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tv   Campaign 2024 Super Tuesday Primary Results  CSPAN  March 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:25pm EST

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♪ good evening welcome to see spans coverage of super tuesday. it is called super for a reason. ■'tonight republicans 854 delegates are on the line. about one third of the gop total. and for the about 30% tir tot. these are4 of the 16 states re■ui■kportinges today. alaska will a begin reporting its results at midnights. and after tonight for iowa comic the results of that refmed primary tonight the voters there have been meddling in their presidential preference curtains generally 15th the state held its first in the nation caucuses. live former president donald trump sam florida for rehear victory remarks from him.
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republican rival nikki haley is not sched tonight and is reportedly watching results with staff in south carolina. president biden on the ballot ig remarks according to the white house. fort republicans, the magic number to secure the nomination is 1215 delegates. california and texas being the two biggest states by populatios tonight 169 for california and a 161 for texas. for democra 1968 delegates are needed to win the nomination. president biden's reen bid is expected to clinch the minaon this month it won't happen tonight. so f he has got 206 delegates up we will still fall short even with tonight's expected victory. part of our coverage of course includes a conversation with all of you start dialing and now
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7488920. democrats (202)748-8921. super tuesday voters dial in (202)748-8922. and all others 2027488923. you can also text us includes a first name city and state 2027488903. join us on x c-span or on here's aoo at what to expect tonight arty polls closed 7:00 p.m. eastern in vermont and virginia. republicans in alaska also ted their presidential caucuses at 7:00 p.m. eastern. at 7:30 northina polls closed and now at 8:00 p.m. eastern polls closed in a and tennessee. at 8:30 p.m. eastern time polls close in arkansas and then at
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9:00 p.m. east in colorado, minnesota, and texas. utah voters will wrap up their voting at 11:00 p.m. eastern for those republicans encompassing voting for democrats stops at 10:00 p.m. eastern. eleven eastern is been california polls close alaska is last up at midnight. as with us this evening wrought results will start with the states very. >> happy super tuesday to you. there are few that have come in. what serve the one you mentioned of north carolina polls close a associated p vote total donald trump already leading handily 28.1. the primary and north carolina already declared the winner wh
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90% of the votes they know preference line were voters could put protest votes against joe bid just 10% therapy to the of virginia on the republide of the aisle donald trump declared the winner with virginia 60% the exhibit expected vote total for the evening and virginia nikki haley 32 that racelrdy declared by the associated press over it donald trump the winner joe biden ao declared the winner. 35% of the expected vote total in virginia and vermont polls close in vermont at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. and 16% of the expected vote total in donaldrump about 51% nikki hay at7%.
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that might be one of the new england at where nikki haley is seen as having a bette chance of having a more competitive race against donald trump. we'll keep an eye on vermont and maine as wellin a few other states in the new england area. one other piece of news not on the presidential side of the aisle but denies state senate christian sinema will not seek reelection will be stepping down at the end of this year. that's coming announcement in a key state seen as a competitive rate and control in november her decision takes her out of the fight and that competitive state democratic congressman of arizona former arizona republican gubernatori nominee kerri at lake the two most closely watch candidates likely to be to wait race with the senator stepping down. new simple results all night
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long. it's the only result super tuesday throughout the night. next part of our conversation also includes natalie allison national political reporter with politico. now you just heard the early results. you have been watching them as well. what are your takeaways sonot mi haley to the extent she was going to get any good news virginia and north carolina both states shield to events in each in t pas week. she was barnstorming the country hitting super states she said she's not getting out she staying in through super tuesday. so far no good news for her vermont as a state as you noted that could be close for her. she may not lose by much. that is not going to help her case. what we are seeing so far as what we have seen in primary
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after primary so far this cycle. donald trump is dominating by really big margins. what we are seeing and virginia the votes are still being tallied he is up more than 30 points at this time. that could chang somewhat is not close for haley most places. >> what other states is that haley campell watching tonight? >> massachusetts posted just close. we should be seeing results and pretty soon if not already. it is a state states the haley campaign with some banking on. she could have the support from the governor there and she also had new hampshire governor out campaigning with her around new england this past weekend. but massachusetts like some states like maine is a state that could potentially have an electric that be more
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place like maine you're only having diehard conservatives voting. maine is open to a wide variety of voters. the type of demographics the haley campaign has been leaning on and counting on to come out for them. but as we saw in new hampshire it was ideal voters normally vote democratic or independent who have a moderate independent type streak are not holding ■7to jumper the republin party, they did turn out. they did not get her closer than 11 points. and so will we might see you tonight in massachusetts will probably not be enough to carry the state. >> why is nikki haley not delivering remarks tonight after some of these polls close question what we traditionally see with candidates. >> will it is a departure from what she has done every big
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primer at night so far this year. we saw her give remarks after iowa even when she came in third place and after new hampshire and south carolina and the big election night events and her supporters which are her on even do that.he did not win. part of that has just been because they were anticipating what is likely going to be a night of a lot of losses for her. and she is going to have to decide what she is going to do. at this point would likely not going to hear from her tonight that she is dropping out. she's watching the results with her staff. she staying close to home hear from her in the coming days. i think she is saving her remarks for when she announces what she's going to do next. her options right now are limited. she could say she's getting out as many people expect her to do in the coming days or she could say she's in until
