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tv   Wyoming Governor Delivers State of the State Address  CSPAN  April 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:16pm EDT

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this is 45 minutes. [applause]
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thank you. good to see you. [applause] good morning. it's truly an honor to be here. thank you. speaker, members of the 67th legislature, jenny. jenny and i thank you for the invitation to be here. but before i begin, i'd like to take a moment to remember two remarkable people, senator heins who served in this chamber and bobby barrasso, beloved wife of the senior senator john barrasso. please, let's take a moment.
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both of those individuals lived each day for wyoming, and i thank you for honoring them. secretary, treasurer, superintendent, chief justice i think you're going to win this one again. but i do look forward to your remarks. hopefully they are better than mine. justice i'd like to ask the justice to stand for the momento that we may recognize him -- is he not hear? he's right there. oh my god. thank you. [applause]
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[applause] he's going to be retiring next month and so your service both to the judiciary and to the supreme court, we truly appreciate. now i'm going to ask you to stand. we have several people i'd like to recognize so we can probably get through this. a good chief justice in competition about who has the shortest speech. if you can stand i'd like to honor the vice chair of the eastern tribe. [applause]
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the chairman would be here but he had an emergency on the way down here. he is in wheatland and will try to get down here, but we can honor him as well. i have to say with both tribes it's been an incredible honor and we've made progress over the years. i also like to recognize major general hoosier the new commander of the 20th air force strike command stationed here at francis warren. welcome, neighbor. [applause] [cheering] and major general, we thank you and all members of the armed forces for your service and for keeping us safe. thank you. here at home, the national guard
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is the sword and shield as the general likes to say and currently we have more than 150 air guard members deployed overseas far away from their families. the general and i visited last month and i have to tell you we can be very proud of the air guard. we can pray for them and for their safety to all members of wyoming's national guard. brigadier general. [applause] we congratulate you on your recent appointment as director of the joint staff of the wyoming guard. thank you for your service. and i think you all just heard sergeant rebecca sheraton saying
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the sweetest song the national anthem on earth. she's also ms. wyoming. [applause] these men and women know the meaning of service. will you join me in thanking all of our military and their families for their service? [applause] and let us never forget prisoners of war were missing in action we want them home. god bless america. please be seated. so distinguished guests, friends, families, citizens both here and in the chamber and
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online without further ado, thank you for your warm welcome. it is a privilege to have this opportunity to address you again at the commencement of the session and in accordance with article four, section four of the wyoming constitution let me begin by reporting to you that wyoming is as strong as it has ever been. our economy is going, spirits are soaring into the future is ours to craft. we've made tremendous progress over the past several years even through adversity and i thank you for your collaboration that has kept wyoming moving forward. it's right for us to take the amoment to recognize some of our successes because they've not come easily. a healthy economy relocating to wyoming existing businesses are looking to expand and entrepreneurs are starting new enterprises. unemployment is near the lowest
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in 15 years and wages are growing. we should celebrate that more people are working in wyoming today then there were in february of 2020. importantly wyoming has earned recognition as a leader in balancing energy. today wyoming agriculture is expanding. it's more diverse and it enjoys greater marketing opportunities. innovation in business and finance has garnered wyoming a prominent spot internationally. manufacturing is advancing and continues to gain and tourism is on the rise. our work in education and workforce development shows our commitment to fostering and educated ambitious and capable workforce. these are all good things. they show that wyoming is open for business, constantly seeking to innovate and improve and i
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can proudly say that wyoming is on a roll. that is despite a we know best federal government that openly obstructs the various industries that have angered the economy for over a century. citizens know just how misguided the biden administration's were in pursuit of its agenda to limit domestic production of coal, oil and gas. we all pay for it in higher electricity rates, gas prices and heating costs. in wyoming people know how these policies have left the nation more vulnerable and put the economy, our very way of life at risk. as governor, i can't be as blunt as they want me to be so in telling you how bad the biden administration policy is, let me borrow a phrase from the general
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schwarzkopf and declared juan and all that the biden energy policy is pure unadulterated eschatology. [applause] every spring before turning out, jenny and i like other ranchers in wyoming brand our campus. it's an important job and it must be done well. it establishes ownership and prepares the cabs for life on the range. everyone has their favorite approach. jenny swears by the table while i usually swear at it. i'm a bit more traditional but i still have to admit it can turn into a circus or a demolition derby especially if the crew is not focused were experienced. a good experienced crew works magic. calves get processed properly,
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efficiently and with minimal stress. a well executed branding is a thing of beauty and achievement. a bad one is just misery. that's why a good crew gets asked back year after year. legislatures are a bit like a branding crew. they come together for a few days with specific work to get done. job on this year is to pass the budget. you have a good crew and though there are lots of opinions, there is also commitment and expertise. you know there's times when someone will try to attack one like a linebacker. the calf will get loose, the crew get trampled and everyone tries to catch the calf. people know that, and have seen that? chaos ensues. like what we see in washington, d.c. an excellent legislature like an
