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tv   U.N. Security Council Debates Palestines Membership to United Nations  CSPAN  April 19, 2024 7:51am-9:05am EDT

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>> the united states has vetoed a you and secret council resolution reckoning palestine be granted full membership to the united nations. russia, china, france, japan, south korea, ecuador and algeria were among the countries who voted in favor of the resolution, the united kingdom and switzerland obtained from voting. that vote comes after the palestinian ambassador to the un renewed the request for full membership, the ongoing war in gaza. the vote comes amid intense pressure on president biden internationally and among his own party to do more to address the dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. up next, we will show your portion of the security council meeting before the vote was held. >> the 9608 meetings of the security council is called to order.
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the provisional agenda for this meeting is the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question. the agenda is adopted. i would like to warmly welcome the secretary-general, distant which ministers, and other high-level representatives present in the security council chamber. your presence today on this underscores the importance of the subject matter under discussion. in accordance with rule 37 of accounts provisional rules of procedure, i invite representatives of bahrain, bangladesh, belgium, bolivia, brazil, cambodia, chile, colombia, egypt, ghana, india, indonesia, iraq, ireland, the islamic republic of iran,
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israel, jordan, kuwait, lebanon, liechtenstein, libya, malaysia, maldives, mexico, morocco, nicaragua, nigeria, norway, pakistan, panama, peru of the philippines, poland, portugal, qatar, saudi arabia, south africa, spain, syrian arab republic, thailand, tunisia, turkey, uganda, the united arab emirates, venezuela and vietnam to participate in this meeting. it is so decided. i propose that the council invites special representatives of the presidents of the observer state of palestine participate in the meeting in accordance with the provisional rules of procedure and the
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previous practice in this regard. there being no objection, it is so decided. on behalf of the council, i welcome his excellency. in accordance with rule 39 of the council's provisional rules of procedure, i also invite the following individuals to participate in this meeting. his excellency, the chair of the committee on the exercise of inalienable rights of the palestinian people. his excellency, european union representative for the middle east peace process, his
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excellency, assistant secretary-general of the league of arab states, and the secretary-general of the union for military union. it is so decided. the security council will now begin its consideration of item 2 of the agenda. i give the floor to the secretary-general. >> mr. president, excellencies. the middle east is on a precipice. we see a perilous escalation in words and deeds. one miscalculation, one miscommunication, one mistake could lead to the unthinkable, a full-scale regional conflict
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that would be devastating for all involved and for the rest of the world. the moment of maximum peril must be a time for maximum restraint. my strong condemnation of the escalation by the large-scale attack launched by the islamic republic of iran on israel on the use of force against the territorial integrity of political independence of any state, inconsistent with the purposes of the united nations, is prohibited by the charter. and as i stated earlier this month, when i condemned the attacks on the iranian consulate in damascus, the inviolability of people and personnel must be respected in all cases in accordance with international law.
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it is time to end the blood a cycle of retaliation. it is high time to stop. the international community must work together to prevent any action that could push the entire middle east over the edge with the devastating impact on civilians. let me be clear. the risks are spiraling on many fronts. we have a shared responsibility to pool the region back from the precipice. the way to do so his comprehensive diplomatic action for de-escalation in the middle east. mr. president, it starts with gaza. ending the hostilities in gaza will significantly defuse tensions across the region. are you ready area my calls for a cease-fire and immediate release of all hostages held in
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gaza. the horrific terror attacks by hamas and palestinian groups on 7 october including mass killings, the use of sexual violence, torture and the taking of hostages were an intolerable denial of the most basic values of humanity and a breach of the most fundament of moves of international law. in gaza, six months of israeli military operations have created a humanitarian health crisis. tens of thousands of people have been killed. 2 million palestinians, death, destruction and denial of lifesaving humanitarian aid, they are now staring down on salvation. and israeli operation would compound this humanitarian catastrophe.
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the casualty figures are overwhelming and unprecedented in speed and scale in my time as secretary-general. more than 17,900 palestinian children have reportedly been killed in often indiscriminate attacks. severe limitations imposed by israeli authorities on the delivery of military and aid to people in gaza who face widespread starvation. israel recently had a number of commitments to improve a delivery and there have been some examples of limited progress. three cohorts with a total of 25 trucks were authorized to use in gaza on 14, 15, 16 april to get past those. ..the operating hours have been
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expanded. but they could not be expanded to the same extent on the gaza side. >> some bakeries have resumed operations in central gaza, the first to reopen in months. but the progress in one area is often canceled why delays and restrictions elsewhere. for example, although the israeli authorities have more convoys, those clergy are often created when it is too late in the day to make deliveries and unsafely. one can say that our personnel cannot open in darkness in the war zone littered with unexploded ordinance. so the impact is limited,
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sometimes new. the clearances increase, but here there are contingent obstacles to aidth for people wo are in desperate need. during the week of six to 12 april, israel did not more than 40% of youou and request that required passing through israeli checkpoints. we urgently need meaningful, measurable progress, including, for example, the unrestricted delivery of aid report and restarting at the waterline to avert imminent famine in and for the preventable deaths from disease, we need a quantum leap in humanitarian aid to palestinians in gaza. food is essential so our clean water, sanitation and health care. this means addressing the challenges impeding delivery on the ground.
