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tv   President Tells Coast Guard Graduates to Never Back Down  CSPAN  May 17, 2017 11:41pm-1:57am EDT

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company, that is worth $20 per month. they text that as income. no deductions. you want to give to charity, we are all for it, but we do not give you a tax break. if you tax everything and give no write-offs, then you can set the rates very low. 8:00 easternht at ." "q&a, speaking at a graduation ceremony for the coast guard cadets, president trump said no politician in history have been treated more unfairly than himself. here is his half hour commencement address at the u.s. coast guard academy in new london, connecticut. ♪
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>> ready, two. please remain standing for our national anthem. and salute. [playing the national ♪them] ♪
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[applause] >> please remain standing. at this time, i invite professor janik leavy to the stage. she is a member of the faculty
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with the longest service at the coast guard academy. --the 136 commitment commencement exercises of the united states coast guard academy are now convened. [applause] >> captain michael j parisi, chaplain of the coast guard academy will now deliver the invocation. us pray. heavenly father, help us to be mindful of your presence in of your love for your people as we gather to see the class of 2017 graduate from this academy and commissioned in the united
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states coast guard. we thank you for the perseverance, strength of purpose that brings them to this happy day. for all who too offered them support and encouragement along the way. for parents, family and friends, for teachers and coaches. for the leadership of the foremy and of the nation, mentors, sponsors and clergy. amen. >> thank you, chaplain. ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. presenters of and commissions, please join the class of 2017 and uncover. military personnel, please remain covered drug -- covered threat the ceremony.
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admiral -- rear rendon.rundown -- >> good morning, everyone. president trump, secretary malloy,dmiral, governor public and community leaders, distinguished alumni, military veterans, faculty, staff, cadets, family, friends and soon-to-be ensign from the class of 2017, how special it is this morning to be together for this extraordinary occasion. what glorious weather here in coast guard city, new london. what a terrific day. i can feel the energy and enthusiasm. the getting started, how about a bears." proud "go
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chanting] go bears! >> what a beautiful site it is to see these graduates ready and eager to join the officers and crews performing the many missions of the coast guard. today is indeed a great day for them, for this academy and for our coast guard. yes, today is about these folks cadetsere, these 195 swabs and now leaders. we are very excited for them. today is not just about them. it is also about parents, families, sponsor families, friends, all of you here who have done so much to encourage and support them during the past four years. hrough your guidance
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and support and love that each of them will be earning a diploma and commission. on behalf of this class, if i may i say thank you, well done and congratulations. [applause] >> this place, the united states coast guard academy, works hard and works together on our main calling, to educate, train, develop and inspire leaders of character. leaders that leave here with a strength of character to meet the expectations and challenges of our coast guard, of our nation, and the community of nations around the globe. mr. president, i am so very proud to report that the women and men before you today have successfully completed their 200 week program.
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they have individually and collectively, as a class, as a , exercise,family flexed and truly have strengthened their character muscles, academically, athletically, and professionally these past four years. the mission here for this class is complete. they are indeed ready and will be always ready to take on the responsibilities of a commissioned officer in our great coast guard. we the faculty and staff here have the utmost confidence that they will serve and lead and andeed with unwavering zeal care and determination. congratulations to the faculty and staff who prepare to them. all of you here that have supported them, congratulations to this impressive class. go commencement, go graduates, and forever, go bears.
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[applause] >> of our 195 young men and women graduating here today with the class of 2017, 6 are international cadets who have probably represented their nations while greatly enriching .ur academy and the corps at this time, we invite these international cadets along with members of their national delegation to stand when their names are called and remain standing. these graduates will return to their countries and serve with distinction in their armed forces. from honduras, l hunter sanabria. [applause] from georgia.
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[applause] three cadets from mexico. [applause] >> leslie, from the marshall lastly, from the marshall islands. [applause] thank you, you may be seated. i now have the privilege of producing this year's distinguished graduates.
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the distinguished graduate as a cadet that graduates with the highest military presence average, which includes academic, military and physical components of the entire 200 week program. it is with great pride that i introduce this year's distinguished graduate, popil.lass christopher [applause] christopher is from saint augustine, florida. he majored in operations research and computer analysis. this past academic year, christopher completed a project that created a decision support tool that ranks by priority coast guard small boat stations based on environment of factors and missions.
