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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  February 27, 2018 7:07pm-8:05pm EST

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selfless politician i can ever think of in terms of giving of service, putting himself left and the country first he didn't want to be king. he didn't really want to preside so much. but he wanted to help. god was always on his side. i see in billy graham that same ind of greatness of founding policies, founding values. of george washington and our founders manifested in a man who reached and saved millions. in this country over those years with his crusades. a couple of my colleagues already mentioned his interaction, his -- with dr. king and with this being black history month the last couple of days of it here, i thought it to touch on that as well. billy graham helped be a force in the civil rights movement, showing the way for others who may have been hesitant or breaking down the barrier for those who still wanted to sustain segregation my colleague mentioned at the chattanooga
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rally where he himself went down when the ushers would not do it and removed those ropes so it would be integrated because in god's eyes, all are equal. and setting out in the constitution, all are created equal. so billy graham sustained that in his years of friendship with dr. king and showing that he was a nonpartisan, nonracial leader, helped save the lives of all men created equal. so that goes so far that he's willing to put it on the line. he made the head usher resign that day when he made that courageous, but what he felt probably wasn't courageous at all but the right action. so billy graham even to his last day when he made a short video was all about informing people about jesus, about the salvation they could have if they would just embrace jesus, and find what eternal life really is all
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about. that it isn't what treasures we store here on this planet but the ones we store in heaven. we embrace them. never another like him but we can always remember him with pride and as he would say himself that his stores are in heaven and he'll be stronger up there with his legacy and memory and his family members that go on to do what he does. god bless billy graham and i thank you for the time tonight, mr. hultgren. mr. hultgren: thank you, mr. lamalfa. next honored to recognize pete olson from texas. mr. olson: i thank my friend from illinois. no one knows how many lives and souls reverend billy graham saved. we know that for every one he saved , he saved two. two saved four. four saved eight. etc., etc., etc.
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one life we know he saved was illie s -- was louie's sanparini, his story is in a book called "unbroken" and a movie by the same name. he was a track star, a silver medal in the 1956 games in munich. and world war ii, he flew b-24 bombers. that was a dangerous plane. twice his plane crashed. the second time, he floated in the pacific ocean for 47 days. he said, i quote, god, if i survive this ordeal and get back to america alive, i'll seek you and serve you. end quote. he was captured by the japanese
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and spent the rest of the war in a prison of war tissue a prisoner of war camp in japan. a guard there he called the bird faith and beat him to a pulp every single tai. louie said, quote, i was constantly being tormented by that guy. and you talk about hate, i wanted to kill him. end quote. his nightmares, the p.o.w. camp came home. he was con sumed by anger. one night, louie dreamed he was strangling the bird to death. instead he woke up to find out he was strangling his wife cynthia. he started getting drunk as a
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skunk every night to forget about the horrors that plagued him. with her husband getting drunk every single night, cynthia filed for divorce. and that's when a friend invited her to see the reverend billy graham crusade in los angeles tent dubbed the canvas cathedral. he accepted christ that night. the convinced louie to attend reverend graham's service. after storming out of the tent the first night, louie returned for one more evening. that time the bible verse billy graham quoted went straight to louie's heart.
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he said, quote, of all my near death experiences, my life never passed before my eyes, but when billy graham quoted scripture, my life did pass before my eyes. end quote. for the first time in years, louie remembered the promise he made god when he was floating in the south pacific. that night he went forward and accepted christ. and the biggest miracle of his ife was set in motion. his transformation was so complete he returned to japan to share the gospel with hundreds of japanese troops that tortured him. he once hated. he watched as many of them accepted jesus christ.
