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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  October 16, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm EDT

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not see why that bears upon this discussion. havein america, we do not a tradition of mandatory allegiance, unlike written, where you are not allowed to renounce your british citizenship. we have the notion that if you want to, you can renounce your u.s. citizen and become a citizen of another country. all we are talking about our exit rights. this date is about angie writes. so i am not sure how 1 -- mr. eastman: they are both grounded on consent rather than the feudal doctrine. the ability to renounce your allegiance does not give you the right to demand participation in another body of politics. it is a bilateral consent. the problem with mandatory birth right citizenship as it has lately been interpreted, is you have a lot of people here who do not even consent to be here, much less become part of the
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body of politic. that is the connection between the two. you cannot divorce the right of exit from the right of entry if you are either going to have both based on consent or neither based on consent. you cannot mix of those two. with the birthright citizenship demands as people are demanding the automatic right to citizenship without any claim of consent of the body politic. that is the difference. mr. ho: again, i feel like we are shifting. under the consent regime, we are talking about illegal. we do consent of foreign nationals legally coming in. argument, if they do not pledge allegiance, they would still be excluded. consenting: we are to them being temporary here. they army air temporary sojourners subject to our jurisdiction while they are not here -- while they are here but not subject to jurisdiction completely. thoses the law between
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domiciled here, those temporary here, and those not here lawfully at all. >> in both people -- in both cases, we are not talking about people who have -- mr. eastman: joseph story then says that the notion of allegiance is a continuing. the final endpoint is citizenship. but those who have taken up lawful permanent residence is dramatically different than any allegiance owed by people temporary here, whose only allegiance is to comply with the laws while they are here, but not anything to the body politics. mr. malcolm: we have time for one more question. thank you. congressional reporter for the "hispanic outlook." you are right on the questions i was wondering about the subject to the jurisdiction means. allegiance or to the laws.
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biwill not even get into citizenship. dual citizenship. my question is what is happening now with the legal community is they are now being waived from any laws. how does "subject to the jurisdiction of the laws" pass for the right to birthright citizenship when they are now being waived them labor laws, immigration laws, duplication -- deportation. wouldbout any law that require them to be punished, they are not being waived wide. so how do they get birthright citizenship and they are not -- mr. ho: even subject to the laws itself? mr. eastman: i think jim will agree with me. one of the more silly arguments i think has been made is that
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eastman, if you're right about subject to their jurisdiction, we cannot even prosecute illegal immigrants for coming here illegally because they're not subject to our laws. if there are two different understandings of subject to the laws and subject more complete, i still get to prosecute you for violating your laws, even if i accept. your question comes from the other and. , theynder jim's version are not subject to birthright citizenship. mr. ho: the 14th amendment said only the u.s. children born as citizens are entitled to his citizens. we can still enforce our immigration laws. the two have nothing to do with each other. mr. malcolm: this has been a great debate. please join me in thanking our speakers. [laughter] [applause]
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> you can see all of this event online at ap reporting the longtime aide to democrat hillary rodham clinton testified before the house committee, it investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in libya. she met behind closed doors for what is expected to be a focus on the september 11, 2012 attacks there. secretary clinton herself a scheduled to appear before the committee this coming thursday. we will have that live, 10:00 eastern on c-span 3, c-span radio, and and coming up shortly, hillary clinton campaign in keene, new hampshire. townhall coming up next. this monday on c-span's new series "landmark cases," the mississippi river around new orleans had become a breeding
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ground for a caller and yellow fever, partly due to slaughterhouses dumping byproducts. to address this problem, louisiana allowed only one government allowed slaughterhouse. the other houses took them to court. follow the slaughterhouse cases of 1873. we are joined by the former solicitor general and constitutional law attorney paul clement and michael ross, author. the state ofabout things in new orleans as well as the attorneys and supreme court justices involved. be sure to join the conversation as we take your calls, tweets during the program using the #landmarkcases. and get your own copy of "landmark cases," available for
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a $ five cents at c-span's road to the white house coverage continues. we are live from keen new hampshire. this is keene state college. presidential candidate hillary clinton speaking at a town hall meeting here. students are speaking ahead of her appearance. an opportunity for me to be calm part of something greater than myself. i know as president, hillary clinton will get up and go to work every day to make sure that families from maryland to keene and all across the united states have all the skills they need and all they need to reach their full potential. to thank you for being here today at this town hall. i encourage you to listen, to ask questions, to talk with your neighbors about what you hear he re today.
