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tv   Washington Journal Anthony Andragna  CSPAN  April 8, 2024 2:42pm-3:00pm EDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the house will be in order. >> this year c-span celebrity 45 years of covering congress like no other. since 1979 we have in your primary source for capitol hill providing thousands, unfiltered coverage of government. teddy you to where the policies are debated and decided always a part of america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable. >> on mondaysnt when congress is in session would like to take a look at the weekend in
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washington to do that this week which went by "politico" congressionald reporter anthony and a couple different storylines were following this week but top of mind is the senate impeachment trial for homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. how do we know about how this is going to play out and timeline for this in the senate? >> guest: remember the house a couple months ago when ahead and voted to approve these articles of impeachment. weic expect an individual to the senate on wednesday and i think the real thing to watch is been whether senate democrats led by chuck schumer may cans meet motion to try to basically do away with a the trumpet they can do that on a simple majority vote and there been a number of the more conservative members of them the democratic caucus including some are up for reelection who've all expressed openness of that idea. this could be a relatively slick process. >> host: are there any democrats who want to see a child go through next to democrats of the folks at the moment to do that?
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>> guest: at this point we think they probably have the votes to do away with this. i've watched some of the moderate republicans who basically said this is a policy disagreement with secretary mayorkas but the case has not been made for why he's committed impeachable offenses. i think we could be seen even republicans kill off. >> host: this isn't a matter of seeing hearing the arguments from the impeachment managers at the house has sent over, we will not even see that part of this happen? >> guest: if things go as we expect them to we may not that stage. republicans have made the argument forcefully that would like to civil trial conducted. the house impeachment managers have called for a full trial but there doesn't seem too much of a tournament senate see this play out in a lengthy occupation of thest floor. >> host: what has mitch mcconnell said? >> guest: mitch mcconnell like to see a trial but as would expect he's been practical and it don't democrats are likely to try to we with this swiftly. >> host: wednesdays when that is set to take place.
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over the weekend we saw the release of possibly some poppers and break the legislation on american personal data online, that legislation just come out and being readeg to get what we know about that process? >> guest: this was a discussion draft, drafted by two washington lawmakers can maria cantwell and cathy mcmorris rodgers who is retiring but is ahead of the house energy and commerce committee. this is very congress has talked about for a long time that is yet to be able to make breakthroughs. the fact you see two senior lawmakers in the bi-partisanly developing this legislation is an indication of a serious effort. it didn't just come out so we'll have to wait a little bit to see it socialize socializs respond to it but no question come up with a poppers and breakthrough is precipitate. >> host: we don't have a timeline for this hitting a floor vote in the house or senate yet? >> guest: i'm not aware of one yet. >> host: on the foreign policy
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front, where are we as we've been watching additional emergency funding for ukraine in israel lacks what's set to happen on that front? >> guest: iser and speaker johnson. he's floated this idea of innovation is what is called them to the senate passed legislation. he has yet to lay out a concrete plan of what the package and look like. there's a lot of competing priorities whether that ukraine, israel, taiwan. the events last week with the world central kitchen that tragedy initial may further complicate the math. it's a fragileca coalitions i think we are looking to what the speaker wants to do. >> host: one more on the to-do list for this week we're hearing about more rapidly approaching the authorization deadline for section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act. what's good happen? remind viewers what that is first and what's can happen this week on that? >> guest: this is a controversial survey the so that
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was approved after 9/11, allows intelligence agencies to conduct information collection abroad, there been privacy concerns kind of an unusual coalition, the party affiliations don't necessary break down easily. you see some far right freedom caucus members teaming up with fairly liberal democrats. it does seem at this point like the version that would be considered is the one advance by house intelligence committee chair mike turner backed by the biden administration. we're expecting amendments to the package and we'll see how those goes on the floor but as i said it's an unusual party breakdown here. does occur neatly along the lines. >> host: what's thehe dropdead date by this traitor april 19. leader schumer in the senate said in a dear colleague letter last week they will have to be prepared to move quickly. there are a lot of very fired up senators on this issue. i'm not sureid people get super speedy consideration but we will
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have to see what happens if you get out of the house. couple times already. >> host: the weekend in congress is our topic. it's our usual topic when congress is in session and this monday at about eddie and eastern "washington journal." joining us this monday morning it's anthony adragna "politico" congressional reporter. you know him and he's happy to chat with your viewers. start calling in, democrats it is 202-748-8000. republicans 202-748-8001. independents 202-748-8002. he's with us for about the next 15 15 or 20 minutes here on the "washington journal." bringing it to regional news that of course was news around the country when it happened, baltimore bridge collapse and efforts to get federal funding to be built a bridge. with the latest? >> guest: we're still waiting to see the latest statements from members of the maryland delegation is they believe they will have the funds in the short term to be able to immediately respond to this disaster.