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he wanted to share his faith all around the world, speaking at several billy graham crusades and having a great friendship with reverend graham that lasted until louie's death of july 2 of 2014. before he died, louie said these important words. quote, this billy graham thing is a phenomenal miracle the way it started. the way it spread out. i'm one guy that government saved and i have spoken to hundreds of thousands and had my papers where millions read. one person. think of the spider web effect all over the world. thank god for reverend billy graham. amen, louie. thank god for reverend billy
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graham. thank you, i yield back. mr. hultgren: thank you, congressman olson. so grateful for so many of my colleagues who were able to join us tonight. to remember reverend billy graham. born november, 1918. died february 21, 2018. billy graham was a lion of the christian faith and a believer in the all-encompassing love of god,, for all people -- god, for all people. i knew billy graham from such an early age, knew of him, knew of his ministry. was struck even more so, most of my growing -- growing up years were in wheaten, illinois, where billy graham went to school, met his wife, and much of his ministry started in that area around
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there. his ministry spanned generations of american religious thought and culture, but his core message remained unchanged throughout his entire lifetime. his evangelical gatherings attracted millions throughout the globe for decades and his name is known around the world, as many have said tonight. maybe the most recognized, one of the most recognized names and most respected throughout his entire lifetime. i remember way back in 1971. i was 5 years old. my mom and dad brought me down to mccore mcplace down in downtown, -- mccormick place, down in downtown, chicago, to be part of the in the 71 billy graham crew -- to be part of the 1971 billy graham crusade. i was a little 5-year-old boy but i still remember that night. i remember the power of the message. i remember the power of this messenger of god. sharing his love for us. but also the truth of the love that jesus has for us.
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that he gave everything, that i could have hope, that i could have new life. even as a little boy, that affected me. it moved me. it moved me so much that it had me ask more questions of my own mom and dad when i got home and ultimately it was that same year, right around that time, when i recognized that i was sinful. even as a little boy i was selfish. that i needed help. i needed a savior. i needed someone to pay a price that i couldn't pay. and as billy graham stated, as my mom and dad taught me, as my own grandpa had taught me, only jesus could pay that price. and he wanted to do it. to give me that free gift of redemption, the hope that we can have only through jesus. that was the story. and the message of billy graham. jumping forward quite a few years. i had the privilege just 12 years ago of being down in louisiana, went to the louisiana state penitentiary. also known as angola. louisiana state pen tefrpblry
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was known as the -- penitentiary was known as the bloodiest prison in all of america for decades. more killings, more violence than any other prison. and then something happened. god used some people specifically -- people, specificly a warden. warden mccain who came, and others. to change the heart of these inmates. they brought a seminary into this louisiana state penitentiary. now, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of prisoners in louisiana state penitentiary have gone through seminary, new orleans seminary. that's right there in the prison. and have gained their own bible graduate degrees of being pastors. although they're still in prison. one of the things that changed in louisiana state pen trenchry -- penitentiary, had it -- it had been when prisoners died there, when miss it ners died they would be thrown -- when prisoners died they would be thrown in a ditch and thrown some dirt on top of them.
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the warden and others felt this was absolutely inhumane treatment for anybody. even prisoners. and so they changed something. they have a wood working program there and the inmates of angola started making caskets for their fellow prisoners who would die in prison. they hand craft these caskets so that they are absolutely gorgeous. hand crafted, recognizing that every life sophomore inify nate value because -- life is of infinite value because god and lived and died for that life. billy's son was down in louisiana state pen trenchry a few -- penitentiary a few years ago, went on a tour, saw the caskets being made for inmates. he talked to his mom and dad and the grahams said, we want to be buried in caskets that were made by prisoners. so i am so excited tomorrow, this unbelievable honor of billy graham being laid in honor in the united states rotunda, one of only four people who had that great
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honor. but also the story that's going to be told. that billy graham is going to be laid in the rotunda in a casket that was made by prisoners in louisiana state penitentiary. what an amazing statement of humility, of recognizing that we're all the same. we're all broken people. we all need saving. whether we're preaching to millions and millions of people, or whether we're in prison for the rest of our lives because of the mistakes we've made. we all cannot reach that standard, that perfect standard , to be with god forever. we need someone to help us reach that. and only jesus can help us do that. billy graham recognized that. the statement is going to be very clear in the rotunda. just outside of these doors. tomorrow, over the next day and a half, of rep recognition of his life -- of recognition of his life. and then ultimately he will be buried there. i remember back, and i'll end with this, just the message of billy graham. very clear.
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two questions that i think sorp important for billy graham. one, -- that were so important for billy graham. one, the question i'm going to have, the first question i have for god when i get to heaven is why me? why me? a farm kid from north carolina that could barely make it through school. why me? why did you choose me as an instrument? and i think the answer to that question goes back to isiah. isiah 6:8. when isiah heard the lord saying, whom shall i send, and isiah said, here i am, lord, send me. that's what billy graham did. he said, here i am, lord, send me. broken, imperfect, not a great speaker. but here i am. send me. and through that willingness, millions and millions and millions of lives were touched. the last question was one that i heard when i went to that crusade in 1971. and it was, who is jesus to you? this person of jesus that has impacted more people in this world than any other person, who is jesus to you?
