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tv   Hearing on Biden Family Business Dealings Part 3  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 11:26pm-1:07am EDT

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it was a relatively short call
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but he began with our friends have come in from out of town, he exchanged and testified related to they were going to proceed and he said the vice president said look after my boy. >> and it was five days after that party that you received word from devon that she was to $20 million with you right? >> that's correct. >> let's go to a different issue. let's go to then& harvest issue. and i just to refresh everyone's recollection when devon archer was there because at that time, he had too come in. a great conversation. he did hunter ever indicate the chinese anticipate that he might join the company with one of the companies as an advisor
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mr. archer says that he intimated that, did he indicate that to you. i don't recall, but potentially. i don't recall, but potentially. i said you don't recall? but it's not new to you. is that what you're saying? he said no it's not new to me. why wasn't it new to him? >> it was ant was an inducement to the chinese to invest in the business for the post. >> on a board ofdvisors. >> when you say us, who is the cost that was discussed in that? >> what i wassi hunter, devon and myself.
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there was a broad circulation group around that who drafted the e-mailn and reflected he had conversations into drafted a letter. >> how long have you been incarcerated? >> i've been incarcerated for eight years. >> and you offered to tell the distri dc about hunter biden's company and they rejected your offer, didn't they? >> that'sur cct. >> why do you think they rejected that offer? >> all i can tell you [inaudible] counsel indicated to me that he had never seen a prosecution reject information particularly paper-based information that was
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[inaudible] my verbal statement. >> the chair recognizes ms. busch for five minutes. >> thank you mr. chairman. we are here once again to focus on the real issues that affect our communities instead of thistart by saying that influence peddling is absolutely a very serious issue. buwe all know the truth. donald trump is the quintessential influence peddler in chief. despite this, for well over a year now, house republicans have spent dozens of hours of precious committee time hearing testimony from nearly 20 witn baseless and increasingly embarrassing attempts to link president biden to actions of his family members that implicate him by association. after all this time and effort they haven't been able to muster up any credible links between the president and his dealings. all they've proven his they will do whatever it takes including using their razor thin majority inand chairmanship to waste
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people's time. let's let today's hearing be the final nail in the coffin of this sham impeachment investigation. i urge my republican colleagues to admit that their quest to impeach the president has completely collapsed. they fallen short and with each passing deal, they are losing votes and credibility even within their own conference. it's timete for them to move on. but that isn't likely to happen because my republican colleagues responsible government or making people's lives better. they don't have an affirmative agenda. they would rather distractre us all with these unfounded accusations against the president. it's no coincidence under the leadership 2023 marked the most unproductive year in modern history for congress. aside fromom a failed impeachment investigation and unprecedented stint without a speaker and brink of a catastrophic government shutdown multiple times. republicansr have done absolutely nothing to demonstratedo why they deserve control over any member,
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any chamber of congress let alone the white house so with their coleader a twice impeached, four times indicted former president is running to gainr influence and control again. they are just grasping, and it would be comical if it wasn't leading to real harm and heard in our communities. the people of our countries are the ones paying the price with actually govern. instead of wasting all ofun our time, our hours and hours going down fake rabbit holes that amplify baseless conspiracies we could focus on actual policies and substance saving and improving the lives of our constituents. not misusing precious time and resources of the committee. what i'd rather focus on is that people who don't have the money and resources to buy influence the who've been harmed by the ongoing refusal of the federal government to take full responsibility for the manhattan project and who are from exposure to toxic radioactive waste their own government created it. it is in communities all across the countrlike in st. louis missouri
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where a proper cleanup still remains undone. a ranking member of the subcommittee on economic growth energy policy and regulatoryed a hearing on manhattan project waste andir its countless victims. ies am still waiting. we should focus on ending the crisis of gun violence in this country. every day 327 people were shot in the c united states. isevery4 people died from gun violence. more children die from guns than anything else in this country. why are we not acting to protecte not treating this like the public health emergency that it is? we should focus on improving the lives of incarcerated individuals. he currently incarcerated individual is the star witness today and i applaud your inclusivity and surely if folks convicted of crimes can testify before congress, they should be allowed tos vote. why not enfranchise them? what about reproductivewe have a public health crisis where millions ofno people of reproductive age cant get the
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care they need. people are being forced to give birth against their will, to use abortion care like the rest of us why not meaningfully address this issue. we need to focus on ending the atrocities i gaza and israel. this january malnutrition in children under five has nearly doubled. experts warn famine is eminent people. half the population due to catastrophic food insecurity. why are we not acting to reinstate forpread [inaudible] we do not have time, infinite time and resources. i will stop there. thank you and i will yield the balance of time to representative goldman. >> thank you. and i want to just point to a photo here. mr. bobulinski you've testified about account of that you met mark meadows then chief of staff of donald trump at a trump rally in georgia behind the secret >> time is expired. >> you went over a minute late with mr. perry we can have a little extra time. trump rally and you said --
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>> time is expired and we recognize mr. session. >> could we have some equity -- >> if someone to yield, she had a two seconds and he's up there with a speech. he is already used the privilege by making a motion that wasn't has ruled the chair has ruled. what are you afraid of, mr. chairman? what areno you afraid of? why don't you let me question? >> the chair recognizes the gentleman from -- what purpose do you seek recognition? nanimous consent to introduce documents into the record. >> without objection. >> the inv mentioned, and other is hunter biden's calendar. another is the e-mail mentioned confirming that she was going to invest ten to $20 million and another is 180 of the interview page 56 of the transcribed interview with hunter biden and also pages 41 42.
