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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 5, 2009 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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keep us from finding out the details of the contractual relationship? >> this does not concern military affairs or national security. >> into this reference, there are many more suspicious activities taking place with that hypothetical organization that i will not name as acorn. i would ask the chairman and the full committee to reach consider to take a look at the evidence that has been filed into this record, which has been set -- a substantial. i would ask that you do so. >> i will consider that request. i now recognize five minutes
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from the distinguished gentleman from massachusetts. >> thank you. you are sorely missed. it would be good to have you back on this side. i read your testimony, and i am in total agreement. i think he really captured what the issues are. when we talk about the separation of powers, what we are really talking about our limitations. letitia's on the power of the coequal branches -- limitations
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on the power of the coequal branches. his understanding of articled to are clearly in line. i believe that what has occurred over a period of time, simply too much power to the executive. i want to be clear, i think we are really talking about pork constitutional order. people can have disagreements in terms of the powers of the executive. let me put this out. when we talk about state secrets, underlying that is the
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power to classify. i think what we have billed is to examine is the process of classification. what i see again and again is a classification of material that is either declassified, comes as you suggest, goes into the public domain. and everyone is perplexed simply because this appears to be no rational basis for classifying that information. mr. grossman seems to have great confidence in the executive. his testimony is the seven separate requirements, including
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department of justice and review, and personal consideration by high ranking federal officials, ensuring that the state secrets privilege is used only when necessary to protect state secrets. i respect the sincerity. at the same time, that's in my judgment, is not what the founders designed when they created the constitution. there was meant to be these checks and balances. it is the duty in -- distrust of government. you indicated you are conservative. i share your conservatism in this particular area. secrecy will is the hallmark of the totalitarian islam. the transparency which is an
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aspect of a viable healthy country. i am not here to defend the obama administration. this is something that the united states congress must do. they must do it to reach a quarter of balance of powers and the separation of powers. we ought to be looking at, how are things classified? there is somebody in a cubicle somewhere that just 3's it. -- redacts it. you made a statement that says it can be unduly burdensome for the courts to review the information. what leads you to that conclusion? >> that it would be unduly burdensome for the courts to
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review the information. those are challenging extensive secret programs, there may be enormous amounts of data. >> you haven't been involved in any of these cases? >> i am not a litigator, i am a researcher. >> ok. i have interacted with judges who are trial judges. let me assure you, the judiciary has the capacity to suggest it is an undue burden on the judiciary simply is not accurate. you ought to speak to some litigators and judges before you make such statements. i say that to you with respect. >> gentleman from georgia is
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recognized for five minutes. -- i am sorry, arizona. >> i also want to welcome my respected friend, asa h utchinson. it shows that even the most wise among conservatives can become a little disoriented more -- now and then. i know that he is coming from essentially the same foundation and perspective that i do. we are very glad that you are here. i cannot help but notice that the pattern that seemed to come from the conversation you had with mr. grossman, this administration recently decried
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enhanced interrogation, and certainly in the campaign, did the same. as you also know, they reserved to themselves the right to use the same techniques if they thought there were necessary. recently, i think today, the administration -- mr. obama called the iraq war a war of choice. yet he continues to persecute -- prosecute that war. he has eight withdrawal timetable, essentially the same as the bush administration. the guantanamo bay issue has been brought up, yet it appears that the result will be either terrorists in the u.s., subject to all of our constitutional rights, or the creation of something essentially the same as guantanamo bay, the
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interrogation techniques have been left to essentially in place at the same way. i even heard the president the other day say we cannot sustain this deficit spending. it's enough to amaze you sometimes. according to the washington post editorial page, the administration's position on state singer -- state secrets makes it hard to distinguish it from its predecessor. the aclu has written that when it comes to key national security, the obama administration is continue -- is
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continuing along the path that was paved by the bush of ministration. -- by the bush administration. this has not changed. this is more of the same. i just have to tell you, i am thankful that mr. obama has had an epiphany lately. i hope he accelerates this, because i think the national security of the country, and the economic future and constitutional free market is at stake. i will give mr. grossman and opportunity, the aclu said this is more of the same. i will give you a chance to agree or disagree with the ec -- aclu director. >> i agree. this is not a political matter.