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the moment trump secures enough delegates to officially be the presumptive nominee she may not give it up so easily. >>e als will not hear from president biden tonight, why not? >> well this is mostly a big night for the biden campaign they want to continue to sit back and let republicans go after each of the call nikki haley previously one of the best circuits for democrats because she is going after trump so hard. even as republicans are telling her to stop doing this you're going to hurt our the general election if you keep a talking chat. she is still attacking trump on the biden campaign for president in this tonight trump is going to sweep most of these primaries are going to continue to point to him as being what they would call eight maca republican who is not going to lead the country in the right direction for as long as nikki are going after each other and
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particularly nikki haley attacking trump on some the same arguments there is not really a big need for them to try to get ahead the messaging more tonight. >> and natalie allison with a politico here to talk with all of you this evening. we'll get your calls here in just a minute. but fi■h let's talk about when the former president, president trump when he would secure the nomination. at what point in this primary contesand the same for president biden? what remains to be seen just exactly how many delegates trump will get tonight. your folks probably have the number of 1200 something to get to say without a doubt he be the presumptive nominee i would have the delegates you need on the floor of the republican national convention in milwaukee this
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july. that depends on how well he does tonight. that coulday bit. otherwise we have contests contest comingup in places liked places very trump friendly and a primary. he is on the brink of getting to the point where nikki haley could no longer she is staying and the fight potentially she could catch up with trump on the delegate map. we are pretty much beyond that point but after tonight that it therewould be nearly 50% of the delegatesated. so after tonight there will have been 25 states and territories that have cap the ballots. big y states that we saw iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, nevada, it includes them and includes a primaries we see and
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one of those was washington d.c. and otherwise trump has won all the other is certainly on track to continue that in the coming days. soon trump will be able to say there's literally mathematically no path for nikki haley to be able to win on the floor counts. we are not officially there yet. so until we are at that point nikki haley has been connuing to makel could be shot for her. >> all right, main results are starting to t. feel% of the eecd vote in. this is what the associated press has right now the former president with 87.5%f the expected vote nikki haley trailing at 12.5%. the state of maine g delegate allocation 20 delegates at stake
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if any candidate receives more than 50% of the boat will get all the delegates if not delegates will be proportionately divided 20% of the vote. let's get the calls michelle re. michelle, it is super tuesday. what are your thoughts on the campaign so far? >> i am so excited that everything we expect and hope for that trump isn't winning preheat showing he is the tried to unite us all again. i am a delicate out here in washington state i am more than happy to -- we are excited to cast our vote for him cin in our state convention. we are really thrilled we have nikki haley. hopefully she will tur in and
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not move forward. she is a lobbyist for boeing, they've been pushing really hard for nikki haley but we are confident washington is going to come through. will continue. >> tell us■ h delegate? >> we have to hear the voices of our constituet and vote that way. we've been out doorknocking we've been out talking with people we have doorknocking in the area feedback everyone in my district is pro- trump. we are confident the delegate vote will go forward for trump. even though a lot of people think we are a blue state we are a red state this just a few counties that hold us back here. washington is going to turn red x natalie allison. >> it is interesting to hear the
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excitement on the ground for trump art you look at washington it's a place that could potentially, surprisingly have a competitive gubernatorial race here. and in that race likely republican nominee is he says he doesn't want to be seen with him. it is interesting the conventional wisdom the electorate in a place like washington state's controls elections is shown the future th but you are hearing someone who is a republican voter in washington state is not cheering on haley who isn't sayin w looking for a more moderate voice she is very much a supporter of trump. it is an illustration of how the republican party is trying to grapple with how they can win and pollute leaning states with trump on the ticket. will he hold them back at whatoe gubernatorial race or will they
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not? nikki haley certainly makes the argument that if she were on the aleut general election ballot republicans would sweep house races around the country. she performed so much better than biden. they get who were not super partisan are typically not voting republican to show up and vote for her. as ahat will be an interesting dynamic how they will inevitably respond and how that could affect other races there. >> raven in californiaican. raven a big state voting today. >> yes it is. so thank you. california is one of the lord lt states in the united states. it is a wonderful that we had the opportunity to vote and especially being a voter myself i did eight mail ballot myself
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this year. so with that being iing i'm pro- trump as well. and i hope everything will be fine with mr. biden i don't know what it's about but i definitely when hear from him. >> tonight you're talking about? >> yes. >> we talked about that earlier, natalie allison, we will not hear from the president tonight. the rationale you explain key briefly tells again? >> yes this is not a nail night mail nightbiter night for biden. he's the only real competition on the democratic primary ballot and of course there are some democrats in a number of states who are uncommitted equivalent in their state to register their lack of support for biden how he is handled but that being said there's no question joe biden is going to remain the nominee this is not
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necessary big night for him like it is for some like donald trump who actually did have some real competition this time around. >> up next is jon and madison, wisconsin democratic collar hi jon. >> hi, how are you doing. i think we need a new person n the convention. we need to drop by then and have something like cory booker or work or gavin newsom. we need to legalize marijuana in this country. companies are takg over they charge way too much the drugs are evil for their evil especially fentanyl and tobacco. first comment. natalie allison is the white house watching the uncommitted or tonight and which state? >> of course they are watching.
