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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Holds Rally Near Detroit  CSPAN  September 27, 2023 8:11pm-9:23pm EDT

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if you are a federal employee special in view 748-8003. folks continue calling mr. kelly eynon shutdown related question. although shutdown in the form of an auto worker strike. what's your thoughts on tpresidentt biden joining thost the united auto workers on the picket line yesterday what is being called in on precedent visit to a picket line by president. >> i think that was monumental. i applaud the president for making such a statement that i stand with america's workforce. i think it has a lot of bearing on where the workforce will go moving forward. i think it will encourage people to understand thean necessity of being a part of the labor force and to have a union to represent you to ensure you are treated with fairness, dignity and
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respect on the job regrets what is your opinion about jack's called in usa today biden scrambling to out union trump saying it was days before biden announced his trip to the picket line that former president trump said that he was going to detroit to talk to the same union members making that trip skipping the second republican debate to make that t trip. >> i didn't quite understand your question chris available to watch her website we believe her now to take it to republican presidential candidate former president donald trump talking to supporters at supporters just outside detroit. live coverage on c-span2. ♪ there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee ♪ ♪ across the plains of texas ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ from detroit down to houston ♪ ♪ and new york to l.a. ♪ ♪ wears pride in american every heart ♪ ♪ and it's time we stand and say ♪ that i'm proud to be an american ♪ ♪ where at least i know i am free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i'd gladly stand up next to you ♪ ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ because there ate no doubts i
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love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ ♪ and i'm proud to be an american ♪ ♪ where at least i know i'm free ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i'd gladly stand up next to you ♪ ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ because there ate no doubt ♪ ♪ i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ ♪ >> thank you. thank you very much. this is great. we are in this room we wanted to keep it small and outside we have thousands and thousands of
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people. have you seen what is going on out there? i am thrilled to be back with the workers, uaw members and pout proud patriots and the great state of michigan. it's a great state, great people. here in michigan that crossed the country tonight there are countless thousands of autoworkers and skills tradesmen worried about the future and what the future holds for themselves and their incredible families. i want to begin this evening by saluting these truly great americans who do not get the credit they deserve it. they don't get the credit they deserve it. now they want to go electric and put you out of business, you know that right? to the welders, assembly-line workers, forklift drivers, pipefitters tool and die makers, mechanics and electricians, and journeymen will love being with
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you. we love it big with your right in your environment. you've built this country, you love this country when you are the ones who make our country run. you know that, right? [cheering] before i step into the political arena seven years ago i spent my whole life working alongside americans just like you. i spent a lot of time with you just don't know that but i spent a lot of time with you him people just like you. and now i put everything on the line to fight for you. i have a risk it all to defendant working class from the corrupt political class that is spent decades sucking the life and blood out of this country. that is why i'm here tonight to lay out a vision for revival of economic and our automobile manufacturing lifeblood which
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they are sucking out of our country. i want a future that protects american labor not foreign labor. [cheering] with future that puts american dreams over foreign profits on a future that raises american wagers that strengthens american industry. that bells and national pride and defends this country's dignities. not squanders it all to build up foreign countries that hate us. you know where they are there located all over the world there mostly over on the other side of the world we don't want that. under cricket joe biden you have none of this. you have none of the things we want presented economic nationalism give ultra- left-wing globalism. they hate our country. the workers of america are getting, to put it very nicely screwed. you're getting screwed. yesterday joe biden came to
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michigan to pose for photos at the picket line. but it is his policies that send michigan autoworkers to the unemployment line. he only came after i announced i would be here. you know he announced quite a bit later. spoke for a few seconds he spoke for like a few seconds. he had absolutely no idea what he was saying he didn't know where he was. he didn't know where he was he didn't know where he was where am i? where am i, you're in michigan. what did they do in michigan they grow weed in michigan didn't say did they grow that's in iowa and other places. biden's cruel ridiculous electrical, think of this, he wants electric vehicle band-aids that will spell the death of the u.s. auto industry. it doesn't matter i watch negotiating a contract you're
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all in picket lines and everything. but it does not make a difference what you get because in two years are all going to be out of business. you are not getting anything. what they're doing to the auto industry in michigan and throughout the country is absolutely horrible and ridiculous. hundreds of thousands of american jobs, your jobs will be gone forever because cricket joe biden is selling out but i don't think it's him i don't think he knows what he's doing. he doesn't know. he doesn't know it's not his fault. don't blame him but he is surrounded with radical left marxist and crazy people. fascist bad people is selling out to china. he is selling you out to the environmental extremists in the radical left. people have no idea how bad this is going to be also for the environment those batteries when they get rid of them and lots of bad things happen when they dig it out of the ground to make those batteries it's going to be very bad for the environment.