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>> without objection so ordered. >> what purpose do you seek recognition? >> i have a motion. >> proceed. >> i would like to enter into the record the portion of the devon archer transcripts where heke say had any business dealings with hunter biden added that money went into their joint account was done by mistake. w >> i have a request as well. it's embarrassing republicans have zero accomplishments to run. without objectionic so ordered. >> the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas mr. sessions for five minutes. >> thank you very i would first like to enter into thean record 302 that was done with mr. bobulinski on what is known as exhibit 400 a. thank you very much. thank you for being here, and those of you who are appearing extraneous lay on the screen.
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mr. bobulinski tell me about very quickly, about the professionalism of the organization that you work for in terms of paychecks getting paychecks, providing the irs with documentation of people who were paid out of the organization? >> i'm not sure i'm following the questio >> were you ever paid? >> i was not. >> so you were never paid by this organization. >> i was not. >> did you ever receive any enumeration. >> when we were in the process of trying to shut down holdings llc, i was compensated it wasn't a compensation but a reimbursement of $50,000 of money that had come out of pocket around paying for hotels and stuff like that. >> so in other words, people did not get paid, or you didn't get paid that you're aware of. were you aware of other your people were being paid?
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>> the biden family was paid. hunter and jim biden were clearly paid millions of dollars. >> and how would you think that that information would be transmitted about them, receiving tha and going to the irs? >> i'm not sure of the specifics. i'm just a where they received the millions of dollars the testimony that came public with a bunch of information and then senator johnson and grassley's report. i never saw. the only bank account i ever so all is that when i set with j.p. morgan. a j.p. morgan was well aware that the biden family were owners of the business and they authorized it and approved >> what a social security number was utilized to set up that account? >> we had to represent the owners of the underlining entities, so they were aware that they owned 50% and they provided information.
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we represented that each of us owned 20% and i'd haveth to go bai.e. as a ceo provided my social security number i'm not sure if we provided social security numbers for all five members. excuse me, tax ids. hispanic or tax ids and yet you never received money except reimbursement forwere related to the business. >> correct and imagine the $50,000 i was paid was actually from the and the chinese while the biden's had defrauded me receiving hundreds of dollars into their own pockets. were you aware they w=h receiving millions of dollars at the time? >> i was not. >> did you spend time with the on this matter? >> i did. i had a voluntary interview with the fbi on october 203rd i believe, 2020. >> they approached you or you approached them? >> dimy lawyers coordinated me
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which is public knowledge and went to the debate. i flew to dc with the intent of sitting in front of senator johnson, senator grassley and their committee and within my lawyers sought counsel. i had discussions and decided it was a bitter focus of my time to work voluntarily with the fbi. >> so what did you do then? >> washington, d.c. -- >> main justice, fbi or the office? >> i believe itfield office. they didn't want to do it in main justice for some reasons. i wou have gone wherever they asked me to go. >> did they tell you at the time that you were providing informationfi that if you provided information it wasn't true and corrt thatd liable for that under criminal statute? >> yes of course. i appreciate you asking that question. misrepresented, misstated or lighted that i was committing criminal offenses which i take very seriously based on the fact i was willing to die for this country and to just correct ms. crockett's statement earlier
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i didn't accuse the fbi of lying. i stated in my transcribed interview that the fbi mistakes inss their 302. my orders never saw that document after my interview until it was made public to the world. >> then you that. >> i did. >> is that thete same one known as exhibit 400 a 480 that i've entered into the record? >> it is. >> do you have any other dispute with that? >> there's numerous mistakes in it. >> oka do you have any reason to believe that all of these sar reports thatre have come out of banks for all fraud? >> the gentle means time is expired but he asked a question about the report. >> just the number of reports should give every american pause. the average american in this country will never receive a single one in their entire life, so for a family or an individual to have over, but i've is 150 of them, it's just extraordinary. >> i want to thank the witnesses
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that are >> the gentleman's time is expired. >> if i could have my full five minutes i would appreciate >> while we clearly disagree on the merits of this meritless investigation, i hope we can at least come to an agreement on some basics. i believe youe and i can agree that presidents and officials shouldn't be unduly influenced by foreign power so i would be happy to yield to you briefly for a yes or no. can we all agree that white house officials should not be bribed or undulyho influenced by foreign actors? >> it's your time. witnesses here if you want to ask the witness' questions or waste time with me. >> i'm not wasting time with you. we've been disagreeing all day and i hope we can come to an
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agreement that officials shouldn't be bribed or influenced by foreign powers. i think that you and on that point. i assume that is a yes. i'm glad that we can work as an oversight committee on anstigation to do the work we need to do and make sure no one in the white house has betrayed the public trust. we've spent countless hours talking about hunter biden investigating every single person it seems he's ever shaken hands with. we've not found a shred of evidence that connects it to the president of the united states or anyone with any say over u.s. policywe that someone who has worked in the white did accept money. donald trump's son-in-law jared kushner received a staggering $2 billion from saudi arabia for his brand-new private equity firm. and while hunter biden never had any say over u.s. policy, mr. kushner got his 2 billion six months after working as a senior advisor on
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middle east policy. mr. kushner had no experience in private equity in fact he was so inexperienced and saudi officials tried to block the transfer of the crown prince overruled them. .. over the saudi money a thank you for a job well done in the white house? did someone with no exp just have been have a lucky payday? these are questions we should have answers too. >> with the gentleman you for a second? >> we c question. what was the roles shared christian or played in covering up the assassination and dismemberment flex ranking member.
