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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Capito Others on DHS Sec. Mayorkas Impeachment  CSPAN  April 10, 2024 9:53pm-10:58pm EDT

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several senators spoke about immigration issues at the southern border in the impeachment of homeland security secretary mayorkas from the senate floor. this comes as the chamber waits on the house to deliver the articles of impeachment in order to start a trial. it's now expected to occur sometime next week. thank you, madam president. i c rise today -- >> we are in a quorum call. >> i ask that we vitiate the quorum call. >> without objection. >> thank you. >> i rise today because we really are at a very historic time for this chamber. soon the house of representatives is expected to send over articles of impeachment against a cabinet officer. for only the second time in our nation's history. this is not routine business. instead of this is a very serious moment. february 13th, the house agreed to t articles of impeachment against the department of homeland security secretary
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mayorkas for,as quote, willful d systemic refusal to comply with the law,,," breach of public trust, quote. this chamber will soon have a constitutional duty to uphold, and i firmly believe that the senate, the u.s. senate must conduct a full impeachment inquiry for sec. mayorkas. our constitution gives the senate the responsibility and the duty to try all impeachments, and it requires a vote of two thirds of the senate present before the federal officer is convicted. that is a pretty high standard for a constitutional process. for every impeachment in the history, the senate has held some form of a trial. unless the federal officer has resigned prior to the trial. this time, it should be no different. under president biden and
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secretary mayorkas, there've been more than 9.2 million illegal crossings along the countries southern borders. or to put it another way, the average monthly encounters have increased 400% under the biden mayorkas dhs. the record illegal crossings, and this past in february of 189,922 marks the seventh consecutive month of the highest numbers of encounters that these months have ever seen, and on top of this, there have been 36 straight months with higher encounters at the southern border than any other month under the trump administration. these numbers are just shocking. and still, i've spoken on this before, it's just amazing to me that the president and the secretary haven't tried to change this at all.
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unfortunately, statistics have become a regular (under the leadership of sec. mayorkas. and he bears the responsibility to the worst border crisis of the nation's history. let me be clear as i said earlier, this crisis did not happen by accident. we have seen the biden mayorkas dhs failed to uphold the law and secure our borders starting on day number one of this administration.ra this broad and willful effort by the biden administration to open our borders began by ending successful trump era policies that brought all those numbers down like contracts to build the border wall. the remain in mexico policy also known as migrant protection protocols, and third country agreements. again, the numbers don't lie and they certainly do not provide the administration with any cover under like the cover the
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administration gives daily by turning their backs on the cartels you'rern making billions of dollars with human smuggling, drug trafficking, operations as long as this crisis continues. furthermore, we have seen the secretary abuse the parole process. expanding the program more than any other prior administration that has led to more than 3 million immigrants coming into the country who would otherwise have been inadmissible. parole is supposedle to be grand on a one by one and a case-by-case basis. -babout undersecretary mayorkas' leadership, dhs has created categorical parole programs to give injury to migrants for many south americans and caribbean countries with minimal vetting. as the crisis has developed throughout president biden's three years in office, nearly half of the migrants encountered
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in the southern border are coming from countries outside of mexico, guatemala, honduras, el salvador. the immigration crisis on the southern border is now more multifaceted than ever and why is that? because it's been allowed to keep fomenting into the open border policies of the biden nanda mayorkas dhs has allowed all of this to happen. we truly have no idea who is entering our country illegally. we have apprehended a 336 individuals on the terror watch list that have illegally crossed the southern border during this administration, but these are just the individuals that we know of. ofto put this into perspective, only 14 suspects were apprehended between the ports of entry during the trump administration, 14 over four years, 336 in this administration. not knowing who is in the country is a national security
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crisis. and at the time of heightened national security, this is a chance we should not be willing to take. we've also seen the biden nanda mayorkas dhs abuse the asylum process expanding eligibility to admit a record number of asylum-seekers, which has led to creating decades long delays and backlogs in our immigration ports. this ensures anyone who enters our country and passes the very low screening standards will be here for years without any fear of deportation. this policy allows the oveallegedkiller of lincoln rila student in georgia who was brutally and senselessly murdereder to enter and has remained in this country even though he was apprehended by our law enforcement on at least one occasion he s still lives here. this will e forever serve as a reminder that sec. mayorkas catch and release policy have allowed the catastrophe of the
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southern border to impact every single community. when our already overwhelmed border patrolac agents were facd with thousands of encounters of migrants planning asylum, we know some border crossings are able toos slip through. these are the people who don't want to be caught, and they are the individuals we need to worry about the most. but don't just take my word for it. in a recent interview, border patrol chief jason owens referred to the situation as a national security threat, and that the 140,000 loan got a ways are what is keeping me up at night. this is something all of us should be concerned about, and the ripple effect this causes in communities far away from the southern border. ..