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you can be loyal to american labor or you can be loyal to the environmental lunatic speak can't really be loyal to both it's one or the other. and they understand that for the democrat party has no idea what they are doing right now. they have no idea what to do pre-cricket joe is siding with the left wing crazies i will destroy automobile manufacturing will destroy our country itself or they are destroying our country. you look at the border we have the safest border in history and a look at what is happening it is a horror show. i side with the autoworkers of america i'm with those who want to make america great again and i always will. and i don't get one thing. i don't get white ford and gm why these carmakers are not fighting to make cars that are going to sell. to make cars that were able to go a long distances. they immediately give up i see
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with oil companies two. they are promoting a windmills which don't work by the way. they want windmills all over the place. it's like they are told what to do and they go against their industry there either stupid or gutless. but why did they concede so flaccid we just walk through this plants the electric vehicles or put them out of business. the things you make in michigan they don't need any of it. why is that these big powerful car companies with guys making 35 million a year and immediately quit they say you electric vehicles will give it to when they don't go far enough and they are too expensive. i am not in that business but i know a lot about it but they don't go far enough and they are too expensive a vote for cricket joe means the future of the auto industry will be made in china. that's what it's going to be that is where they are made. my place to every automaker is this a vote for president trump
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is the future of the automobile will be made in america weren't supposed to be. made in america. [cheering] usa. usa. u.s. a. usa brick works will be fueled by american energy. it will be sourced by american suppliers. it will be sculpted from american iron, aluminum and steel by highly skilled american hands and high wage labor that is what's going to happen. we will do it first day in office. first day in office. it will be signed out first day in office. but they are doing to our country is horrible. what they are doing to the autoworkers of this country just does not make sense. i think the american auto
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manufacturing you know in my first charm and i'll say it again, we did great. we did everything to keep those jobs going enforce this we had to do we know it happens right here in the state also. will make a bigger better and stronger but we don't want to talk about it. we keep talking before we talk about the current uaw strike i see people with your striking for wages new jobs going to be for two years or three years if you are lucky. the auto manufacturing in the united states less remember you've got to remember talk about long before becoming a
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politician. it had the easiest nicest life it for i would've had the nicest softest life instead i have to beat these lunatics up all day long every day. every day, lunatics. i never heard the word indictment now i get indicted like every three days. he spoke badly about the election he must be indicted. he said something bad about joe biden. joe biden is the most corrupt president most incompetent president we have ever had. i would know i should not have said that. i'm going to get indicted again for saying that. for decades you have brought rotten and crooked politicians like biden treat american jobs as disposable and american workers as expendable. fate sat back and got rich by taking bribes to other countries rape and pillage our jobs and
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our wealth for that is what happened. joe biden claims to be the most prounion president in history, nonsense. think of it. his entire career, just think of it. his entire career has been active economic treason and union destruction for his destroyed union shipping millions of american jobs overseas while personally taking money from foreign nations hand over fist. look at the money he got from china. look is what is coming out of china. cricket joe back to enough back to china's entry into the organization he backed the transpacific partnership that we have destroyed the american auto industry had i not stopped it. remember when i stopped it? you guys were gone, you were gone. that was a done deal. during the debate i got beautiful hilary clinton i don't call her cricket i always have r biden but she's a beautiful
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woman beautiful hilary clinton to change her position on ppp trying to pull a fast one on you so she actually changed her position during the campaign but she would've changed it back had that been a different result but thank goodness it wasn't wheat made things and did things nobody believed possible. nobody believed possible. biden also backs a gentleman whose name is brock hussein obama. and his atrocious korean trade deal. you have heard of him. cricket joe back to every single bloodsucking global sick attack on u.s. autoworkers you have been attacked for a long time. those attacks all stopped for four years with us they are getting so strong and you are getting so strong that they were building plants here again. now the plants and come back to mexico and they've gone back to china. he isn't coming back for more but i don't know that he's going to make it to the starting gate
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but let's assume he does. if it's not him at some bales of the same ideas as the ideas they have their very destructive for our country. but we will stop him. hopefully your leaders at united auto workers will endorse donald trump. it. [cheering] because standard history for years and decades and years and years they always endorse a democrat. it's almost like an automatic reflex and there's no reason for it but it is a habit. it is a bad habit it has not worked. you have lost 38% of your industry over the period of 25 years much of its kind in mexico we don't talk about mexico much of it is going to mexico but they make plants in mexico have a friend of mind a great supporter but a great gentleman who builds a plants us what he does is build auto plants he said to me the other day you have got to see the plants we are building in mexico as it had
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of the compared to the u.s.? he said not even a contest and i said isn't that a shame? member what i did i said you don't give us protection at our border i'm going to charge you a tariff of 25% we went 28000 soldiers on our border and we had the safest border in the history of our country. now we have the worst border in the history of the road after enough the united states lost nearly 4 million manufacturing jobs that almost one in three auto jobs. joe biden voted on that. he gave you near the corner from nine jobs were destroyed here in michigan alone including 40% of all auto jobs. think of that. in fact i had to check this number it is inconceivable you would think factories 60000 factories closed and went to overseas can you imagine? 60000 who would think that? when i first saw that number i thought somebody made a
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typographical error. maybe it was 600 factories, could have been 6000 but 60000. the good news is if the number it was wrong the fake news to be checking it out. i have to give you the right numbers otherwise the fake news is out there. cricket joe and his payday with the biden family they raked in millions and millions of dollars but you see what's going on the news doesn't report there's very little news reports that it's the men and women who got every single day they got up and came back home with the grease on their hands and they were the ones that paid the price they paid a big, big price for on-time joe biden's ever got his hands dirty as many taking cash from foreign countries which is quite often actually. it is quite often. based on what we are seeing it's much more often than anyone would have thought. can you imagine it unannounced raid on his many homes question he would've made senator menendez look like a baby.