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there watching across the board. i was reported in tennessee was watching social media posts from people back in nashville who uncommitted in the democratic primary there. this is something they are sitting across the board for this is something big going to have to deal with. but offsñ course the ramificatis would beat swing states that could potentially be close with trump and biden. so in a place like north carolina and even virginia the trump campaign says are going to try to make it competitive this fall in november biden's democratic base is not turning out en masse for him, they are potentially supporting a third party candidate instead of joe biden that could be a concern should the biden campaign. that is something they a right now. just like the caller event
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regardless of the war in israelf this uncommitted vote. even beyond that there are many democrats think the preside is too old they say they would like to see another nominee but there was no processing with the party there was no pressure on biden. other influential democrats a year ago. and so that ship has really sailed some kind of major medical the democratic party all they can do at this point is try to fight back. iowa, north carolina, tennessee all have that option for uncommitted scott in hutchinson, kansas. >> hello, thank you for taking my call. i really enjoy c-span and
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"washington journal" in the morning. getting a good balance news. my question is really about potential getting the rank voting into our electoral system. a lot of people do not want to throw away their and they only have the one choice. but innate rank voting thing you can make preferences. i think it would actually be more democratic party is interesting listening to the debate on today i think there were five off party candidates that get very, very little press. the libertarian party, thereen party, their ideas within each one of them that have value but we are stuck with just two. i think at some the polls coming
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out tonight you can see some the op wishing they had more choices and don't want to throw away a boat because they don't want the othert at the same timd prefer some of the other candidates. >> got it. we'll take tho natalie allison. what's he is right across the board. it's not just the democrats by the way. they do not want to see a rematch between joe biden and donald trump. it is not what people once they do not want to have to choose between the two candidates hang at the partisan primary system we have has kept americans with this choice. the republican primary voters a very active republican
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overwhelmingly still love donald trump those are not the people who are going to be deciding the election this fall. and on the other hand the democrats overwhelmingly are going to support joe biden in these primaries. but the folks who are deciding the elections, the swing voters and suburban voters, independents and handful of states who determine who's going to be the next president of the united states and those of the people who do not want to see these two on the ballot again. one oey's big talking points is 70% of americans do not want to rematch between them and she is right that's true. gin the primary pro parties havd everyone is going to get and that's going to be the choice. >> and natalie allisonational political reporter with politico. we thank you for spending some of your busy evening with us and our viewers. thank you very much should. >> thanks f me. >> it is super tuesday from coast-to-coast voters are of vog
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in this primary contest in 15 states and one territory we are bringing you results and having a conversation with all of you on those results as well as this nominating contest. jon is back with us with more and what the voters are saying. >> the race is being called around the country at this point too. we told you about virginia earlier. the race is now being called fos well. in tennessee as well and in north carolina as well for donald trump. they're coming early and often as these results are coming in. you pointed out the numbers were coming and starting it 7:30 p.m. at 7:00 p.m. polls close let me take you through some of those races what is expected the contented including the state of maine when you showed earlier there less than 10 total votes that had been countered with the
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ased press it's a l bit more now it's closed with donald trump up 75% to 25% of the state of maine. plen o well. those numbers are coming and we will take you through them throughout the night and show you something gubernatorialprim. some of the house of primaries there some interesting races in california we are going to watching some house of primaries in california the senate primary in california as well. viers can stick with us all night long. te go the gubernorl races that closely watched when this clump he coud this year's marquee gubernatorial places pitting it looks like y're going to the associated press it will pick up mark robinson was a republican lieutenant governor against the attorney general of north carolina josh stein is the attorney general's name and he
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wi be the democratic nominee 73% of the there. ere's still plenty more votes to be counted the associated press said this one is over. it will be the lieutenant governor against the attorney general. wash up for that is when you'll hear a lot more about is we had to november. >> a little bit more about the state of north carolina buried the pulation a little over 10 million there. it is a breakdown 69% white. twenty-two-point to percent black. and about 11%early 11% latino votes. 21.4% under the age of 18. while 17.4%ver the age of 65. split pretty much evenly between men and women 49 -- 51%. north carolina voters about 7.5 million as of generally 2024. they are a little over
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2.4 million democratic voters 2.339797 replican voters. here are the rules for this state street state and local primaries are also on the belt they may bring a higher voter turnout tonight unaffiliated voters may participate in this presidenal primary but not any other part of a delegate selection process. so those of the rules for north carolina tonight. if you are in north carolina or any one of these other super tuesday states we want to hear from you tonight. here's how we have divided the all republicans across the country (202)748-8920. democrats (202)748-8921. if you're in the super tuesday states 7488922. all others 2027488923. mark in tulsa, oklahoma. what are your super tuesday
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we'll talk to you again. i the right across the street from the pole votinions. the interesting thing if you look at 2016 and 2020 about primaries, i live in a mixed neighborhood. people don't put signs on the year old the 22% of like half drunk half biting kind of people. and this year is zero signs signs are everywhere on the trump voters warp speed back vaccinating kill us they've got the hoax you've got biden's going to be the savior of it all and you
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stiltell them to vaccinate. it's the goofiest thing ever. you know what we need to do? we need to get a better system. they probably talk to the pentagon and the federal reserve the two entities that really control this country, get out of this l's break the country up into like 20 pieces equally populated let's have a dynamic everywhere. let's get rid of the joke of a supreme court. let's go, let state united let's do something what you say? works market oklahoma with his thgh the previous election cycle. take a look at the results in attate in oklahoma for t republican primary ted cruz was a victor then 34.3% the former president back in 2016 came back in second place. let's hear from jeannie and
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manassas and independent hi an i jeannie. >> hi. i went to the pole today there are so many people voting and i talked to the poll workers he said he thanks he didn't expect that both parties, mostly candidates and i feel our country our nation have a lot of concerns from the ground up from the economy to a borders comment to gun violence, to abortion. and now the concern of the humanity crisis in gaza so much concern. in ukraine and putin. i am fm vietnam so we are very concerned about the endo pacific and the china sea issues. and yet it feels like we do not
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have a choice. i know president biden has tried his best and he had a lot of achievements i was disappointed when i followed the elections for south carolina i had workedy hard to bring the went for biting but he did not even come to south carolina to talk to them. and then today he's not even talking to us. he is taking us for granted. many young people, my son is in new york he loves the people but he was very disappointed with how the u.s. is acting in gaza. he said that we betrayed the values the young people look forward too.