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humanitarian agencies led by unrwa which is the backbone of all operations must be able to move food and other supplies safely and via all possible routes and crossings into and throughout every part of gaza. that requires improved to delivery systems but also by roots and entry points. humanitarians also need security. security. nearly 250 aid workers, including more than 180 of our own staff, have beenn killed in gaza. i repeat my call for investigations into these tragic deaths. just last week a unicef van trolley with the conflict was caught in crossfire. delivering a scale requires israel's facilitation of human action operations, including
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through a functioning humanitarian notification system, and approved and direct communications between humanitarians and military decision-makers on the ground. this is essential and must be implemented immediately. for the moment, our aid operations face enormous difficulties and are barely functional. they cannot operate inff an organized, systematic way. they can only seize opportunities to deliver aid whenever and wherever possible. and humanitarians alone cannot address the needs and causa. the private sector is critical, increasing commercial traffic is essential. what is needed is clear, and immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid.
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the international community has a shared responsibility to do everything possible to make this happen. mr. president, a comprehensive de-escalation approach must also reverse the explosive situation in the occupied west bank. more than 450 pulpwood content palestinians, including 112 children, have been killed in the occupied west bank seven october. the majority by israeli forces in the course of their operations and in exchanges between israeli forces and armed palestinians. others were killed by armed israeli settlers come sometimes in the presence of israeli security forces who reportedly stood by and did nothing to prevent these killings. last year saw the highest number of such attacks, an instance of
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violence and intimidation against palestinian communities since the united nations began recording them in 2006. 17 israelis including one child have also been killed in the occupied west bank and israel since seven october. in addition to these numbers, the reported killing of a 14-year-old israeli boy over the weekend set off another wage of armed settler attacks against at least 37 palestinian villages in the occupied west bank. four palestinians were killed, including a 17-year-old boy. i condemn all violence against civilians. iai urge israel to make immediae steps to end and present levels of settler violence and told accountable those who have perpetrated such attacks.
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and and i call an issue as the occupying power to protect the palestinian population of the occupied west bank against attacks can violence, and intimidation. the backdrop to this appalling surge in violence is a continued expansion of israeli settlement settlements, in themselves a violation of international law, and repeated large-scale israeli operations in palestinian areas. declarations that areas now constitute israeli state lands together with legal decisions that strengthen settlements and potentially increaseis demolitis and evictions risk undermining the contiguously of a future palestinian state and in i hope a generation of palestinians. israel and the international community must support and work with the new pump palestinian government to address its fiscal challenges, strengthen its governance capacity, and prepare
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it to suit its responsibilities in gaza in the future. i urge all actors recognize the critical role the palestinian authority should play in gaza, and works towards enabling its returns in the appropriate time. mr. president, the ultimate goal remains a two-state solution. israel and palestine living side-by-side in peace and security, with jerusalem as the capital of both states on the basis of u.n.pi resolutions, international law, and previous agreements. that means an end to the occupation and establishment of a fully independent democratic,, contiguous, viable and sovereign palestinian statete with gaza as an integral part. the international community has a responsibility and a moral obligation to help make this happen. mr. president, regional
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de-escalation efforts must also address the extremely fraught situation in lebanon, but equally along the blue line. exchanges of fire between israeli forces and hezbollah are exacting a mounting toll on civilian communities in israel and lebanon. dozens of civilians have been killed, and tens of thousands displaced on both sides of the blue line. these exchanges could take on momentum of their own work strikes deep into thehe territories of lebanon and israel would ignite and even more serious confrontation as we've seen in the past. i call on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid further breaches of the cessation of hostilities under the framework of resolution 1701. the united nations stand ready to support the effort of several countriesad to encourage
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de-escalation and to work towards a diplomatic solution.k mr. president, regional de-escalation efforts must also ensure the safety of navigation on the red sea, respecting the rights and duties relating to maritime navigation in accordance with international law. houthi attacks on merchant and commercial shipping continued to disrupt global trade. they have been met with strikes by the united states and the united kingdom. armed confrontations on this crucial waterways increase risks across the globe. risks to supply chains, risks to environmental disaster from a damaged cargo ship or oil tanker, risks of a serious escalation and a confrontation major powers with appalling political, security, economic, and humanitarian repercussions. all attacks on merchant and