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can you imagine? they gave him three weeks notice they said were going to raid your home over documents they give him three weeks with three weeks be enough? i would like to see what he cleaned out of there. joe biden only cares about enriching his own family. i care about enriching your family. that's where i get this. hopefully i get this. [cheering] i am working for you, not for me that is for sure and i always will put i will always have your back i promise you that i will always have your back. when i came into office the auto industry was on its knees gasping its last breath after eight long years of obama and biden. but you finally got a president has stood up got to understand i stood up to people who hate you. they hate you or maybe they hate our country. but i stood up for your project start for the autoworkers and stood up for the great state of
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michigan like nobody is ever stood up before. [cheering] and just as i promise, i withdrew from the transpacific partnership my very first in number 2016 will be one michigan? michigan had not been one and decades and everybody said in that we did much better in 2020. they can tell you we did much better. we are going to swamp them but we're going to swap them. we actually did much better including in michigan. i ended obama's war on american energy he had a war on american energy gasoline prices plummeted soon reach $1.87 a gallon. how does that sound? now you know it's over five and six and even $7 a gallon in some places it's going up higher and higher and higher. i think fate once that that way go all elected so you can drive
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for 15 minutes before you have to get a charge. the economy boomed the household income rose by more than $6000 a year which was a record 6000 a year during my term, a year ended the disaster known as a enough the worst trade deal ever made replace it with a brand-new usmca mexico canada the best trade deal ever made they say in our country's history. i think the deal he made with china is even better but unfortunately with scope it out even talk about that one. we made a lot of good deals with japan, south korea with many, many countries. we took bad deals and made them good deals they were so bad i used to ask my people who made them why did they do it? with that usmca 75% of every car under that deal must be made in north america. in other words have to make 75% of the cart north america who ever heard of that? a massive portion must be made by high wage labor which means the american labor, high wage.
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back at 2008 biden and obama promised you that renegotiate enough but in eight years they never lifted a finger. it was so bad it was negotiated decades ago they made typographical errors like in numbers. they were bad typographical they were bad for us. but nobody would back to change them there were typographical errors and we lived with that for decades with these errors. can you imagine that? nor might that happen to do that in deals you go back the following day and say they made a mistake we are renegotiating this deal i don't covid sign or not. the people sort of have to do that legally they have to do that if there is an error. typographical errors they made errors maybe they want so typographical probably the other side made him on purpose but they made these errors and never corrected them for years, for decades but i corrected the dude that didhow i did it? by terminating it terminating the whole deal.
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and i know how good that usmca deal is canada, and mexico are trying to renegotiate it. they want to renegotiate that deal. but in less than two years i got that down with usmca at many any other deals i also renegotiated obama's korea trade deal to fully restore your protective tariff on foreign pickup trucks. they wanted to change at the democrats wanted it to expire and so did south korea badly they did not wanted. without that you would not have a truck industry it's probably the strongest part of your industry. without that you would not have an industry. that something i was very proud to do is not easy but we got it done and we got it done properly. michigan jobs would've been exported while millions and millions of foreign cars with a flooded american streets that is what would have happened but obama and biden did not care one bit but i did and i stopped it. and i stopped it cold.
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i took on communist china not le no administration in history. no administration in history did what i have done. bring in hundreds of billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gone literally 10 cents. i also got $28 billion for a great farmers, you know that, right? that's right so you think i'm going to badly in iowa or nebraska, wisconsin or any of our farm areas i do not want to be too cocky i just got very good poles from everywhere. but who else would have done that? $28 billion i said to the secretary of agriculture i said sunday, about had they treated 28 billion over. of five years question at the going to pay it back and they paid it back. [cheering] they paid it back. perhaps my race unsung
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achievement i kept chinese cars out of america is that okay with you? is that okay? uaw is that okay? and a lot of people don't know this i imposed a whopping 27.5% tariff and tax on all chinese automobiles coming into our country. and this magnificent tariff they cannot get it off because they make so much money with it. by the way if they took it off you would be out of business right away for they wanted to take it out there trying to take off it so good, it's so powerful and so strong. they would take over your industry totally. but it remains in place today. not because they wanted to but because they sort of have no choice. it is no exaggeration to state the trump presidency the applied trump tariffs and taxes save the american auto industry from extinction time and time again but we are going to do a version
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of it that's going to make it bigger and better and stronger as not even going to be a contest with where you are right now. [cheering] but crooked joe biden is back like a wretched old vulture try to finish off his prey, can you believe it? i don't know i just don't know. i see so many things happen. biden's job killing easy mandate nearly 70% of all cars less than 10 years. these are built specifically for people, hop in the cart darling let's drive down to the store and drive back. it is crazy that is crazy. the happiest day when you buy an electric car is the first 10 minutes you are driving it.
