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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Budd on Qatar Hamas  CSPAN  November 28, 2023 7:26pm-7:36pm EST

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republicans in a closed door lunch, listen, everyone, i got y'all into this mess, i'm going to get you out. for the first time, tubber value vows to end the standoff before schumer puts rules resolutions on the floor to avoid putting republicans on the spot. he goes on to say this is a shift for tuberville who previously said he did not view the timing the of the resolution bill as a time for him to decide on an offramp. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more including wow. >> the world has changed. today a fast, reliable internet connection is something no one can live are without, so wow is there for our customers with speed, reliability, value and choice. now more than ever, it all starts with great internet. wow! >> wow supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to
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democracy. ♪♪ >> two the republican senators spoke on the floor today discussing their thoughts on the israel-hamas if war. north carolina's ted budd talked about a link between the country of qatar and hamas while john kennedy from louisiana called hamas pond scum. here are their remarks. >> mr. president, a month if and a half ago hamas terrorists committed a horrific act of barbarism. more than 1200 innocent israelis and 33 americans were murdered in cold-blooded acts of evil. it was the deadliest massacre of the jewish people since the holocaust and the deadliest foreign attack on americans since 9/11. the middleri east, it's no stranger to violence, but the october. th -- 7th attack was
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particularly heinous. systematically hunting down and slaughtering young people at a concert, kidnapping elderly women out of their homes, beheading babies and burning them in ovens, the line between good and evil is as clear as it's ever bench -- ever been. for the remaining hostages currently being illegally held in gaza, the terrorists and the terror continues. while we're grateful for the release of some hostages over the weekend, our hearts remain with those still being held. this includes several americans including keith segal, a native of my home state, north carolina. so let me be as clear as i can. hamas continued holding of these innocent hostages, it's a violation of the law, and it represents a complete disrespect for the value of human life.
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every single one of them must be released, and all levels of our government must remain united in working to getin them home. and this clash between good and evil, the question that the united states should be asking is who can we count on to be on our side, and who stands on the side of the terrorists. this brings us to the state of qatar. this is a nation that hosts hamas' so-called political office including hamas' leaders. from the safety of doe -- doha, these terrorists fleefully watched and celebrated -- gleefully watched and celebrated the taxes on october 7th -- the attacks on october 7th. it's important to remember that the qatar is a major non-nato ally of the united states and hosts u.s. military air forces at a strategically important
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location for our operations in the middle east. our two nation are friends. sometimes friends must a be hont with one another. you see, qatar claims they only host hamas at the request of the united states government and in coordination with israel. there's some truth to this. since october 7th, biden administration officials such as the cia director burns have beaten a path towards doha hoping the qatari government's hosting of hamas senior leadership would provide a pathway towards h ending the hostage crisis that hamas initiated. i certainly agree that the u.s. government, including both the administration and congress, should be doing everything it can to bringto the hostages hom, including working through allies and partners. and to be sure, qatar's mediation with hamas leaders, it
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has helped freeway e some hostages. -- free some hostages. but at what cost and to what end? .. not all of these prisoners were arrested, charged, and sentence for stabbings, attend car bombings at other heinous crimes as part of the campaign of return to the fight with the headband calling for the slaughter of more jewish people. every day that goes by without a resolution to the hostage crisis, exposes qatar decision to host thomas is foolish and
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flawed. earlier this month i met with the qatar ambassador in my office. i told him in no uncertain terms his government must pressure hamas leaders to immediately and unconditionally release all hostages. nearly two months after horrific october 7 massacre however we need to recognize qatar current approach while yielding limited success is attempting to do somethingat unacceptable that is to olinda jeddah my hamas. simply put there is no future for gaza or the palestinian that includes hamas. on the past two months we have watched hamas leaders use qatar hospitality to buy time prolonging the war on the hostage crisis from the comfort of their luxury accommodations.
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while palestinian severin gaza because of the war that hamas started we have seen hamas leaders wish their genocidal agenda. multiple meetings with around foreign minister and even a visit to moscow. if qatar leadership believes any of this is consistent with what washington has asked of them, it is not too. my message to the qatar government is very simple. stop this now. you are holding a brutal you are hosting a brutal terrorist organizations with american blood on their hands and holding american hostages. your media organization are regularly pushing out hamas propaganda only further inflames intent tensions in the middle east. your leadership l continues to speak out of both sides of its mouth.
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on one hand committing to negotiate resolution to the hostage crisis. on the other blaming israel and absolving hamas at every turn we need to tell our friends loudly and clearly qatar as accepting a significant liability with its pro e policy. we must end the myth the policy is something washington once and urge the government to end thisy policy immediately. it is personal for americans i've met with the families of hostages right here in washington. i've heard their stories. look at their photos every day on my desk. every day these families live with the pain and uncertainty is unacceptable. we must stand united and say not one more day. we must also start thinking about the day after.
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because there will be come a day israel halt its military operations in gaza because they have achieved the stated goal of destroying hamas. the remaining question be what to the hamas leaders. my view they should be extradited to the united states so terrorist can use justice for killing and kidnapping americans and u.s. court of law. when not only the apartments with peace and stability but also partners in ensuring its leaders are brought to justice for the despicable acts of terror that they committed. thank you, mr. president i yield the floor. >> thank you.


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