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impressively, he was also working on that project while also being the regimental chief of staff. talk about time management challenges. in the summer of 2016, christopher worked with the office of requirements and analysis of the coast guard headquarters to learn how operations research is used to solve some of the most important issues facing our coast guard today. next month, is different will report to the coast guard holder firsthis voice -- his choice, apparently, in seattle, washington, where he will serve as deck officer. i have the utmost confidence christopher will do great things in our coast guard just as he has done here at the academy. please join me in another round of applause for the distinguished regiment of the united states coast guard academy class of 2017,
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first-class christopher popil. [applause] >> good morning. president trump, secretary , distinguished guests, faculty and staff, family and friends, and the incredible class of 2017. applause] >> i thank you for joining us to celebrate the hard work and achievement of our class and thank you for the opportunity to speak on this momentous occasion. saidon churchill once
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"success is not final, failure is not fatal. it is the courage to continue that counts. all 195 of us have the courage to continue from swab summer to graduation, to -- from sea trials to grad week. in late april, half of our class the slate courage when we did the takeover of downtown new london wearing wearing navy blue bathrobes. we were shelling our coast guard pride, and sure, we received strange looks and maybe we looked absurd, but we wanted to do something that no other cadets had done for. us,class unity emboldened and relying on one another, we turned this event into one of the most memorable nights of our lives. fourth class year, we tto, " the mo
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storm yields courage." i cannot think of a better motto for our class. everyone has experienced their own trials and tribulations, but the fact we are here today proves we have had the courage to weather the storms. this was no easy task. rigorous lectures, ignite lab reports, morning drill, capstone projects, papers, inspections and so much more. these are not tasks we completed by ourselves. mentor.n advisor and straightforward, and most importantly, passionate. about the coast guard and our class. when to go to bat for us but she also knew when to
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give us tough love. as a result, lieutenant commander mullarkey helped foster unity and together we have triumphed. me, last week, nick asked what will you miss the most about new london? i had trouble thinking of places because i could only think of faces. when i think of new london, i think of the faces of all of the incredible people whom we have had the honor to interact with over the past four years. faculty, coaches, family and friends. people who have supported us, motivated us, and pushed us to become who we are today. thank you for providing endless phone calls, care packages and cheers from the stands. from personal experience, i know how unity can get individuals coverage -- courage to get through their own storm.
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during our second class year, i broke my elbow playing basketball and required reconstructive surgery. this was the second time during my cadet career i have broken the same i was defeated, and i was ready to give up. when i returned from the hospital, i planned to isolate myself and wallow in my misery. i found opened my door, my classmates there, waiting for me. determined to get me back on track. their unconditional support was overwhelming. it gave me the courage to fight, to work with my classmates, and to push myself to improve. without my classmates, i would not be here today giving this speech. finding courage through unity has occurred individually as well as collectively.
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this year we were informed that we would not have a traditional castle that. together anded have the better event. boston was down in an elegant and beautiful night. it was the perfect culminating event for our class. it is a night we will remember for years to come. additionally, our class was the first class to retain everyone through the summer training program. and now we graduate when the largest groups ever. [applause] even in the face of adversity, our classes democratic -- demonstrate that we have the strength to overcome obstacles. courage is also manifested in creative ways by our classmates. although we look the same in uniform, under the there is a multitude of personalities and talents.
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paintinges drawing and abilities to create masterpieces for the cadet archer. john dillard has mastered every instrument. kyle, andrew, and casey started a high-energy band that filled every venue downtown. catalogs -- austin catalogs are events. we have poets. has led the coast guard sailing program to national prominence. comedic chops his when he stepped off the wrestling mat and onto the states. these are just a few examples of our classmates willing to show a vulnerable side of themselves or the sake of self-expression. against the storm of uncertainty, the class of 2017 has demonstrated the courage to be pioneers.
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to further inclusion and diversity, shayna let a group of cadets to develop that. educators program. tyler has worked tirelessly and set himself up to be a chemical engineer for the coast guard. several people have dedicated a lot of their time as first-generation college students. the initiative and dedication of these and many of our shipmates reassures us that the coast guard will be in good hands. lastly, we have also been able to find courage through unity in the face of tragedy. few theing of a molester was a difficult. of a fewssing classmates last year was a
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difficult period. we have summoned the courage to keep them in our hearts. through every success in challenge we overcome, we honor their memories. now, 2017, we have made it. we are on the verge of receiving our diplomas and our commissions. rigorous years4 of the coast guard academy. i was to leave you with one reminder. through unity and courage we have all achieved so much already. it is time to show the rest the world just what we are capable of. let us be relentless. let us be tenacious. let us be courageous. that we are never alone because we have went to 95 brothers and sisters -- 195
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brothers and sisters ready to help when necessary. go class of 2017. thank you. [applause] it is now my privilege to introduce an admiral. [applause] you, cadet first class. thank you to the class of 2017. it is a real honor to be here today. we are a division iii interscholastic sports team here at the coast guard academy. we have outmuscled the air force academy, west point, and annapolis because we have landed our commander in chief to preside at this stage commencement. [applause]
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>> tomorrow morning i'm going to testify before our house appropriations committee. these are the individuals who write checks for our service. we have often told ourselves we are a service that does more with less. i'm here to say, we are a service that does more because we have the best. it fort are sitting here their parents, their family members today. here is what i'm going to say, as you may know, we are already building a fleet of national security cutters. that program was going to be truncated at 5-6, now we are building cap. responseilding 58 best cutters, and many of you will be assigned to those. we are building a fleet of offshore patrol covers who will be awarded a contract for the first nine. we just agree to finally invest in heavy icebreakers. we are on the fast track to
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build the first four. [applause] we are mission i think brand new aircraft. we are growing the end strength of our active duty coast guard. i'm here to say, i can't get you out of those seats into shoulder boards into the air, ports, cyber fast enough. i will fast-forward my comments here today. let's look at what you said today. for the last 200 weeks you have been students of the principal of leadership -- leaders of character. when you walk up today, you will be graduates. my expectation is that you will be leaders of character, but it is going to be 24 by seven. what does it mean to be a leader of character? a are in the business as
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military service first and foremost about national security. with national security also comes public trust. the two of those are interwoven. you don't have both of those unless you have leaders of character. what does public trust look like? coast guardtates operates in the waters of over 60 nations throughout the world force to enforce fisheries regulations, go after drug smugglers. today we have over 27 metric tons of cocaine in the holds of coast guard cutters today that we have seats -- seized in the last three weeks alone. we have level of play are -- level the playing field because we have leaders of character carrying out those missions. [applause] meet with all of the arctic nations, they look to the united states coast guard as the leader in the arctic.
