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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Kennedy on Fighting Hamas  CSPAN  November 29, 2023 12:27am-12:42am EST

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immediately. i've t heard their stories. every day the families of to live with the pain and uncertainty it is unacceptable. we must stand united and say not one more day. we must also start thinking about the day after. because there will come the day that israel will hold its operations ind gaza because thy achieve the stated goal of destroying hamas. what to do with the leaders in doha. my view is they should be extradited to the united states. i hope that our friends will not
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only be partners for peace and stability but also partners in and ensuring that hamas and its leaders are brought to justice for the despicable acts of terror that they committed. thank you, mr. president. i yield the floor. >> thank you, mr. president. >> mr. president, so far so for the united states is standing behind israel as it should and the fight against hamas so far. don't go wobbly on us, president
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biden. don't go wobbly on israel. but some people in washington seem confused as to why america backs israel. now, i'm seeing a lot of handwringing from folks who like to pretend that they are some kind of they use this word aso lot, nuance. some kind of nuance we need to apply to the hamas terrorist attacks of october 7 before we can condemn hamas and hold its supporters accountable. president obama has even suggested that somehow we are all complicit in the bloodshed.
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some people promoting this idea of nuance that israel got what it deserves. they don't say that, but that's what they believe. they believe they got what they deserve and the folks that believe that also apparently believe in diversity, equity, inclusion and the right to kill jews. thankfully that's not most americans. that's a lot of people here in d.c. in louisiana however, my state, we understand that the people that slaughtered hundreds of young people at a peace concert or the bad guys.
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and we understand that the odious men who rape women, raped and sodomized women next to the bodies of their dead friends don't deserve to be on this planet and in louisiana we understand that the degenerates who forced kidnapped holocaust survivors to pose for photos to pose for photos next to their terrorist captors are just wrong. nothing that the israeli government has ever done or could do warranted throwing grenades at the children hiding in a bomb shelter. why are some people reluctant to
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admit that? you don't need to read a treatise on the middle east to know that only monsters with black hearts would put a baby in an oven and flip on the switch. as one of first responder reported. that's not nuance. that's evil. the evil we saw unfold when hamas butchered the israeli civilians is indefensible. it's indefensible. they brutalized thousands of people including dozens of our american friends and neighbors. and hearing the stories from the survivors and from the first responders it's nauseating.
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it's not nuance. it's evil. yet the terrorists took joy. a yelp for joy as they massacred civilians. one called his mother to brag that he had, quote, killed ten jews with my own hands. who would brag about something like that? and other official celebrated the violence and found to continue to waste attacks like this again and again and again. until israel no longer exists. no family in israel will be able to sleep soundly at night these terrorists are wiped off the face of the earth. israel has both the right and
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responsibility to defend itself and i am proud that the united states of america is supporting israel don't go wobbly on us, president biden. stand your ground. i am proud of the united states is supporting israel and the world will be a safer place for israelis and americans alike when hamas ceases to exist. anyone who would listen, they told us exactly what they intended to do and wanted to do and will continue to do. their goal was to kill as many jewish people as possible and those still their goal. this wasn't a protest against israel'st. government. it was a massacre of jewish
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people. it's not surprising, mr. president, that some who oppose intervention have turned to attacking jewish americans. they first a librarian to hide the students in an attic and at cornell university they threatened to shoot up a dining hall. activists broke the students knows because he opposed their anti-israel demonstration. they didn't occur at cornell or tulane by accident. they targeted these areas because they are home to many americans who happen to be
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jewish and that is just a fact. new york is home to the largest jewish proclamation outside of israel. in tulane in my state, which was the first university in the south to welcome jewish students has a student body today that is roughly 40% jewish. it was no accident. when confused activists twist themselves into knots trying to justify the torture and of the raid into the killing of jews in the middle east they are feeding the anti-semitism here at home and we've seen that the past few weeks and let's not forget it's hamas who was using civilians as
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human shields. g the group that dug up the water pipes to turn them into rocket launchers. the truth is they all suffered because of hamas get any suggested that they are culpable for the suffering plays into the hands of the terrorists. in louisiana, mr. president, we can see through the pseudo- intellectual handwringing of the critics. the truth is that hamas brutalized israeli citizens and then ran home to hide behind their women and children using those women and children as human shields.
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they are the lowest kind of pond scum, the lowest kind imaginable. over the past week hamas released some hostages as part of a temporary cease-fire. i'm happy for that end of the american people are happy for that and i and they hope every hostage will be reunited with their family soon. we cannot forget, however, we should not f forget however that hamas vowed to continue attacking and kidnapping the israeli citizens again and again and again and the only way to stople it is to eliminate hamas. i was out of the country in another country when hamas
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attacked israel and i did not know what position president biden would take. he said i'm standing with israel. i know president biden is under a lot of pressure from the wing of his party to abandon israel to demand a permanent cease-fire, to let hamas go unpunished. there was a permanent cease-fire on october 6th the day before they attacked the israeli civilians and they forfeited the cease-fire unilaterally.
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they want to terrorize israel until all of thee jewish people are dead. hamas wants to kill jews and drink their blood. that's not nuance. that's evil. president biden needs to show the world and members of his own party that the united states of and its good people will continue to stand with israel until hamas is in ruins. until hamas is dead. until hamas genocidal agenda is
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abandoned. the world will be safer on that day. by supporting the efforts americans are helping to ensure that anatomically october 7th never happens today. and i think most fair-minded americans understand that. thank you, mr. president. i suggest the absence of a quorum. >> the clerk will call the role.


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