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what should you yield? >> so, i want too know if hunter biden had accepted $2 billion from the saudi government we would be looking into that today.y. mr. chairman i believe we can agree there should not be undue influence in the whi and i believe we should be able to agree we should look into these questions in fact you were on cnn and said quote i have been a vocal -- very vocal what he did cross the line of ethics. an an hour deposition of hunter biden thehe other day when we were discussing mr. kushner and i will quote for this deposition will be deals influence peddling will ask about jared kushner. today's hearing is influence public we are here. mr. er from you. can we fulfill our responsibility as an oversight committee and determined as saudi arabia bribed or unduly jared kushner or other white house officials is that so that would be willing to look into question are her cultivar
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and had a conversation with ms. porter i'll answer one we pledge to work on influence peddling legislation but will pick up all of the people who have been accused of influence peddling but will try to is determine whether gerry kushner has a real business we have not been known to on find a real business still your time. >> , so expect to subpoena mr. kushner corresponds to the saudi government or hisop firm's financial records? or financial transactions between mr. kushner and his father-in-law set something we would considerur doing as part of that hearing you just discussed? the question? >> if we are serious about looking into foreign money i saw it recently as poster board here about thousand dollars to a car dealership or are we going to be serious about the $2 billion from the saudi government to mr. kushner. that question is be be at least subpoenaing jared's correspondence with the saudi government and his firm's financial records can we commit to doing that? >> it is important to see ifitimate businesses.
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>> and let me ask you a question. what business was hunter biden? mr. biden we heard explicitly for mr. biden about his extensive business record his experience on board. we heard about that her provokes time is expired. >> kushner on the other hand pick of the chair recognizes mr. fallon's request for certain questions looked into to therd an article he poste post title prosecutor general shokin resigns us. >> that objections ordered. >> think it mr. chairman i sat in on the entire seven plus hour deposition that hunter biden gave to this committee. one of the things that stood out to me was his assertions with it ratherr. [osha's a flare of his business experience and his acumen as impeccable he claims with quited some vigor he might add he was a brilliant accomplished highly sought after business commodity. he is very successful and he had
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an unparalleled resume heat recited to us chapter and verse to prove it. that was at least the faces lawyers, this a missed ration house wanted him to wear. of course there is another possibility. won this pesky little thing called reality. that he was a spoiled entitled east coast where the senator and then vp daddy who squandered his many life advantages and spiraled into a decadent behavioral pattern of narcissistic excess and criminal addiction. and defeat is very large carnal appetite he acted as influence peddling access selling scheme netted the biden tribe over $24 million in illicit foreign cash. lots of money little effort. in eight get rich quick scheme. if he was such a skilled and gifted businessman as he claims his services to be sought after evenen followed. mr. bobulinkski to your knowledge from a00
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copies retain hunter biden on the board of directors? >> and now? >> ever. >> i cannot confirm any.icecause there aren't any zero. how many energy companies retain hunter biden customer i am sorry how many american energy compan o of director? >> zero. corrected. there is one energy company that retained them on the board of directors and with the name of that company was questioned. >> yes burisma pickwick where's that located? >> ukraine pre-that's interesting he was hard for no small sum of million dollars yeartheeverett hunter biden said his deposition and mr. chip i apologize for laughing but he said his corporate governance to the table. heporate governance and is fictitious business he brought his daddy with embry joe biden just happen to haveountry of ukraine in his portfolio responsibility to oversee by the obama administration but let'sll go over some facts mr. chairman. facts, burisma i been investigated for. corruption. in fact, in september 2015 event u.s. investors ukrainept enemy.
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in fact, burisma was paying the son of the vice president of these united statesr a million dollars a year to serve on their board. fact december 2015 joe biden visits ukrainevisit ukraine demands the prosecutor general of ukraine investigating is he fired. fact. february 2 2016 when a court order to seize assets two weeks later he resigns. president called in to resign, he resigned he was essentially fired at the behest of joe biden. facts, 2016 february 2 weeks later there's little e-mail sent from coo of burisma the executive of brisbane to hunter biting asking hey hunter, would you help us out we went to the embassy -- the u.s. embassy to greatnessgrtest they were good company.
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the ambassador said they were corrupt two months prior to that lo and behold with the united states embassy they say we have no negative information or feelings about burisma. so what changed in those six months? it was magic the power of the vice president's visit when he demands his sons boss the prosecutor is investigating his sons a boss be fired. he's going to withhold a billion llars worth of aid i think it was loan guarantees if is not fired. and then he is firedmbassy says burisma is a great company. our democratic colleagues said it was all magic there is no coincidence and with that ailed the belts of my time to mr. jordan provokes appreciate the judge of it ng is going to point out that jared kushner was the key
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officials and the abraham accord. booms of chocolate influence for and how about the president of the united states but he said state of the unit regarding israel part habit with a democrat leader of the senate said last week and that israel should change its prime minister for goodnessne sake. that to me is a concern. jared kushner was doing good workord. paper shouldappreciative gentlemen for w yielding. >> a chair now recognizes big. >> mr. chairman question rick i have a motion i would move purs rule 11 they committee issue a subpoena to jared kushner to compel testimony related to $2 billion d arabia after his service in the white house. >> second period. >> is a motion and second for what purpose does he seek recognition? >> withmove the table to motion. the motion to table is not debatable. as many as are in favor of tabling signify.
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although supposed signify the si >> snow but the opinion of the chair have it the motion to table as agreed to the committee on our resume consideration of this hearing. the chair recognizes ms. lee. >> think it mr. chairman think it's fair to set this points on this committee are relying on mr. bobulinkski as their star witness. delete fact witness they have brought in in person before this committee. would all expect mr. bobulinkski would have extensive insidean r knowledge of the involvement they alleg a president biden business ventures as he can vouchfo for previous impeachment inquiries related whistleblowers at witnesseses with intimate details of what went on first-hand accounts of high crimes and misdemeanors. you could point to exactlys were in understand what is goingng on. they were laid out chains of events pointing to a named crime, lying under oath the obstruction of justice abuse of
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power, yet we are left floundering herend with zero direction and zero real evidence we watch as kangaroo court struggled to continue on. today we have mr. bobulinkski's biggest contribution he is quote multiple meetings with joe biden. let's be clear he spoke with joe biden a grand total of two times in the span of less than 24 hours and each was short brca1 and of a hotel and then for a few minutes backstage of the conference after biden spoke about the efforts too fight cancerife of his son beau. i think we need to clarify that while mr. bobulinkski is claiming they talked a bit is at no point mention during his deposition under oath with thisfe committee. i had two different points when asked about what was said in the conversation's had zero substantive discussions with mr. joeoe biden. mr. bobulinkski described his conversations twice during his transcribed interview both times he provided the same account. i will read from the transcript of your interview.