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and then after that panic sets in because you are worried where my going to get a charge to keep this thing going? panic, they get panicked. despite colossal government subsidies board alone is projected to lose an astonishing $4.5 billion on electric vehicles but where they agreed to this, that's what i don't understand. where are they agreeing to it why are they all agreeing to this? cars are so there's flying all over the place you can buy them for peanuts. why are they not fighting and saying it doesn't work? how about the trucks they go for like a one fifth you take a power belt where the good brands they go for small amount of time compared to eight diesel fired truck. not even allowed to say the word d diesel is bad for the environment they know being bad for the environments having trucks all over the place adult go put on the electric vehicles this year to comply with the
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mandate 60000 lost their going to lose $60000 for every car produced. that's is like a great deal. but honestly for uaw and for autoworkers and for everybody in the country it's not sustainable. so they may try and do it there trying to do something for the environment. by the way that's worse for the environment than what we are talking about, much worse. think of it they're going to lose $60000 so what are they going to come to you and say we can't do this anymore? they are going to come to your head man, sean i've been watching on the television he's a good man i think he's a good man. but he's got to endorse trump. [cheering] the one thing i say about a politician i have known politicians all my life if you would have told me i was going to be a politician some day i would've said no way, i do not want to be a politician. the one thing i know is when you go out and come out an idea early and then he sort of lose
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that idea you always come back to that idea. these people are into the electric saying. they may soften it up a little bit during the election for their coming back and coming back stronger than ever. it is like ron try to destroy social security trying to backpedal in a little bit you want to bring the minimum age to 70 want to destroy he also put a heavy hit on medicare. what happens is healthy back up a little bit but they always go back to it as soon as election is over. so you cannot go for that in the case of biden he is coming back to electric vehicles. he has even left yet. but maybe someday soon is going to leave because he wants to get more votes? but just a memories coming back. they always go back to their original thought that's where they are i don't know why but that's where they are. biden's at mandate is not a government regulation it's a government assassination of your jobs in industry the auto industry is being assassinated.
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and it makes no difference what you get up i don't care what you get in the next two weeks or three weeks or five weeks. we're going to be closing up in building those cars in china and other places for it is a hit job on michigan and on detroit. that is not sustainable put butthese numbers are not sustainable. no company could afford to lose $60000 is going to be more than that. all of these cars will be manufactured in a foreign lands that you could not care less about. fight what choice in schools and in the purchase of automobiles and suv or truck. i want a choice for my automobile, for my truck, for my suv. i also want to happen to it choice for schools, do we agree with that choice? [cheering] this is about autoworkers and automobiles and workers. i think we can say everybody wants to see choice in school also. [cheering] if you want to buy an electric cart that is absently fine, i am
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all for it. but we should not be forcing consumers to buy electric vehicles. they want to buy all trucks now though it's make all trucks electric. they are going to destroy you talk about supply chain, they are going to destroy the supply chain they are forcing the truckers to go all electric part all electric trucks. the trucks probably don't have the power they only go about 30l truckers 2000. that's a big difference would you say also the battery takes up so much room is practically no room left for what you are shipping. the whole thing is crazy they want to with boats to us with a boating manufactured great states south carolina the great governor by the way henry mcmaster. we were there two days ago i asked him that question he said yes they want us to go all electric. i said how does that work for a
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boat? he said the entire boat would be one big battery. we would have no room for anything else is it what the boat start syncing to get electrocuted if the boat sinks? the guy said you know i've never thought of that actually i think i gave them an idea actually. could you imagine a focus on your sitting on top of the battery? i don't feel good about that. in other words you have to stop approximately for a truck six times for the same trip how they going to stop six times and yet that's not stopping the lunatics in washington. these are lunatics, they are deranged people i'm not saying you can't buy electric carpet acute to buy an electric car, a hybrid and all gasoline or truck that has to be your choice you should have that choice that's great, right? i could see electric cars working great for certain uses for short-term short distance uses with unlimited gasoline or
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member that whips on limited trying it doesn't we have unlimited gasoline for 500 years we have gasoline more than any other country in the world. can you imagine a few years ago were energy independent and our banking companies to give us gasoline can you even imagine? but the best, lightest, sweetest with the best stuff never taking tara unit tara is they have to refine to know where they were refineit in houston, texas. we take tara from venezuela is supposed to be the bad guys venezuela is getting rich we are refining their tara and we are not taking our beautiful beautiful stuff with the best stuff we have more than saudi arabia, more than russia were energy independent we were going to make our fortune and sell to your provider pay off our debt, lower taxes still further it's amazing. and then these people came in they have no clue where they had a clue which is more dangerous
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in a certain way. right now electric cars don't go far enough they are far far too expensive people are not going to be able to afford them. the cost of operation is much more. this is their option if they want them for this is their option and sent option some people will take i am all for them. i will not allow under any circumstances the american automobile industry to die. i what it to thrive and to thrive like never before. [cheering] so we are here at a family owned a beautiful place they gave me a tour. they gave me a tour us at this place is beautiful come on let's go i've got a go fast i've got to make a speech. it's all over television this speech. we are competing with the job candidates. they are already for a job or they're all job candidates they