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and see this world open up look to the united states coast guard to fill the vacuum. we are first and foremost a military service. we have opened up a whole new front in cyber as well. yes, leaders of character you are. leaders of character that you coaste as we find our guard deployed across seven continents around the world at any given time. we are not the coast guard that i joined back in 1973 when i first entered jason hall. ,hen i think back 40 years ago i first think of your motto, storms yield courage. 40 years ago, as i sat in those seats back in 1977, there was only one storm on the horizon, that was the cold war. a war with very high
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stakes. it was a non-shooting war, nonetheless it was a very predictable world that i entered into. you are going to be military leaders in a world that has storms on many fronts. bereft with is anything but tranquility. to require to be -- leaders of character to lead this great nation as you confront storms beyond which you could imagine beyond your 200 weeks here at the united states coast guard academy. the biggest responsibility that is i'mtrust upon you going to entrust the men and women you are going to be. i'm going to entrust their lives into your leadership come into your judgment. quite frankly, there is no higher calling to be given that daunting responsibility because
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you do that, day in and day out you will earn the admiration and trust the fitting of a leader. a leader is not what you wear on your shoulders, a leader is what you hold in your heart. i have followed this class for nearly four years during my tenure as commandant, and i know that we are going to do more with the best because we have the class of 2017 ready to join our fleet. thank you one and all. [applause] >> at this point it is my honor to introduce no stranger to public service. rising from q1 to a four-star general. he leads the third-largest 2020 5000,ce of over larger than the united states green court in the department of homeland security. our fifth secretary, john f
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kelly, the secretary of the united states coast guard. thank you. [applause] >> thanks commandant. i will be very brief. two pieces of advice. an awful lot of people have been given you advice. but i will type what got me leading45.5 years of soldiers in combat and in peace time. take care of your people. train them, mentor them, defend them. they will do anything you ask them to do. they will show up to work on time. they will put their lives at risk on the high seas interdicting drugs in tons. dealing with the most dangerous men on the planet. --y would jump out of a hop helicopter in the middle of the night in raging seas to save somebody's life. all you have to do is leave them. second thing i wanted to share advice, is a bit of
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tell the truth. tell the truth dear your seniors even though it is uncomfortable. you know they may not much to hear it. they deserve that. tell the truth. finally, a quick story about what you are about to do. it is all going to get really serious in a minute as you go from cadets to commissioned officers. 42 million americans have taken the art you're about to take. a million of them have died in defense of our country. we have a very unique oh. the most unique oath on the planet. if we were in london right now and you are graduating from whatever school, you would be taking a note to the queen, the sovereign. in france, you would take a note to the french people. in beijing, you would take a party. the communist
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we're the only country, you're the only people that will take an oath to a concept, the u.s. constitution. first and foremost we are a nation of laws. if we use that as our guiding concept number we will never go that or it the story goes they were about to in i great our first president, george washington. do itere just about to and someone said, don't we need on -- an oath? because up to that point it had always been english man and they had taken the oath to the sovereign. they handed it to george washington before he became president. the only thing he added to it
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was, so help me god. as you take the oath today, understand that you are swearing to the american people, to a piece of paper, to uphold the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic area and to your death you are willing to go to fill that oath. one marine to a whole bunch of cadets just about to become commissioned officers, i wish you well. farewell, fair winds, and following seas. god bless you, god bless your parents, go out and leave those -- graduates.ese ouronor is to introduce president, our commander in chief, donald trump. thank you very much.
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[applause] donald trump: thank you very much. thank you, john. thank you. thank you. thank you and congratulations to the class of 2017, great job. general kelly, i want to thank you for your leadership. you have been something very special to us as a country and to me in our administration. you have done throughout your entire life an incredible job defending your country, thank you very much. [applause] donald trump: and john and all of his folks are doing an incredible job protecting our homeland and our border, and i'm thrilled that my first address to the service academy is the
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graduation ceremony for the united states coast guard. believe me, it's a great honor. [applause] donald trump: i have been here before. it's a very, very special place. every cadet graduating today as your commander in chief, it is truly my honor to welcome you aboard. [applause] donald trump: and you should take a moment to celebrate this incredible achievement. governor malloy, thank you for being here. governor, thank you. we're glad you could join us. i know how busy the governors are nowadays. they are out there fighting. it is never easy. the budget sorry little tight. -- the budgets are a little tight. but we're doing a job. all of us are doing a job working together. i want to also thank admiral zukohf and his leadership.
