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tv   Campaign 2024 Ohio U.S. Senate Republican Primary Candidates Forum  CSPAN  February 29, 2024 8:25pm-8:43pm EST

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c-span, or download as a podcast on c-span now or free mobile app or wherever you get your podcast. c-span your unfiltered view of politics. republicans riding in the ohio race department cannot form. ohio secretary of state talked with voters about immigration, reproductive rights in the u.s. economy. a spectrum news is the host of this form. ♪ hello welcome to the republican u.s. senate candidate form. i am your host of in focus your host tonight, thank you so much for joining us. we are sitting down with the
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three candidates are at the university where they stand on the issues that are important to ohio voters. we put together an hour-long form instead of a debate to give candidates an opportunity to share their ideas with voters. we would to thank the ohio republican party and the university of finley for helping make this possible. first i want to introduce the candidates and a reminder to the audience that this is now your chance to applaud as we introduce the kennett speak kindly ask you hold off on applause for the rest of the form but state senator matt dolan he has served about the ohio house and the ohio senate. while in office he was chair of the finance appropriation committee working with the legislature to establish the states budget we appreciate being here, thank you. >> good to be here. [applause] secretary of state frank larose adjoins us part part to become
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secretary of state in 2018 he served in the u.s. army and are in the army green beret. since becoming secretary he has made election integrity with his top priorities. a secretary, thank you. >> thank you mike. by late businessman he is from westlake ohio his family migrated from columbia when he was just five years old. he has worked as an entrepreneur since 2005 when he purchased his first car dealership. thank you so much we appreciate it. >> thank you. [cheering] well done with the applause. before we begin the foreman went to outland to the candidates that will answer each question the person answering the first question has been selected through a random draw throughout the form the person who answers first will go to the end of the line for the next question and
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that rotation will continue. each candidate will have 90 seconds to answer the question directed to them. candidates should refrain from interrupting one another as the follow-ups will be allowed to. i will prompt all follow-ups the candidates will be given 45 seconds to respond. we have selected topics that are interest to ohio's republican voters rate let's get started. immigration and the border. [laughter] the last few months of american politics so we should start right there. we are going to start secretary of state. if you could prescribe a fix for u.s. immigration system that by all accounts is broken, what are the big ticket items you would propose? what's i've been very clear about this. this comes from my experience i've served on the board it's not just a photo op or a field trip for me. i spent that time down there and uniformly volunteer with the soldier the 100 for airborne to
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serve on the border. my plan is very clear. the present could do this immediately has the authority to do that three divisions and about 60000 troops. that is an entity in the federal government that can stop the invasion that is currently happening. they don't need to be here long that will be a temporary deployment into the wall can be completed that is the second step. you need to complete the ball all lived in the gulf of mexico to the pacific ocean print walls are great but they are not enough you need to have meant wit and women with guns to guard that will make it your border patrol is well resourced to do that work and intel gathering on both sides of the wall so we know what is happening. we also need to define these cartels is foreign terrorist organizations we know exactly what is happening its precursor chemicals from china mixed together in mexico for their stroke smuggled across the border we have to be clear we are willing to use any force that we need to use in order to stop these people from killing our fellow americans. the need to be clear about
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deportation anybody you came here illegally should be deported i have said when you start the bite and searching to go on to the dangerous people and keep on working until we have deported everyone the absolute possibly can and next, no amnesty no citizenship, and a birthright citizenship, no access to the asylum process for anyone who comes into this country illegally. >> a bipartisan group of u.s. senators recently brokered a deal that would impose tougher asylum and border laws. if you were in the senate would you have supported that bill customer tells why or why not record thank you for the question. i read the three to 37 page bill that's the fun part of being a candidate's spouse they get to watch me on the sunday night read three to 57 pages. it is absolute crazy what was in that bill. it had nothing to do with border security but you had a giveaway for other countries that would have been debilitating to us read the reality what we should do is very simple.
