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tv   European Ambassadors Discuss E.U. Support for Ukraine  CSPAN  March 2, 2023 5:52pm-6:48pm EST

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>> good morning to everyone. good afternoon in europe and all over the world. think you two are in person audience here at our clambake council headquarters in washington d.c.. i am fred kemp ceo pay plan account since my privilege to welcome into the atlantic council special event as long as it takes your opinion is support for ukraine and this is three days after the anniversary of putin's criminal unprovoked war in' ukraine.
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our speakers will be ambassador stravros lambrinidis investor the european union union ambassador oksana markarova representing the swedish eu presidency ms. ingrid ask and then the moderator is ryan heath ofco politico. i also want to draw attention perfectly to people who aren't in this amazing in person audience to the virtual audience we have ambassadors in the room from luxembourg, from spain and the czech republic from the slovak republic from denmark and the european union. and from ukraine bulgaria lithuania latvia croatia and we have representatives from almost every european union.
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it's a real show of support on this anniversary. we mark when you're since russia began its unprovoked invasion of ukraine to start the chapter in ukraine's national story in europe's history by launching this major offensive last year. vladimir putin openly implored his -- ukraine was to be another step in his policy against europe in transatlantic security producing tens of thousands of lives lost and millions displaced. we witness stand covering up countless atrocities committed against the people of ukraine atrocitiesvi that kamala harris label crimes against humanity in the security conference. putin has failed and ukraine stands at the epicenter of the fight for our values backed by the unrelenting support of north
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america, europe and its partners around the globe. victory for ukraine's victory for us all. the ukraine story is one of resistance and hope, resistance from the imperial ambitions of a foreign leader who denies the peoples in the nation's existence and hope for peace that controls its own future for ukraine. wewe shouldn't forget in a revolution of dignity of 2014 almost a decade ago ukranians waved flags of the european union and independent square and allow people forget that. they waved flags of the eu and they sacrificed themselves or what that flag represents democracy freedom and respect for human rights. d today we are here to bear witness to ukraine's fight for freedom into because -- discuss europe's support. the present of the european commission has doubled down promising to be by ukraine side
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as long as it takes. alongside u.s. leadership the european union and states have supported ukraine and mobilize 37 billion-year-olds in financial and70 humanitarian aid and 12 billion-year-olds in military support. unityty and swiftness anticipatd last february the eu leveled sanctions against the russian state. finally ukraine is now a candidate for membership in the european european union. this sits squarely in the path towards western integration but there's still plenty of work toe be done. in a newsletter i wrote about president biden's historic trip to kyiv last week. some have compared it to president kennedy's -- reagan's tear down the wall moment and in
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some respects that undersold the moment and in some respects it oversaw oversaw the. under sullivan this is the present biden took real risk that president kennedy and president biden didn't have to take on a tripde to bob berlin d at oversold in the sense that the reason they are famous now is berlin remained free and it did come down so now we have to deliver on the intent that president biden delivered in kyiv last weekend and in warsaw. it's the beginning of the invasion.he the atlanta counciltm of remaind firm in its his commitment to the people in ukraine. we are established 60 years ago to promote that we are stronger together in the transatlantic partnership must remain front and center. we mobilize across our 16 programs and centers. are you racist center leads our work on ukraine peter europe's center shapes discussion on how must and ispe
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changing and energy dimension in europe'spe energy decoupling frm russia. the two economic centers please work on sanctions for the scowcroft center for strategies to kitty leads on support for ukraine or geographic center covers regions across the world and brought ukraine story to all aspects of the world but as we mark the as the verse -- solomon to pursue the keep ukraine in front of my my honor to welcome to this discussion the investor of ukraine. the ambassador for the opinion and stravros lambrinidis and the swedish embassy deputy ingrid ask for conversation on europe's support for ukraine in ukraine's future with fear. he will be moderated by politico's editorial director ryan heath who we are always delighted to have. ambassadors thank you for being here and ryan over toto you.
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>> think you fred. let's dive right into it. i'm going to go too you first ambassador markarova what's your view of the state of the war and where do we need to focus now with weapons? >> we have passed one year and nine years for the regional attack of russia's federation. it's difficult and i think everyone. this is very much a threat everywhere in ukraine in whatever russia can find even after sanctions are working and preventing them from building something new. they need security assistance.