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commercial shipping on the red sea must stand immediately. the international community must act together to prevent escalation in the red sea that will exacerbate tensions and the des moines regional peace and security and international trade. and the people of yemen must be supported towards a political process for sustainable and just peace. mr. president, the middle east is on a nice edge. recent escalations make it even more important to support good faith efforts to find lasting peace between israel and a fully independent, viable, and sovereign palestinian state. failure to make progress towards a two-state solution will only increase volatility and risk for hundreds of millions of people across the region will continue to live under the constant threat of violence. i urge every government involved to use its influence and
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leverage to promote trust building, mutual security, and regional peace. we have a shared moral obligation to advance a comprehensive middle east de-escalation effort in order to reduce risks, increased stability, and pave thebi way towards peace and prosperity for the countries and people of the region, and beyond. thank you. >> i think the secretary-general for his briefing. i now give the floor to his excellency, special representative of the president of the observer state of palestine. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: mr. president, your excellency, the secretary general, mr. antonio guterres, your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. it is my honor to join you today
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in this important meeting. i would especially thank you, mr. president, for holding and presiding over this ministerial meeting. i would also like to express the gratitude of the state of palestine to the secretary general of the united nations, mr. antonio guterres, for his wise leadership of this organization. especially given the catastrophe that is currently happening in the gaza strip. also like to thank you for placing the palestinian cause as a priority on the agenda of the security council, including the membership of the state of palestine in united nations. we would also like to express our thanks and gratitude to the
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countries that recognize the statees of palestine and the peoples of the world that believe in our right to self-determination in our land, the state of palestine. we also thank the countries that developed the relations and that cooperated with us, and we do hope that these countries will recognize the state of palestine as soon as possible, based on the principle of sovereign equality between nations and mutual respect. we also renew our gratitude to all countries that supported palestine receiving the status of observer state in the states that called on the security council to look into and consider the full membership of the state of palestine in the u.n. we also thank arab countries and
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the nonaligned movement for joining this request based on the riyadh summit. mr. president, ladies and gentlemen, the plight of the palestinian people have started over a century ago and is still ongoing. the palestinian people was the victim of events and international resolutions and decisions that were outside of their control. the palestinian people is victim of a history that is not of their making. this people has suffered a catastrophe 1948 and the israeli occupation since 1967. we are still longing to practice our right to self-determination to live in freedom, security and peace in an independent state similar to other countries around the world. we have made and continue to
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make great sacrifices to achieve this goal. since 1988, the palestinian leadership represented by the plo, the only legitimate representative of the palestinian people, the palestinian leadership p has showed preparedness to close the chapter of conflict and sit at the negotiations table to find a just, comprehensive, and permanent solution for the palestinian question. in this regard we have made every possible genuine effort. we have made unimaginable historic concessions in order to achieve a peace that is based on the two-state solution to guarantee the establishment of an independent palestinian state that is sovereign along the lines of june 4, 1967, with east
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jerusalem as its capital. in addition to resolving the issue of palestinian refugees based on resolution 194, a palestinian state that lives with its neighbors in security and peace. since 1993 the palestinian leadership chose the path of negotiations hoping that these negotiations will result in the desired solution. the international community supported the principle of the two-state solution, and this position culminated in accepting the state of palestine as an observer member and the general assembly of united nations in 2016. and since then the state of palestine has sought and is called on the world to accept it as a full member of the united nations, because we believe that and international resolution
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regard will protect the two-state solution and will reflect the palestinian peoples legitimate right to an independent state. however, unfortunately, some try to hinder the adoption of this resolution under weak pretences granting palestine full membership at the united nations will lift some of the historic injustice that succeeding palestinian generations have been subjected to. it will open wide prospects before a true peace based on justice, a piece that the countries and peoples ofio the region will enjoy. in this regard, it is our right to wonder how could grant and recognize palestine the state of how could granting
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the state of palestine full membership at the united nations similar to other countries around the world, how could this damage the prospects of peace between palestinians and israelis? how could this recognition and this membership harm international peace and security? this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask it specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose granting the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party in thea israeli-palestinian conflict, and is granted israel full membership at the united nations? and those to those who sat recognizing that palestinian state must happen through negotiations and not through a u.n. resolution, we wonder once again how was the state of israel established? how was it recognized?