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that is the highest per capita of any other state. at the national level the numbers are startling. according to u.s. customs and border protection agents they see all-time high of 20293 pounds of fentanyl. coming across the southern border in fiscal year 23. that amount of fentanyl is enough to kill nearly 6 million people.. however, what is even more troubling cbp reported federal officials are estimating they were only able to seize between five and 10% that has been smuggled through the southern border.
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the border patrol hussman has been stretched thin with very little support from this administration there is no telling the amount of drugs that are getting through undetected. so, regarding the amount of those to be before the senate the impeachmente articles againt a secretary at mayorkas makes serious allegations details a crisis we have all seen unfolding for more than three years. it is unconscionable for senator schumer to dismiss these charges without allowing the senate to hear the evidence. doing so would deny this body from upholding our constitutional duty to hear a case and decide whether or not secretary mayorkas should be convicted or acquitted. the decision to take up these articles of impeachment lies with senator schumer and the senate democrats. they must do the right thing when conduct a full.
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with that i yield the floor. quick center from kansas for a quick smatter you. i appreciate what i heard from the center from west virginia. i am pleased to follow her and proceed a number of my colleagues as we address the issue of the crisis at our southern border. i want to highlight something i heard her say and reiterate myself. this is the national security threat. there are many reasons to care what's going on at our borders. and certainly you can take a sovereignty and the nature of our country. we need to enforce our laws. fentanyl and drugs, human trafficking. but sometimes overlooked is the reality of what he security threats, a border like we have between the united states and mexico. but really all of our borders. they create a threat to the
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safety and well-being of the american people. the citizens of our country. we have to delve the growing drug and crime emergency it is exacerbated i've been talking to number of law enforcement officers in kansas sheriff's departments and police officers. there is no question but what they see the challenges are exacerbated by the lack of security for the lack l of law enforcement at our borders. and see the consequences of that activity in human trafficking and drugs. it is important for us to talk about all of the things. focus on all the things related to our national security. ngmy view is the primary responsibility of the federal government to make sure americans are safe. i was on the senate floor several weeks ago highlighting something i think is hugely important to our national security. the purge and seat of the
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emergency supplemental the consequences for the united states has the consequences of lack of passing that is to the consequence of ukraine and israel and the middle east about the safety and security of other countries in the south pacific. i highlighted then and i will highlight now the passage of the emergency supplemental as a consequence but a negative consequence if it's not passed on the safety and security of the american people. when i was here to highlight te importance of the legislation the need to proceed i also highlighted the consequences of ignoring our border. i want to say once again our border is a national security issue. while we focus on the things we normally think about national security sometimes we forget the dangerous circumstance that has been created. a bench of the border a number of times. numerous times on my last visit i watch a border patrol agents apprehended chinese and nationals attempted to come into our country illegally.
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that in and of itself should cause us to have great concern. under secretaries to watch u.s. border patrol has apprehended 336 individuals on the terror watch list. remember the terror watch list the people came here at 911 and the consequences of us failing to exclude them 336 have been apprehended. from that terrorist watch list that does not include the ones we have not caught. it suggests to us comment to me and i hope to us there is a real serious issue about our national security as a result of our country's failures. this administration's failures on the board fy 23 a fiscal year men and women of the united states customs and border protection 2.5 million encounters along the southern
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border. these historic levels of crossings at the southern border put it astronomical a tremendous strain on our immigration system is seriously compromised as i say compromise or national security. on every immigrant is a criminal. the sheer number of migrants at the border enables those with evil and malicious intentions to enter our country undetected tend to harm americans for this historic failure is not an accident. migrants making their way to the united states options the assistance of organized criminal organizations know our laws the current lack of enforcement of thosece laws. this administration is created these conditions i've sent a little if really nothing to dissuade migrants from making that dangerous journey to our borders. migrants of the administration is resisted to attain detaining thoser. who cross illegally. they note this administration is resisting hardening border infrastructure the administration abusively parole
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system increase the chances off remaining in the united states if they can get across the border. all those factors lead us where we are today. last fall i question the department of homeland security secretary, secretary mayorkas with joint appropriations committee. the hearing was on our national security. the topic was the supplemental that i remarked just a few weeks ago when i asked secretary secry mayorkas fees going to work on areas of immigration reform? whether it's a bipartisan consensus, certain issues i believe in regard to border security would receive 60 votes on the senate floor and be signed into law. the secretary told me he wanted comprehensive reform. i've been in this body of the senate and the house before them we talked about immigration changes. we talked about border security those two things go hand-in-hand in my view.