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will do anything big secretary of something, they even say vp has anyone seen a vp in the group? i don't think so. can you imagine? can you imagine? they don't have a car like we have for it when you look at the thousands of people outside that could not get in why didn't you build a bigger plants? but we are here today at drake enterprises family owned and operated an michigan parts supplier. that has been manufacturing in america for over 70 years. was founded by a great man in 1952 benny, right? we love it benny your father, your grandfather an american man he is deceased and american man with a big american dream had a big big beautiful dream for any sort of just four people and soon came to dominate the
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production of gearshift levers for trucks. today the company produces transmission components, driveline components, while components and car parts for every one of the detroit big three. so i won't tell them i said big bad things about them. i just want them to fight for what is right. it is common sense it. but tonight i was honored to meet benny's son lee and lisa children. thank you very much that's great too. a beautiful family. their vision for this company is to prove the american dream is still alive for their employees like it was for their granddad who was so wonderful. so leah, nay, heather we are going to help you get that job done, okay? i don't want to congratulate you and three generations of american auto parts proudly made in michigan. we love michigan. we have great feelings for
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michigan. bad things are happening in michigan your crime rate is through the roof. you've got a lot of businesses moving out now it's not believable. today nearly one half% of drake's businesses producing bug components that go into vehicles with internal combustion engines the very product joe biden and the radical left democrats and fascists and marxists now they want to make them for whatever reason illegal. figure that one out spirit yes it's true today's radical democrat party was to legalize drugs, shoplifting and sexual mutilation of your children. but they want to lie your gas powered suburbans, silverado's and ford f150s to die, they can die. under a trump administration gasoline engines will be allowed. and sex changes for children will be banned is that okay? [cheering]
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can you believe it? utilization. if you said 10 years ago or 15 years ago we will stop that utilization of children people would say what is he talking about? today you have to say because that is what they are doing. utilization of children without parental consent the whole thing is insane the country has gone insane. a lot of it is a very conservative unlike know i'm a person of common sense is not conservative it's common sense. we want to have a border pretty much have good voting for it we want to have same-day voting with all paper ballots. we want to have a thing called voter id. why do the democrats not want voter id? because they want to cheats. we want to have voter id bit of cricket joe biden gets his way drake employees and countless other auto workers and suppliers will really be decimated.
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i don't know i hate to tie was going to happen but you know what's going to happen. we are going to stop by most estimates in a bind electric vehicle mandate 40% of all u.s. auto jobs will disappear. think of this in one or two years. one or two years that's what you have to be talking about treatment x dollars an hour. doesn't matter what you're getting in our. do me a favor get your union guys, your leaders to endorse me. [cheering] and i will take care of the rest. [cheering] because in looking over the statistics now who they are saying the real number will be one 100% because under biden's mandate the entire car industry will be packed up and shipped to china which controls over 80% of the supply chain for electric vehicle batteries they control the whole thing.
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they think close to one 100% of the business will be gone. every time joe biden and the uaw political leadership talk about a fair transition to all electric cars, american labor it will be under siege. it will will not work for you it cannot work. i learned a lot today with this great family. they don't eat anything you have right here in michigan and they have beautiful products. there is no such thing as a fair transition to the end of your way of life but you are going to lose for beautiful way of life for autoworkers biden's force transition is a transition. it is a transition to unemployment and to inflation without end. the inflation you have now we did not have inflation we have the greatest economy in the history of our country you know that because you went for years like you never have in your
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history in the history of michigan. the striking workers i support you in your goal of fair wages and greater stability i truly hope you get a fair dear for your selves and your families but if your unit leaders will not demand cricket joe repeal his electric vehicle mandate immediately then it doesn't matter what hourly wage you get it doesn't make any difference because in two -- three years you will not have one job in the states. you have seen it happen before. you've seen what happens when massive percentages of your industry went to other countries like mexico, like china, like south korea, like japan. in other ways your current negotiations don't mean as much as you think. i want you out there with the pickets i don't think you are picketing for the right thing but if they endorse me as your leadership i have a feeling they may be watching tonight. because when biden came here
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yesterday they only had 11 people. [laughter] i will bet you have 10,000 people standing outside. [cheering] i think we do. in fact for a little while were driving to the people going crazy i said is it's a rally tonight? trump. it trump. trump. trump. i said is this a rally were driving thousands and thousands of people we just put it online. incredible. the great dan and put it online. where is dan? he gets everything. he sees what is going on. thank you dan. [cheering] where is he? one of the greats of all time the most powerful men in politics he controls the internet. the great dan, get over your for the cameras, get over here.