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wasn't that through a u.n. resolution, which is resolution 181? although israel did not honor the conditions to accept its membership at the united nations, and that is in fomenting resolution 181 and 194. such a decision to grant the state of palestine full membership will be an important pillar two achieve peace in our region because the palestinian-israeli conflict in its different dimension will now goes beyond the borders of palestine and israel and impacts of the regions in the middle east and around the world. therefore, we believe that it is high time for the security council to shoulder its historic responsibility to give justice to the palestinian people by adopting a resolution to accept
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palestine as a full member of the united nations those who are tryingng to disrupt and hinder e adoption of such a resolution, they are not helping the prospect of peace between palestinians and israelis, and the prospects for peace in the middle east in general. this resolution naturally will not be the alternative for serious political negotiations that are time bound to implement a two-state solution or relevant to security council nga resolutions and to resolve what is pending, the pending issues between palestinians and israelis. however, this resolution will grant hope to the palestinian people, hope for a decent life within and independent state. after this hope has dissipated over the past years because of the intransigence of israeli government that has rejected
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this solution publicly and blatantly, especially following a destructive or against the gaza strip, and after the reoccupation of the gaza strip by israel. in this regard the state of palestine would like to express its thanks to all the countries that recognize the state of palestine and sincerely and seriously supported granting the state of palestine full membership in this international organization. ladies and gentlemen, over the past 12 years after palestine was granted observer status at the general assembly, the state of palestine played a positive and constructive role in your auguste organization. so we do hope you will give us the opportunity to become an
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integral part of the international community that is working to achieve international peace and security. mr. president, today we are asking for full membership for the state of palestine at the united nations. however, this does not mean that we forgot what is happening in the gaza strip. this comprehensive destructive war waged by israel against the people of the past six months, it is claimed the lives of over 35,000 palestinians, 80,000 were wounded, mostly women, children and the elderly. they have destroyed most vital facilities in the gaza strip. they have destroyed homes, routes, hospitals, schools, universities, mosques, churches,
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water and energy supplies. they have displaced the majority of the residents of the strip. the majority of the strip is now ---- cannot, they cannot live there anymore because it was destroyed. gaza will come back. what will be destroyed is the occupation.. the attacks of the israeli army continues. they continue to terrorize our people in different cities, villages and camps in the west bank and in jerusalem. it is high time for this war and for these attacks to stop. it is high time for this occupation to end. your august to counsel, we call on you today more than ever to swiftly intervene and take the necessary measures to compel israel to put it into its aggression to allow the delivery
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of humanitarian assistance to a starving people to immediately withdraw from the gaza strip come to comply with international law and the resolutions of international legitimacy. theti international community cannot stand idlyin by while a country is about international law and enjoys impunity. israel shoulders the full responsibility for the great destruction that the gaza strip have suffered from becauseip of its continued aggression. it is also the responsibility of countries that have supported israel with weapons and funds that has provided israel with politicall protection. we rely on peaceloving nations to in this war, to end its w aggression and to provide support and relief to the residents of the gaza strip. everyonet must recognize, israel
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particularly, that security cannot be achieved with endless wars, as long as occupation stands, a peace that is based on justice. this will achieve security and stability for all. history has taught us that our region will not enjoy stability without the establishment of an independent palestinian state along the lines of june 4, 1967, with east jerusalem as its capital to live in security and peace with its neighbors. ladies and gentlemen, and international resolution to grant palestine full membership at the united nations under these dark circumstances, and as the war of full destruction continues against the gaza strip and its residents, this
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international resolution would be a rejection to aggression. it would insist on respecting international law, human rights, and the right of the palestinian people to live in freedom and dignity. this is the perfect time, ladies and gentlemen, for the international community and your iocounsel to shoulder their political, legal and moral responsibilities towards the just palestinian cause and the right of the palestinian people to freedom and independence. so that the principles of justice and peace can prevail. i trust that you will stand with the palestinian justice. i thank you. >> i think his excellency for his statement, and and i noe the floor to the representative of israel.
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>> thank you, mr. president. distinguished ministers, colleagues come secretary general. how many times has this council met to discuss ways to advance the relief of our hostages held in gaza? how manyma times? not even once. how many condemnations as this council issued against hamas or for the heinous october 7 massacre? zero. zero. yet, rather than condemning hamas is the atrocities or taking action, real action, to bring our hostages home, this council will be voting upon a resolution to recommend granting the palestinian authority full membership status, a palestinian state. how detached from reality can
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this council be to dedicate its time and resources to support a resolution so disconnected to the reality on the ground? to a resolution that will have zero, zero positive impact for any party that will cause only destruction for years to come, and harm any chance for future dialogue.ur colleagues, six months after october 7, the most brutal massacre of jews since the holocaust, this council seeks to reward the supporters and perpetrators of these atrocities with statehood. the child chartering hamas rapists are watching this meeting, and they are smiling. there is no bigger prize for terror than today's meeting.