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you stated you and joe biden discussed your quote family background and detail as wealthy biden families background in joe biden's quote appreciation for the military peace pages 48 of 271 of the transcript based on your own account you had zero discussion the chinese energy company. zero discussion on shares of equity or capitalization failed business venture. based on your own accounts you simply exchange pleasantries about your families and shared values the kind of small talk they have the opportunity to meet the former vice president of the united states and moved on. yet today republican colleagues are s desperate for actual evidence magically that story changes. that's really at the heart of everything we are discussing today. mr. bobulinkski is also been pushing his text as referent reference as truth the wall street journal none of it shows any role for joe biden evidence of business dealings involving joe biden. mr. bobulinkski would have us
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believe everyone is a liar except him. and excep when he is under oath. everyone miss repepne remembered except for when he is under oath. the fbi wall street journal his business association all liars. republicans of this committee and the cultural warriors of fox news look at the documents look at the not a single one shows any evidence of any wrongdoing. and taking a step back, even if joe biden had discussed his sons business venture in 2017 this is rhetorical, so what? what will be the high crime or misdemeanor? what would be the teachable offense? we arealking what private citizens hunter biting us with his time at the time. i sent about facts or evidence. it's not about impeachable offenses. keeping the american people distracted nothing on lowering healthcare
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nothing performing a critical legal system this is the least productive congress in decades. just now and march for this ye shameful. this unserious hearing is a waste of our time and our resources. my time. >> yes i want to make sure i point out and thisy is not a question just in case you wanted to know. onage 174 of your transcribed interview line at nine it says this is an absolute lie. in reference to talking about the fbi. >> i did not call the fbi agency liliars. i said they'd misstated projects i said i was speaking and i df all it does not say tony bobulinkski called the fbi this is a summary of two agents it took notes through my interview and their summary. apparently first met in person with persons of the biden family 2017 meeting in miami florida. this is an absolute lie. the final thing i'm going to say have
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a republican i don't think the impeachment of biden is appropriate to house speaker mike johnson'sam ability to talk me into staying herena is going to be about successful is the ability of talking me into it unconstitutional. >> okay let her hav over. the chair and out recognizes from tennessee. >> thank youe mr. chairman. july 30, 201,700 by directors chinese business associate agreement is that i'm sitting here with my father we would like to understand why the commitment has not been fulfilled? mr. bobulinkski whited agreement -- who did he work for when this message wasr. >> he?lexi work for director at cfc. >> connected to the chinese and his party? looks it is.lf organizations? >> it was. >> in yourr perspective what has occurred with cef see from the end of may until july 30 text
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message? >> it is tough to go through all these details and 22nd clips. at the end it's important to note jim biden was broke.of hunter biden was broke. published by the brave whistleblower and hunter made the consciousat decision to the owners because he needed money immediately they publish pages of text messages he is trying to get money into his bank account. and so that night for whatever reason on the 30th when he asked why hasn't the commitment been fulfilled the commitmen=núd he is talking about is the $10 million funding into holdings really at key points. but the next day he decides he's going to defraud create a new entity called hsonhree change hudson weds three it's xt already been created by the chinese and make himself 50%
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owner and that entity. so when the chinese did send moneyge they would have a consent access to it really important backed up with tens of pages of communications. he wanted access to the money the second it came in. he did not have that power just want to address one thing real quick. hunter biden represent teas and governance expert that is why burisma put him on the board he math. the board of holdings had his seven votes. each one of them hunter jim single votes. i had three votes. i have a masters degree in electoral and nuclear engineering i think i can do math. i had three they had four. they controlled the holdings. so hunter biden'ser representation i was trying to take theness from them or i did not know is a sham and a misrepresentation. he wanted money in his account instantly. that ischinese and they were willing
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to send that $5 million they viewed it as a bribe to the biden family. they say in their own communications. >> you aware that they pay taxes on any of that? >> i'm going over public testimony is not involved in attacks is free. >> july 31 the next day hunter says he hopes kevin should note the plan to speak is highly an agreement response cfc is willing to cooperate with the family the priorities to solve the problems mentioned last night. what family it was he talking about? >> the family was the biden family more importantly in that text is what is he talking about is a confidential manner? confidential manner he is talking about forced indictments were they werefc we now know i did not know that july 2017 but they knew. charles was now apparently going to start 78 months in prison ran counterintelligence for the fbi in new yorkwe city.