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and i just feel that even though i don't think we should bring up the age of the president good te people and the results are showing. people are talking a lot about his age. he is to be in contact. i feel he should talk to the people today who have come oand. people are waiting for a victory speech just to show president biden here's our voices. >> did you vote for him? >> i cannot tell you who i vote for. there have been many uncommitted and independence.
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he does n any qualities he was not qualified we were very disappointed in the supreme court decision it was supposed to judge on the constitutional basis and they did not super. >> your talk about the supreme court decision on the eligibility of president trump -- for president trump to be on the balance in that state that decision yesterday. more of your calls coming in this evening. so keep dialing in if you are on wheat went to get all of your super tuesday thoughts for joining us now is a jeff shapiro wi there. give us your take away from the results in virginia tonight? >> a president trump is racking up a big win here that was expected. however governor haley is trying
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to replicate in virginia the crossover appeal that she demonstrated in new hampshire and in south carolina her home' state that she lost. virginia is distinguished as the aforementioned s as open primaries. so one shows up at the ballot, asks for either a republican both accordingly.rat ballot in there seem to be some democrats showing up in the republican primary. not a lot, maybe one in three. and a smattering of independence as well. governor haley was hoping to run up some big numbers in washington and outside of richmond where i am.but the eart the former president is beating her at her own game. >> so what you make of
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the haley campus looking at virginia as possibly a positive sign for the evening. what is happening? >> i think what we are seeing in virginia is a conflict of this field. in the sense of inevitability at the republican party that donald trump is going to be nominated. it is almost at a point where the primary seems to be a little more than formalities. she may only play enriching that she was here last week outside of richmond in one of the blue trending suburbs. she was also in northern virginia where she is doing well tonight. but in some jurisdictions she is still trailing mr. trump. eggs and pull numbers? the
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this is from alan smith with nbc virginia gop primary voters do you approve of biden's job as president? voters 1% said yes. 97% no. haley voters, 48% said they are approving of biden's job as president while 51% said no. >> were discussing some ofhose numbers earlier this evening as well as some of the numbers cnn had been putting up. so it was interesting the total republican primary audience only 32% identified as members of th. but among trump voters at something like 94% identified as members of the magnet movement. exit polls are great for quick
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snapshots. i suspect given the small sample size and the speed with which they are calculated. >> but will be the headline tomorrow in the richmond times dispatch? >> a triumphal win and a celebratory win for biden democrats anticipating his. one of the things we are looking for particularly in northern virginia is a tempt at eight michigan lake largely by arab american democrats. this is because of their continuing distaste for the president with a perceived tilt towards israel and the war with hamas in gaza. >> jeff shapiro is a columnist with the richmond times dispatch. thank you very much for your time this evening, appreciate it.
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>> thank you. back to our calls in jordan in ridgewood, new jersey. thank you for waiting jordan. what do you make so far o the super tuesday? >> i just wanted to say i think trump and biden are just too old. >> okay linda and theatre, alabama republican will hear from you next. >> yes, listen, trump sold the american people out i vote for people the war hadn't started, and they blame trump for everything they railroaded in. t appreciate it but we want trump back in their soap he can stop all this board are crab and get
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this crab straightened out by. bricks linda did you vote in the primary today? >> not yet but i'm going too. >> you areng to a k. lind that you're going to get out and vote. >> yes. and i am voting for trump.■k people can complain and gripe about the gases side, the groceries are high the cost of living is high people cannot buy houses. the democrats sewed the souls of the american people out. >> alright linda there in alabama. one of the super tuesday states if you are in one o the 15 supers tuesday states iowa is the 16th they are not voting today they have been voting since january 15 we will know the results of the democratic voting there. if you are in one of those states where the territories teo minus evening 200-27488922 we want to hear from you.