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you might everyone, , the basic requirements for admission to the u.n. are a permanent population, defined territory, government, and capacity to enter relations with other states. but above anything else, a very important principle stated in article iv of the u.n. charter is, and i quote, membership in the united nations is open to all peaceloving states. peaceloving. what a joke. does anyone doubt that the palestinians failed to meet these criteria? date anyone here any palestinian leader even condemn the massacre of our children? the palestinian authority has absolute no control over gaza. you all know it. everyone knows it. but even in judea and samaria, entire neighborhoods and cities
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are ruled by other terrorist games, lioner den, others, and e palestinian authority ironically has nost authority. so who is the council voting to recognize today and give full membership status to? hamas in gaza? palestinian islamic jihad? who? who's going to be in charge? while this is in itself is grounds enough to reject report for palestinian authority is the opposite, the opposite of a peaceloving entity. the palestinian authority not only have condemned the october 7 massacre, they are also paying monthly salaries to all who took part in it. rewarding the rapists. this is a genocide loving entity that doesn't deserve any status
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here. but sadly come to some of the members here, some, the palestinians inability to meet the criteria simply doesn't it doesn't matter because to some of you, houston statehood has nothing to do with the u.n. charter or legal criteria. all it has to do with his politics and interest. the u.n. charter is a port to them only when it can be used against israel. the report from the council's commission on the admission of new members even stated black on white. let me quote from clause three of the report. your report. and and i quote, several membs expressed the view that the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nations was a political matter rather than a technical or legalec requirement. in other words, u.n. charter be damned. international law be damned. iin reiterate, international law
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and the u.n.on charter are only important when they can be weaponized against israel. but if breaking the law means advancing the unilateral establishment of a palestinian terror state, a palestinian nazi state, then by all means. they are just empty words on paper, right? what this council has decided to focus on at the expense of all other calamities around the globe is to grant a price to terrorists. granting the perpetrators and supporters of october 7 full membership status in the u.n. is a violinist reward for the violinist crimes. if this resolution passes, god for bid, -- violinist that this council should no longer we t as a security council it as the terror council. the only thing that the force, the forced unilateral recognition of a palestinian state will do is to make any future negotiation almost
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impossible. as long as the palestinians feel that they can exploit this politicized body to the benefit, why would they bother at the negotiating table or support any come in compromise? do you honestly think that this resolution will make a solution more likely or change anything on the ground? the palestinians have rejected everyre peace plan ever made, ,r made, and they continue to support care and boycott negotiations. and now they know that the rejectionism pays off. they can say no, no, no to any american president, but still get here what they demand because the u.n. is guided by politics, not morality orby tru. all this council is accomplishingal through this destructive approach is making a solution unattainable.
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theon u.n. is no longer about multilateralism, sadly. it is now committed to multi-terrorism. at the security council, terror pays off. it's shameful. i've always called out the political rot within the human but sadly nothing is based on truth and justice but toxic politicization your candidate the mask has finally fallen. the council has exposed itself. please do not get into politics. do not support this dangerous resolution. how can you supportw a resolutn that is so i destructive and immoral at the worst possible moment? colleagues, the council was not the only entity to expose its true face this week. on saturday night with the launch of over 300 uap ballistic missile and cruise missiles at israel, the ayatollah regimes mask also fell.
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iran exposed itself as the terror state that it is. but today marks another milestone in the ayatollah regimes of blood soaked history. on april 18, 1983, a chevrolet pickup truck packed with 2000 pounds of explosives sped through the gates of the u.s. embassy in beirut, crashed into the building and detonated. detonated. this blast killed 63 people. talking a lot about embassies and the importance of embassies. and hezbollah claimed responsibility. and today, april 18, 2024, exactly 41 years later, this council, the t security council, would be addressed by an arch terrorist whose regime funds arms, , trains, and rex hezboll. the ayatollah regimes foreign
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minister is a member of the iranian revolutionary guard corps. this terror organization, the irgc,th is responsible for carnage, bloodshed and destruction worldwide. from terror attacks in south america and assassination plots on european and american soil to arms traffickingme in africa and terror sponsorship across the middle east, the irgc is in the business of murder. the irgc isur a designated terrorist organization, not only in israel, not only in the united states, in bahrain, in saudi arabia. both i and my arab and american colleagues agree that the man who will address this council later today is a terrorist, and his presence here on today of all days is further proof of how the u.n. hasn. become a haven fr dictatorships and terror regimes
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to whitewash their crimes. colleagues, it is iran, iran that insured hamas was able to orchestrate the october 7 massacre. it is the ayatollah regime in tehran that is provided weapons to hezbollah to ring the missiles on israeli towns and cities. it is the ayatollah regime in tehran that is equipped the houthis with cruise missiles to fire at merchant vessels, and it is the ayatollah regime that launched an unprecedented attack at israel, , a fellow u.n. membr state, less than a week ago. yet, instead of designating the irgc as a terror organization and sanctioning iran's evil regime, the security council opens its doors for iran's foreign minister, for terrorists. can you not see what is going on here? he's not here to express sorrow for his regimes brazen attack
