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tv   March for Civility Rally  CSPAN  September 23, 2017 10:05am-11:35am EDT

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hearingsre are scheduled in october. michael berg, thank you for joining us today. guest: thank you for having me. host: soon we will take you to coverage for the march for civility taking place today, and it aims to bring prominent togetherpposing sides to speak about the importance of civil discourse and march in unity. that is scheduled to take place this morning. that is coming up. that is all for today's "washington journal." we will be back at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] said i would be dead
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america, are you, are you there, area, are you you there from my mother, god had shaped her, i was born with my hands in the air jesus seesross oso us i was born with my hands in the air my father, someone shot him i was born with my hands in the air raise your voice in house of horrors i was born with my hands in the
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air are you listening do you care i was born with my hands in the air laughterdness, all my i was born with my hands in the air are you there? are you there? there?erica, are you are you there? ♪ [applause] >> all right, america, are you there? gather around. we have a beautiful day plan. love and compassion for everybody. let's spread it today. we are very excited.
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thank you for having us. we hope to meet all of you today. thanks for being here. [applause] ♪ warring, warring ♪ >> ♪ no man, no weapon, glory is destined, every day men and women, they go against our skin and become blessed the movement is arisen by us justice is just a position in us revisited init is us that is why rosa sat on the bus that is why we walk through ferguson with our hands up we man up
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they say stay down, and we stand up on the ground, the camera pans up ♪ when the glory comes, here we are here we are glory, oh >> ♪ glory, glory >> ♪ the war is not over victory is not won will on, we cry glory, oh glory >> ♪ glory, glory journal@c-span.or -- ♪ glory, glory >> ♪ in front of a crowd, they
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march with a torch, we are going to run with it now we have gone hundreds of miles facing the league of injustice, the enemy is legal -- lethal no one can win a war individually it takes the young people's energy ♪ ♪ ♪ one day [applause] [cheers] ♪ >> please welcome to the stage the freedom of sky -- free hugs guy. >> wow.
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it is so hot out here. thank you for coming out here. i see many people still hiding in the corners and around the trees. please gather in. we're going to get the program started today. andk you for being here being able to come together. it is just a really amazing sight to be standing here and looking on the washington monument and knowing behind me martin luther king delivered his famous i have a dream speech. i'm looking forward to marching with you all. we have some really amazing speakers today, people who represent so many different sides and ethnicities and backgrounds, and we will all be able to stand here in support of peace. look out, i see people wearing the free hugs t-shirts and restore civility t-shirts. this message is so important to
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me. i hope it is important to you and the people around the world watching it live on c-span today. i think it is an amazing experience. we will get started with one of our first speakers, former congressman jason all meyer, who wrote the book on how to conquer polarization in washington. during his three terms in the house, he was a bipartisan centrist known for working with both sides of the aisle. please welcome former jason [laughter] -- [applause] tothis is the perfect place have this event. we are surrounded by some of america's most significant memorials that have to do with what we are talking about today. right over there, the black
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granite wall inscribed with 68,000 names, that symbolizes a time in this country when we were deeply divided, when it appeared america was coming apart at the seams, when violence occurred, when anger turned into violence, americans turned against one another. it was about that time that one of america's greatest heroes gave one of america's greatest speeches right here at this memorial. ago, dr.ay, 54 years martin luther king stood here and told america we have a long way to go to achieve the ,ivility, to achieve the peace to achieve the unity and equality that he knew was possible. in this spot, the lincoln memorial represents the fact
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that this nation has come in the even at times when we were more divided than we appear to be today. the man memorialized behind me, who looks down at us now from his giant, white chair, he presided over america at the .ime of our deepest division that is the backdrop of what we are talking about today, the march for civility. todaye are talking about with this march is that regardless of our politics, we have to find a way to increase the level of civility in our public discourse. reduce to find a way to partisanship. no matter your politics, today partisans think all the facts are on their side, all the evidence support that conclusion, that they know
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better than everybody else what is right, that their side is 100% right, and the other side is 100% wrong. true,sometimes that is but usually it is not. we have to work together. the things i found in writing my book on political polarization is that no matter how hard we try, it is nearly impossible to change the mind of a partisan on an issue to which they are committed. we all come from different backgrounds, different points of view. we all have different opinions. we all have different life experiences that lead us to different conclusions. it is how we express those differences of opinion that matters. it is how we articulate our disagreements. we all have a responsibility for civility. we all have a responsibility to respect one another. this event today is nonpartisan.