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we have been able to retake more than 60% of the territories. we didn't allow them to take it in three days and yes we almost survived the inter-with more than 60% of the energy in ukraine but we did not win yet. so we can say great, ukraine is standing strong. it's a remarkable achievement of the brave people of ukraine. here in united states and europe in europe we were able to stay the course with them but we have to doubled down. we have to finish this war as soon as possible not only because it will save the lives of ukranians but also we want to
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move through the recovery afterward. >> to follow up what is your fear if we don't defeat putin in this war now in ukraine what do you fear for the rest of europe? >> at this time it's not what we fear, it's what we know. putin is a threat and the russian federation is a threat to so many of us,of to everyone who believes in the value of democracy and for anyone who thinks territorial integrity is sovereign. i don'tan think any of us want o live in a world in which an integrated country can attack a neighboring get away with it. and i wouldn't put it in terms as we see in ukraine -- we are not afraid anymore.
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we havewe to fight and we have o win that although should be concerned if -- as the right thing to do and the most effective thing to do and it will be much more expensive and much more difficult -- if we go beyond will will retrain them beyond me russia will go ukraine if they aren't stopped in this war has taken a toll on ukrainian forces and taken a toll on europe and the united states and everyone. the faster we can win this world the faster we can move through the stage of recovery, all of us. then it ambassador lambrinidis can you put into context for people with the eu is doing in this war effort and the member government were obviously we see weapons from the u.s. that you
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are in a different form of the frontline with refugees for ukraine to give us the context of where the eu is now and how difficult it has been. >> the eu is massive when it comes to military aid and economic aid. when it comes to humanitarian aid in refugee aid. in many ways that's complementary to what the united stateses and doing -- is doing n other ways on the same parallel track but the main message i want to give it was an impossible for america alone to provide what ukraine to be a list item push back and it would have been impossible for europe to do that without united sistates. this alliance that has been happening and also a number of other countries around the world.wa you are right to say in her case
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when we imposed sanctions like we have on russia which had a very big effect on europe's much bigger than other parts of the world because trade and investment inevitably cannot defy gravity. we need 27 prime ministers and presidents approving it. it's not a matter of one president of signing a paper. the last package that took place of another $11 billion in addition to everything else is of critical importance. it's not easy because there are many more things in this puzzle are the most important thing is supporting ukraine. we have to deal with world crises created by this whether it's foodd insecurity or -- and those crises in the eyes of country in africa or latin americaie and asia is what
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determines their approach to this war. for us it's clear what is happening but as an autocrat sitting on a nuclear weapon that ensures the american european democracies would be diminished for decades to come. for other countries ines the wod brian daboll tell you we have allowed for food to come out of ukraine and they have been bombed and blocked. another $22 billion has gone to the ukraine economy in addition to $73 billion we have committeo already. when we talk to other parts of the world i say look this is not a war of the west against ukraine. it's the war of the west and the east and the north and the south who support ukraine and the u.n. charter because if there's one
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colonialist power in the 21st century that's russia. many of those committed to colonialism in the past. we learned that. putin not only has not learned from it but he's losing. he's using the same tools in the same philosophy to wipe out the country that he doesn't like off theeco map. that is unacceptable in the world has to understand that this is an extent so -- existential fight for all of us for the africans and latin americans and we have to be effective in getting that messagege across. >> and for everyone how close are you all to winning that case that this is an existential threat to everyone i asked the question because of the alliances and not everyone in africa thinks it's an existential threat to them but on the other hand you have the lithuanian foreign minister
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sayingng particularly unless there's a complete ukrainian victory you have one layer of potential real allies seeing this peripheral and wanting something pragmatic and then you have the lithuanian foreign minister saying that this is existential. how do we thread thoseal needle? >> thank you ryan. i am particularly glad that the focus today is on europe. ukraine belongs to europe and we are looking ahead to european path here. this is the backdrop and the permeates everything. i totally agree that this is existential for not only ukraine but also for europe as a whole
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and our european identity. and what kind of union we want to be and how we see our future and how we are handling it and our world right now. i think it has been extraordinary unity we have shown imposing sanctions would probably surprise present bout and weur may have surprised our american colleagues. and incomprehensive ways but i also want to bring up this is about not only our own identity but to mitigate the global repercussions of this when it comes to energy. you have two campaigns at once. tsay yes, it's true. >> ambassador how does that feel in ukraine? do you are closer than ever to the eu. still a long way from
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membership. can you talk about the tensions there? they are been great success over the past year but it's not everything you wanted not everything you need. >> we are coming back to europe after 400 years so the -- between ukraine and europe has been very solid. since 1991 the european integration plan supported by the people since the beginning. people did not know it wasas the only strategic -- ukraine ever had. there were fluctuations with the pro russian government and the training people said no every time it happened. when people literally die for the flag.
