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tv   Molly Hooper on Affordable Care Act Replacement  CSPAN  March 25, 2017 3:15am-3:20am EDT

3:15 am
i think this was a very good bill. i think it will be even better the next time around. i don't think that's going to be in too long a period of time. >> anything specifically you want to see changed? mr. trump: i don't want to speak about specifics. there were things i would have liked even more. i thought overall this was a very, very good bill. i thought tom price, dr. tom price who really is amazing on health care in his knowledge, i thought he did a fantastic job. same with mike pence. these two guys, they worked so hard, did a fantastic job. thank you very much. >> joining us now from statuary hall in the capital is molly hooper of the hill.
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a very interesting day in the house. how did we get here? molly: we got here because the republicans did not have the votes to take this bill over the goal line. part of that reason was there was a small group of republicans who were not going to be voting for it. a number of freedom caucus members retracted their votes, and it was clear that the president was not going to be able to get them. and so basically house speaker paul ryan took a trip down to the white house, have lunch with the president, comes back and holds an emergency meeting, telling them, no microphones from what i am told -- saying guess what, here is the deal. we are not going to have the votes. i will not put you on the chopping block. we're pulling it. i do not know when it will come back up. >> so how many votes were we talking about? were there any freedom caucus members who decided to vote yes? molly: it is interesting. as the morning went on, the no votes were piling up. they were going the opposite direction.
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it is interesting watching the first round of votes on the floor. speaker ryan talking to 1, 2, three people. it was clear from his body language that he was not happy. once these members dug in, there just wasn't any placating him. in fact, vice president mike pence went to the with the freedom caucus party members, and it was clear that they were not going to support the bill. >> are there any near-term prospects for health care legislation now in the house? molly: that is the thing. a bunch of lawmakers were really upset, because this is something they promised their constituents for the past seven years, since obamacare was signed into law. many of them ran on this issue, to repeal and replace obamacare, and many were of said when one lawmaker described himself as lugubrious. and so the president said vote now or move on.
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they are moving on. >> the president says it is time to move on. he says the aca or obamacare will explode or implode on its own. he mentioned the possibility of bipartisan support for another health care bill in the future. any chance of that? molly: that would be in the next year, according to several leadership individuals i have talked to, republicans. that would not be a repeal, because democrats are not voting for a repeal of obamacare. it would truly have to be a bipartisan effort to repair obamacare, because there are issues in the law. democrats have admitted it. they want to make fixes, but if it's repeal -- anytime that word comes around, democrats will not vote for it. it could be a bipartisan effort much to the chagrin of the
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caucus members. >> so is there anything congress can do? molly: like speaker ryan said, the phase two part of their plan where secretary tom price can come in and bus with the regulations -- that can happen, it just makes it more difficult in the near term. also, they will be moving on to tax reform next. when they do that, they will be touching parts of obamacare. so we will see smaller changes, but nothing on the scale of having a vote today. >> speaking of tax reform, the president spoke about moving on to that next potentially. what does today's lack of success for health care -- how does that speak to the chances having a vote today. >> speaking of tax reform, the of tax reform moving forward? molly: it is unclear at this point. tom rooney said ase


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