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yourllary clinton is candidate, we want you to get involved in our campaign. we want you to commit to vote for secretary clinton. come volunteer with us. make phone calls. knock on doors. or come to our office. 265 washington street. when how you can make a difference in this election. i want to thank you again for being here. we are working hard every day to get every vote and every volunteer. i really hope you would join us. thank you. [applause] ♪
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>> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thank you. [applause]
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[applause] >> the campus of keene state
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college in keene, new hampshire. democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton will hold a town hall meeting. shortly. get underway hillary clinton saying this morning that she is urging congress to extend "outrageous" expected increases in premiums. the ap reports hillary clinton is deeply concerned there will be no cost-of-living increase in social security benefits next year. as a result, some medicare bills are set to increase or many. we might hear more about that in her comments here in keene, new hampshire.
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>> some of the crowd outside the in keene state keene, new hampshire.
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you may have seen some of the protesters holding signs as they wait to get into the auditorium. though it looks full inside. hillary clinton's town hall meeting. we want to let you know the former secretary of states will testify thursday in front of the select committee. 10:00 a.m. eastern, live on and, radio. close aide answering questions to investigators today behind closed doors. we heard some comments from the ranking member of that committee. hillary clinton comes into this town hall in new hampshire a couple days after the first democratic presidential debate. live coverage here on c-span. [applause]
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[cheering] [applause] [cheering] are we the luckiest people in this state? good afternoon. we made it past morning. thank you also much for being here. i know you have a lot of patience waiting. it is certainly worth it. with hillary clinton. [applause] [cheering]
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i am a proud graduate of keene state college, and i want to welcome all of you to this outstanding campus this afternoon. [applause] >> i also want to thank hillary. i believe this is your third community toour talk with us in a matter of months. we cannot thank you enough. and how about the debate? [applause] [cheering] and what a great performance by hillary clinton. and here we have her with us today. watched the debate, as all of you did. i have to say that one of the things that hillary talked about that really touched my heart and is so important to me is to end
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gun violence. [applause] whatever we say today, here, whatever we do here today, will not bring back the lives of those who have been lost to gun violence. and no matter what we do here today or what we say, it will not lessen the pain or the suffering or the grief for all of those families who have lost a loved one to gun violence. so today, i stand here with hillary clinton and support her because of her strong commitment to end gun violence. [applause] it was just a few weeks ago that we had another event at a community college. and innocent people lost their lives.
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and they did not need to lose their lives. and again, it was because of gun violence. always change what happened in the past. but we can work hard to move forward to make sure it never happens again. i am here this afternoon to support hillary, because she wants to act on making sure that end gunonviolence -- violence. she has said she will fight for comprehensive control of guns. she is going to make sure that our manufacturers and dealers are held accountable for acting when they make decisions that put our lives in danger. and she is going to make sure that guns are not in the hands of those they should not be in. like a mystic abusers. the mentally unstable. and violent criminals. we know this is going to be very
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difficult. there are many forces out there that have prevented safe gun control to be passed in legislation. but the hillary i know and that hillary you know has never ever stepped back because something is difficult, right? [applause] and for that reason and for many other reasons, i am here today to support hillary clinton as the next president of the united states. [applause] [cheering] and it is truly a pleasure today to introduce my friend clay. clay is going to talk to you all briefly this morning -- i guess we are now into the afternoon -- about her own personal experience.
