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tv   Senate Republicans Hold News Conference  CSPAN  March 6, 2024 10:23pm-10:39pm EST

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continue we first have to the supplemental is important but after that you will see us and turn to many of the bills we passed the safer act safety on the rails, so many other things. last one. you referred him last month to the national security why it was it appropriate? >> as i said the senate has certain standards every center it must live up too. senator menendez has not i'm deeply disappointed him thank you everybody. [background noises]
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mitch mcconnell was asked about his endorsement of donald trump for president in 2024. he's practically and morally responsible for the generous six attack on the u.s. capitol. the state of the union speech. this conference is about 15 minutes. >> good afternoon everyone. as you already know we avoided a government shutdownde last week. this week we are going to pass the first of six appropriation bills. wewe are making our best efforto do the other six before march 22. that is important to the government funded and getting i funded and a non- cr way. secondly the speaker and i
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recommended our junior senator from alabama reply to the president tomorrow night we think she is particularly effective to make the points many americans are concerned about. we are pretty excited to have her do the response for president biden. >> we are finally and i emphasize the finely turning to the appropriations process around here. the house will send over a minibus that includes six appropriation bills. remember the fiscal year stirred october 1 we are well into this fiscal year a trying to fund the government. honestly that is something that is not been a priority for senator schumer. these appropriation bill to the credit of senator collins and members of the ascendant
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appropriations committee reported out of that committee all of these bills by the end of july. by the end of july. we are finally finally getting a chance to vote on them on the floor. if you look at the process since then we succeeded in getting three of thosein bills on the floor in the month of november. it's been four months and submit any activity on the appropriation bills around here. we had an open amendment process for 40 amendments considered on that input they have a voice and a law making some input in the bills being produced by the senate you get much better outcome. we had a couple of minutes adopted that are good conservative wins. one of them, jd vance prevents mask mandates there's another
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moment offered by senator kennedy that protects the second moment rights are veterans. my point is simply is when you have an apppr where the bills get out of committee and brought up on the floor open up the amendment process you get a better outcome and a better result. not only do process but you get better bills. you get the representations of people from all across the country on both sides of the political aisle. a point i would simply make is this is got to change in the future but we've got to do better job on the appropriations process around here. on the way we go about finding our government. >> and mark my words come tomorrow night will be joe biden's last state of the union address. that is because the american people are not going to invite him back to give another one next year. that's because on issue after issue the american people care
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about, joe biden is failed peop. people are worn out and worried for themselves and their families. they understand their lives have been made worse by joe biden a people are begging for solutions. what we are likely to hear is the president bragging about blaming others for the crisis he has created the border. it is clear at the american people are concerned about. the tight grocery prices eating into paychex. illegal immigrants since joe biden's gone to the white house. innocent americans are murdered by illegal on energy joe biden has surrendered america's energy strength. handed it over, russia, iran, and china. around the world to our friends do not trust us. our enemies do not fear us joe biden has made america week. republicans have serious and significant solutions we face in tomorrow you will here katy
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britt address those in a response to the president. it is secure the border it's stop wasteful washington@6 spending. it's unleashed american energy. that is why the state of the inchworm by joe biden will be his last. >> tomorrow, before we hear from joe biden on the state of our country, he should take a look around and actually see what truly is going on in the state of our great union the united states of america. a cute look what has happened during joe biden simonne office over the course of theof last three years we have an open bo interdicted drugs, fentanyl flooding into ourgs communities. we have seen terrorists who have
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come across the border and been interdicted. we have inflation that is heard our families back home. i took to my neighbors the cost of groceries, the cost of gas is through the roof since he took office. if you look across the middle east and t right now. our service members are sitting ducks in the middle east as they are being attacked by the folks, we still have six americans being held by hamas. these are americans. their families do not even know if they are a dead or if they are alive. all of this is happened under joe biden's watch with no solutions and sites. we have no national securitystr. we have no budget and at the president is coming to address congress. so i would just a,
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mr. president get your priorities straight. protected this nation, protect our people, get serious about before you deliver an address to the congress. >> good afternoon. i'm sure the leader will not likes moment to thank him for his leadership. i know it's not going anywhere for a while we learned this from the last time i saw.i also know mr. that you and elaine are going through tough time you have our thoughts with you always as you weren't navigating this pretty think about your daily. even and the midst of his personal challenges he has remained a strong leader that is stuck by his conservative principles as his next-door neighbor in west virginia there is no better friend to pull the mitch mcconnell and i thank you for that. always, he named his book that long game why is that because he always looks at the long game.