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his leadership has been amazing. today's graduates will be fortunate to serve under such capable and experienced commandant. he really is fantastic. thanks also to admiral rendon. the academy superintendent, admiral, i understand you come from a true coast guard family. two brothers, a nephew, a cousin have all passed through these halls. that's very impressive. i guess you like the place, right? [applause] donald trump: somebody in your family has been doing something right, i can tell you that. i'm sure they are all very proud just as we're very proud of the fine young officers who are graduating today, admiral, on your watch. i would also like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to all of the parents, and the grandparents, and family members who have supported these amazing
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graduates. give your parents and everyone a hand. come on. [applause] donald trump: because america has families like yours, and we'll keep all of those families safe and very, very secure. you are keeping your families safe now. if you are not already, you are about to become military families. so starting today i hope you feel the full gratitude of our nation. these fine young cadets are about to take their rightful place on the frontline of defense for the united states of america. cadets, you deserve not only the congratulations but the gratitude of each and every american. we all salute you. a proud nation. [applause]
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donald trump: and you are a part of a very, very proud nation. which salutes the 195 cadets of the coast guard academy class of 2017. good job. [applause] donald trump: and i understand from the admirals that this has been a very special class. you have been trained here to handle the toughest of situations. the hardest of moments really that you can experience. and the hardest in people's lives to help the weak in their hour of need. but even for the coast guard, this class has been exceptionally dedicated to public service. you served breakfast at the local food bank every single week day. you rebuilt a home with habitat for humanity. last year you led cadets in donating a total of 24,000 hours, a lot of time, to
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community service. you have done amazing work, and in the true coast guard fashion, you had fewer people and fewer resources, but you accomplished the objectives, and you did it with skill and with pride. and i'd like to say under budget and ahead of schedule. we're doing a lot of that now in the united states government. [applause] donald trump: we're doing a lot of that. i won't talk about how much i saved you on the f-35 fighter jet. i won't even talk about it. or how much we're about to save you on the gerald ford, the aircraft carrier. that had a little bit of an overrun problem before i got here. you know that. still going to have an overrun problem. we came in when it was finished. but we're going to save some good money. when we build the new aircraft carriers, they are going to be built under budget and ahead of schedule. just remember that. that will allow us to build more. now, of course, there are always a few slip-ups from time to time.
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you know that. for example, i understand that once or twice, first class cadet bruce kemp -- where's bruce? where's bruce? ah bruce, how do you do this to yourself, bruce? as regimental parking officer, might have accidentally caused a few tickets to be issued, or a few of your cars to be booted. bruce, what's going on with you? but cadets, from this day forward, we want everyone to have a clean slate in life. that includes bruce, right? and so for any oversights or small violations that might have occurred this year, as tradition demands, i hereby absolve every cadet serving restrictions for minor offenses.
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now, bruce stand up once again. [laughter] donald trump: they saved you, bruce, because they all wanted me to do that, ok. thank you, bruce. congratulations, bruce. now you are everyone's -- good job. by the way, bruce, don't worry about it. that's the tradition. i was forced to do that. you know that. don't worry. this is truly an amazing group of cadets that are here today for commission. you could have gone to school anywhere you wanted, and with very, very few responsibilities by comparison. instead, you chose the path of service. you chose hard work, high standards, and a very noble mission to save lives, defend the homeland, and protect america's interests around the world. you chose the coast guard. good choice.
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good choice. [applause] donald trump: you have learned skills they don't teach at other schools right here on the ground of this academy. and also on your larger campus, the open sea. that is a large, large campus, isn't it? a beautiful campus. but the greatest lesson you have learned at this proud institution is the knowledge you have learned about yourself. it's the knowledge that each and every one of you is something very special. you are leaders. for the first stormy days of your swab summer, to your final weeks as a first class cadet, you have been expected to take responsibility to make decisions and to act. and i like all leaders that's exactly what you have to do. you have to act. and you have to act properly.
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and you have to learn how to act under great, great pressure. you you are all going to be under great pressure. you have to learn how to respond and to act under great pressure. just days from now you will put this vital skill into the service of your ships, your sectors, and your country. you'll serve as deck watch officers on our amazing coast guard cutters. you'll bring law and order to the dangerous waters as boating officers. you will block illegal shipments of cash, weapons, and drugs are you will battle the scourge of human trafficking, something people have been talking about, one of the big plagues of the world, not our country only, the world. human trafficking. americans will place their trust in your leadership just as they in have trusted in generations of coast guard men women with
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respect for your skill, with awe at your courage, and with the knowledge that you will always be ready. you are always ready. not only will our citizens trust in your leadership, your commanders will trust you as well. the coast guard is the gold standard in delegated decision-making down to chain of command. so as your instructors have at the academy, your coast guard commanders will explain their vision, and the nibble trust you to get the job done. just like i, as your president, will also trust you to get the job done. it is amazing to think of the adventures that are about to begin for you. across the country this month, millions of other students are graduating high school, college.
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many others are wondering just who what am i going to do? they are saying to themselves, what are they going to do? you know what you are going to do. many students are graduating, saying, what am i going to do? where will i go to work? you know it. you pay a good one by the way. you picked a beautiful one that we are proud to have you. [applause] donald trump: years from now, some of them may look back and ask themselves whether they have made the right choice, whether they have made the most of the opportunities they have been given. in the coast guard you will face many challenges and many threats. one thing you will never have to face is that question of, what will i do? when you look back, you won't doubt.
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you will know exactly how you spent your time saving lives. i look at your admirals. i look at general kelly. i look at some of the great people in service, and i want to tell you, they are excited about life. they love what they do. they love their country, they love protecting our country, and they love with they do. is that right? i did not think anyone would say no. that would ruin our speech. great people. you always know just what you will be, the leaders of the united states coast guard. [applause] donald trump: and when they see your uniform, everyone in the world will know exactly what that means, what standard, and really if you think about it,
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when you talk about the great sailors and sailors of the world, we have them. but what stranded sailor doesn't feel relief when those red racing stripes break the horizon? what drifting so let's see with only a short -- soul at sea with only a short time left doesn't rejoice at those chopper blades coming down to rescue them from death? what poisonous, peddling, drug runner, doesn't tremble with fear when the might of the coast guard comes bearing down on them? in each case we know the reason, america's life-saving service is on the way. the coast guard is truly vital to the united states armed forces and truly vital to our great country.