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of guns havedanger done to her and her own personal life and to her family. let's give clay a great welcome. thank you. [applause] thank you for coming and thank you for coming to see hillary. this is really a powerful experience for me. i am also a graduate of keene state college, six years ago. [applause] reason you will soon find out why it is so important. i am honored to be here with you today, introducing hillary clinton. and talking about my own experience as a gun violence survivor and as an advocate. it is not easy for me to talk about my own personal experience. but it is important that people really understand the effects
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that gun violence has. on not only the people that are shot, but on the community as a whole. when i was 13 years old, i lived in westforland, new hampshire. mystepfather charmian bedroom. he would always threatened to shoot me, usually while beating me and other members of my family. one weekend after an escalation of violence, he came into my bedroom and shot me with a high-powered rifle used for big game. the bullet exploded in my back. i carry the remnants of shrapnel and bullet fragments with me today. after i was shot, i was brought to the old keene hospital.
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that is now the site of the elliott building on this campus. this is a pivotal moment. not only do we have a gun violence survivor of domestic violence, this person was brought to a hospital that is now part of this campus. i spent three hours at the elliott building nearly dying. then i was transferred to what is now what we would call the myth medical center -- dartmouth medical center. decades later, i still feel the effects of gun violence and a mystic of these. i view it like a flashback. with every shooting in new hampshire and across this country. as i stand here on campus, after recent school shootings in
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arizona and oregon and 45 school shootings of this year alone, i refused to accept that we, as americans, must live in fear of being shot one may go to school, when we go to church, when we go to the movies. in our homes. is also domestic violence awareness month. it is important to highlight the actor that many people do not realize. nearly 60% of mass shootings from 2009 to midway through 2014, were related to domestic or family abuse. that is why have committed my life to helping others who have andrienced domestic abuse to strengthening our gun laws to make sure that dangerous people, including domestic abusers like my stepfather, to not get their hands on a gun. [applause]
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>> now we know that the conventional wisdom is that elected officials cannot go against the gun lobby. because it is too powerful. but that is not true. when congress refused to act, grassroots activist like myself took the fight to states that have passed background check legislation and bills to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers across the country. this week, and the democratic is good news this -- candidates for the highest office in this country were asked about their position on guns. and hillary, our leading candidate for president of the united states of america, not only spoke with deep passion
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about the need to strengthen our gun laws, but laid out her position on the issue in great detail. and hillary believed that some fights are two important to give up on. this is one of them. this is not a new fight. but it is a winnable one. hillary clinton has shown to be a champion on this issue. i trust that, as president -- because he will be president -- she will hold the gun lobby accountable. will fight to protect americans from gun violence. so please join me in thanking hillary clinton, age through advocate. advocate. [applause]
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ms. clinton: i think we can all go home now. [laughter] thank you.: i know, as you said, this was not easy to do. but thank you. i want more people to hear stories like that. so that this is not just some political debate about something happening far away. but people can really begin to think about standing in the shoes of those who have been violence. gun and trying to understand what we can all do together. that brutal, hat eful attack in her own home. day don't survive
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because of guns. die, byeople a year homicide, by suicide, or by accidents, using ire arms. -- using firearms. , think we are better than that as a nation. i think we can do something about that. been talking have about it. have been laying out my policies toward it. some people say that we should not talk about it. some say we should not shout about it. that i should not shout about it. talking,e have to keep but more importantly, we have to act. we have to be willing to take on those who are not in favor of sensible gun safety measures.