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excellent branding crew does its work with mli to what's important. and it's an election year so we all know there might be temptation for someone to try to tackle a calf during the session but i'm confident the task at hand setting the budget for the next few years is serious enough that folks will keep their attention on meeting the needs of wyoming people. this is not washington. wyoming folks are focused on solutions and not politics. this year will be a new experience for some of you. it's been a while since wyoming has seen a normal budget cycle. we have weathered extreme fluctuations in revenue because we are conservative with the people's money. we save for unexpected challenges and address them prudently. the budget i presented to you keeps the general funding flat
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when compared to 2021. and i am grateful for the work of the joint appropriations committee as well as its chairs for their careful scrutiny of it. at its core this is a conservative and balanced budget to address citizens concerns and economic well-being and savings. evidently others share my appreciation for the approach to government because many decided to make wyoming their new home. i imagine they admire the conservative values and commitment to freedom and are fiercely independent nature. it's great to have new neighbors. still, we dearly hope they respect the legacy of those who've made wyoming what it is. but for those of us that are already here when folks buy property it raises our assessed valuations and enhance the property tax that leo.
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that hits those on lower fixed incomes especially hard and wyoming homeowners need relief. last year responding to that concern i asked for and you provided $8 million to fund the property tax relief program. it was a success by most accounts almost 9,000 households got an average refund of more than $900. our experience with the program prompted me to request $20 million in this proposed budget to provide expanded relief for those who truly need it. when you vote yes on this budget will be voting for tax relief for vulnerable wyoming citizens. many of them seniors. the property tax relief program is run out of each county treasurer's office. counties are not flushed with resources and could be further strapped if we are not cautious in how we address tax reform. my colleagues on the state run
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an investment and can attest to the long meetings we sometimes have it at the difficult choices we have had to come to. we've had to carefully allocate the very limited funds granted to us to meet the extraordinary needs of the counties and municipalities. let me tell you it is tough to tell a community in the county that we can't replace their faulty ambulance. the reality is we are forced to stretch the funding for other emergencies wherever in wyoming they may occur just like the one representative harrelson brought forward last fall and we could only partially fund that request because we don't know when a mother emergency may occur. the funds are really important to the communities. they help to fray the expenses
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local taxpayers would otherwise have to shoulder alone. your vote on the budget will demonstrate your support for the safety net for the communities and for the people who live in them. [applause] you know, county government is about the closest government can be to the people. in county treasures the property tax relief program they and their colleagues are working with great skill every day to make sure counties have the money to plow roads, repair infrastructure and protect the county interests. with all that in mind i want to take a moment to recognize the county treasurer. barb has helped to break in at least two state treasurers in fact i was one of them. with more than just the county treasurer she's also president of the wyoming association
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county officers. county officers. she's also a valued mentor for the newly elected treasurers just earning. for your service, it has been exceptional. would you please stand so that we may think you and all county officials who serve. [applause] property tax reform is a complex issue affecting the county resources, roads and schools among other issues yet it's also pressing and i have no doubt this legislature will seek a balance that properly addresses the citizens concerns about rising assessed valuations without leaving counties and schools high and dry and i'm
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very encouraged by the approach taken in the house bill 45. a quick examination of employment trends in wyoming suggest the economic future is gaining steam. the gdp is the highest it's ever been according to the division of economic analysis. wyoming is brimming with economic promise and we must greet the opportunity when it knocks with a well-trained, prepared workforce. and that is what the wyoming innovation partnership is all about. you will remember we set a goal two years ago that wyoming would establish a world-class approach to fostering a highly skilled and vicious and qualified workforce. the plan called for linking the states economic strategy with the community goals and engaged the university and community colleges to provide the muscle for economic growth. it's taken a while to align but it's now yielding results and one example of that is how it
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helped launch the new powerline technology program at western wyoming community college after an initial investment it is now self-sustaining. though in medicine group. wyoming and loves the state and has the ambition we value. he saw how wyoming is powering the nation and understood what it would take to modernize and expand the grid like other young wyoming men and women he recognized an opportunity and seized it. now he is a program graduates still living in wyoming and working in the energy industry. we know you have a risky job working on all kinds of conditions to maintain the power lines and bring power to the people and industries of america. you literally helped keep the lights on and made sure businesses have access to affordable power. on behalf of with, the students
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across wyoming and your hard-working colleagues all the way from star valley, will you please stand and be recognized? [applause] there's a great, great person there. when you vote yes on the budget this year, your investing in the men and women who are benefiting from whip and finding work in wyoming. speaking of investing in wyoming, allow me to take a moment to recognize the state employees. they are committed, skilled, resourcefully and professional. they provide many of the services that we rely on.