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[applause] donald trump: out of the five branches of the armed services, it is only the coast guard that has the power to break through 21 feet of rock solid arctic ice, right? you are the only ones. i am proud to say under my administration, as you heard, we will be building the first new heavy icebreakers the united states has seen in over 40 years. [applause] donald trump: we need them. we need them. the coast guard stands watch at our ports, patrols our waterways, and protects our an infrastructure. you defend america in a world of
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massive and very grave threats. soon some of you will be leaving boardings of suspicious vessels, searching for deadly weapons, and detaining criminals that keep our people safe. others of you will work with partners in scores of countries around the globe, bringing in the full power of the united states coast guard right up to those distant shores. some of those shores are very far away. to secure our borders from drug terrorist threats. coast guard cutters patrol more than 1500 miles below the southern border. a lot of people didn't know that. with enormous pride, you realize it is with the great skill and tremendous speed, our coast guard men and women interdict dangerous criminals and millions
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and billions of dollars worth of the illegal narcotics every single year. your helicopters launch from the decks of world-class national security cutters, and they chase drug smugglers at speeds are in excess of 15 not -- knots. the incredible coast guard snipers take their aim at the smugglers' engines. time after time, they take out the motors on the first shot. they don't like wasting the bullets, right? they actually don't. you slice through roaring storms and through pouring rain and crashing waves is a place where few other people will ever venture. exciting. exciting, but you have to have
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it in your heart. you love it. in the coast guard, you don't run from danger, you chase it. you are deployed in support of operations, in theaters of conflict all around the world, but not only do you defend american security, you also protect american prosperity. the mission that goes back to the earliest days of the revenue cutter service -- i studied that. the coast guard helps keep waters open for americans to do business. it keeps rivers flowing with commerce, and the keeps the ports churning with american exports. you help billions and billions of dollars of goods to navigate our country every day. you are the only federal presence on the inland
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waterways. you police the arteries we need to rebuild this country and to bring prosperity back to our heartland, and we are becoming very, very prosperous again. you can see that. think of the glorious mission that awaits. you will secure our harbors, waterways, and borders. you will partner with allies to advance our security interests at home and abroad, and you will pursue the terrorists who will stop -- or you will stop the drug smugglers and seek to keynote all who would do harm to our country, all who can never, ever love our country. together, we have the same mission, and your devotion and him and dedication makes me dedication makes me truly proud to be your commander in chief. [applause]
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donald trump: thank you. now i want to take this opportunity to give you some advice. over the course of your life, you will find that things are not always fair. you will find that things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted, but you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight. never, ever, ever give up. things will work out just fine. look at the way i have been treated lately. especially by the media. no politician in history, and i say this with great assurety, has been treated worse or more unfairly. you cannot let them get you down.
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you cannot let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams. [applause] donald trump: i guess that is why -- thank you. that is why we won. adversity makes you stronger. don't give in, don't back down, and never stop doing what you know is right. nothing worth doing, ever, ever, ever came easy, and the more righteous your right, the more opposition you will face. i have accomplished a tremendous amount in a very short time as president. jobs are pouring back into our country. a brand-new supreme court justice, who is going to be fantastic for 45 years --
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[applause] donald trump: by historic investment in our military, border crossings -- thank you to our general -- are now down 70% in a short period of time, a total record by a lot. we have saved the second amendment, expanded service for veterans. we are going to take care of our veterans like they have never been taken care of before. [applause] donald trump: i have loosened up the strangling environmental change wrapped around our country and economy, chains so tight you could not do anything that jobs were going down. we were losing business. we are loosening it up. we have begun plans and preparations for the border wall, which is going along very, very well.
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we are working on major tax cuts for all. we are going to give you the largest tax cut in the history of our country if we get it when we want it, and we will give you major tax reform. we also getting closer and closer day by day to great health care for our citizens. and we are setting the stage right now for many more things him him and right now for many more things to come. the people understand what i am doing, and that is the most important thing. i did not get elected to serve the washington media were special interests. i got elected to serve the forgotten men and women of our country, and that is what i am doing. [applause] donald trump: i will never stop fighting for you, and i will never stop fighting for the
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american people. as you leave this academy to embark on your exciting new voyage, i am heading on a very crucial journey as well. in a few days, i will make my first trip abroad as president with the safety, security, and interest of the american people as my priority. i will strengthen all friendships and will seek new partners, but partners who also help us, not who take and take and take. partners who help, and partners who help pay for whatever we are doing and all of the good we are doing for them, which is something that a lot of people have not gotten used to and just can't get used to it. i say, get used to it, folks. [applause] donald trump: i will ask them to
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unite for a future of peace and opposition, for our peoples, and good the peoples of the world. first in saudi arabia, where i will speak with muslim leaders and challenge them to fight hatred and extremism and embrace on hatred and extremism and embrace a peaceful future for their faith. and they are looking very much forward to hearing what we, as europe is additive, -- as your representative, we have to say this not radical islamic terrorism. then in israel, i will reaffirm our unbreakable alliance with the jewish state. in rome, i will talk with pope francis about the contributions of christian teachings to the world. finally, i will attend the nato summit in brussels and the g7 in sicily to promote security, prosperity, and peace all over the world.