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i think we are doing i would sa remarkable job implementing other forms. the fact that the recent eu ukraine progress in all areas from difficult rule of law reforms in addition to defending the country from the war shows howte dedicated we are. but to your previous question how we get the message outside. we feel ourselves things to the european ambassadors and we have so many in the audience, this is very important for us. it is our war for independence
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which we have -- and the 141 vote has shown regardless of russian propaganda and regardless of russia's efforts to undermine, we just need to work more and inform them better and we need to show that russia has nothing to offer to them. not to mention food and energy and there's nothing they can offer with regard to their development. >> let's bring up a practical point, turkey. turkey is blocking eu from joining nato and what are your respectiveto thoughts there on w we can get marta turkey? they have helped with a grain deal for example but they are
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not where we want them to be in. i'm guessing is the core of your answer to can you elaborate from there? >> we are in constant discussions and they are a nato member and a very important one. if we have mediated through the u.n. grain deal but it's also in the crossroads of sanctions and the capacity we have to ensure they do not get invaded which is the new focus of the european union and the united states. and they are a lot of work needs to be done. fundamentally in order to be able to be a successful is the ukrainian investor correctly described we have to be able to on all fronts not only do the right thing. make sure it gets implemented. they are bringing back russia's economy by a generation. they are dipping into reserves
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to make sure the ruble remains stable and there's a narrative that everything is okay and everything is not okay but it could have been even and it will be even if we were able to shot all those sanctions down around the world but but this is sometg that we are talking to turkey about. it isit a constant effort ryan o ensure that the fundamental message here which is that if someone can so blatantly use force to take over someone else and if their goal, their stated goal is to undermine the peace architecture that we have built up in the past 70 years, if that person wins the world folds up. i don't know where it goes but i
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do know we cannot allow a bully to make us capitulate. i also will use all my weapons from sanctions in a way that has the maximum effect. so oksana markarova we are discussing everyday about how to get you not to where we are today. more so we can get to the point where you say you have to get and i agree with you. tsay just briefly and turkey. what f else could we do to get nato membership or do you have the membership already because we just move forward with the intent and figure out a fair deal. if i could start with the latter part of your question, we are perfectly condensed that we will
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contribute to the alliance and the stability of the alliance. it's very clear we need to get the missing pieces in northern europe. we have the capabilities and we have the location, very important and also the industry base that makes us a natural part of the alliance. there is no question about that from ourst site. we have a process with turkey and you are well aware of it. they have been addressing the concerns and not different aspects through legislation we fully recognize these concerns about how to handle the threat in europe and elsewhere but also when it comes to arms sales and how we treat turkey and other
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countries for that matter is a partner to the european union because they are important partner. end of course also within nato. we have done that and looked at all the points with turkey and sweden. we will see where it brings us but we are hopeful that we trust that we will become members. we were talking about the security architecture in europe and we cannot over estimate russia'sss behavior in architecture. in our own case in a matter of months we have reappraised our own securities in architecture to which i should say both
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within the swedish population in the swedish parliament is clearly a testament. ambassador anything on the turkey question? >> i think ukraine was very skilled under difficult circumstances. they have a veryy capable army and with a devotion to democracy. they would make an excellent member of the nato alliance. a podcast >> we have a lot of support for that in the audience here. ambassador lambrinidis? >> i was the first to answer the turkey question. i will talk about the eu membership and i will say this. will say president michelle visitedd kyiv and they have been there a number of times during
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this war and what they recognized is the remarkable efforts and progress that ukraine has achieved in the extremely difficult process of changing the whole country to european standards. if you needed any proof of the extremely high level of government efforts in ukraine and the people who are engaged in this you have it right here. my hope is that this is continuing is going to be very effective and perhaps a faster process than using in other cases.ry on this point the eu institutions and i know them for my time working with them, you say that smiling. thery institution is not hard to
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win an argument amongst the people who live and breathe problems every day. institution sometimes are ahead of the public or have more political space to maneuver than the national government does and my question is how do we keep that gap is narrowat as possible in eu membership so we don't end up in a situation which has happened before where people who adopt the right things and came close to being accepted in those those countries aren't members today so how can we keep that gap narrowed so you get what you want at the end of the day. we have to have constant proof of the concept and the concept is ukraine is coming closer and closer toom the eu before a full membership. it provides directly benefits the ukrainian people and the eu. if you look right now what we are doing l with energy so ukrae