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it was a question that i had to struggle with even as a 5-year-old. i continue to learn and grow and understand jesus. and different people have different ideas of who jesus is. no one can deny he was a real person who had more impact on this world than anybody else. we talk about the impact that billy graham has had. jesus is the reason for the impact that billy graham had. so he asked the question, who is jesus? and i think it's worth the study, take the time to look into who was this man that lived 2,000 years ago, and yet affected everything, even our calendar is adjusted to his life, who is this jesus? and i think the question is, as you dig in and ask questions and studies, the question is, is this the jesus who he said he is, or isn't he? is he a liar, a lunatic, or is he lord? lord and savior? the only hope, the light of this world. i believe that that is exactly who this jesus is. it was what billy graham talked about. and, again, thank you, mr.
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speaker, for this time. i want to close just with a verse. many people remember from the billy graham crusades the closing of those crusades, were led with a call for people to come forward. but also with an amazing hymn. "just as i am." just as i am, without one plea. but that thy blood was shed for me. i come. just as i am. and waiting not to rid my soul of oark below the. to thee whose blood can cleanse each spot. o lamb of god, i come. thank you, billy graham. thank you for your faithfulness. thank you for sharing this message of hope with so many people. we are so honored to recognize him, to thank his family. and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the gentleman from california, mr.
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garamendi, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. mr. garamendi: thank you very much, mr. speaker. i want to thank my colleagues for reminding us of the enormously important work that reverend billy -- that was done. and tomorrow's session here on the floor, here in the capitol, where he'll be lying in state. i recall very clearly the day at my wife and i met mr. graham. reverend graham. in sacramento. when he was having one of his ministries there in the city. we attended and it was an incredible experience. and we met with him personally after the event. and like the millions and indeed billions of people that heard him speak, we too were moved. earlier when i learned of his passing, i said that, well, he
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is no longer with us physically. his work remains with us. his speeches, his recordings, his videos. they're all there. for the future generations. and indeed for our generation. so i thank my colleagues for bringing to our attention what is a profoundly important event here in the nation's capitol. when reverend billy graham lies in state. a couple of other things i'd like to bring to the attention of the floor. one, fortunately is not a death. but rather a retirement. this one for debbie davis. the editor and assistant publisher of the davis enterprise. and for her service to the davis community and to congratulate her on her retirement. for over 38 years, mrs. davis has helped unite and inform the davis community through her work at the davis enterprise. the local paper. her work expertise earned her a reputation as a respected
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journalist and there's no doubt in my mind that her legacy will have lasting impact on the davis community. the breadth of mrs. davis' accomplishment is an achievement. some of her most notable milestones include the development of the 2017 centennial magazine that celebrated the businesses and leaders that built the davis community. those of us who make memory books, and over 10,700 edition, have been used at the davis enterprise. i speak on behalf of the entire davis community when i say thank you to debbie davis for her generous service to the community of davis, california. we all wish you the best, as you enjoy your well-deserved retirement. so, if i might, mr. speaker, move on to other events. some of them events here in washington, d.c., in the days ahead. -- thank retrieve my
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you for the brief interruption, mr. speaker. normally i would bring this out with me. but i wanted to cover the billy graham event. i think he might have enjoyed this particular saying from franklin delano roosevelt. i use this whenever i start my presentations here on the floor. because it reminds me of values, at least the value that i think ought to be basic to our work here in cofpblgt so allow me to -- congress. so allow me to repeat not for the first but maybe for another dozen times, the test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those it is e much, but rather
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whether we provide enough for those who have too little. the test of our progress. it's interesting that there's so much we need to do. so much we need to do here in america. particularly for those who have too little. it's interesting to note what has actually happened over the last several years. are we really making progress? well, i think we ought to spend about our talking infrastructure. nd are we making progress? well, no, not really. we once were the most advanced
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infrastructure, highways, rail systems, transit systems, airports, maritime ports in the world. we had great drinking water systems. you'd come to america and drink water anywhere and not have to worry about the quality or the contamination of that water. but here it is from the american society of civil engineers, aviation, we're ranked as a d. bridges, a c. dams, a d. inkingater, d. parks and recreation, d. ports of s -- ports, a c. rail we're doing ok. roads a d. we see that every day. school systems. and we want to talk about safe schools. lots of talk as a result of the tragic shooting in florida about making schools safe. well, schools really rank in the d category, whether they are safe or not. they're ranking is -- they're ranking as d's. transit is a d and declining. waste water is a d.