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[cheering] steven cheong is an incredible. jason miller a legend. somebody likes you. [laughter] i have a great group of people they all went to, say you don't have to come they said no we want to come. they want to come. they don't tick come to keep me from falling either. [laughter] you see it now they have a new plan how to keep this guy from standing up we have to get him to stand up. how to keep him standing up and getting down a flight straight so on elegant i love the 747 air force one. i saved $1.7 billion they came to me and said sir would you sign this? first day i was in office and said what is it? it's a new air force one to 5.7 billion i said that sounds like a lot of money for a plane.
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it's actually two planes by the way they call it air force one they are identical even that woodgrain you cannot tell the difference. i could tell there is a little nick and one desk that wasn't on the other i said that's one, the others too. it's incredible. those planes are like 32 years old nobody wanted to make the move and do it they said it looks like luxury in the meantime they come from saudi arabia these other countries brand-new three months old and they blow it away. our country should have the latest and greatest. they wanted me too its 5.7 billion i said no that's too high. they said why do you say that because obama agreed to the deal. if they agree to it it's too high. so the head of boeing came and said sir we have to get 5.70 said nope i'm not doing it. i was supposed to sign it. i said i'm not doing it not for five points out has have a three on it. i didn't know what that meant except they knew it was a cut,
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right? right? so it's insert were not going to do it per were not pointed it will take off $400 million i was pretty good i've been doing this about three minutes and i got 400 million. can you imagine the money these people make building these plants question i said no, no deal. i said no deal. it's got to have a three, it's got to have a three and i held out they called up two weeks later said whether they want? they scald said sir will take a 300 million that 700 million off and i haven't done anything i probably work for about two and have minds i got 700. i said no and a sort of forgot about about a month and half what are they called me up sir, we will do it for 3,000,999,009,9999 and 99 cents. and i said you have yourself a
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deal. so i saved a 1.7 billion dollars on that plane i was very proud of it. this anybody give me credit for that? no. does the phakic news called me say what a wonderful thing you did? no. that is okay, that is okay. but your leadership should endorse me. and i will not say a bad thing about them again they will have done their job or they will set a proper job. in fact, if they endorse me too have the easiest labor leadership job anywhere in the country they just have to sit back and watch as our auto industry re- ignites and booms. that's it. [cheering] writes? how can they go with this guy who can't find his way off the stage? i always look at stages and now i look how do you not find joy
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every once all be in the middle of the speech a look stairs there, stares there. and i say how does that work that you can't find your way off the stage question how does that work for? but he can't preach a bite is surrendering our auto industry to china just like he surrendered our borders to the cartels and surrendered afghanistan and the most embarrassing week, day, time. in the history of our country. he surrendered to the taliban but took that military out first you take the military out last. tell your uaw leadership no problems with them. but they have to endorse trump if they don't all the doing is committing suicide and honestly you don't want that to happen. they are committing suicide in the back of your jobs and you cannot let that happen. the democrats say they wave the
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white flag of surrender to the future of other foreign countries. you can't have it done. so if you could speak to shawna's listing right now i'm sure. sean, endorse trump and you can take at least a two month vacation. come back you'll be better than you ever were. [cheering] because the other what you won't have a vacation and in a short period of time you're not going to have a union. you're not going to have jobs .do not would have anything. you had the strongest you have ever had you're going to do great. you're going to do great it's so easy again it's common sense. but unlike them i will never surrender part of never surrender for you and the american worker never surrenders either, never. you need leadership it's nice to say you never surrender but you need direction and you need leadership. perkin joe puts china first, mexico first, ukraine at first,
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in europe first, a ship first, illegal aliens first, environmental lunatics first. but everyone else first. but he puts america it lasted. lasted. he puts our workers last. he puts uaw at last. he puts our industry puts your family last. he does put your children last, yes. probably they should be the top of the list. thank you very much, mind if i use that? he puts the children at last. that's going at the top of my list. in this good last i put america first every single time we say to every uaw member all across
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our nation. joe biden the democrat party their political cronies cease to serve your interest along time ago. they do not care about you. i mean he came here what did he have nine people? nine? we have 9000 people outside. he had nine people that is because they didn't know we were coming they did not know we were coming they just found out. in reality they don't represent you they represent a deep state bureaucracy a global financial class and a political class. they have taken control of this country for their own enrichment and self purposes.
