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Nancy Pelosi
  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Weekly Briefing  CSPAN  October 5, 2017 6:52pm-7:13pm EDT

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book tv. michael walledman president of the brendman's center of justice the second amendment in his book he second amendment, a biography." author toll addicted to reform. and they're your kids and author of the "new education." nobel prize winning aeconomies muhammad talks about how to solve the problem of climate chake. for the complete weekend schedule. o to >> nancy pelosi held her briefings and discussed gun violence and immigration policy.
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this is 20 minutes. s. pelosi: good morning. yesterday morning we all proudly stood on the steps of the capitol with gabbie giffords, our former colleague and national heroine, an inspiration to us all work john lewis, the spiritual leader of the congress especially on this issue related to protecting the american people. mike thompson, who is chair of our task force on gun violence revention. all of us praised the first responders in nevada, all of the
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speakers did and all the rest of s join them as well. what a terrible, terrible tragedy to befall our country, that community, those individuals especially. i had the privilege of getting a question by a grieving husband and daughter on cnn, the husband and daughter of a person who died in las vegas. they asked the question, there was sandy hook, there was florida, san bernardino, bob said, how many more lives have to be taken before something is done? he said he was a gun owner. he and his wife owned guns for protection, he was asking this question. and we take an oath to protect and defend the american people, the constitution and the rest.
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not to -- we're not protecting them by not having gun laws that are suit to believe avoid gun violence. so we're asking the speaker to withdraw their silencer bill and also armor-piercing bullet bill. to pass the bipartisan kaine-thompson -- king-thompson bill on background checks, ban the bump stop, this is something we're all learning a lot more. mike thompson has been on this for a while. he bag gun owner and a vietnam vet a wounded vietnam vet so member with real knowledge of how to use guns, he has called into question the use of this bump stock and now everybody is aware of it. so hopefully we can bring that to the floor and at least pass a bill that bans something that
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enables a shooter to spray murderous automatic fire on innocent people. there's a bill, the cicilline-thompson bill, david cicilline of rhode island and mike thompson of california, a bill that has nearly 150 co-sponsors already. so hopefully it will be bipartisan, hopefully it will be brought to the floor. in addition to that, we have to do much more. we have to ask the speaker for a select committee on gun iolence. you don't like these ideas, what ideas can we come together? this is a big issue in our country. it is overwhelmingly supported background checks by the american people, even by large numbers of members of the national rifle association. the organization doesn't support it, many of the members do. many hunters, gun owners across the country have said we have
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had our background checks, we think other people should too. so we must act to, it's really a daily tragedy, do you know that there are, -- four is the easure of a mass tragedy and there's probably an average of one a day in our country. there's an episode of four or more people are killed. it's like 270-something already this year. we have to act now. we're not going away. we told the families, we have to pass something. all of this blossomed, when something occurs, and then we have the flurry of comments from the other side of the aisle saying this is not the time. now is not the time. no, now is the time for a moment of silence and no time for ction. the impatience of the american people is right on and we have to do something about it.
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instead, here we are. not taking up any of these bills. but the republicans are spending this week on their budget. their miserable, deceptive, horrible budget. a budget should be a statement of national values what is important to us as a country. should be reflected in what we prioritize in our budget. show me your budget, show me your values. i don't know that it's a statement of values of the american people to have a budget that cuts $1 trillion out of medicaid, a half a trillion ollars out of medicare, cuts other health initiatives, cuts education, harms veteran, abandoned rural america, in order to give tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country. the tax cuts in the bill, 80% of the tax cuts in the bill benefit the top 1% in our country. $2.6 trillion in tax cuts go to corporate america.
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around $475 billion in tax increases go to middle america. tax cuts, corporate america, lmost half a trillion in cuts, and half a trillion in cuts to -- in taxes added to middle america. o this is really, i use this word from time to time, it's so appropriate around here, pathetic. this budget that they're putting forth combined with their tax proposal will add around $2.4, nearly $2.5 trillion to the national debt. $2.4 trillion to the national debt. not counting debt service, interest on that. so it gets closer to $3 trillion.