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we're familiar with places around the nation. oh, this bridge, about six years ago this was a bridge that connected the united states to canada. this was the interstate 5 bridge, a road, an interstate highway from vancouver, british columbia, toity hanna, mexico -- to tijuana, mexico. infrastructure. the bridge collapsed. on the water on the water side of life, most of us would be familiar that one year ago, the spillway at the highest dam in the united states, quite possibly in the world, spillway gave way during the heavy rains of the 2017 year. and we created the biggest waterfall in the world.
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went on for some time. also threatened the lives of 200,000 people downstream that had less than three hours to evacuate. had this spillway further eroded, a 30-foot wall of water would have descended on those communities and the water would have been more than 50 feet deep within one hour. fortunately, the rain stopped. otherwise, who knows. so we have a need for infrastructure. just two weeks ago, the president announced his great big infrastructure plan. $200 billion new dollars, $1.5 trillion new $s of public and private investment beyond federal participation. sounds good until you read the big print. not even the small print, but the big print. so what is the trump -- what does the trump infrastructure plan bring to us? well, the $200 billion of
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federal money? it's not new money. it is existing money. s the reprogramming of existing $168 and in fact, it takes billion from existing transportation programs, highways and transit, and repurposes it over to some new programs that are supposed to do the same thing. no new money. just money taken from an existing program that's working. underfunded, to be sure, but working. and transferred it over to a new program the president can put is gold letter, t-r-humbings m-pen it and wow what a wonderful thing that's been done. well, confusion and the like. it also paises the way -- doesn't waive the highways but does pave the way for wall street and foreign investors to set up toll roads on our interstate freeways. well, that's a great idea. slash federal investments and
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passes the buck to cash starved states and local governments. right now, the federal government for highways and transit, about 80% of that money comes from the federal government. 20% fro locals. in levees, i represent one of the most flood prone areas, i can put the picture of oroville dam back up. 75% federal, 25% local. so what does the trump great infrastructure plan do? it flips that over and guess what? federal government will pay 25% for levees the locals will pay 75%. wow. that's helpful. where are they going to get the money? and for transit, 80% federal, 20% -- no, not the trump plan. 20% federal, 80% will call. where are they to get the money? big question.
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go? here did the money why is it that the president's big new fabulous, wonderful transportation infrastructure program has no money? just existing money. taken from existing programs and put into new labeled programs that are to accomplish the same thing but with less federal support. so one might wonder what happened here. why is there no new federal money? why isn't all of those d's supported by new federal programs so that we have a robust infrastructure program for the united states? one in which men and women would be employed building the fundation for tomorrow's economy. tens of thousands, indeed, hundreds of thousands, millions of people, could be employed if the trillion dollars, trillion and a half dollars he talks about were real money.
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it's not. where did the money go? well. i suppose some of you may have been listening when the president signed the legislation and then took his air force one jet to florida, entered his resort at mar-a-lago and announced to his guests, i just made you a whole lot richer. inteed, he did. [inaudible] n -- was this gentleman who has said repeatedly over the last two years, i don't need more money. i'm quite wealthy, thank you. don't do a tax cut that makes me even more wealthy. barren buffett. what did the tax cut do for
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warren buffett? and berkshire hathaway? ell it was a $29 billion christmas gift. mr. speaker, the president was quite correct. he did make the rich even richer. i thank mr. buffett for being brutally honest and saying he doesn't need more money. look at ndoubtedly what f.d.r. said, the test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, warren buffett said this last line. it's whether we provide enough for those who have too little. i thank mr. buffett. and i'm sure he -- i don't know
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what he's going to do with the $29 billion. but i know what we could have done with $29 billion. the ld have repaired bridges of america. we could have repaired the tens of thousands of dams across america that are at risk. that's what could have been done with the $29 billion that went to mr. buffett. that , he wasn't the only benefited from those tax cuts. one of the wall street companies, mor fan stanley, did an analysis of the corporate tax cuts. ich about $1 trillion of the
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$1.5 trillion tax cut went to corporations. so what did the american corporations do with that $1 trillion windfall? morgan stanley just this last week reported that their of that s that 62% trillion dollar windfall will be used by the corporations to buy other companies. mergers and acquisitions. about 19%. and 43% will go for buybacks of stock and dividends. oh, all the talk about the employees benefiting. well, let's see. about 13% is headed for bonuses and raises. just 17% of that $1 trillion is
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expected to be used to increase the size of the business, not through mergers and acquisitions which usually result in layoffs, not in new jobs, but rather in what are called savings. in other words, known as layoffs. just 17%. so where are the jobs? give you an example. nine of the large pharmaceutical companies in america have already announced that they're going to spend $50 billion of that tax cut that they received in buybacks. not in creating new pharmaceutical and drugs for such illnesses as alzheimer's. in fact, pfizer, one of the large pharmaceutical companies, today announced that they were
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going to stop their research on alzheimer's. they decided that they would spend their money instead on buying back their stock. so thus far, we haven't finished all this, this is where they expect to go. american corporations have already announced $178 billion, nearly a fifth of that trillion dollar tax cut, would be used to buy back stock. hat is the largest amount ever reported in any single quarter in american history. now. many folks here on the floor are saying that oh, but look what wal-mart is doing. they're giving over $400 million of bonuses. well if you average that out among all of their workers, it's $190 per worker.