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that includes the nra. and it includes a of people in public life today, who are intimidated. is no longer feasible. it is no longer write. yes, asave said is president, i will push and achieve universal background checks, something that the majority of americans support and the majority of gun owners support. sensible, responsible gun owners support it. [applause] the brady bill has from beingion guns sold into the wrong hands. because of that background check, despite its loopholes,
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prohibited purchasers because they were felons, fugitives, stalkers, domestic abusers, people with serious mental illness. as bad as the gun carnage is, i like to think that at least, 2 million prohibited purchasers were not part of that. it is critically important to close those loopholes. close the gun show loophole and the online loophole. back when the brady bill was all my purchases were not an issue. we now know they are. we have to go for universal background checks and we have to close those loopholes. i have said that if the congress
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does not cooperate, i would use executive action to make sure that sellers are held accountable. [applause] ms. clinton: i also believe we should close what is now being called the charleston loophole. under the background checks, if someone applies to buy a gun, the seller has three days -- those sellers that are covered -- to conduct a background check. if it is not completed by the end of three days, the purchaser gets to buy the gun anyway. the reason it is called the charleston loophole is that the killer of those nine people at bible study at the mother manual , got his charleston gun, not because he was eligible, but in fact, it was
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learned shortly after, he was not eligible. he had a felony record. because of the loophole, he was able to go back at the end of three days to buy the gun that he used to kill those nine innocent people. repeal the have to broad immunity that has been given to gun manufacturers and sellers in america. [applause] ms. clinton: which has shielded responsibility for their sale of guns and ammunition, or their manufacture of either. just recently, there was some small glimmer of hope. wisconsin found a
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because ofuns liable a straw purchase, which the seller clearly knew to be a straw purchase. a straw purchase is you are not eligible, you are a fella, you have a domestic abuse against you, you have been committed. remember, the shooter at virginia tech had been committed treatment fort mental health, still got a gun. in this particular case, in wisconsin, the pivoted purchaser sent someone else in with a clean record to buy the gun for him. there is video and other knewence that the seller the gun was for someone else, seller whoway to the hands it over, and goes over and shoots to police officers, injuring both seriously.
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when the police officer sued the gun seller, the jury heard the evidence, and came in with the verdict in favor of the police officers. we are going to see whether or not that verdict stands up under this broad immunity that has given to the gun industry. there is really no other industry in america that has this kind of blanket permission to be reckless, negligent, to sell defective products even. it is just outrageous. we have to repeal that so that those who manufacture guns and sell them are held to some standard of accountability. i'm going to do everything i can in this campaign to not only talk about this issue and give
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the platform to people like clay , who can be much more eloquent than i ever can about why this is an important issue, but i am also appealing to responsible gun owners. to thee an alternative nra, which is nothing but a absolutisthe most positions that the gun manufacturers and sellers demand . we have so many responsible gun owners. i'm not against guns. my dad taught me to shoot when i was a little girl. i have even gone duck hunting in arkansas, standing in the cold water at sunrise. [laughter] enoughnton: once was getting up early to stand in
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that cold water, i can tell you that much. this is not about the scare tactics that you will hear from the nra. you know, this is what they do, they scare responsible votes into thinking that a black helicopter will land in the front yard, and someone will come, and take your gun. that is nonsense, and it needs to be called out for what it is. [applause] the fight against nra should be led by a new organization of gun owners. i'm collecting names of people who are stepping up, and writing about their feelings, as people who enjoy hunting, collecting, but are sick and , people the violence who are killed, and injured.
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i'm very grateful to my good friend, your senator, molly toly, and i'm very grateful clay, for sharing what is a very painful, personal story to try to save lives. i really look forward to working with the groundswell of people across our country, who know we can do better than this. we are better than this. , let me throw this open to questions on whatever issues or concerns you might have. we have some microphones, i think. if people razor hands, we will try to get to as many of you -- hands, we will try to get to as many of you as possible. let's see, the woman in the back, close to the microphone. is leslie. i have a question about the nsa.
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patriotedward snowden, n one end of the spectrum. i consider him very close to patriot. i think the information he released an american people is something that we needed to have and how publicize. that is my question to you. ms. clinton: let me say this. i firmly believe that he could have gone public and released the information about the collection of information on americans under whistleblower protection. he could have done it within the tradition, and our country, that shields people who come forth, acting out of conscience, to present information that they believe the public should have.