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they deceptively, misleadingly, say to the american people, oh, the growth is going to occur by our giving 80% of this tax cuts to the top 1% and cutting the taxes of corporate america, is t's going to produce such growth that it will eliminate that increase in the debt. nonsense. never has. trickle down economics, tax cuts for the wealthy with the thought that there might be some job creation. no job creation, only increases the debt. but don't take my word for it. if you were at our hearing last week, where bruce bartlett spoke, bruce bartlett being an advocate of supply side economics, a partner with jack kemp in that regard. he said, let me see, i may have exactly what his words are. he basically said that -- i
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here,have his exact words but he used a little profanity, maybe that's why it's not here. he said this whole supply side dynamic scoring, pay for itself, it's just not true, nonsense, b.s. in a word. complete and total nonsense. it just doesn't happen. it never has. supply side has its own justification, but it doesn't pay for itself. so that's -- we will be fighting the other side of that, we have a better deal, our budget is a better deal, better jobs, better pay, better future for america's families, lowering the cost of living for america's working families, equipping them with the tools so that they and their families have a place in the economy in the 21st century. and we are fighting for that
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better deal on the floor right now. on another subject, yesterday, the speaker and i, mr. hoyer, visited fema headquarters for a status update on relief efforts after hurricane maria. i want to thank the fema volunteers and workers, they have been so lovely and generous with their time, efforts, and concern. we owe them a great debt of gratitude, and our military as well who are there. however, the job is not done, as excellent as their service has been. not there soon enough, and a real lesson to all of us in terms of what can be done in preparation for an impending hurricane. people of puerto rico really were helping on irma, were helping other islands with humanitarian assistance and the rest. because they didn't get hit as
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hard. they got hit hard, by not as hard as they would when maria came. so the virgin islands and puerto rico, what's happening there now is a challenge to the conscience of america. these are 50 states and our territories, two of them being puerto rico and the virgin islands, we really have to do more and better for them. congress must move swiftly for the debt relief supplemental on both for that area and florida as well that got hit and also we have a medicaid cliff we have to address when it comes to puerto rico specifically. but for both islands, for both territories, we must make a long-term commitment to not only recovery, but ongoing long-term economic recovery. today, october 5, is the last
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day for enrollment for daca recipients. their status expires between september 5 and march 5, 2018. the president's declaration, which was given by the attorney general, they only had one month to sign up. and so, we urge eligible dreamers to sign up. we think the short period of time of four weeks is miserably short, especially consideration needs to be given to them but also those who live in texas, florida, and places that have been incapacitated because of the storms. and when we do pass the dream act, which i feel confident we will, we must make re-enrollment period longer and retroactive for those who didn't sign up by today. so these and other things starting again with the sad
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situation, it's really -- the cumulative effect of one after another -- children, little children in school, people praying in church, young people dancing at pulse nightclub, theaters -- you know the litany of concerns, what happened in las vegas just being the biggest of them all. but happening every day in our cities. the gun violence has to stop. i'd be pleased to take any questions you have. reporter: you talk about the emerging bipartisan support for some kind of action on bump stock but there are going to be republicans who resist it because they say give the gun control people an inch and they'll try to take a mile. how do you plan to overcome that when the truth is that you would love to go a lot further? ms. pelosi: we've said where we'd like to go, and that's in a bipartisan place which is the
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bipartisan bill, king-thompson, for background checks. there are background checks, but there are loopholes. whether they're online sales or gun show sales, but a lot can happen for people who shouldn't be getting guns. and we have evidence that having the background checks has prevented hundreds of thousands, if not a couple million sales, from not happening that could have caused deaths. so as i said, many people who are serious gun owners say, i have background check, they should have a background check too. but we can't, you know that -- let's -- so what? they're going to say, if you give them bump stock, it's going to be the slippery slope? i certainly hope so. but i don't think bump stocks should be a substitute for the background check. by the way, the background check is a compromise.
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there are many more things members want to do and we're saying, how do we save the most lives? we save the most lives with a background check. so we just have to have that fight. and the american people have to weigh in as they did to fight the monstrosities of health care bills republicans were proposing. let's take this to a little bit of a different place. whether we're talking about guns or we're talking about immigration with daca, let's try to come together as we ask the speaker to put a select committee, 60 days, short-term, to find our common ground. are they just saying absolutely not? the stranglehold that the national rifle association has on congress is such that we cannot even consider anything? i certainly hope not. but whatever we try to do, we have to try to see what brings us together. not separates us further. reporter: to follow up on
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nancy's question about bump stocks, carlos curbelo has a proposal with bipartisan support. we've heard from some republicans that they're interested in this issue. but as you say often when we have mass shootings they say, this is not the time. there seems to be interest from the bill from curbelo on the republican side of the aisle. do you think republicans are trying to have this both ways by saying democrats can't talk about it because we associate them with what are perceived to be anti-second amendment efforts. but when republicans talk about it it's ok. ms. pelosi: there's the cicilline-thompson bill with 150 co-sponsors. we hope the republicans would join with that in begin move through it quickly. i don't know that mr. curbelo has filed his bill. i don't think it is filed yet. i think it's a press release, not a bill. mr. cicilline's bill is signed,
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sealed, 150 co-sponsors. so obviously, if we can find common ground in terms of the language and what it accomplishes, that's what we want to do. but really, is he going to bring a bill to the floor? we know we would pass comprehensive immigration reform, if they brought the bill to the floor. we know that we would pass daca, the dream act, immediately if he would bring a bill to the floor. certainly the public pressure in terms of bump stock is such that we would pass that if we bring it to the floor. i'm going to have to excuse myself. thank you all very much but have to go vote. thank you. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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announcer: here is a look at our primetime schedule on the c-span networks. 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, former equifax ceo testifies before the house financial -- on c-span2, the senate budgetary committee meets to mark up their budget resolution. come a hearing on the federal response to the opioid epidemic. c-span's washington withal, live every day news and policy issues that impact you. coming up friday morning come a discussion of the recent withlican tax reform plan the president for a committee of a responsible federal budget. ben public interest research group talks about the equifax data breach and recent congressional response.
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and u.s. concealed carry association president tim schmidt on concealed carry laws in the u.s. and gun-control efforts on capitol hill. be sure to watch a c-span's washington journal live at 7:00 eastern friday morning. join the discussion. sunday night on afterwards, radio host and computer charles discusses his book, how the right lost its mind. he is interviewed by a fox news contributor. >> donald trump represented something. a bigtainly represented middle finger from voters to the establishment. wantedyou really, really to deal with some of these issues, the republican electorate would have gone with a marco rubio or a ted cruz but they did not. in terms of communication, yes, he is a master of twitter. but he was crude, rude, a serial
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liar, he's thin-skinned, erratic, he is a fraud. well-known.atively in conservatives, who not that long ago used to argue that character mattered, that the president was a role model, somehow have found a way to rationalize the behavior of somebody who insults women, mocks the disabled, mocks pows, paid a multimillion dollar fine for defrauding students who just wanted an education. watch afterwards sunday night at canonical rock p.m. eastern on c-span2's book tv. announcer: announcer: earlier members of the house judiciary committee held a news conference to discuss a bill that reauthorizes section 702 of before and intelligence surveillance act which allows surveillance of foreign target to maybe contact with americans.