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republicans you can call in (202)748-8920. democrats 2027488921. all others (202)748-8923. a conversation with all of you this evening as we always do here in c-span. your thoughts on campaign 2024 and super tuesday results. for more numbers. >> i appreciate the ongoing conversation with you tonight. more results for you. you were mentioning iowa just a second ago revamped primary process to biden officially declared the winner by the associated press in iowa. states on the democratic side of the primary aisle as it were where joe biden has been declared the winner. lahoma is one of those adjusted close to 16% of the expected vote count i and yet the associated press calling it for joe b with 75% of the
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vo at this point. another state that is coming in press calling the state of m for joe biden with 93%, 7% of the vote in t just 2% of the v in press is gone ahead and calleded it for joe biden a 73%. and virgin y were just talkin aut old dominion there. joe biden declaredheinner of 88.6% of the vote and 65% of the expected vote count in. you mention were not expected to hear from joe biden. although he did take some questions from the press pool today as he was passing them on hi air force one. one of the questions he got was about his poll numbers including a lot of "new york times" siena polls recently that show him
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trailing donald trump. some other polls as well but the "new york times" polls getting a lot of attention. let me play 20 seconds or so of joe biden answering questions on his poll. next going to ask if they are concerned? >> might pull numbers there's a lot of polls you don't report where i'm winning. five in a row. only look at thew york times." >> joe biden from earlier today. granted we will continue to update you and viewers of pull numbers throughout the night and a reminder you can see all of the results for tonight super tuesday races at >> thanks jon, president biden saying he is ahead in the last five polls. we want to get your reaction to. will also hear from the former president tonight, donald trump@has mar-a-lago estate in lm beach, florida. we are expecting him to deliver
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remarks. victory remarks it is anticipated he will be the victor in many of the super tuesday states. anita and elkins, west virginia republican hi anita■k■v. >> caller: how are you? >> guest: doing well what are your thoughts and super tuesday? >> i do not understand how bides to been going i don't understand why people would want to vote for the man i believe trump should win it should be the :ypresident for 2024. >> joseph democratic oliver and joseph are you calling from? te. >> joseph are you a democrat? >> yes. and at first i would just like worried about the border on the stuff going on. fr a workers democrats to get something done if the democrats
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would get in control. also they need to be concerned about trauma. he ain't got no respect for the law. like russia.■l like the low what he says going to go. it doesn't matter what the court, nothing say. he said he will be that meant it's got to be what he says goes. and the people■ worrying about the border and trafficking in things like that if they could work together they could solve it but the republicans are going to work with the democrats. but youecause if he gets in there the united states is going. it is going to be a mess ain't nobody going to have -- there
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will be no laws. and i know what he has said he likes putin and we know that's always going to go for graduate joseph con from tennessee one of the super tuesday states mentioning the former president likely to win there. he won in 2016 the primary contest there with-x 39%. florida came in third place. for the democratic side theplac. ticket in 2020, president biden winning tennesseend that primary contest 41.7% of the vote and bernie sanders coming in second the average joe in stanford, connecticut a republican. >> hello how are you. 2024.
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>> trump has done a sweet thing. i get such a kick out of looking at you when theemocrats call up and say what a great job biden is doing and how the country is flourishing. i look at you and i just wondered what you think. when these people tell you everything is peachy. how trump loves putin. think that's the point of the conversation we have with all of you, what do you think? >> you know what i want to think? the real traders of this country are the main stream media. all these people that■5 come on the air spew all the stuff joy reid, anderson cooper, and all same things.ple they repeat i wonder what goes through your mind when you hear all of that. go tmond virginia.
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hey has it going? >> did you vote today. >> yes. >> how do you vote do you mind telling us? i voted for trump. what are your thoughts on the campaign? >> most -- i voted for trump my biggest concern is the downturnn has been in office. he basically has turned off our domestic energy on day one by signing away our domestic energy which we had been energy independent. he hasn't blocked in controlling
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our border by letting all these illegals come through. and foreign relations first of all the crazy way he dealt with by giving al qaeda an easy way to take over by closing the air force base and all of the weapons and our helicopters and planes and whatnot be taken over there. and emboldened putin to go in and take over ukraine.
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and then what is going on with israel is another thing. he cannot make up his mind who he is supporting. israel is our biggest ally. maybe in the world. i don't know england in canada i suppose are considered our big ally. maybe australia.v the united states is suffering. if you go to the gas pump or the grocery store outrageous. >> all right barry with his thoughts on president biden's job approval. it is super tuesday. is the most consequential day in the race for both the parties presidential nominations. the political junkies have come to call when u.s. territory
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presidential nominating contest in form. trevor in san francisco, california hi trevor. >> hey, i voted for president biden. i think both candidates are on the older side of this one. but he honestly think president biden can run laps around the white house in his sleep. i also went to say i think president biden speech at the border last week is a good example of what we need as a present has president trump to join him in the efforts help these immigration issues. that is the kind of president would need as opposed to someone who may tear u down. i think when you are the leader of the free world there are things you can and can't say and can and can't do. it is the bottom line. i also think nikki haley carried herself very well in this past election cycle.■!ha i cannot wait to see what she does in 2028.