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and tell this council that the islamic republic has changed its ways. he is here to make a mockery of view. he is here to show you all in your suits and with your diplomatic niceties that his country can launch an attack on another member state on saturday, and then he can come on thursday to lecture you all on human rights and international law. his presence or today is making this institution a joke. sadly, it is clear to every dictator and terror state that the u.n. has lost every arms of justice and is now a blob of politicized plasticine that can be molded however the tyrant jews. and the council plays along with this destructive charade. colleagues, if you still believe that this body holds any relevance, then i ask you, even
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begged you, what action has been taken by the council against iran for its attack against israel this week? the foreignor minister of a genocidal regional speaker today as his country hurtles towards nuclear weapons. as this council taking any action to prevent this? nope,en nothing. instead, we have gathered today to discuss the situation in gaza. has it occurred to any of you that the minister of iran should makeyo sure that you focus on ga as opposed to his own machines crimes? sadly, you are being spoonfed a strip. it was written by the ayatollah and edited, a script by terrorism. due to how many and the script, terrorists commit acts of sheer evil against israel, exploit civilians as human shields in israel defended itself, the u.n. will pressure israel, israel to
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cease fire and ensure their survival. the terrorist know that nothing captivates the u.n.'s attention more than israel. as long as israel is defending itself, all of the human rights violators and continue committing crimes. your eyes will remain on gaza as the rest of the world of burns, and this is precisely what is happening today. you sit here focused again on israel, focus on gaza. we will hear talk of international law, human rights and many of the terms. this council was to toss around it but in reality this council as a council cares nothing about human rights or international law. you even refused to visit our communities in the southern israel, and i invite all of you, that were devastated by hamas. everything is political and distorted. you know better than most that
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the ayatollah regime is mereto weeks away from nuclear capabilities. this global sponsor has proxies across the region sowing death and destruction, but iran has immunity here because it's rogue regime in, regime has allies here on this council that protect it and its terror proxies. this is the reason why you'll never designated hamas and hezbollah as terror organizations, despite the whole world knowing that they are. a war still rages in ukraine as the country that started it sits you on this council preaching about peace and the defense of civilians. this is a backwards world. this week we marked the one-year anniversary of the war in sudan. millions, millions have fled their homes. millions more start. countless civilians have been
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murdered. since the start of the war in sudan, has this council held a single minister level meeting on the atrocities? no, not one. but today marks the fourth ministerial security council debate on gaza, the fourth. four on gaza and not one on sudan and pasture. a double standard here know no bounds. the amount of time, effort and resources poured into gaza makes it seem as if the rest of the world is a pure utopia, but outside of gaza we live in a carefree world, acuna mattia. the only people this meeting serves, and i reiterate our ayatollah khamenei. some of you may think you're serving the palestinians, but you are not. by holding this meeting you aidingti hominy and sin are. they control the agenda here, and hardly interview seem to
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notice. colleagues come if you and cannot prevent war or defend human rights, it is lost in recent to continue operating. the day will come when this organization will be shattered. the u.n. as we know it ceased to exist and in this place was dance of by virtually cares about human rights. the trolley truly fighte peace, that is capable of putting politics aside for the sake of justice, morality and humanity. and when that day comes, comes, and it will, this meeting and the votes to force establishment of a nazi state will be remembered as a catalyst of the u.n. collapse. a meeting with world burns, but all that concern the security council was helping terrorists in gaza survive. and meeting where a terror entity could be given full membership status. this is how far the u.n. has
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fallen, this is why the u.n. in its current format has no future. i truly pray, pray for brighter days for a time where the u.n. can successfully combat the forces ofom darkness, not welcoe them and be influenced by them. thank you, mr. president. >> i think the representative of israel for their statement. i shall now make a statement in my national capacity. i think thehe secretary general for his presence or today and for his start and sobering brief. the middle east experiencing one of the bleakest and most volatile periods in modern history. as underlined by the secretary general last sunday, the middle east is at the break of a full-scale conflict, one which we need to collectively avoid by calling on all parties to show restraint.
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these latest events continue the downward spiral witnessed in the six months since the heinous terror attacks of hamas on the seventh of october, and the beginning of military action by israel in gaza. it provides further proof of the importance of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza, and the need to rebuild a political horizon in the middle east. it is deeply worrying and completely unacceptable that this council demand for a for a ceasefire in accordance with resolution 2728 has been disregarded by the parties. we wish to reiterate that under article 25 of the charter, the members of the united nations agreed to accept and to carry out decisions of the security council. yes security council resolutions are binding.
