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tv   Senate GOP on Homeland Security Secretarys Impeachment Proceedings  CSPAN  April 9, 2024 9:07pm-10:00pm EDT

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here or right here or way out in the middle of anywhere you should have access to fast, reliable internet. that's why we are leading the way. >> update on the impeachment of homeland security secretary to delay the transfer of impeachmen articles against him to the sate which was supposed to happen on wednesday. spokesperson for the house speaker says to ensure the senate has adequate time to perform its constitutiol duty, the house will tramit the articles to the senate next week. en asked about the upcoming trial the senate minority leader told reporters that democrats are ready to move as expeditiously as possible. some anticipate a possible vote
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to dismiss the charges and sooner the articles arrive in theenate. the house voted to impeach the secretary in february accusing him of failing to enforce u.s. immigration laws and making false statements to congress. the secretary has denied these charges. good afternoon, everybody and thank you for joining us. we received the impeachment articles on secretary mayorkas tomorrow or next week. the democratic leader plans on holding the process to stop the impeachment trial. make no mistake about it the vote to block the impeachment
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trial of secretary mayorkas, it's a vote to tell lincoln riley's family that we don't care. it's a vote that tells 250,000 americans who lost their loved ones that we don't care. i think it's significant that it would only take two democrats to deny tabling the process in order to proceed with anna impeachment trial but we certainly don't think that is going to be the case. why? because the issue is so toxic to senate democrats from houston a good santa joe biden that they do not want this to be the issue of the day. my hope is the good people of montana and ohio, wisconsin, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania, that they hold their senators accountable this november. to make one thing clear before i turn over to my colleagues,
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tabling this impeachment articles is a nuclear option. in our estimation this is a nuclear option and it will necessitate some type of nuclear retaliations much as 2013 to get the judges moving forward and invoking the nuclear option that came back in 2017. i look forward to my colleagues prosecuting the case on behalf of the american people in sharing why we need to go forward with this trial of secretary mayorkas. i think senator kennedy is the first one here. >> you are up. >> a charitable interpretation
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of what senator schumer is planning to do does not exist. it doesn't. he's going to make a motion to dismiss the work done by the u.s. house of representatives. and our 200 plus year history we have had 21 public officials impeached by the united states house of representatives. we in the senate have held trials in all but three. in three instances, we dismiss the charges because the officials resigned. the other incident we dismiss the charges because it involved a senator and we did not believe we had the authority to hold the
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impeachment of a senator. those are the facts. i expect senator schumer to try to muddy up the water to try to make it look deep, but this is very simple. we are either going to follow the senate rules and history or we are not. and if he chooses and he may have the votes to do it, but if he chooses to dismiss these impeachment articles without so much as a trial, as if it were just spam in the democrats spam box it would be further evidence that under this administration the senate has been rotting from within.
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we don't do a budget anymore. the leadership gets together and writes the bill. sometimes they cut the budget bill but still does the same thing. this is one more step. what are we here for? impeaching a public official by the united states house of representatives after months and months of investigation and witnesses and then taking the vote is one of the most solemn acts the house can do. senator schumer is going to just dismiss that? not even go to trial because he thinks he has the votes and is politically expedient, isn't that special.
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every one of you here know that if republicans were doing the same thing, you would be foaming at the mouth. and that is what he's doing. and it's wrong. we are going to do everything we can to stop it. originally he planned to do this on a thursday when everybody is trying to get back to their districts. isn't that special? wonder why he picked a thursday. we asked and i understand the speaker has asked him to delay sending over the articles until monday to at least give four weeks. this is unconscionable. this ranks right up there with getting rid of the filibuster. we even have a united states
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senate as set up by founders or not and that is what is going on here. >> we all know chuck schumer is playing politics with this. he has members that are very likely going to lose their seat and he does not want them to have to take a vote on this. he also knows the border and lack of border security is the number one issue with the american people. i hear it in tennessee every day. so he is trying to be too cute and devise a way to not have a trial. here is what he had to say in 2019 prior to the impeachment of president trump. he said, and i'm going to quote him, we would do well to remember our constitutional duty to act as judges in a potential
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trial. so he fully realizes that this is our constitutional duty ascribed to us to take up these articles, to hold a trial. but he is so power-hungry the only thing that he can focus on is the november election and what he is willing to do is toss the constitution aside so that he can protect some of his members. it is imperative that we take the information from the house. it is imperative that we hold a trial of secretary mayorkas who has neglected his duty. think about it we have a homeland security secretary that