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we have people here of every possible political affiliation. no matter what your politics, no matter what side of your i'll -- of the aisle you are on, if you remember one thing today, nakedness, the rules of -- make it this: the rules of civility also apply to you, not just to whom those we disagree. anger, so manyh things we would like to change. don't let an act of instability ivilityit -- inc discredit what you are trying to achieve. that stoodreat man here 54 years ago, let each of us lead by example. let us set the tone of the
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debate by our actions, not just our words. win the debate based upon the merit of your idea, not the volume of your shouts. channel your anger into making positive change. go forth in a spirit of unity, not the vision because we really ivision because we really are all here together. thank you for being here, and enjoy the march. [applause] >> thank you. our next speaker, the way i found out about him -- with a lot of the work i have been doing on the front lines at protests, i was tagged in a video online about this titlentary on netflix accidental courtesy. because they tagged me, i
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watched the film. i was so fascinated to see the work this man was doing as a black blues player that over the last 30 years of his life has been crossing lines to befriend kk and get themk to denounce the kkk. i ended up calling my agent and saying, have you heard of this guy, dale davis? he said, i have been asking you for six months to meet up with darrell davis. he wants to meet with you. e lives in washington, d.c. after watching that documentary, we figured out how to get together, and we finally met last night. he is here to speak. welcome, darrell. [applause] [cheers] >> thank you. good morning.
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it is a real honor and pleasure to be here. let me start by saying welcome to the march for civility. i have been walking this march now for about 30 years doing what i do. a few things i have found is time in spend a lot of at the chambers, surrounding ourselves -- echo chambers, surrounding ourselves with people who agree with us. everything we hear confirms what we believe, and we exclude those who may have differences of opinion with us. what we need to do is begin to invite people to our table who may disagree. as martin luther king said, he had a dream that one day the sons of former slaves would sit down at the table of brotherhood with the sons of former slave
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owners. that is what we need to do. we need to come together. we spent a lot of time talking about each other or at each other, but we don't spend enough time talking with each other. side,ng about the other learning their faults and fears. that is what i have been doing. i have learned that while you are actively learning about time,e else, at the same you are passively teaching them about yourself. you always want to be honest. you always want to be true. you always want to be civil because the most important thing you want is a return visit with that person, regardless of who they are, how extreme they may be. what you're doing is planting a seed. you must nurture that see. -- seed. keep in mind, you only have one
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opportunity to make a good first impression. you may have a second or third opportunity to make a good impression, but only one opportunity to make a first impression. most people judge you by their first impression of you. if they don't like you first time around, they will not be willing to meet with you again. i spent 30 years meeting with supremacists, etc., and most of the time i get a return visit. over time, you find things to have in common, and if you nurture those commonalities, you begin to form a relationship. as you form that relationship, the things you have in contrast such as skin color, religion, things like that begins a matter less and less. as you nurture that relationship, you begin to forge
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a relationship. collectedt, i have many robes and hoods and neo-nazi paraphernalia over the years, and i even have these people going out on lecture tours with me speaking out against the evils of racism and discrimination, and they have aligned themselves with me and my embracing attitude. what we need to do is adopt an attitude of no longer can we say i am not my brother's keeper. let's say we are our brother's keeper because we are all brothers and sisters in this country. you. [applause] a second most important thing i have learned is this, give your adversary a platform. allow them to express their views. you don't have to agree with them, and if you do that is fine, and if you don't,
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challenge them. do it politely and intelligently. not rudely or violently. that way, nine out of 10 times a will reciprocate and allow you to air your views. make sure you have done your homework so you can present the facts in an intelligent and influential mayor go at end of the day you eat cap to think about what the other person said. you each have to think about what the other person said. nobody wants to be wrong. we always want to be right. keep in mind, when two enemies are talking, they are not fighting. loud orht get a little beat on the table, but at least they are talking. it is when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence.
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thank you very much. [applause] to continue on with the message about crossing over different lines, many of you may have seen my most viral video as i was in the protest that was taking place in charlotte last year. there was an important moment that was used in a google commercial and cadillac commercial that as i was walking by trying to deescalate the tension at this protest of this giant police officer, and as i was walking by, he says, bring it in, do i get one of those hugs? in that moment i was really noticed because i had a group of protesters economy that i was interacting with and they in that moment they would see me as a traitor or sellout because i crossed over to a different line and hugged this cop.