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that's not chump change, that's certainly not crumbs. that's $190 and that's important. but the total tax cut to al-mart was $18 billion. 2.% for million is bonuses. and so -- is 2.2% for bonuses. and so it goes. there's more. boeing said it will spend $300 million on employees and increase -- in increased wages or bonuses. and at the same time they will spend $18 billion to buy back shares. did i explain what a buyback of
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shares really does? well, it reduces the number of shares that are on the market, and therefore simultaneously raises the price per share. oh, and how are executive salaries and bonuses determined? by the share price. the share price goes up, bin go, more money for the corporate executives. so if you were given a huge trillion dollar windfall in reduced taxes, would you use that for capital investment where the actual return to the corporation may take three, four, five years? or would you use it to buy back stocks which automatically will, in virtually every case, raise the share price and immediately reward the executives' bottom line salary? not a tough decision. and what -- or would you give it to your employees in bonuses and
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raises when you could use toyota buy back stock. raise the share price. and whoa, lo and behold, guess what, the corporate executives pay increases. because his pay is based on the stock price. simple stuff. did i mention comcast laid off over 500 employees after reportedly saying they would use their tax cuts to give a $1,000 year end bonus? on and the same time they announced a $5 billion stock buyback. for 2018. it goes on and on. apple. $38 billion reduction in taxes. microsoft, $6.3 billion. citibank, $22 billion. johnson & johnson $13 billion. qualcomm, $5. billion.
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so. the dams oro repair the bridges. we'd have to have money. where did the money go? well, it didn't go to the bridges. didn't go to the roads. the great infrastructure plan from the president is simply a shell game, moving money from under this shell to under that shell, no new money. and making the local governments and state governments pay even more. for those who represent california, pennsylvania, new york, new jersey, there's one more. and that is, we get to pay taxes on taxes that we pay to the state and to the local governments. that's a change. and the first income tax law was
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written nearly a century ago, more than a century ago they said that you would not pay taxes on the taxes that you paid and so they allowed for the deduction of state and local taxes. but hey, that changed. our president said, our president said, it's a wonderful gift. well, it's n f new york. not for new jersey. so whereree going to get the money? we're going to have to go back and look at this. we already know that for every 1% reduction in the corporate $100 te, there is a billion reduction in revenue to the federal government. we might want to look at that. now, i'm going to wrap this up in just a few moments.
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we have been talking about a better deal for america for a long time. tax we have from the trump cut is a raw deal, a bad deal, a terrible deal for america. the federal treasury was gutted. not for the benefit -- let me change that. the federal treasury was gutted . yes, there are benefits for the broad american public. but that's like 17% of the total tax cut goes to the broad american public. iddle class, upper middle, and the bottom. it's useful. it's certainly going to be helpful.