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doesn't believe in securing the homeland. a moment ago senator kennedy referred to this as akin to the nuclear option and it is the most violent act undertaken in the united states senate against and its time-honored traditions since november of 2013 when harry reid deployed the nuclear option on the executive calendar filibuster. in a sense this is even more serious. on the one hand we deal more frequently on a day-to-day basis with the filibuster, but on the other hand, this effort to nuke our traditions is even more serious here because unlike the filibuster that is rooted, this
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one is rooted in the constitution article one gives the house the power to impeach and the senate the power and the duty to conduct trials of impeached officials. there've been 21 sets of articles of impeachment's past by the house of representatives and the history of the republic, and i believe it is 17 out of the 21 cases where the senate to conduct a trial the end of the proceedings culminated in a verdict of guilty or not guilty and the remaining four cases the senate didn't conduct a trial or reach a verdict of guilty or not guilty, but only because between the time when the house adopted the articles and reached or had not reached the senate, the person holding the office either
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died or left office and obviated the need for the trial. there is no plausible justification for invoking any of those historical antecedents here as secretary mayorkas is very much alive and very much still the secretary of homeland security. so with that respect what they are nuking here is not just a senate president or rule but a provision of the constitution and a time-honored duty to do this. they are nuking a provision of the constitution. separate and apart from how you feel about secretary mayorkas and his performance of these duties, anyone who fancies him or herself an institutionalist, someone concerned about the senate as an institution should for that reason alone be willing to stand up to this form of legislative tyranny and say we've got an obligation to do
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this. i would ask a series of questions one way or another where you stand they need to be answered so for example, if you think secretary mayorkas has not refused to enforce our laws, then let's hold the trial. if you disagree that he's allowed over 430,000 unaccompanied minor children in recent months into the united states, then let's hold the trial. if you think it hasn't dangerously loosened the efforts to vet people entering including a whole lot of military men crossing the border, then let's hold a trial. if you believe that we haven't seen a dramatic increase in known terrorist suspects entering the southern border unlawfully, then let's hold a trial because a trial after all
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can either acquit or convict which begs the question why don't they want to hold the trial given we have a sworn duty consistent with our oath to uphold the constitution as we are required to take under the constitution was to conduct the trial we have two and a half centuries of precedent. why depart from this now. you think he's innocent of the impeachable offenses of what he's been accused. what this innocentbut this innon that has nothing to hide, it's not this. i'm very grateful to the speaker johnson for his willingness to delay this. we don't want this to come over on the eve of the moment where the members might be operating under the influence of jet fuel
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intoxication. that was precisely the plan and it's much better to do this at the beginning of the legislative week rather than the end of one and i thank him for doing that. we are witnessing a profound threat at the southern border. joe biden and the entire administration is deliberately and willfully facilitating the criminal invasion of the country. it's the humanitarian crisis, the public safety crisis, the national security crisis. when mayorkas last testified before the judiciary committee, i asked how many migrants died last year crossing into the country and he said i don't know. of course, the numbers 853 but this administration doesn't care about the body bags. that the open borders are producing. when joe biden stood before congress and gave the state of
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the union address, he planned the remarks not to say a word about lincoln riley, the beautiful 22-year-old woman, the nursing student in georgia murder by an illegal alien. that joe biden and mayorkas released into this country. when biden gave the state of the union address, he didn't mention the name of the 2-year-old little boy murdered just miles away in prince george county again by an illegal alien. but joe biden and alejandra mayorkas released. he also didn't mention the illegal immigrant that joe biden and mayorkas flew from haiti to america and released and then violently raped a 15-year-old girl in boston, massachusetts, who was severely disabled. what we are witnessing is evil, it is wrong, and that is why the
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house of representatives impeached him because he aided and abetted to the criminal thel invasion of this united states. and yet chuck schumer and the democrats don't want to talk about it. even worse, chuck schumer and the democrats want to defy the constitutional responsibility. twenty-one times in the nation's history the house of representatives sent articles of impeachment over to the senate. only the second cabinet member ever to be impeached. under the constitution of the te responsibilities of the senate are simple and straightforward if they are to try this
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impeachment. he wants to move the table and the three reasons he wants to move the table, the articles of impeachment. reason number one he does not want to allow the house managers to present the evidence. in this administration's willful decision to aided and abetted this criminal in the country. he doesn't want the american people to see the facts when each of us lay out the facts of what's going on no democrat argues there's not another side. they don't defend it and say it's a great, don't worry about the people diane, don't worry about the children were the mexican drug cartels making billions of dollars, the
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democrats have no response. the responses they count on the media not to report it. that is the entire strategy. and the third reason he wants to table the articles of impeachment and doesn't want to senate democrats particularly because it is indisputable he is guilty and not just guilty of aiding and abetting the invasion for the last three and a half years of every dead body that has resulted, but guilty tomorrow and the next day and at the next day he continues to facilitate and accelerate the criminal invasion.
