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tv   United Nations General Assembly Morning Session  CSPAN  October 2, 2015 9:58am-10:28am EDT

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repress receive laws have been issued by successive israeli governments. the latest of which is the instruction -- governmental instructions given to fire live ammunition at and arrest and repress peaceful palestinian demonstrators. where do you see this happening? why is it happening? mr. president, ladies and gentlemen, we do not respond to the israeli occupation's hate and brutality with the same. instead, we are working to spread the culture of peace and co-existence between our people and in our region. we are anxious to witness the day when our people and all peoples in our region will enjoy peace, security, stability and prosperity. this cannot be achieved with
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continued occupation, settlement colonization, the burning of people. i'm saying again, the burning of people. places of worship and homes. the killing of youth, children and infants. the burning of crops and the arrest and detention of people without charge or trial. how can a state claiming to be an oasis of democracy and claiming that its courts and security function according to the law, how can such a state accept the existence of a so-called price tag gangs and other known terrorist organizations that terrorize and intimidate our people, their property and holy sites?
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all under the site of tght of t israeli army and police which do not deter or punish but rather provide them with protection. mr. president, ladies and gentlem gentlemen, is it not time to end this injustice? is it not time to stop the suffering? is it not time for the racist an exation wall to be dismantled? is it not time for the barriers and checkpoints set up by the israeli occupying forces in our land to be removed? is it not time for the israeli blockade to be lifted so that our people can move in freedom and dignity in their own homeland and outside? is it not time to end the
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racist, terrorist, colonial settlement of our land which is destroying the two-state solution? is it not time for the 6,000 palestinian prisoners and detainees in israeli jails to see the light of freedom and to live among their families and communities? is it not time for the longest occupation in history suffocating our people to come to an end? we ask you this question. >> translator: mr. president, ladies and gentlemen, despite all the obstacles imposed by the occupation, we, since the establishment of the palestinian national authority and until this moment have worked to build
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the foundations of our state, its infrastructure and sovereign national institutions. we have made real progress on the ground as affirmed by several international bodies, especially the world bank, the u.n. and international monetary fund. we will continue our efforts and work with the support of our brothers and friends in order to strengthen our state, committed to international standards, the rule of law and transparency as a democratic and modern state of law. in this context we highly value the efforts of the ahlc group under norway and urge them to
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support a better life for our people and our effort to develop our state institutions. this is not directed against anyone. let me repeat, it is not directed against anyone, rather, it is a major aim at safeguarding our rights, protecting our people, harmonizing the laws and regulations of our country with international standards and strengthening its international legal status and identity. is this a mistake? in regard to the palestinian situation, we are determined to preserve the unity of our land and our people. we will not accept temporary soluti solutions or a fragmented state.
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we will not allow this and we will not allow those who are seeking to do this to do it. we, brother, will seek to form a national unity government that functions according to the program of the palestinian liberation organization and to pursue legislative elections and hold elections. mr. president, palestine is the country of holiness and peace. it's the birthplace of christ, the messenger of love and peace and the ascension to heaven, who has said, this is palestine that is looking for peace and its people want to live in the homeland in safety, security, harmony, stability and good neighborliness with all peoples and countries of the region.
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this is assisted to by the culture, humanitarian and spiritual contributions to humanity all along from the start. just recently, specifically, on the 17th of may, 2015, two nuns from palestine, namely alfrancine and mary ann were cannonized as saints by pope francis at the vatican in the presence of tens of thousands of the faithful from around the globe. on that occasion, the flag of palestine was raised at the vatican which recognized the state of palestine as documented
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in the agreement signed between the holy sea and the state of palestine. it is our hope that who have not done so will do that as soon as possible. we aspire to see the independent state of palestine taking its rightful place among the community of nations. and we are confident that it will actively contribute to the achievement of economic, cultural and humanitarian progress of civilization with positive affects on our people, the region and the entire world. it is from palestine and with palestine that peace will be achieved. those who would like to seek and promote peace -- i repeat, those who would like to seek and promote peace and to fight
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terrorism should start by resolving the question of palestine. that is the beginning or the end of everything otherwise. i take this occasion to express on behalf of my people to our thanks to all those who voted on the 10th of this month in favor of the resolution that would enable us today to raise the flag of palestine at the u.n. headquarters. [ applause ] today or the day god willing is when we will raise the flag of palestine in east jerusalem, the capital of the state of palestine.
