyt at 12:05
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this morning, the president tweeting the following. the people on the stage tonight and last were not those that will either make america great again or keep america great. our country now is breaking records in almost every category , from stockmarket to military to unemployment. we have prosperity and success like never before. it will soon be time to choose to keep and build on that prosperity and success or to let it go. the president saying we are respected again all around the world, keep it that way. i set i will never let you down and i haven't. we will only grow bigger, better and stronger together. next is paul joining us from connecticut, independent line. caller: good morning from plymouth, connecticut. the town of plymouth. notll tell you but -- i did catch the bit -- the debate but i read the reviews and my candidate is tulsi gabbard. host: why is that? caller: she took on the trump
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administration thinking on iran. she took on harris. she accused harris of locking up low-level druggies, hiding evidence and supporting prison labor. we should look at these candidates that come forward and try to repackage themselves. servedabbard honorably and wants to keep us out of war. she is truly the only antiwar candidate and she made her positions. get this one. the google rated her as the top search in last nights debate -- last night's debate in all 50 states. host: if she is the nominee, she keep -- can she defeat donald trump? about: i don't know bringing the democratic party together. that is a long shot. however, she could bring up the
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issues of an awful lot of people. there are a lot of republicans and independents that believe we are in too many wars. she could carry that issue. she is up against the entrenched her twitter account reflected that. her sister is helping her on that one, talking about the fledgling campaign that needs help. she has stood out. it is amazing when you travel through the midwest, the billboards you will see with tulsi gabbard's picture on it. host: i will leave it there. this is the headline for the washington times. biden goes on the attack. on the issue of health care, this exchange between the former vice president and senator harris. [video clip] >> i listened to the american families who said for years is
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not enough to transition into this new plan so i devised a plan where it will be 10 years transition. i listened to american families who said i want an option that will be under your medicare system that allows a private plan so i designed a plan where yes, responsive to the needs of american families there will be a public plan under my plan for medicare and a private plan under my plan for medicare because the bottom line is this. we must agree that access to health care must be a right and not just a privilege for those who can afford it and in america today, too many people, 30 million people are going without access to health care. >> thank you senator harris. vice president biden, your response? >> the senator has had several plan so far and anytime someone tells me you will get something good in 10 years you should wonder why it takes 10 years. there is no talk about the fact that the plan in 10 years will cost $3 trillion and you will lose your employer-based
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insurance and this is the single most important issue facing the public. to be very blunt and straightforward, you can't beat president trump with doubletalk on this plan. >> your response senator harris? >> vice president biden is simply inaccurate in what you are describing. the reality is our plan will bring health care to all americans under a medicare for all system. our plan will allow people to start signing up on the first day, babies will be born into our plan and right now 4 million babies are born every year in america. under our plan we will ensure that everyone has access to health care. your plan by contrast leaves out almost 10 million americans. i think that you should really think about what you are saying but be reflective and understand that the people of america want access to health care and did not want costs to be there barrier. >> senator harris, thank you.
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vice president biden, your response? >> the plan to matter how you cut it will cost $3 trillion when employed. 10 years after the president being president it will require middle-class taxes to go up, not down. it will eliminate employer-based insurance and fourthly, what happens in the meantime? >> your response? >> first of all, the cost of doing nothing is too expensive. $3ond, we are now paying trillion a year for health care in america. over the next 10 years it is going to be $6 trillion. we must act. my plan is about immediately allowing people to sign up and get into coverage. host: one of the moments from last nights debate and from rick on twitter, sad to see what is happening to joe biden real-time on national tv.