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i've never seen anything like it. it's weaponize to justice, we have a weaponize to justice system. think of this. i want to indict my political opponent. he's beating me. we've got to invite him. i think that works in two ways. i'm sure i would never do a thing like that. you have an opponent and usa let's invite him and because people know me so well, we know each other very well, my ratings and approval numbers i'm the only person that ever got indicted when my numbers went up. that's because you know me. i didn't take a salary. i worked my ass off and we did a phenomenal job for this country. but for the first time ever, i
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never thought they would invite their political opponent and what that does it sets off a chain of events that's very dangerous in future years. it could happen to them very easily. the recent crooked to joe and his thugs are trying to stop me. in my first term i disrupted all of it. that was called major disruption. and in my second term, which was sort of now but i don't want the results of the second term, the second term is a disaster for this country. think of it. others never been a resident like this. i say you could take the five worst presidents in history, hand them off and he's done a worse job than all of them added up that i'm changing it. i think i can make it to ten because you look at our borders, everything, our military. i defeated isis. the military was so great i built it but you look at what is happening in the country, it's
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horrible. but in my second term we will finish the job and get rid of the cheaters, the liars, the scammers, the criminals, once and for all. if you want to save your livelihoods and way of life, you need to send a message and join joined the ultimate strike against the class by casting your vote. the gentleman known as donald trump is the most important -- i believe this will be the most important election in our lifetime. i used to say that in 2016 and i meant it. we are going to lose our country. we've got probably 15 to 18 million pouring into the country. we have a disaster in ukraine that would have never happened. we have a potential disaster with taiwan, china that would have never happened if that
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happens before. they want it so badly and they saw what happened in afghanistan and with of the taliban. they say the people they have now are grossly incompetent. putin would have never done it. we talked about things, a lot of things they would have never done. they wouldn't have done it for another reason also, the case of russia. the prices would have been so low they wouldn't have been able to afford it because you would have 40-dollar a barrel oil and they couldn't have prosecuted the war but at $115 he made a fortune and makes a fortune. it's up there again now. give me four more years and i will give you the end to this horrible globalism that is killing our country. i give you the return of the united states of america as the greatest and strongest industrial nation in the history of the world.
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[cheering] together we will dismantle the corrupt power structure that has feasted on the suffering of the american auto worker and the rigors of any kind, not just autoworkers but workers of any kind. we will cast for power the financial forces that have turned american cities into ghost towns to build skyscrapers in beijing, china. we would wield every level of government to defend you and to hold accountable those that have profited from the betrayal and suffering of the american factory workers, so sad to see. as your 47th president of the united states, i will be your protector. i will be your advocate and i will be your greatest champion that you've ever had. [cheering] on day one i will terminate joe biden's electric vehicle mandate and i will cancel every job
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killing regulation that is crushing americans autoworkers. i will unleash a thing called american energy, stopped the van on the internal combustion engine, and we will drill baby drill. [cheering] it will have zero environmental difference. if anything it is probably cleaner than what they are doing. but it will save your family a yearly fortune and give you a much better way of life. you are losing your way of life. i would then go to every foreign country where we are paying billions for their military defense as i was doing before and tell them if they do not massively increase their purchases of florida, chevys, gm's and jeeps, our troops are packing up and we are coming home.
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you've got to buy our products. and if we can afford to send hundreds of billions of dollars to ukraine, we can afford to have an auto industry that pays our workers a good living wage and keeps our workers working. having a vibrant economy is far more important than almost anything we can do for a very important thing called national security. we need a rebirth of loyalty in this country to that end. we will bring back a very beautiful word, protection. financial protection. you're going to be protected financially while we still have the power to do it. there's a run on our currency and they want to take away our currency standards. that's the worst thing to happen maybe since the country's history to put us in a different position. countries are leaving our
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standard. in reality, protectionism never truly went out of fashion. our corrupt politicians stopped protecting american jobs and workers and started protecting the jobs and workers of china and mexico, germany, south korea, indonesia, thailand and vietnam. many other countries. under the trump presidents, patriotic protectionism will be the new american way. we want to be protected. that's what we have our government for. we want protection in many ways and we will stop the crime in our cities and in our countries. [cheering] and we are not going to be nice about it. that means protecting our workers and wages and jobs. protecting our industries, protecting our communities and protecting our great, something you don't hear much about any mark in our great american dream. we had an american dream you don't hear about anymore.