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i do not know why, in addition to releasing the information that you are referring to, he felt compelled to steal a lot of information that, by any definition, had nothing to do with american civil rights, liberties, and privacy, but instead were about terrorists, and what other nations -- just to name two, china and russia -- to gather information about our governmente governme does to try to prevent that a given information about them. if he had been a whistleblower, and confined himself to releasing information that i think did provoke the right kind of discussion in our country, and has led to some changes, which i approve of, then i think spectrums,oss all
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could say, thank you for bringing this to our attention, and giving us the opportunity to respond. because he took valuable information, and went first to china, and is now under the protection of vladimir putin, i think that raises a lot of questions about everything else he did. i do not think he should escape having to return, and answer for what he has done. [applause] ms. clinton: i think we need to on civilthe balance liberties, privacy, and security . it is always a challenge. i do support what the congress .assed, the usa freedom act i think it did have some good changes. i think we have to remain vigilant. it is always a balance. a balance. it is not a one-sided. if you go too far to security, infinge up on the
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legitimate rights of americans. that is what we are trying to end. if you go too far towards privacy and civil liberties, you can leave affordable, and we're trying to prevent that too. that is the kind of hard choice balancing act that i think president obama has been attempting to do. i support the changes that he has been making from the executive level. i support the new legislation that congress passed. [applause] ms. clinton: just a minute, sir. i will get to you, i promise. i like to go in a broad sweep. ok, you stood up. we will get to you. just a minute. it is great to have people so eager. >> thank you.
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after the recent oregon shootings, what president obama note said gun control is enough, what we need is a culture of gun safety. that to what we are doing. ms. clinton: i agree with you on that. [applause] ms. clinton: i like to refer to advocating, gun safety measures. the gentleman makes a very good point. like so many of you, i'm reading news online, and i see a headline, i think it was in the "washington post," which said toddlers, as i recall, are killing more people with .uns i said, what?
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the people they are staying homes,ve guns in their in their cars, and children are curious, so they are picking up loaded guns. the toddler in the back seat, where there was a loaded gun, shooting up, and their grandmother. it is just beyond my comprehension. the gentleman is absolutely right, if you're going to have a exercisese, please, , and keepse safety guns away from toddlers and young kids, and teach a proper respect for guns. one of the worst cases i read about in the last two weeks was an 11-year-old boy asked to see the new puppy of the eight year old girl who lived your hand,
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and the little girl said, no, she did not want him to see her puppy. he went home, he got his father's loaded shotgun, he went back, and killed her. all i am asking -- i think it is common sense. we need new legislation to close the loopholes, remove the immunity for liability, use technology to get instant , andround checks for real ultimately, people have to exercise common sense in dealing with these weapons. fromeeping them away children should be rolled up or what in my opinion. thank you. [applause] ms. clinton: this jonah been right there in the gray t-shirt. toi love your commitment clean energy, but i was
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wondering, do you consider the aleraction and use of shell gas to be clean energy? as president, what kind of regulation do you want to see for the fracking industry and use of gas? ms. clinton: it is a great question. i give the obama administration a lot of credit -- yes, let's give the obama administration a lot of credit for their energy and climate change policy. [applause] ms. clinton: they have been struggling with this. they had begun to come out with recommended regulations, like, for example, to control methane emissions. i think you also have to have very tough water standards. to expertsom talking in the obama administration, and on the outside, here is what they have convinced me of.