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but more than 80% went to american corporations who are not using it as i just showed, not using it for their employees. not using it to build their capital infrastructure, their ability to manufacture more. but rather for those who already have a great deal of wealth. the stockholders of america. who happen not to be the bottom 80%. we need a better deal. we really need to invest in america. we need that infrastructure. not the phony infrastructure program that the president has proposed but a real infrastructure with real money. and we need to make that infrastructure in america. so make it in america, invest in america, it adds up for a better deal for america. my colleague, al green from texas, has some important thention to add to the -- important things to add to the
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discussion tonight on a different subject. but i just want to remind the public that when we talk on the floor here we talk about infrastructure, we talk about create steel programs that actually build infrastructure. we talk about trying to collect resources so that we can pay for this. we talk about how we might engage in various financing programs so that we can over time build a solid foundation for economic growth. and as we do all of this, we're talking about a better deal for the american public. not the raw deal that this tax scam gave to americans. not the kind of deal that "the investors es" says
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will reap the republican tax bonanza. and if i might, mr. speaker, have this "new york times" editorial placed in the congressional record. and so with that -- the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. garamendi: thank you. i think with that it's time for know yield the floor to my colleague, al green, from the great state of texas. and i allow him to share with us -- and allow him to share with us his concerns this evening. mr. green, if i might pass it on to you. mr. green: thank you, my friend. i greatly appreciate it. mr. garamendi: if you'll wait just a second. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the gentleman from texas, mr. green, is recognized for the remainder of the hour as the designee of the minority leader. mr. green: i thank you, mr. speaker. i also thank the gentleman from california's third, mr. garamendi, for his very kind remarks. mr. speaker, i am honored tonight to present a resolution
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on behalf of the naacp. the national association for the advancement of colored people. a great organization founded in this country on february 12, 1909. just happens to have been the centennial of the birth of abraham lincoln. i'm honored to be a proud member of the naacp. i hold a life membership. and i look forward to acquiring an even higher membership in the naacp. honored to say that this resolution has the support of the congressional black caucus and it is a bipartisan resolution as well. also honored to say, mr. speaker, that this resolution is one that i hope will shed some additional light on the naacp, its purpose, and some of its accomplishments. the naacp is the nation's oldest civil rights
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organization. it is an organization that was founded in a time when african-americans were being lynched. a time when it was not commonplace and not every place, but it did take place with a great degree of regularity in this country. such that african-americans were being lynched with impunity, i might add. it's an organization that has always been integrated. it was integrated from its genesis, and continues this day to ben integrated organization. me of the notable founders of the naacp were mary white ovington, a white female. da b. wells barrett. and also i would add oswald garrison billiard. william english wally. many of these persons were persons of goodwill who simply
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concluded that there had to be something done about the conditions impacting african-americans. and so they decided to move forward and they formed at that time the organization known as the national negro committee. which has of course evolved into the naacp. that we know today. let me pause for a moment with the history and remind persons that in houston, texas, we are very fortunate. the houston branch of the naacp has a president who is a former dean of the law school, thurgood marshall school of law in houston, texas. former president of texas southern university, james douglas. very fortunate to have a lawyer of his standing as the president of the naacp. currently at the law school, there is a person who is working, who happens to be the
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state president of the naacp. we have a national board member in houston, texas, gary bledsoe, state president is working at the law school as the interim dean. the state -- the national board member, howard jefferson, is in houston, texas. houston's naacp has its own facility. one of the few around the country to hold its own facility. but i'm proud to say that that is something that we worked hard to acquire. the houston naacp is one of the outstanding branches of the naacp in this country. naacp has branches in all 50 states. continuing, the naacp's national headquarters, located in baltimore, maryland, naacp was founded to ensure the political education -- political, educational, social and economic rights of all persons, and to eliminate racial hatred and racial
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discrimination. proud to say that the naacp has always used the tactics of nonviolence in its movement forward. in its effort to help all persons benefit in this country. because, quite frankly, everyone has benefited from the naacp and its movement in this country. it has used negotiation, litigation and protestation as its tactics. e naacp was there to win lawsuits before the supreme court was there to protest, so persons might acquire not only the right to vote, but also the opportunity to elect people of their choice. with acp has been there the great litigater, thurgood marshall. thurgood marshall, who was the first african-american justice on the supreme court, was the chief litigater for the naacp for many years.