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>> you think she should run again in 2028 if she were not when the nomination this time ne around? >> absolutely. i think she did very well she carried herself better than in on could have expected especially against desantis. said desantis i going to destroy everyone other than trump. that's kudos to her. >> would you vote for her? >> honestly and 2028 to be from a democratic side would be a harris versus newsom ticket i would probably go to gavin. >> okay, trevor there in california speech on the border. we do not expect remarks from him this weekend on super tuesday he will be addressing the nation on thursday when he delivers the state of the union
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address on c-span begins at 8:0. sticky was super tuesday jon with more results. >> pulls a natural state of
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each candidate is separated by ou this point. we will keep an eye onnt as we go. the old dominion with 79% at 65% to nikki haley's 33%. one tweet i want to show you is the state of virginia exit polling but sorted through when it comes to primary■ night of cn the exit polls from virginia 78% of nikki haley voters the state of virginia said they believed joe biden legitimately won the 2020 election. i contrast 95% of a trump voters in virginia when asked said they do not believe joe biden legitimately won the 2020 one of the numbers to pick out of the exit pulls there. as we go to the numbers with our
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viewers tonight if you want to look at individual states that i am not coveringere you can look at them check out our campaign 2024 banner the states. >> let's dig into virginia a ttle bit more. that state called early for the former presidentf the total population just about 9 million. this is how it breaks down degr 20% black, 10.5 latina. 21.5 under the age of 18. almost 17% over the age of 65. 49.5% men 50.5% women. total voters in virginia as of 2024 just over 6 million. it isn't open a primatehere's registration. you declare your party
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preference at public locations that is how it works in the state of virginia. casey in reidsville, north carolina republican, did you vote? did you vote on the super >> well i have not got a chance to vote yet. i do plan on voting and i know who i w for. i plan on voting for donald trump. i won't vote for anybody else but donald trump. when he was in the office last time, he started to make america great again. in my personal opini has not done anything for us american since he has been in there. i strongly believe donald trump should be reelected and honestly he should be allowed to stay in there for 16 plus years because he was a great president. he kept the illegal immigrants out. he did everything he could.
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the gas prices were not bad. everhihe only hope that we have for our country is donald trump. >> all right voting for the former president north carolina. and in raleigh north carolina who do you plan to vote for if you have not already? >> alrevoted on a don't think the guys going to be able to vote. he might be thinking for the general. anyway i did just vote at my local precinct thanks to the election officials t they' doing a good job on all the folks at c-span i really appreciate doing. i know the cable world what it is these days the funding i am sure is not as steady think i heard something about c-span going to subscription services or something like that in the
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future which would be awful. >> i do not know where you heard that would go to your thoughts on super tuesday. >> and in general both democrat and republican sites that they have as far as i am concerned and mostple in general we know who should go for present on both sides. for a show of it. and then with all and all the state races we had some big ones but if you look in the past we have a weird thing going on in our state even that we want for trump as a states and those kind of things and along the rest of the state we have insurance commissioner and auditor and treasurer and all that kind of thing.
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if you look it's the incumbents that tend to win. regardless of allt stuff there's not much this primate did for anybody. one time i voted i won't even tell you. most the time i vote libertarian. the vote is going to count for that party prett that vote i was the second libertarian a ballot at my precinct and it's a fairly large precinct for. >> all right in raleigh north carolina polls closing in that state at 7:30 p.m. eastern time. from the ap voteth carolina more than six in 10 say the former president is fit for presidency if he is convicted of a crime. 78% of haley voters unwilling to say they will support the parties nominee. whoever it is this is from survey they are talng to voters as they leave the polls
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the voters who hav in early voting as well. this is how they come up with this information about the voters in today's primarycontes. let's go to massachusetts cyrus is there good evening to you. your thoughts on super tuesday? >> good evening to you as well, how are you, c-span? >> doing well sir. >> exened ear in massachusetts because i am currently in amsterdam. i was in germany this morning say from the outside looking in, it's a fact-finding book. ■q that?
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>> caller: i mean,, on day one bu day, and, and any legal president trump is on the hook for, if you will, should he become president agail go away by changing. so it's a lit and strange, and not to mention all the commitments the u.s. currently has made to its foreign allies, which he doesn't
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seem to have with nato, and it's really important that i think all of us and especially the media highlight really how important it is that we acknowledge there is a difference goingn here between like you're not going to recognize your country. >> host: okay final thoughts they are from massachusetts. voted early he said. a little bit abo massachusetts, one of the early closing times. about 7 million in the state of massachusetts. a 79.4% white about 9.5% black d 13% latino. only about 19% of the population
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under 18. 18% over 65. 49% men and 51% women. at the voter population makes up about 4.7 million. democrats are about 1.4 million and republicans, 421,000. the massachusetts voting rules, they can participate in any primary and independent parties do nothe primary ballot. joining us this evening from the "boston globe" is emma, a political reporter. walk us through the results in massachusetts. what are the headlines? >> so far the headlines are kin. we got projections from the associated press that president joe biden and former president trump are going to win their respective primaries here as expected and that puts them further -- not that massachusetts had to so many
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delegates to offer but further to secure the party nomination. >> host: what are you hearing about or seeing with exit polls, what are the voters saying in massachusetts? >> we had a team of reporters stand across the state today, and what we are largely hearing is what the polls have shown for months tha presidential rematch very few people are interested in seeing. even the people who did it turn out today, turn out it's worth noting is than it was in the last two presidential primaries. even those who did make it out to vote on kind of a damp friday in massachusetts said they were not that excited about their options. many said they were voting for nikki haley is more of an opposition to donald trump of gm for her and there's been a growing movement among democrats to vote no preference over joe biden and a protest of the handling of the ongoing conflict. >> describe the voters ofachuse.