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with chairman was dropping $50 million of cash for penthouses in manhattan. so who should be asked all these questions are the department of because they have a troves of evidence that back up what was going on in july 2017 and in so i apologize congressman should be so passionate into take your time this is what the focus has to be of your oversight committee for this about the chinese communist party was the russian company at the time the biden family was right front and center in the middle of it. >> thank you. switched gears for second period i wish hunter biden w ask him about his taxes. i don't know if he paid his fair share just like his status as americans to do much of his current on his taxes and if he isn't i would like to ask him when he plans to pay up. mr. bobulinkski your business manager pay your taxes? >> i did. >> mr. bobulinkski he actually
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pays his taxes unlike the president senate democrats of this committee act like hunter right to lecture the american people with the taxes until he gets his own house in order thank you mr. chairman. quick sprig of the chair recognizes mr. moscowitz for five minutes for texas to chairman thank you. but they how youis doing? good? mr. bobulinkski over here how you doing. good. i sev a question we've been at this for 15 first time here. do you think chairman, has proven that joe biden has committed ah crime or misdemeanor? >> i believe that with all the evidence is gathered yes he's proven joe bidenhs has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. lex and so joe biden should be impeached? >> that is up to you guys. >> do you believe he should be impeached? yes or no. >> pursley or her constitutional question which you personally you think you should be impeached? >> idea. you believe that because you believe chairman comer has proven he committed high karma
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misdemeanor? >> no because i know it committed high karma misdemeanor. i was involved and saw them happen. >> but obviously wevidence you must believe all of these hearings for 15 months the chairman has proven that, right? >> can you re- ask >> i will sum it up i assume you will believe he should be impeached. but my point is the chairman has not yet move for that. so look chairman we have three and half minutes here. let's just do the impea why continue to waste and millions of dollars of taxpayers money if we are going to impeach becauseimpeached because you believe you have showns he's had a high karma misdemeanor. what are you waiting on? let's just do it. with that chairman jordan here also. the double chairman. wh aren't you guys onto the vote of your committee? what is going to happen? when can we tell the american people are going to stop wasting your money and call for the vote impeachment? >> a general yield? what shorebird.
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>> well don't do snap impeachments like you guys we do the facts. we'd oversight. >> are never going to call for but you're never going to call for. >> you can predict the future? you guys live six more months in power until the election. months, three months? tell the americanap people too. >> a constitution for the time line and oversight customerid not read that@pf the constitution. >> if you believe you cannot call for the impeachment now you are admitted you've admitting you've not yet proven he committed a "high you haven't proven yet other i should call for. >> prayer. during our work. >> so they haven't proven it. they have not proven he commit a high karma misdemeanor otherwise we would call for impeachment. onlook the chairman knows me well i'm just here to help them. i think we should do it tonight let's call for. i will make the motion mr. jerome to help you out you can second it, right? make the motion to impeach president biden go ahead you turn. no nothing we've got nothing.
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with my last couple minutes i people they area never going to impeach joe bidende it is never going to happen because they do not have the evidence. this is a show. it is all fake they just want to do these hearings instantly into impeachment they are lying to >> , fox leaving these people to believe that theypp are going to eventually impeach the president. it is not going to happen. at all. they do not even have the votes even if they had it in committee. they do know the votes on the floor. they know that. they've got members resigning rather than taking a vote on the fake fellow impeachment. tim buck said the speaker eight going to getit me tooconstitutional impeachment so look for theseri heacess right for what we have a doing for the last 15 months had convinced the american people the joe biting at a highmetment you can be sure they would've called the vote by now. but they wanted to go on. they either want to go on
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because they don't have the idence you asked me a question question or. >> no. >> no i'm just looking at you. but if you wanted chocolatele you talk too. >> you have not read recent data shows ari are well aware of biden's corruption but. >> perfect as to chairman weiss on call for impeachment tony? he is right here. asked why haven't you hi i am toting chairman how come you haven't called her impeachment when were going to have a hearing? when is the vote going to happen? you believe it, he b he says it everyday on tv. i just don't know when we are going to have the vote. let's just go. i just like looking at you. we can save the taxpayers millions of dollars. i used all of my t to show this votes is never going to happen because they have no evidence on joe biden i yield >> the judgments time has expired the chair recognizes from missouri for five minutes.
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switchback restart the clock. [inaudible] [laughter] we will get you. you t want to go to that one? >> are we good? >> now we are. >> mr. galanis you have heard the expression see it, forget it write it, regret have you heard that expression? mr. galanis? >> yes isi am here. >> ignored the expression say it forgett it, write it, regret it? >> yes i have.
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as a practiceit is a practice we used. in whose business? correct >> business with hunter biden and devon archer. okay there expression. let me ask you a question who is harry? >> harris is ukrainian investor from syria.league of demetri. >> he was mentioned earlier in this hearing. who is demetri? ukrainian oligarch close to the kremlin that made his fortune primarily in the russian state oil company a gas >> connected to vladimir putin? coect? worksit's very much suffered work during hunter biden's deposition with the committee he justified his role. i think you will find this comica ukrainian burisma board by saying in essence it was his
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patriotic duty. he was serving freedom because come this is his quote there are two gas companies inside ukraine at the time one was ate highly corrupt and connected to people which was directly going into vladimir putin's pockets. the only independent company was burisma. ". my question to you based on this he is dispara you aware mr. biden hunter biden did business with him? >> yes i am. >> yes i am. you what kind of financial transactions occurred? >>cribed to me and by others including devon and hunter was a 5 billion-dollar payment that was made by demetri handled through hunter biden's law firm. in order to quash outstanding in the united states.
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>> putin connected russian oligarch wired over $5 million to hunter bones law firm for what activity? what was hunter supposed to do for the hive and half million? >> he was supposed to perform an indictment that resulted in an arrest toward demetri. [inaudible] >> been charge the united states? so he's supposed to quash that uses political influence to do so. so my question is, of that money the 5 million $3 million made its way to a company that you set u with devon archer called in bloom is that correct? >> that is correct for. >> fraley from, the $3 million there was a transfe tf!tve got a copy of the bank record to prove that period of $275,000. youat recall that>> do. >> andit went to the account?
