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tv   Legalizing Drugs in Mexico  CSPAN  October 22, 2011 3:53pm-4:10pm EDT

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out. maybe questions will take as to specific issues. it is complex to speak about this last remaining prohibition in the world know that most prohibitions have stopped since the first prohibition against eating apples in the garden of eden up to the prohibition of alcohol in chicago 100 years ago. the most recent cases are abortion. today in our constitution, it is left to the responsibility of the freedom of choice of women on what they want to do in that case.
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the prohibition has been eliminated between marriage -- on marriage between people of the same sex. we may be addressing the last provision remaining in this world. i think prohibitions do not work. the mechanism of choice and freedom exercised with responsibility is much stronger than using prohibition to enforce the law. i remember in ecuador, the major expressed there is no better police and the one we each have within ourselves -- than the one we each have within ourselves that we impose upon ourselves, the ethical and moral activities which carry within ourselves.
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we're at the very moment where this issue and the idea of the war on drugs is not the strategy that should be followed in this case. there are many nations where it is not a crime to consume drugs. in mexico, it is not a crime to consume drugs. it is here, in this nation. other nations have taken a step forward to legalize drug consumption. we have a case that is complex and where most see different sides of it. i will start by saying that mexico happens to be in between those who produce drugs in the
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south. there is still a very strong production of drugs coming from colombia, venezuela, ecuador, and now it is coming from asia. mexico happens to be in between those who produce and those who consume. the great consumer of drugs in the world in this distinction -- is this nation. it is estimated over $50 billion worth of drugs are consumed in this nation. the question is, when it crosses the border, those huge cargoes of drugs, what happens to them? we have the d.a., the cia -- dea, cia, and other enforcement
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institutions. wired drugs present in every place? they go to new york, seattle, san francisco, everywhere in the states. that is a good question. the answer has been given today. it has been mentioned before. let's ask the misprints. mexicans to control its or ask the colombians to do it. there is the request of holding the drove down there. -- holding the drug down there. i am sure you are aware of the price we're paying in mexico,
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50,000 lives. 50,000 people have been killed in the last five years. another 50,000 killed. it is estimated another 50,000 are working for the cartel's today. we have 150,000 killed that were not born criminals, that do not carry in their genes criminality. either they paid with their lives or are working for the cartels. the conclusion should be that somewhere along the journey, they lost their way. maybe they lost their way
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because their father decided to migrate, looking for a better life, to this nation, looking for additional income to bring back to the family. he left the women educating and feeding the kids, taking the kids to school. maybe right from that beginning is the explanation of the part of the problem we are discussing here. maybe those kids decided later that they wanted a in high school or in college or in university. only 22% of kids in mexico today are attending universities. 78% or not -- are not.
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they do not have that university. in the curia, aged 2% of -- korea, 83% of kids attend university. we must think about it. there is one organization, an ngo in san diego, california, which dedicates its efforts through the president, which is this kid named chris, who was a gang member, who was a criminal, who was a drug addict.
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he fell from a horse and reacted and decided to get out of that role and found this organization. he dedicated his life to pulling out kids who are in trouble kids accept that. if they have the opportunity, they will happily change what they are doing to something that will be much better for them, their happiness, or their future. mexico is in between. we are paying that kind of price. we are paying the price of 35% decrease in investment. we are paying the price in reductions in tourism. businesses are being severely
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affected, especially states in the northern parts of mexico. our business community and our business brains are moving out of the country. you will find them in san diego, san antonio, dallas, miami, los angeles. he will even find some of them up in toronto. they decided to move with their families. i am sure that is not good for their businesses, the mexican of economy, and the growth we need and the opportunities we need to build for the kids. the name of mexico today, especially in the states today -- everybody says, what is going on with those mexicans? are they drinking too much tequila? the answer is what i am is saying. unfortunately, when the image of your name is ruined, you are in
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trouble. you have problems for the future. all of this together have to bring us to thinking how do we get out of this trap. which we do not deserve. we just happen to be in this trap. money laundering -- let's cut the supply of money to the criminals. we should start by reviewing the
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tolerance but with illegality, with breaking the law that we find in most every government in the world, starting with this one here. how can those billions of dollars be raised? who consumes breaking the logjam of you go to europe -- who consumes and breaks the law? there seems to me a great acceptance of tolerance that is not publicly accepted. but it is there. it is right there. in no other government except the calderone government, they have said, that is its.
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no more jobs to the kids in the united states. he declared the same war on drugs. i do not see that going on here. i do not see it in spain, or greece. i do not see it anywhere. this same war is taking us know where according to my understanding. the violence does not defeat violence. we have much better means to face this task that we have ahead. the legalization has ethical and moral sustainability. who is responsible for consuming drugs?
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directly, the consumer, the kids. indirectly, the parents who did not a tape correctly. we did not inform them enough -- the parents who did not educate correctly. we did not inform them enough about how they will waste their life, how they will be far apart from reaching happiness. educating, forming, and forming, these are key issues that we must promote. why should we ask government to do the job that we are not doing as parents, or not doing as a school system? how can we think the government is going to put our kids in
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crystal so they cannot reach out for drugs? do we really expect that governments will eradicate drugs from the face of the earth? this has never happened. it will not happen. i think it is crucial that we change the parenting and the strategy. globally, i think it is time to discuss this last remaining proposition and see the fundamentals of it. maybe that will be one way of getting out of the trap. imagine what you will look tame by taking away from criminals this mammoth -- obtain by taking away from criminals this mammoth amount of money. it will take away from criminals the $50 billion raised here in
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the united states. it can go to the government. then we can educate, prevent and do the job. in the case of mexico. the army. armies are not prepared for doing police work. armies are mostly welcoming or accepting violations of human rights. armies are for other purposes. sometimes because of national security, armies can violate human rights or can violate due judiciary process of citizens
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like what happened in guantanamo. they still keep those guys there. 3, four years. the due legitimate judiciary process, where is it. that is going on in mexico today.


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