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he won 29 of 32 cases before the supreme court. he was there to fight on behalf of the naacp. the naacp is the organization that won borrows vs. jackson, shelly vs. cramer, board vs. the board of education. these are lawsuits that allow us to live in the neighborhoods that we live in. to go to the schools that we attend. the truth be told, we eat where we eat and sleep where we sleep because of the naacp. it is an organization that has brought not only desegregation to american life, but also integration to american life. many of our institutions were desegregated. that meant that a lot of institutions were lost in the process. when we desegregated. but we also have integrated and we have brought together persons in new institutions. the naacp can claim a good deal of responsibility for the
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integration that we see in the house of representatives and in the congress of the united states of america. i can say to you truthfully that i believe i'm standing here tonight because of the works, the good works of the naacp. and a good many other persons are here because of the good works of the naacp as well. i'm also proud to tell you tonight that the naacp has fought for the passage of the civil rights act of 1957. civil rights act of 1960 and 1964. the voting rights act of 1965. the naacp has fought for human rights, as well as civil rights. the naacp in 2005 went beyond human rights and civil rights in a sense when it developed a disaster relief fund to help hurricane survivers in louisiana, mississippi, texas, florida and alabama. so the naacp has met morphed
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into an organization that not only deals with the rights of people in the sense of their needs when they are voting and when they are being brought before the justice system. metamorphed now into an organization that helps in times of need in general. if there's a storm you can depend on the naacp to be there to be of some help. if a person's suffering as a result of some sort of disaster related to fires, the naacp is likely to be there to help. the naacp is also helping abroad. it has been there to help persons in haiti, after the disaster that took place. the aacp in 2018 supported passage of the emits till unsolved civil rights crime act and this was the act of 2007. it was an act that allowed us
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to have the resources to solve some of the heinous crimes that occurred in the early days of the civil rights struggle here in the united states of america. the naacp celebrated its centennial anniversary in new york city on july 16 of 2009. the naacp continues to, in 2010, advocate for sentencing reform, as something that is still needed to this day, and is still working on. in 2011 the naacp led the charge to defend the constitutional right to vote. the naacp has fought voter suppression laws across the length and breadth of the country. the naacp elected its new president unanimously, derrick johnson, in 2017. this organization has been on the front line for justice for all in the united states of america. and i would dare say that if we
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did not have the naacp, we would create it. because we need an organization that is willing to step forward and take on the needs of people who but for the naacp wouldn't have a voice. it is a bold organization. powers not fear the that be. it does not in any way concern itself with the consequences of challenging the establishment. it is an organization that has sought to change the status quo. it is an organization that moves people from poverty, in many cases, into an opportunity to move forward into the middle class. so it is an organization that truly benefits all. i'm proud to be a member of this august organization. i will mention a few more things about the organization and then bring this to closure.
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but i do want people to know, especially -- know especially that the naacp does not and has not ever segregated itself from any part of society. it has always sought to bring society together. it has always sought to find some sort of common ground for people to stand on, so that we might all move forward together. it has always been an organization that and wanted to spregget our social order and wanted to bring a sense of brotherhood. dr. king indicated that we must transform neighborhoods into brotherhoods and this is the parks whoacp and rowa
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took that seat on the bus and challenged the segregation in brought sm the naacp people together. i do believe that america is a much better place because of the n arch arch cp has made it much. i do believe that the congress of the united states of america would not be the integrated institution that it is. there is still much work to be done and i'm glad the work it has done and made opportunities for a good many people. so tonight, i want to have it resolved that the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america recognize he its 109th anniversary of the historic
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founding of the n arch acp. and mr. speaker, with this, i will end my remarks and i will move that we do adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. according the house stands until , march 1, ursday 20r18.
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coming up wednesday, we will talk about the legacy of lindsay reverend graham. joining us his former new mexico governor bill richardson on public policy issues facing his state and the country. also, new mexico speaker of the
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house bright ego will be on to discuss how national issues are playing out in the sale of switcher. be sure to watch c-span's "washington journal, live at seven got the eastern wednesday morning. joined the discussion. >> sunday, on c-span's q and a, politico magazine can committee editor talks about his book "building the great society, inside lyndon johnson's white members oft the president johnson's staff who helped create and implement is great society programs. >> exactly how an administration within the space of four and a years built all of these programs after the past congress and he signed them into law. which is where the story normally and's. how did they build medicare and medicaid from the ground up in one year? how did they create the first programs like headstart and food stamps and nutritional programs for children?
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how did they do this wild desegregating a third of the country, hospitals and nursing homes and schools and places of public accommodation? and also fighting a war in vietnam and do something about it. >> q&a sunday night on c-span. >> monday, on c-span's landmark cases, we will explore the civil rights cases of 1980 three, the supreme court decision that struck down the civil rights act of 1875, a federal law that granted all people access to public accommodations, like trains and theaters, regardless of race. justice john marshall harlan cast the lone vote in opposition and his dissent eventually eclipsed the legacy of the majority opinion. explore this case with daniel hollywalker, dean of university law school, and an attorney


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