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it is about the safety of our nation. >> that is my main point. i know i took the opportunity to express some feelings of -- that the men station has, hypocritical and some of the attacks the made in the previous administration. they have come to some realities that are always easy to ignore in a campaign. what is important here is for us to realize that truth and time travel on the same road and truth always has the last word. somehow, perhaps in this institution and campaigns, we should try to figure out what is right. i yield back. >> regardless of the position of any administration to figure what is right, not who is right. i think the witnesses.
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all members will have five days to submit to the chair five additional questions of the witnesses. witnesses please respond as quickly as you can. without objection, i think the witnesses and the members come with that, this hearing is adjourned. >> next on c-span, a house hearing on the 2010 defense
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department's special operations budget and a senate hearing on park administrator nominee. later krieg's list founder will speak to the computer freedom and privacy conference. but first, vice-president joe biden earlier today said the economy showing signs of improvement, despite the nation's highest unemployment rate in 25 years. president obama will announce spending boosts over the summer. >> this morning we received another reminder of the challenges facing families for up the nation. payroll contraction last month, 345,000 jobs, employment rate rose to ninth with 4%, the highest rate in 25 years. -- the rate is 9.4%.
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we are trying to make it through the deepest recession in the decade and are hurt badly by it. there is also some signs of hope today in the report, and a few signs that our action is to get the economy back on track. analysts had expected that we would lose more than 500,000 jobs in may. instead, we lost three entered 45,000 jobs -- a 345,000 jobs. that is the lowest number of job losses since last september, and the fourth month in a row that we are shedding jobs. i don't expect that to satisfy anyone. it does not satisfy me or the president or our economic visit -- advisers.
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especially it is the case of our nation's factories. we lost more than 150,000 jobs last month, in states hardest hit by the restructure of the auto industry. my state of delaware, particularly hit hard by the automobile industry. lower job great loss is not our goal. less bad is not how we will measure success. we will not be satisfied, until we are adding jobs, providing working americans with a stable job, dependable income, and making sure that everyone has a shot to get into the middle class. we are continuing to do everything to turn this economy around.
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we want to american -- jump- start the american economy. just over 100 diet -- days, the recovery act is over -- just 100 days old. has created job creation in every state in this nation. more than $11 billion in highway funds, highway construction funds have been made available, for a total of 3000 + projects across the nation. i am pleased that today's report shows some signs of increased. there is some direct signs, that what we are doing is having an impact. it is an encouraging sign.
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i want to make it clear that there will be more setbacks on the road before we get to recovery. we still have a long way to go on the road to recovery. that is why on monday the president and i will be announcing our plans to wrap up the recovery act over the summer. -- lee willramp up the recovery act. getting health care costs under control, and a clean energy future to build this new economy on. together these initiatives will not only sparked job growth today, but we are convinced they will serve as a platform for an economic growth for tomorrow not based on the bubble, based on sound, economic, practices and
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growth. we are working to build that foundation. i think we are making some discernible progress. i remain confident that the country will emerge stronger from this recession. we will take steps to reform the excesses'. last time we were in a recovery, we saw a productivity increase and the middle-class lost 3% of the economy and they got 3% behind. when this growth occurs, we hope everyone can share in it. the president and i will commit everything we can. in the end, it will be the
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enduring spirit and boundless ingenuity of the american people, that will allow us to prevail. some encouraging signs, but we have a long way to go. thank you. >> earlier today, the president held at joint news conference. they visited the concentration camp. his next destination is france tomorrow with stops in paris and normandy, where he will observe the 65th anniversary of d-day. he was -- he spoke to the muslim -- muslim world yesterday. we will show you that speech again at 1030 east and on c- span.