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all of which keep the state moving forward. roads are a vital part of that infrastructure. they facilitate the movement of the remarkable wealth and facilitate the movement of livestock to market and the visitors to the wonders of the state. last winter you may remember southwest wyoming was buried under several feet of snow. the department of transportation road crews and highway patrol stepped up to meet unprecedented demand is there and elsewhere. when we had plows from all over the states to assist, someone had to coordinate that effort while also assisting with plowing and removing snow. rick ackerman a foreman with the group stepped up. everyone needs to know he worked 59 consecutive days and endured three vehicle hits while he was
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plowing interstate 80 and aided in the rescue of several stranded motorists. i want to thank you for showing the cowboys. cowboy spirit living eachday wis to be done in keeping your promises. please stand so that we may recognize you. [applause] now i want to know when this administration started, wyoming employees were underpaid. with some even having to make ends meet with food stamps otherwise known as snap. that's not conservative. that's just cheap.
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with your help, over the past couple of years, we've changed this unacceptable situation even after your efforts, wyoming still only compensates its state employees at almost the 2022 averages for the regions. let me emphasize that all of our state employees deserve a fair wage for the work they do serving us, the citizens of wyoming. [applause] and when you go to the budget you're supporting rick and others who need and deserve a wage that keeps up with at least the regional average. last year i stated before you to outline the work we were doing to reimagine the education in our schools. i said we must be bold and take
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action, that we must respect parents and equip our students for success. a year later, i am proud to say that we are doing just that. superintendent, you have been a wonderful colleague in that effort. last fall, she and i, the board of education, university of wyoming and my office launched the wyoming's future learning partnership. we recently expanded this unique collaboration to include additional key partners the community colleges and our school district leaders. the effort led to the program's in-line school districts across the state focus on student centered learning. along with of the charter schools, they are augmenting the educational opportunities and choices for parents and the children. we are seizing an opportunity to fundamentally change how we educate students and creating
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the conditions so that every child can thrive in wyoming and i commend districts or teachers in the board of education for their willingness to be bold and to rethink policies and practices to achieve student outcomes. this budget funds schools, and schools of choice fully for the next biennium. but you know, all of our innovative efforts to fund these partnerships and goals would not be possible without the professional teachers in our classrooms. with us today is wyoming teacher of the year john corbin. he's been teaching social studies at wyoming for 16 years. he is an advocate for civics education and is a participant in one of the pilots programs. thank you for recognizing the importance of adopting the educational approaches to meet the needs of the new generations
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of students. john, would you please rise so that we may think you? congratulations. [applause] over this past year i and others have crisscrossed wyoming and visited communities that listen to the concerns and personal stories of wyoming people touched by mental health concerns and suicide. the story is about substance abuse and suicide have been heartbreaking. thankfully they've been tempered by remarkable stories of recovery and hope. we've heard about what's happening in the schools and we've heard about one mother's agonizing struggle to locate resources before her son ultimately took his life. we heard loud and clear about
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our jails and properly filling with people needing treatment and we've heard from organizations and pastors about how they tried to address the needs that come through your doors. in all of that what came through his they care about our kids and/or veterans and seniors and about each other. i want to recognize the chief justice and the members of the judicial branch of the religious leaders who've been able to attend and to help citizens and their insight on how we can best optimize the taxpayer dollars. the three branch approaches bolstering what individuals nonprofits and faith-based efforts all across the states are doing. an example of that i learned about the foundation when i
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visited he was a gregarious fellow that grew up and loved wyoming and our way of life. in particular he loved to swing dance. no one knew the demons he was dealing with. sadly he took his own life leaving his family and friends wondering why. today i'm wearing some very special cowboy boots. that i committed to doing a check with someone every day so here's what the foundations
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check is to reach out to someone and ask them how they are doing and remind them that it's okay not to be okay. for the amazing work paying it forward. [applause] you will see in this budget that i've included mental health funding to ensure through the
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yes vote it advances our mental health significantly. mental health is also an issue for those that are all too often called on to address issues. supporting the issues in our communities i also want to thank the sheriff for allowing members of his department to go to the texas border with the department of officers to provide needed and requested relief to texas personnel.