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perform ends. no evidence of a time in the senate. no evidence of my time in the house that we do everything the evidences we do nothing. and that is what i told the secretary but i would tell him that again if we are unwilling to work with us to find the things we can agree on nothing is going to happen to protect our borders and our immigration system remain so flawed. there is a value in comprehensive reform. things that deal with all issues top to bottom. to ensure the needs of safety for the american people the importance of that to our economy. but again my experience of my time in congress is that if we keep waiting for comprehensive reform the result is nothing. we do nothing. secretary mayorkas has the obligation to use the tools congress has provided to enforce
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legislation that is already passed. waiting for conference of our reformis an excuse from the secy on president biden to do nothing. 1020 an action on the board in his leniency toward enforcing the law has resulted in what we see the crisis we face today. we keep waiting to reach the tipping point in that crisis. but that hasti long passed. migrants are living on the streets of new york but will thousands of americans to fentanyl poisoning. our borders have been exploited by our enemies. the point is america is in jeopardy in many ways. we face f tremendous challenges around the globe. our adversaries and enemies aligned to do us harm. we cannot look the other way is our borders and border security. it is too great of a risk too much of an opportunity the biden
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administration i've made it clear over the last three years securing the border is not a priority but is not a priority of theirs. accountable for those fillers the failures of the southern border. the number one priority of the federal government. every state is a border state. the american people deserve a secure border. better president, yield the floor. clark's a senator from tennessee. consternation 248 year history the house of representatives impeach officials on 21 cases. highly rare exercise of the constitutionalng power the senae has tried each such case except the first office before the senate trial rendered such trial moot. this includes two partisan of
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the former president. one in which republicans control the senate. one in which it was equally divided. shuttering norms is defining theme for democrats this year when my democratic colleagues so shirk their constitutional duty? and ignore an impeachment? because they want to ignore the evidence secretary at mayorkas mayorkaswillful violation of imn law. i can take of no better example secretary decision to willfully and knowingly succeed is parole authority set in the s act. that law permits the secretary to grant parole only on a case-by-case basis. temporarily and for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit. when their e need of urgent medical care. or the person needs to attend a
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family member's a funeral. two aliens from numerous countries respond directly to the nine states. he and his abuse case-by-case to beyond any degree imaginable. he's flying 30,000 illegal aliens per month directly into the nine states or resettlement for this a blatant violation of the law. and it's abuse of the parole law in this in particular. two weeks ago every set senate democrat voted against my amendment to defund this very parole like program. that vote was impossible to explain to ordinary americans but to see the absurdity of flying in tens of thousands of illegal aliens right in the midst of anig illegal immigratin crisis. partisan so-called fact checkers have recent been quibbling over
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which airports are beingai used. this is clearly in attempt to distract from the basic problem with taxpayer-funded f program. which is that it is illegal and it is absurd. i understand what democrats want to cover it up. it is the same reason they do not want to consider the impeachment articles. similar lately secretary the secretary terminatecontractl construction refused to expand funds congress appropriated for the specific purpose. secretary mayorkas empowerment of funds is a clear attempt to usurp the will of congress by refusing to fulfill their mandate our mandate to build the border - wall a second treasure place detention mandates that are enacted in law with un- lawful mask catch and release policies that encourage illegal immigration. the law requires illegal aliens are detained until they are deported unless they are clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to
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be allowed into the united states. instead of complying with this requirement, this secretary has millions of illegal aliens into american communities. we see the devastating effects the biden administration illegal border policies. we havese heard from americans o lives and property are being destroyed by droves of illegal aliens coming into the united states every single day. we heard from border patrol agents whoea want nothing more than to do their jobs and secure the border. but whose hands have been tied by thee mayorkas lead department of homeland security. the american people us in the chaotic images of the southern border under this administration. they witnessed ravaging effects of illegal immigration their own communities. this includes drug overdoses violent crime, local disorder. national security threat of a known bad actors from all over the world. come across our open borders.