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i will meet scores of leaders and honor the holiest sites of these three great religions. everywhere i go, i will carry the inspiration i take from you each day, from your courage and determination to do whatever is required to save and protect american lives, to save and protect american lives. we want security. you are going to give us security. [applause] donald trump: in just one example, we see how priceless gift of life is to the people that you touch every day. a few years ago on a coast guard health -- helicopter, a rescue that swimmer took off in the direction of three terrified fishermen who sunk to their -- clung to their sinking and burning vessel.
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they did their jobs well. they flew over the sea despite tremendous danger and extended a helping hand at the moment it was most urgently needed. there was very little time left, but that is not the most remarkable part of that story. as one coast guard swimmer put it, you do that stuff all the time. you do it every hour of the day. something is happening all the time. you do an amazing job, a remarkable thing happened with better that rescue, but when you think of it, you do those rescues all the time. the vietnamese fishing captain grabbed his hand, looked at the rescuer and said, i was asking
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god to please let me live. i need to see my kids. please god, please, let me live so i can do my kids. then god sent me you. that is what he said. [applause] donald trump: to every new officer and to every new coast guard member here today or out protecting life around the world on some of the roughest borders and anywhere, you truly are doing god's work. what a grateful heart you must all have, because it is with my very grateful heart and america's cheers for the coast guard, and america cheers for you often, that we wish you good luck. as your commander-in-chief, i thank you, i salute
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you, and i once again congratulate the coast guard class of 2017. god bless you, god bless the coast guard, and god bless the united states of america. thank you very much. thank you. thank you very much. [applause] thank you, everybody. a great honor. good luck. enjoy your life. [applause] >> on behalf of the academy, thank you mr. president are being here with us today and
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honoring the coast guard with your presence. [applause] presentld now like to the united states coast guard band who will perform a medley of service marches. memberssk the present of the military to stand as the band plays. ♪
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mor ♪
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♪ the coast guard
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band. theuld like to introduce dean of academics who will present the candidates for degrees. >> mr. president, mr. secretary, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. will the candidates for the degree of bachelor of science please rise. as dean of academics, i have the honor of presenting to you the candidates for the degree of bachelor of science. they've been examined and approved by the faculty.
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by virtue of the authority confer upon, i now each of you the degree of bachelor of science and did you choose to all of its rights and privileges. 2017,tulations class of well done. [applause] >> class of 2017 please ecb. thenow pleased to introduce united states coast guard commandant of cadets. [applause] >> mr. president, mr. secretary, admirals, ladies and gentlemen,
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members of the class of 2017, good afternoon. the,. of cadets, i have the honor of presenting to you the candidates of ensign. at this time i invite you to administer the oath of office to those being commissioned in the united states coast guard. >> thank you captain. those members of the class of 2017 being commissioned in the united states coast guard please rise and raise your right hand and repeat after me. appointed to the grade of ensign in the united , i do coast guard solemnly swear, to support and defend, the constitution of the
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united states, against all domestic andgn and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same and i take this obligation freely without mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i am about to enter, so help me god. yous my honor to welcome into the officer corps of the united states coast guard. the world's best coast guard. [applause] you may lower your right hand
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and since. optimal board. [applause] ensigns please- be seated. we were now present the diplomas. with abeing presented gift by the coast guard academy alumni association. presenting that challenge coin will be a captain from the u.s. coast guard retired. dr.the representative carter, coast guard academy class of 1967. the degrees of bachelor of science will be presented by the superintendent real -- rear admiral.
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commissions will be presented by president donald j. trump. [applause] debts commandant of cap -- cadets will announce the names, majors, and units to which each new ensign is being assigned. >> it is my pleasure to name each graduate, the academic nature, and the future assignment. founding, fine -- they've graduated leaders of character and service. please hold all sounds of a collagen and applause until all
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across the state. and we will give them the thunderous round of across they all richly deserve. jace andrews, management, cutter dauntless. philip joseph, marine environmental science. nicole barnes, management sector, miami. catherine beasley, civil engineering, heather spencer.
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cutter spencer. laura beck, naval architecture, sector new orleans. christopher bell, management, cutter dependable. chloe, operations research, cutter maryland. julian longo, electrical engineering, cyber.
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brandon books, mechanical mackinaw.g, cutter victor, green environmental science, cutter sequoia. miranda, civil engineering, commissionman, her will be presented by her grandfather, u.s. navy retired. tosha, marine environmental science, cutter polar star. her commission will be presented by her father, u.s. navy retired.
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sarah, civil engineering, cutter mohawk. david campbell, naval architecture, cutter like air -- legare. stephen cannon, management, cutter alley. and -- cuttery valiant. guard,cott carles environmental science, new york.
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brian carpenter, management, cutter healy. his commission will be presented by his brother. adrian, operations research. austin clark, operations research, cutter campbell.
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katherine clark, management, cutter walnut. shane rebecca michelle cotton, government cutter valiant. abigail ann coult, marine of environmental science flight school. her commission will be presented by her father, u.s. air force, retired. cummings, mechanical engineering, cutter baer.