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the sky looks like he's going to fall over standing in front of some people, looks like he's going to fall over. this is not a leader. the whole world is laughing at us. they respected your leader. whether you like your leader or not the respect. they said we are not going to mess. i will impose the tariff on foreign-made goods. i will also pass the trump reciprocal trade act. that means if china or any other country makes us pay a 100 or 200 or 300% tariff, we will make them pay a reciprocal tariff of 100, 200 or 300. i will revoke the most favored nation. can you believe that, the most favored nation. we are developing. when you look at our cities, we are developing. we are developing in the wrong
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way. they are doing the worst job, democratic mayors, democratic governors. and we will impose the penalties on china and other trade abusers. for an auto parts, manufacturing will be among the first targets we are going to bring it home from china and other foreign countries on a very grand scale. that's you. and because we want all americans to win and win big, we will insist that as tariffs or foreign countries go up, because they tariff us crazily and then some congressmen and senators say know, sir we shouldn't, but it doesn't matter it's free trade. i say is this guy okay? but when they tariff us and taxes on american workers, which is what it is, small businesses and middle-class families, we will be doing the same to them
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and you will watch things happen that you won't even believe. for one thing you're going to bring back jobs. china put a big tax on us when we sell a car, truck or anything. they said come over and build a plant over here so they are building plants all over china. how stupid is it, we should do the same thing and we started doing the same thing and we were doing the same thing. i gave you the largest tax cut in the history of the country larger than the reagan tax cut, and we will do it again. we will deliver tax cuts the likes of which you've never seen before. you will do better, make more money and have a more secure job than you've ever had before. the best of all, they will be fully paid for by outsourced foreign producers paying trillions and trillions of dollars into the treasury for the privilege of doing business in the united states of america. isn't that right?
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to get rid of a big push in the deficit. we are going to tariff and tax them and you the american worker will be the primary beneficiary. and in conclusion, i don't need you to tell the trade abusers what they did to the people of michigan. you've seen the lives wrecked and your family destroyed in many cases the families have been shattered and the communities battered, brutalized, destroyed economically and by crime. but my message to you tonight is the abuse under joe biden will end, and i will take you to new heights never dreamed of before. [applause] the cheaters into the corrupt politicians have hurt you. i will make it better. very simple i will make it better. for years the foreign nations plummeted your hopes and dreams and heritage and now they are
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going to pay for what they've stolen and what they've done to you. we are going to take their money and rebuild the industrial bedrock of this country like it used to be many, many decades ago. by the time the battle is over, the rusted out factories will not be here in michigan. the new buildings and production lines will be built in lansing and flint and sterling heights and grand rapids. ladies and gentlemen, i've been preparing my entire life for this battle. we did such a great job for years ago we were unfairly interrupted. let's be nice about it.
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we've seen what a bad job they've shown us, what a horrible job they do, and we will be able to do things that nobody would have thought possible. and people won't be complaining even a little bit because between crime and all the jobs that have been stolen from us and all the factories that have been closing, all the bad things that have been happening with afghanistan and ukraine and everything, people would say we want these changes to be made a very quickly. just three years ago, we had a great economy and the best strongest in our history. we were energy independent, soon to be dominant, we had know inflation, we rebuild the entire united states military. we gave $80 billion, brand-new tanks and planes and goggles and
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700,000 guns and rifles. who has a used car with 70,000, and these are nobody. if you have 500, they tell me that's a lot, 70,000 and these are in many places. they cost millions of dollars apiece in many cases. we gave them 70,000. afghanistan is one of the largest sellers of weapons in the world right now. can you believe they are selling all this stuff. how stupid are we to allow that. china makes their nuclear missiles. it's one hour away. we are going to keep that. they ran from it. they left the lights on and the dogs for those people.
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we are going to keep that and do a job with dignity and strength. we were not going to lose those 13 and credible souls. i met the parents and family the other night and they were incredible people. they were so devastated. they don't talk about the 38 people that were literally no arms, no legs, faces blown to pieces and the hundreds of other people that died all unnecessarily wouldn't have happened. i spoke to the head of the television. telegram. we had a rough conversation. i said don't kill any of our people anymore. you kill any of our people it's going to hit you harder than anybody has been hit. and they said about why do you send me a pitcher of my home. you will have to figure that out. after that, for 18 months not
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one soldier was killed in our country. [cheering] and he's still there. he's in charge. imagine that feeling when they say the soldiers have left, the soldiers are gone. he said no, they would never do that. only stupid people would do that. we have hundreds of people, maybe thousands but hundreds of people that are american citizens that are still there. we took the soldiers out first. that was the problem. they should have used by bagram this was a plane going up with people hanging all over the plane and falling from 3,000 feet in the sky, three times the height of the empire state building by the way.
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china wasn't going into taiwan. we had our enemies in full retreat. they respected us all of the world. we were respected and now we are left out as a country and coming back to do it all over again and i promise this. with me as your president our opponents will lose and our american workers will be the biggest winner of them all. so with your help in with your vote, we will expel from our government and evict crooked joe biden from the white house and put america and our workers first and we will do something that's very special that i've been saying for a long time. we will make america great again. thank you. god bless you, oil workers and god bless america. god bless everybody in this room. thank you very much. thank you. [cheering] thank you very much.
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[cheering] ♪♪
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we are just getting started building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. supporting c-span as a public service. along with these other television providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. joined by other gop members to comment on the appropriations process. they are remarks are less than 15 min.