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249 people on the terror watch list had been encountered at the southern border just last year alone. since october a record number of chinese nationals, 22000 and fact have been encountered by our border patrol. over 10 million illegal aliens across the border under this secretary's watch in the devastatingnc consequences of future risks it has created for our nation's greatest risk we face as a nation. the house of representatives took the extraordinary step impeach in government official for his role in this. and yet senate democrats want to completely ignore all of this. they do not want you to hear about it. they want to sweep it under the rug in an election year. the alleged violation on trial for the senate. basic diligence examining the
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evidence and every senator should go onec record regarding the charges. i have cosponsorpo resolutions y several colleagues establishing impeachment procedures there in line with past seven impeachment trials. are open to debate on the details of the process. there must be a process. this is anta important point current debate is not whether or not secretary mayorkas is guilty as charged. whether we should even examine theue question. the senate majority leader reportedly plans to do we should just hide the evidence from the american people avoid discussing this administration failures at allll costs. why? because this is an election year. if the majority leader wishes to honor and preserve the greatest deliberative body i urged him not to take this unprecedented step of blocking consideration of the impeachment articles. better president yield the
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floor. >> a senator from nebraska projects i ask unanimous consent the following entrance for my office be granted floor plebe ridges until april 11, 2024. reese clark, nathan, jack smith,. >> without objection. quick thinking that a president. the fundamental purpose of our federal government is to protect americans. to keep americans safe. what we have seen happen at our southern border has put americans at risk. it's a national security crisis. a drug trafficking crisis. child craft trafficking sex trafficking. it's putting americans at risk. the people responsible for this open border policy are joe biden
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in the secretary of the department of homeland security alejandro mayorkas. does he biden ministration has been in power we have seen a flood of drugs coming across our border. the cartels are making billions. mental and other illegal drugs of the leading killer of american in this country. if you are between 18 and 45 the death is drug overdose. the majority of that is spent at all. 70000 young people you're dying because of fentanyl. when i was government we saw the amount of drugs coming into my state under joeer biden go up dramatically. we sought tried twice as much of
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methamphetamine three times as much 10 times as much cocaine. which in the number of people in the terrorist watch list skyrocket as well. under the trump administration a total of 11 people on the fbi terrorist watch list work caught trying to cross the border during four years of president trump. in the last fiscal year 169 people on the fbi terrorist watch list were trying to cross the border illegally. since he biden ministration is been in place, nine-point to million people of either tried to get into this country illegally or have succeeded getting into this country illegally. and secretary mayorkas has willfully refused to support our immigration laws with this
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administration. what's going on in our southern border. if you ask americans who do you think is responsible? 57% say there has been a willful and enforcement of our laws. our laws are not being a force that includes 61% of independents and a third of democrats. and, if you wonder who is responsible for this? you need to look no further than a memorandum and guidelines issued in 2021 for secretary according to those accounts secretaryrk mayorkas issued a memorandum to immigration and customs enforcement official saying and i quote the fact in individual is removable non- citizen therefore should not
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alone be the basis of it enforcement action against them. think about that. but he is saying is just because someone broke the law doesn't mean you have to enforce the law against them. in fact you should not enforce the law against them. that is not what the law is about. this is absolutely stunning. you are in the private sector in someone is not doing their job, you hold them accountable. we need to hold accountable the people who opened our southern border. 57% believe there is been a willful disregard. not only do the people in our country believe that, the u.s. house of representatives have
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passed and impeachment resolution condemning secretary mayorkas i'm going to quote here again willful systematic refusal to comply with current u.s. immigration laws and for breach of public trust. impeachment is serious. these allegations are serious. we in that u.s. senate need to treat them with that level of seriousness. we have seen an open border policy from this administration. secretary at mayorkas as responsible for carrying out the policy. it is now our duty as a u.s. senate to have the trial to determine guilt or innocence.