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we need to reform our silent law specifically the career politician path is more money, more money, more money. we form our asylum laws view enter illegally across the river you go over a wall, whatever you do the sensor port of entry you are immediately returned and not detained, not written arrested we were turning at me let you forfeit your life or side of her life. the second pieces you come through the designated port of entry you do it president trump that is you have to stay in mexico or canada while you're asylum claim is being heard on a group frank i'm obviously finishing the wall that's with the border patrol agents want, that is what we should wish to designate the drug cartel as foreign terrorist organizations that allows us to seize their money that is a military seizing the money issue. i am very happy to hear my opponent now talking about no amnesty not allowing anybody in this country to stay here illegally that's different than what he said a few months ago but it is important to make sure if you are in this country illegally we remove anyone who's
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in this country illegally that's we need to have happen too. >> trying to get a quick 30 seconds response to that progress had been very consistent about this deportation is absolutely one of the things we need to use as a tool. we need to make it clear if you come into this country illegally will be deported. promising you can deport 20 million people overnight and within a few months or years as an unrealistic promise i've been clear we will deport those who come here illegally and i've been clear about no amnesty. government benefits, citizenship, birthright citizenship any of those like lifetime ban to anyone who comes into this country illegally it is remarkable to me too him here hear him say this he wrote a column just a few years ago he said there should be a path to citizenship so maybe it's citizens change about tyler's amount immigration is a huge role in keeping our economy growing how would you balance the need for workers in so many industries from agriculture to advance computing with any changes you would back to reform immigration? lex thanks mike and thanks university finley in spectrum for hosting us and i thank you all for coming out.
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unfortunately, it might, you could have been asked the exact same questions all three of us for the past 30 plus years. the board has been a problem in our country for that long. i've been crystal clear about what we need to do because under president biden is not a border problem anymore it is a border crisis. and it is an invasion. we must secure and seal our border. that means we are temporarily closing our border to immigration. while we are doing that were getting our security up we are getting more border patrol with law enforcement authority more technology, remain in mexico, i have determined terrorist organizations. we've got to declare functional as a weapon of mass destruction. again that's not just a campaign slogan that allows us to take the ships coming from china, bringing the poison into mexico that are coming our way we can do something about it. we need to secure the border no more benefits to those who are
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here. when that happens while we are temporarily closing the border reopen it with remain in mexico. i am different than my opponent's few committed a crime we are here you should be deported if you're not willing to work you should be deported but to your question ohio farmers ohio tourist industry they need workers. if you h1 and h2 b2 visa you can say otherwise shall be deported or. >> a quick follow-up on this subject. forty-five seconds to each same order start with frank do you support finishing the border wall no matter the cost customer dialysis will talk about the economy next. everything has a big price tag. >> 2000 mount land border is a long border we have assets we can use it. when i was deployed to the border i was down there with the corps of engineers wiki's are military engineers to build the wall and contractors to part of that as well.
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fishing the wall is important. i want to follow up on the senate's so-called border bill that's a complete disaster. want to see what's wrong with washington take a look at that almost 400 page bill it is an example of what is wrong with washington because it was called a border security bill but what really did is a fund sanctuary cities and give the president the ability to continue the amnesty process it was a disaster and it's a good thing outside neglect same question support finishing the border wall no matter the cost. >> first of all bob biden just went back to president trump the border was secure under president trump lowest number of illegal crossings. to matt's points they've already broken our laws. they broke our laws somebody came into this country legally to hear republicans talk about
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allowing illegals to skip the line when you have millions of people who want to come here as a legal way is exactly what is wrong with our system. we need to stop rewarding people break the line of reward the people who are waiting who have taken the time to follow our laws and our process. allow this people to stay here broken the law already there already lawbreakers by definition it is completely wrong for. >> 45 minutes the final 45 seconds on the subject. do you support finishing the border wall at all costs? lex let me refer to what just happened bernie does not understand is the actual dilemma had for 30 years a few years ago he wanted to pass a residency talking about citizenship but doubtless to deport children. that is exact same argument we had in washington for over 30 years. what happens in between? nothing the border does not get secure. that is why i am saying seal the border let's fix it. let's stop the bleeding we have a patient bleeding out you want