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in every single case. add adjudicate it and came to the decision guilty or not guilty. harry reid nuked the filibuster unit that did damage to the institution of the united states senate. of donald trump wins in november god forbid the democrats have the house they would impeach him
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again. he's deciding on the senate no longer has to try impeachment's but instead can hide behind procedural gains. anyone who cares about the security of the country should oppose what they are doing to convict and anyone that cares about the united states senate and constitution should demand that a trial be conducted. the american people deserve the trial and i would encourage everyone in the media why is he so terrified to have the trial and what is happening on the southern border. the answer is he cannot defend it and desperately wants to keep it hidden and secret from the american people. first of all thank you for sponsoring the press conference and thinks all of you for coming here. i want to thank the legal minds of the conference for laying out
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why we must hold of the trial. i'm going to make the practical case. the reason he wants to table it is this chart. last week traveling of course we talked about the border and i showed him this chart i had been developing since 2014 and beyond updating the disaster that was childhood arrivals that sparked this massive invasion of the country. president trump liked the chart and adapted it and modified it for his own use. one of the commentators retweeted the chart and said this well if self decided the election. that's why they do not want to hold this trial. i made one additional modification. what i like about the chart and i tried to describe is the cause
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and effect. the reinterpretation of the decision and the fact president trump was faced with his own border crisis but he fixed it, his peak under 5,000 people a day on average encountered within 12 months he reduced it down to 500 a day. now i've added to the chart now explosions under title 42. so even though they start increasing in about may of 2020 during the election year because democratic presidential candidates with deportation they involve three health care and that was the incentive. the biden administration, democrats, they are incentivizing the invasion of the country so more people started coming, but because of covid, president trump invoked title 42 has started expelling people so you could see the
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incredibly small numbers of people under the trump administration of president trump allowed in the country and we had pretty well secured the border. so the next step of passing a functioning legal system working with senator lee and administration, we want to fix these problems. but america made the wrong choice. and this is an important point to understand. democrats, president biden want an open border. they caused the problem. so you can see the explosion from the end of the trump
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administration and virtually we had the border closed and then the explosion and the gap as president biden allowed them to expire but even without that, even using title 42, they welcomed, they incentivized families, unaccompanied children. and subjected them to the depredations that open border policy facilitates the multibillion-dollar business model some of the most evil people on the planet. that is what biden and the democrats, this is important to note it's not just president biden, this is the policies that must be defeated. senator schumer wants to nip this impeachment trial in the bud because he doesn't want the house managers to make the case to explore exactly what
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happened, how the actions and the policies are causing this invasion. they don't want to be held accountable. that's why the trial is imperative in the united states senate and why we appreciate what they just announced they would delay the delivery of these so senator schumer doesn't have thursday at 1:00 to snuff this out. so thank you all. >> politically speaking, if there were a mount rushmore of worse cabinet members in the country, secretary mayorkas would beyond that is one of the phases. legally speaking, he subverted the laws of the united states and that is what this is all about. but before we get to that, we have to have a trial. the constitution calls for it. in the history of the country what chuck schumer is about to do has never happened in the
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town that he says things are unprecedented all the time this actually is unprecedented. it is part of our duties when we raise our right hand and take the office, something we are supposed to do. chuck schumer is willing to throw all of that away because he's afraid of a couple of news cycles. and we hear a lot about threats to democracy. there's one party in the country trying to throw a political rival of the ballot for the rest of his life in the filibuster, destroyed the senate and and impeachment forever. that is what their game plan is and so i would simply ask, even my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, this is our job. regardless of how you're going to vote, because 200 years from
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now, people will look back, senators we don't know their names, they will look back at what happened the next seven days and it will set the course for the rest of american history because there is no going back. once you break the seal there will be no impeachment trials ever again. chuck schumer likes to say history is watching and i would remind him history is indeed watching. do the right thing, hold the trial and let the chips fall where they made. let me make one point and open up for questions. as pointed out, senator schumer is on releasing another nuclear weapon here. imagine a day and time where we have a republican president, a democratic-controlled house, they miles per hour and ascended to a republican-controlled
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senate and they say we are going to table it. i think the national media would lose their minds over it but we are letting chuck schumer get by with it for whatever reason. >> [inaudible] [inaudible] >> there's a whole different set of rules withers the legislative counter, the executive and impeachment.