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does not have to rely anymore on russia to get its energy but can rely on europe to bring energy and that is a concrete example of what is happening and will be happening in all different fields of activity in the next few years. our commitment to support ukraine, to make all the changes are ironclad including the funding we are working arm in arm in this. it's a process and it's a merit-based process and it's not an automatic thing. if you were toou ask me if the institutions are ahead of the public opinion, not even close for the public opinion recognizes o that ukraine is pat of europe that ukrainians their mere bravery is inspiring everyday people and it would be a point of pride to be able to welcome ukraine in the european
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family. do you feel the same? >> definitely. i couldn't agree more. it's a commitment both from the eu side in the ukrainian side and i think in addition to what ambassador lambrinidis said this is also important as a signal to the ukrainian people that this is where you belong. we are engaged with you on a long-term basis and to work with you to achieve reform to work with you and it's important to point out here in the united o states that we will work with ukraine and also to boost morale. this doesn't stop. this continues. in other words this is not anti-russia.
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even when russia gets out the pro ukraine element will continue. i just want to comment the minister of finance was involved for many years. institutions and of course they have aic public opinion but in order to make it -- as surprising as it may sound we have to get more weapons. to win on the battlefield and to have longer range and to be able to finish the war and to win this war faster european integration is something we have to do. it's difficult even for european institutions to certify a
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reformed if they cannot get to ukraine at the moment. we have to keep our focus on that. two follow-ups. we have had 10 sanctions packages and endless nuclear wet -- weapons and its complicated yet to train people to use this equipment but how do we get around the fact when it's done in a piecemeal way there's a higher financial cost and higher cost in lives. that is point number one that i would love your reaction to in point number two there many americanse watching and is thee anything american organizations governments can do to support ukraine to get ready and is that a contribution you'd like to make in america's interest? >> what can you do?
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i think it's very important to focus on more weapons and more sanctions and we will be there. it's up to russia. they can do it tomorrow. they can get out from ukraine and that's when the war will stop. and everything that present zelensky put in their supported widely by so many countries. in order to do this we have to move forward and if there's anything i want to ask from those who supported us please continue your support. please take time to make sure you want to feel safer and you want the support to continueer
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because again you said it, weapons and sanctions would be more -- and would lead us faster through the war and would be less expensive. it's also better for russia. it's the faster they will feel the focus on b themselves. on that note it's time to bring an audience questions very soon. my last question is around what do you see in russia and what does the west want for russia? the russia has to divide that -- decide that for themselves but what are the risks of gaining power and being even more extremist if there were a defeat
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of russia as is being talked about today? is there a way you want to see russia operate after the war? >> for all of us this is a tremendous disappointment. this country could take another path. we had investments there and there was potential in the situation russia is in now it's possible we will have a path back. it's extremely sad really. one important challenge we do it we can to support society and other voices in russia and
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belarus. they are on our borders and that's one of the most challengingf things. it's hard to see that happening right now. russia weather is called soviet union or russian civilization this is what they did. we can do business as usual with russia but it's very clear now that the russian people support this so it's up to the russian people what they want to do with their country and it's not up to us. we stand with the values which we do and unless they stop the war not only what they have done
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to ukraine into georgia and people on the streets and what they have done to the people in syria and we can go on and on and on so unless there is justice regardless of how much time it will take we cannot do business as usual with russia. i think we have to do with putin what we all want to do together and how we want to develop -- if russia wants to be part of it they will have to work hard to get there. >> murray a fellow at the atlantic council and a question for the ambassador.
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saying thank you very much for having me. despite access to the u.n. and european union many western cities in europe late for u.s. readership in supporting ukraine. my question is in the coming months what could make a difference and making europe more of a leader? >> it's a very good question and indeed i think everyone acknowledges it was the intelligence that we got from the united states at the end of 21 that allowed us to be so prepared as europeans to address the invasion of kyiv. .. t the beginning of the sanctions, what i was getting was the opposite reaction.