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how would you characterize the state? >> this is a well-educated estate and i think for the purpose of super important thins almost two thirds of the voters are not affiliated with of the party and so under the open primary rules that means a huge portion can participate in either primary so given the sort of relatively more exciting side, a lot of folks were expecting some who typically vote for democrats or independent voters to cast ballots for nikki haley today and that is one of the reasons this is more than the closed primary states on the ballot today. >> host: what should people watch as they see the results as they start to trickle in? >> i think we are looking at the margins. the headlines are not going to be surprise. on the gop side of the question is how much support can nikki haley accrue if she can keep
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donald trump below 50% sas of ef the 40 gop delegates but under the rules if you exceed 50% then it's winner take all and on the left of the question for joe biden is how many voters turn away from him for the no preference option. there were protests over the weekend in cambridge where voters were saying cast the ballot for no preference in order to demonstrate your unhappy with how president biden has shown the ongoing support in the conflict with hamas. >> with of the "boston globe," thank you for the update. we appreciate it. >> thank you. the massachusetts dop delegate, there are 40 delegatest stake allocated based on stawide results if a candidate receives 50% or more of the vote, they get all of the delegates. this is how it works forhe decrats.
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there are 92 delegates, 60 are located proportionately based on the districts and 32 are allocated based on statewide results. lisa in minnesota, republican. >> caller:ow >> host: doing well. >> caller: thank you for taking my call even though i'm obviously not part of the voting on super tuesday but i'm so thrilled to see the former president trump back in the race and i love to see the states in. we almost did in 2016 and she has my vote again based on the border control and energy independence created for us on the first room so i'm thrilled to see it. i'm not surprised, and i'm looking forward to november. >> host: minnesota is voting in the super tuesday. >> caller: i'm not sure.
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i didn't vote■- today but that absolutely voting for trump in the national elections were just thrilled. >> hos the pol c at 9 p.m. stephen in west springfield massachusetts. >> caller: yes, hi. i just wanted to make a statement i voted today, and i'm not really happy with either candidate, but i definitely will not vote for joe biden. but i want to tell you one thing you previous call mentioning how biden, the republicans don't voter problem, but you know the administration reminds me of the three stooges, an episode i saw it as a kid they went in the back of a mansion, snuck in, released mice and amps et cetera
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as exterminators and then they went around and knocked on the front door and said do you need any exterminators and then they looked around and realized and said yes. joe biden is the problem with of this border problem and now he wants to pretend like he wants to fix it and that is basically all i have to say. besides, he is not to be president again. >> host: stephen in massachusetts who voted in one of the super tuesday states immigration and border security, an important more results from the states tonight. what did you find out? >> stephen in massachusetts. let me popver termont right nearby in new england. still very close vermont. we are creeping to 50% of the expected total and donald leading just 48.6%, 48% over nikkiey and it seems like we are going to
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vermont, the green mountain state down to the wire tonight soll keep an eye on that one. donald trump declared the winner in texas. most of the polls are closed in texas. there' a few that stay open until nine so they closed ten closed in texas and donald officially declare winner of the lone star state with 75.8 of the vote and nikki y had a 20% o vote. let me talk about a few more races in texas including the senate race, but i will show you the democraticide of the re joe biden declared the winner in texas for the presidency. now let me take you to the senate race. ted cruz is declared the winner of the republican primary to run for reelection no surprise there. the senate race is on that democrats are targeting. it was a wide-fid of flying the candidates running and the
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democratic congressman they are in texas with 65.6% of the ve. that's important because if you see about 50% of the r-u can turn up to the general election from the primary and not hav wait for the runoff to happen in texas so we continue to watch the senate race in texas and as you said, the graces targeted for the control of the senate come november for all of the results as always i send viewers to, the bar at the top of the page for campaign 2024 is where you can find all the >> host: lone star state one of the big halls for super callr tuesday. a population ofver 30 million. 77% of them are white. 13.4% black and the latino population around 40.2%.
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24.8 are under 18, 13.4% are over 6 around 18 million of them. there's no pty registration in texas affiliated with the party by voting in its primary or you sign an affidavit of affiliation. no party registration, registration ends 30 days prior to the primary, so that's how it works in texas. roger in oklahoma. did you vote? >> boat? >> i sure did. i was the first one in my precinct to vote this morning at 7:00 and i voted for nikki haley. minority in the state, i'm a lifelong eisenhower republican and there aren't many of us left here.