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>> carlson curtis, his commission will be presented by his father, u.s. coast guard. clara elizabeth, civil engineering, cutter sherman. drew robert daniels, naval architecture, cutter diligent. operations research, cutter
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camel. brian patrick, management, cutter vigorous. hannah tate, naval architecture, cutter polar star. matthew joseph devlin, mechanical engineering, flight school.
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luke michael dewhurst, mechanical engineering, cutter jane. casey thomas civil engineering, cutter vigilant. jonathan dillard, government, cutter active. michael louise dougal, mechanical engineering, hunter james. -- cutter james. andrew liam doyle, electrical
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engineering, cut of heter vertoch. dubois, marine environmental science, cutter seneca. john daniel dunaway iii, naval architecture, cutaway,. tocoma.r duncan, civil engineering, cutter melon. elizabeth edwards, civil engineering, cutter vigorous.
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shannon atwood, electrical engineering, cutter tahoma. tyler kerry facet, mechanical engineering, cutter sherman. miranda eileen fay, operations research, flight school. daniel rudolph, management, cutter marrow.
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brendan ammerman flynn, marine environment of signs, flight school. this commission will be presented by his father, u.s. coast guard. savanna lee fordham, naval architecture, cutter monroe. mike edward franco, operations research, cutter melon. this commission will be presented by his brother, u.s. coast guard.
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arl gaylord, cutter statron. audrey marie, mechanical engineering, cutter decisive. corey jay. geyer, mechanical engineering, cutter alice haley. carly lafayette gilligan, marine environmental science, cutter healy.
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william thomas glick, management, cutter flosson. breanna laurent grazel, cutter escanaba. lucas noble grove, operations research, cutter melon. ryan patrick guiney, mechanical engineering, cutter james. his commission will be presented by his father, u.s. coast guard retired. john thomas glick, mechanical
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engineering, cutter elm. his commission will be presented by his father, u.s. army retired. philip charles gertler, management, cutter douglas munro. jennifer hope haley, naval architecture, cutter healy. patrick joseph, management, cutter forward.
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ticket mason hardman, management, cutter william trone. eric jeffrey harris junior, marine environmental science, cutter northland. jordan andrew hart, civil engineering. quentin kelly, civil
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engineering, flexible. -- flight school. andrew john, mechanical htbak.ering, cutter seve michelle, marine environmental science. gillam lee. hill, cutter vigilance. keith richard holmes, mechanical
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engineering, cutter alder. jordan and her hopkins, civil engineering, cutter joseph mayfield. andrew hopkins, civil engineering, cutter joseph mayfield. samuel david irwin, operations research, cutter northland. his commission will be presented by his aunt, u.s. coast guard retired. kyle robert jackson, mechanical engineering, cutter monroe. michael benjamin, marine
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environmental science, cutter midget. angela ruth johnson, operations research, cutter diligent. keana, government, cutter hamilton. her commission will be presented by her brother, u.s. coast guard. bruce kim, second naval architecture, cutter burk toff.
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william klein, government, cutter alliance. his commission will be presented by his father, u.s. coast guard retired. jason michael, mechanical engineering, cutter alert. megan elizabeth, mechanical engineering, cutter cathleen moore. gretchen murray cross, civil engineering, flight school.
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nicole kruger, marine environmental science, cutter aston. savanna mackenzie cook, management, cutter harriet lane. thanks. cyril kirkland, cutter vigorous. edmund joseph custer ii, cutter monroe. alexander joseph labelle,
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mechanical engineering, cutter bursktoff. his commission will be presented by his father, u.s. navy retired. jordan samuel, civil engineering, cutter midget. his commission will be presented by his uncle, u.s. coast guard retired. mechanical engineering, flight school.
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alexander joseph lane, management, cutter joseph. yvonne, marine environmental science, cutter active. patrick wagner legend, electrical engineering, fulbright scholarship. kyle stanley leiby, mechanical engineering, cutter forward.
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joshua thomas lipp, mechanical engineering, cutter tampa. nicholas paul, operations research, cutter tahoma. kirsten page logan, electrical engineering, cutter valiant. monica rachel, naval architecture, cutter douglas monroe. susanna shey lyle, mechanical
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engineering, cutter seneca. taylor michael lion, marine environmental science, cutter spencer. james trout madden, civil engineering, cutter spencer. charles magesky, operations research, cutter dau ntless. louise fernando, naval architecture and marine
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mechanical engineering, mexican navy. logan christopher mars, management, cutter campbell. jake tyler martin, civil engineering, cutter bear. nathaniel duncan matthews, civil engineering, cutter polar star.
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william pierce maxim iii, electrical engineering and operations research, coast guard cyber. matthew stephen mcallister, mechanical engineering. frederick john kleiman, mechanical engineering, cutter stratton. [applause]
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michaela mcewan, mechanical engineering, cutter mccormick. brandon charles mcneal, management, cutter midget. bradley thomas, management, cutter washe. moira meek, electrical engineering, cutter active. her commission will be presented by her father, u.s. navy retired. robert walter made, manager
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ment. james meyer, mechanical engineering, flight school. sydney charmaine mills, marine environmental science, cutter douglas monroe. victoria anne flintlock, electrical engineering. nicholas mabello, civil engineering, cutter fur.