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this is a constitutional responsibility. however it appears our leader and the democrats are determined to table this. to set it aside in a manner that is unprecedented. it has never happened the u.s. senate has refused to take up the charges. folks, we do not need to be breaking more norms in the u.s. senate. we are advocating our constitutional responsibility if we do not hold this trial. the people responsible need to be held accountable. cewe need to hear the evidence o why don't the democrats want to hold this trial? perhaps because they are afraid of the american public hearing again how about the situation of the southern border is. nine-point to million people
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coming in here. perhaps they do not want to know how this administration and secretary mayorkas is abusing parole function. parole is a function that allows the executive branch to bring in foreigners. it is supposed to be done according to the immigration and naturalization act, on a case-by-case basis. only in instances of extreme humanitarian need or best interest of the country. under the obama and trump administration happened about 5600 times a year. 5600 times a year. last year alone, biden ministration paroled into the country one point to million people. redoing the whole classes of people. it is a clear abuse of power. this administration is also
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abusing the asylum system. and secretary mayorkas has overseen the department of homeland security with both this policy think about this. say you are someone who comes across that border and you are granted parole to get into this country. the venezuelan accused of killing lakin riley. you get into this country, what is the first thing you're doing? contacting folks back home and tell them what's happening to you but this creates more incentive for people to come here illegally. it's part of why we have this problem. we need to explore topics like this. or perhaps the democrats know how bad this is and don't want to defend the catastrophe that is going on at the southern border. they do not want to have to defend this administration's policy.
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what secretary mayorkas has been doing in regards to broke maybe they think it's bad to and do not want to have to defend it. but whatever the reason, if our leader does not have a trial, it will be the first time this has happened. it will be unprecedented. we will be breaking again another norm. for the u.s. senate. impeachment is serious. these charges are serious. the american people deserve an answer. we need to have a trial but i call on my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to insist upon a trial. uphold our constitutional let's have a trial so that we can hear and determine the guilt and innocence.
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that is what the american people deserve. madam president, i yield back. >> mentor president? senator from oklahoma. >> next week we're scheduled to begin a trial the secretary of homeland h security. does not begin a conversation about how unsecured our country with that conversation started years ago now. the american people are incredibly frustrated but they are o sitting on the southern border. they keep saying it over and over again. remarkably so in the nation where inflation continues to be stubbornly high. works harder and harder to be able to afford a carton of eggs and gasoline and all the basics of life. all of the areas you think the
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economy will be the number one issue in the nation, actually national security and border ends up being number one.s up being number regardless of what state you live in for this is no longer a border state issue. americans feel this is a problem. and they should. the past three years more people have illegally crossed our southern border than the previous 12 years combined. and it is not close. we are pushing 8 million people out of illegally crossed our southern border just in the last three years. cities feel it, americans feel it, school districts feel it, communities feel it. homeless shelters feel it. it continues to spiral into our country. this is not some accident of migration as the administration tries to say over and over again. there is a global migration happening everywhere this a series of executive orders done
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in 2021 that were intentionally designed to change what's happening at ourpe southern borr and they certainly have. decisions are made by that biden administration to ship multiple things first started with loosening enforcement. they wanted to bite administration stopping construction of the wall. announce it publicly for no longer going to do while construction not even repair. step number two dramatically loosen the enforcement within athe country so fewer people would be deported when they came. if you cross the border illegally it is much greater likelihood that once you get a across you will not be deporte. they change the remaining mexico policy of the simple policy to say yes you can request asylum they shifted it immediately shifted from remain at border or mexico rather than being in detention. on your own recognizance.
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dramatically increase the number of people crossing. they also shifted with the state department is no longer negotiating deals in central america, guatemala, honduras and el salvador to stop migrants from moving through that direction they have withdrawn those agreements from central america and the state department stops putting pressure on countriespp that would not take the people back. these are not accidental things. these were intentional actions. i don't think the administration intended was how this has spiraled out of control. the nation is reaping the whirlwind out of it. 8 million people have illegally crossed our borders now it is no hemisphere. their people from all over the world. any tracking any point to track, what's happening at the board that you will find thousands of
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people crossing from china from russia, from pakistan, from west africa from all over asia. i talk to people at the border and i do talk often to them fork the first things i asked her one of the trends? what you seeing? the past year end half they can tell me a greater and greater number of non- spanish speakers crossing that border that aresp males in their 20s from all over the world that are coming. just in the past year we picked up individuals that are al-shibaab terrorists connections but hezbollah terrorist connections. folks with different kinds to different terrorist organizations. we have been able to pick up somep. but some have gotten through or have been released. this is an issue i continue to be able to bring up for this administration is not managing. in the past year there were over 70000 individuals that were
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identified as what was defined as a special interest alien. these individuals crossed our border. the administration designated them as a special interest alien and thennd release them on their own recognizance into the country. let me clear what o clarify with that term is. specialn, interest alien. this is their definition. non- u.s. person who is based on the analysis of travel patterns potentially poses a national security threat to the united states or its interests. seventy thousands of those in the past year have crossed the border and have been released into the united states. this is no longer a simple migration issue. this is the national security issue. it is won this administration has not only invited but they have now chosen to not even take
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seriously. this body knows full well. i believe their thumb some things that can only be done by acts of this body. changing the definition of a silent but increase the number of intentional beds are multiple issues we need to do and we should take responsibility for it. but this a body should not sit and say ithe nothing can be done when the white house has authorities they are not using. we should do our job. the white house should do their job. currently that is not happening. the threat continues to increase. next week we start impeachment trial. which is neverto happened in the history of the department of homeland security to be able to have an impeachment of the secretary. that starts, but can i say to you even if the secretary is removed the white house still created this policy.
