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tv   U.S. Senate Senators Consider Second Impeachment Article Against DHS...  CSPAN  April 18, 2024 3:17am-4:27am EDT

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for 38. one saturday responded present the point of order is present in the article falls. >> the majority leader is recognize. >> i raise the point of order that impeachment article two is not alleged conduct that rises to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor as required under article two section 4 of the united states constitution and therefore unconstitutional. >> madam president. >> under the president and practice of the senate the chair has no power or authority to pass on point of order the chair
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under the president of the senate submits the question to the senate is the point of order well taken senator from utah is recognized. >> as long as the majority leader was moments ago making this particular point of order of the impeachment article article one refers to the willful defiance by secretary mayorkas of the law and making that to article one and the reasons articulated by the senate entrance editors. he is far wrong with respect to article two article two accuses him of making false statements this is a violation of section 1001. a felony offense. if this is not a high crime and misdemeanor what is. if this is not teachable what is. what precedents will be -- we need to address this and discuss it.
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>> in closed session. i move that the senate proceed closed session to allow for deliberation on the very consequential point of order that he just made which violates under them years of american legal precedent and understanding. >> and we enter into motion. >> rule 24. >> the question is on the motion is there a sufficient second? there is, the clerk will call the roll. [roll call]
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>> senators voting whether to proceed to close session so they would be able to debate whether article two of the impeachment article against alejandro mayorkas rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. if you been watching along with us with a similar vote to the motion that was raised when senator ted cruz stood up regarding article one and chuck schumer's efforts to move the article one did not rise to the level of high crime and misdemeanor. these motions continue by republicans as they've now moved to the second article of impeachment. that article a breach of trust that secretary mayorkas told congress that the us-mexico border was secure and made a record in migrants, this is article being discussed right now and voted on right now and
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we will see what happens as we walked along. live coverage here on c-span2. >> on this vote the yays 59, the nays are 51, attending business the majority leader. >> madam president. >> senator from florida. >> as yours we've not had the time to review whether this point of order is contrary to the constitution therefore i moved to adjourn the court of impeachment until 12:00 p.m. noon on tuesday april 30 as for the nays and yays. >> is there a sufficient second. >> there is a sufficient second, the clerk will call the roll. [roll call vote]
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>> so far when it comes articles against alejandro mayorkas, repeat of the back-and-forth of what happened with article one republicans trying to call for a
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closed session to debate the articles and then delay the impeachment trial by about two weeks, those two efforts defeated when it came to article one of the first ever defeated so far when it comes to article two and were waiting to result of the second vote a reminder after article and after the delay of two weeks was defeated on the first article it was mitch mcconnell who stood up and made the motion to table senator schumer's point of order of the constitutionality of article one. we'll see if he does the same when it comes to article two. live coverage of the impeachment proceedings against alejandro
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>> on this vote the yays 49. nays are 51. the president will state his -- >> i appreciate my friend from new york is eager to get this done with but are we about to set a precedent that the obligation of a felony is not a high crime and misdemeanor. >> that is not appropriate for an inquiry.
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>> madam president i understand there's other ways for the majority to move this off the floor of the senate but i would urge my colleagues. >> this is senator have a motion. >> the question by the majority leader. >> the senator from louisiana. >> i have a motion and it takes precedent. i appreciate the majority leader's allegation, lying to the united states congress is not a high crime and misdemeanor, you do not have to be mensa material to know that a high crime and misdemeanor is a felony. >> will this editor please state is motion. >> i will. >> sense we are not allowed to talk among ourselves about the absurdity of this in my democratic colleagues will not
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allowed us to go into closed session to talk about this. >> i move that we adjourn until 12:00 o'clock noon on may the first 2004 and i asked for the nays and yays'. is there a sufficient second? >> will the senator modify his motion. >> i asked the senator to modify his motion. >> in 2004 will probably be preferable but i will accept the friendly amendment that would make it 2024. >> the question is on the motion is there sufficient second? there is a sufficient second, the clerk will call the roll.
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>> on this vote the yays are 49 and the nays are 50 when the motion is not agreed to, depending motion is the point of order by the senate majority leader. >> madam president. >> senator from kansas is recognized. >> madam president i have a motion and it takes precedence. before this body disrespects the constitution any further, before we endanger our republic anymore, before we harm the reputation of this body anymore, i moved to adjourn until
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7:00 a.m. on november 6, 2024 so the american people can at least have about on this impeachment trial. >> the question is on the motion, is there a sufficient second. is there a sufficient second the clerk will call the roll. [roll call vote]
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[roll call vote] vote on the motion by republican senator roger marshall. >> the nays are 51 pending by the majority leader. >> madam president.
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>> senator from alaska. territory several parliamentary and inquiry. >> madam president has there been a successfully invoked point of order to dispose of an article of impeachment prior to opening arguments by the house managers. >> the chair is not aware of any such thing. >> thank you, madam president. >> pending business is the point of order by the majority leader. >> the yays and nays. >> madam president. >> a parliamentary inquiry. >> madam president. >> the senator from louisiana will use state.
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>> i cannot hear you. >> the senator from louisiana is recognized. >> thank you, madam president, i had a motion and it takes precedent. >> state your motion please. >> before we establish a precedent that aligned to the united states congress is not a felony. >> the senator from louisiana will stay is motion. >> before we add a new chapter to the movie pulp fiction, i move that we go into executive session to at least allow west to talk about the breath taking precedent were about to establish here. >> i asked for the nays and yays. >> the question is on the motion
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to proceed to executive session. the nays and yays have been requested. is there physician second. >> there is a physician second. the clerk will call the roll. [roll call vote]
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will. this is republican motion that has been offered the previous senate and arthur engoron in the third motion by senator john kennedy of louisiana to delay or postpone this impeachment trial this one would look to postpone the trial by going into executive session that was the latest offer by republicans live coverage of the impeachment trial alejandro mayorkas on
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we have a responsibility to hear these articles and therefore the table. >> is there a sufficient second? oracle, role. [roll call vote] [roll call vote] [roll call vote]
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[roll call vote] [roll call vote] >> the night off work by senate republicans. his order earlier that article to from the articles of impeachment against alejandro mayorkas is unconstitutional because they don't rise to the levels of pipe crimes and misdemeanors, a reminder earlier this afternoon first articles of impeachment was ruled unconstitutional by the same
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process by senate majority leader chuck work on the vote of 51, democrats and independents caucus democrat 48 republicans voting no. one republican voting, lisa murkowski of alaska. >> the motion is not agreed to. -- offered by the senate majority leader. >> the parliamentary court. >> i inquired whether the actions today on impeachment solid apply to all actions in the senate. >> would imply impeachment
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hearing. >> the question on the order what is there a sufficient second? the clerk will call the world. [roll call vote] [roll call vote]
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the article unconstitutional by the senate already deemed unconstitutional on an earlier vote. live coverage here on the schedule.
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fungus vote for geiser 51, no denied. article two. >> bottom president. i moved to turn the impeachment trial of alejandro mayorkas and i asked for the yeas and nays remark is there a sufficient second? the clerk will call the rope. [roll call vote]
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training. [roll call vote] [roll call vote] [roll call vote] [roll call vote] [roll call vote] el. [roll call vote] [roll call vote]
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[roll call vote] [roll call vote] [roll call vote] >> awaiting final votes to end the treatment trial of home and security alejandro mayorkas. the two articles filed sent over
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from the housework concluded, the level of impeachment direct cross addition bus final vote on ending trial. live coverage on c-span2.
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on the boat, 51 -- 49. the motion is agreed to.


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