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i would expect congress to get involved. we saw the house freedom caucus last week out by a series of conditions that they would need to be able to support additional funds to rebuild the bridge and be open the port of baltimore. we are waiting to see the administration did send a letted calling for 100% federal cost share of the rebuilding plastic. we are still waiting to see maryland come up with an estimate of how much it is going to cost before congress fully ways inwi but i think we are seeing the sights there could be some bumps in hurtles along the way when did you make that funding request. >> host: as if all it was enough for you to cover this week what else are you watching? >> guest: there's no shortage of anything else. we are going to to start to see the degree to which folks get engaged on the fiscal 25 spinney fight. we just wrapped the last number do think people are going to start secretary mayorkas will be testifying before congress twice this week as a strap is about
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layout. there will be a bunch of faceting dynamics and also address by the japanese prime minister to congress on thursday. so it will be a busy week than what he doesn'tst have to attend the trial, correct? >> guest: i don't believe so, what date is a testifying as winner wednesday is when the smoke a good other way be on capitol hill on wednesday? >> guest: he will be on capitol hill on wednesday. i forget which came at but he's testifying before one of the senior committees there. >> host: your phone calls, any of these topics a sport or any of the topic as we look at at the week ahead in washington. anthony adragna is her guest from "politico." this is alan in brooklyn. my for democrats. good morning. >> caller: good morning. thank you. i recall mitt romney spoke mentioned many republicans were leaning toward impeaching trump in one of the trials for him at the doubt because they feared for the personal safety. it seems very likely that the same reason applies to the
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russia tried to impeach mayorkas without any merit. here i have a question about law and policy. since people who are approached with brides are legally obligated to report them with each it become parties to the bride, why are people of a a card to anne when did been threatened as metabolic is not just a matter of choice come to let the public know what people in public and elected officials are actually having their positions and actions influence by threats? that something the public should be aware. can't just be a matter of happenstance. >> guest: that's an interesting question. i've that would hurt it framed that way before. the capitol policee track threas very closely. probably for logistical and security reasons but he's not disclose in real time. but certainly in the aftermath of genuine six we've seen unprecedented levels of threats come members have 6 talked about needing to dip into campaign
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accounts, pay for personal security personal questions, this is an issue very front of might and thing members have spoken openly about how they can be a deterrent for some to get into public service and stay in public service, threats they in a film is facing no question we're in a dangerous time and threats are an all-time high. >> host: that brings up a question members reported over four. what are we a members reporting stock sales and the movement of stocks come for an issue we talked about in there past befo. what isue at least we go into ts campaign season? >> guest: it's interesting. this is one of those issues where it's an unusual coalition of folks all in same place with this feels like every year or two years there's a real pusher. to legislate and then -- but have heard much about it recently. it's one of things worked hard to keep the energy and to advance legislation. i'm not aware of a new push
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their but certainly interest is high among many members. >> host: you've been on the "washington journal" and as for howling been coming capitol hill politics and what be did you start on it on a where ar? >> guest: been at this for about ten you. >> started in the energy and environmentan space but switched over to a general kind of congressional matters the last couple of years. >> host: was going on in energy and defense based on capital? >> guest: a big issue we are going to watch when it comes to the issue of ukraine funding is the idea of trying to an pause this biden paused on liquid natural gas exports. something speaker johnsonts floated as one of those potential innovations that i am through two before with this ukraine legislation. i think that's a nonstarter. i talked to several climate hawks who said we ordinarily would be supportive of this funding but at provisions like that in and that may cost you are support. you'll have a hard g