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the obama administration on multiple leaders in that role but that one policy per the trump administration of multiple leaders in that role, then one policy. this white house has a policy of maintaining an open border. until this white house changes that policy and actually uses the authority that they already have, none of this is going to change. so my challenge is to us we should do our job at work on what we should do. but this white house needs to step up. because right now they are just hoping none of the 70000 people they defined as a national securityit risk actually does an act of terrorism or crime in the country. i don't want to just hope someone we have defined it as a national security risk does not actually carry it out. we need to actually enforce the law. we need to discourage illegal
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immigration. and i think we need to have a secure border. i do not believe i am alone in that. and this body or in our great country. with that i yield the floor. >> the senator from alabama. >> madam president, homeland security secretary mayorkas and been derelict in the duty to secure the border under president joe biden. i repeat, derelict in their duty. our border is the least secure it has been and the history of our country. in fact it is almost nonexistent. at least 9 million illegal immigrants have entered our country since the beginning of this administration. our border patrol agents are overwhelmed. received such little support
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from the biden administration to enforce our laws they have been forced to release millions of illegal immigrants into the u.s. those who are released on parole are given work permits. tell me this, how does handing out work permitsrm discourage illegal immigration? it doesn't. how do these action secure the border? it doesn't. we might as well start mailing out to every criminal, drug traffickers and terrorists an open invitation to invade our country. i have spoken numerous times on the floor to highlight stories of americans dying at the hands of illegal aliens, 12-year-old travis wolf of missouri 22-year-old lakin riley of
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georgia. washington state trooper. the tragic deaths are a direct result of secretary mayorkas in action but how many more americans have to die before th globalist democratic party takes meaningful action to secure the border? this madness must end. americans deserve to be safe. from the drug traffickers, terrorist and murderers who are flooding into our country. the number of people crossing into the u.s. are on the terrorist watch list. it is f unprecedented. sentinel flows freely across our borders is killing more and more americans every day. law enforcement officers in alabama tell me time and time again their officers must wear heavy equipment and carry narc on spray to protect themselves
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from conventional that is pouring into our communities with three years ago they had never heard the word sentinel. says our police chief. city of montgomery. the cartels are trafficking professionals. they are managing the human drug trafficking at our border but this is a billion-dollar industry the biden administration is turning its back on and allowing. secretary mayorkas has completely, completely one or 10% refused to do his job. he swore an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states from all enemies, foreign and domestic. can any one of us seriously say secretary mayorkas has upheld his oath of office? progressive democrats are going to try to table the articles of
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impeachment and sweep biden supporter bloodbath under the rug. party voted. they voted to save his job. globalist democrats are lying to themselves and asking their risking the lives of american citizens. senator schumer at the progressive democrats cannot say they would to fix our border while voting to save secretary mayorkas job despite the critical need to secure our border and discourage illegal immigration mayorkas travels the world discussing a national natl security with our strategic partners while his own country is being invaded. it is embarrassing. last month secretary mayorkas and it was in guatemala discussing migration flows from south america to the u.s. have these folks done anything to stop the border invasion from
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their countries? they have done absolutely nothing. and february, mayorkas traveled to austria to speak with chinese officials about counter narcotic efforts. they discuss with them the flood of chinese illegal immigrants coming to the u.s. through the southwest border. 22000 chinese nationals have been arrested by border patrol agents at the southwest border since october. and released into our country. most of these individuals are single adult males of military age. yet, the media tries to act like all of these people crossing the border are nice people. nice women and children. some of them are. but most are not. this inflation is more than a border crisis it is a national security crisis. and yet, i seriously doubt