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i knew i was going to face criticism. almost immediately people were challenging me to a fight because i hugged this cop. i love the message about being able to cross over to different lines. that cop reached out to me shortly after that interaction happened, and we have become good friends ever since. my buddy chris is here. come up. look how big this guy is. i am going to look really short in a second. you can stand right there. naw. come on up. [applause] share with them what was going through your head. a lot of people think i just walked up to him and hugged him. in that moment i was scared to hug him.
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his weaponiot gear, was with him, and he is just big. i do not know what is going to happen. there was tear gas in the air. it was a chaotic night. i was shocked he asked for that hug. people thought it was me that initiated that. it was actually him. tommy what was going through your head in that moment. let me live that. i am holding it. >> in that moment, it was tuesday night, and i got three hours of sleep. we were in the city, bruised and beaten, trying to help the citizens take the city back. we finally got up. himw ken, and i recognize in the dallas video and recognized his work. i just yelled out, where is my free hug?
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this look,t me with i have to have this big guy? he has these clothes, smells, but he came over and we started talking. it opened those communication lines between protesters, police, him. they are more willing to listen to him because i am in riot gear. they are listening to him. it brought peace for that one moment in our city. it really helped out. it was amazing friendship that bonded. i stopped him on facebook for about a month, trying to get a comment. we started talking and started organizing different community events so we can all work together and stay strong. we stand together or we fall apart at the end of the day. >> absolutely. what a lot of people don't
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realize is that in those moments, these unlikely friendships can be created. i really see him as a friend of mine. many people don't know that when i was in charlottesville a few weeks ago, and i was standing at lley when that car came through. i made three phone calls. one was to my wife, one was to duane you will need in a moment, and the third was to chris. i knew i needed someone in law enforcement that could give me some advice as i was standing there distraught. i had never seen anything like that, a car coming in and plowing down 19 people in front of me. before he even went into cop mode, he wanted to make sure i was ok and check up on me. he started giving me advice on
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what next steps i should take. i appreciate the friendship that has come out of that moment. sometimes we look at the color of people's skin or the uniform they are wearing, and we say i cannot find a friend in that person. chris is a real friend of mine. we have traveled around to colleges and spoken to young people about this message of unity and being able to come together. we will do a whole bunch more of that. he just got promoted to sergeant. [applause] >> two weeks ago. they are still velcroed on. >> just not he will have more free time to spend with me as i travel to colleges and show students that is not a debate division between us. -- there does not need to be division between us. there is no need for this
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division intention and conflicts going on around the country. we need to be able to come together. this is a symbol of that. thank you, chris. i appreciate you. [applause] up,ur next speaker coming when i started this march, i had originally called this the peace march. i thought this is the message we need to spread. advisor, he started having me travel around and meet his friends. they suggested you don't call it peace, you call it stability. we need to take it back to the foundations of people being able to treat each other with respect. at the time i wasn't sure what that word meant. i did research, and i found out in washington, d.c., there is a national institute or civility.
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i reached out to them to see if they would join us for this march. we ended up getting their president. come on up. i would love for you to be able to share with them a little about the work you do with the national institute for civility. either way, i still owe you a hug this morning. >> thank you so much, ken. how about another round of applause for chris? [applause] >> ken likes to say unlikely friendships. i will come back to that phrase as i talk. what we heard from darrell and chris and can are the extremes of society where words have turned into violence. i am going to talk about how we have come to a place in our society where it isn't just the
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extremes that have to come back together again and learn to listen, it is a almost. -- it is all of us. this has gotten so bad that you can practically every day see a cartoon someplace. our favorite at the national institute is this one, it shows civil discourse on a gurney on the way to the emergency room. after the presidential election and during the presidential election of 2016, we got thousands of emails and social media messages from people in red states, blue states, purple distraught,of them frustrated, ashamed, angry about how we are speaking to each other and how we are treating each other. we got thousands of emails same i don't want to go thanksgiving. we got thousands of emails from
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workplaces saying our best product innovation teams cannot talk to each other after this election. political historians tell us that this year is the first time since the reconstruction and jim crow laws that we have seen the following reality. this is 10 months after our presidential election, and yet americans who voted for trump, i could say americans who voted for hillary, either way, it is happening both directions -- we the people are still vilifying, demonizing, and hating each other. if we do that, if we do that as a people, in our homes, towns, neighborhoods, there is no hope of ever holding people
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accountable at the other end of this wall for being civil to each other. this is now like a virus in our country. democracy has always been a conversation. the quality of that conversation is what matters. most of us have come to a place, and social media has exacerbated this, the anonymity, that we are all broadcasters. we all want our message out. do we really know how to listen, to understand? that is what we are doing at the civilal institute for discourse. we have created a set of tools to revive civility person by person. we do it with small group dialogues, person by person, large-scale dialogues, and a platform.