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we have consistently condemned hamas for its reprehensible terrorist attacks on seven october, including the including the murder of over 1200 israelis, the taking of hostages, and any acts of sexual violence committed. the trauma from that dark day will forever haunt the israeli people, particularly those who still suffer daily, knowing their loved ones are still held hostages by hamas. we once again reiterate our demand that hamas release all hostages immediately and unconditionally. however, in gaza it's not only the hostages who are suffering. over 33,700 palestinians have been killed. most of them women and children. thousands have been injured or
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maimed. countless others remain unaccounted for, missing under the rubble of ruined neighborhoods. the prospect of a further escalation in rafah were over 1 million displaced civilians are struggling daily to survive is unconscionable. we stress our firm rejection of any ground offensive into rafah, and any further displacement of palestinians. with over half of the population on the cusp of a man-made famine, coupled with a desmet health system, children arere ao dying from a lack of food and water. according to unicef, today in gaza one in three children under the age of two years are acutely
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malnourished. targeted attacks on healthcare violate all the unique protections under international law for pregnant, birthing, and postpartum women, as well as children. we stress that all parties have a legal obligation under international law, including international humanitarian law, to protect civilians. in linear with this, the provisional orders of the international court of justice on 26 january and 28 march must be complied with. excellencies, since the beginning of this conflict the delivered levels of aid in gaza have been highly insufficient due to physical restrictions and bureaucratic impediments. malta reiterates the denial of humanitarian assistance is a grave violation of international
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law, and the use of starvation as a weapon of war may constitute a war crime. furthermore, we strongly underline that the safety of u.n. personnel, humanitarians and journalists must be guaranteed. we call for israel to both fully respect and utilize the humanitarian notification system as intended, , and conduct an independent investigation into all killings of human and humanitarian staff. commercial trades must also be allowed to resume as the people of gaza cannot remain dependent on aid alone. in the words of the secretary general, a paradigm shift is required to adequately address the desperate conditions in gaza. just yesterday this council held a briefing on the indispensable nature of unrwa and its life-saving services. we maintain that the agency is a
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stabilizing force in the region and demands are continuing support and resources. turning to the wider region, the ripple effects of the war in gaza including that we witness over the last days is deeply troubling. the heightened sanctions in the region and the increased escalations and skirmishes in the west bank, lebanon, syria, iraq and yemen push the region to an terrible conflagration. immediate de-escalation and restraint is of paramount importance. international law and diplomacy must be our guiding principles. in the west bank rising violence targeting civilians and intensified military operations push the occupied palestinian territory into furtherer instability. the illegal israeli settlements,
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demolition of palestinian property, and settler violence are an obstacle to peace, violate international law, and threaten the viability of a two-state solution. we call in israel to such actions and abide by their relevant security council resolutions. we welcome ongoing efforts towards reinforcing and revitalizing the palestinian authority. the international committee must support the elections which would allow its effective governance in line with the two-state solution. and with gaza as part of an independent palestinian state. fundamentally, a just resolution of this conflict demands a reality which embraces the palestinians legitimate aspirations for you and membership and statehood. it also demands a reality in which israelis live in security without being held hostage by
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the threat of terrorism. the parameters of realization of this vision are well known and must be pursued as a matter of urgency. malta reaffirms its unwavering commitment to a comprehensive political solution based on the two-state solution along the pre-1967 borders. addressing legitimate aspirations both sides with jerusalem as the future capital of two states living side by side in peace and security. and this in line with the relevant security council resolutions and internationally agreed parameters. i thank you and iyo resumed my function as president of the council. and and i now give the floor e representative of the united states. >> thank you, mr. president. and thank god i want to think the secretary general for his appearance you and his breathing.