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he is proving what should have been known, his use by date has come and gone. they willpaul saying lose again in 2020 if they don't promote an economic message that addresses hurting americans they have ignored since bill clinton. lisa saying it is clear the media wants to pretend biden and harris were the stars of last nights debate because those are on the dnc chosen but i am betting that is not who the democratic voters want. our phone lines are open and we want to hear from you. (202)-748-8001 the republicans. -- for republicans. (202)-748-8000 for democrats. tell us about the debate and what you thought. let's go to greta with more on the stage and the backdrop. guest: cnn had the headline about what went into making the stage. detroit state -- transformed for two nights of democratic debates. it was a brand-new stage and took a team of more than 100
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people eight days and more than 1000 hours to assemble the set at fox theater. they were more than 25 cameras at the location, 500 plus lights, 40,000 pounds of equipment and 110 pallets of gear. there was so much equipment it took 953 foot semitruck's to haul it all in. how did the candidates qualified for last nights debate? according to cnn, candidates had to achieve 1% in three poles from an approved list or receive campaign contributions from 65,000 unique donors including 200 donors each of 20 different states. the bar was purposely set low for the first debate in the cycle but it will be set quite a bit higher for the third set of debates which will be televised by abc and univision in september. -- on thosees debates, takei report that the dnc is raising the bar effectively cutting out
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half or more of the candidates. candidates must meet public polling and donor thresholds. four dncr -- in approved national polls and donations coming donors in 20 or more states. texas, republican line. did you watch last night? caller: i sure did and i really love c-span. these democrats have a heads up. starting with a diverse pool early, and whittling it down to one candidate might be enough to turn texas blue. i wish the republicans would have done that before the last election. host: speaking as a republican, who do you think that democrat would be and would you support that democrat? caller: if i am going to rank
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them, i am going biden, of course, and then i have to say i love castro and then cory booker. i like the way they work together. they all have a common democratic vision, more so the second night than the first night. i think it is a good idea to do this now and for them to take their best person and let's turn texas blue, i guess. host: democrats line in greenbelt, maryland heard what did you think? like yesterday, -- my point is the reason donald trump is having a lot of approl.
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people should be able to come in but they should be checked. mexico,dy comes in from guatemala or wherever, they should be screened and checked before coming into our country. host: thank you for calling and thank you for listening on c-span radio. rob is joining us from new york on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. i love the show. i think tulsi gabbard is the only candidate who makes any sense at all. she is anti-stupid war that gets us nothing. media won'thow the let her speak. that the othert nine people were trending on twitter and tulsi gabbard was
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not, even though she clearly won the debate. is trying toer interfere in the 2020 election, and that should be looked into, as well. host: rick is joining us on the independent line from ohio. old and iam 62 years grew up in detroit. then, we were the greatest civilization man had ever seen. created as the guys who came back from world war ii, korea and vietnam, they became the labor unions. they tax corporations at 90%. they taxed the rich at 70%. general motors, based on their employees and the people who supported the employees, would have enough people to actually elect the president of the united states. it did not matter if they were
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republican or democrat, they were still taxed at 90%. the long story short is the democratic party has been dead for 25 years. it died the day bill clinton signed nafta. over the past 40 years, you can look at decade by decade and you can see who destroyed the country. there is actually a 15 second delay that c-span has two actually protect the people who did destroy my country. host: that is not true. the delay is to make sure we don't get profanity on the air. we don't censor anything on the network. from newt is the jews york, connecticut and california. the moments available online at washington and this analysis from the front
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page story, democrats no punches. former vice president joe biden attempting to regain his footing from a more combative posture from a presidential debate wednesday night faced relentless record,n his immigration and health care and his commitment to women's rights. the exchange showcasing many of the deep divides within the party that are taking on greater urgency as the candidates strive to make gains before the field narrows. if the first night was a showcase of the liberal versus moderate split, the second night put on other divides and a thirst to have a nominee. half of the 10 candidates on wednesday in detroit for minorities, making it an historically diverse lineup. there was this exchange with senator cory booker and vice president joe biden. [video clip] when are in a situation
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someone is convicted of a drug prison, theyo to should be going to ribble tatian. in prison, they should learn how to read and write. when they get out of prison, they should be in a situation where they have access to everything that should have had before, including pell grants for education and making sure they have opportunities for public housing. we want them to become better citizens. that is the essence of what my plan lays out. that is what i think -- i know what my plan does. senator booker, your response? >> this is a crisis because we have tweeted issues of race, poverty, mental health and
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addiction with locking people up and not lifting them up. mr. vice president has said since the 1970's, every major crime bill has had his name on it. sir, those are your words, not mine. this is one of those instances where the house was set on fire and you claimed responsibility. you can't just now come out with a plan to put out that fire. we have to have far more bold action on criminal justice reform by having true marijuana justice. reinvest the profits into communities that are disproportionately targeted. -- what theis senator is talking about our bills that were passed years ago and overwhelmingly.