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this is the following. there are some places in our extractionre this technique may be appropriate if we do more research, and figure out how to cut the methane emissions, and keep the water clean. there are lots of other places where it is not. part of what the federal government needs to start doing is draw some minds, and inform states and localities, and we should also never preempt states and localities from saying no. if a local government says, no, not here, they should be able to do that. [applause] part of the reason why i think the obama administration experts have taken this position is we have to go through a transition. we have to move away from fossil fuels, including gas. gas can be a useful bridge, especially if we move away from
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dirtier oil, and some of the really bad alternatives. we want to keep more fossil fuels in the ocean and under the ground. that is why i am against arctic drilling and offshore drilling. [applause] ms. clinton: i do not think we should start that. i'm trying to listen to people care a lot about the environment and climate change, and think about what are steps we can in some instances, i can go along with that, and others, i can't. we need to be moving as quickly as possible to 100% clean, renewable energy. we have a long way to go, but that should be our goal, and we should do nothing to undermine or interfere in our efforts to reach that goal as soon as possible. [applause] ms. clinton: the lady in green right there.
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taking myou for question. it is actually a follow-up to that. southern new hampshire is actually fighting a pipeline right now, which i think you know about. one of our biggest problems is that it is coming through new hampshire, it is not for us, we don't need it, it is for export. one of my concerns beyond fracked gasof is the federal oil commission. what will you do to change it? candidates have told us it is a local issue, it is not, it is under federal control. what can you do to help us? [applause] ms. clinton: you have made a very important point. i did not really focus on this until i've been traveling around new hampshire. the concerns that residents have expressed about ferc really are legitimate. the process that ferc's employed
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does not really give enough to public opinion, and locations where pipelines are going through. it does not pay, in my opinion, to all of thetion other issues, whether they be health issues, safety issues, and the like. i'm going to do what i can to try to make it absolutely the to, in any of has these decisions, pay much more attention to local communities, and listen to what your concerns are, and do much more to evaluate whatever the consequences, or the downsides of these decisions are. right now, their mandate seems to be only about delivery of anywhere, anytime. i don't think that is adequate in today's world. if we are going to have -- what? >> [indiscernible]
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that's not -- let's not confuse the two issues. when you say supported, they are not paid for by oil and gas. they are certainly, at as a usedator for oil and gas, to paying attention to what the oil and gas industry does. i will absolutely give you that. , now thatoblem people have raised this with me, if we are going to have a national commitment to do something about climate change, ferc has to be part of that national commitment. that is my view on how we have to alter a lot of parts of the federal government. you know, it is not just the epa that needs to be focused on climateng change, every part of the federal government needs to be focused. [applause] ms. clinton: i want to have a national goal.
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look, i want to have, by the end of my first term, half a million solar panels installed, and by the end of my term, enough renewable energy to power every home in america. if those are our goals, it is really important that we don't have the right hand doing something different than the left hand, in the old saying. it would be my intention, if regulatory changes are necessary, to undertake those, but also appoint people who will be really focused on how everyone works towards this big, overarching, national goal. there was a time when we needed more energy. .ome of us are able to remember at least, i remember those days. we were pretty much captive to middle east oil.
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we had a different mindset. now, we have to change that. i think your question is not only a specific what about a particular decision, but it raises a larger issue about what ourre going to do to change values, our goals. that is what i'm going to try to do. [applause] >> secretary clinton, the national student debt level has breached $1.1 trillion. studentage graduating from your hampshire will graduate with 30,000 dollars, and honestly, i would be surprised to meet someone with that little. what will you do about students graduating from college? [applause] ms. clinton: great question. let me ask, how many in this room currently have student debt? keep your hands up. how many have ever had student debt?
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that is a healthy majority here. that is a great question. your statistics are right. we have 40 million people with student debt that now reaches $1.2 trillion. the first the most important thing is we need to make it possible for every person with student debt, current, and those who have graduated, refinance that debt. [applause] ms. clinton: that, to me, is the number one goal. if you think about it, everyone else 10 refinance their debt. operations can refinance their debt, you can refinance your mortgage, your car payment. why is it that students cannot refinance their debt? the worst injustice to me is that we have had 0% interest rates for years. i want to ask, how many of you know that you are paying an interest rate of at least 7%?