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i wish also to pay tribute to the recent decisions by the european parliaments that have near clearly condemned israeli setslement activities and affirmed the right of the people to sovereignty and independence in their state alongside the state of israel which we recognize while israel does not recognize our existence and that also established a committee on the relations with palestine. mr. president, ladies and gentlem gentlemen, a number of european countries and parliaments also affirmed their recognition of the state of palestine. thus, reaffirming our natural right to independence. in this regard, we would like to thank the kingdom of sweden for its courage and recognition of the state of palestine. [ applause ]
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indeed, everyone who says that they support the two-state solution must recognize the two states, not just one. if you recognize the two-state solution, why won't you recognize the other state? today i call upon those countries that have not yet recognized the state of palestine to do so. we are fully confident that they will do so based on the conviction and the justice well deserved by our people and their cause. from this u.n. headquarters and against the backdrop of religious holidays, i extend a sincere call to the people of israel for peace based on justice, security and stability for all.
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i also call on the security council and the general assembly to uphold their responsibilities before it is too late. i do sincerely hope that they would fulfill their responsibilities before it is too late. you are all aware that israel undermined the influence made by the influence of president obama, mostly efforts undertaken by secretary of state john kerry aimed at reaching a peace agreement through negotiations. the policies and practices of the israeli government and the positions of its prime minister and cabinet members lead to clear conclusions, that is, they are working with all their efforts in order to destroy the two-state solution that we are seeking on the basis of the
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resolutions of international -- there is no other explanation. we welcome the influence, including the french initiative, calling for the formation of an international support group for the achievement of peace. the arab states in their recent summit confirmed their support for a resolution by the security council that reaffirms the clear parameters for a peaceful solution in accordance with the two-state solution based on the pre-1967 borders and that sets a time frame for ending occupation. since it is no longer useful to waste time in negotiations just for the sake of negotiations. what is required is to globalize efforts and to establish a framework to oversee an end to the occupation in line with the
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resolution of international -- until then -- i repeat and until then and until then i call upon the u.n. and particularly the secretary-general of the u.n., the president of the general assembly to provide protection for the palestinian people in accordance with international humanitarian law. we are asking for your protection. we need your protection. we need international protection. we cannot maintain the status quo. we are being hit from all sides. aggressions are made against us from every corner. we find no protector. we submitted an application for this. please, please, please, we call upon you, we plead to you, we need your international protection. >$urp+e
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tried to bring pressure to bear on israel to implement the signed agreements and to negotiate in conformity with the two-state solution through contact with the israeli government. yes, we do have -- we do maintain direction contact with the israeli government. as well as through the united states, the russian federation, the european union and the united nations members and other parties. however, the israeli government insisted on continuing its destruction of the two-state solution and on entrenching two regimes on the ground. a regime that is currently in place and imposed on the territory of the state of palestine and against the palestinian people on one hand and another regime of extensive privileges and protection to the israeli settlers on the other
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hand. on our occupied territory, the occupied territory has the upper system and the other system that extends extensive privileges to the israeli settlers. is this possible? is this admissible? this is the question we put to the united nations. the oslo -- the transition oslo agreement and its annexed agreements said it should be implemented within a time frame of five years ending in 1999. and then with what? with full independence for the state of palestine and the termination of the israeli occupation. but israel stopped the completion of the process of withdrawing its forces from areas classified as b and c
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which represent -- repeat, these two areas represent more than 60% of the territory of the west bank, including east jerusalem. instead, israel intensified its settlement activities everywhere. and breached all agreements -- i repeat, breached all signed accords. some of those agreements have been signed by the current israeli prime minister. since the speech of president obama in cairo, let me record here the speech made by president obama in cairo in 2009 in which he called for the cessation of settlement activity. what was the israeli response? the israeli government increased settlement activities by at least 20% in the west bank and east jerusalem.