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our federal government has been shameful in neglecting its profound responsibility to secure our southern border. their decision-making is inexplicable and as a wyoming rancher the legal immigration is the nation's greatest threat. last week when i spoke to my friend and told him, the federal government has lost control has given up control of the southern border. it's a direct result of what we have seen here in wyoming. the drastic increases in the drug into fentanyl traffic as well as overdose deaths.
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without effective border security even here in wyoming it is compromising. the fact is that we are all border states now. we thank all of the officers from across the state who assisted. will you please recognize law enforcement. [applause] it's ironic while the biden administration won't secure the border or regulation on every industry in the state wyoming
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fights back to preserve the rights and way of life using every resource available to us and i will never shy away from the responsibility to stand up to the federal government. today i want to highlight the task force about taking the lead. we put together a group of stakeholders who work to identify the remedies to use and reform an unwarranted and unprecedented federal action. it's only our first step but it's an effective one. it's ongoing and critical to everyone in wyoming. and know this. we are not timid when it comes to seeking legal remedies. currently we have 39 pending cases before court across a spectrum of matters protecting the interest.
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we not only fought back, we want and we compiled the department to offer oil and gas leases and we beat back to shut down the oil and gas project. we were successful in defending the coal plant and expanded and i could go on. members of this legislature, i want you to know that the attorney general and i appreciate your support for the resources you provide us so we can protect the rights. i applaud you for the work that you and your staff do for federal overreach. [applause] again your vote provides the resources for wyoming to
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continue to fight the feds. i will say a few words about energy. i will begin with an event that took place last summer. a group of workers were taking a break during the change. it was just before 6:00 when they saw a funnel cloud charging and over hill and a tornado descended upon the mine. 600 employees had left within five minutes to seek shelter from one of the most destructive storms in wyoming's history. the devastation was shocking. the largest, the largest mine was a mess when i arrived the next day to offer resources to get the workers and families
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back on its feet. in all of that, there was one woman, a contractor up in the crows nest. you lived that day with faith and courage and are representative of all the workers in the industry fearless and resilient. would you stand and be recognized? [applause]
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of this legislature would use every single means at our disposal to stand by and defend the coal and all of our fossil fuel industries in wyoming. [applause]
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wyoming despite there's so much energy opportunity. there's so much more. we are witnessing the revitalization of our domestic nuclear industry. in fact wyoming has made itself essential to american energy independence. we need to eliminate the need to import enriched uranium from russia to produce it right here.
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but there's also a great deal being perfected at the university of wyoming which can be used to find and recover what the command critical minerals. in many ways for the mining industry wyoming continues to prove the value of balance and care between the environment and production of mineral resources the nation needs. wyoming and braces and all of the above energy policy. we believe that america is best covered by american energy. [applause]
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wyoming demands the resources to drive our economy. finally people don't need convincing on any of this. they know the industries and have built our schools and pay the majority of our taxes and provide the good paying quality jobs that we all depend on. as governor, i have and i will continue to use the bully pulpit of my office to engage friends, skeptics alike across the country about the necessity of investing in fossil energy and of mining natural resources. and while i felt like a pilgrimm in anaheim the holy land, i took this case to harvard university this past year to the variability of the beast and i delivered to them in an inconvenient truth that coal, oil and natural gas are vital.
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i asked that we never lose sight of the determination and resolve of wyoming people. to see an example of that. they were trailing by nine points in the fourth quarter and the coaches final game. they didn't give up and they found a way. third generation football player frank will be representing wyoming at the combine at the end of the month and the nfl draft in april.
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[applause] we would like to have craig but he can't come. congratulations on a phenomenal season. [applause] please stay resolute and focused on the task at hand like frank and his teammates. let's put our heads down and do
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what needs to be done during this legislative session. finally, god was wyoming and diesel united states. [applause] communities
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this is about 45 minutes.


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