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the one thing he is exceedingly led us through and will have a legacy as his respect for the rule of law and the judicial system. as we saw on monday without the unanimous decision by the supreme court to allow president trump to remain on the bout in colorado they voted last night. of course, who chooses who is going to be on the ballot? the people. who chooses who's going to be the leader? the people not activists not officeholderuks who don't like a particular candidate during one season of thehe other, but the voters in the supreme court voted nine t nothing to back up that principle one of the principal that leader has served its entire service and respecting the one we as voters in america should respect as well. >> we do not need an hour and a
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half long speech tomorrow night you know the state of the union is. ask the american people. abc reported 76% of the american people believe the country is on the wrong track. because under joe biden's failed leadership the state of the union is in chaos as is the state of the world. under joe biden open latest news has just come out in the last 48 hours is absurd. on top of the record number of illegal immigrants coming across the border, we have now found out the biden administration was secretly transporting over 300,000 illegal migrants on planes to 43 story right here that talks about it. meanwhile we have got a record number of illegal immigrants on the fbi terror watch list you
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are entering our country. this additional news that camede of the border, the vice president never even spoke with the chief ofen border patrol ortiz. many of us who visited the southern border have spoken with the chief. i met with him in 2019 is a devoted public servant dedicated to protect their country so thursday night when joe biden tells us he is trying to tell america he is serious about the border all i've got to say is come on man because under joe biden american families can barely afford to keep food on the table, gas tanks full prices have gone up wasteful spending continues and sadly under joe biden's weaknesses our enemies are emboldened. the world is less safe we look
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back on the horrible afghanistan withdrawal. look at the embarrassing chinese survival and came over my state of montana overhe silos with the war in ukraine and the war in the middle east. under joe biden the state of our union is inn dire no amount of. >> how you reconcile your talking points morally responsible for generate six. [inaudible]e february 25th, 2021 shortly after the attack on the capitol i was asked a similar question i said i would support the nominee for even if for the former president. >> in april of last year you indicated you did not directly
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answer the question whether you are comfortable with mr. trump he was in the middle of criminaa nominee. that means you're comfortableou with him? trixie don't have anything to add to what i just said i said it in february 2021. shortly after the attack on the capitol that i would support president trump if he were the nominee of our party he's obviously going to be the nominee of our party. >> bigger mcconnell effective 17 years as republican leader what you think of this new idea of putting term limits question. >> we havee term limits now, they're called elections i had a contest myself drink my last election. the conference ought to be able to be free to choose who ever limit on the speaker of the other house leaders that will not be my decision to make but i
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think it is totally inappropriate. >> to endorse a candidate in the leadership? >> no no. [background noises] >> three years ago democracy faces greatest threats in civil war and today, though bruce, our democracy remains unbounded and unbroken. [cheering] >> thursday president beidler's annual state of the union address during a joint session of congress to outline his priorities for the country but watch our live coverage begin at 8:00 p.m. eastern with a preview program followed by president biden state of the union speech than alabama senator will give the republican response will get your reaction by taking your
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phone calls, text and social media comments. watch state of the union address live thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, suspend our treat mobile video out online at >> minnesota democratic congressman dena phillips has ended his 2024 presidential campaign posted the announcement earlier today followi h debate to president biden and all of super tuesday primary ntt he writes in 2011 i hosted then vp biden in my home. most notab was his empathy and kindness to my daughtersn the catering staff we sat and had ice cream surprise surprise. his decency and wisdom are rarities in politics and then an even more said tay. he goes on to say it is clear joe biden is our candidate and our opportunity to demonstrate what type of country america is and intends to be i askou to join me too hel keep a man o
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decency and integrity in the white house that is joe biden. ♪ c-span is your unfiltered view of government but funded by the television companies and more >> it is extremely rare. but friends do not have to be. when you are connected you arexc servicelong these other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. former nfl player gentoo join child advocates to testify on how to combat child sexual abuse material they focused on effort to identify and rescue victims discuss potential legislation by congress to provide resources


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