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try to remember this. civility0 and type into the message line. script take you to a that walks you through how to have a conversation with someone very different from yourself. i want to go back to unlikely friendships and highly recommend friendshipsikely donna dand bob. i am an iowan by birth. longestdwing runs the gay-rights organization in iowa. cloot whoed bob vander runs family leadership in iowa, whose views on gayness, these
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typeould never come to any of agreement on what they view and feel about gayness. donna invited bob to lunch. they go to lunch. they meet each other as human beings. in that process, they form the same kind of bond ken and chris talk about of a real friendship across profound differences. i'm going to ask you to do something, right here, right now, as becoming one of the people who takes the next step to revive, restore civility. hink in your own head: who is someone -- it may be in your family, your workplace, someone who voted differently from you do --think of a person where there is a risk-reward
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scenario where if you did what did, inid or what chris your mind's eye, think that person right here, right now, and when you are ready invite that person to have a conversation with you. the critical thing to remember when you have that conversation, you are not trying to convince that person that she should not have voted for trump, or he should not have voted for hillary. what you're trying to do is learn enough about that person's life experience to understand why they make the choices they made. we have now created a huge divide. people who are now more on the left really think trump supporters are not normal people. we have gone that far in our lack of understanding of each other, and vice versa.
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do exactly what you can do on a one-on-one basis. it.text palatform, use it will teach you how to have that conversation with that unlikely person you just picked in your own mind. all of our channels ask you to citizeno be a civil yourself and how you can organize small community events to bring this in a large moment across our country. the mantra that should come out of today's experience together jobt's our time, it's our to change this march into a movement. we will never get back the social norms of civility and respect if we don't create a peoplevement of we the
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to be at ourselves and demanded ourselves. i will leave you with a quote from president obama. "we all have likes and dislikes of people that are different from we are, but what is important is how we treat each other, not whether we like each other, but how we treat each other." margaret made, a real icon in our culture, don't forget her most famous quote, "never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has." we can do this. thank you. [applause] thank you. to continue with this message of unlikely friendships, i would
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love to talk about the man who made a lot of this happen. i think a lot of people think it was all me, and it is really not. to be able to have met such a friend -- he travels to speak at his company, ages living. you have seen the logos. i know he has quite a crew here. clark is a phenomenal man. i did not know what to expect when i went to speak at his complete. the culture he has at that muchry, -- company, how they love each other, everyone was just poking each other and loving one another -- hugging each other and loving one another. when i traveled to meet him, i thought he was a rich ceo, you know how they are. this guy was different.
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that first night after speaking at his conference, he asked me to go to dinner with him and his wife. it was the first time i ever cruised in a rolls-royce. his car collection is insane. to know that myself going up in and out of homeless shelters in the way my family struggled, i never could have imagined that type of lifestyle where i hop in his lamborghini one day and his rolls-royce one day and see how he lives. i would never think this man and myself would have a genuine friendship. me and said he is pretty intense, and he is going to call you all the time. accept it. i am still working on that because he calls me a bunch of times. to make this happen, this stuff costs to produce. up with his friends
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and coworkers and people he felt would really connect with this message, and he got them all to rally behind it and support it. that is how we were able to make this happen financially. is going to come up, and i cannot tell you how much i love you and respect you. thank you. [applause] >> hello, civility amb assadors. it is hot as hades up here. if tomorrow wasn't promised, what would you do today? how would you treat your fellow man? what would your legacy to this world be? that is right, your legacy. we are not just marking time, our actions are significant. what would we do? what would we say?