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>> [inaudible] subject by the presiding officer because the president is not on trial so if they decide to pursue in all cases with the party in control of the majority of the senate be in opposition it hadn't been drawn out the first of which came to us at the time republicans were in
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control. with its own obligations on the little slate of calendar we have seen them sadly transferring in the executive branch of government. a trifecta laying down our constitutional duties there would be more time to offer it.
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we are going to file points of order. senator schumer can block those. >> there will be a lot off points of order because this is blatantly unconstitutional. with senator murray will be in the chair and she doesn't have to recognize this. it is entirely possible only to recognize him and we wouldn't have the chance to make a point of order. why is chuck schumer trying desperately to defend the constitution and not have a trial? because he doesn't want the american people to hear the facts about what this administration has done and havw
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many have died as a result. he believes that they would be compliant. how many are going to write a story tomorrow that says chuck schumer and the democrats defy 200 years of history and for the first time refused to hold a trial on impeachment? i suspect there are not going to be many stories. why is schumer wanting to do this? because they will get away with it. how many of you have asked john tester in montana why are you refusing to comply with your constitutional duty? they are all on the ballot. that is who he is trying to protect from having to hear the evidence and fulfill the constitutional responsibility. he believes they will not report on what he is doing.
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>> there's even some republicans that have questioned. what is the reaction to that? >> i think every senator is going to vote their conscience. maybe there's a reason he's not going up for reelection. at the super majority of republicans that i know back home are demanding some sort of accountability. it's not the same town halls. >> i want to follow up on what you were just saying about the directional. the founders argue suggesting
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[inaudible] >> it was surprising to no one, secret to no one at the time the most dangerous branch of the federal government was then and is now and has always been what it's intended to be the article one branch. the legislative branch, congress where we were. always because we have one branch that makes the law. one branch that enforces the law or is supposed to, the same that is passed and a third branch that interprets the law. those are subservient to the dominant role of making the law. we set the policy and we decide what should be.
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if they have the chance to fire every representative in the household 435 every two years. there was a reason for this and it makes it that much more dangerous when we relinquish. in those obligations just for the sake of avoidance of criticism. that's the road to tyranny whether you are democrat or republican doesn't that conflict with the debate? >> i don't know that it's going to take an entire week to go through the round of arguing and i would love to make it not easy
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for them to do that, i don't know but what i'm saying is if we don't start it until the end of the week, that leaves us no adequate opportunity to debate it. you don't want the members to try to get out of county so quickly. and let me jump in on this. there's two ways this can and should proceed constitutionally. one is next week we received the articles of impeachment on monday night, the senate under the rules and immediately moves into the court of impeachment and typically the beginning of that is negotiating the resolution that lays out how the impeachment will proceed. the trial can be on the floor of the senate. that's what happened with the bh of the impeachments with donald trump. the other way they can do it is the senate can appoint not the entire senate, not on the senate
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floor, that is the way that it's typically been done. senator lee filed a resolution for the senate to convene and conduct a trial the way we did twice for president trump. we believed that would be the best way to do it but it's not the only way. the only way would be next week when the articles are received to the appointed committee that would then conduct the trial and that would enable the other matters that proceed. they would proceed on parallel tracks. so any democrat who tells you.
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>> we would need the majority to agree with that strategy but we believe this is important enough that that ought to be on the table. if senator schumer disrespects the traditions and presence of the senate he's willing to do this nuclear option on the impeachment power, i think we should challenge him and let him realize it may not be easy going from here on. this is not like some amendment this is the united states constitution in 240 plus years. the consequences ought to become inserted with the action and at
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this again is short of ending the filibuster. there's nothing you can do to diminish this from the constitutional responsibility. the impeachment is something we are supposed to do at that trial so my personal view is there ought to be a cost so we will see. have you spoken to anyone by pushing this to monday you haven't spoken to anyone to say i'm going to vote to not table. the benefit of the delay is we have a chance if you want to go back and write an article about
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whether your linkedin pay is holding you back, you can do that. and getting rid of the filibuster this goes to the heart of the united states senate. i happen to think and i think my colleagues agree that talking about it for a few days might take the constitution and turn it upside down and might be arise thing to do. you know as well as i do that we have some free range chickens and they wander off and sometimes we can't catch them. i am just telling you all these questions that are being asked because he is going to try to muddy up the water.