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hunter sebastian morris, management, cutter willow. rebecca gladys muller, management, cutter ma ackinoff. -- mackinaw. corey james, government, cutter campbell. james francis, civil engineering, republic of the marshall islands.
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haley kimberly, government. matthew patrick, marine environmental science, cutter tohoma. marineethh, a environment of signs, cutter forward. science, environmental cutter forward. electricalwbig, engineering. nottingham, management,
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cutter james. liam christian, mechanical engineering, flight school. erin michael overtime, electrical engineering, cutter victory. nicholas christopher heisler, mechanical engineering, cutter steadfast. michael joseph, management, cutter alex haley.
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samuel, naval architecture, cutter monroe. kendall ashley percival, operations research, cutter decisive. her commission will be presented by her sister, u.s. marine corps, and her father, u.s. navy retired. kyle david phillips, government, cutter sherman. caitlin piker, mechanical engineering, cutter alert.
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naval architecture, mexican navy. christopher robert, operations research, cutter polar star. his commission will be presented by his father, u.s. coast guard.
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electrical engineering, cutter isaac mayo. her commission will be presented by her sister, u.s. coast guard. alejandro davide, civil engineering, honduran navy. his commission will be presented by his father, honduran army retired. benjamin connor ross, operations research, cutter raymond edmund.
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anne-marie ramsey, mechanical engineering. flight school. justin timothy, civil engineering. peerage every reuse, mechanical engineering.
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aaron lee reynolds, government. morgan elizabeth rhodes. james, management.
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sarah richey, management. kyle patrick river area. -- rivera. earl alexander roberts, naval alexander. john michael. his commission will be presented by his father appeared -- nicholas lee.
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austin joseph ross, mechanical engineering. his commission will be presented by his brother. amanda roy. naval architecture, cutter stratton. megan patricia sackett. electrical engineering.
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management georgian army cutte. emily rose sacco its. civil engineering. taylor harrison weston. christopher benjamin sanchez. management, cutter dauntless.
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eva marie. environmental science. management cutter melon. her commission will be presented by her father. tyrus. frederick myers.
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rachel marie. operations research, flight school. alexander kyle simpson. his commission will be presented by his father, u.s. coast guard retired. luke. midgett.t cutter jennifer olivia stein.
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operations research, cutter munro. cherokee don strickland. benjamin franklin strong. operations research, cutter alliance. brendan ryan sullivan. management. caleb james.
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management, flight school. london james thomas. michael preston thomas. civil engineering. caitlin the lacey.
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government cutter juniper. ruth angelica. mexican navy.
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civil engineering. caleb daniel. operations research. elliott david.
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zachary velazquez. mechanical engineering. eric james. management.
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ashley lauren watson. mechanical engineering, cutter melon.
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sierra rose web. zachary william weeks. civil engineering, flight school. susan elizabeth west. civil engineering, cutter valley and -- valiant. matthew tyler williams. mechanical engineering.
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megan elizabeth. civil engineering, cutter diligence. samuel jacob would. -- wood. government. edward joseph wright the fourth. cutter vigilant. taylor alexis wright. her commission will be presented by her father.
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joseph anthony. management cutter forward. ladies and gentlemen, the graduates of 2017. [cheers and applause]
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>> president of the coast guard academy class of 2017, please come to the podium to make a special presentation. >> mr. president, on behalf of the class of 2017, i present to you this token of our appreciation. [applause]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the alma mater. ♪
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪
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>> the captain will now deliver the benediction. pray. us lord, we ask you to bless the
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service. may it renowned to your glory and bear fruit in a world more peaceable and just, safer and more humane. amen. [applause] nowlass of 2017, you may divest yourself of all symbols of cadet life. [cheers]
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>> platform party and prison presenters of commission, please recover. cadets. those covered, and salute. with the audience remain in place until the departure of the official party, the playing of stars and stripes forever, and the professional.
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-- procession. thank you. and stripes forever ♪]
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announcer: on friday president trump begins a weeklong overseas trip, the first of his presidency. first with leaders in saudi arabia. and he will go to israel pray at the western wall in jerusalem. he then travels to rome for a meeting with pope francis before attending a nato meeting in brussels. we last stop is sicily for a meeting of the g7 countries. we will have live coverage of his appearances on the c-span networks and c-span's washington journal, live everyday for news and policy issues that impact you. thursday morning, doug collins
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of georgia talks about efforts to strengthen the mental health system as part of criminal justice reform. brexit central editor at large matthew elliott discusses the impact of brexit on u.s. transatlantic relations. then, democratic congressman brad sherman of california will talk about president trump's first foreign trip. be sure to watch a c-span's washington journal live at 7:00 a.m. eastern thursday morning. join the discussion. whether you going to be a dentist, a lawyer, a teacher, or an accountant, let your guiding principle be truth in service. >> success is not an entitlement. it has to be earned and earned every day through the lens of humility. lifer greatest passions in often force us to face challenges that seem insurmountable.
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you can conquer the challenges and they will shape and strengthen your character. announcer: saturday night at 8:00, 2017 commencement speeches. this weekend, speakers include senator kamala harris in washington dc, education in daytonaetsy devos , executiveida chairman of starbucks howard schultz at arizona state university, senator elizabeth warren at university of massachusetts amherst, and senator rob portman in ohio. this saturday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span and officers fromice around the country are in washington for a series of events called national police week. the heads of the police departments in los angeles, spartanburg, south col


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