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how would we treat one another? it all matters. i want to share with you what i know and what i believe, some of which i learned at a young age, some of which is a work in progress. i'm going to tell you about three things that cannot only help us be more civil to each other but help us to be more successful in life. hopefully it will help you answer the questions i just asked. those three things are about opportunity, teamwork, and that the, and respect -- empathy, and respect. i think we can all agree that civility is a pretty simple exercised it when is what most of us learned when we were in kindergarten. don't be selfish. share everything. be kind to others whenever
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possible, and it is always possible. think before you speak. keep your hands to yourself. don't hate anyone. clean up your own mess. don't take things that aren't yours. say you are sorry when you hurt somebody. wash your hands before you eat, and the important one that my wife reminded me of. down when you flush. these are not rocket science. we should not the value the little things that we do because they add up to the things. these little things can change how we make a person you about themselves. anyone who has ever read an fable about the mouse and the lion will remember the lion of kindness the
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showed to the mouse by setting him free and how that kindness was unexpectedly paid back by the mouse to the lion when he set the lion free from the hunters net. no act of kindness is ever wasted. the first thing i want to talk about his opportunity and how not to waste it. we all want and like opportunity. sometimes we are so busy on our iphones and ipads, we forget the perfect opportunity. we miss the immediate opportunity before us, and that is the opportunity to treat the people all around us, the people we encounter and engage every day, with kindness rather than disregard and hatred. look around you.
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look around you right now. look at the people standing next to you. make friends. don't waste this opportunity today. i corrupt dirt poor in a little town called lewiston, idaho. i got my first job when i was seven. my mom was a coke and a cafe. my 16-year-old sister was a waitress. i was a dishwasher. soould stand on a milk crate i can reach this silver lever on the machine. work was never just work. it was the opportunity they provided me and continues to manyde me to meet so different people from different walks of life, so many different cultures and stories they have told me. i have never passed up the opportunity to learn and observe
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from other people. it has made me richer and a better person. i used to watch how my sister smiled as she waited on customers who never even looked at her. she may not have always been an aspiring mode, but she smiled nonetheless. i saw how my mom lovingly prepared meals for people she did not even know, and how she always respected them and respected her employees even when she was busy and had a stressful day. my mom believed in seizing that moment. she believed in kindness no matter what she was doing. all this helps me grow as a person and develop my core values that have helped me in life and in business and working with people. never pass up the opportunity to treat someone with kindness. the second thing i want to mention is teamwork. very few things happen in business without a great team.
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it takes a team. that is a lesson my mother taught me. my mother is a british war veteran who married an abusive man. my father. she divorced my father just as her oldest son was entering xccollege. that did not deter her. with few skills and barely knowing how to drive cap she took the job as making salads for a dollar 45 an hour -- $1.45 an hour. [applause] you, hug >> she put all four kids through college. it was an example of determination and grit.
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if we all come together, no matter your race, sexual preference, we can do it. we can restore civility. the act of one person, but it will take all of us working together, each of us as an ambassador. the last thing is empathy and respect. as the baby of my family, as the time came for me to go to school, around my 16th birthday, my mother came to me and said we have no money. , i said whatss is new? she became serious and opened the fridge and lamented on how she spent her check on rent, utility, and school supplies. she opened a bridge that cast a shadow on an onion, some milk,
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and two sticks of butter. i will borrow some potatoes from work, she said. steal, ie going to said steal some steaks. with that came a slap across my face. enough was not a clear sign about her anger and tone, she said we do not steal. we have never stolen. we will borrow these potatoes, and we will pay them back with interest. 4:00 a.m. the next day, we ofrowed eight pounds potatoes, and we came home and made potato soup. we lived off that soup for 13 days. during the night, my mother would talk to me about the
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success that i would have in se theountry becau opportunity it had, because the people we had in this country, that if i applied myself and was kind to all people no matter what their race, what their beliefs, that i would be successful. yes, we paid those potatoes back with interest 14 days later. after i started my company, we created the potato soup foundation, which has helped hundreds of people in times of need. [applause] pain, although it lives inside of me 40 years later, has taught me the empathy in others. i have walked in their shoes. i know how it feels. band or the name
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of u2 recently told students at georgetown university, choose your enemies carefully. make them something worthwhile. incivility is our enemy. us.vility divides we may disagree on various issues and matters, but we can be courteous in doing so. we can dislike ideas, but we cannot dislike each other. we always should be able to walk in the shoes of another, but we can be sympathetic to the struggles and challenges our neighbors and peers face. if we all come together, this common goal, our success will be exponential. again, if, i ask you tomorrow wasn't promised, how
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will you spend today? how will you treat your fellow man? what will your legacy to civility be? what did your mother teach you about civility? god bless you. [cheers and applause] >> wow. thank you. thank you. , so many of you are probably familiar with them. i know every time i log on to the ground and different social is inaccounts, he arkansas interacting with the students. you can tell he works with some pretty underserved neighborhoods. you see his love and passion for the people in those communities as he serves. it has gained him a lot of
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notoriety as being one of america's favorite community police officers and his passion for the things he does in the community. i am honored. guy for a fews months, trying to get him out here. i attacked him in social media. -- tagged him in social media. he finally obliged, and he is here. wcome on up. [applause] thank you, ken. it is a big honor to be here. thank you to your wife sabrina, and congratulations on the upcoming additions to the family. give him a big hand. [applause] i really don't feel worthy to be
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up here. the days off in arkansas are thursday and friday. it took me everything to get my sergeant to let me off today. i will have to fly back home tonight because duty calls in the morning. it is good to be here. my beautiful girlfriend rosalynn is a big supporter. raise your hand. she is a big supporter. i have met a lot of people in my short time here. inn i think about growing up north little rock, arkansas, -- ly of nine, when, that twin myself, and we are the youngest. -- and i taught me follow that model my entire life. i always wanted to be a police officer. i never thought it would be a police officer.
