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tv   U.S. Senate Majority Whip Durbin on Aid to Israel  CSPAN  May 15, 2024 1:45am-1:53am EDT

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israel. according to a post the biden administration knew about the deal and before the zippers announcement and hamas. they drafted the new deal and were not transparent about it. negotiations of this magnitude are understandably extremely delicate but there's no reason the biden administration should have kept the israeli government in the dark. israel is a valued ally but they continue to treatnt it as an untrustworthy antagonist. officials developed a habit from manipulating, denigrating and
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withholding vital information and i'm extremely worried about the impact of this growing rift and what it will mean between the strong relationship between the two countries. it's iran which is the principal state sponsor of international terrorism in the middle east that is the evil head of the snake. hamas of course like hezbollah and lebanon and the shiite militia in iraq and syria are the means by which they attacked the u.s. and its allies including israel and they are bent on the destruction of the state of israel.
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>> i support president biden. after the attack it is instead a warning for one of the most pro- israeli to an ally in a full-scale account to the already catastrophic humanitarian situation in gaza that undermine any in the region. let me also reminded the critics they recently helped coordinate the use of american forces a dramatic defense of israel against an iranian assault. anyone who doubts the commitment but he has reached his limit with the pre- minister netanyahu in its response to gaza and focused on its own political survival moreel than anything
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else. allowing the flow of aid let me elaborate the deeply thoughtful leader is a key ally of the united states and has made peace with israel. furthering the crisis is no strategy at all. a path forward could only happn with the support of the arab nations in the region. president biden is urging this vision. as they posed do you want a
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full-scale to try to finish without any exit strategy or horizon for the two state solution shortly after the attack on october 7 they learned from the mistakes between the occupation to and also to help counter w terrorist groups we we speculating recently how many innocent civilians had been killed in gaza in the effort to eliminate hamas and the number is staggering. this is another reason he reached his limit with
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netanyahu. it's not only a humanitarian problem, it is a strategic failure. the president then called the israeli prime minister and told him the assault happened to end and over the course of the term he used the power of the u.s. weapon sales to influence the policy as well as to criticize actions in the region. that president wasia ronald rean and he wrote about the difficult," i was angry and told him it had to stop for the entire future relationship is in danger so i urge to those who were resistant and vocal about the actions to reflect on ronald reagan's similar moves to help
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the allies from making a strategic transit mistake for decades ago. the reflect who before his death concluded they achieve the tactical successes but also disastrous strategic failures. i long supported the two state solution in fact it became unimaginable so with the right leaders on both sides that can be done and we have a responsibility in the united states for pushing all slides towardsgo this goal to once and forever live in peace, safety and dignity. i yield the floor.
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>> we stand and we fight and we will win because we are


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