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there is nothing complicated about this. >> i will say there is a strong consensus to delay this so we can have this discussion because we feel is important to have. on the filibuster a couple of years ago i don't know there might be democrats who actually care about the constitution. schumer wants it on a thursday afternoon and wants it to go away quickly. it enables the senate to focus on it and we ought to do our
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job. you're saying that he would know that every single democrat senator doesn't give a damn about what evidence might be presented and doesn't care about the people being killed, doesn't care about the 100,000 americans who die of drug overdoses last year. we have seen women that have been brutalized by the cartel and your question assumes no democrat cares, they are okay with the open border. by the way, remember that when you write the stories about each of the democrats saying i'm very concerned about border security because they are going to say that. they are going to claim they are
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very concerned about it. if they are, we ought to have a trial and the reason he doesn't want the trial where the evidence in front of him, you know, the democratic senators don't care about the people that are getting hurt by these open borders because their only priority is political power. >> i'm going to make one point. public opinion does drive and impeachment trial. 1974, i'm a young boy watching watergate hearings and those hearings with all the american eyes on them the way they drove to the point that caused nixon to resign and like they had the responsibility then you
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mentioned plaintiff order. i know you said it's up to them but what are your ideas? >> i am not going to tell you. stay tuned. i will tell you this, you will be impressed. there are lots of planes of order and motions. if senator schumer walks in their and gives the sign to the speaker pro tem she won't recognize anybody that senator schumer they can even get our responsibility to raise the points of order because this
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thing is unconstitutional. it's clearly unconstitutional. >> what is the bare minimum you see? >> to conduct a trial and allow the house managers to present their evidence. that's how it occurs. it's not the senate that says. they receive the evidence, consider the evidence and makes it a combination. the house will have that responsibility and by the way, we have all seen that happened. it happened twice when the democrats impeached donald trump and to stick with john kennedy's poultry and ologies what is good for the goose is good for the gander. when house democrats impeached donald trump the first time, republicans had a majority. we could have done this. we didn't because we took the constitutional responsibility seriously and the senate
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conducted a trial. to take the constitutional response ability seriously now and i can promise you the next time we see an and impeachment [inaudible] you're not going to see a trial. you're seeing the democrats the race the class of the constitution and that is a serious, serious threat to the rule of law. >> clear in the back. to go straight to a trial or to have -- >> i am proposing we go straight into a trial. senator cruz has a different one that would propose we have it handled by a select committee. i think most of us would prefer the former but either one would
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satisfy. >> last question. >> the first of that he will uphold one of the counts sites several specific instances where secretary mayorkas instructed employees. is that a policy disagreement? >> that is a violation of the law. >> and understand mayorkas is not impeached for being incompetent for being negligent. this invasion is not an accident. it's not that they are bad at upthe job. sadly, it is that mayorkas is very good at the job that he is trying to do, and the job he is trying to do is maximize the number of illegal immigrants in
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america. this is absolutely deliberate, and this is clouding the law. i said several times joe biden has done something i thought was impossible. he made me miss barack obama. barack obama did lots of things i disagreed with. there's lots of things i disagreed with about barack obama, but when it came to immigration, obama by and large followed the law and in particular deported millions of people. they called him the deep order in chief. we've never seen a president of the united states do what joe biden is doing, which is utterly clouding the law. not only is mayorkas not trying to secure the border, he is trying to accelerate illegal immigration. he wants to 10.4 million illegal immigrants to become 20 million, 30, 40 million because he used all his future democratic votes and so this is different from saying he's not very good at his job. this is openly defying the law
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and aiding and abetting mexican criminal cartels, human and drug traffickers that have become billionaires because of these open border policies. >> a final comment because i want to disagree with senator cruz. president obama sparked this invasion on the childhood arrivals memorandum. there was a lawless act that caused all of this and by the way, i do have that new chart for all of you. i've got a couple dozen copies. >> and by the way, he's got a tattoo of the chart. [laughter] >> thanks, everybody. there's copies right here. [inaudible conversations] an update on the impeachment of the homeland secretary mayorkas.
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reuters is reporting on the decision by house republica to delay the transfer of impeachment arcles against secretary mayorkas to the senate which was supposed to happen on weesday. a spokesperson for the house speaker says to ensure the senate has adequate time to perform s constitutional duty the house will tnsmit the articles to the senate next week. when asked about the trial the senate majority leader told reporters democratsre ready to move as expeditiously as possible. some anticipate the votes to dismiss the charges as soonest the articles arrive in the senate. the house voted to impeach secretary mayorkas in february, accusi him of failing to enforce u.s. iigration laws and making false statements to congress. the secretary has denied these charges.
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you think this is just a community center? it's way more than that. >> partnering with a thousand centers to create wi-fi lift zones so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. a discussion on the current state of politics with of the former house speaker kevin mccarthy. he talks about why he voted against certifying the 2020 presidential election results. his continued support for president donald trump and that the motive behind the removal as house speaker back in october. this is hosted by georgetown university's institute of politics and public service. it runs just over one


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