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in december 1977 can i applied to be a police officer in little rock, arkansas. i passed every step there was to be a police officer, in my career began june 15, 1998. i'm still working on my 20th year. i remember early on in my career as a police officer, i always wanted to go into numerous with open arms, to love people because that is what my mom taught her nine kids. as you know, mom knows best. i was about police officer's tickets andte make arrests. i did not know that police officers could hug people. i tried, but i did not know if it was working. gentlemannded, and a
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north of little rock wanted to meet with me. he did not tell me what he wanted. i meet with him at a gas station off interstate 30. he wanted to confess to a murder. he had killed a man in a homeless camp with a two by four. i called little rock police. they came over, and they asked me how did i find this guy. i tell them, i did not find him, he found me. very peaceful arrest. they put him in the back of their patrol car. before they drive off, i ask him, why me? while police officer you have never met, a police officer that works for another agency, why did you choose me? over]ane flying just my luck.
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he tells me there's a police officer in the neighborhood that he could surrender to with dignity and respect. that was really transformation, it was a confirmation that your badge should have a heartbeat caps off -- and not an ego. furthered, i wanted to do more. when my shift ended at 2:00, i wanted more. i went home and took my uniform and put on the same clothes the community was wearing and went right back out. i do it today. it is a humbling experience. it is not the badge that makes you, but it is the heart behind the badge that makes you. when you talk about we the us, they, them, everyone.
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it is not just police officer's that have to make a difference. not just ken and dua ken is an amazing person. he actually gives better hugs than me. i just want to share with you in on my flight here i listened to a song by john legend. the song is if you are out there. some of the words that really stood out to me was, if you hear the message, if you hear this i'mage wherever you stand, calling every woman, every man, we are the generation, we cannot afford to wait. the future started yesterday. we are already late. my job as a police officer, when i go back to work tomorrow morning, it is parking my police car, getting out, sitting on
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front porches, and finding the forgotten. you have to find the forgotten in your community, the people most of society would turn their back on. when these cameras are off, and we all go back home, are you going to make a difference? are you going to stay committed? huge to stay committed. thank you so much for having me here. it really, really means a lot. i am looking forward to the march and promoting peace area and very much. i really appreciate it. >> for our next speaker, to introduce him i will bring up two of my buddies i met on the , moreines in charlotte'
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like my bodyguard. [laughter] >> it was nice to meet them on frontlines. last night, as we were coming back from dinner with dewayne and we went to the hotel, we pulled up and sought michael brown, senior sitting in the lobby of the hotel and knowing the passing of his son so much of the attention that happened in ferguson around that time and seeing the connection to hear i am coming up with the police officers and knowing they had taken place. seeing him sitting there touched me. jump outese huge amen of the car and greet him and as i was leaving, they all sat down in the lobby of the hotel and
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talked amongst each other. it gave me goosebumps to see what this has done. out from my brother and law later on, he said i showed off longer after you left and they were still sitting out there talking as human beings. i would love to welcome michael brown, senior who is here today. come on up, mike. [applause] to know that together we are , just theing together sites of the seeing all three of these guys hanging in the lobby and talking as human beings despite everything that has happened on what we have seen in the news and media, and we got past that and were able to spread love and see each other as human beings. it gives me goosebumps to see these guys like this. it is crazy.
