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tv   Former Biden Admin. Official Speaks at Infrastructure Conference  CSPAN  May 15, 2024 3:52am-4:13am EDT

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thank you for working hard to solve these challenges and everyone involved which i know will continue to send not that. [applause] >> thank you often. stepping to the briefing center over here. we'll get going just a little bit of feel free and we will be back for the second half of the program for just a few minutes.
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take you so much. ♪♪ ♪♪ it wasn't always like that. in 1990 -- ♪♪
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♪♪ >> it's a privilege to come on after lunch so at least you're not as cranky. i guess if you fall asleep, i can blame it on the food. thank you to united for infrastructure in the u.s. chamber of commerce for hosting us all. i was reflecting on today's presentation and one thing i'm struck by, things get done by doing many small things.
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we learn through partnerships and public sector and private sector working together and trying to make implementation trillions of dollars working through thousands of local governments on the ground. i'm here representing bloomberg. what our work is, ensuring longer lives for the greatest number of people in one of the best of my first we have to pull government innovation especially at the local level. i've only recently joined the
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team but i've been engaged for years coming out of the white house implementing these in prefer that, as a local government. experienced the promise of this generation also the challenge and also local infrastructure is about helping us meet that moment. a first of its kind discover and access fund and when grants and inflation reduction act. it brings together philanthropy
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and partners like the emerson collective, a bomber group with federal agencies incrementing these programs specialists partners in the national league of cities for information specifically for cities, mayors and their teams to access these grant programs. a series of courses for cities that lack the capacity to find these themselves and how do you apply and when federal grant. this is a completely free
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resource offered at no charge and holds the hands of mayors as they attempt to win these programs. excel purchased a few numbers to keep in mind-working, 1300 cities around the country and engaged today. thousands of local officials and hundreds of participated and they have been able to wind to billing dollars in federal grant awards thus far. they are winning and most interesting is it's helping cities that are smaller and poorer and blessed capacity than the national average. 77% of our cities help your than 50000 people in poverty rate is
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higher than the national average. we seek major signs of success in recent programs. we heard earlier today federal partners the department of transportation lost 800 million. we ran a series on this program but demonstrated to win quarter words go to georgia and talk to mailbox, 14000 people cap 1 million work road safety in her unity. charging and fueling infrastructure grant program i can we help smaller and lower capacity. i was talking to mayor patterson
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in ohio hear from doctor application which was originally the city of athens population 20000 people is of any program they realize that would benefit from a regional approach. this became the southern ohio application. as a result multilink link ten times us march and their communities served. department of transportation and managed 3 billion and awards a few months ago and participation in the program and manner agreed was able to win $36 million
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grant to address disparities that would not have been able to be addressed so now we are open for business, there are five programs running today which i hope you will take a look at infrastructure for recycling and real safety award. 2:00 on the bridges program no one should leave the programming here but if you have a friend back home, make sure they go sign up at local i will close and turn it over to a video where you can hear from
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the mayors benefiting from the programs. thank you for having me. [applause] infrastructure is all aspect rebuild america preparing our city for the future. ♪♪ >> we have more opportunity more than we've ever had. we are limited with the staff we have and it helps cities of every size and we know where it needs to be spent by person infrastructure law has been transformational and receive 500 million in grant to reconnect
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communities destroyed by national infrastructure highway objects. >> we the grant to create more safe pathways and roads for people to drive through. >> we've invested in the electricity grid. >> the communities that have not had that opportunity. >> i want to thank the local structure help because without us working together, i don't think would have the impact i know we will have is willing to partner with us to get done.
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>> welcome to the stage. [applause] >> these are really important conversations about the complexity of rebuilding our infrastructure. invest permit bill. that's exactly what we did in partnership with the long island
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railroad but the expansion project. project was a design build in 2017 and completed in 2023. lirr is the busiest commuter railroad originally built in the 1800s consist of two tracks of
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50000 people. today they carry approximately 300,000. the grand central station. they were modified and/or replaced. railroad bridges and vehicular traffic and railroad bridges and
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railroads have always been a safety challenge in a community and they are numerous over the years. the elevated construction technique to reduce the impact of the railroad into the public. the community safety and minimize impact. commuters, revenue service on the adjacent community. a tracking procedure for each new bridge to reduce interaction of services at each crossing to just one weekend. this concluded the replacement of five lirr replacements making them acceptable and integrating them with their community with the landscaping.
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reduce train noise and railroad system upgrading to the standard. in the projects for the mta. a new approach with the capital projects. the long island railroad and third-party stakeholders in multiple reviews and approval community engagement efforts and this collaboration contributed to this project on budget emphasis a great example of the
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permit builds. thank you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, executive director of ae unite. ♪♪ i am very thankful infrastructure team and unite. a newly formed association altered by architecture engineering construction ceos with a mission for opportunity for black talent this week we
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stand at the crossroad of opportunity and responsibility. the infrastructure law and legislative advances opened new avenues for investment and innovation. opportunities for us to build not just roads and bridges but pathways equity and inclusion. our work is cut out for us. so please proportionate challenges getting access to major projects capital.
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an opportunity to change that narrative. equitable policies and ensuring they are not just heard but leading the conversation we can begin real impact. i invite the leaders after the program concludes executive roundtable a deep conversation dive into strategy for infrastructure projects the role of leadership fostering an
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organizational culture and infrastructure initiative. thank you for the opportunity. [applause] a quick minute break and we are running ahead of schedule.


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