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get the07, i tried to crack powder cocaine disparity totally limited. and you he became mayor went out and hired rudy giuliani's guy and engaged in stop and frisk. 75% of the stops were viewed as illegal. three times as many african-american kids were caught up. the justice department came after you and said you are engaging in behavior that was an appropriate and nothing happened. the entire time you were mayor. gratefulof all, i am he endorsed my presidency already. it is no secret i inherited a police department with massive problems and decade-long challenges. the head of the aclu has already said i put forth national standard systems of accountability.
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mr. vice president, i did not interrupt you, please show me that respect, sir. we have a system that is broken. host: from the fox theater in detroit and inside the new york times, biden fighting off jobs over -- fighting off jabs over health care. kevin on the democrats line in kentucky. good morning. caller: hello. i love your show. you have a great show. say two unrelated things. first, i don't think a lot of people are actually paying attention to any of this. i know trump people don't pay attention to any of the democrats and what they have to say. democrats are truly, truly notd, strong democrats are paying any attention to that at all. probably early next
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year before anybody pays attention to that, to what is going on with the tv. unrelatedthing, it is it, has nothing to do with but kentucky, since the 80's has had a commission that actually determines what our boundaries will be in our legislative districts and it is been like that since the 1980's. it has always been independent. we don't have to go through the fights that everybody else does about sequestering districts, or salamander districts or any of that. we have someone that figures that out for us. is -- let me say one other thing and then i will be off of here. a horrible job
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deprived situation. there are not a lot of jobs here in kentucky. there are four people -- not a lot of jobs for people that are highly intelligent. host: the senate race with mitch mcconnell seeking another term, first elected in the mid-1980's. that is one of the races we will follow. more on last night's the break with greta brawner. gillibrand attacked joe biden for a third yet-year-old op-ed he wrote. congress is subsidizing deterioration of family, that is what he wrote 30 at years ago. the communications director for kiersten gillibrand tweets out the op-ed from 1981, sing expanding the childcare tax credit and allowing more women to work with subsidize the deterioration of the family. those are his words, he should
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explain to america how the mom working lead to the deterioration of the family. moment inhecked this the noted huffington post reporters found that in 1981, congress was considering expanding the tax credit and biden was the only one who voted against it. that was not because he opposed the tax credit, it is because he did not want to go to the -- he did not want the tax credit to go to couples earning more than $30,000. [video clip] >> i think we have to have a broader conversation about whether we value women and if we want to make sure women have every opportunity in the workplace. i want to address vice president biden directly. he wrote an op-ed, he voted against it, he wrote an op-ed saying he believed that women working outside of the home would create the deterioration
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of family. he also said women who working outside the home were avoiding responsibility. i just need to understand, as a woman who has worked my entire career as a primary wage earner and primary caregiver, my second son henry is here. i had him when i was a member of congress. under vice president biden's analysis, is my serving in congress resulting in the deterioration of the family? i just want to know what he meant when he said that. >> that was a long time ago. liveshington journal everyday at 7:00 a.m. eastern. we will take you live to the capital to hear you from democratic leader chuck schumer. thank you for coming. after a stunning rebuke in the midterm


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