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thus violating its obligation not to undertake any action illegally and unilaterally that would. and that would judge the solution. more over, the occupying power has infringed upon the areas classified a which are supposed to be under full palestinian jurisdiction in which we have developed the institutions of our palestinian state. let me repeat, yes, israel has also violated these areas. all the while israel refuses to review the quick agreements that control the ability of the palestinian economy to develop and become independent. thus, it is determined to impose dominance on palestinian economy similar to its military and
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security dominance. i repeat, economic, military and security dominance. thus israel rejected the right of development and to exploit their national resources. thus, israel has destroyed the fou foundations upon the political and security agreements are based which have also been undermined by the measures taken by israeli governments that have negated the transition phase in realizing independence of our state and has thus perpetrated gross violations. all this has made the situation unsustainable. thus, and given all that data, given that background, here we declare that as long as israel refuses to commit to the
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agreements signed with us, which render us in a authority without real power and as long as israel refuses to cease settlement activity and to release palestinian prisoners in accordance with our agreements with israel, israel has thus left us no choice but to insist that we will not remain the only ones committed to the implementation of those agreements while israel continuously violates them. we, they harefore, declare that cannot continue to be bound by these signed agreements with israel and israel must assume fully all its responsibilities as an occupying power.
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because a status quo cannot continue. and the discussions of the palestinians must -- are quite specific and binding. as long as israel is not committed to the signed agreements and undermined all agreements, we for our part are not committed to those agreements and israel must bear full responsibility for this development and this situation. this is a decision taken by the palestinian parliament. and i am declaring it right here and now. our patience for a long, long time has come to its end. and it seems that they are not listening to the truth. and israel should resume its role as an occupying power and
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bear responsibilities under that concept. the state of palestine based on the borders is a state under occupation. yes, we are under occupation. exactly as many countries had the same status during the second world war. it is to be recalled that 137 states -- i repeat, 137 states recognized our state. that is four times the number of states that recognized israel at its foundation. i repeat, 137 countries. and there is universal recognition of the right of termination of our people. here i would like to further recall of resolution 6719 of
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2012 which emphasized that -- which according to palestine observe state status, reaffirm the organization would be the government of the state of palestine and the palestinian national counsel is the senior parliament. why given all that israel does not recognize the state of palestine? i must reiterate, the current situation is unsustainable. and we shall start implementing the declaration i have just announced by legal means. we shall not resort to violence. we shall resort to peaceful and legal means to implement that. either the palestinian national authority would be a transition of power, moving the palestinian people from under occupation to independence or israel the occupying power must fully bear
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its responsibilities. at the same time, and based on our commitment to the principles of international law, the state of palestine will continue its efforts to exceed to international conventions and organizations, all of them, all international organizations, this is our right to exceed to all of them, because this would be fully in line with and harmonizing our status with international law. and we will move forward in the defense of our people under occupation through all available legal means, including as a high contracting party to the geneva conventions of 1949 and also a
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state party to their own statute of the international criminal cou court. yes, palestine is a member of the international criminal court. those who fear international law and international courts must cease from committing crimes. [ applause ] we do not like to go to the international communal court. but aggression forces us to do so, and we will seek support from all international organizations, including the international criminal court. mr. president, exlladies and gentlemen, despite all that my hands remain outstretched for
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the peace that will guarantee my people's rights, freedom and human dignity. i say to our neighbors, sons of the israeli people, sons and daughters of the israeli people, peace is in your own interest and in our own interest and in the interest of your future generations, our future generations. narrow vision is destructive. to be introvert is destructive. it is my sincere hope that you will consider the dangerous reality on the ground and look to the future and accept for the palestinian people -- repeat, accept for the palestinian people what you accept for yourselves. then you will find that the achievement of peace will be possible. and you will enjoy security, safety, peace and stability. these values are the aspirations that we also seek to realize for
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our palestinian people. once again, i thank you for your kind attention, mr. president, ladies and gentlemen. may peace, mercy and blessings of god be upon all of you. thank you. [ applause ] a couple hours ago, the labor department announced that the economy added 142,000 jobs
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last month. it keeps the unemployment rate at 1.5%, the same as last month. the associated press is saying that the u.s. employers cut back sharply in hiring in september and added fewer jobs in july and august than previously thought. it's a sour note for a labor market that had been improving. john boehner had this to say in a statement that reads in part -- coming up later today, governor gary herbert will talk about his efforts to solve problems on the state level. that will be live at 1:00 p.m.
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eastern on c-span. the c-span cities tour, working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. this weekend, we're joined by comcast to learn more about the history and literary life of santa rosa, california. considered part of napa wine country, we will look at the evolution of the wine industry in sonoma county. >> the agricultural history began with wine. the first vines planted here were by general velleo in the late 1820s or early 1830s, which is a very long time ago. they were mission grapes. nobody in their right mind would make wine out of them now. but with that wine country label that started in the '70s, by the '80s and into the


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