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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Cornyn on Aid to Israel  CSPAN  May 15, 2024 9:31am-9:39am EDT

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and then called then president biegun and dressed him down and said the assault had to end. over the course of this terms, he used the power of u.s. weapons sales delaying or withholding arms to influence israeli war policies and as well as at the u.n. security council. that president was ronald reagan. he wrote about the difficult call, i was angry and i told him it had to stop or our entire future relationship was in danger. so i urge those who are resistant and vocal about president biden's actions to reflect on ronald reagan's similar moves to help our israeli allies from making a strategic, tragic mistake four decades ago. or reflect on the words of former mosad chief biegun, that
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israel over the years achieved a long string of tactical successes, but also disastrous strategic failures. i've long supported a two-state solution for israelis and palestinians. in fact, out of the devastating yom kippur war came a lasting peace with israel and it can happen. with the right leaders on both sides it can be done and we have a responsibility in the united states for renewed push on this goal one of which is israeli and palestinian children can once and forever live in safety, peace and dignity. i yield the floor. >> mr. president, it's been more than seven months since israel was attacked by an iranian proxy known as hamas from gaza. hamas terrorists attacked innocent israelis on october the 7th of last year, marking the deadliest day for jews
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since the holocaust. innocent people were raped, murdered, and taken hostage and nearly 130 remain hostage in gaza, including at least four american citizens. in this conflict, the line between good and evil could not be clearer. on one side is america's ally and the lone democracy in the middle east. on the other, is the terrorist organization whose greatest goal is to simply destroy the jewish state. hamas terrorists will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal, including using their own citizens as human shields. and i could only recall back some of the horrific videos that we've seen of what they've done to babies and innocent civilians, men, women and children.
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despite this president biden and notwithstanding some of his rather unequivocal rhetoric, he seems confused by who we should be supporting in this conflict. as the war goes on, the president has slowly backed away from israel. first with words and now through action. last week, he threatened to withhold military aid. military aid that's been voted for on a broad bipartisan basis in the congress which he had asked for. he effectively issued an ultimatum to our ally as we fight the terrorists, do what i say or else. from the beginning of this war i've said that israel's operation should not be dictated by anyone, but themselves and their national security interests. for some reason, president biden has focused on prime
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minister netanyahu as if he was the sole decision maker in israel. when, in fact, there was a unity war cabinet that is making those decisions, not prime minister netanyahu alone. i can only think back to the horrible days after 9/11, 2001, the day that 3,000 americans died as a result of a terrorist attack in new york and washington d.c. america's allies knew better than to attempt to micromanage our response, instead, they stood in solidarity with the american people and pledged their support as u.s. troops defended our country. israel deserves the same support we got 23 years ago now, but the biden administration seems confused and of two minds, and is
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sending a terrible message to our closest middle eastern ally. but this is not the first time we've seen the biden administration's growing rift with israel. last week, when hamas announced that it accepted the terms of a cease-fire agreement offered by qatar and egypt, the announcement set off a media frenzy, but quickly became clear there was one glaring problem, israel had yet to see, much less accept, the term of the proposal. the israeli government didn't receive the text of the proposal until an hour after hamas released its statement and prime minister netanyahu described the terms as quote, far from israel's necessary requirement. closed quote. it's no surprise to me that hamas' leaders went rogue and announced a deal before anything had been agreed to much less seen, but it's very
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deeply concerning that israel was caught completely off guard, especially when reports indicate that the united states had been involved in those negotiations. presumably to the exclusion of israel. according to reports from axios, the biden administration knew about the deal, but failed to brief israel before sunday's surprise announcement from hamas. the report says, quote, two israeli officials said that israel got played by the united states. and the mediators who drafted the new deal were not transparent about it. negotiations of this magnitude are understandably extremely delicate, but there is no reason the biden administration should have kept the israeli government in the dark. israel is a valued ally, but
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the biden administration continues to treat it as an untrustworthy antagonist. the administration officials have developed the habit of manipulating, denigrating and withholding vital information. and i'm extremely worried about the impact of this growing rift, and what it will mean between the strong relationship between our two countries. it's iran, which is the principal state sponsor of international terrorism, particularly in the middle east, that is the evil head of the snake. hamas, of course, like hezbollah, and lebanon, the houthis in yemen and the means which they attack the u.s. and allies, including israel. and they are bent on the
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destruction of the state of israel. ♪♪ >> since 1979, in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress, from the house and senate floors, to congressional hearings, party briefings and committee meetings. c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary, no interruptions and completely unfiltered, c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> today on c-span, the house is back at 10 a.m. for general spch, followed by legislative business at noon. members will begin the process of considering several police related bills, toighlight national police week. on c-span2, theenate returns at 10 a.m. eastern to consider the nomination for permanent representatives to the


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