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secretary mayorkas brought that up in his meeting with the chinese officials a few months ago.eb february secretary mayorkas was in germany for the munich security conference. the munich security conference is the largest international security meeting in the world. secretary mayorkas was there giving speeches on strengthening global security and partnerships. americans are dying, dying from our dangerous open borders. he is talking about other borders across the world. the secretary is responsible for securing -- recollecting passports while lecturing other countries on their national security. our allies must be laughing at us. the secretary's priority should be here securing our borders not somebody else' protected our citizens not
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someone else's. present biden is made that u.s. a joke on the world stage. an absolute joke. we need to get our house in order. we are in trouble. so far there's been only talk as a board as far as security that has been concern for the last three years. now is the time for every senator to go on the record if you are at all concerned about the drugs and criminals flooding into our country and moving to your states you will vote for a full and fair trial. this is not a great area. secretary mayorkas has intentionally, intentionally failed to do his job. it is time the senate takes action for the families of lakin riley, travis wolf, trooper and countless others -- mike they deserve a fair trial. i'll be voting to hold secretary mayorkas accountable. and i ask my colleagues to do
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the same. i yield the floor. quickly senator from wyoming for. >> thanks madam president for first like to congratulate and commend the comments by the previous speaker of the senator from alabama. it makes important points to the importance of the history as well as the future of this country. i rise today to speak as he did about the impeachment of the secretary of the department of homeland security, secretary mayorkas. i bring with me to the floor the federalist papers written by alexander hamilton, alexander hamilton and jon jay referred to federalist 65. will stand and look at the pages in here and the pages in the book and the pages in the front of the senate chamber i would recommend to them, that they read the federalist. i recommend the same to my intern who was on the floor it today he'd hamilton and the students and the gal is a lot to learn about the contribute a lot
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to learn about the history, the heritage the reason we have the nation that we have today. federal 65 talks about impeachment. this is about the abuse in violation of public trust. hamilton goes on to say impeachment is an important power to remedy injuries done immediately to society itself this is the case we are here to talk about today. and why i bring the book along. charges against secretary mayorkas are serious. they are substantive, the facts in support of them are compelling. they deserve careful consideration by this body. secretary mayorkas it must be held accountable for his duty as mesecretary is to protect the homeland. that's not what has happened but instead he refuses to secure the
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esborder. the house charger secretary charges secretarymayorkas has wd systematically refused they say toit enforce a border security laws. secretary mayorkas wants to open our border so the entire world from beijing toel belize can coe in. he's turned a secure border into a welcome center. remember madam president in september of 2020 when the secretary issued a shocking priorities memorandum. our country has been shaken as a result of that member random and has not been forgotten. the memo severely limited who ice was allowed to arrest. that is immigration, customs enforcement. he a also revived the catch and release program and has abused parole laws. in fact the secretary bragged on msnbc that he had quote
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secretary at mayorkas quote rescinded so many trump immigration policies it would take so much time to list them. for people who preferred the secure border for our nation and care about our nation security this is an admission of willingness to i ignore the lawf the land. it also provided an open invitation for illegal immigrants or as the biden administration calls them, newcomers. after three years of open borders a number of illegal crossings is up to at least nine-point to million people. into this country illegally. crimes are up. drug overdose deaths across america are up. what about the number of deportations or illegal immigrants? they are not being sent to back. deportations are down. arrests are down part illegal
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immigrants are not being detained murderers, rapists other criminals are not beingey deported. that's a decision coming out of this decision and homeland security. americans like ruby garcia have been brutally murdered. aramerica's less safe. secretary mayorkas claims he's come to the senate and claimsry come so the house and claims the border is secure. people overlap and knowing how untrue it is. the light to the senate, a light to the house. such a serious matter it is hard to laugh. meanwhile our country is losing control to the cartels and the criminals. every fair minded person knows these are serious charges. the f senate must hold a full ad fair trial.