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-- tan 30 a.m. eastern on c- span. on booktv, the midwest's largest literary event. saturday starting at 11 eastern and drop the day. panels and others on the economy, globalization and the american worker, homosexual rights, former illinois gov. robb book which, -- gov. plight of iof illinois. and last sunday come in depth, univ. vilma professed professor and former weather underground member. he will take your calls as well
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as questions from the audience. for complete schedule, go online to >> there's still time to get your copy of cspan22009 congressional directory, with information on house and senate members, and the nation's governors, plus the district maps and how to contact caucuses and committees. it is $16.95, online or call the number on the screen. >> and now a house hearing on the fiscal year 2010 budget, such as navy seals and are the rangers. adam smith chairs the subcommittee on terrorism and unconventional threats. the hearing is about one hour. >> i have an opening statement
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that i have written. i will submit it for the record. i just briefly want to say how important the special operations command is to our nation's national security, and how much we respect the job that you and all the people under you have done in protecting our national security. i think of a holistic approach that the command has brought in a winning the fight is invaluable. without question, you are the best in the world at finding and disrupting terrorist networks.
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that skill will continue to have an important role in our national security. you know how important it is to work with our partners throughout the world, to give them the training and the help that they need. just the broader message issues, how do we communicate? both your command and as impressively, the individual soldiers, marines, airmen, navy seals have developed skills in those areas that are invaluable.
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what has been learned out there on the battlefield has been very helpful in terms of preparing all of these issues. we know that you take a strong leadership role. we know there are inevitable battles over funds. you always do a very good job with what we provide. congress also recognizes the importance of this role. we look forward to hearing your testimony. i will turn it over to the ranking member mr. miller. >> i would like to say welcome, admiral. thank you for the hospitality. i had a visit to chat -- chat with you monday evening, we thank you for hosting us. >> good afternoon.
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thank you for the and opportunity to appear before this committee to highlight the posture of the special operations command. thanks to the strong support of this body, we recognize that we are a product of the congress. we remain well positions to meet the expectations. a u.s. special operations command is responsible for its service component command, the u.s. army special operations command, marine forces special operations command for organizing, equipping, training and providing fully capable training forces to serve under the operational control of geographic commanders around the world. the u.s. special operations command headquarters shares many of the responsibilities,
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authorities and characteristics of the military departments defense agency, including a separate force command budget established by the congress to establish supplies, services and training that are. of particular to these forces. we have also been designated as the commander responsible for synchronizing department of defense planning against the terrorists and terror networks globally, a function that requires a robust, a daily activity. it now attracts over 1000 people and 40 different agencies. we have been assigned by they department of defense, we expect to foster the long-term partnerships are will shape a more secure global environment.
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the joint special operations forces was designed to the united states special operations command by the military services for most of their military careers. it comprises of army special forces, rangers, navy seals, submarine operators, marine special operators, fixed and rotary wing operators, combat controllers, practitioners, military information support, all of these and more augmented by a wide variety of administration specialists, intelligence analysts, planners, strategists, communication experts, software writers, scientists, technologists and many more who are great men and women, active duty and civilian.
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it is a force that is well suited to the regular operating environments in which we are now engaged as you mentioned in your opening statement. it has created an unprecedented demand to create a challenging operating area. whether the assigned mission is to train, advise, fight, or provide humanitarian assistance, the capabilities of the forces makes us the force of choice. there is a high, long-term demand for forces in afghanistan and iraq have led to a% of the force currently being deployed to the area of responsibility. in fiscal year 2009, special operations forces have party conducted operations and
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training in one and six countries throughout the globe. we have taken a long term approach to engagement. this balance of effective, tactical skills and the operational -- understanding of their application is us special operation. from support two major combat operations to the conduct of the regular warfare, but normally the first in and last out. in our currency environment, it is important to note the traditional activities of traditional warfare are not due to special operations. civil affairs operation, terrorism, psychological operations, for an internal if defense, are long standing core activities. as r


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