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with the coalition to get those past. host: why is this important to speaker johnson? guest: it is important to speaker johnson because louisiana is a huge exporter of liquefied natural gas. this was done for climate considerations. it'll be interesting to see if there were to be more momentum, how that would play with young voters. certainly that is one of the reasons the biden administration would not support an effort to on pause. host: you mentioned young voters. president biden is headed to wisconsin today. expected announcement on student loan debt relief. guest: i believe i saw headline that will apply to about 23 million people. certainly this is an issue that leader schumer and elizabeth
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warren and others have all been really fired up about. they would like to see the biden administration do everything in their power to cancel as much debt as possible in your continuing to see the administration rollout these efforts and clearly it makes a big difference for a lot of people. host: (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans bang, and (202) 748-8002 for independents. we are talking with anthony and drag a looking at the week ahead -- we are talking with anthony adragna. we watch the sunday shows every week to find out the latest of what is going on and what sets the message this week in washington. it seems like there continues to be a lot of discussion about military aid for israel and funding for israel. john kirby was on the sunday shows yesterday with face the
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nation. this is part of what he said yesterday. >> the senate passed secretary leon panetta said the israelis usually fire and then ask questions. is the biden administration still submission that there should be zero conditions on aid , military aid to israel. >> i am not going to get ahead of the president or decisions you might make or not make going forward. he was clear with his call that if we do not see changes with his policy and gaza, they will make changes. >> you think these are israeli policies? >> they can decide how they prosecute this war. we just talked about them pulling troops out. they get to decide how they will process operations. we get to decide how we react to that.
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the president was clear with the prime minister. if things do not get better we will have to make changes of our own. >> the president is considering withholding, conditioning. for six months we have been hearing this. humanitarian's on our program. >> we see it ourselves. we are not blind to the wrist people are in and the suffering the people of gaza are going through. i will not get ahead of him or three-judge decisions he makes. >> he feel so strongly. why isn't the president out there talking? >> you saw his statement. he will call the prime minister and continue to talk to the american people and members of congress about what we're are doing and what we are not doing. host: john kirby yesterday on "face the nation." your thoughts on that exchange and what does it mean for lawmakers? guest: this is another storyline to watch.
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there's no question that frustrations have hit a boiling point in the democratic caucus. tim kaine came out with a statement saying the biden approaches -- the biden administrations approach was not working. usually an ally is reluctant to criticize the president. bernie sanders has been hitting this for quite a while. i think that's going to also further complicate the math and the dynamicsdy around the aid package when it hits the house floor as well. along with this it's out there i think a similar more house democrats unwilling to rubberstamp additional eight israel without real concessions from them. that yet another storyline trundle back to your phone calls. john in maryland, independent. good morning. you're on with anthony adragna. >> caller: yeah, good morning. i am confused when it comes to
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the debt. they're always talk about how much america owes, but yet america spends all this money to fund migrants. all this money in foreign aid. when it comes to reparations for black americans, all of a sudden they can't affordr it. how is it that americans all this money to foreign aid which is billions, and all this money to fund elon musk, you know? and yet they're complaining about debt. it seems to me if you are in debt you are not really come you don't have all this money to just spend to go about. please answer that. and don't gloss over it. >> host: debt, foreign aid. >> guest: into question we're all the time on capitol hill. certainly from oftentimes a lot of house republicans say we are $34 trillion in debt, why are we spending all this money abroad? that's an argument that i


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