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Paul Ryan
  House Speaker Paul Ryan News Conference  CSPAN  January 11, 2018 1:29pm-1:40pm EST

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and at&t, they hold more date awehan t u.s. gernment has. that ishere the real infoaon i meanwhile, i will oppose the amash amendment and suprt the re-authorizati 702. persons deserve tha >> the house passing a six-year re-authorization program. and coming up later today, we will take you for a briefing by press secretary sarah sanders and we'll hear more about fisa. the briefing scheduled to start t 2:15 eastern time. >> c-span where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you today by your
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cable or satellite provider. s >> paul ryan spoke to reporters today and took questions on government funding, which runs out next friday, defering the deportation of undocumented youth, the fisa bill approved in the house today and recent tweets from the president. the speaker: good morning. you know today marks 20 days since the tax cut and jobs act became the law of the land. already, this new law is helping to improve the libes of middle income families across the
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country. you saw the announcement from wal-mart this morning. more than one million americans are to receive bonuses. workers are seeing increases in base wages and increase in contributions and maternity and paternity leave. power companies are plarning to lower electricity bills. think about what a relief that will be with the cold winters we have. the power bills in wisconsin get high. manufacturers, they are announcing to hire more workers and expand their operations. this has happened in 20 days. this about this. this is before families have seen the benefits of lower tax rates and higher standard deduction. remember, the typical family of re making $73,000 will get a $2, 059 cut. we look forward to more good news. i would like to turn to a very
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serious issue. as you know, we are working to secure the funding that is needed to rebuild our military. what does that mean? why do we spend so much time rebuilding our military and talking about this? there are facts and figures that i could quote. let me just say a few things. less than half of the navy's planes can fly. less than 10% of our army's combat brigade teams are ready to fight. our air force is the smallest that it has ever been. chairman mac thornberry puts it best when he says we have too few planes that can fly, too few ships that can sail and too few soldiers that can deploy. this is not just costing us military might or hampering our mission, this is costingally can lives. last year, this nation lost 17 ailors aboard the uss john
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mccain and fitzgerald. this happened on aging ships with expired training certifications. everybody day that goes by without adequate funding is another day we are pushing our military past the breaking point and it is a shameful situation. and we have a duty to address it and do right by the men and women who put their lives on the line to poket us here and abroad, and that is exactly what we're going to do. questions. eporter: happy new year. since you are talking about funding for the military, thornberry said it would be impossible to pass an interim spending bill without an agreement at least without expanding -- can you implement the spending bill by next friday? the speaker: we are making good
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progress on caps negotiations and working with our cournts parts but the appropriators will need time once the cap agreement is met. need to get an agreement to give appropriators to write their bill and when we have more progress, i will let you know. reporter: you talk about the need to fund the military. if you are going to do a c.r. next week, isn't that having it both ways? the speaker: we have to have a cap agreement in order to fund the military and give the appropriators the number they need to write their bill. eporter: part one. if the special counsel requests an interview with the president --
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the speaker: i'm not going into hypotheticals. defer to the white house. reporter: should white house officials -- the speaker: i'll defer to the white house on those questions. that pertains the to their branch. reporter: you spoke to the president after his morning tweet. is it your understanding that the president does not understand what this fisa bill is and his own administration is supporting it? the speaker: we speak on a daily basis. he has concerns about the domestic fisa law. that's not what we are doing today. 702 is a different part of that law. title 7 is foreign terrorism on foreign soil and he knows that and he put something that clarified that and his administration's position has been clear, 702 is is important. reporter: did he not understand
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what bill you were voting on today? the speaker: he has concerns on fisa. reporter: can you respond to the letter from 100 c.e.o. oomplet that if you don't come up with a daca deal, there will be a crisis and any immigration bill ed the majority of support from republicans? the speaker: we will put together a daca compromise that has the support from our party. i know i sound like a broken record, we do want to fix daca and fix it while address ip the root cause problems so we don't have a daca problem again. that is common sense. that means the security measures that need to accompany any daca solution that are necessary so we have a final fix and not a temporary fix. that common that is common sense nd will be bipartisan.
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reporter: getting to a new question about the tweets today and also the wolff book. there has been -- the speaker: i don't read every tweet. the tweet on fisa? reporter: yeah. there has been questions raised about the president's fitness for the office and qualification. back in september of 2016, you said he is qualified and nominee. what would be the worst thing to have a businessman in office. now you have had 12 months of this. do you still stand by this? the speaker: what you saw on display, the meeting he had down at the white house with democrats and republicans on immigration, that's the meeting we always have with the president and i'm glad the country had a chance to see it. reporter: does it surprise you that the president of the united states doesn't seem to be aware
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of the white house's position is on fisa? the speaker: he knows what 702 is. reporter: leader mccarthy said that bob goodlatte thought the immigration bill is a good bill. the speaker: it is a good bill. we're working on that. i think it's a good bill and start putting ideas on the table. you know from the meeting i just referenced at the white house, the agreement was that the four leaders would begin negotiations to come up with a daca solution. when people bring ideas to the table, that's constructive. that's what goodlatte is doing here along with mccaul. leader mccarthy and the other three leaders are in those negotiations and that's constructive and what we should be doing and i'm confident we will get a solution before too long. reporter: just to follow up on that, you said on the daca, you
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said earlier you expect it to be bipartisan. the demrat bill you believe is a good bill but democrats do not. the speaker: i don't know if all democrats are opposed to that. but shouldn't we be offering solutions? the goodlatte bill brings peace of mind to the daca kids and shows what the security piece looks like and that is constructive. the demrat bill doesn't say don't support daca kids. it's one way to solve this problem. i would like that people think that is a constructive thing to do. reporter: if it only gets republican support, would you be willing to bring it to the floor? the speaker: anything to advance these issues is constructive to get a bipartisan agreement that's going to happen. thank you. captioning performy