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>> rosemont. >> despite what hunter said during his deposition, based on your knowledge is hunter biden connected to whom it was he part owner? >> very much so. he said as much has direction and control it was a beneficiary of the accounts. our e-mails and document he directed money included to hi >> now it sounds like despite what he is saying what he told the committee is this guy it was a bad he connected to putin. therefore he had to get on ukraine. yet he had no problem doi business for this corrupt russian oligarch. therefore, he had to get in ine. and yet, he had no problem doing business for this corrupt russian oligarch connected to putin. in fact, he had no problem taking in a direct
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-- and a direct transfer. >> i agree with that. >> mr. i have just a little bit of time left. sorry. i want to ask you, for god sake, hunter biden is doing all of these transactions, all of this business, and yet, his father is vice president. we are to believe his fath >> atthe chairer recognizes for five >>ims have been so completely proven to be lies that even houseu. republicans are admitting it's time to close this case.i or you and limited time so i want to get through these and want everybody to know especially people watching at home, you're one ofwitnesses we paddle through this entire impeachment inquiry. first i want folks to know who
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you are working for between 2018 and 2019. ho >> rudy giuliani and donald trump. >> and you answered to rudy giuliani. you answered it inserted to donald trump directly. >> when president trump and rudy giuliani flew you to ukraine to look for corruption on the part of president biden did you find any? >> no.o. >> into following the trip senate republicans released their report which "the new york times" concluded was quote unprovenations that echo in active russian disinformation campaign. are the unproven allegations that are at the heart of theican report the same fabricated claims donald trump and rudy giuliani send you to ukraine to dig up? etter that when the media started to get tired of the smokescreens and one of the authors of the republican report would be your guy in the
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senateyo to push all the information. what did you mean by that? senator ron johnson in the senate that when we push information he's going to push it in the halls of congress. skeptical about the information after they've proven it wrong time and time again the plan was to have a u.s. senator. we had at the head of the congressman alreadyd it. >> this congress both have sent her to this entire impeachment fbi sheet that made claims about a bribery that didn't even come close to being backed up. is the allegation in the fbi sheet based on the same fabricated claims that donald trumpnd rudy giuliani flew you to ukraine to dig up? i also want to make it clear
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behind the is facing criminal charges forth lying about the family and was a known fraud for years before that. they did some amazing work on this in an investigation and found back to december of 2015 almost ten years ago. do you happen to know the article that i am referring to? the scam of the biden family was posted to a russian language media sites registered in a city in russian occupied crimea. do you have any doubt that this fabrication claim that donald trum to dig up more information on his part of the russian propaganda in an effort to destabilize? >> as i sit here today i have zeroed out that this is a
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russian campaign. >> thank you. i appreciate it for someone with first-hand experience. toyo recap there's no evidence that the biden engaged in. he's made it clear that we have no doubt we should have no doubt the claims of corruption are lies and conspiracy theories rooted in the effort to undermine the democracy posted website over a decade ago. bythis is exactly what putin wants and over the years republicans have kept moving the first it was a bribe then it was hunter biden'ss suppose that money laundering schemes that turned out to be a family member making apu couple of car payments and now the pre- temps and moving the gold coast to influence peddling which sounds more like what donald trump did in his time in
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office. we've been laughing a lot about this, calling it a sham which it is. but ii also want to bring up that this is really serious. we have members of congress in this committee using russian propaganda underminet our democracy, t undermine our president. it's not just laughable but it's a betrayal. >> hunter asked for the public hearing. here we are and he's nowhere to be found. i guess hiding really does run in the biden family. mr. bobulinski in your testimony, you state it is clear to me joe biden was the brandlú being sold by the family and in your experience, what is the value to joe biden and helping his family collect milons adversaries? >> whata is the value to joe biden specifically? his children and were enriched to the questions that
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violate corruption statutes. >> you would agree the biden family was involved in this corruption and influence peddling and selling access to the federal government? >> i do. >> mr. bobulinski, in your experience, did president biden play a son's business dealings? >> i would quantify it previously he acted a sort of like a chairman. he showed up in -- he showed up, shook hands and that is -- in those parts of the world that's what they need. >> duringcampaign, then candidates for president joe biden said his son did not make any money from china. did joe biden why? >> you are awarere of the fund
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that consisted of the chinese state backed company harvest a china company and rosemont, the biden entity and you are aware they formerly held 10% of that chinese entity, and would it surprise you if you are aware that hunter biden held 10% of this entity well into his father's's >> i am aware that it was in the business he owned 50% or 10% from the outset in 2014. >> and the attorney testified that he now holds that interest. >> i don't't have any knowledge about that. you stated the communist house in 2015 and continued through when joe biden left
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office. would you agree the cpp compromising the white house is a serious threat to the nation's national security? >> i do. >> now joe biden has leveraged the position to the family their business associates and companies to receive over 24 million from foreign nationals and companies. biden is compromised and is a threat to our national security. after today it's clear that he ishe'sa bigger ccp asset than she herself. will we ever com agreement that it is time congress holds the residence of the white house accountable for selling out the american people? unfortunately myd a highly coveted made in china product, a brand if you will and that is joseph biden. i yield back the remainder of my balance to my friend from florida. >> how muchco time did you spend
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inin prison? >> four months. >> but you were indicted on crimes that could result of 50 years in prison, right? >> they were crimes. >> you went to trial and were convicted, right? and the crime was yto acquire a marijuana license and you took money from a russian oligarch and tried to use that money to get political donations into do what you had to do to acquire the marijuana licenses. is that right? it sounds like everyone here today, the only one for the russian oligarchtr was paid $200,000. >> worried about the democracy and here to warn us but you were working for the russian oligarch -- then you didn't even do it. theid fraud you committed against the russian oligarch was instead you spend the money on yourself.