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colleagues, we needed a moment of great peril in the region. iran and his militant partners including hamas have driven us to the precipice of a broader conflict. the united states condemns iran's direct attack on israel which we along with israel and other partners helped to defeat. there is no doubt iran's aim in launching more than 300 munitions at issue was to inflict significant damage and caused a loss of life. the u.s. commitment to social security is ironclad, repeat, ironclad and accreditation israel's defensese against iran are a clear manifestation of thatle commitment. it is vital that the international community is united in condemning iran's reckless excretory acts which pose a direct threat to international peace and security, destabilizete the regn and in danger its own people. in response, the united states
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announced sanctions this morning against several actors involved in iran's unmanned aerial vehicle program to its customers to one of iran's largest you producers, and the rain automobile copies with connections to the designated islamic revolutionary guard corps, and the ministry of defense and armed forces logistics. we anticipate that our allies and partners will soonar be following with their owns sanctions and will continue to disrupt the networks that support iran's reckless proliferation of weapons that destabilize the middle east and beyond. the security council must also not let iran's actions go and answered. indeed, for fared too long iran has flagrantly violated its international legal obligations, notably to the actions of the irgc. the evidence is clear to iran has armed as though in violation of security council resolution
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1701. it is also armed facilitated and enabled houthi attacks in saudi arabia and the uae and more recently merchant and commercial shipping in theer red sea in clr violation of resolution 2216 and in defiance of resolution 2722. iran has transferred when we attack drones used in a taxi of multiple member states at a time with such transfers were in clear violation of resolution 2231. iran has also repeatedly violate international law by targeting with mind and seizing commercial ships in international waters of the persian gulf andco surroundg waterways just as it did on april 12. iran has providedde significant funding and training for the military wing of hamas which as we know perpetrated unspeakable
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acts of cruelty on october 7 against israelis, americans, and citizens from countries all over thee world. this long-standing iranian support continues to contribute to the current crisis in gaza. while iran's minister to offer excuses for these actions today, we have a collective responsibility to set the record straight on iran's nefarious actions to ensure that iran complies with the council's resolutions and ceases its violation of international law. colleagues, the united states is committed to strengthening our cooperation to in the crisis in gaza, including i continue to work towards an immediate and sustainable ceasefire as part of a deal to release hostages by hamas and deliver additional increasing mentoring assistance to palestinian civilians in need. hamas, however, continues to reject offerer some israel in te fall fighting and release
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hostages. over and overr and over if hamas haspted the offer israel made, it would allow for an immediate ceasefire that would benefit palestinians immediately. hamas should takey. this deal. if not, they should explain to the world and to the palestinian people why they had yet to do so. because right now hamas is a sole obstacle to a ceasefire in gaza. the sole obstacle. colleagues, it is extraordinary the extent to which hamas has been almost erased from the story of what is happening in gaza. none of what we see in gaza would've happened had hamas released the hostages, put down its weapons, stop hiding behind civilians and in tunnels, and surrendered. hamas has an opportunity to agree to the proposal on a ceasefire and on hostages. the ball is in hamas' court and
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the world is watching to see what it does. president biden has called on israel to announce and you put a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to protect from harm, i guess you mentoring suffering and assure the safety of aid workers. israel must do more to prevent civilian casualties. far too many lives have been lost, and the president has made clear that u.s. policy with respect to gaza will be determined by assessment of the sustained action on the steps. we welcome israel's decision to open more land crossings. we need immediate at the mentation of these commitments. we need immediate results. as gaza faces imminent famine, lives depend on it. we reiterate our support for senior coordinator and calling israel to cooperate with the u.n. efforts to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale.
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over 240 imminent chains have been killed, there cannot be any more. we reiterate our call for israel to implement immediate measures to remediate efficiencies within his deconfliction procedure so imagine personal content to perform the life-saving work. colleagues, the united states also remains gravely concerned by the tensions in the west bank. we strongly condemn the murder of 14-year-old israeli and the violence against palestinian civilians andd the property ensued after his disappearance, resulting in thousands of injuries, property damage, , and the killing of two palestinians. a 24-year-old and a 17-year-old. we strongly condemn these murders and our thoughts are with their loved ones.
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.. all communities are harm and we urge israel and the palestinian authority to do everything possible to de-escalate tensions. additionally, the united states will continue to impose our own sanctions on people involved in violent activities in the west bank. colleagues, the united states reiterates its commitment to continue working to address >> continue to working to address the multiple challenges we face from the middle east today. we'll support israel as it faces unprecedented threats from iran and reiterate that iran must comply with all u.n. resolutions and the charter. at the same time, we will also continue direct diplomacy to advocate for normalization of ties between israel and its neighbors as well as a political horizon towards a two-state solution so that palestinians and israelis can
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live side by side in peace. we are committed to achieving credible, time bound and irreversible steps toward a two-state solution. mr. president, the represent of the russian federation has criticized the u.s. resolution put forward on the u.s. situation in gaza. there's many in this room know, the u.s. resolution was an effort to try to promote a realistic pause in the conflict and to help facilitate humanitarian assistance. no country has worked harder than the u.s. to improve the prospects for peace in the region. russia has frankly done nothing, other than promulgate lies about the u.s. and its partners. i've said this many times, russia is in no position to criticize any member of the security council given the war crimes and atrocities it is committing on a daily basis in
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ukraine. for russia, the tragic situation in gaza is nothing more than to distract attention from the horrific war being conducted against the people of ukraine. thank you, mr. president. >> i thank the representative of the united states. >> the united states has vetoed a u.n. security council recommendation that palestine be admitted. russia, chinese, france, japan, south korea, ecuador and algeria were the countries that voted in favor while the united kingdom and switzerland abstained after the palestinian ambassador to the u.n. renewed the request amid the war in gaza, amid intense pressure on president biden internationally and among his own party to do more to address the dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. if you ever miss any of the
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