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yeah. we have people who are paying interest rates far beyond what the real interest rates are. i want everybody to be a was refinance, and i want everybody to be able to do much into income contingency repayment plans. what is that? this is what i had when i went to law school, so did my husband. .e both borrowed money the loans we had, when we graduated, we both were teachers. we taught at the university of arkansas law school. my first job was with the children's defense fund, and then with the university of arkansas. i recall making between $40,000-$17,000 per year -- -$17,000 per year.
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it took 15 years. burden thatave the i hear about because of the high fixed rates. the other thing i would like to do more of his make sure that people who go into our public service and national service jobs get a lower rate, more and aeness faster, discount because they are doing something that serve their community. [applause] ms. clinton: then, to have a theirertain when obligations and. if you have been a responsible parent, and taken advantage of all of the opportunities that i will provide, there will be an endpoint, and you can tell on that. this is a big deal to me because
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too many people are being held back because of this debt. you say $32,000 -- that is one of the highest averages in the country. students in new hampshire are bearing. it is a big problem for everybody, but particularly for students here, and i have met a lot of them, who because of their student debt, cannot take jobs that they would like to take, because they cannot afford them. i met a young woman who said in had the job of her life boston, but she could not afford to pay her student debt, and live there, so like so many students today, she is still living with her parents. that is nice, but you deserve the chance to make decisions about where you will live and work. that is what i want to do. [applause] ms. clinton: i will make a very high priority. ok. what does that say?
12:56 pm from mount does that mean you want to ask holyoke question? , [indiscernible] [laughter] youclinton: i could see holding up, and i had to get close to read it. i actuallytion -- have to. you talk about and power equipment, slug if you will do anything about human trafficking. my second, which goes along with college, and everything else, how will you and power use of america? ms. clinton: with respect to your first question, human trafficking, i feel passionately about this, and have worked on this issue since my days as first lady. worked, back in 2000, i with a coalition of outside activists and members of congress to pass the first ever united states legislation
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against human trafficking. my husband signed it. [applause] on clinton: i stayed focused that as senator, and then as secretary of state, worked to do more about human trafficking around the world, and here at home. be appointed a first rate federal prosecutor who had prosecuted some of the human trafficking cases in the united states, to head the office in the state department to take on these issues. we also pressured, through the human trafficking annual study, different countries to change and force their laws. as first lady, i talked to other countries, and they did not understand why the united states was making a big deal out of this. it was part of, in their view, the culture. now, they know that they will be
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graded every year by the united states government, and that if they are having a failing grade several years in a row, they can and other benefits from the united states government. it is our tool to get laws , and forced, and go after human trafficking. it remains one of the biggest yources of criminal activit and profits in the world. sometimes we think of one or two kinds of human trafficking -- the refugees flooding into europee are in many respects a form of human trafficking. the children and adults that come across our southern border are often treated the same way. their families pay money to smugglers and traffickers, who, again, may abandon them, abandoned them in the desert.
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we have a lot of trafficking of people into really exploited labor situation, literally people being kidnapped and put changedng boats, being to sewing machines in factories, poorf course, we have families who are essentially convinced to sell their daughters. i remember being in northern thailand, when i was first lady, and it was before we passed our trafficking statute. reason i was there was to talk to the government to convince them to take this seriously. i went to a hospice for young were the victims of aids, after having been trafficked into the brothels in
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, and then, when they were ill, were thrown literally on the street. some of them would make their way back to their homes. their families, who had been paid for them, would reject them. by theber standing wheelchair of a dying 12 euro the aidd having workers, who were taking care of her, tell me her story. the aid workers said, you can tell that families who have sold their daughters, by driving around these villages -- the uts, the houses, the satellites sold their daughters. this is a deep part of the discrimination against women and girls, a rejection of their importance, their human dignity, the