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so -- that's a lie. >> that's what you were convicted of. instead of spending 50 years in prison, youns got four months. now i look forward to hearing how he was treated for telling the truth as opposed to how you are treated. the question the truth for you is taking money from russians to buy marijuana businesses into thin going to jail and coming here to lie about trump. you should know better than anybody. >> the time is expired. the chair recognizes you from michigan. >> thank you so much. it's so exhausting this is incredibly exhausting and i can't imagine our residents sitting at home. every time i look up and i see our former chairman elijah
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cummingsev it was about the high cost of insulin. the first witness was a mother of twins who had to ration her insulin and lost a child because she couldn't afford it. i still remember a previous chairwoman who did a phenomenal job continuing to talkhe opioid crisis and how the family was part of a criminal scheme to increase addiction among family members. people literally losing their family members because of profit and folks that were literally drug dealers. all that to say that this house oversight committee from the hearings on the postal service which really mattered to our constituents, the high cost of prescriptionergs the housing issue, the number of struggles and challenges of everyday americans and i say this because what a waste of time.
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even some of the colleagues of folks here continue to say that this is a waste of time. the representative said i don't think we the will to impeach joe biden. for the record, impeachment isn't something you have a will to do it's something you have evidence to do. if there is no conclusive evidence it there's no clear sense of where the impeachment hearing is this is an incredibly important committee. we can be doing some phenomenal
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things and holding currently the biden. i want to know about the american rescue dollars and if it is being used to public health or the crisis that continuesappen to families being impacted by long covid symptoms. these are things we could be doing right now in this chamber. we are doing this over and over again and it's a wastete of time. every time i talked to my constituents they sayay when is this going to be over with. i tell them my colleagues do not know how to leave the campaigning at the steps of the capital. when we come here have to put that aside and look for our constituents. i'm getting some sort of an understanding of where we can prioritize making sure we have access to clean water. what isep going on with the program and the administration and talking about the specific challenges we continue to seeen in the healthcare system. all of that again we can hold the biden administration
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together. we can cia to i to be the watchdog committee that we are but we are wasting the the american people doing this. this to the ncs going back and forth like this. it's so disenchanting for them. the favorability is so low. they really have no faith in us because of this. this is the kind of stuff we do when my folks are literally fighting for the right to figure out how they are going to afford asthma inhalers. willwill the gentlelady do so many things in this committee i know it. and i think right now we are missing out on an opportunity to
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do that. a question iit wanted to ask because you have had tremendous success trying to clean up dirty water acrossss america. we can actually get things done, right? >> absolutely. i know my colleague on the other side we have the crisis. we can literally bring in folks of the epa folks into the and ask where is the administration on the development of the initiative these are the things that very much my local folks are asking what can we do as members of congress to basically have transparency and where i say this sincerely to all of you we can do better and deserve to do better. i remember the chairman constantly reminding us we can do better. >> the time is expired. for what purpose do you seek recognition? >> my friends on the other side of the aisle are desperately
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trying to deflect from the family by attacking president trump in his family. i would like to enter into the record ind hunter biden are nothing alike and here are the facts. without objection so ordered. representative fry for five minutes. >> one of the inconsistencies that i have kind of scene is what is on a text message and what hunter biden testified to in his deposition. we talk about this a lot. please have the director comey not jane, not you or jim. have him call me tonight. i'm sitting here with my father. we talked about this a lot we kind of not acknowledging into it and then in response, i will call you on whatsapp. so in the testimony on page one he states that it
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wasn't who was connected to csv. what do you say about that? >> i think what he's saying is he made a mistake not that he meant to send at thebecause it is clear that it was meant for the interpreter for the director but i think that he testimony that technically may be he made a mistake and texted it to themi wrong person. i can't speak to whether he then corrected to that but based on the communications he got on the phone and set the record straight and went through what he thought he was sending him t message because it is followed up where they say they snapped to add to say we will cooperate with the family. why would they we effectively they were hoping to help them with the indictments which is the only thing that mattered. >> he said he was an interpreter but a little bit more thanef that. >> a chief of staff interpreter.
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>> kind of the handler. >> he spoke good english. >> to the extent that this was wrong. i'm n roct scientist but if i get a text message and it's a different russell i'm going to say you've got the wrong guy. >> h henry and i'm assuming there's a text message somewhere he responded i think you meant that for somebody else? >> copy that i will call you on whatsapp right if you were perplexed why you receive a random text message. that'ser actually raymond saying i will call you. >> 's withmeso the purpose the issue he brings up though is he was it was wrong. let me ask you a couple questions. hunter biden's's transcript you said i officially began to work for cfc when i received a retainer in spring. it goes back to the official parsing words.
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hunter biden started working in the throughout 2016 that was confirmed to me by him and rob walker. he's never interacted with any of you is that correct? hunter lietohethreats based on this message. page 105 of the testimony he statesy father had nowhere. is that true? you also talked about how he lied extensively about the testimony and hehe was selling for years but couldn't tell the00 of the transcript he was asked to do you recall having a meeting with hunter biden, and tony bobulinski and joe biden jim's response was
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absolutely not. he never met with tony. is that true? >> that is a lie and i'm shockedm a former attorney allowed him to say that three different times in that transcribed interview. >> when pressed he continued to double down on that. page 124 they state. he is referring of course to the contract or the agreement. is that true? thank you for the testimony today.