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it is that the civil discords gets us to be right here. we are seeing into each other's hearts appeared -- heart. s. [applause] i would like to say peace and blessings. i would like to thank those back in the streets in st. louis for the kindness, dedication, and determination. no justice. no pride. country is in a state of
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emergency. matter toack lives say all lives matter. as we come together to the table in a peace and unity for justice and equality. with thet to work martin luther king of this error or deal with the others of this error -- era. we must have respect for others. whatever we do, we must take responsibility for our own actions. then a change will come. thank you. >> i want to go into talking .ore about civility
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i saw the dictionary definition of what civility is, it felt like it was not enough. i wrote down at of my own bullet points of what i feel civility is and i would like to share that with you all. civility is our ability to be kind and courteous to one another. it enables us to disagree without disrespecting each other. justice is knowing that is not just for us, but it is for anyone who is being treated unfairly. a person should not have to look like you in order to defend them when they are treated unjustly. civility make sure that women are given equal rights and .reated with respect the women literally gave birth to this nation. they can do anything a man can
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do and things we are not capable of. how dare us not give a women fair pay and equal rights and better treatment and respect. it is so important. being the symbol knowing when to lower our voice in order to listen to each other with .mpathy and understanding civility sets great examples for children to follow and it encourages them to embrace diversity and work toward a more diverse of society. it bothers me that when i watch the news and a few months ago i saw a politician body slammed a reporter. our kids are watching these things. how can we send our kids to school and tell them to keep their hands to themselves when they are seeing politicians body slamming people and they are asking -- that are asking them for interviews.
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we have to set better examples for the young people coming up the hind us. [applause] >> thank you. civility is not defined about how we treat each other but it is also how we treat our environment. hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and floods. it is time for us to make changes to increase our chances of survival. we only have one planet. we are starting to see the ofects of that with so many record temperatures. seeing the hurricanes that are taking place one after another in recent weeks, we have never seen anything like this before and whether people deny climate change is real or not, we do know something is happening and we need to be aware of that and be more concerned about we -- the weight which week this environment. [applause] >> thank you.
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passion toves us the create jobs and opportunities to help immigrants are not refugees, and people in need rather than just leaving them to struggle or be forced back to country where they fled persecution. it gives every person in this country a fair shot of life and the pursuit of happiness if they are willing to work for it. that waris knowing should only be used as a last resort and not a primary way to resolve conflicts. we shouldn't continually be on the brink of world war iii when we have not yet experienced world peace one. that is so important. civility prevents incidents like the vehicular attack that took charlottesvillete a few weeks ago, the shooting of officers and the pulse nightclub
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attack. shared similar hate in their heart. we must teach america to love again. it is so important that we do that. in one of my videos a few years make america what love again. i was shocked to see that video went viral. andel the message of love unity that people are not willing to accept it. people feel they have to choose sides with the issues taking lace. we see that with the crowd today. specific cause a that represented one cause or another, i feel like the crowds would be all the way to the back . but you tell people to come together and stand together as them and beings, and so few people come out to support that message. we are backwards.
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we need to be able to celebrate togetherness and unity and love. i appreciate so many of you who are out here today to celebrate this message. it is sad we have become the minorities and so few fighting for that. seem so comfortable to attach to one side or another and feel like they need to hold true to that. this message of togetherness is so important. to continue on. [applause] >> thank you. civility is standing the monks a diverse group of people as we celebrate unity. in describing here and the people sitting on the stage, if they were black, white, brown, native american, christian, muslim, gay, straight, old, young, police officers, artists,
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musicians, we are all able to sit on the stage together supporting love and equality. this is what unity looks like. this is what democracy looks like. this is what the people united look like. the more that we stand together like this, we cannot be divided and we really need to grow in numbers, especially around this message of love and unity. knowing, andity is when we see acts of hate and we know hate is loud, it is an port and that our love gets louder. thank you. [applause] >> i am going to introduce jim from the peace sanctuary. this is the reason why so many flags are here today. will lead us out on the
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march. we will take these flags with us as we march the perimeter together and then we will come back and have additional speakers as we close out our program. over and letu take us know how you want to go. jim: thank you so very much like sisters and brothers. am here from and organization called the world peace prayer society. we are not religious, political. , youu see right up here see the white poles. they all say may peace prevail on earth in different languages. they are just a reminder for us. if you are religion, they can be religious. you will see them if you have never been exposed. what we will do is physical
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march leading up to the that really will show our unity. you know we all have a brothers and sisters and cousins and aunts who have different political views, but when you look at it, we have so much more in common. that goes across the whole planet. friends, americans, countrymen, lend me your voices. we will take a tour around the u.s., a two or of humanity. [applause] say may peace prevail in every state in the nation. , and if youaughter are ready to be loud and filled with love and filled with unity. alabama --
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jim: may peace prevail and alabama. >> alaska. jim: the prevail in alaska. >> american samoa. jim: may peace prevail in samoa. >> arizona. >> jim: may peace prevail in arkansas. >> california. jim: may piece prevail in california. >> colorado. : >> connecticut's. peace mail in connecticut. >> district of columbia. jim: may peace prevail in the district of columbia.