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how come they europeans are working so fast and so much more effectively and massively on the sanctions package? i always told people this is not a competition. we are working hand in hand. in some instances, europe can move faster, in other instances the u.s. does, but working together makes the dif that makes it we have already begun unfolding our economic package of aid for $20,233,000,000,000 is already gone to ukraine. in 2023 for us this is a very important thing. many times including discussions in this country i get people trying to distinguish switching financial and economic aid to ukraineet during this crisis a military aid. the fact is financial aid isth s important for a win on the battlefield as the military aide. there is absolutely no way that you can have a country crumbling
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back in kyiv. schools closed, pensions not being paid. energy not being destroyed and not replaced. and expect someone fighting at the front lines the moral fortitude to do so. when putin is trying to kill the economy and the structure of ukraine in addition to its people on thekrpe battlefield, s critical. so we in europe are very much in front of that. and of course there is the issue of c refugees. this is something i have to say again as a european i am so deeply proud about the doors of europe opened immediately to 11000 people initially. another upward half-million events for temporary protection. that means i get schools for their children, jobs, housing, all of those things. this is a huge undertaking in a matter of two or three months. had m we failed this as europea,
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putin would have managed to kill the spirit of the ukrainians much faster than he ever, ever it would have hoped and he is failed at thated too. those people are back in europe. and of course those children go to european schools today. but what they say is do you know what? thank you very much to this for europeans, we love you for this. but would not ask to leave our little town in ukraine with our teachers, our friends to go to a place that yeses open their arms for us in europe. but we do notno speak th language. putin forced us to do this. we did not ask too. that is a crime. and when, speaking of children, today's singing all these children from ukraine taking them to russia to reeducate them. that is a crime. at some point americans and europeans have to stop talking
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politic all the time and understand the strength of the democracies is not just the strength of our military or economy. it's also our values. light is not okay under any circumstances to be looking at this in saying my goodness can out?e this how is it going to go? we have to stand by these values are. that is what europeans have been from day one and americans and i'm proud of that. [applause] >> excellent. [applause] >> thank you ambassador. any brief follow-ups? we have another question coming. over here ambassador. >> all of our speakers on absolutely terrific and eloquent discussion. [applause] but for europeans i'm going to make life a little harder part. >> you is do this, why? [quest we haveeen what i would
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call to be a satisfactory response from the united states and the eu to putin's aggression in ukraine. satisfactoryry is not bad for given the extent of the challenge it actually takes great effort. but i think we have also seen timidity in the principal european capitals and i apologize all the other countries when i say that. eating paris and berlin reinforcing to immunity in the united states and washington. so here is myy question. the stronger eu response that we have seen has been driven from countries more on the peripheryl especially poland and countries no longer in the eu, britain. when ukraine wins this wart which ukraine will as long as western support is no less than it is today, are we going to say you a partial transfer of
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leadership within europe from the west over to the east. including poland. but also the two prospective new members of nato who shown a great deal of seal and response to this crisis, thank you. >> who like to go first? [laughter] you could jump in if you want too. jojon, i partly accept the preme i partly don't print what i mean to say by this is indeed european union member states in the beginning of the war approached the way that we should support and the speed with which we should support ukraine from sometimes different analyses that also came up from our own histories, though own understandings and thatin stuff. it took us may be an nanosecond to united immediately behind the
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fundamental that massively and quickly. it's effective, efficient, the european union has come for the premise of your question that maybe this is an inflection point to bring us apart? i just don't see this. i have to tell you guys, you look at the crises in the past 10 years in the eu, i have had a death in a different capacity each time. age one of them as a questioning is this the moment eu collapses customer because us the moment they split apart? you start the financial crisis
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again the very different views from different member states and how to approach it. those are difficult. we came out stronger and not weaker although it was tough. you look at the migration crisis and again for different reasons, different member states different groups had different approaches. again became a united and stronger. if you want to look at that, you'll get public opinions after brexit. people support the european union more than before. again i was getting question is this the moment that you willso come apart on the crooks will show? covid is a financial crisis it took us years to get joint response. covid it took us aus few months for the response in the case of ukraine it took us a few days i am zero concerned. have what is happening is the competitive advantages of differentin member states on the
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way that they can handle different types of crises. that, for me as eu investors great. the strength of the eu is multiplying the strength of the wrong. it is our decision to give away part of our sovereignty in a comment undertaking or we all not just respect but take advantage. so i am super hopeful but i wish i weren't you may say it's my job to be met, but no it's not. i'm seriously looking at recent history think there's going to be another inflection point of a stronger european union. >> i would love the swedish perspective sweden is rich advanced country you sometimes felt your head of the eu packed. but you have made some big strategic decisions essay can only be stronger together. so maybe the more realistic view how much is this integration going to keep k happening?
