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tv   Washington Journal On the phone with Margaret Talev  CSPAN  April 28, 2018 3:54pm-4:01pm EDT

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one is the one you see on tv who makes outrageous comments to get attention for his brand. even if it creates a negative for the city, he still becomes the center of attention every day, in conversation in front of the media eric then there is the other donald trump, the one insiders note was the opposite. , verytful, listens careful about making decisions. watch afterwards sunday night on book tv. monday evening at 7 p.m., james comey will be live on tv on c-span2 in primetime with his best-selling autobiography "a higher loyalty." issues he faced as the fbi director, including hillary clinton's in males and his views on president trump.
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watch james comey live on book tv on c-span2 in primetime monday at 7 p.m. eastern. >> thank you for joining us. the president not going to be at tonight's dinner here in washington. remind us where he is going to be. >> he is holding a rally in michigan with supporters. similar to this ast year, but there is a big difference, this year the white ouse is sending a representative, sarah huckabee sanders, press secretary, will be at the table and the president and his team administration officials to attend, news rganizations guests of the dinner. host: counter program is how you describe it. are you expecting the president about you all at this event? guest: i think he will make mention of it. outreach,n fundraising via e-mail encouraging donors to ive him money because he's decided to be with him, instead
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of washington press corps. this was strategic think heon his part, i really weighed for several to hs whether he wanted attend and make remarks, once he decided against it, he was all in. the event in macon, county, michigan, airing live at 7:00 on c-span. the white house correspondence dinner will get underway this evening. begins on c-span at 9:30. whoaret talev, for somebody has never been to one of these or seen one of these, why do you agenda?d what is the guest: the agenda to support the first amendment and use this as talk about the importance of really good reporting, some of the best reporting in a year. we announce our award winners and honor scholarship recipients are scholars that universities around the country who are studying to become the journalists, n of we bring them on stage to give
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meet with the o president, our scholars have the opportunity to do this yesterday. president trump and vice president pence and the team literally rolling out the carpet for us, they invited scholars to come over and we brought them and vice he president president spent time shaking their hands and asking about their studies. told them that he thought journalism was a great rofession and then joked he hoped they could start quickly and replace us in our jobs. an look, the dinner is also opportunity to bring these sort that sometimes during the rest of the year are face another, with one reporters, administration, members from both parties of kpkp congress, people involved, debates of the year into one to share one common concern, which is that there is reporting in the area
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the area of n and different views and that the first amendment and a vital part democracy. host: how do you pick the host f the event and is it always a comedian? guest: it has not always been a comedian, there is always some of tertainer. many years, there were singers, for example. the idea of 1980, the comedian began to take root. it, when pular about it is done right, entertainer they are n the room, able to have two things, common language of laughter that allows everybody to talk about the same issues and also there is something really special in a democracy about being able to tell jokes about powerful , the most leader and know that you are not going to be in trouble. constitutionally protected right and that sends a
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message to the country and to is rest of the world, there something special about american democracy. pick michelle ou wolf this year? guest: i think she's really funny, that is the most important part. her i would note. one is that she's a cultural omedian, so while obviously over the last couple of years, she's politics has been sort of repertoire, she's rimarily outside the beltway comedian, most jokes about culture, less about politics. oo, she's a woman, anything months 2018 y taught us, role of women in society and politics, how we the workplacen in and in journalism has been something that our society has tackling. so i think we'll really enjoy her. bloomberg reporter, had background in finance before she got into comedy, don't hear that often. anyway, very funny lady and great supporter of the first
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moment. host: c-span live coverage gets underway at 9:30 eastern on c-span, ch, listen on the free radio margaret talav. thank you for taking time on a busy now i look at highlights from tuesday state dinner with french president emmanuel macron. this is two hours. the guests who have a right for tonight's state and are for president trump in first lady melania trump. by the way this is the first president since president hoover to not have a state dinner since his -- in his first to the presidency. this is a traditional dinner where the responsibility lies many times with the first lady and this is no


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