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chairman of the committee he often reminded us that our role was to be in pursuit of the truth. i'm going to try to do exactly that because it's gone 15 months, 10,000 documents and 11,000 hours we have a lot of ground to cover. thank you for being here. last year you wrote a long letter to the chairman to tell youre in the campaign orchestrated by giuliani to dig up dirt and spread misinformation about them through government officials. when the campaign failed to find dirt there was none to be found. whthey demanded theyinvestigation into the biden family in order to smear joe biden prior to the 2020 presidential election. yes or no before t rudy giuliani tasked you to try to
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find dirt on the biden's in ukraine, did you ever interact with mr. trump? >> before they asked me, yes i had many interactions. >> end of the committee in late 2018 you attended a holiday party at tru shown in this picture. can you describe the interactions during this party? >> yes. we came to event. rudy giuliani joined us. but at the last second said to wa for him downstairs. he was going to meet trump and update him on everything that waswe going on. weaited at the white house and eventually when trump came out to make a speech, secret service came up and said they want to wait for us at so we proceeded to the red room and waited to finish the speech then he came in and approached me. keep up the good work, thank you and then we proceed to take
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pictures. him to be referring to? >> add to that point the conversation was about ukraine and giuliani wanting me to go find mr. shogren. we would go get him on the way to ukraine. >> did you interact again were worried you cut off from interacting? >> after the trip to ukraine we were cut because the team was formed and the line of communication started going through because they didn't want anybody to notice me with him because i was in ukraine. >> is it fair to say you think you were no longer invited to interact with trumpetween president trump and your work with giuliani to generate evidence of the misconduct in ukraine? >> i was told we are going to stop going to the events, to the private events and stuff like that. despite thewa efforts to associate
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as you saw evidence of the corruption in ukraine you maintained your context with individuals in the innermost ef circle including donald trump junioru correct? >> absolutely, yes. the saying goes a leopard can't change their spots. you are a prime example of the habit of welcoming people into the inner circle and creating distance or the appearance of it as he relies on them to commit improper acts. now donald trump has demanded joe biden be enlisted oversight republicans to do his dirty work and an attempt to win the presidential election by promotingg thee lies about president biden lies that are firmly rooted in the disinformation and propaganda effort to influence and undermine ukraine in the midst a vicious russian invasion. i yield to mr. goldman. >> i want to get back to this photograph that i got cut off
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from before. you have called a numb of people myers. >> you know better, mr. goldman. >> you said it's not an accurate statement, it's a lie related to report. this is a photo that was provided by cassidy kassidy hutchison after you called her a liar when she said you met with mark meadows and received an envelope. have you seen this photo? do you acknowledge that is mark meadows in the red hat? >> did you tell me to be quiet? >> do you acknowledge that is mark meadows? >> can i get it closer so i can see it?
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m that you and mr. meadows buying secret service cars with you -- >> i'm sitting 20 feet >> your. >> your time is expired. maybe he will give you some time. he can answer the question. what i see in the service agent 5 feet from me with a mask on and secret service agent sitting in a cadillac escalade with all the windows up with ase full mask on. do you recognize the person in the red hat? did i need to mr. meadows at a trump rally, i did. i acknowledge that. >> kassidy hutchinson is a liar and handed me an envelope. didn't give me a single thing.]' your time is expired. maybe he will yield you some time. at the chair recognizes you from
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buffalo for five minutes. >> thank you very much mr. chairman. glad it's so quiet in here. on the first day of the presidency then press secretary claimed the objective and his commitment was to bring transparency and the truth back to government to share the truth even when it's hard to hear. that is obviously laughable just about as laughable as when hunter biden claimed he was trying to avoid when he had of million-dollar payment from a chinese company through 16 different bank wires through jim biden's accoun if you are trying to avoid the fees why sent three difference ones over the months to a different account? it's a different joke. to live up to his promise to bring transparency is influence peddling in ukraine where he pressured th a prosecutor general victor who was investigating the owner of burisma. whilee was vice president, his
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son hunter biden was asked to board. the committee's all documents from the administration regarding vice president biden's influence peddling in ukraine. the administration that claimed transparencyclaimanttransparency has failed to produce the documents. i will give you an example. september of 2015 the united states was steadfast in its belief that the owner was the face of corruption in ukraine. the administration vowed to work with the country however that all changed after the phone call from hunter biden and the owner of burisma to the associates. a feww days later the vice president delivered a speech to the ukrainian legislature privately pressuring the ukrainian president to fire the prosecutor general. the oversight committee asked the white housefts of the speech to thee ukrainian legislature from 2015. they've withheld those for months. to this date we've not been able
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to review them. we all want to know whether there were edits to the speech after hunterer bc. we all want to know whether the vice president then vice president changed course to protect his son and his corrupt business associates. we all want to know whether the biden families business dealings affected american policy towards ukraine. at the white house claims to be committed to bringing transparency. it seems like it's only interesting when it's convenient for his administration. mr. bobulinski did hunter ever tell you at any point the value of the income to him? >> i don'tli recall him ever mentioning that. >> did he say it was his only income? >> i stand corrected there is a text message. i never discussed it withi was at the grand prix and he was at monaco for the board
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meeting. he set up a meeting with meek. he didn't show up. too happy. he responded to a text asking him what's going on and in that text, he states he's on the back of the yacht fighting for the only income he has but it wasn't from burisma it was from the deal he's talking about. i never discussed that with him af that. it was a single exchange between him and i. corruption and lack of transparency have been common themes through the house committee and when asking for simple drafts of then vice presidents speech, the white house has been anything but continue to do everything in his power to covered up the truth especially when it's hard to hear and i will yield back mrrman. >> the gentleman yields back. mr. bobulinski yields back to me for one minute. is there anything that you want to to? is there anything anyone said up here that you wanted to give it 55 seconds to respond to?
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>> it's tempting. my biggest appeal to everyone in the room as i wish he would spend the time focusing on the factco that the chinese communist party infiltrated the white house, the united states of america through the biden family. i don't say that lightly. it's not a joke. i was willing to die for this country as well as my father and grandfather and serious serious stuff. we should be asking how that happens. take theun biden name and family out of it. he communist party infiltrated the white house and united states of america? let's start there, focus on those facts and what they did how they did it, why they used money, private enterprises instead of military staff and other stuff that is huge to the security. i appreciate you yielding that time. >> most americans care about
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public corruption and realize the fbi hasn't done the job, the doj hasn't done their job. they've been told to stand down. all that's left and we will do our job and pursuant to the previous order because votes have beenr called again the committee stands in recess subject to the call of the chair and we will reconvene five minutes after four votes.
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