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it's an interesting question. if the glass is half empty or half full i would tend to see the contrary. the eu is not just three or four big countries. as a representative of a medium sized european country. i think it has really shown it's not three or four it's really 27 countries, some of whom have very, very strong voices. based in very strong opinion. what different aspects perhaps. in different histories of our own. shownst the beauty and the diversity on the fact we are 27e countries. it is a big union all of us are very, very active. this is where he started has
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also made the eu look at its own identity and some really important ways. the energy question our own energy mixes, how are dependencies. at least to the existenial question of the claimant question of course. democracy where were going to be in order to be want tohe go. point to finish off with something we have not touched upon that much but something also important for the european union and that's the question of accountability. because we need to address that we are already addressing it. we are working within the eu but also the human rights and so forth. this will be an extremely important part of healing. in being able to continue to bring those responsible to justice.
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>> this is actually a really great zone to get into for the last five minutes of discussion so accountability around the crime. also to think about accountability think about the long-term and infrastructures is another long-term question may be digital can write very quickly. a lot of the infrastructure of the country is a shattered it's going to take tens of billions to rebuild that. i would love to hear how we move forward on the accountability and where we are on the reconstruction infrastructure side of things. and what needs to be happening now, not in five years times on infrastructure question. >> , on the accountability i think we have excellent cooperation between the u.s., european union and ukraine on the criminal cases we prosecute and ukraine we arty have more than 60000 war crimes or related to work cases. we have more than 14 countries that have open their own criminal investigations. we have engaged as ingrid said
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all the ports that are available to us. to the courts of justice. the missing element is tribunal. which is the mother of this crime paid we have to also have that element if we want to talk about the comprehensive accountability but this is the print this isow what led discussion with the u.s. andnd european partners for this is where we have to find a way to do it in the most efficient way in order to have the tribunal set up. and in order to be able to not only have the accountability but right now sent a very clear message that regardless of when we win this war, the accountability is going to be there. on that reconstruction is very clear the path ukraine wants to take it shared by the u.s. and european union and the start of the platform for the reconstruction in addition to
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energy is based on the principles is where we like to discuss it and decide on it together. but the main priorities thereres to build -- not to rebuild what we used to have a bit build something more innovative. leapfrog into ukraine 201 and we can do it. even now the digital transformation of ukraine is very deep. the energy transformation we are going through now is very deep. we arty had some of the countries and that is what helped us to survive. that we were able our financial institutions have all the information regardless of where the battles are taken people have access to their bankpl accounts. which is surprising.
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literally in a couple of weeks which was needed. was needed to preserve infrastructure for a long time until russia started everywhere. we can go on and on and on. the reason we started the platform now is we have to do the fast recovery now a different life to let people come back also whichch is very important people are coming back as you v heard. also start thinking about the future massive reconstruction which has to be done first and foremost they have to pay for what they have destroyed. the effort seized with all
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related to accountability. second is the enrollment of the european union. you have a a private business in that effort this is something we ukrainians like more than we like to fight. we have shown we like to fight we are very peaceful growers. >> in the private business point is incredibly important. sometimes it's institution and massive loan packages but they are smaller scale. >> may jump in on this point? after russia invaded close to 1 million of the youngest, brightest tech savvy russians left the country. they are not coming back. in ukraine, they are there. they are honing their skills in ottech not just supporting the energy grids but also in the social media and everything that
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they do. this human capitol reconstruction is is important as a monetary capitol. ukraine has it in spades. so, when the war is one i am convinced that peace will be one as well for everything that yout have said but also because ukrainians themselves are on the ground they will grab it piece by the horns as they have grabbed war by the horns. course i think that's a perfect note to end on thank you. obviously the virtual audience. you've given more time today i hope this is not the last time thank you for your participation and yourur representation for
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supporting the council to organize this event. have a great week continue your support and solidarity for ukraine, thank you. [applause] [background noises] on saturday donald trump over too political action conference. li eouragement national harbor and marilyn starts at 5: p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now our free mobile video app american history tv set is on c-span2 explain the people and events that tells the


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