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to talk about cosmetic surgery let's protect the border. the wall needs to be finished. there's more wall and arizona built under president obama than president trump that's not president trump that tells you how out of step president biden is wall's work work necessary technology enhances the protection but what really is give our border patrol legal authority to act as law enforcement officers. when i was down at the border one guy said he feels like a walmart greeter regrets to give a quick chance to respond he was mentioned. >> is not complicated what we need to do is change the laws the way they are laid out for the asylum laws are a loophole when you stop rewarding people who are here illegally. i have never ever called for citizenship for illegals ever you can look that up. president trump endorsed me for he knows the three of us. he knows i'm going to stand behind and make sure he see her border. jim jordan has endorsed me he knows where i stand on illegal immigration for jd vance's endorsement he knows the three of us. he knows i'm going to be the
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strictest and toughest on illegal immigration. this is just nonsense conversation from these two guys. the reality is nobody's going to be tougher on illegal immigration than me. i am the guy who followed the law to come here. you ask any illegal immigrant in this country and when you hear things like you're going to give them these set preferences et cetera we have to deport anybody in this country illegally no matter what it takes to make that happen. that is the answer plus our asylum laws. >> i have got to respond or hold off on a plausible exhibit could he did say you two guys but frank briefly go ahead. >> yes this is why you cannot trust this guy. a few years ago when he wanted to be popular with their fellow corporate elites he did talk about -- mickey wrote an article that said there should be a path to citizenship my team will shirt it is his own words now we want to try to convince people he is a conservative he has
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changed his tune on that. which of bernie are we going to get in washington should he have a chance to go? lex let's turn our attention to the economy. >> hold on. weights. >> you mentioned the two of us. i am sorry. [inaudible] here is the reality both of you guys are reinventing yourself on the issue of immigration. frank ewert wrapping around note labels which had a clear path to citizenship sent bernie you are quoted as saying you want to pass eight residency and all illegals become u.s. citizens. >> hold on one second guys hold on, burnt your first on the next went return to the economy you can comment on that as well as my question. the second topic dominating political discussion is the economy. as economy at record lows the stock market is at record highs yet people still feel like the economy is headed in the wrong direction, what is your take on
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where our economy is and what needs to change question what mcewen,on the other things as w. >> our working-class americans and seniors are getting crushed and crushed by a government that wants to tell them the money they did not confiscate from them they want to know how to spend it there pushing electric vehicles, solar panels on prime farmland you see grocery prices out of control that's driven by government spending an attack on american while we are in findlay, ohio. this is had courts of petroleum we should be unleashing american energy being energy dominant country. instead we need coal, witty natural gas complete oil that is going to drive prices down we need to massively cut government spending's unit is not going to cut government spending? career politicians there's not one who could point to a time when they have cut spending that is what we need. we need outsiders and business people in washington d.c.
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who is celeste outside and went to d.c. and got stuff done? president trump that is why what people want that got to stop electing these people who look at it as a job they look at it as a career. elected in d.c. is not intended to be a jobs program for people cannot make it in the private sector. it was intended to be both serve their country then come home. that is what we need more than anything else to solve these problems as people who know how to make big things happen that's the difference in this campaign between me and my opponents are. >> met you been state government for many years states have to balance their budget you been heavily involved in that what would you do to fix the process in washington the budget process one of the things you advocate for to balance the budget? >> you said the first thing we have to do is what i've done my entire professional life whether be the private sector the public sector and stock public sector. i've been in charge of the state budget. i have bounced for budgets. that means we don't spent in ohio more than our revenues that it's when you start washington.
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but not only that we create economic activity so our revenues increase. i have cut your taxes i produced regulations i give parents the right to choose how and where their child is educated. we invested in the infrastructure so we can create a growing economy. those of the same things we need to do in washington. we need to make sure we do not spend more than we bring an created economic growth create economic while. it is not happening under president biden and chair brown you know. that costs ohio families $11000 more a year you know when you pump your gas. you know he turned the television on. people do not feel secure pretty talk to a small businessman they don't know whether they should expand or not. this is what we need to go into in washington is make sure we understand we have to make very difficult choices. i have made the difficult choices in my career. not everyone always agrees what i have done in my career but you know you understand i wasn't
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ohio republicans all over the state you know i'm acting in the best interest of ohio. i am working each and everyday to make a high wind lives better. i am not worried about my political career i'm worried about you that's the lens upon which i'm going to approach the problems you're facing in washington. correct c-span is your unfiltered view of government the world hasn't changed to date the fast relabel internet connection is something no one including wow. >> the world has changed to date the fast relabel internet connection is something no one can live without. so wow is there for our customers with speed, reliability, value and choice. now more than ever it starts with great internet. >> wow support c-span as a public service along with these other television providers. giving it a front row seat to democracy. >> next missouri republican governor m


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