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it is our constitutional duty. the house is done its job. yet senate democrats each and every one of them are refusing to do theirs. it seems this week the democrat leader is scheming to bury these charges against mayorkas without a full and fair trial. the constitution demands there be one. the senate majority leader actions which are in the senate from the world's greatest deliberative body into the world's quickest dismissal body. senate majority leader is not here ono the floor today seemso be afraid of allowing the case against the lawless actions of the secretary of homeland security to even be presented to the american people. his plan to bypass the trial breaks the rules, breaks the standards breaks the traditions of this body. let us set the record straight the senate has always done as constitutional duty. we know the history the
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house-senate impeachment articles 21 times in the history of this country. the senate has never dismissed those articles without the official first resigning. seventeen of those cases went to trout right here in the senate and ended in o a decision of guilty or not guilty. three cases were dismissed during the trial. the reason why at the official resigned or they were expelled before a verdict was reached. one of them never went to trial because the official resigned before the trial began. democrat leader does not seem to care about any of this. not at all. he wants to ignore the charges against mayorkas without a trial at all. this would be disastrous for the senate and for our nation. so within the next week the senate democrats must make a
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choice. will they provide the t transparency of the american people demand? the accountability american citizens deserve? or will the democrats each and every one of them vote to bury these serious charges before the senate is allowed to hear a single piece of evidence. senate democrats have established a history of coddling criminals. people who have come to this country illegally. all 100 senators have a solemn responsibility to work to keep our nation safe and secure. without a full and fair trial there will be no accountability. her problems with the senate to do what it has always done. allow the house to present its case. allow the senate to hold a full trial and let the american people hear the truth.
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holding a full and fair trial is a matter of transparency and accountability. avoiding a trial would be an act of partisanship at the expense of public trust. thank you madam president, i yield the floor. clicks madam president. cooks a senator from west virginia. president i did not intend to speak on secretary mayorkas but it what to sayre if few words. what i would say is this i frankly disagree with my colleagues and friends on the republican side of the aisle. and the politics that's being played. i was governor of the state of west virginia i made an awful lot of appointments as will the call will and pleasure. i asked the state senate to confirm people i thought would work into a great job for the people west virginia. it was my responsibility if it went wrong or did not fulfill their duties, that was my responsibility. then criminal charges brought against them whether they are
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civil or criminal courts would take that as a right to remove i would respectfully obligated to remove it. if not r they had a right to impeach. we are not there everyone seems to be upset secretary at mayorkas i know to be a good man is being ostracized for doing the job that he has been basically directed to do by his boss, the president of the united states if you are unhappy, go to the polls. it's the boss. that's where it is spread think it has been a disaster the first two or three years right now been a disaster. ire have asked, i beg the president to change but secure our board has to i be secured is most dangerous thing we face. when i said that i said declare a national emergency. the mistakes the president have made is try to be corrected when he supported the piece of legislation have before us about two or three weeks ago that was negotiated the lead negotiators one of the most honorable people
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we have in the senate as republican lankford from oklahoma. i think it was a tremendous piece of legislation with the security of our border and stop the illegal flow. it was still politicized and did not happen. i think mayorkas' been blamed for that too. i'm sorry it was not him for us to go through a try with the precious time we have left in all the challenges we have, let's just vote on securing the border. once and for all secure the ecborder let's vote on taking ce of our responsibilities around the world and at home brewed securing our border helping our allies defend their own prey that is what we should be doing. everything is politicized to the point now we cannot get beyond who's fault it is. a brother than we are americans if i amer a democrat you are a republican, vice versa you're not my enemy you're my colleague i might have differences with. work it out. those divided sensible middle anymore. it's a bad word, compromise you never hear it anymore.
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the blame secretary mayorkas for you thinking he did not do the job for the violation of the constitution is ridiculous. it's basically something we can't wait to vote against and get it out as soon as it comes there. white wait until next week we could've voted today or tomorrow why? they want to let it fester a little bit and it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever with that being said i would hope we would come to our senses get to the real problems we have an american was try to help the people who are living through some very high pricing. the necessities of life are very difficult for people in my state of west a virginia. i want to do all i can to help them without this result when wait to get her job done. to waste more time on something so senseless and reckless. ♪ since 1979 and partnership with the cable industry c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress. from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings and committee meetings.
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c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary. no interruptions and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. ♪ what is been called a defeat for speaker mike johnson the house blocked a bill reauthorizing foreign intelligence surveillance act c-span reports the bill fell on a procedural vote 193228. the current legislation is set to expire april 19. nineteen republicans join democrats to present the bill for moving forward drawn from punch bowl news followed up with this post rate just to put this in perspective, seven failed house rule votes is the most since 1973 -- 74 the 93rd congress. ♪ spent as your unfiltered view of government. funded by these


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