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i think trump will carry the state, all 77 counties that is what usually happens i think he will carry off 77 states and i think he will be elected president. that scares me to death, but i think he's going to win the presidency i will be voting for joe biden like i say i am a lifelong republican. the first candidate i voted for as a young man was richard nixon, and i voted for hillary clinton and voted for joe biden, do vote for president biden again. but i am a rare bird here in the republican party.>> nikki haley in this super tuesday contest? >> i'm sort of a never trump. i say i man eisenhower republican. he would work with the other party. roosevelt chose command
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the european theater of the war because he could get along with all different allie when he was president of a hadsc majority. he worked with lyndon johnson. his attitude seemed to be, or was, didn't seem to be, his attitude was it doesn't make any difference who gets the credit, what is the problem a the best solution and i will support that strikes me as being of the same. i think she will be another eisenhower. we can only hope. i don't think she will be elected, but anyway, i voted for her today. >> host: let's hear from josh, republican. another super tuesday states. thanks for calling in. tell us how you voted. >> caller: i voted for donald trump. it's my opinion he's the only political candidate [inaudible]
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>> host: i'm sorry i didn't hear the last part. >> caller: he's the only political candidate that can't be bought. >> host: and you are referring to what? >> caller: referring to his influence on the american people and it's that simple. it's not paid for by any body, any person or organization. >> host: hooted you vote for in thaen >> caller: ted cruz. >> host: you like the way that he's represented the state in the senate? >> caller: i do. >> host: caleb and more norman oklahoma. >> callerhow are you doing the primary? >> caller: i did, yes. >> host: how did you boat? >> caller: rotarian for chase. i don't think either of the parties that are the major parties were present the real america that i know and i see here on the street.
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>> host: okay. and while libertarian? >> caller: it is a look out them to spend the tax money all over the world and in conflicts that have been on the other side of the ocean that don't have anything to do with us. >> host: is that one of the most important issues to you? >> guest: >> caller: it's ry importa >> host: what are the other issues? >> caller: gun control, immigration, abortion, things like that. >> host: caleb in oklahoma. jonathan, new york. a democratic call. welcome to the super tuesday conversation this evening. go ahead. one last call for you. okay kim, virginia. >> caller: how are you. >> host: did you go to the prar
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>> caller: yes, i did. >> host: how did you boat? >> caller: biden. >> host: and why are you supporting the president? >> caller: he's done really well the last four years and i really feel sorry that other people don't realize by not voting they are trying to make something of statement, it's a vote for trump and just can't have that. >> host: what's your concern there? >> caller: there's about a thousand things you can think■ f why i wouldn't want to vote for trump. whether it's the 91 charges, his intention to buddy up with putin and the other oligarchs in the world. i don't understand people's thinking. he hasn't been a big help to the farm unfortunately, but i guess we have to forgo that and hope for sometng better.
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and of course i wish i were 20 years younger. >> host: tim wishing 20rs younger, voting for biden. dan in cherry hill new jersey. >> caller: hello. >> host: how are you this evening on super tuesday and what are your thoughts on campaign 2024? >> caller: hearing so much about support and many thoughtful people and overriding consideration for the countries president is the person who knows how to keep the country safe and trump has given the false impression that he thinks he can do t be trusted. the first secretary of state he picked he said he■9 was an idio. all the people he worked for in
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national defense and the secretary of state, defense and his last sec. defense of course general kelly who he picked as a national advisor, they all say the man is dangerous, that he shouldn't be president. we are not going to have any country at all. everybody wants to solve the open borders crisis. and trump should get credit for that without having to spend the next year of problems to get worse and now people including his constituency to suffer just to make a point we know you're strong on the border. most people like that. i get that, but the problem makc
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statement by doing something important. a deal with vladimir putin, the only president that i know of that had ever had completely secret meetings, and actually more than one with all kinds of precautions to keep anyone from knowing what was stated. but the communications started before he was elected president and its been proven clearly beyond a doubt that russia helped trump when. >> host: dan in new jersey. lots of calls tonight with folks thoughts on president biden and the former president trump. we are getting super tuesday results tonight in the presidential nominating contest, but there's also some raises the
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talking about this evening as well throughout the evening. california is one of the last states tonight. the polls close at 11 p.m. eastern time. so throughout the evening we will get your reactions to the states that are closing from coast-to-coast, the results we are seeing in your thoughts on campaign 2024. as well with more results. >> i will have plenty to watch there. let me stay on the east coast here for little bit though and vermont we are watching verte to total and the rublican party, donald trump at 48.9%, nikki haley at 46.5%. a lot of eyes on the race. it could be one where she pulls off the ups. look at those numbers on the total votes. right now it's about 30%, i'm
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sorrybout 3 they are only separated by a couple hundred votes this could be a 60,000 vote race and vermont. we will continuehat's happened and what develops. if you are the results we will stay on the democratic side of the ais colorad biden declared the winner. you can see that line for the noncommitted voters, 25,000 nonced voters in colorado. that has been seen as a protest vote line. at leastas in michigan a wholpaign to get those voters who disage with joe n's handling of israel when it comes to the war in gaza to vote noncommitnd the noncommitted line ahead of marianne williamson in colorado. it to the state of maine joe biden's, i'm sorry, minnesota first, joe biden leading int 1%s in the state of minnesota.
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the polls closed land of 10,000 lakes 9 p.m. eastern. yo can see that line in minnesota getting some votes there as well and nowet me take you to maine. the numbers are in. joe biden declared the winner even though just 22% of the expected vote total has come in. the associated press cling it for joe biden. phillips in secon the ate of maine with 6.6%. by the way, and interesting perhaps humors tweet phillips coming about 8:42 p.m. eastern saying congratulations to joe biden. the uncommitted line marianne williamson and nikki haley for demonstrating more appeal to the democratic party. that from the official account of dean phills tonight oth super tuesday. more results for the viewers to check out on their own and if you want you can go to
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c-span2 has been bringing the primary results for super tuesday. live coverage continues on c-span. you can also watch on the free c-span mall video app or online on


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