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>> florida. jim: may peace prevail in idaho. >> indiana. jim: may peace prevail in idaho. >> iowa. jim: may peace prevail iowa. >> kansas. jim: may peace prevail kansas. >> kentucky. jim: may peace prevail kansas. >> louisiana. jim: may peace prevail louisiana. >> main. jim: may peace prevail in m
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aine? . >> massachusetts. jim: may peace prevail in massachusetts. >> michigan. jim: may peace prevail in michigan. >> missouri. jim: may peace prevail in missouri. >> montana. jim: may peace prevail in montana. >> tabasco. jim: may peace prevail -- the brass golf. prevail nebraska. would do me one favor so it can be heard let's get one real loud may peace prevail on earth together. peace prevail on us. >> back to new jersey.
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jim: may peace prevail may peace prevail in the new jersey. >> new mexico. jim: may peace prevail in new mexico. >> north carolina. jim: may peace prevail in north carolina. >> north dakota. jim: may peace prevail in north dakota. >> northern mariana island. jim: may peace prevail in northern mariana island. >> ohio. jim: may peace prevail in ohio. >> oklahoma. jim: may peace prevail in oklahoma. >> corydon. jim: may peace prevail in oregon. -- or aegon. jim: may peace prevail in oregon. >> pennsylvania. jim: may peace prevail in pennsylvania. thank you. we all know what they are going through we love you. thank you. >> rhode island. jim: may peace prevail in rhode island. >> south carolina.
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jim: may peace prevail in south carolina. >> south dakota. jim: may peace prevail in south dakota. >> tennessee. jim: may peace prevail in tennessee. >> texas. jim: may peace prevail in texas. >> united states virgin islands. in they peace prevail united states virgin islands. >> utah. jim: may peace prevail in utah. >> newmont. jim: may peace prevail in vermont. >> virginia. jim: may peace prevail in virginia. >> washington. jim: may peace prevail in washington. >> west virginia. jim: may peace prevail and west ridge in your. >> wisconsin. jim: may peace prevail in wisconsin. >> wyoming. jim: may peace prevail in wyoming. jim: may peace prevail now we will do something really
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special. indigenouse have the unity flag. respectreated to give and show you with ourselves with all of our beautiful indigenous , lgbt, everyone in the indigenous communities that we really need to give a little loving to. they are part of this country if we remember our history. may peace prevail in the indigenous areas. jim: we will end with one that really shows unity. white,oking for the red, and blue. the united states of america. may peace prevail in the united states of america. let's one more time, if we can, really, really loud.
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we are not the only people on this planet. can we do a loud peace prevail on earth? may peace prevail on earth. i love you all. i think all of the speakers that have given their lives for their monarch. we love you mexico. given our lives have to unity and peace and trying to make things better. im so honored and we are honored to be here. we will do a march. can will lead us. you folks on stage would grab a flag and take it out for the .alk with us we are really psyched you folks are here. thank you for walking on this planet with me. i love you all very much. may peace prevail on earth.
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jim: we are going to grab flags and head out on the march. the most important thing i want everyone to remember with part of this march is that dialogue is civility and being able to walk together and talk together. too many chance as we walk, instead we will talk to each other. we will take pictures and take hugs. we will embrace one another. are you ok with that? do.that is what we will we will continue this message of love and unity. grab some flags. we will all join you. i am sure there are people on stage who you to take pictures with as we go out.
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thank you, guys. we are all about respect in all of our areas, or you wouldn't be here. these flags represent our brothers and sisters in all of truly love.ho we please show respect for your do not let the flags the ground. when you come back, feel free to put them in the stand. may peace prevail on earth. thank you. ♪ i won't be afraid.
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no i won't be afraid, just as me. as you stand, stand by , stand by me, stand .y me, stand by me upone sky that we look should tumble and fall or the mountains shown crumble -- should crumble into the sea, i , i't cry, no i won't cry won't shed a tear just as long .s you stand by me, stand by me
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darling, darling, stand by me, me, stande, stand by by me ♪
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[talking in the background]
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